Collected Item: “A Correlation Relating the Residual Strength Parameters to the Proportions of Clay Fractions and Plasticity Characteristics of Overburden Sediments from the Open-Pit Mine Drmno”
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Аутор/и (Милан Марковић, Никола Николић)
Stevan Ćorluka, Dragoslav Rakić, Nikola Živanović, Ksenija Djoković, Tina Đurić
Наслов рада (Наслов - поднаслов)
A Correlation Relating the Residual Strength Parameters to the Proportions of Clay Fractions and Plasticity Characteristics of Overburden Sediments from the Open-Pit Mine Drmno
Наслов часописа
Applied Sciences
Издавач (Београд : Просвета)
Година издавања
Сажетак на српском језику
Jedan od preduslova za bezbedno obavljanje eksploatacije na površinskim kopovima, jeste stabilnost završnih i radnih kosina kopa. Da bi se ovo obezbedilo potrebno je izvršiti detaljna terenska i laboratorijska geomehanička ispitivanja tla i na osnovu dobijenih rezultata uraditi proračune vezane za analize stabilnosti. Ovako dobijeni rezultati koriste se za dimenzionisanje nagiba eksplotacionih kosina (iskopa), odnosno kosina formiranih usled odlaganja jalovine. Klizišta nastaju kada je dostignuta granična čvrstoća smicanja i zato je adekvatno definisanje parametara čvrstoće na smicanje, jedan od bitnih preduslova za uspešno rešavanje problema stabilnosti. Laboratorijskim ispitivanjima je potrebno odrediti: koheziju – sile između dodirnih površina čestica koje ih povezuju i ugao unutrašnjeg trenja – javlja se između čestica usled njihovog pomeranja, klizanja ili kotrljanja.
Сажетак на енглеском језику
One of the prerequisites for the safe exploitation of surface mines is the stability of the working and final slopes of the mine. In order to ensure this, it is necessary to carry out detailed field and laboratory geomechanical tests of the soil and, based on the obtained results, make calculations related to stability analyses. The results obtained in this way are used for dimensioning the slope of exploitation slopes (excavation). Landslides occur when the ultimate shear strength is reached, and therefore, the adequate definition of shear strength parameters is one of the essential prerequisites for successfully solving the stability problem. Unlike earlier tests in Serbia, when the residual shear strength parameters were determined based on the usual conventional methods (direct shear apparatus, triaxial apparatus), this time, in addition to the direct shear apparatus, a ring shear apparatus was also chosen for testing. The paper shows the method of determining the residual shear strength parameters of high plasticity gray clays and siltstones of roof sediments from open pit mine Drmno, using direct and ring shear apparatus. The results show that the residual angle of internal friction for gray clays obtained with the ring shear apparatus is 9.9–10.8◦, and for the siltstone, it is 11.8–12.9◦, both of which are lower than the values obtained with the direct shear apparatus. In addition, correlations between the residual parameters of soil shear resistance and some physical indicators (plasticity index, clay content) are provided, showing high correlation coefficients. The proposed correlations should be used only when time and financial constraints prevent the execution of actual tests to determine residual shear strength, as concrete experimental procedures provide a much more reliable assessment of the residual strength properties of the soil.
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Кључне речи на српском (одвојене знаком ", ")
"резидуална чврстоћа смицанја тла", "апарат за кружно смицање", "апарат за директно смицање"
Кључне речи на енглеском (одвојене знаком ", ")
"residual strength of soil", "ring shear apparatus", "direct shear apparatus", "slope stability", "open pit mines"
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