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Collected Item: “Link between active tectonics/faulting and mineral and thermal water occurrence in Republic of North Macedonia”

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Верзија рада

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Језик рада


Аутор/и (Милан Марковић, Никола Николић)

Hristina Petrova, Uroš Stojadinović, Boris Vakanjac, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Katarzyna Wątor, Piotr Rusiniak, Ewa Kmiecik

Наслов рада (Наслов - поднаслов)

Link between active tectonics/faulting and mineral and thermal water occurrence in Republic of North Macedonia

Наслов часописа

Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society

Издавач (Београд : Просвета)

Bulgarian Geological Society

Година издавања


Сажетак на енглеском језику

According to the tectonic architecture of the Balkan Peninsula, the territory of Macedonia belongs to the Dinarides, Rhodope and Carpatho-Balkanides. In a relatively small area, Macedonia has a very complex geological and tectonic structure, which was shaped by intense and long-term processes, followed by magmatism of a wide spectrum, from the ultrabasic to the acidic. From a stratigraphic point of view, geological formations consist of the oldest Precambrian high-grade metamorphic rocks to the youngest Quaternary deposits, and such a complex geological structure conditions the creation of different hydrogeological structures (open, semi-open and closed) in which different hydrogeological processes take place. As a result of complex tectonic activity on the territory of Macedonia, numerous mineral and thermal waters are present. The aim of this paper is to show the link between the occurrence of
thermal and mineral waters and the active tectonics along which they are represented.

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Географско подручје на које се односи публикација

Republic of North Macedonia

Кључне речи на српском (одвојене знаком ", ")

активна тектоника, минералне, термоминералне и термалне воде, Република Северна Македонија.

Кључне речи на енглеском (одвојене знаком ", ")

active tectonics, mineral, thermomineral and thermal waters, Republic of North Macedonia.


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