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Collected Item: “Self-Engineering: Possibilities for Maintenance Operations in the Mining Machines Industry”

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Аутор/и (Милан Марковић, Никола Николић)

Steven Manders, Milorad Pantelic, Vladimir Milisavljevic, Alberto Martinetti

Наслов рада (Наслов - поднаслов)

Self-Engineering: Possibilities for Maintenance Operations in the Mining Machines Industry

Назив конференције (зборника), место и датум одржавања

SSRN Electronic Journal

Издавач (Београд : Просвета)

Elsevier BV

Година издавања


Сажетак рада на енглеском језику

Self-engineering is a relatively new branch of knowledge that aims to understand how systems could “autonomously” re-configure or repair themselves without the intervention of the operators. A direct field of application is within the maintenance spectrum. Having systems or machines capable of self-detecting or even self-repairing could represent a game-changer, in capital asset fields such as the mining industry in particular.
This paper aims to investigate the possible benefits and challenges of self-engineering / self-maintenance concerning mining machines, specifically bucket-wheel excavators (BWEs).
Firstly, describing the state of the art and the main principles of self-engineering (and, particularly, the applications of self-maintenance) and the complexity of the mining industry in terms of machines and capital assets. Secondly, using as a real case example, the revitalization process of a 50,000 kg bucket-wheel excavator gearbox for an open-cast lignite mine in Serbia, pinpoints how self-engineering / self-maintenance could make the difference in managing the equipment.
Finally, it discusses the results sketching the pros and cons of self-engineering in mining machines and similar capital assets

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Кључне речи на енглеском (одвојене знаком ", ")

self-engineering, self-maintenance, maintenance operations, mining industry, bucket-wheel excavator, gearbox revitalization


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