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Collected Item: “Cyanobacterial diversity and toxicity of biocrusts from the Caspian Lowland loess deposits, North Iran”

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Аутор/и (Милан Марковић, Никола Николић)

Tamara Dulić, Jussi Meriluoto, Tamara Palanački Malešević, Violeta Gajić, Tamara Važić, Nada Tokodi, Igor Obreht, Bojan Kostić, Petar Kosijer, Farhad Khormali, Zorica Svirčev

Наслов рада (Наслов - поднаслов)

Cyanobacterial diversity and toxicity of biocrusts from the Caspian Lowland loess deposits, North Iran

Наслов часописа

Quaternary International

Година издавања


Сажетак на енглеском језику

Biocrusts and adjacent sediments were collected from the so-called loess plateau of Northern Iran and
the loess deposits on the foothills of Alborz Mountains. The mineralogical and granulometric analyses
characterized sediments as quartz-rich clayey or sandy silts. Cyanobacterial diversity, colony morphology
and grain stabilization were studied by light and scanning electron microscopy, which showed glue-like
layers of cyanobacterial EPS and dense networks of filamentous cyanobacteria immobilizing finer and
bigger grains, respectively. Amorphous, tuft and globular cyanobacterial colony structures were also
detected. 15 cyanobacterial genera were identified in the biocrust samples including Microcoleus vaginatus
as the common species in all samples, Aphanocapsa, Aphanothece, Calothrix, Chroococcus, Chroococcidiopsis,
Cyanosarcina, Hassallia, Homeothrix, Nostoc, Oculatella, Schizothrix, Scytonema, Tolypothrix
and Trichocoleus. Two biocrust samples showed traces of toxicity in a protein phosphatase inhibition
assay targeting microcystins and similarly acting compounds. The Artemia salina assay revealed an
elevated toxic response in one sample.

Број часописа


ISSN број часописа


Кључне речи на српском (одвојене знаком ", ")

Biokore, Cijanobakterije, Diverzitet, Cijanotoksini, Stabilizacija sedimenata, Les

Кључне речи на енглеском (одвојене знаком ", ")

Biocrusts, Cyanobacteria, Diversity, Cyanotoxins, Sediment stabilization, Loess

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