800 items
Multi-Criteria Fuzzy-Stochastic Diffusion Model of Groundwater Control System Selection
When considering data and parameters in hydrogeology, there are often questions of uncertainty, vagueness, and imprecision in terms of the quantity of spatial distribution. To overcome such problems, certain data may be subjectively expressed in the form of expert judgment, whereby a heuristic approach and the use of fuzzy logic are required. In this way, decision-making criteria relating to an optimal groundwater control system do not always have a numerical value. Groundwater control scenarios (alternatives) are identified through hydrodynamic ...expert judgment, linguistic variables, fuzzy dynamic TOPSIS, hydrogeology, groundwater control system, open-cast mine, geometric Brownian motionDušan Polomčić, Zoran Gligorić, Dragoljub Bajić, Miloš Gligorić, Milanka Negovanović. "Multi-Criteria Fuzzy-Stochastic Diffusion Model of Groundwater Control System Selection" in Symmetry, MDPI AG (2019). https://doi.org/10.3390/sym11050705
Imputing missing data using grey system theory and the biplot method to forecast groundwater levels and yields
Groundwater management is one of today’s important tasks. It has become necessary to seek out increasingly reliable methods to conserve groundwater resources. Dependable forecasting of the amounts of groundwater that can be abstracted in a sustainable manner requires longterm monitoring of the groundwater regime (rate of abstraction and groundwater levels). Monitoring of the groundwater source for the town of Bečej, Serbia had been disrupted for multiple years. The objective of the paper is to assess the possibility of reinterpreting ...Jelena Ratković, Dušan Polomčić, Zoran Gligorić, Dragoljub Bajić. "Imputing missing data using grey system theory and the biplot method to forecast groundwater levels and yields" in Geologia Croatica, Hrvatski geološki institut (2022). https://doi.org/10.4154/gc.2022.14
Fuzzy optimization in hydrodynamic analysis of groundwater control systems: Case study of the pumping station “Bezdan 1”, Serbia
Dragoljub Bajić, Dušan Polomčić (2014)A groundwater control system was designed to lower the water table and allow the pumping sta-tion “Bezdan 1” to be built. Based on a hydrodynamic analysis that suggested three alternative solutions, mul-ticriteria optimization was applied to select the best alternative. The fuzzy analytic hierarchy process methodwas used, based on triangular fuzzy numbers. An assessment of the various factors that influenced the selec-tion of the best alternative, as well as fuzzy optimization calculations, yielded the “weights” of the alternativesand the ...groundwater lowering, groundwater management scenario, fuzzy analytic hierarchy process,expert knowledge, triangular fuzzy numbers, linguistic variables... m.a.s.l. The groundwater control system is comprised of 17 wells, whose capacity is 40 l/s each. The time needed to lower the water table to below the design elevation is 8.5 days. Based on the predictive analysis and the three iden- tified alternatives for the groundwater control system, as described ...
... conditions and the eleva- tion of the water table for each alternative. • Characteristics of the groundwater control system (K2), which included the number of components of the groundwater control system, where the sys- tem was analyzed and its cost-effectiveness and flexibility assessed. In the present ...
... showed that the best solution for the groundwater control system of the “Bezdan 1” PS was Alternative 2. Here the control system is comprised of 12 wells. It takes seven days to lower the water table to below the design elevation and establish quasi-steady groundwater flow. As pointed out in connection ...Dragoljub Bajić, Dušan Polomčić. "Fuzzy optimization in hydrodynamic analysis of groundwater control systems: Case study of the pumping station “Bezdan 1”, Serbia" in Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of mining and geology (2014). https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP1475103B
Sequential Blasting Initiation System with Wireless RF Control (SBIS - WRF)
Kričak Lazar, Bogunović Dragan, Teodorović Zoran. "Sequential Blasting Initiation System with Wireless RF Control (SBIS - WRF)" in Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique 2, Cleveland, Ohio :International Society of Explosives Engineers (2008): 265-272
Multi-criteria decision analysis for the purposes of groundwater control system design.
Bajić Dragoljub, Polomčić Dušan, Ratković Jelena. "Multi-criteria decision analysis for the purposes of groundwater control system design." in Water Resources Management 15 no. 31, :Springer (2017): 4759-4784. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-017-1777-4
Determining the optimal groundwater control system using Fuzzy-GWCS® application
Bajić Dragoljub, Polomčić Dušan, Dašić Tina, Ratković Jelena, Čokorilo Ilić Marina. "Determining the optimal groundwater control system using Fuzzy-GWCS® application" in Proceedings of the VIII International Conference “Coal 2017”, Belgrade:Yugoslav Opencast Mining Committee (2017): 9-16
Application of the system for dust control on the haulage roads on example of open pit Buvač
Vukelja Željko, Tošić Dražana, Negovanović Milanka. "Application of the system for dust control on the haulage roads on example of open pit Buvač" in Proceedings of the 7th Balkan Mining Congress BALKANMINE 2017 1 no. 7, Prijedor, Republic of Srpska:University of Banja Luka Faculty of Mining Prijedor, Mining Institute Belgrade Ltd (2017): 367-375. https://doi.org/10.7251/BMC170701367V
Application of the VIKOR and FAHP multi-criteria optimisation methods for choosing the optimal groundwater control system: case of pumping station Bezdan 1 (Serbia)
Bajić Dragoljub, Polomčić Dušan, Ristić Vakanjac Vesna, Ratković Jelena, Čokorilo Ilić Marina (2017)Bajić Dragoljub, Polomčić Dušan, Ristić Vakanjac Vesna, Ratković Jelena, Čokorilo Ilić Marina. "Application of the VIKOR and FAHP multi-criteria optimisation methods for choosing the optimal groundwater control system: case of pumping station Bezdan 1 (Serbia)" in Proceedings of the national conference with international participation „Geosciences 2017“, Sofia:Bulgarian Geological Society (2017): 131-132
Production information system of the Pljevlja coal mine
Božo Kolonja, Ranka Stanković, Filip Vuković . "Production information system of the Pljevlja coal mine" in Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 2000, Routledge (2018). https://doi.org/10.1201/9780203747124-154
Improving efficiency of thermal power plants through mine coal quality planning and control
Главни циљ контроле квалитета угља у рудницима лигнита је снабдевање термоелектрана угљем чији квалитет мора да се креће унутар одређених квалитативних ограничења. Карактеристике угља могу да утичу на ефикасност, поузданост и расположивост како котла тако и јединица за контролу емисије. У овом раду аутори су презентовали интегрисану симулацију рударског процеса као нови приступ у истраживању променљивости калоричне вредности угља приликом експлоатације комплексног лежишта лигнита. Резултати таквог приступа омогућавају драгоцен увид у перформансе континуалног рударског система у смислу контроле променљивости ...Mirjana Banković, Dejan Stevanović, Milica Pešić, Aleksandra Tomašević, Ljiljana Kolonja. "Improving efficiency of thermal power plants through mine coal quality planning and control" in Thermal Science, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences (2018). https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI170605209B
Geochemical and Sedimentation History of Neogene Lacustrine Sediments from the Valjevo-Mionica Basin (Serbia)
Šajnović Aleksandra, Stojanović Ksenija, Simić Vladimir, Jovančićević Branimir. "Geochemical and Sedimentation History of Neogene Lacustrine Sediments from the Valjevo-Mionica Basin (Serbia)" in Geochemistry - Earth's System Processes, San Francisco State University, United States:Intech: The international journal of instrumentation and control, The Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society (2012): 1-26. https://doi.org/10.5772/32180
The Importance of Detailed Groundwater Monitoring for Underground Structure in Karst (Case Study: HPP Pirot, Southeastern Serbia)
... the tunnel is offline (i.e., groundwater inflow from deeper parts of the hydrogeologic system is detected). Groundwater inflow into the tunnel could be detected through water temperature monitoring at the control gate, while summary water losses were gauged. Measurements of water levels in the observation ...
... 10 . Figure 4. Comparative diagram of groundwater level in PP-3 and at the control gate (CG) while there were water losses from the tunnel, showing the entire period of monitoring of groundwater level in PP-3 (A) and water temperature at the control gate (B). The high reactivity of observation ...
... changes in groundwater level at PP-3 were detected when the tunnel was offline (out of operation). The summary water losses in the tunnel were reflected in a continuous decrease in the water level in the observation well, as well as at the control gate (Figure 4). The decrease in the groundwater level at ...Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Ana Mladenović, Marina Ćuk, Igor Jemcov. "The Importance of Detailed Groundwater Monitoring for Underground Structure in Karst (Case Study: HPP Pirot, Southeastern Serbia)" in Water, MDPI AG (2019). https://doi.org/10.3390/w11030603
INVENTS: A Hybrid Mine Ventilation Planning and Design System
Ventilation system analysis is a complex process based on the calculation and analysis of numerous parameters. These problems can be successfully solved by the SimVent numerical package, but a full understanding and use of the obtained results require the involvement of an experienced specialist in the ventilation field. The solution was found in the creation of a hybrid system INVENTS, whose knowledge base represents a formalization of the expert knowledge in the mine ventilation field. In this paper we ...... available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs Proceedings of International Scientific Conference of FME Session 4: Automation Control and Applied Informatics Paper 23 INVENTS: an hybrid system for subsurface ventilation analysis LILIĆ, Nikola 1 , STANKOVIĆ, Ranka 2 & OBRADOVIĆ, Ivan 3 1, 3 Professor ...
... straightforward and easy manipulation of input data and control over parts of the problem-solving process. It also offers suggestions and recommendations to the user for the improvement of the overall performance of the mine ventilation system. Fig. 10. VENTEX main interface panel with estimated ...
... solution was found in the creation of a hybrid system INVENTS, whose knowledge base represents a formalization of the expert knowledge in the mine ventilation field. In this paper we present the design methodology of the hybrid system INVENTS, as well as system structure and user interface. Keywords: ...Lilić Nikola, Stanković Ranka, Obradović Ivan. "INVENTS: A Hybrid Mine Ventilation Planning and Design System" in Proceedings of International Scientific Conference of FME Session 4: Automation Control and Applied Informatics , Hong Kong : iConcept Press (2013)
Automated blasthole drilling in surface mining
Milanka Negovanović, Lazar Kričak (2021)Све већи развој аутоматизације у рударској индустрији утицао је на увођење нових решења у области аутоматизације бушења минских бушотина на површинским коповима. Највећи светски произвођачи опреме за бушење развијају решења аутоматизације која омогућавају рударским компанијама да постигну најбоље резултате у погледу квалитета, продуктивности и оперативних трошкова. Решења из области аутоматизације бушења се крећу од операција даљинског управљања до потпуно аутоматизованог бушења, праћења података у реалном времену и разних специјализованих алата за управљање подацима који повећавају безбедност и продуктивност ...Аутоматизација, бушилица,тачност, бушење,рударство,систем даљинског управљања,безбедност, продуктивностMilanka Negovanović, Lazar Kričak . "Automated blasthole drilling in surface mining" in 8th International Conference Mining And Environmental Protection, Sokobanja, 22 – 25th September 2021 Serbia, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, Serbia (2021)
Multicriteria Analysis and Optimization of Groundwater Control Systems with Variable Values of Criterion over Predefined Time Points
Milica Stepanović, Dragoljub Bajić, Dušan Polomčić. "Multicriteria Analysis and Optimization of Groundwater Control Systems with Variable Values of Criterion over Predefined Time Points" in Comptes rendus de l'Académie Bulgare des Sciences, "Prof. Marin Drinov" Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2021). https://doi.org/10.7546/CRABS.2021.08.09
Determining the Groundwater Balance and Radius of Influence Using Hydrodynamic Modeling: the Case Study of the Groundwater Source “Šumice” (Kikinda, Serbia)
A groundwater flow model was developed to simulate groundwater extraction from the public water supply source of the City of Kikinda. The hydrodynamic model includes the municipal groundwater source of Kikinda (Šumice and the Jezero Well), but also an extended area where there are groundwater sources that provide water supply to three factories: (MSK, TM and LŽT - Kikinda). Hydrodynamic modeling, based on the numerical method of finite differences will show the groundwater balance of the sources in the ...... 38 West 64.72 Sum 256.52 256.66 RADIUS OF INFLUENCE OF THE GROUNDWATER SOURCE AT ŠUMICE Modpath [12] was mostly used to simulate the conservative advection of dissolved phase contaminants or microbes within the groundwater system over selected periods, ignoring the effect of dispersion. Hydraulic ...
... tracking method with an uncertainty analysis of porosity, applying a Monte Carlo approach, with Geographic Information System (GIS) support, is a useful tool for delineating groundwater protection zones [14]. Particle tracking simulations can be used to determine travel times from recharge to discharge ...
... MODEL The conceptual model of the hydrogeological system is based on geological information on the boreholes (Figure 2) and water-level fluctuations in observation wells. The conceptual model was designed according to the actual groundwater flow in the basin. It was simulated by three layers ...Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Jelena Zarić. "Determining the Groundwater Balance and Radius of Influence Using Hydrodynamic Modeling: the Case Study of the Groundwater Source “Šumice” (Kikinda, Serbia)" in Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (2015). https://doi.org/10.13044/j.sdewes.2015.03.0017
Approach to operational mine planning: Case study Tamnava West
... The coal quality control management is of vital importance for successful production since coal mine and power plant objectives are strongly connected. Coal quality control is complex and comprehensive problem which depends of many factors and elements of production system: - geological in ...
... homogenization process), is of critical importance for managing successful coal quality control and meeting criteria of power plant. This paper investigates advantage of proper operational planning on coal quality control process and overall production performance. For better understanding case study is ...
... - equipment limitations - coal quality control, etc. All this factors are analyzed for purpose of bench design for case of Tamnava West. Special attention was paid to the aspect of selective excavation. In this way the first step of quality control is performed. Bench surfaces designed in ...Dejan Stevanović, Mirjana Banković, Milica Pešić Georgiadis, Ranka Stanković. "Approach to operational mine planning: Case study Tamnava West" in Tehnika, Beograd : Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije (2014). https://doi.org/10.5937/tehnika1406952S
Application of Gel for Water Shutoff: A Case Study of Kelebija Oil Field
This paper focuses on the results of water shutoff operations using DSGA polymer gel in the Kelebija oil field. The methodology of candidate wells selection and the manner of performing the operation will also be included. The Kelebija oil field is characterized by a complex reservoir system with heterogeneous layers of different permeability and dual porosity, which led to the early breakthrough of water. For the last 25 years, average water cut was above 90%. Implementation of water shutoff ...intervención de pozos petroleros, reservoir characterization, production control, well logging, downhole intervention, enhanced recovery, complex reservoir, reservoir surveillance, water shut-off, upstream oil & gasIrina Zahirovic, Petar Skrobonja, Dušan Danilović. "Application of Gel for Water Shutoff: A Case Study of Kelebija Oil Field" in SPE Production & Operations, SPE (2022). https://doi.org/10.2118/209590-PA
Flood protection and water utilization of karst poljes: example of Gatačko Polje, Eastern Herzegovina
Tina Dašić, Ljiljana Vasić (2020)Earth-Surface Processes,Geology, Pollution, Soil Science, Water Science and Technology, Environmental Chemistry,Global and Planetary ChangeTina Dašić, Ljiljana Vasić. "Flood protection and water utilization of karst poljes: example of Gatačko Polje, Eastern Herzegovina" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-020-08987-4
Hydraulic impact of pressure transients from water conveyance tunnel on the complex hydrogeological system: A case study HPP
Tunel pod pritiskom, Unutrašnji pijezometri, Tranzijenti pritiska, Karstna izdan, Pukotinska izdan, Hidraulički odziv... of groundwater leakage into a dam... Z.Chen et al The impacrt of formation heterogeneity on Water discharge and groundwater depletion of an excavated tunnel J. HydroL. (2023) M. Čuk et al. Hydrochemical impacrt of the hydraulic runnel on groundwater in the complex aquifer system in Pirot ...
... Colombia. Appl Geochem (2018) C.B. Zhou et ol. Groundwater flow through fractured rocks and seepage control in geotechnical engineering: rheories and practices JRMGE (2023) B.Q. Zhou et aL Assessing the impact of tunnelling on karst groundwater balance by using lumped parameter models A ...
... Colombia. Appl Geochem (2018) C.B. Zhou et ol. Groundwater flow through fractured rocks and seepage control in geotechnical engineering: theories and practices JRMGE [2023} B.Q. Zhou et aL Assessing the impact of tunnelling on karst groundwater balance by using lumped parameter models J. ...Igor Jemcov, Maja Todorović, Aleksandar Jemcov, Marina Ćuk Đurović. "Hydraulic impact of pressure transients from water conveyance tunnel on the complex hydrogeological system: A case study HPP" in Journal of Hydrology, Pirot, 2024, Elsevier BV (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132068