35 items
Development of integrated fuzzy model for mine management optimization
Miodrag Čelebić, Sanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Dejan Stevanović, Duško Torbica, Vladimir Malbašić (2023)Miodrag Čelebić, Sanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Dejan Stevanović, Duško Torbica, Vladimir Malbašić. "Development of integrated fuzzy model for mine management optimization" in Comptes rendus de l'Académie Bulgare des Sciences (2023) М23
Applying the VIKOR method to select the optimal underground mining technology
Sanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Branko Gluščević, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac. "Applying the VIKOR method to select the optimal underground mining technology" in Comptes rendus de l'Académie Bulgare des Sciences (2023) М23
Application of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process to Underground Mining Method Selection
metode podzemne eksploatacije, znanje eksperta, višekriterijumsko odlučivanje, podzemna eksploatacijaSanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Branko Gluščević, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac. "Application of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process to Underground Mining Method Selection" in Symmetry (MDPI) (2020). https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12020192 М22
Modeliranje sistema upravljanja zaštitom životne sredine u rudarsko-energetskim kompleksima
Jelena R. Malenović - Nikolić (2016-07-12)Efikasnost funkcionisanja sistema upravljanja zaštitom životne sredine u rudarskoenergetskimkompleksima zavisi od stepena sprovođenja usvojene politike zaštiteživotne sredine i primene preventivnih mera zaštite životne sredine. Nedostatakfinansijskih sredstava za unapređivanje tehnologije eksploatacije, transporta, pripreme iprerade energetskih mineralnih sirovina u našim rudarsko-energetskim kompleksima,negativno utiče na ostvarivanje ciljeva zaštite životne sredine, a posledice radnihaktivnosti rudarsko-energetskih kompleksa dovode do smanjenja nivoa kvalitetavazduha, vode i zemljišta...rudarsko-energetski kompleks, životna sredina, sistem upravljanja,višekriterijumsko odlučivanje, modeliranjeJelena R. Malenović - Nikolić. "Modeliranje sistema upravljanja zaštitom životne sredine u rudarsko-energetskim kompleksima" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-07-12)
Application of the VIKOR Method for Selecting the Purpose of Recultivated Terrain after the End of Coal Mining
Radmila Gaćina, Sanja Bajić, Bojan Dimitrijević, Tomislav Šubaranović, Čedomir Beljić, Dragoljub Bajić (2024)Radmila Gaćina, Sanja Bajić, Bojan Dimitrijević, Tomislav Šubaranović, Čedomir Beljić, Dragoljub Bajić. "Application of the VIKOR Method for Selecting the Purpose of Recultivated Terrain after the End of Coal Mining" in Comptes rendus de l’Acad ́emie bulgare des Sciences, Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2024) М23
Application of the PROMETHEE and VIKOR methods for selecting the most suitable carbon dioxide geological storage option
CO2 storage in geological formations is one of the leading solutions for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. Types of geological formations that can be used for CO2 storage, that are discussed in this paper are: depleted oil and gas reservoirs, saline aquifers and injection CO2 in partially depleted oil reservoirs for enhanced oil recovery (EOR–CO2 method). In order to select the most suitable geological storage of CO2, the ranking of these storage options was performed using two methods of ...Lola Tomić, Vesna Karović Maričić, Dušan Danilović, Branko Leković, Miroslav Crnogorac. "Application of the PROMETHEE and VIKOR methods for selecting the most suitable carbon dioxide geological storage option" in Underground Mining Engineering, Belgrade : University Of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology (2019) М51
Sistem za podršku odlučivanju u periodu otvaranja površinskog kopa
Stefko T. Boševski (2004)Stefko T. Boševski. Sistem za podršku odlučivanju u periodu otvaranja površinskog kopa, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2004
A multi-criteria approach for assessing the potential of renewable energy sources for electricity generation: Case Serbia
When assessing the potential of renewable energy alternatives for electricity generation, it is necessary to implement a multi-perspective approach that includes economic, technical, environmental, and socio-political criteria. For the evaluation of criteria and alternatives, the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method is applied. The obtained weights are formed according to the values of energy indicators and expert judgments. The use of a fuzzy numerical value scale for the assessment of expert judgments and energy indicators provides a more sensitive ...Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković. "A multi-criteria approach for assessing the potential of renewable energy sources for electricity generation: Case Serbia" in Energy Reports, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2021.02.072 М22
Model strateškog odlučivanja o nivou proizvodnje u podzemnom rudniku olova i cinka
Saša Jovanović (2008)Saša Jovanović. Model strateškog odlučivanja o nivou proizvodnje u podzemnom rudniku olova i cinka, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2008
Računarski integrisani sistemi za podršku odlučivanju i upravljanju u PMS, zasnovani na fuzzy logici
Igor Miljanović (2007)Igor Miljanović. Računarski integrisani sistemi za podršku odlučivanju i upravljanju u PMS, zasnovani na fuzzy logici, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 2007
Novel Methods in Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Process (MCRAT and RAPS)—Application in the Mining Industry
Multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) is a supporting tool which is widely spread in different areas of science and industry. Many researchers have confirmed that MCDM methods can be useful for selecting the best solution in many different problems. In this paper, two novel methods are presented and applied on existing decision-making processes in the mining industry. The first method is multiple criteria ranking by alternative trace (MCRAT) and the second is ranking alternatives by perimeter similarity (RAPS). These ...Katarina Urošević, Zoran Gligorić, Igor MIljanović, Čedomir Beljić, Miloš Gligorić. "Novel Methods in Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Process (MCRAT and RAPS)—Application in the Mining Industry" in Mathematics, MDPI (Basel, Switzerland) (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/math9161980 М21а
Modeliranje tehnoloških procesa u rudarstvu u uslovima nedovoljnosti podataka primenom teorije grubih skupova
Zoran M. Štirbanović (2015-07-01)Rudarstvo, a u okviru njega i priprema mineralnih sirovina, se odlikuje složenošću tehnoloških procesa što je posledica velikog broja uticajnih parametara. Samim tim je potrebno biti veoma obazriv prilikom donošenja odluka u oblasti rudarstva. U cilju što efikasnijeg funkcionisanja procesa, moguće je primeniti različite metode koje služe za pojednostavljenje procesa odlučivanja. Jedna od takvih metoda jeste i teorija grubih skupova. Ona predstavlja relativno novu matematičku teoriju koja je pogodna za razumevanje nepreciznih i nepotpunih podataka kao i za otkrivanje ...rudarstvo, priprema mineralnih sirovina, teorija grubih skupova, višekriterijumsko odlučivanje, flotacijsko jalovište, flotacijski kolektor, flotaciona mašinaZoran M. Štirbanović. "Modeliranje tehnoloških procesa u rudarstvu u uslovima nedovoljnosti podataka primenom teorije grubih skupova" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-07-01)
Novel Hybrid MPSI–MARA Decision-Making Model for Support System Selection in an Underground Mine
objektivne težine kriterijuma, MPSI metoda, višekriterijumsko odlučivanje, MARA metoda, izbor sistema podgrade, podzemna eksploatacijaMiloš Gligorić, Zoran Gligorić, Suzana Lutovac, Milanka Negovanović, Zlatko Langović. "Novel Hybrid MPSI–MARA Decision-Making Model for Support System Selection in an Underground Mine" in Systems, MDPI AG (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/systems10060248 М21
Primary crusher site selection in open pit mines - case study in Sungun copper mine
Facility site selection, (such as Primary or in pit Crusher location) is one of the most important steps in mine de-sign process that has a significant impact on economy of the mining operation. This study covers an attempt to find the optimal location forprimary crusher in order to support the expansion of Sungun copper mine, which is the second largest open pit mine in Iran. Recent exploration drilling has led to a considerable increase in the ore reserve. Therefore, ...Ali Nasirinezhad, Dejan Stevanović, Dragan Ignjatović, Mehdi Rahmanpou. "Primary crusher site selection in open pit mines - case study in Sungun copper mine" in Underground mining engineering, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2021) М52
Development of the hybrid MCDM model for evaluating and selecting bucket wheel excavators for the modernization process
This paper presents a methodology for evaluating and ranking different bucket wheel excavators (BWE) for determining which machine should enter in the process of revitalization and modernization. Various multicriteria methods are used. Combining them achieves the best effect when choosing BVE for the modernization process. AHP, TOPSIS, VIKOR, and PROMETHEE methods are used. The hybrid models are developed from the multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods and they are used to evaluate the basic indicators that characterize the operation of ...Snezana Savkovic, Predrag Jovancic, Stevan Djenadic, Milos Tanasijevic, Filip Miletic. "Development of the hybrid MCDM model for evaluating and selecting bucket wheel excavators for the modernization process" in Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier BV (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2022.117199 М21а
Primena metoda višekriterijumskog odlučivanja u procesu izbora rotornih bagera za remont
Ivić Milica, Ivezić Dejan (2016)Ivić Milica, Ivezić Dejan. "Primena metoda višekriterijumskog odlučivanja u procesu izbora rotornih bagera za remont" in SYM-OP-IS 2016, XLIII Simpozijum o operacionim istraživanjima,, Tara: (2016): 535-538 M63
Optimizacija upravljanja procesima rekultivacije površinskih kopova uglja
Bojan Dimitrijević (2014)rekultivacija, posteksploatacioni predeo, površinski kop, višeatributna analiza, odlučivanje, procesiBojan Dimitrijević. Optimizacija upravljanja procesima rekultivacije površinskih kopova uglja, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 2014
Odlučivanje u uslovima segmentnosti procesa u rudarstvu
Zoran Bartulović, Milinko Radosavljević, Miljanović Igor, Nenad Radosavljević. "Odlučivanje u uslovima segmentnosti procesa u rudarstvu" in Zbornik radova XLI Simpozijuma o operacionim istraživanjima Symopis, 16-19.09.2014. - no. -, Divčibare, Srbija:Univerzitet u Beogradu, Saobraćajni fakultet Beograd (2014): 510-513. https://doi.org/- M63
Assessing Criteria Weights by the Symmetry Point of Criterion (Novel SPC Method) - Application in the Efficiency Evaluation of the Mineral Deposit Multi-Criteria Partitioning Algorithm
Information about the relative importance of each criterion or the weights of criteria can have a significant influence on the ultimate rank of alternatives. Accordingly, assessing the weights of criteria is a very important task in solving multi-criteria decision-making problems. Three methods are commonly used for assessing the weights of criteria: objective, subjective, and integrated methods. In this study, an objective approach is proposed to assess the weights of criteria, called SPC method (Symmetry Point of Criterion). This point ...Вишекритеријумско одлучивање, тежине критеријума, тачка симетрије критеријума, налазиште минерала, алгоритам, процена учинкаZoran Gligorić, Miloš Gligorić, Igor Miljanović, Suzana Lutovac, Aleksandar Milutinović. "Assessing Criteria Weights by the Symmetry Point of Criterion (Novel SPC Method) - Application in the Efficiency Evaluation of the Mineral Deposit Multi-Criteria Partitioning Algorithm" in Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (2023). https://doi.org/10.32604/cmes.2023.025021 М22
Одлучивање у случају диферентности пројектних рудничких решења упоредним једно и вишекритеријумским моделовањем
Жељко Праштало (2024)Рударски системи поседују читав низ својстава која их, на одређени начин, препоручују за примену савремених метода из домена операционих истраживања и системског инжењерства. У контексту одлучивања у рударству се, у светлу примене различитих метода као помоћних алата у процесу одлучивања, поставља питање квалитета решења. Експертско знање и расположивост и применљивост, као и познавање аналитичких алата представља једну димензију, док питање доношења одлуке у ситуацији диферентних решења представља другу. Која средства су доносиоцу одлука на располагању у таквој ситуацији, како ...оптимизација, линеарни локацијски модел, линеарно програмирање, вишекритеријумска анализа, експлоатација и потрошња кречњака, PROMETHEEЖељко Праштало. Одлучивање у случају диферентности пројектних рудничких решења упоредним једно и вишекритеријумским моделовањем, Београд : [Ж. Праштало], 2024 M70