183 items
Neanderthal Settlement of the Central Balkans during MIS 5: Evidence from Pešturina Cave, Serbia
Dušan Mihailović, Stefan Milošević, Bonnie A.B. Blackwell, Norbert Mercier, Susan M. Mentzer, Christopher E. Miller, Mike W. Morley, Katarina Bogićević, Dragana Đurić, Jelena Marković, Bojana Mihailović, Sofija Dragosavac, Senka Plavšić, Anne R. Skinner, Iffath I.C. Chaity, Yiwen E.W. Huang, Seimi Chu, Draženko Nenadić, Predrag Radović, Joshua Lindal, Mirjana Roksandić (2022)Recent research in the southern Central Balkans has resulted in the discovery of the first Middle Paleolithic sites in this region. Systematic excavations of Velika and Mala Balanica, and Peˇsturina (southern Serbia) revealed assemblages of Middle Paleolithic artifacts associated with hominin fossils and animal bones. This paper focuses on Pesturina Layer 4, radiometrically and biostratigraphically dated to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5, which yielded traces of temporary hunting camps. The remains of large ungulate prey are associated with predominantly ...Dušan Mihailović, Stefan Milošević, Bonnie A.B. Blackwell, Norbert Mercier, Susan M. Mentzer, Christopher E. Miller, Mike W. Morley, Katarina Bogićević, Dragana Đurić, Jelena Marković, Bojana Mihailović, Sofija Dragosavac, Senka Plavšić, Anne R. Skinner, Iffath I.C. Chaity, Yiwen E.W. Huang, Seimi Chu, Draženko Nenadić, Predrag Radović, Joshua Lindal, Mirjana Roksandić. "Neanderthal Settlement of the Central Balkans during MIS 5: Evidence from Pešturina Cave, Serbia" in Quaternary International (2022)
Минерагенија зеолитских туфова Србије
Vladan Kašić (2018-02-05)Лежишта наших зеолитских туфова (Златокоп, Игрош, Јабланица 1, Беочин, Топоница и Сланци) која су овде била предмет детаљних истраживања, просторно и генетски везана су за вулканске и вулканокластичне стене маринских средина сенонске и неогенске старости и језерске седименте неогене старости и настала су као продукт девитрификације вулканског стакла.Током лабораторијских испитивања при изради ове докторске дисертације, примењене су следеће аналитичке методе: оптичка испитивања петрографских препарата; рендгенска дифракција праха (XRD); скенирајућа електронска микроскопија (СЕМ метода); хемијска карактеризација зеолитских туфова у оквиру ...Vladan Kašić. "Минерагенија зеолитских туфова Србије" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2018-02-05)
A comparative study of the molecular and isotopic composition of biomarkers in immature oil shale (Aleksinac deposit, Serbia) and its liquid pyrolysis products (open and closed systems)
Gordana Gajica, Aleksandra Šajnović, Ksenija Stojanović, Jan Schwarzbauer, Aleksandar Kostić, Branimir Jovančićević (2021)The molecular and isotopic composition of biomarkers in initial bitumen isolated from immature (0.41% Rr) oil shale samples (Aleksinac deposit) and liquid products obtained by pyrolysis in open (OS) and closed (CS) systems are studied. The influence of pyrolysis type and variations of kerogen type on biomarkers composition and their isotopic signatures in liquid products is determined. The applicability of pyrolysis type, numerous biomarkers and carbon isotopic compositions (δ13C) of n-alkanes in liquid pyrolysates is established. Pyrolysis experiments were ...Uljni šejl, Aleksinac, organska supstanca, otvoreni i zatvoreni sistem pirolize, biomarkeri, izotopski sastav ugljjenikaGordana Gajica, Aleksandra Šajnović, Ksenija Stojanović, Jan Schwarzbauer, Aleksandar Kostić, Branimir Jovančićević. "A comparative study of the molecular and isotopic composition of biomarkers in immature oil shale (Aleksinac deposit, Serbia) and its liquid pyrolysis products (open and closed systems)" in Marine and Petroleum Geology, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105383