780 items
An arid phase in the Internal Dinarides during the early to middle Miocene: Inferences from Mg-clays in the Pranjani Basin (Serbia)
N. Andrić-Tomašević, V. Simić, O. Mandic, D. Životić, M. Suárez, E. García-Romero. "An arid phase in the Internal Dinarides during the early to middle Miocene: Inferences from Mg-clays in the Pranjani Basin (Serbia)" in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.110145
Poboljšanje geotehničkih uslova izgradnje nasipa upotrebom geosintetika
Anastasija Radovanović (2024)Za potrebe izrade rada na Master akademskim studijama ,,Rudarsko-geološkog fakulteta,,, studijskog programa Geotehnika, pod mentorstvom prof. dr Gordane Hadži-Niković , izvršena je detaljna analiza stabilnosti kosina nasipa na Vranjskoj petlji. Geotehnička istraţivanja i ispitivanja terena izveo je “Zavod za geotehniku iz Instituta za puteve a.d. Beograd”, a investitor je “Javno preduzeće, Putevi Srbije”.Metodološki pristup koji je korišćen za analizu stabilnosti kosina nasipa jeste kabinetsko istraživanje dostavljene dokumentacije i geostatički proračuni analize stabilnosti kosina nasipa, korišćenjem savremenih softverskih alata.Krajnji zaključak izvedenih istraţivanja je da ...... Force=71.3479 kN Driving Horizontal Force=103.153 kN 30 60 70 80 90 10\ 90 70 60 50 Safety Factor 0.000 0.500 O OO N N O — N I o ı O Material Name .000 .500 .000 .500 .000 .500 .000 .500 .000 .500 .000+ Unit Weight (kN/m3) Strength Type ...
... Strength Type %::7::;'; Phi | Water Surface | Hu Type | Ru Nasip 18 Mohr-Coulomb [n] 32 None [n] Pr-gp IBl 19 Mohr-Coulomb [} 24 None [} pr-sg |D 19.5 Mohr-Coulomb [} 33 |Water Surface | Constant PL-ps |} 19 Mohr-Coulomb [n] 33 | Water Surface | Constant PL-LP |} 20 Mohr-Coulomb | ___24 — | 21 |Wa ...
... Strength Type %::7::;'; Phi | Water Surface | Hu Type | Ru Nasip 18 Mohr-Coulomb [n] 32 None [n] Pr-gp IBl 19 Mohr-Coulomb [} 24 None [} pr-sg |D 19.5 Mohr-Coulomb [} 33 |Water Surface | Constant PL-ps |} 19 Mohr-Coulomb [n] 33 | Water Surface | Constant PL-LP |} 20 Mohr-Coulomb | ___24 — | 21 |Wa ...Anastasija Radovanović. Poboljšanje geotehničkih uslova izgradnje nasipa upotrebom geosintetika, 2024
FTIR spectroscopic study оf S-мetolachlor сorption оn inorganic and organically modified montmorillonite from Bogovina
... 3030 cm ! and band at 3018 cm ! represent vs(N-CHx) vibrations (Madejova et al., 2009), alttough some authors state that this band at 3018 cm ! originate from v.(N-CHx) vibrations (Li et al., 2008). Shoulder at 2945 cm"! originates from overlapping v.(N-CHs) with va(CHhx) vibrations (Madejova et al ...
... between PTMA* cations and montmorillonite (Fig. 1e). The band at 1594 cm"! disappeared, probably as a result of the interaction between n electrons of the phenyl ring and n celectrons of the oxygen in the tetrahedral layer of the montmorillonite (Majdan et al., 2009). Also, the band at 1300 cm"! disappeared ...
... e takes place through the interaction between the aromatic benzene ring of S-metolachlor and the aromatic benzene ring of the organic complex (nm-n bonds). Also, the formation of a hydrogen bond occurs between the molecules of S-metolachlor and the molecules of water 329 SERBIAN SOCIETY OF SOIL ...Lazar Kaluđerović, Zorica Tomić, Jelena Bogosavljević, Ljubomir Životić, Maja Milošević. "FTIR spectroscopic study оf S-мetolachlor сorption оn inorganic and organically modified montmorillonite from Bogovina" in Book of Proceedings / 3rd International and 15th National Congress Soils for Future Under Global Challenges, 21-24 September 2021 Sokobanja, Serbia , Belgrade : Serbian Society of Soil Science (2021)
Отварање и припрема лежишта за примену коморно-стубних метода откопавања
Никола Станишић (2024)Циљ мастер рада је да кроз теоријски преглед и практични пример, прикаже процес отварања и припреме лежишта за примену коморно-стубне методе окопавања. Предмет рада је мало лежиште олово-цинкане руде, а од варијација коморно-стубних метода откопавања, изабрана је коморно-стубна метода етажног откопавања са откопавањем одoздо на доле. Рад се бави темама одабира и описа начина отварања и припреме лежишта, методама откопавања, технологијом израде просторија и откопавања лежишта, организацијом рада и проценом трошкова и економичности експлоатације.... Ni(Mecem). 3a OBO BpeMe yTPoIH ce HajiHHia: N, =n n N, nadnica Ine je: nr — Opoj pajiHHKa JIHeBHO; nra — Opoj paniHHx JaHa MeceuHo (25); — BpeMe Hy3pajtle XOJIHHKa (Mecenb). VuuHak Ha H3pajui ripocropuje Ouhe: Ui = N m /nadnici n OJUHOCHO: n · bi —,nadnica /m IIpaka3 npopauyHarux ...
... - - -| = = Š | Mu ac oB Ha no Tp ot ti Wb a yJ ba K o n n u n H a H 3 M H H H p a H o O r Cp ej ub a Jn yk HH a T p a H c n o p r a K a n a u u r e r K a M u H o H a (3 a /I Ba Y k y n H o Bp eM e yr oB ap a H Uu ac oB Ha no Tp ot im ba ro pH ...
... Hapajny ] m nojrmaeMHe npocropHje: n =—_—, [mš/min] CneradauHa norportma npu0opa 3a Oynrtepe: 56 Ine cy: N – ykynan 0poj H3OynrteHax OyntoTuHHa; lb — nyxxaHa OymoTHHe; n – KoeQurujenr Hckopnmihema Oymrnrune (0,9). HopwarnuB ekcrmo3HBa H3HOCH: m= [kg/m} n Ine je: In — eeKTHBHa nyxxaHa ...Никола Станишић . Отварање и припрема лежишта за примену коморно-стубних метода откопавања, 2024
Application of the Fuzzy Model in the Evaluation and Selection of Hydraulic Excavators on Open-Pit Lignite Mine
Stevan Đenadić, Miloš Tanasijević, Vladimir Milisavljević, Dragan Ignjatović, Predrag Jovančić (2021)The production of lignite in large open-pit mines is mainly performed with continuously operating equipment, where bucket-wheel excavators, bucket-chain excavators, belt conveyors, and spreaders are the basic machines. Smaller machines, usually of discontinuous operating nature, are commonly categorized as auxiliary machines. This paper presents the research related to the analysis of auxiliary machine parameters with the case study for a hydraulic excavator. The purpose of the analysis was to develop a model of rating quality of service of the ...Stevan Đenadić, Miloš Tanasijević, Vladimir Milisavljević, Dragan Ignjatović, Predrag Jovančić. "Application of the Fuzzy Model in the Evaluation and Selection of Hydraulic Excavators on Open-Pit Lignite Mine" in SSRN Electronic Journal, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3945617
Mesozoic carbonate rocks in Serbia used as dimension stone
Vesna Matović, Tijana Vojnović Ćalić (2016)The building industry in Serbia uses, to a great extent, imported natural stone for architectural purposes. The significance of local deposits, particularly limestones, is not adequately perceived despite the country’s abundance of these valuable resources. Therefore, this study focuses on Serbia’s Mesozoic carbonate rocks, specifically on the deposits of four selected quarries: Klisura, Skrzut, Struganik, and Tisnica. The quality and prospects of the application of these limestones has not yet been the subject of a detailed, comprehensive investigation. Therefore, ...... highest value of compressive strength (171 N/mm? in a dry state), whereas Cretaceous allo- chemical limestones are generally of moderately high compressive strength according to their arithmetic mean (Tisnica 144 N/mmz, Struganik 134 N/mmz, and Skrzut 135 N/mm?; Fig. 4c). The values of compressive ...
... 00 PIO 0 0 0 089% [ 9881 6 t6 [0} 00 \J x O c 6L9% I-DI % (An) (quuo O/6000) | (UMGI/N) (%0) 3SOJJ | (UIUH/N) (\0) 10JBA (Juuuu/N) (*9) Aup - d) (ssvur Jo ssol) | uopdaosqe - d) - (Hu/9%)(dgZ) - („yS%)(dS'Z) (4y) OA1SeIqe IOAA | UjBUOJS ...
... _ c O _ _ OtP9% I-LS HOJI [44] 891 [4:]] 00 x LI O I 069% 9-%S % (An) („uuO O/,U10) (QUHUI/N) (%0) 1SOJJ (QUIUI/N) (20) 1910A (QUIUI/N) (50) AJp - 2 (SSeuum JO Sso|) | uoOndujosqe %(d) · (,u/9%)(dqZ) · („tu/8%)(dSZ) (4gy) OAISeIqe IOAA ...Vesna Matović, Tijana Vojnović Ćalić. "Mesozoic carbonate rocks in Serbia used as dimension stone" in Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-015-0722-0
Производња и одржавање рударске опреме на примеру предузећа Колубара метал
Вања Миловановић (2024)У раду је извршено пројектовање технолошког процеса израде вратила на стругу. Кроз теоријску анализу, дати су основни постулати обраде стругањем, стругови као машине алатке, врсте стругова, начини стругања и примењени алати. У практичном делу, дефинисани су редоследи операција и захвата, режими обраде, изабрана машина алатка и алати за све захвате и одређено укупно време обраде потребно да се направи финални производ. Вратило из студије случаја представља компоненту редуктора погона за копање роторног багера SRs.1200.24/4+VR.Вања Миловановић. Производња и одржавање рударске опреме на примеру предузећа Колубара метал, 2024
Strain partitioning in a large intracontinental strike-slip system accommodating backarc-convex orocline formation: The Circum-Moesian Fault System of the Carpatho-Balkanides
Nemanja Krstekanić, Liviu Matenco, Uroš Stojadinović, Ernst Willingshofer, Marinko Toljić, Daan Tamminga (2022)oroklini, raspodela deformacija, transkurentna kretanja, Karpato-balkanidi, Cirkum-mezijski rasedni sistem... orientation of the Cerna Fault, which becomes more N-S oriented (S2, Fig. 4). Within the main fault zone, Cerna-parallel faults truncate earlier dextral faults rotated clockwise and are associated with few normal faults (S2, Fig. 4). Furthermore, the main N-S oriented Cerna SSENNWWSWENE SN NESW NESWSENW ...
... Basins (S5, Fig. 4), where the N-S oriented Timok Fault separates the Forebalkan cover (Tithonian limestones) to the east from the Timok zone of the Getic unit (Turonian clastics) to the west. These Tithonian limestones are intensely deformed (Fig. 5d) by sub-vertical N-S oriented dextral strike-slip ...
... north, there is an extension in the N-S direction creating E-W oriented normal faults. Strike-slip faults accommodate the abrupt change of indenter margin-parallel component of displacement. When there is a more gradual change in displacements (like along the N-S oriented indenter margin, northernmost ...Nemanja Krstekanić, Liviu Matenco, Uroš Stojadinović, Ernst Willingshofer, Marinko Toljić, Daan Tamminga. "Strain partitioning in a large intracontinental strike-slip system accommodating backarc-convex orocline formation: The Circum-Moesian Fault System of the Carpatho-Balkanides" in Global and Planetary Change, Elsevier BV (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103714
Multi-Criteria Approach for Selecting Optimal Dozer Type in Open-Cast Coal Mining
Ivan Janković, Stevan Đenadić , Dragan Ignjatović , Predrag Jovančić , Tomislav Šubaranović, Ivica Ristović (2019)... the goal to its fulfillment [31]. Energies 2019, 12, 2245 6 of 16 Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 16 1 1 1 2 1 n 11 12 1n 1 1 2 2 2 n 21 22 2n n 1 n 2 n n n1 n2 nn w /w w /w ... w /w a a ... a w /w w /w ... w /w a a ... a M= = ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... w /w w /w ... w /w a ...
... Consistency Index (CI) is done using Equation (3). CI = (λmax − n) (n − 1) (3) where λmax represents the maximum value of the calculated matrix and is defined using Equation (4) while n is the number of analysed objects. λmax = 1 n n∑ i=1 λi (4) The Consistency Ratio (CR) is defined using the following ...
... Consistency Index (CI) is done using Equation (3). max(λ n)CI= (n 1) − − (3) where λmax represents the maximum value of the calculated matrix and is defined using Equation (4) while n is the number of analysed objects. n max i i=1 1λ = λ n (4) The Consistency Ratio (CR) is defined using the ...Ivan Janković, Stevan Đenadić , Dragan Ignjatović , Predrag Jovančić , Tomislav Šubaranović, Ivica Ristović . "Multi-Criteria Approach for Selecting Optimal Dozer Type in Open-Cast Coal Mining" in Energies, MDPI (2019). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3390/en12122245
Spatial assessment of the areas sensitive to degradation in the rural area of the municipality Čukarica
Nature and Landscape Conservation, Soil Science, Agronomy and Crop Science, Water Science and TechnologyNatalija Momirović, Ratko Kadović, Veljko Perović, Miloš Marjanović, Aleksandar Baumgertel. "Spatial assessment of the areas sensitive to degradation in the rural area of the municipality Čukarica" in International Soil and Water Conservation Research, Elsevier BV (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iswcr.2018.12.004
Phase relations and physical indicators of municipal waste from old landfills in Serbia
Due to certain similarities of municipal waste and soil, usually for the determination of basic parameters of physical state, laboratory and field tests which are common in geotechnical investigations are used. It is often to construct an apparatus for special purpose to perform some specific laboratory and field tests. Therefore, different values of indicators of municipal waste physical state can be found in the literature. The basic reasons should be found in different definitions and methods that researchers use ...municipal waste, moisture content, unit weight, specific gravity, grain size distribution, porosityGeneral Computer Science... shape and size of n i Ra5 o — - particles in the landfill can be of great use in defining m:;';]on and selection || > M @523331 the phase composition and physical indicators of iušLte008| Y Horanalysis| municipal waste. In addition, physical properties of •n žž% M:s| ; H n pj ii r waste change ...
... following expressions: |. O ı_M H[l Ah (1—"0)F n=m An—n„—To Q) 1_Z H() w=w, — 4 G) m where: mx, mya — initial dry mass and mass of drained water Žuo, }a — Initial dry unit weight and dry unit weight in degradation stage no, n — initial porosity and porosity in a certain stage ...
... 1994). Parameter Mark Unit Relations Unit weight Y kN/m) Y=W/V=(I+w) ·Ya Void ratio e mš/m* e= V /V, = | ___I-n Unit weight W a of solid A kN/m* E i ——— particles Vs 1-n 'Volume water v m*/m* v= V Zw.J0 content -% V Yw Volume gas a m*/m* a _&_ n_w content -% a Saturation g m*/m* ...Dragoslav R Rakić, Irena G Basarić Ikodinović, Jovana M Janković, Tina D Đurić. "Phase relations and physical indicators of municipal waste from old landfills in Serbia" in Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, The Japanese Geotechnical Society (2021). https://doi.org/10.3208/jgssp.v09.cpeg016
An intelligent hybrid system for surface coal mine safety analysis
Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Aleksandar Cvjetić. "An intelligent hybrid system for surface coal mine safety analysis" in Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (2010)
Alpine thermal events in the central Serbo-Macedonian Massif (southeastern Serbia)
Milorad D. Antić, Alexandre Kounov, Branislav Trivić, Andreas Wetzel, Irena Peytcheva, Albrecht von Quadt (2015)Milorad D. Antić, Alexandre Kounov, Branislav Trivić, Andreas Wetzel, Irena Peytcheva, Albrecht von Quadt. "Alpine thermal events in the central Serbo-Macedonian Massif (southeastern Serbia)" in International Journal of Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-015-1266-z
Multi-word Expressions for Abusive Speech Detection in Serbian
Ovaj rad predstavlja istraživanja na usavršavanju i unapređenju srpske verzije rečnika Hurtlex, višejezičnog leksikona uvredljivih reči. Posebnu pažnju posvećujemo dodavanju izraza sa više reči (polileksemskih jedinica) koji se mogu smatrati uvredljivim, jer su takvi leksički zapisi veoma važni za postizanje dobrih rezultata u mnoštvu zadataka otkrivanja uvredljivog jezika. Srpski morfološki rečnici se koriste kao osnova za čišćenje podataka i stvaranje rečnika. Istaknuta je veza sa drugim leksičkim i semantičkim resursima na srpskom jeziku i predviđena je izgradnja sistema za ...... expressions the most frequent are those with a structure V N (289), followed by V PREP N (124), V PRO N (52), V N PREP N (40). Again, this is a rough analysis because each group may contain syn- tactically very different expressions. For instance, the V N group contains besides frozen expressions, e.g. ode ...
... d nous, e.g. krava muzara ‘dairy cow’; N PREP N (25), a noun followed by a prepositional phrase, e.g. govno od čoveka ‘shit of a man’, roba s greškom ‘dam- aged goods’; A ADV N (11), adjectives as simile figures, e.g. glup kao noć ‘stupid as night’, N CONJ N (9), two nouns connected with a conjunction ...
... characteristic examples. phrases the most frequent pattern is A N (448), a noun preceded by an adjective that agrees with it in the number, the case and the gender, for instance belosvetska kurva ‘worldwide whore’. The other frequent patterns are: N N (50), usually a noun followed by a noun in the genitive or ...Ranka Stanković, Jelena Mitrović, Danka Jokić, Cvetana Krstev. "Multi-word Expressions for Abusive Speech Detection in Serbian" in Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Electronic Lexicons, Association for Computational Linguistics (2020)
Дефинисање геотехничких параметара еолских седимената земуснког платоа на основу лабораторијских и теренских SPT испитивања
Ђорђе Крзман (2024)Циљ овог рада је био да се одреде геотехничке караткеристике предметног терена што представља полазну основу за рационално пројектовање и градњу. Истражним бушењем утврђено је да предметни терен изграђују четри лесна хоризонта и три слоја погребене земље до дубине од 22-23 m. Лабораторијским испитивањем добијени су ефективни параметри смичуће чврстоће, где се кохезија најчешће креће између c’=14 и 18 kPa, а угао унутрашњег трења f'= 25 - 30 °. Теренска SPT испитивањем уз коришћење прихваћених корелација у геотехничкој пракси ...... grond suface dlevalion KBC BEŽANIJSKA KOSA TAT TA A ZEMUN NOVI GRAD UGRINOVAČKA ST AT' O N / ST AN | C A SH AFT V03 S I O N / S N I C ST AT' O N / ST AN | C A S A | O N / S AN | C A HOOEO Ls du O RTT TKE N I TTI ELe TIO KE IO O T— OO II |Loess deposits | awehy 102-104uwip. Tipauuwacr nO npauuH ...
... neckoBMTa K B A P T A P - XO JI OL IE H - Q, AJ 1y BV IJ AJ IH / Q U A T E R N A R Y - H O L O C E N E - Q, CPTWSIN TipauiHa 3arnaHbeHa d |__1'| E O J I C K M A E O L I A N ) - oO u - d n u O e 06 G T ig r |. c j) o TipauiHa neckoBMTa Loess-like deposits ...
... – Tpehu xopu3ouT norpeGeHe aeun.o LAAA (y) - uerBprifxopuviaoHT neca N N – npocevat 6poj ynapa no yH poaykonan Ha 60% eHepreTcke edDukacCHOCTM poceuaH Opoj ynapa Marbem no ny6WH\ Cnuka 3-1. IIpoceunu 0poj yoapaua N, No no 0y0unu 45 4. IIPHKA3 PE3YJITATA HCTPA?XKHBAIbA Ha OcHOBy H3BCJICHHX ...Ђорђе Крзман. Дефинисање геотехничких параметара еолских седимената земуснког платоа на основу лабораторијских и теренских SPT испитивања, 2024
Knowledge and Rule-Based Diacritic Restoration in Serbian
In this paper we present a procedure for the restoration of diacritics in Serbian texts written using the degraded Latin alphabet. The procedure relies on the comprehensive lexical resources for Serbian: the morphological electronic dictionaries, the Corpus of Contemporary Serbian and local grammars. Dictionaries are used to identify possible candidates for the restoration, while the dataobtainedfromSrpKorandlocalgrammarsassistsinmakingadecisionbetween several candidates in cases of ambiguity. The evaluation results reveal that,dependingonthetext,accuracyrangesfrom95.03%to99.36%,whilethe precision (average 98.93%) is always higher than the recall (average 94.94%).... studies, 43(5-6):907–928. Guarino, N. and Welty, C. A. (2009). An overview of ontoclean. In Handbook on ontologies, pages 201–220. Springer. Guarino, N., Oberle, D., and Staab, S. (2009). What is an ontology? In Handbook on ontologies, pages 1–17. Springer. Guarino, N. (1998). Some ontological principles ...
... (mesh). Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 88(3):265. Loukachevitch, N. and Dobrov, B. (2014). Ruthes linguistic ontology vs. russian wordnets. In Proceedings of Global WordNet Conference GWC-2014. Loukachevitch, N. and Dobrov, B. (2015). The sociopolitical thesaurus as a resource for automatic ...
... Russia, pages 340–349. Loukachevitch, N., Shevelev, A., Mozharova, V., Dobrov, B., and Pavlov, A. (2017). Ruthes thesaurus in detecting russian paraphrases. In Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language, pages 242–256. Springer. Loukachevitch, N., Lashevich, G., and Dobrov, B. (2018) ...Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković, Duško Vitas. "Knowledge and Rule-Based Diacritic Restoration in Serbian" in Proceedings of the Third International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2018), May 27-29, 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria, Sofia : The Institute for Bulgarian Language Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2018): 41-51
From post-disaster landslides inventory to open landslides data
Biljana Abolmasov, Miloš Marjanović, Uroš Đurić, Jelka Krušić. "From post-disaster landslides inventory to open landslides data" in Proceedings of 3rd European Regional Conference of IAEG/ Athens/ Greece/ 6-10 October 2021, International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (2021)
The role of non-covalent intermolecular interactions on the diversity of crystal packing in supramolecular dihalopyridine–silver(i) nitrate complexes
Sunčica Roca, Lucija Hok, Robert Vianello, Mladen Borovina, Marijana Đaković, Ljiljana Karanović, Dražen Vikić-Topić, Zora Popović (2020)Six novel 1 : 2 complexes of silver(I) nitrate with 2,5-, 2,6- and 3,5-dihalopyridines (halo stands for chlorine and bromine) were prepared by the reaction of an aqueous solution of AgNO3 and the corresponding pyridine derivative in a water–alcohol solution. In spite of having analogous empirical formulae, they reveal intriguing structural differences, except [Ag(NO3)(2,5-Cl2py)2]n (1) and [Ag(NO3)(2,5-Br2py)2]n (4), which are isostructural. In contrast, [Ag(NO3)(3,5-Cl2py)2]2 (3) is dimeric, while its Br analogue [Ag(NO3)(3,5-Br2py)2]n (6) is polymeric in nature, being the ...Sunčica Roca, Lucija Hok, Robert Vianello, Mladen Borovina, Marijana Đaković, Ljiljana Karanović, Dražen Vikić-Topić, Zora Popović. "The role of non-covalent intermolecular interactions on the diversity of crystal packing in supramolecular dihalopyridine–silver(i) nitrate complexes" in CrystEngComm, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) (2020). https://doi.org/10.1039/D0CE01257B
Stratigraphy and microfossils (radiolarians and planktonic foraminifers) of the Upper Cretaceous (upper Santonian–lower Campanian) Struganik limestone (Western Serbia)
Liubov G. Bragina, Nikita Yu. Bragin, Ludmila F. Kopayevich, Nevenka Đerić, Nataša Gerzina Spajić (2019)Liubov G. Bragina, Nikita Yu. Bragin, Ludmila F. Kopayevich, Nevenka Đerić, Nataša Gerzina Spajić. "Stratigraphy and microfossils (radiolarians and planktonic foraminifers) of the Upper Cretaceous (upper Santonian–lower Campanian) Struganik limestone (Western Serbia)" in Palaeoworld, Elsevier BV (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2019.05.001
Analogue modelling of strain partitioning along a curved strike-slip fault system during backarc-convex orocline formation: Implications for the Cerna-Timok fault system of the Carpatho-Balkanides
Nemanja Krstekanić, Ernst Willingshofer, Taco Broerse, Liviu Matenco, Marinko Toljić, Uroš Stojadinović (2021)... overall system transfers N–S strike-slip into E-W oriented thrusts and back-thrusts (Fig. 3b). 4.1.2. Formation of the main N–S oriented strike-slip fault After approximately 4 cm of displacement of the mobile sheet (Fig. 3c and d), all Riedel shears are connected and the main N–S ori- ented strike-slip ...
... deformation along the N–S oriented flank of the indenter, trans- pression along the curved indenter segment and contraction at the E-W striking margin of the indenter. The partitioning into these deformation regimes takes place during the entire experiment, although structural N. Krstekanić et al. ...
... top-view photos in the E-W and N–S direction. Basin depths are obtained from the cross-sections. b) Top-view basin location and geometry at the end of each experiment relative to the indenter, taken as the outline of the syn-kinematic sediments in the final top-view photograph. N. Krstekanić et al. ...Nemanja Krstekanić, Ernst Willingshofer, Taco Broerse, Liviu Matenco, Marinko Toljić, Uroš Stojadinović. "Analogue modelling of strain partitioning along a curved strike-slip fault system during backarc-convex orocline formation: Implications for the Cerna-Timok fault system of the Carpatho-Balkanides" in Journal of Structural Geology, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2021.104386