525 items
Analogue modelling of strain partitioning along a curved strike-slip fault system during backarc-convex orocline formation: Implications for the Cerna-Timok fault system of the Carpatho-Balkanides
Nemanja Krstekanić, Ernst Willingshofer, Taco Broerse, Liviu Matenco, Marinko Toljić, Uroš Stojadinović (2021)... transport. Therefore, topographic heights are exaggerated in the contractional area in front of the indenter. Despite these limitations, we are confident that the modelling results are meaningful, because we mostly focus on the area of the model where significant deformation is by strike-slip, which gener- ...
... or extensional strain, characterizing an area of distributed deformation without clear faulting (decrease in red and blue intensity westward along the basal thrust, in the region of the gravitational collapse and back-thrust system in Fig. 3f). In this area the strain type changes from shortening ...
... (Fig. 8c and d, cross- section d-d’ in Fig. 8e). An interesting feature is that the area of gravi- tational collapse during translation (blue in Fig. 8b) gets shortened during the subsequent rotation (red and orange area in the hanging wall of the basal thrust in Fig. 8d; see also Supplementary Appendix ...Nemanja Krstekanić, Ernst Willingshofer, Taco Broerse, Liviu Matenco, Marinko Toljić, Uroš Stojadinović. "Analogue modelling of strain partitioning along a curved strike-slip fault system during backarc-convex orocline formation: Implications for the Cerna-Timok fault system of the Carpatho-Balkanides" in Journal of Structural Geology, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2021.104386
Contents of potentially toxic elements in residual soils of a long-term mining region: a key study from Central and Western Serbia
Milun Jovanović, Dejan Prelević, Vidojko Jović, Danica Srećković-Batoćanin, Snežana Branković (2022)Regional geochemical research of residual soil was conducted in an area of about 20,000 km2 in the region of Central and Western Serbia, where six metallogenetic zones and mining since ancient times have been documented. The geochemical background variation in the residual soil was established upon the contents, spatial pattern and natural background of potentially toxic elements (PTEs). The limits of natural background values (mg·kg-1) were determined by the integral method. Our data show that anomalous concentrations of As, ...Milun Jovanović, Dejan Prelević, Vidojko Jović, Danica Srećković-Batoćanin, Snežana Branković. "Contents of potentially toxic elements in residual soils of a long-term mining region: a key study from Central and Western Serbia" in Periodico di Mineralogia (2022). https://doi.org/10.13133/2239-1002/17042
Estimating hydraulic parameters for the complex hydrodynamic models
Hydrodynamic models have usually been calibrated manually, by trial-and-error, with different values of hydraulic parameters and hydraulic characteristics of boundary conditions. This method of calibration and estimation of hydraulic parameters requires an extensive knowledge and experience of experts, but whether the resulting solution includes an optimal set of parameters still remains an open question. An optimization method founded upon the Gauss-Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm, along with PEST software based on that algorithm, introduces automation of model calibration with regularization, which substantially ...Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Jelena Ratković, Bojan Hajdin. "Estimating hydraulic parameters for the complex hydrodynamic models" in Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2018). https://doi.org/10.5937/mmeb1704029P
Speleo‐morphology and tectonic processes – What can be seen in slowly deforming regions?
Ana Mladenović, Jelena Ćalić (2022)There are a lot of methods used to determine tectonic process active in a region, and they vary depending on the purpose of the research. However, a number of them cannot be used in slowly deforming regions, because the effects of active tectonic process on the rocks in such regions could be negligible. This is especially true for the recently active tectonics in such regions, since most of the recently active tectonic structures never reach the surface. Because of ...Ana Mladenović, Jelena Ćalić. "Speleo‐morphology and tectonic processes – What can be seen in slowly deforming regions?" in 18th International Congress of Speleology, Savoie Mont Blanc, 24-31 July 2022, Postojna : International Union of Speleology (2022)
State and perspective of individual household heating in Serbia: A survey-based study
This paper presents the results of the household survey on individual household heating systems in Serbia. The survey was conducted in the period October to December 2020 with the participation of 1100 households with individual household heating systems. The information collected in the questionnaire can be separated into three main parts: basic household data, current heating system characteristics, and households’ perceptions and attitudes. The survey results provide unique and comprehensive information concerning individual household heating systems and the main ...Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković. "State and perspective of individual household heating in Serbia: A survey-based study" in Energy and Buildings, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111128
Paleomagnetic study of Jurassic-Early Cretaceus sediments in the Danibicum of Eastern Serbia
... Danubian thrust complexes. Our area of investigation belongs to the Upper Danubian on the Serbian side of the River Danube, but, it has a continuation in Romania, where it was studied earlier for paleomagnetism. The aim of our study was to find out if the study area was involved in regional displacement ...
... in a CW rotation of around 40° together, in post Early Miocene times. In order to support this conclusion, we plan to extend the research to the area situated between the Vardar Zone and the Danubicum. References: 1. Iancu V., Berza T., Seghedi A., Gheuca I. & Hann H.-P. 2005: Alpine polyphase ...Vesna Cvetkov, Emo Marton, Vesna Lesić, Dragana Tomić. "Paleomagnetic study of Jurassic-Early Cretaceus sediments in the Danibicum of Eastern Serbia" in I Kongres geologa u Bosni i Hercegovini sa međunarodnim učešćem, Udruženje geologa u Bosni i Hercegovini (2015)
Age And Mode of the Middle Miocene Marine Flooding of the Pannonian Basin—Constraints from Central Serbia
Oleg Mandic, Ljupko Rundić, Stjepan Ćorić, Ðurðica Pezelj, Dörte Theobalt, Karin Sant, Wout Krijgsman (2019)The timing and mode of the marine flooding of the southern margin of the Pannonian basin in SE Europe is still a matter of debate. In central Serbia, integrated bio-magnetostratigraphic data and quantified high-resolution records are completely missing. Here, we provide paleoenvironmental and paleoecological constraints from the Slanci section located near Belgrade that has an excellent preservation of micro-fauna and flora, i.e., planktonic and benthic foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton. We integrate their quantified records with sedimentological, natural gamma radioactivity ...Oleg Mandic, Ljupko Rundić, Stjepan Ćorić, Ðurðica Pezelj, Dörte Theobalt, Karin Sant, Wout Krijgsman. "Age And Mode of the Middle Miocene Marine Flooding of the Pannonian Basin—Constraints from Central Serbia" in PALAIOS, Society for Sedimentary Geology (2019). https://doi.org/10.2110/palo.2018.052
New data on the age of an Upper Cretaceous clastic-carbonate succession in Brežđe (Western Serbia)
Nevenka Đerić, Nataša Gerzina (2014)... geological setting of the area is extremely complicated, considering the fact that this is a contact zone between the continental Jadar Block and the Western Vardar ophiolites (Figs. 1, 2). Both units are over- lain by transgressive Cretaceous sediments. In the wider studied area, Cretaceous sedimentation ...
... below the ophiolitic mćlange is visible only in the area of Takovo. In other places, however, the Jadar block seems to be thrust over the mćlange and ophiolites (south of Valjevo) and partly over the Late Cretaceous sediments (in the area of Poćuta). Such a posi- tion ofthe Jadar block is probably ...
... southeast of Valjevo and 7 km south of Mionica, along the Struganik-Brežđe road (GPS N44"11'30”, E20%04'16.4”) (Figs. 1, 2). The investigated area is characterized by extremely com- plex geology. On the geologic map of western and south- Geoli roatica Geologia Croatica 67/3 western Serbia ...Nevenka Đerić, Nataša Gerzina. "New data on the age of an Upper Cretaceous clastic-carbonate succession in Brežđe (Western Serbia)" in Geologia Croatica (2014)
New paleoecological perspectives on Late Pleistocene Neanderthals in northern Balkans: the rodent assemblages from Smolućka cave (Serbia)
Mihailo Jovanović, Katarina Bogićević, Draženko Nenadić, Jordi Agustí,·Christian Sánchez Bandera, Juan Manuel López García, Hugues Alexandre Blain (2022)During the Late Pleistocene, the Balkans came to be an important region with many isolated areas, enabling fauna, alongside Neanderthals, to thrive in the area. This work is focused on paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic changes that occurred in the northern Balkan Peninsula with a special focus on fossil record from Smolućka cave aging from MIS 5 to MIS 3. Based on available data, an attempt has been made to establish a synthetic chronological context for the faunal assemblages recovered from ...Mihailo Jovanović, Katarina Bogićević, Draženko Nenadić, Jordi Agustí,·Christian Sánchez Bandera, Juan Manuel López García, Hugues Alexandre Blain. "New paleoecological perspectives on Late Pleistocene Neanderthals in northern Balkans: the rodent assemblages from Smolućka cave (Serbia)" in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences (2022)
Highway construction in fossil landslides zones – Lessons learned from the Grdelica Gorge, Serbia
Landslides are common on roads, which directly affect the flow of traffic and the connection and functioning of the population in surrounding area. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate them in the shortest possible time and to determine and carry out the remediation solution. Functionality of the state roads is immensely important so it is necessary to ensure that the traffic is maintained during remediation activities. Therefore, design solutions and remediation execution technology should be adapted to these requirements. ...Biljana Abolmasov, Marinos Skempas, Svetozar Milenković, Janko Radovanović, Miloš Marjanović. "Highway construction in fossil landslides zones – Lessons learned from the Grdelica Gorge, Serbia" in 5th Regional symposium on landslides in Adriatic–Balkan Region, 23-26 March 2022, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka and Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb (2022)
Strategic Environmental Assessment in the Application of Preventive Protection for Wind Farm Noise—Case Study: Maestrale Ring Wind Farm
Determining the spatial position of wind turbines is the initial and most important phase in the development of a wind farm project. In this sensitive phase, all potential problems that may arise in the later stages of project development should be prevented by means of spatial and urban planning instruments. This makes it possible to achieve maximum use of the potential of wind in a particular space and, thus, fulfil the technical and economic requirements of the project while ...Energija,energetski inženjering i elektroenergetska tehnologija,obnovljivi izvori energije, održivost i životna sredina,električni i elektronski inženjering,kontrola i optimizacija,inženjering... wind farms were based on domestic legislation in this area that refers to the Envi- ronmental Noise Directive (2002/49/EC) [48] and the Guidelines for Community Noise (WHO, 1999) [49]. 2. Materials and Methods In the topographic sense, the area is flat, with altitudes from 98 to 106 masl. The boundary ...
... was conducted covers a part of the administrative territory of the city of Subotica, with an area of about 11,000 ha, near the rural settlements: Čantavir, Bikovo, Donji grad and Žednik (Figure 1). The area of the planned Maestrale Ring wind farm (case study) is located in the north of the Republic ...
... evident that specific sensitive receptors, numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8, in Zone 4 are in the area where there is a noise limit level for the night period, which amounts to 45 dB(A) for a residential area. The results of modeling indicate that this could be exceeded by as much as 3.5 dB, which is ...Boško D. Josimović, Aleksandar Cvjetić, Božidar Manić. "Strategic Environmental Assessment in the Application of Preventive Protection for Wind Farm Noise—Case Study: Maestrale Ring Wind Farm" in Energies, MDPI AG (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/en14196174
Legal framework for recultivation of degraded areas caused by mining exploitation
Radmila Gaćina (2023)Prilikom površinske i podzemne eksploatacije uglja eksploatacioni sistemi oštećuju veće ili manje površine zemljišta. Iskustva pokazuju da su oštećenja zemljišta znatno veća kod površinske eksploatacije, gde je prostora degradiran ne samo u konturi rudnika i okoline, već se promene takođe dešavaju u prirodnom okruženju. U članku su predstavljeni rezultati studije zakonskih okvira rekultivacije u nekim zemljama sveta i u Srbiji. Praktično iskustvo rekultivacije pokazalo je da iskorišćenje i devastacija tokom rudarske aktivnosti predstavljaju opasnost ne samo za pogođena ...... land" means all those surfaces that have been affected directly or indirectly by a specific activity. The term devastated area is also usually used, which denotes a lifeless area after use, without a fertile soil layer suitable for future cultivation. Damaged land is brought to a new purpose through ...
... greater with the surface exploitation system, where the content of the space is degraded not only in the contour of the mine and the surrounding area, but changes are made in the natural flows and conditions as well. The article presents the results of a study of the regulatory framework the ...
... land reclamation, especially after restoration of the original use of arable land, acceptance of the main content should include: reclaimed land area, surface cover thickness, ground slope and drainage function, the physical and chemical properties of the soil are in line with the standards of ...Radmila Gaćina. "Legal framework for recultivation of degraded areas caused by mining exploitation" in Underground mining engineering, Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology (2023). https://doi.org/10.5937/podrad2342027G
Sustainable Modularity Approach to Facilities Development Based on Geothermal Energy Potential
The study presented in this paper assessed the multidisciplinary approach of geothermal potential in the area of the most southeastern part of the Pannonian basin, focused on resources utilization. This study aims to present a method for the cascade use of geothermal energy as a source of thermal energy for space heating and cooling and as a resource for balneological purposes. Two particular sites were selected—one in a natural environment; the other within a small settlement. Geothermal resources come ...геотермална енергија, Панонски басен, геотермална каскада, енергетска ефикасност, бањски центри, балнеологија, биоклиматска архитектура, стратегије пасивног дизајнирања, модуларни објекти... Development Stage Balneo Units (Heated) Utility Units (Heated) Utility Units (Unheated) Intermediate (Heated) Corridor (Heated) Net Heated Area Total Useful Area pcs. (m2) pcs. (m2) pcs. (m2) pcs. (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) 1. Initial phase 4 220 3 165 1 55 2 17 18 420 475 2. Extended 6 330 4 220 2 110 4 ...
... depths to the basin bedrock, which has the largest thickness of Neogene sediments. The terrain belongs to the area of intensive sinking (Great Hungarian Depression) from the Neogene period. This area is characterized by block structure and gravitational faults. In this part of the terrain, there is a dominant ...
... whole area. In this part of the terrain, relatively low of geothermal gradients were registered. The reason is the presence of very thick Neogene sediment (up to 3.5 km), overlaying magmatite and metamorphic rock. The correlation between low geothermal gradients and geological settings of this area can ...Nataša Čuković-Ignjatović, Ana Vranješ, Dušan Ignjatović, Dejan Milenić, Olivera Krunić. "Sustainable Modularity Approach to Facilities Development Based on Geothermal Energy Potential" in Applied Sciences-Basel, МDPI (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/app11062691
Environmental flows and demands for sustainable water use in protected karst areas of the Western Balkans
Karst terrains cover some 30% of the Western Balkans, where rich karst aquifers represent the main source of potable water supply and ensure the development of local economies and tourism. In this “classical karst” region, there are also numerous sites or areas under different forms of protection—from those that are included in the UNESCO World Heritage list to natural monuments and landscapes that are protected by national legislation. In and around them are specific representatives of flora and fauna ...Zoran Stevanović, Aleksandra Maran Stevanović, Želimir Pekaš, Romeo Eftimi, Veljko Marinović. "Environmental flows and demands for sustainable water use in protected karst areas of the Western Balkans" in Carbonates and Evaporites, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13146-021-00754-1
Модел миграције нитрата у епикарсту: лабораторијски експеримент
Бранислав Петровић (2022)Епикарст је део карстног изданског система који се налази у зони аерације и представља сложену област додира и мешања неконсолидованог материјала са површине терена, остатака карбонатних стена измењених корозивном водом, флоре и фауне и њихових остатака, који је делимично и повремено засићен подземном водом. Подручје истраживања примењених мултидисциплинарних истраживања био је карстни масив Суве планине (ЈИ Србија), односно подручје око мале пећине Печ, настале у епикарсту. Између осталих истраживања, опит трасирања (На-флуоресцеин) у пећини Печ помогао је у одређивању ...Бранислав Петровић. "Модел миграције нитрата у епикарсту: лабораторијски експеримент" in XVI Српски симпозијум о хидрогеологији, са међународним учешћем, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2022)
Environmental flows and demands for sustainable water use in protected karst areas of the Western Balkans
Karst terrains cover some 30% of the Western Balkans, where rich karst aquifers represent the main source of potable water supply and ensure the development of local economies and tourism. In this “classical karst” region, there are also numerous sites or areas under different forms of protection—from those that are included in the UNESCO World Heritage list to natural monuments and landscapes that are protected by national legislation. In and around them are specific representatives of flora and fauna ...Zoran Stevanović, Aleksandra Maran Stevanović, Želimir Pekaš, Romeo Eftimi, Veljko Marinović. "Environmental flows and demands for sustainable water use in protected karst areas of the Western Balkans" in Carbonates and Evaporites, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13146-021-00754-1
Režim pogranične reke Jerme
Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Boris Vakanjac, Peđa Kostić (2019)Reka Jerma izvire na Vlasinskoj visoravni u zoni Vlasinskog jezera, teče prema severozapadu padinama planine Gramade kroz selo Klisuru. Kod sela Strazimirovci prelazi u susednu državu Bugarsku, prolazi kroz Trnovsko ždrelo i zatim se ponovo vraća u Srbiju nedaleko od sela Petačinci. Uliva se kod sela Gradište u Nišavu. Ukupna dužina ove reke je 72.1 km od toga je 45.1 km formirala na teritoriji Srbije a preostali deo pripada Bugarskoj. Posmatrajući površine sliva nešto manje od 50 % pripada ...Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Boris Vakanjac, Peđa Kostić. "Režim pogranične reke Jerme" in Zbornik radova II Međunarodne naučne konferencije, Regionalni razvoj i prekogranična saradnja, Pirot, 2018., UO Privredna komora Pirot (2019)
Hydrogeochemistry of Uranium in the Groundwaters of Serbia
Marina Ćuk, Maja Todorović, Petar Papić, Jovan Kovačević, Zoran Nikić. "Hydrogeochemistry of Uranium in the Groundwaters of Serbia" in Uranium - Past and Future Challenges, Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-11059-2_89
Uticaj voda Dunava na formiranje kvaliteta podzemnih voda u zoni Apatina
Područje Apatina u proteklom periodu često je pominjano u razvojnim vodoprivrednim strategijama kao potencijalno perspektivna lokacija za izgradnju izvorišta duž obale Dunava, koje bi moglo da ima regionalni značaj. Ovim rešenjem trebao bi se prevazići problem lošeg kvaliteta vode za piće na celom području severne Bačke, tako što bi se kvalitet podzemne vode poboljšao zahvatanjem infiltriranih rečnih voda u priobalju Dunava. Istraživanjima koja je Departman za hidrogeologiju, Rudarsko-geo¬loškog fakulteta vršio tokom poslednjih 13 godina na izvorištima za vodosnabdevanje grada ...Bojan Hajdin, Željko Kljajić, Vesna Ristić-Vakanjac, Milojko Lazić, Marina Čokorilo-Ilić. "Uticaj voda Dunava na formiranje kvaliteta podzemnih voda u zoni Apatina" in Tehnika, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2018). https://doi.org/10.5937/tehnika1806791H
Distribution of Potentially Toxic Elements in the City of Zintan and Its Surroundings (Northwestern Libya) by Surface Soil Sampling
Boris Vakanjac, Zorana Naunović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Tanita Đumić, Saša Bakrač, Jana Štrbački, Vuk Gajić, Taher Mohamed Alzarog (2023)The study area is the city of Zintan, in northwestern Libya, which has grown over the past 30 years. Its current population is roughly 30,000. Although the city is in part commercial, most of the population engages in agriculture and primarily grows cereal crops (wheat and barley). The demand of the growing city for agricultural products has increased, intensifying the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides. Consequently, concentrations of potentially toxic elements (PTE) in the soil have increased. To ...Boris Vakanjac, Zorana Naunović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Tanita Đumić, Saša Bakrač, Jana Štrbački, Vuk Gajić, Taher Mohamed Alzarog. "Distribution of Potentially Toxic Elements in the City of Zintan and Its Surroundings (Northwestern Libya) by Surface Soil Sampling" in Minerals, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/min13081048