596 items
An Approach to Management Decision Support: The Coal Mine Pljevlja Management Information System
In this paper we describe the approach that has been used in the development of the Management Information System (MIS) in the Coal Mine Pljevlja in Montenegro. The methodology of this approach was based on new information technologies and management techniques which have already been successfully applied in other related fields. Its main goal was to introduce modern management techniques to mining, adapted to specific features of the mining industry, its operations and environment, thus enabling the tactical management ...... drawings of technical documentation, orders for prospective drawing up of projects required, orders for modification of technical documentation, and so on. 3 MIS SYSTEM The possibility to apply the most advanced IT in these areas contributes to the value of business in many ways: improvement of ...
... way. It is necessary that all the operative business segments of interest for the managerial structure of the company be electronically supported, so that summary information can be automatically provided. A production balance is made at the end of each shift, i.e. the data on the produced quantities ...
... patterns, trends, and exception conditions. An OLAP session takes place online in real time, with rapid responses to manager’s or analyst’s queries, so that their analytical or decision-making process is undisturbed. Online analytical processing involves several basic analytical operations, including ...Božo Kolonja, Ranka Stanković, Filip Vuković, Ivan Obradović. "An Approach to Management Decision Support: The Coal Mine Pljevlja Management Information System" in Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Torino, Italy, September 2006, Vol. 1,, Balkema (2006)
Machine learning based landslide assessment of the Belgrade metropolitan area: Pixel resolution effects and a cross-scaling concept
Improvements of Machine Learning-based landslide prediction models can be made by optimizing scale, customizing training samples to provide sets with the best examples, feature selection, etc. Herein, a novel approach, named Cross-Scaling, is proposed that includes the mixing of training and testing set resolutions. Hypothetically, training on a coarser resolution dataset and testing the model on a finer resolution should help the algorithm to better generalize ambiguous examples of landslide classes and yield fewer over/underestimations in the model. This ...Uroš Đurić, Miloš Marjanović, Zoran Radić, Biljana Abolmasov. " Machine learning based landslide assessment of the Belgrade metropolitan area: Pixel resolution effects and a cross-scaling concept" in Engineering Geology , Elsevier (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2019.05.007
Univerzitet u Beogradu Rudarsko-geološki fakultet Master rad Modeliranje disperzije prašine u životnoj sredini u fazi proširenja P.K. Veliki Krivelj
Magdalena Milanović (2024)Modeliranje disperzije zagađenja životne sredine predstavlja proces u kom se korišćenjem matematičkih modela vrši simulacija širenja i raspodele zagađenja u životnoj sredini, koje nastaje određenim aktivnostima. Modeliranje nam pomaže da predvidimo zagađenja koja dobijamo planiranim aktivnostima u zemljištu, vodi i/ili atmosferi određene regije, kako bi na vreme preduzeli odgovarajuće preventivne mere kojim se smanjuje ili upotpunosti eminiše uticaj na životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi. Glavni zadatak ovog rada je procena uticaja, projekta proširenja kopa Veliki Krivelj, na kvalitet vazduha. Rezultati koji ...Modeliranje disperzije zagađenja životne sredine, površinski kop Veliki Krivelj, AERMOD, zagađenje vazduha, disperzija prašine... i pomoćnih mašina, koje se koriste u tehnologiji površinske eksploatacije ležišta rude bakra i vezano je, pre svega za emisije sledećih gasova: ugljenmonoksida CO, ugljendioksida CO>, azotnih oksida NOx, sumpordioksida SO», akroleina i dr. Polutanti kao što su izduvni gasovi, na površinskim kopovima ...
... 38 8. OPŠTE O RUDNIKU VELIKI KRIVELJ Otkopavanje rude bakra u ležištu Veliki Krivelj odvija se prema Glavnom rudarskom projektu otkopavanja (iz 1978.god.) i Dopunskom rudarskom projektu otkopavanja i prerade rude bakra u ležištu “Veliki Krivelj” za kapacitet 10,6 x 10* t rude godišnje (iz 2011 ...
... eksploatacionog polja [12] 8.1. Fizičke karakteristike Ležište bakra „Veliki Krivelj” nalazi se, vazdušnom linijom, na oko 3 km severoistočno od grada Bora, i na 0,5 km severoistočno od najbližeg sela Krivelj, u slivu Kriveljske reke. U okviru ležišta bakra „Veliki Krivelj”, nalazi se površinski kop „Veliki ...Magdalena Milanović. Univerzitet u Beogradu Rudarsko-geološki fakultet Master rad Modeliranje disperzije prašine u životnoj sredini u fazi proširenja P.K. Veliki Krivelj, 2024
Soil oscillation law parameter determination with the application of Lagrange’s theorem at “Kovilovača“ open pit
... m radovima u ležištu nisu konstatovane zna- čajne rupturne deformacije, koje bi bitno uticale na proces istraživanja i eksploatacije. Jedino se posle miniranja javljaju blokovi stena od 0,50 m3, koji bi se mogli pripisati uticaju manjih raseda i karstifikovanih pukotina u ležištu. Ispitivanjem ...
... and R1 we take from the table of experimental data, so that we have: c s s Rv v 1 1 R-R v- . (12) In this manner we find a derivative v'(Rc) at point Rc, whereas Rc is given using formula (11). In practice the formula (8) is used so that the values v(Rs) and v(R1) are taken from tables ...
... obtained in the previous way is taken. No. 3, 2015 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor 57 In so doing, data for pairs (Rm, vm), m = 1, 2, ..., N, are used from the table of experimental data, so that: n 111 RvK n 222 RvK ... n NNN RvK , whereby, for parameter K, the arithmetic mean ...Suzana Lutovac, Nebojša Vidanović, Čedomir Beljić, Zoran Gligorić. "Soil oscillation law parameter determination with the application of Lagrange’s theorem at “Kovilovača“ open pit" in Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor, Bor : Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor (2015). https://doi.org/10.5937/MMEB1503053L
Characterization of the eastern Suva Planina Mt. karst aquifer (SE Serbia) by time series analysis and stochastic modelling
Earth-Surface Processes,Geology, Pollution, Soil Science, Water Science and Technology, Environmental Chemistry, Global and Planetary ChangeBranislav Petrović, Veljko Marinović, Zoran Stevanović. "Characterization of the eastern Suva Planina Mt. karst aquifer (SE Serbia) by time series analysis and stochastic modelling" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-023-10911-5
Knowledge and Rule-Based Diacritic Restoration in Serbian
In this paper we present a procedure for the restoration of diacritics in Serbian texts written using the degraded Latin alphabet. The procedure relies on the comprehensive lexical resources for Serbian: the morphological electronic dictionaries, the Corpus of Contemporary Serbian and local grammars. Dictionaries are used to identify possible candidates for the restoration, while the dataobtainedfromSrpKorandlocalgrammarsassistsinmakingadecisionbetween several candidates in cases of ambiguity. The evaluation results reveal that,dependingonthetext,accuracyrangesfrom95.03%to99.36%,whilethe precision (average 98.93%) is always higher than the recall (average 94.94%).... several large Russian thesauri presented in the same format: • RuThes thesaurus comprising words and phrases of literary Russian together with terms of so-called sociopolitical domain (see below) (Loukachevitch and Dobrov, 2014); • RuThes-lite3, a published version of RuThes, can be obtained for non- ...
... category is represented by the disjunction of alternatives, each clause is a conjunction. The conjuncts, in turn, are described by experts with the help of so-called ”support” concepts. For each support concept, the rule of its extension f (•) is defined, which determines what subordinate concepts should ...
... RuThes is much lower than for domain-specific thesauri because of the presence of ambiguous general words; • Grouping semantically related concepts into so-called thematic nodes. This provides better deter- mination of concept weights, which are calculated on the basis of the concept frequency in the given ...Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković, Duško Vitas. "Knowledge and Rule-Based Diacritic Restoration in Serbian" in Proceedings of the Third International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2018), May 27-29, 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria, Sofia : The Institute for Bulgarian Language Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2018): 41-51
Debris-flow Susceptibility Assessment in Flow-R: Ribnica River Case Study
Debris flows are among the most dangerous erosional geohazards due to the fast rate of movement and long runout zones. Even though the initiation can be triggered in mountainous areas, inhabited and with steep slopes, their propagation and deposition can endanger not only buildings and infrastructure in the urbanized areas, but also threaten human lives. As these initiation areas usually represent unattainable terrains with rapid vegetation cover development, field observations and aerial photo analysis become high-demanding tasks. Consequently, medium-to-regional ...Ksenija Micić, Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov . "Debris-flow Susceptibility Assessment in Flow-R: Ribnica River Case Study" in Proceeding of the 6th Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region, ReSyLAB 2024, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2024). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.18485/resylab.2024.6
Developing Students’ Mining and Geology Vocabulary Through Flashcards and L1 in the CLIL Classroom
... trend of unprecedented and uncritical adopting of foreign words without translation. Table 1: Fully translated words English Serbian Bearing ležište, osnova, nosač, ležaj compound jaw crusher udarna čeljusna drobilica jig bed posteljica mašine taložnice dense-medium washer uređaj za pranje ...
... provide a method whereby a great deal of complex mining and geology terminology could be studied intensively, regularly and in a structured manner so that it could be learned with greatest possible precision. For this purpose, in the paper we will: (1) review the literature on vocabulary teaching ...
... our flashcard program is to provide a method whereby a great deal of vocabulary could be studied intensively, regularly, and in a structured manner so that it could be learned with the greatest possible economy and result in automaticity as well as grammar knowledge embedded within the lexis. In ...Lidija Beko, Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković. "Developing Students’ Mining and Geology Vocabulary Through Flashcards and L1 in the CLIL Classroom" in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Teaching English for Specific Purposes and New Language Learning Technologies, May, 22-24, 2015, Niš, Serbia, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Niš : Faculty of Electronic Engineering (2015)
Determining seismic hazard in slowly deforming region: Can we gather enough information from karst caves?
Ana Mladenović, Jelena Ćalić (2021)Methods to determine seismic hazard in any region vary depending on the regional seismicity, but can be roughly grouped into two main groups: one based on probabilistic methods that use data about known seismicity in the region, and another, which is based on data related to the faulting processes and determination of seismically active faults. Both groups of methods are relatively good for seismically active regions. However, in regions of low seismic activity and slow deformations, there is neither ...Ana Mladenović, Jelena Ćalić. "Determining seismic hazard in slowly deforming region: Can we gather enough information from karst caves?" in EGU General Assembly 2021, European Geosciences Union (2021). https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8723
Preliminary regional landslide susceptibility assessment using limited data
Igor Peshevski, Milorad Jovanovski, Biljana Abolmasov, Jovan Papic, Uroš Đurić, Miloš Marjanović, Ubydul Haque, Natasha Nedelkovska (2019)In this paper a heuristic approach for preliminary regional landslide susceptibility assessment using limited amount of data is presented. It is called arbitrary polynomial method and takes into account 5 landslide conditioning parameters: lithology, slope inclination, average annual rainfall, land use and maximum expected seismic intensity. According to the method, in the first stage, a gradation is performed for each of the carefully selected conditioning parameters by assigning so called rating points to the grid cells on which the ...... conditioning parameters by assigning so called rating points to the grid cells on which the region is divided. Values of the rating points vary from 0 to 3 and depend on the parameter’s character and importance for land- slide development within the region of interest. A so called Total Landslide Susceptibility ...
... conditioning fac- tors in a particular analysis is not a guarantee for successful susceptibility modelling. Factor selection will always be subjec- tive, so the assessment of regional factors by the expert conduct- ing the analysis is of crucial importance. Statistical methods, which are generally considered ...
... slide development in a given region. In order to investigate the sensitivity to changes of these rat- ings, analysis is further extended by adding so called sensitivity coefficients for each of the conditioning parameters. The general framework of the method is presented in Fig. 1 and details are ...Igor Peshevski, Milorad Jovanovski, Biljana Abolmasov, Jovan Papic, Uroš Đurić, Miloš Marjanović, Ubydul Haque, Natasha Nedelkovska. "Preliminary regional landslide susceptibility assessment using limited data" in Geologica Croatica , Croatian Geological Society (2019). https://doi.org/10.4154/gc.2019.03
Curcumin nanonization using an alternative small-scale production unit: selection of proper stabilizer applying basic physicochemical consideration and biological activity assessment of nanocrystals
Ines Nikolić, Jelena Antić-Stanković, Dragana Božić, Danijela Ranđelović, Bojan Marković, Dominique Jasmin Lunter, Aleksandar Kremenović, Miroslav Savić, Snežana Savić (2020)As the number of poorly soluble drugs is increasing, nanocrystals have become very interesting due to wide range of application possibilities. Curcumin was used as a model active ingredient in this work. Even though it has many proven positive effects, due to its physicochemical issues, its possibilities have not been fully exploited. The goal of this work was to select optimal conditions for a top-down method for curcumin nanosuspension production, and to perform their comprehensive characterization applying complementary methodologies: ...Ines Nikolić, Jelena Antić-Stanković, Dragana Božić, Danijela Ranđelović, Bojan Marković, Dominique Jasmin Lunter, Aleksandar Kremenović, Miroslav Savić, Snežana Savić. "Curcumin nanonization using an alternative small-scale production unit: selection of proper stabilizer applying basic physicochemical consideration and biological activity assessment of nanocrystals" in Review on advanced materials science, Walter de Gruyter GmbH (2020). https://doi.org/10.1515/rams-2020-0043
Preparation of Multimedia Document “YU Rock Scene”
SUMMARY: This study will present the preparation process of a multimedia document entitled YU ROCK SCENE in which participants were senior students of undergraduate studies of the Department of Library and Information Science at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Philology during the academic year 2014/2015, as a part of the subject Multimedia Documents. This study gives an overview of the historical development of rock and roll in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, rock scene in Yugoslav republics, ...... to form Bis-Bez and started to introduce ethno sounds. Their originality later influ- enced the compositions of the most famous Macedonian band Leb i sol led by the world famous and very reputable musician Vlatko Stefanovski. Apart from those mentioned, many other groups appeared on the Macedonian rock ...
... also a result of regular listening to (jazz) music, including the world hits of the time, broadcasted by Radio Luxembourg. Still, during the 1950s, the so-called popular music had much greater presence. Due to the conflict with the Soviet Union during the Cold War, Yugoslavia, one of the founding countries ...
... territorial division got on the table first. Mem- bers of the student groups who researched it got an assignment to arrange the data in the given way, so that all material can be processed together and in the same way. Decimal classification was used – every piece of data was given an identifica- tion ...Milena Obradović, Aleksandra Arsenijević, Mihailo Škorić. "Preparation of Multimedia Document “YU Rock Scene”" in Infotheca - Journal for Digital Humanities, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2017). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2016.16.1_2.6
Mikrobiološki diverzitet kiselog jezera Robule i uticaj jezerske vode na oksidaciju sulfidnih minerala
Srđan B. Stanković (2016-09-11)Jezero Robule, formirano u podnožju rudničke raskrivke Oštreljski planir (Rudnik bakra Bor), je nastalo kao posledica rudarskih aktivnosti. Mikrobiološki diverzitet ekstremno kiselog jezera Robule ispitivan je primenom kako klasičnih mikrobioloških metoda (svetlosna mikroskopija i kultivacija na selektivnim podlogama) tako i primenom savremene metode molekularne biologije (analiza polimorfizama terminalnih restrikcionih fragmenata; T-RFLP). Takođe, ispitivan je i potencijal i efikasnost jezerske vode u biološkom luženju mineralnog koncentrata, kao i u bioluženju uzoraka stare flotacijske jalovine Rudnika bakra Bor.Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata ...... zasejavane nanošenjem male količine uzorka sterilnom ezom. Rastvor bazalnih soli (BS) koji je korišten za pripremu podloga je 10× koncentrovan i sadrži u gL-1: (NH4)2SO4 – 12,5 i MgSO4×7H2O – 5,0. Rastvor bazalnih soli za gajenje heterotrofa (HBS), 50× koncentrovan rastvor (gL-1): (NH4)2SO4 ...
... EK, 100 µM FeSO4 3,0 Heterotrofi Ekstrakt kvasca (Yeo) 1×HBS, 0,1% ET, 0,02% EK 4,0 Umereno acidofilni heterotrofi BS - bazalne soli; HBS - bazalne soli za heterotrofe; ET - elementi u tragovima; TSB - tripton sojin bujon; EK - ekstrakt kvasca. 3.7 IZOLACIJA METAGENOMSKE (UKUPNE) DNK IZ ...
... triplikatu. U tri erlenmajera zapremine 250 mL dodato je po 100 mL rastvora bazalnih soli za heterotrofe (pH 2,0), 1 g uzorka koncentrata i 1 mL vode iz jezera Robule. Tri erlenmajera (u koje je dodat rastvor bazalnih soli i uzorci koncentrata) su inokulisana veštačkim bakterijskim konzorcijumom. Veštački ...Srđan B. Stanković. "Mikrobiološki diverzitet kiselog jezera Robule i uticaj jezerske vode na oksidaciju sulfidnih minerala" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-09-11)
Threshold-induced correlations in the Random Field Ising Model
... applied to data either intentionally, or e�ectively due to the device limitations in experimental measurements where the thresholding cannot be avoided31. So, let the response signal of the system under study be V(t), let V(t) > 0 at any moment of time t when system is active (otherwise, let V(t) = 0), and ...
... applied to data either intentionally, or effectively due to the device limitations in experimental measurements where the thresholding cannot be avoided*". So, let the response signal of the system under study be V(t), let V(t) > 0 at any moment of time t when system is active (otherwise, let V(t) =0), and ...
... | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-20759-6 3 www.nature.com/scientificreports/ 4SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2018) 8:2571 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-20759-6 is so high that only the avalanches from the cuto� of the “true” distribution are “observable”, then a very large separation between the time scales of the ...Sanja Janićević, Dragutin Jovković, Lasse Laurson, Đorđe Spasojević. "Threshold-induced correlations in the Random Field Ising Model" in Scientific Reports, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2018). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-20759-6
Spatial assessment of the areas sensitive to degradation in the rural area of the municipality Čukarica
Nature and Landscape Conservation, Soil Science, Agronomy and Crop Science, Water Science and TechnologyNatalija Momirović, Ratko Kadović, Veljko Perović, Miloš Marjanović, Aleksandar Baumgertel. "Spatial assessment of the areas sensitive to degradation in the rural area of the municipality Čukarica" in International Soil and Water Conservation Research, Elsevier BV (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iswcr.2018.12.004
Merenje i praćenje temperature u cevovodima
Jelena Plećaš (2024)U završnom radu pod naslovom „Merenje i praćenje temperature u cevovodima“ istražuje se značaj merenja temperature u industriji. Opisuje se kako je merenje temperature ključno za efikasno upravljanje procesima i održavanje sigurnosti.Postoje i razvijene su brojne metode merenja temperature, od kojih svaka ima svoju specifičnu primenu, u određenim oblastima. Rad obuhvata pregled razvoja termometrije, različite temperaturne skale, kao i detaljan prikaz instrumenata za merenje temperature. Posebna pažnja posvećena je greškama dodirnih termometara i metodama korekcije.Na kraju,rad se fokusira na ...... linearnu brzinu toplotnog širenja. Njegove tehnike kalibracije bile su poslovna tajna, ali je poznato da je koristio tačku topljenja mešavine morske soli, leda ı vode, kao i temperaturu pazuha zdravog čoveka kao kalibracione tačke. Kada je Velika Britanija usvojila Farenhajtovu skalu, temperatura ...
... godine umesto alkohola upotrebio živu i prvi definisao termometrijsku skalu. Za fiksnu tačku u donjem delu skale uzeo je temperaturu smese leda i soli (ili amonijum-hlorida), tj. najnižu temperaturu koju je mogao reprodukovati i označio je sa 32 stepena. Za fiksnu tačku u gornjem delu skale uzeo ...Jelena Plećaš. Merenje i praćenje temperature u cevovodima, 2024
An Approach to Efficient Processing of Multi-Word Units
Efficient processing of Multi-Word Units in the course of development of morphological MWU dictionaries is not easy to achieve, especially when languages with complex morphological structures are concerned, such as Serbian. Manual development of this type of dictionaries is a tedious and extremely slow process. To alleviate this problem we turned to our multipurpose software tool, dubbed LeXimir, in the production of lemmas for e-dictionaries of multi-word units. In addition to that, we developed a procedure aimed at making ...... petokrak ‘five-pointed’ and Farenhajtov ‘belonging to Fahrenheit’ have no comparative and superlative forms, so they will not be generated. Indefinite adjective forms are rarely used in compounds so they are not generated either. This example illustrates the complexity of capturing all information about ...
... other languages. This format can be briefly described in the following way: in a dictionary of lem- mas (DELAS) every lemma is described in full detail so that a dictionary of forms containing all necessary grammatical information (DELAF) can be generated from it, and subsequently used in various NLP ...
... comprehensive list of references related to the production of e-dictionaries of MWUs for these languages is given. The lexical description of MWUs in the so-called DELAC/DELACF format in practice means that MWU lemmas have to be collected, generated, and inflected. 2 Inflection of MWUs In order to produce ...Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković, Duško Vitas. "An Approach to Efficient Processing of Multi-Word Units" in Computational Linguistics - Applications, Studies in Computational Intelligence 458 no. 458, Berlin Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag (2013): 109-129. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-34399-5_6
Numerical simulation of the Late Jurassic closure of the Vardar Tethys
... single divergent phase where spreading regime is dominant. Effect of duration and magnitude ofthe second phase on model evolution is also explored. Our so far obtained simulations were able to reproduce the westward obduction and certainextension processes along the active (European) margin, which match ...Nikola Stanković, Vesna Cvetkov, Vladica Cvetković. "Numerical simulation of the Late Jurassic closure of the Vardar Tethys" in EGU General Assembly 2021, Copernicus GmbH (2021). https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9893
2D Numerical Simulation of Intraoceanic Subduction during the Upper Jurassic Closure of the Vardar Tethys
... single divergent phase where spreading regime is dominant. Effect of duration and magnitude ofthe second phase on model evolution is also explored. Our so far obtained simulations were able to reproduce the westward obduction and certainextension processes along the active (European) margin, which match ...Nikola Stanković, Vesna Cvetkov, Vladica Cvetković. "2D Numerical Simulation of Intraoceanic Subduction during the Upper Jurassic Closure of the Vardar Tethys" in EGU General Assembly 2020, Copernicus GmbH (2020). https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-5919
Prilog poznavanju režima i bilansa voda reke Resave
Sliv Resave zauzima područje između reke Velike Morave i obronaka Kučajsko-beljaničkih planina. Sliv i režim ove reke kontroliše se dvema hidrološkim stanicama: Manastir Manasija (slivno područje u iznosu od 388 km2) i Svilajnac (681 km2). Za potrebe analize režima voda reke Resave i uticaja padavina na formiranje oticaja sa njenog sliva preuzeti su podaci o padavinama sa meteorološke stanice Crni Vrh (1037 m nm) koji odslikava režim gornjeg dela sliva ove reke, i meteorološke stanice Smederevska ...Marina Mitrašinović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Saša Milanović, Ljiljana Vasić, Dušan Polomčić. "Prilog poznavanju režima i bilansa voda reke Resave" in Zbornik radova XVI Srpski hidrogeološki simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem, Zlatibor, 2022., Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2022)