2391 items
The Dictionary of the Serbian Academy: from the Text to the Lexical Database
In this paper we discuss the project of digitization of the Dictionary of the Serbo-Croatian Standard and Vernacular Language. Scanning and character recognition were a particular challenge, since various non-standard character set encoding was used in the course of the almost 60-year long production of the dictionary. The first aim of the project was to formalize the micro-structure of the dictionary articles in order to parse the digitized text of and transform it into structured data stored in relational lexical database. This approach ...... relate the lexical data to other resources and provide automatic production of the dictionary in different forms and formats. Figure 3 illustrates a part of the database model with a few examples of structured data. 5 Results and discussion The procedure that was presented in this paper was applied ...
... developed model and software solution can be successfully used for the other volumes as well. Keywords: computer lexicography, lexical database, language resources, dictionary, Serbian language 1 Introduction The first volume of the Dictionary of the Serbo-Croatian Standard and Vernacular Language ...
... meet, since both types should preferably use the same or compatible formal structure and markup language.2 This development led to further linking of lexical data and their integration with semantic resources, such as ontologies (McCrae et al., 2011). The DSA is rather special compared to similar ...Ranka Stanković, Rada Stijović, Duško Vitas, Cvetana Krstev, Olga Sabo. "The Dictionary of the Serbian Academy: from the Text to the Lexical Database" in Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress: Lexicography in Global Contexts, Ljubljana : Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts (2018)
Uticaj klimatskih promena na vodne resurse: primer sliv reke Mlave
Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Saša Milanović, Ljiljana Vasić, Boris Vakanjac, Saša Bakrač, Radoje Banković, Veljko Marinović (2023)Na teritoriji Jugositočne Evrope, pa samim tim i u delu gde živimo (Republika Srbija i Republika Bosna i Hercegovina) za očekivati je da dođe do značajnijeg porasta temperature vazduha u značajnijoj meri, što će imati značajnijeg uticaja na padavine, njihovu unutargodišnju raspodelu, kao i pojavu sve više prisutnih ekstremnih vrednosti (izuzetno sušnih i kišnih godina). Sve ovo će uticati i na sam režim površinskih i podzemnih voda, resursa bez kojih život na ovoj planeti ne bi ni postojao. Da ...Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Saša Milanović, Ljiljana Vasić, Boris Vakanjac, Saša Bakrač, Radoje Banković, Veljko Marinović. "Uticaj klimatskih promena na vodne resurse: primer sliv reke Mlave" in Zbornik radova III Kongresa geologa Bosne i Hercegovine sa međunarodnim učešćem, Neum, 21-23.9.2023., Ilidža : Udruženje/udruga geologa u Bosni i Hercegovini (2023)
Regionalna karakterizacija karstnih podzemnih voda dela centralnog Balkana u funkciji njihovog održivog korišćenja i menadžmenta
Veljko J. Marinović (2022)Karstne podzemne vode koristi oko 700 miliona ljudi na svetu, čime je njihov značaj za svetsko stanovništvo nemerljiv. U sklopu doktorske disertacije vršena su istraživanja i analize karstnih sistema dela centralnog Balkana (Srbije, Crne Gore i Savskog sliva Bosne i Hercegovine), kako bi se evaluirao ovaj dragoceni resurs. Analize su vršene na primerima karstnih sistema vrela Perućac, Seljašnica, Mokra i Mlava (Srbija), Oko Bijele i Rijeka Crnojevića (Crna Gora) i vrelo Bosne (Bosna i Hercegovina), kao i na regionalnom ...karstni sistem, podzemna voda, pritisci na kvantitet i kvalitet, menadžment podzemnih vodnih resursaVeljko J. Marinović. Regionalna karakterizacija karstnih podzemnih voda dela centralnog Balkana u funkciji njihovog održivog korišćenja i menadžmenta, Beograd : [V. Marinović], 2022
A hundred years of Milutin Milanković's climate change theory - geological implications
Dejan Radivojević (2020)Миланковићева теорија циклуса објављена пре сто година је најважнија теорија у наукама које проучавају климу и имала је велики утицај на дисциплине које се баве Земљом. Ипак, његов рад је чекао више од педесет година да би добио потврду. Може се рећи да Миланковићев рад највећи утицај на геологију има у изради астрономске временске скале, подршци хипотези континенталног дрифта и палеоклиматологији. Добри резултати примене астрономске временске скале на неогене седименте иницирали су примену ове методе у мезозојским и у последње ...циклостратиграфија, астономска временска скала, геолошка временска скала, климатске промене, континентални дрифт... his discussions with Wegener, Milanković got interested in the Earth’s interior and its pole movements. Both were intrigued with enor- mous reserves of bituminous coal at Svalbard Islands in Arctic ocean since the current high latitude is not favorable for its deposition. Three scientists agreed that ...
... drift) and contri - buted to understanding of climate in the geological past. His work on climate changes represents the core for climate modeling which allows prediction of possible scenarios awaiting us. Having this in mind, it is possible to invest more financial and in- tellectual resources to reduce ...
... n rates spatially and temporary varies and depend on palaeoecological and palaeogeographic conditions. Generally, well-rounded and fine-grained sediments reflect calm and slow sed- imentation, while angular coarse-grai ned sediments are mostly related to short palaeotransport and fast sedimentation ...Dejan Radivojević. "A hundred years of Milutin Milanković's climate change theory - geological implications" in Geološki anali Balkanskoga Poluostrva, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko geološki fakultet (2020). https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP201125011R
Conversion of land areas after coal mine closure and reclamation
Otkopavanje uglja površinski i podzemno praćeno je degradacijom zemljišta, promenom formiranja predela i izmenom flore i faune. Od velikog značaja je razvoj novih naučno utemeljenih pristupa obnovljanje antropogeno poremećenih predela zasnovanih na formiranju rekultivacionih i rudarskih tehnologija. Apsolutno je neophodno obezbediti sveobuhvatno kvalitetno očuvanje zemljišnih i vodnih resursa i odrediti rekultivisano zemljište za novu namenu. U ovom članku je dat pregled najpopularnijih metoda rekultivacije zemljišta i mogućnosti rekultivacije zemljišta nakon završetka rekultivacije i zatvaranja rudnika uglja.... transport, storage and treatment of mineral resources and the working of quarries). According to the Serbian Law on Mining, technical and biological reclamation and spatial arrangement must be performed with the purpose of environmental protection, regeneration, land reclamation and arrangement of the ...
... quality preservation of land and water resources and to designate reclaimed land for a new purpose. This article presents an overview of the ranking most popular methods of land recultivation and possibilities of reclaimed land after the completion of reclamation and closure of the coal mine. Keywords: ...
... residents and the ecological landscape, as well as contributing to the economic grow of the mining region. REFERENCES 1. 2. 10. 11. Ignatyeva, M., Yurak, V., Pustokhina N. Recultivation of Post-Mining Disturbed Land: Review of Content and Comparative Law and Feasibility Study. Resources 2020 ...Radmila Gaćina, Bojan Dimitrijević, Sanja Bajić. "Conversion of land areas after coal mine closure and reclamation" in 9th International conference mining and environmental protection MEP 23 Proceedings, Sokobanja, 24-27.05.2023., Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of mining and geology (2023)
The influence of rainfall factors on soil resistance to erosion
Nikola Živanović, Vukašin Rončević, Carla Ferreira, Milica Kašanin-Grubin, Stevan Ćorluka, Veljko Rupar, Vladimir Čebašek (2024)Nikola Živanović, Vukašin Rončević, Carla Ferreira, Milica Kašanin-Grubin, Stevan Ćorluka, Veljko Rupar, Vladimir Čebašek. "The influence of rainfall factors on soil resistance to erosion" in EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, Apr 14–19, 2024, Copernicus GmbH (2024). https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1137
Hydrogeochemical distribution of Ca and Mg in groundwater in Serbia
Petar Papić, Jovana Milosavljević, Marina Ćuk, Rastko Petrović . "Hydrogeochemical distribution of Ca and Mg in groundwater in Serbia" in Groundwater: Occurrence and Significance for Human Health, CRC Press, Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group (2014)
Integracija heterogenih tekstualnih resursa
Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović (2007)U radu je opisan pristup integraciji heterogenih tekstualnih resursa za srpski jezik uz pomoć jednog kompleksnog softverskog alata, razvijenog specijalno za ove potrebe. Opisani su struktura i osnovne komponente razvijenog sistema. Iznete su i mogućnosti unapređivanja resursa međusobnom razmenom informacija, koje pruža razvijeno integrisano okruženje. Konačno, opisana je i mogućnost primene integrisanih heterogenih resursa za proširenje upita, kao i pretraživanje tekstova uopšte, a naznačeni su i neki od pravaca daljeg razvoja.... Journal on Information Science and Technology. Bucureş of the Romanian academy. t al. 2003 – Vitas, D. et al. (2003): Processing Serbian Written Texts: An Overview of Resources an (Hg.): Proceedings of the International Workshop on Balkan Language Resources and Tools. Thessaloniki, November 2003 ...
... Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. Krstev et al. 2006 – Krstev, C. et al. (2006): WS4LR: A Workstation for Lexical Resources. In: Proceedings of the 5 th Internationa Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2006. Genoa, May 2006. S. 1692–1697. tein 1993 – Silberztein, M. (1993): Le dictionnaire électronique ...
... Ivan Obradović (Beograd) The diversity of textual resources University of Belgrade for many years, as well a a necessity of creating an appropriate tool whi ance, usage, further development and integration. In this paper we outline the structure and main components of the system we developed under ...Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović. "Integracija heterogenih tekstualnih resursa" in Zbornik radova međunarodnog simpozijuma Razlike između bosanskog/bošnjačkog, hrvatskog i srpskog jezika, Graz, Austria, April 2007, - (2007)
Karakteristike rudnih minerala područja Veluče
Saša Krstić (1993)Saša Krstić. Karakteristike rudnih minerala područja Veluče, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 1993
Mineralno-sirovinska baza SAP Kosovo kao faktor privrednog razvoja i njena kompleksna geološko-ekonomska ocena
Petar Radičević (1975)Petar Radičević. Mineralno-sirovinska baza SAP Kosovo kao faktor privrednog razvoja i njena kompleksna geološko-ekonomska ocena, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 1975
Istraživanje kinematike mlevnja u uslovima mehaničko-hemijskog aktiviranja minerala
Milan M. Petrov (2003)Milan M. Petrov. Istraživanje kinematike mlevnja u uslovima mehaničko-hemijskog aktiviranja minerala, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 2003
Medical Domain Document Classification via Extraction of Taxonomy Concepts from MeSH Ontology
Mihailo Škorić, Mauro Dragoni (2019)This paper is a result of a task that was presented to attendants of Keyword Search in Big Linked Data summer school, that was organized by Vienna University of Technology, under the Keystone COST action in the summer of 2017. It presents a specific approach to the classification via creation of minimal document surrogates based on the US National medical library’s MeSH ontology, which is derived from the Medical Subject Headings thesaurus. In a series of previously classified medically ...... Examples of lines from CSV document containing the names and iden- tifiers of concept nodes. system, but for a morphologically rich language, such as Serbian, previous lemmatization or other kind of normalization of both resources is necessary. Finding and replacing ontology concepts in the text. As we wanted ...
... of terminological resources for expert knowledge: a case study in mining”. Knowledge Management Research & Practice Vol. 14, no. 4 (2016): 445–456 Stanković, Ranka, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović and Olivera Kitanović. “Indexing of Textual Databases Based on Lexical Resources: A Case Study for Serbian” ...
... with string ", " and strings doc = doc.Replace(" and "); were pasted onto the beginning and the end of each row respectively (Figure 7).9 For replacement in all the documents to be classified, a second C# code has been prepared. It loads the classification documents one at a time and applies the script ...Mihailo Škorić, Mauro Dragoni. "Medical Domain Document Classification via Extraction of Taxonomy Concepts from MeSH Ontology" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2019). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2019.19.1.3
Developing Termbases for Expert Terminology under the TBX Standard
... Name: Deposits of mineral resources Definition: Mineral deposits are the geological bodies limited by natural or ar- tificial (industrial) borders. They are formed in the nature, through complex geological and chemical processes. As an integral part of the Earth’s crust, mineral deposits are built ...
... of metallic minerals, non-metallic mineral deposits, deposits of fossil fuel resources). Morphological data are supplied within, with different values for attribute type, such as partOfSpeech with the value “noun”, termType with the value “entryTerm” and grammaticalGender with the value “neuter” ...
... Systems to Manage Terminology, Knowledge and Content — TermBase eX- change (TBX), 2008. Ref. ISO 30042:2008. ISO. Terminology and Other Language and Content Resources — Specification of Data Categories and Management of a Data Category Registry for Language Resources, 2009. Ref. ISO 12620:2009. Cvetana ...Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, and Miloš Utvić. "Developing Termbases for Expert Terminology under the TBX Standard" in Natural Language Processing for Serbian - Resources and Applications, Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics (2014)
Development of an integrated model for open-pit-mine discontinuous haulage system optimization
Miodrag Čelebić, Dragoljub Bajić, Sanja Bajić, Mirjana Banković, Duško Torbica, Aleksej Milošević , Dejan Stevanović (2024)Miodrag Čelebić, Dragoljub Bajić, Sanja Bajić, Mirjana Banković, Duško Torbica, Aleksej Milošević , Dejan Stevanović . "Development of an integrated model for open-pit-mine discontinuous haulage system optimization" in Sustainability, MDPI (2024). https://doi.org/10.3390/su16083156
Social-Emo.Sr: Emotional Multi-Label Categorization of Conversational Messages from Social Networks X and Reddit
U digitalnom okruženju južnoslovenskih jezika, analiza emocija u tekstovima na društvenim mrežama postaje sve važnija za razumevanje javnog mnjenja, kreiranje personalizovanog sadržaja i analizu međusobnih interakcija korisnika. U okviru ovog rada predstavljamo detaljnu metodologiju i rezultate označavanja korpusa na srpskom jeziku prema Plutčikovom modelu kategorizacije, koji prepoznaje osam osnovnih emocionalnih kategorija, kao što su radost, tuga, bes, strah, poverenje, gađenje, iščekivanje i iznenađenje. Cilj istraživanja je da se analizira emocionalni sadržaj tekstova preuzetih sa društvenih mreža X (nekada Twitter) ...Milena Šošić, Ranka Stanković, Jelena Graovac. "Social-Emo.Sr: Emotional Multi-Label Categorization of Conversational Messages from Social Networks X and Reddit" in South Slavic Languages in the Digital Environment JuDig Book of Abstracts, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology, Serbia, November 21-23, 2024., University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology (2024)
Global trend and negative synergy: Climate changes and groundwater over-extraction
Stevanović Zoran (2013)Stevanović Zoran. "Global trend and negative synergy: Climate changes and groundwater over-extraction" in Proceedings of the International Conference “Climate Change Impact on Water Resources”, 17-18 Oct.2013, Belgrade, Belgrade:Institute of Wat. Manag. J.Cerni & WSDAC (2013): 42-45
Analysis Of the Process Of Carbon Capture Utilization And Storage In Underground Reservoirs
John Nyame (2024)The importance of mitigating the effects of global climate change has necessitated an in-depth exploration of innovative strategies to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Among these strategies, Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) has emerged as a promising and transformative solution. This master thesis delves into the diverse realm of CCUS processes, aiming to unravel the positives challenges, and opportunities within this dynamic field. The analysis begins with a systematic examination of carbon capture technologies, encompassing post-combustion, pre-combustion, and oxy-fuel combustion ...... Mine tailings Industrial by-products sequestered in concrete and/ or construction aggregates l CO2 is permanently Carbonates Solid mineral that naturally removes and stores CO2, e.g,„ in concrete Source: WRI. & WORLD RESOURCES IMSTITUTE Figure 3.4 Mineralization process 3.4. Chemical ...
... within the rock and mineral trapping: where dissolved CO- in the saline fluid reacts with the minerals in the rock. Mineral trapping is deemed the most secure form of CO» storage however it is a slow process and takes a longer period. The storage site must be highly porous and permeable with the ...
... the narrative of how feasible countries and energy players need to invest in climate change and energy sustainability as global warming is on the rise and adapt to the new world of technological innovation and cost saving of energy resources. REFERENCES [1] Stefan Bachu (2000) Sequestration ...John Nyame. Analysis Of the Process Of Carbon Capture Utilization And Storage In Underground Reservoirs, 2024
Centar za hidrogeologiju karsta - 15 godina nauke i struke
... of Groundwater Resources and Characterization and Engineering of Karst Aquifers). He has published 5 papers in various journals and proceedings. He participated in several domestic and international conferences and workshops. He has been awarded several times in the country and abroad. 45 ...
... conference “KARST 2022: Importance, State of the Art, and Prospective of Utilization and Protection of Resources in Karst Multidisciplinary conference “KARST 2022: Importance, State of the Art, and Prospective of Utilization and Protection of Resources in Karst” The multdisciplinary conference „Karst ...
... Importance, State of the Art, and Prospective of Utilisation and Protection of Resources in Karst' was dedicated to IYCK UIS as well and it was held October 21 to 22, 2022. The organizers of the event were the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) - Board for Karst and Speleology, the Centre for ...urednici Saša Milanović, Ljiljana Vasić, Zoran Stevanović, Branislav Petrović. Centar za hidrogeologiju karsta - 15 godina nauke i struke, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Centar za hidrogeologiju karsta, 2023
A contribution to the understanding of hydrochemical properties of thermomineral water on the L’dži locality (eastern part of North Macedonia)
Hristina Petrova, Katarzyna Wątor, Piotr Rusiniak, Boris Vakanjac, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Ewa Kmiecik (2023)Regarding the aspect of mineral, thermo-mineral, and thermal waters, on the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia, there are 65 registered locations, of which 8 are categorized as spas. This includes the Kežovica spa, also known as the Štipska spa. In the vicinity of Kežovica Spa is the thermo-mineral L’Dži spring with mineralization around 1.3 g/L and the water temperature at the time of sampling was 50.1 °C. Spring L’Dži is generated by a fault structure and is ...Hristina Petrova, Katarzyna Wątor, Piotr Rusiniak, Boris Vakanjac, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Ewa Kmiecik. "A contribution to the understanding of hydrochemical properties of thermomineral water on the L’dži locality (eastern part of North Macedonia)" in National Conference with International Participation “GEOSCIENCES 2023”, Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, Sofia : Bulgarian Geological Society (2023)
OER obrazovni sadržaji kao spona između akademskog i preduzetničkog znanja
... [6] S. Downes. Learning objects: resources for distance education worldwide. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning 2(1), 2001. [7] P. McAndrew, A. Santos, S. Godwin. Opening up for OpenLearn: issues in providing open educational resources. In Proceedings of CAL07: Development ...
... Permission granted: Open licensing for educational resources. Open Learning.The Journal of Open, Distance, and e-Learning24(1), 2009, 97–106. [11] A.J.Jacobs.Two cheers for Web U! New York Times,162(56113), 2013, 1–7. [12] A. Agarwal. ‘Circuits and Electronics’. Mix. Chronicle of Higher Education, ...
... repository. In: Computers & Education 69, 2013, 287–302. [4] Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD]. (Giving knowledge for free: The emergence of open educational resources. Retrieved from. http://www.oecd.org/edu/ceri/38654317.pdf, 2007. [5] F. Neven, E. Duval. Reusable learning ...Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković, Marija Radojičić. "OER obrazovni sadržaji kao spona između akademskog i preduzetničkog znanja" in The fifth Symposium Mathematics and Applications 2014,17-18 October 2014, Belgrade V no. 1, Beograd : Matematički fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu (2014)