314 items
Петролошке карактеристике тријаских карбоната у околини Толића (Мионица)
Михаило Вујашевић (2024)У тријаским теренима у околини Толића код Мионице извршено је узорковање карбонатних стена које су предмет овог рада. На одабраним узорцима утврђене су петролошке карактеристике. Главни задатак овог завршног рада представља испитивање минералошких и петрографских карактеристика карбонатних стена, применом оптичке анализе, рендгенске дифракције и калциметрије. Макроскопском детерминацијом и применом Данхамове класификације испитивани узорци су сврстани у кречњаке калкаренитског до калклутитског склопа, односно mudstone, packestone и grainstone типа. Микроскопским прегледом кречњака и применом Фолкове класификације утврђен је њихов састав и ...... classified as limestones of calcarenitic to calclutitic composition, specifically of the mudstone, packstone, and grainstone types. Through microscopic examination of the limestones and the application of Folk's classification, their composition was determined, and they were identified as fossiliferous ...Михаило Вујашевић. Петролошке карактеристике тријаских карбоната у околини Толића (Мионица), 2024
Развој геолошког информационог система Републике Србије
Геолошки информациони систем Србије (ГеолИСС) је пројектован, првенствено, са намером ефикасног дигиталног архивирања геолошких и њима сродних података. У овом раду је приказана структура базе података као основа за развој геолошки конципираног ГИС-а. Нови, објектно орјентисани (О-О) начин моделирања омогућио је дефинисање самосталних типова објеката, хијерархијски повезаних кроз тополошке и друге релације, чиме је обезбеђена њихова медјусобна интеракција. Објектно оријентисано моделирање извршено је коришћењем унифицираног језика моделирања (UML) и CASE алата, кроз концептуални и логички ниво. Физички модел ће ...... Stena Sklop Petrogeneza Procesi +input stvaranje+izmene+deformacije * 1.. +uredjenost +input +output 3. UML scheme of the lithological composition cla Г мереног елемента склопа и б/ KompozitnaStruktura као дедукована хомогеност/изотропност творних елемената склопа и/или дескрипција структурно ...Бранислав Благојевић, Бранислав Тривић, Ненад Бањац, Ранка Станковић, Велизар Николић. "Развој геолошког информационог система Републике Србије" in 14. конгрес геолога Србије и Црне Горе са међународним учешћем, Нови Сад, 18-20. октобар 2005, Cpпско геолошко друштво и Caвeз геолошких друштава Србије и Црне Горе (2005)
Testing the energy value of different types of coal by the method of active thermography
In this paper, coal thermograms are presented and analyzed in order to determine their energy value. Two types of coal of different categories, brown and lignite, were selected for active thermographic imaging. The tested coal samples were processed before measurement so that they are similar in dimensions and have two plane-parallel smooth surfaces. The test samples were "primarily" heated under the same conditions and the process of their cooling was monitored by a thermal camera. "Then" they were cooled ...Stevan Đenadić, Ljubiša Tomić, Vesna Damnjanović, Predrag Jovančić, Dragutin Jovković. "Testing the energy value of different types of coal by the method of active thermography" in 9th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies, Belgrade, Serbia, 15-16 October 2020, The Military Technical Institute (2020)
Uniaxial compressive strength test before and after standard fire test on rock mass
Stefan Mitrović, Goran Todorović, Bojan Kostić, Milica Mirković-Marjanović, Nikola Božović, Marija Krstić, Aleksandar Erić, Radovan Gospavić, Snežana Ilić, Aleksandar Kijanović (2022)... rock mass, grain size and orientation, number and arrangement of cracks and fissures. For the same rock, strength may be different, depending on physical characteristics. Heat of environment can affect structure of rock mass, which results in a change in uniaxial compressive strength of rock after ...
... paper, it is not possible to determine uniaxial compressive strength after standard fire test. Standard fire test showed that the rock is of such composition, it will disintegrate at high temperatures. For tunnel structure, this significant drop in strength after standard fire test is not dangerous ...Stefan Mitrović, Goran Todorović, Bojan Kostić, Milica Mirković-Marjanović, Nikola Božović, Marija Krstić, Aleksandar Erić, Radovan Gospavić, Snežana Ilić, Aleksandar Kijanović. "Uniaxial compressive strength test before and after standard fire test on rock mass" in Fifth symposium of the Macedonian Association for Geotechnics, Ohrid, North Macedonia, 23-25. 06. 2022, Macedonian Association for Geotechnics (2022)
Određivanje zbijenosti starog komunalnog otpada
Bez obzira na savremene tretmane komunalnog otpada u svetu, u Srbiji je i dalje najčešći vid odlaganja na komunalne deponije, pa zbijanje otpada predstavlja jednu od ključnih faza formiranja deponije. Na ovaj način znatno se smanjuje zapremina otpada, ubrzava proces degradacije i produžava radni vek deponije. Zbog toga su geotehničke karakteristike komunalnog otpada prilikom zbijanja, veoma bitne kako u fazi projektovanja tako i u fazi izgradnje deponije i optimizacije prostora. Tu se pre svega misli na maksimalnu suvu zapreminsku ...Jovana Janković, Dragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić Ikodinović, Tina Đurić. "Određivanje zbijenosti starog komunalnog otpada" in Konferencija Otpadne vode, komunalni čvrsti otpad i opasan otpad, 16-18.06.2021., Beograd : Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inženjerstvo (2021)
Dehydroicetexanes in sediments and crude oils: Possible markers for Cupressoideae
Hans Peter Nytoft, Geir Kildahl-Andersen, Sofie Lindström, Frode Rise, Achim Bechtel, Danica Mitrović, Nataša Đoković, Dragana Životić, Ksenija A. Stojanović (2019)Two previously unidentified dehydroabietane isomers were isolated from Miocene Serbian lignite and Rhaetian (Late Triassic) coaly mudstones from South Sweden and characterized using NMRspectroscopy as cis- and trans-dehydroicetexane. Both have a 9(10?20)-abeo-abietane or icetexane skeleton, consisting of a 6-7-6 tricyclic framework with seven carbons in ring B instead of the usual six in common diterpanes of the abietane-type. Dehydroicetexanes can be detected using GC-MS-MS in m/z 270?146 chromatograms without interference from dehydroabietane or other isomers. Dehydroicetexanes are often abundant ...Hans Peter Nytoft, Geir Kildahl-Andersen, Sofie Lindström, Frode Rise, Achim Bechtel, Danica Mitrović, Nataša Đoković, Dragana Životić, Ksenija A. Stojanović. "Dehydroicetexanes in sediments and crude oils: Possible markers for Cupressoideae" in Organic Geochemistry, Elsevier BV (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2019.01.001
Mineral Resources of Serbia: Environmental, Societal and Economic Challenges
... onal companies. AlI the fatty acid chains incorporated in the biodiesel composition are those originated from the starting triglycerides. Hence, the FAME composition of biodiesel reflects the fatty acid (FA) composition of the source triglycerides and it determines some critical properties of ...
... SMEs from agro-food sectors etc.) in investing in physical assets of agricultural holdings while measures contained in NPRD mainly addressed smaller agricultural holdings to invest in increasing their plant and animal production. Investments in physical assets concerning processing and marketing of ...
... Contributor Copy Environmental Concerns in Serbia 229 Contact: sstanisic -0 singidunum.ac.rs Education: 2011. PhD – Faculty of Physical Chemistry (Environmental Physical Chemistry), University of Belgrade, Serbia; 2004. Bachelor of Dental Medicine — Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade ...Vladimir Simić, Rade Jelenković, Dragana Životić. "Mineral Resources of Serbia: Environmental, Societal and Economic Challenges" in Serbia: Current Issues and Challenges in the Areas of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment,, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (2019)
Polyhedral characteristics of the cosalite-type crystal structures
Sabina Kovač, Predrag Dabić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Aleksandar Pačevski, Ljiljana Karanović, Marko V. Rodić, Martina Tribus (2019)Sabina Kovač, Predrag Dabić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Aleksandar Pačevski, Ljiljana Karanović, Marko V. Rodić, Martina Tribus. "Polyhedral characteristics of the cosalite-type crystal structures" in The Canadian Mineralogist, Mineralogical Association of Canada (2019). https://doi.org/10.3749/canmin.1900017
Development of a petrographic classification system for organic particles affected by self-heating in coal waste. (An ICCP Classification System, Self-heating Working Group – Commission III)
M. Misz-Kennan, J. Kus, D. Flores, C. Avila, Z. Büçkün, N. Choudhury, K. Christanis, J.P. Joubert, S. Kalaitzidis, A.I. Karayigit, M. Malecha, M. Marques, P. Martizzi, J.M.K. O'Keefe, W. Pickel, G. Predeanu, S. Pusz, J. Ribeiro, S. Rodrigues, A.K. Singh, I. Suárez-Ruiz, I. Sýkorová, N.J. Wagner, D. Životić (2020)Self-heating of coal waste is a major problem in the leading coal-producing and consuming countries, independent of the recent or past coal exploitation history. The phenomenon of self-heating is dependent on many factors such as the properties of organic matter (maceral composition and rank), moisture and pyrite content, climate effects, and storage conditions (shape of the dump or compaction of the coal waste). Once deposited, coal waste undergoes oxidation, which can lead to self- heating with the overall temperatures ...M. Misz-Kennan, J. Kus, D. Flores, C. Avila, Z. Büçkün, N. Choudhury, K. Christanis, J.P. Joubert, S. Kalaitzidis, A.I. Karayigit, M. Malecha, M. Marques, P. Martizzi, J.M.K. O'Keefe, W. Pickel, G. Predeanu, S. Pusz, J. Ribeiro, S. Rodrigues, A.K. Singh, I. Suárez-Ruiz, I. Sýkorová, N.J. Wagner, D. Životić. "Development of a petrographic classification system for organic particles affected by self-heating in coal waste. (An ICCP Classification System, Self-heating Working Group – Commission III)" in International Journal of Coal Geology, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2020.103411
Influence of DEM resolution on numerical modelling of debris flows in RAMMS - Selanac case study
Debris flows induced by intensive rainfall represent very hazardous phenomena in many parts of the World. Methods for prediction of runout distance of flow like mass movements are different and depending on the input data, rheology, and available or appropriate numerical solution. However, sometimes it is not easy to obtain pre event and post event high-resolution data in the rural or mountainous area. Thus, the topology of terrain is the most important input parameter for the every real case ...... Generally, numerical approaches are divided into two goups: empirical-statistical (Rickenmann, 1999, Legros, 2002), while others are based on physical-deterministic (dynamical) approaches (Savage and Hutter, 1989; Hungr, 1995; Iverson, 1997; Takahashi, 2007; Wu, 2015). Many empirical-statistical ...
... parameters and they are relatively easy to use. In contrast, dynamical models are independent from local conditions, since such models implement physical principles, like the conservation of mass, momentum and energy of bulk mixtures (Rickenmann, 2005). In this paper, results of RAMMS debris-flow ...
... contact of Triassic limestones and magmatic rocks with Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks. Debris flow material is highly heterogeneous in lithological composition, as well as grain size distribution (up to m 3 boulders) (Fig. 3). Figure 3 UAV images of a) soure area b) transportation zone (April 2017) ...Jelka Krušić, Biljana Abolmasov, Mileva Samardžić Petrović. "Influence of DEM resolution on numerical modelling of debris flows in RAMMS - Selanac case study" in 4th Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic Balkan Region, 23-25 October 2019, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Geotechnical Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2019). https://doi.org/ 10.35123/ReSyLAB_2019
Пројекат ПРИЗМА: Карактеризација и технолошки поступци за рециклажу и поновну употребу флотацијске јаловине рудника „Рудник“
Владимир Симић, Стефан Петровић, Филип Арнаут, Весна Цветков, Милена Костовић, Драган Радуловић, Јовица Стојановић, Владимир Јовановић, Дејан Тодоровић, Нина Николић, Јелена Сенћански, Грозданка Богдановић, Драгана Мариловић (2024)Владимир Симић, Стефан Петровић, Филип Арнаут, Весна Цветков, Милена Костовић, Драган Радуловић, Јовица Стојановић, Владимир Јовановић, Дејан Тодоровић, Нина Николић, Јелена Сенћански, Грозданка Богдановић, Драгана Мариловић. "Пројекат ПРИЗМА: Карактеризација и технолошки поступци за рециклажу и поновну употребу флотацијске јаловине рудника „Рудник“" in Записници Српског геолошког друштва, Београд : Српско геолошко друштво (2024)
Demise of the Wetterstein Carbonate Platform and onset of the Dachstein Carbonate Platform recorded in deep-water successions of the East Bosnian-Durmitor megaunit (Pliješevina, northern Montenegro, Dinarides)
Milica Mrdak, Eva Wagerer, Milan Sudar, Nevenka Djerić, Martin Đaković, Hans-Jürgen Gawlick. "Demise of the Wetterstein Carbonate Platform and onset of the Dachstein Carbonate Platform recorded in deep-water successions of the East Bosnian-Durmitor megaunit (Pliješevina, northern Montenegro, Dinarides)" in Geologica Carpathica, Central Library of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (2024). https://doi.org/10.31577/GeolCarp.2023.26
Kvartarni klastiti iz bušotine kod Aranđelovca (rasadnik Mladost)
Miroslav Radeta (2024)U ovom radu analizirani su kvartarni klastiti iz bušotine kod Aranđelovca IB 18-3, sa ciljem boljeg razumevanja njihovih sedimentoloških i litoloških karakteristika. Kvartarni sedimenti su prilično homogenog/uniformisanog sastava i čine ih finozrni klastiti (dominantno alevroliti) sa određenim procentom peskovite i glinovite frakcije. Oni su iskartirani u samoj povlati i debljina im je 27 m. U podini su gornjokredne karbonatne stene (krečnjaci, laporci, rekristalisali/mermerisani karbonati) i miocenski sediment predstavljeni raznovrsnim varijetetima klastično karbonatnih stena. Ispitivani kvartarni sedimenti odlikuju se odsustvom ...... alming to better understand their sedimentological and lithological characteristics. The Quaternary sediments are fairly homogeneous/uniform in composition, primarily consisting. of fine-grained clastites (dominantly siltstones) with a certain percentage of sandy and clay fractions. These sediments ...
... themselves are of deluvial-proluvial origin. Key words: Quaternary clasts, siltstones, 4randjelovac, granulometry, mineralogical petrographic composition SADRŽAJ J UPOD....aeeaeee e aeeaaeaaeaeaeeaeeaeeeeeeeaeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeee 1 PA IJ XOR RRRRIGRRARRRIGIARRRIGIOIRRRRGGOGIGGRROIG ...Miroslav Radeta. Kvartarni klastiti iz bušotine kod Aranđelovca (rasadnik Mladost), 2024
Sastav i teksture minerala FeO-Fe2O3-TiO2 sistema u vulkanskim stenama i porfirskim ležištima bakra Borske metalogenetske zone
Aleksandar Luković (2021)Proces obrazovanja minerala iz sistema FeO-Fe2O3-TiO2 u uzorcima vulkanskih stena i porfirskih orudnjenja borske zone prikazan kroz pojavu magnetita/hematita i njihovih alteracija. Minerali ove zone su ispitivani optičkim metodama (odbijena i propuštena svetlost), SEM-EDS/BSD, XRPD, LA-ICP-MS metodama. Rezultati ispitivanja su, pored glavnih Fe – Ti oksida, otkrili prisustvo ferijskog ilmenita u hornblenda andezitima I vulkanske faze kao i magnetita sa većim koncetracija Cr u zoni zlotske magnetne anomalije. Ispitivanje uzoraka iz bušotina porfirskih sistema borske zone otkriva postojanje nekoliko ...... Mineral. Petrol., 63, 103-111. Shull, C. G., Wollan, E. O., & Koehler, W. C., (1951): Neutron Scattering and Polarization by Ferromagnetic Materials. Physical Review, 84(5), 912–921. Sievwright, R. H., Wilkinson, J. J., O’Neill, H. S. C., & Berry, A. J., (2017): Thermodynamic controls on element partitioning ...
... disertacija Beograd, 2021 UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE FACULTY OF MINING AND GEOLOGY Aleksandar D. Luković Composition and textures of the minerals of FeO- Fe2O3-TiO2 system in volcanic rocks and porphyry copper deposits of the Bor metallogenic zone Doctoral ...
... naučna oblast: Fundamentalna i primenjena mineralogija UDK broj: 549.73:553.53(497.11)(043.3). ABSTRACT Composition and textures of the minerals of FeO-Fe2O3-TiO2 system in volcanic rocks and porphyry copper deposits of the Bor metallogenic zone The process ...Aleksandar Luković. Sastav i teksture minerala FeO-Fe2O3-TiO2 sistema u vulkanskim stenama i porfirskim ležištima bakra Borske metalogenetske zone, Beograd : [A. Luković], 2021
Hydrogeochemistry of Uranium in the Groundwaters of Serbia
Marina Ćuk, Maja Todorović, Petar Papić, Jovan Kovačević, Zoran Nikić. "Hydrogeochemistry of Uranium in the Groundwaters of Serbia" in Uranium - Past and Future Challenges, Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-11059-2_89
Numerical modeling of Selanac debris flow propagation using SPH code
The Selanac debris flow is a very huge event triggered after extreme rainfall caused by Cyclone Tamara activity in the Republic of Serbia in May 2014. The Selanac case study was already modelling in different programs using Voellmy rheology assumptions like RAMMS software. In this paper research are focusing particularly on the process of debris flowing from initiation zone to main deposition area using Geoflow SPH two-phase model considering frictional rheology law. Main rheological parameters are back-calculated using also ...... flow type landslides: empirical-statistical (Rickenmann, 1999, Legros, 2002), or physical (deterministic)- dynamical or numerical (Savage and Hutter, 1989; Hungr, 1995; Iverson, 1997; Takahashi, 2007; Wu, 2015). Physical models are progressing nowadays and giving a wide range of possibilities. Some ...
... material is highly heterogeneous in lithological SCG-XIII INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LANDSLIDES. CARTAGENA, COLOMBIA- JUNE 15th-19th-2020 composition, as well as grain size distribution (from fines to up to m 3 boulders in volume). The total length of the flow is 1.5 km and width is about ...Jelka Krušić, Biljana Abolmasov, Miloš Marjanović, Manuel Pastor, Saeid M. Tayyebi . "Numerical modeling of Selanac debris flow propagation using SPH code" in SCG-XIII International Symposium on Landslides. Cartagena, Colombia- February 22-26, 2021, International Society for Soil Mechanics And Geotechnical Engineering (2021)
Integrated Stratigraphy of the Middle–Upper Jurassic of the Krížna Nappe, Tatra Mountains
carbon and oxygen isotopes, radiolarians, calcareous dinoflagellates, radiolarites, Krížna Nappe, West ern Carpathians, Tethys... isotope composition of Oxfordian-Early Kimmeridgian belemnite rostra: palaeo- environmental implications for Late Jurassic seas. Palaeoge- ography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 203: 153—168. Wierzbowski, H., Dembicz, K. & Praszkier, T., 2000. Oxygen and carbon isotope composition of Cal ...
... an age. These facies pass into Upper Kimmeridgian-Lower Tithonian pelagic carbonates with abundant Saccocoma sp. The bulk-carbonate isotope composition of the carbonate-siliceous deposits shows positive and negative &5C excursions and shifts in the Early Bajocian, Late Bajocian, Early Bathonian ...
... dusky red, pinkish and greyish pink. The 45 bulk samples from the upper 60 m ofthe Filipka Valley section were analysed for stable isotope composition (Fig. 7). The ŠIŠC curve shows a slightly scattered pattern that probably results from the lower sampling resolution. In the uppermost part ...Renata Jach, Nevenka Đerić, Špela Goričan, Daniela Reháková. "Integrated Stratigraphy of the Middle–Upper Jurassic of the Krížna Nappe, Tatra Mountains" in Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae (2014)
Kinetics, mechanism, and equilibrium studies of the reactions between a ruthenium(II) complex and some nitrogen- and sulfur-donor nucleophiles
Aleksandar M. Mijatović, Ratomir M. Jelić, Jovana Bogojeski, Živadin D. Bugarčić, Biljana Petrović (2013)Kinetika i mehanizam reakcija supstitucije između [Ru(trpi)(bpi)Cl]+ sa nukleofilima gvanozin-5′-monofosfatom, L-histidinom, tioureom i dimetilsulfoksidom proučavani su spektrofotometrijski u 0,1 M NaClO4 na 310 K. Red reaktivnosti za odabrane ligande je: tiourea > gvanozin-5′-monofosfat > L-histidin > DMSO. Ovaj red je povezan sa elektronskim, strukturnim i hemijskim karakteristikama kompleksa i nukleofila. Reakcija supstitucije sa tioureom je proučavana na tri različite temperature (288, 298 i 310 K). Negativna entropija aktivacije DS = potvrđuje asocijativni način aktivacije. Formiranje kompleksa [Ru(trpi)(bpi)H2O]2+ sa ligandima ...... 1493 123 by potentiometric titrations in aqueous 0.1 M NaClO4 at 298 K in concentration ratios of 1:1, 1:2, and 2:1 (metal:- ligand). The composition of the species of the general formula MpHqLr (where M = [Ru(trpy)(bpy)H2O] 2?, HL = 50-GMP or L-His) was calculated using the computer program ...
... mono- functional complex [Ru(trpy)(bpy)Cl]? with 50-GMP and L-His forms very stable products, especially with 50-GMP. Finally, knowledge of the composition and stability of the species in the studied systems, especially at physiological pH, could contribute to a better understanding of some interactions ...Aleksandar M. Mijatović, Ratomir M. Jelić, Jovana Bogojeski, Živadin D. Bugarčić, Biljana Petrović. "Kinetics, mechanism, and equilibrium studies of the reactions between a ruthenium(II) complex and some nitrogen- and sulfur-donor nucleophiles" in Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00706-013-1044-1
Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases
Ispitivani su uticaji primene mono- i dvokomponentnih organskih modifikatora na određivanje lipofilnosti 12 tetradentatnih Šifovih baza metodom reverzno-fazne tankoslojne hromatografije. Osnovni cilj je da se proceni tip interakcije između posmatranih jedinjenja i komponenti primenjenih hromatografskih sistema i uspostavi neki obrazac ponašanja kako bi se lakše izabrala kombinacija organskih modifikatora koji će simulirati interakciju u biološkim sistemima na osnovu činjenica da iste osnovne intermolekularne interakcije su odgovorne za ponašanje supstanci i u biološkom i u hromatografskom sistemu. Primenjeni organski modifikator ...Nikola Stevanović, Aleksandar Mijatović, Aleksandar Lolić, Mario Zlatović, Rada Baošić. "Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases" in Chemical Papers, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-021-01884-5
Mesozoic carbonate rocks in Serbia used as dimension stone
Vesna Matović, Tijana Vojnović Ćalić (2016)The building industry in Serbia uses, to a great extent, imported natural stone for architectural purposes. The significance of local deposits, particularly limestones, is not adequately perceived despite the country’s abundance of these valuable resources. Therefore, this study focuses on Serbia’s Mesozoic carbonate rocks, specifically on the deposits of four selected quarries: Klisura, Skrzut, Struganik, and Tisnica. The quality and prospects of the application of these limestones has not yet been the subject of a detailed, comprehensive investigation. Therefore, ...... heterogeneity in terms of physical properties. Because of the low amount of void space, the bulk density varies slightly and is in range of 2,650–2,690 kg/ m* (Fig. 4a). The values of real density (2,700–2,712 kg/ m?) are in accordance with the mineral composition of these almost pure limestones ...
... deposited in four active quarries and com- pared them to a suitable usability reference. This work presents petrographic properties, along with physical and mechanical features of selected limestones. The aim is to explore a substantiated overview of the limestones” scope of application as dimension ...
... standardized solution of 1 MEDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) as the titrant. To determine the quality of the selected carbonate rocks, the physical and mechanical properties (bulk and apparent density, porosity, water absorption, frost resistance, com- pressive strength, and abrasive resistance) ...Vesna Matović, Tijana Vojnović Ćalić. "Mesozoic carbonate rocks in Serbia used as dimension stone" in Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-015-0722-0