316 items
Stratigraphy and Microfauna (Radiolarians and Foraminifera) of the Upper Cretaceous (Upper Santonian–Lower Campanian) Carbonate Deposits in the Area of Struganik Village, Western Serbia)
Santonian, Campanian, radiolarians, planktonic foraminifera, biostratigraphy, limestones, Struganik, SerbiaLiubov Bragina, Nikita Bragin, Luidmila Kopaevich, Nevenka Đerić, Nataša Gerzina Spajić. "Stratigraphy and Microfauna (Radiolarians and Foraminifera) of the Upper Cretaceous (Upper Santonian–Lower Campanian) Carbonate Deposits in the Area of Struganik Village, Western Serbia)" in Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, Pleiades Publishing Ltd (2020). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0869593820010037
Kontaktni metamorfizam gornjokrednih sedimentnih stena Rudnika
Kostić N. Bojan (2021)Kontaktni metamorfizam gornjokrednih sedimentnih stena na planini Rudnik ispitivan je na uzorcima iz pet bušotina. Definisano je šest varijeteta krednih stena (protolita) koji čine dve litološke jedinice izgrađene od klastičnog, karbonatnog i klastično-karbonatnog materijala. Vulkanskom aktivnosti na Rudniku formirana su vulkanska tela koja se utiskuju duž slojevitosti sedimentnih stena, a neka ih presecaju u vidu dajkova. Starost ovog vulkanskog događaja određena je na 23.9 miliona godina. Ovaj miocenski vulkanizam doveo je do kontaktno metamorfnih promena sedimentnih stena i obrazovanja skarnova ...... Contact metamorphism of upper cretaceous sedimentary rocks of Rudnik ABSTRACT Contact metamorphism of the Upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks from Rudnik Mt was studied on core samples from five boreholes. Six varieties of Cretaceous rocks (protoliths) in two distinct lithological units were ...
... volcanic event in Rudnik before 23.9 Ma are emplaced either along bedding planes in sedimentary rocks, or in a form of cutting dikes. Miocene volcanism resulted in contact metamorphism of sedimentary rocks and formation of skarn and hornfelses. Skarns are classified on epidote, garnet-vesuvianite ...
... UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE FACULTY OF MINING AND GEOLOGY Bojan N. Kostić CONTACT METAMORPHISM OF UPPER CRETACEOUS SEDIMENTARY ROCKS OF RUDNIK Doctoral Dissertation Belgrade, 2021 Komisija za ocenu i odbranu doktorske ...Kostić N. Bojan. Kontaktni metamorfizam gornjokrednih sedimentnih stena Rudnika, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2021
Back-arc underplating provided crustal accretion affecting topography and sedimentation in the Adria microplate
Paolo Mancinelli, Vittorio Scisciani, Cristina Pauselli, Gérard M. Stampfli, Fabio Speranza, Ivana Vasiljević (2021)Supported by evidence of deep crustal sources for the observed magnetic anomalies in Central Italy and by outcropping gabbros in the Croatian archipelago, we model the observed gravity and magnetic anomalies in the Central Adriatic Sea and surroundings. We suggest that the major magnetic anomalies in the area are related to a wide underplating and propose that this volume represents the first stage of the back-arc Adria continental breakup in Early Permian times. During the Palaeotethys-Adria collision, underplating has ...Paolo Mancinelli, Vittorio Scisciani, Cristina Pauselli, Gérard M. Stampfli, Fabio Speranza, Ivana Vasiljević. "Back-arc underplating provided crustal accretion affecting topography and sedimentation in the Adria microplate" in Marine and Petroleum Geology, Elsevier Ltd. (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105470
Uticaj raspadanja na stabilnost kosina u mekoj stenskoj masi
Anđela Despotov (2024)U radu je opisano ponašanje mekih stenskih masa koje su izložene porecesu raspadanja tokom određenog vremenskog perioda. Meke stenske predstavljaju kritične vrste stenskih masa pošto izazivaju različite probleme tokom izvođenja građevinskih radova. Meke stene mogu biti sedimentne stene, raspadnute metamorfne i magmatske stene. Odlikuju se niskim vrednostima čvrstoće, visokom deformabilnošću, visokom plastičnošću, podložne su dezintegraciji i fizičko-hemijskom raspadanju, odnosno ubrzanom dejstvu površinskog raspadanja usled atmosferskih uticaja.Za klasifikaciju mekih stenskih masa koriste se modifikovane verzije već postojećih klasifikacionih sistema. Jedan ...... mechanical properties of reservoir rocks. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Volume 34, article id. 298.e1. 27. Sousa i dr. (1997), Experimental investigation on the influence of temperature on the mechanical properties of reservoir rocks. International Journal of Rock ...
... American Rock Mechanics Conference. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia 3. ASTM. (2008) Standard Test Method for Slake Durability of Shales and Similar Weak Rocks. ASTM designation D 4644-08 4.. Bar, N. i dr., (2023), A 2023 perspective on Rock Mas Classification Systems. 5th ISRM Congress 2023 & 72nd G ...
... of Large Storage Caverns in a Weak Jointed Chalk. Third Cycle of Conferences on Rock Mechanics and Engineering - MIR90 - Le Tocce Tenere -Weak Rocks (pp.22-1 to 22-21). Politecnico di Torino, Torino 6. Berisavljević, Z., Berisavljević, D., Marjanović, M., (2021) Stabilnost kosina u stenskoj masi ...Anđela Despotov. Uticaj raspadanja na stabilnost kosina u mekoj stenskoj masi, 2024
Hidrogeohemijska valorizacija esencijalnih mikroelemenata mineralnih voda Srbije
Jana S. Stojković (2013-09-25)Mineralne vode još od davnina privlače pažnju ljudi i to kako u pogledu istraživanja iproučavanja, tako i u pogledu njihovog iskorišćavanja. Naročito je važno poznavanjesadržaja mikroelemenata u njima, jer su to komponente njihovog hemijskog sastavakoje ih odvajaju od tzv. „običnih“ malomineralizovanih voda.U ovom radu proučavani su odabrani esencijalni mikroelementi (fluor, bor, litijum,kalijum, stroncijum i silicijum), u mineralnim vodama Srbije, pri čemu je analiziranopreko 130 uzoraka mineralnih voda iz različitih geoloških sredina, to jest hidrogeološkihrejona. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ...esencijalni mikroelementi, faktori migracije, zakonomernosti rasprostranjenja, hidrogeohemijski procesi, multivarijantna statistička analiza, mineralne vode Srbije... volcanic rocks is always present. The second factor is present at the mineral water occurrences located in carbonate rocks at the edge of Neogene basins or in underlying carbonate rocks. The domination of the third factor is connected to the areas where volcanic and pyroclastic rocks dominate ...
... third factor, which is characterized by the effect of base thermal waters on silica minerals of the acid igneous rocks and in the metamorphic rocks originated from granitic rocks. Key words: essential microelements, migration factors, spatial distribution, hydrogeochemical processes, ...
... , hydrochemically mature groundwaters; carbonic acid weathering of schists, granitoid intrusions and Tertiary volcanic rocks; cation exchange; dissolution of carbonate rocks; the effect of nitrogen thermal waters on silica minerals and also on silicate minerals rich in fluorine and lithium. The ...Jana S. Stojković. "Hidrogeohemijska valorizacija esencijalnih mikroelemenata mineralnih voda Srbije" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2013-09-25)
Numerical modeling of Selanac debris flow propagation using SPH code
The Selanac debris flow is a very huge event triggered after extreme rainfall caused by Cyclone Tamara activity in the Republic of Serbia in May 2014. The Selanac case study was already modelling in different programs using Voellmy rheology assumptions like RAMMS software. In this paper research are focusing particularly on the process of debris flowing from initiation zone to main deposition area using Geoflow SPH two-phase model considering frictional rheology law. Main rheological parameters are back-calculated using also ...... Jurassic ophiolites, while transportation and deposition area belongs to tectonic contact of Triassic limestones and magmatic rocks from one side with Paleozoic metamorphic rocks from the other. Debris flow material is highly heterogeneous in lithological SCG-XIII INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LANDSLIDES ...Jelka Krušić, Biljana Abolmasov, Miloš Marjanović, Manuel Pastor, Saeid M. Tayyebi . "Numerical modeling of Selanac debris flow propagation using SPH code" in SCG-XIII International Symposium on Landslides. Cartagena, Colombia- February 22-26, 2021, International Society for Soil Mechanics And Geotechnical Engineering (2021)
Analysis and visualization of geophysical well-logging data from closely spaced boreholes
Geophysical logging measurements for determining the condition of the rock mass on the dam profile and locating the predisposed directions of water circulation and loss from the reservoir were conducted in four boreholes distributed at a close distance. The survey was carried out in a typical karst terrain, which is an additional challenge for defining the geological model, especially in terms of water retention. That kind of data set provides an excellent opportunity for a new approach to analysis ...... for determining the condition of the rock mass on the dam profile and locating the predisposed directions of water circulation and loss from the reservoir were conducted in four boreholes distributed at a close distance. The survey was carrled out in a typical karst terrain, which is an additional ...
... structures that appear to a large extent in such a typical karst environment. Therefore, they are the essence of the problem of water loss from the reservoir, and their detection and determination of their character in terms of predisposition to water circulation is a key task of geophysical surveys ...
... information about #cavities, · sinkholes, pathways for water “ infiltration as well as the degree of karstification of underlying carbonate rocks (Hussain et al., 2020). Compared to some other geophysical methods (primarily electrometric and seismic methods), which are standardly used in ...Branislav Sretković, Ivana Vasiljević, Dimitry Sidorov - Biryukov. "Analysis and visualization of geophysical well-logging data from closely spaced boreholes" in Vth Congress of the Geologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia, September 27-28, 2024, Macedonian Geological Society (2024)
Prognozna ocena resursa kaolinitskih glina u sedimentnim basenima Srbije
Vladimir M. Simić (2003)Kaolinitske gline predstavljaju jednu od privredno najznačajnijih nemetaličnih mineralnih sirovina u Srbiji. Ležišta tih glina odavno se istražuju i eksploatišu u Aranđelovačkom i Kolubarskom basenu i basenima vlašićkog antiklinorijuma. Osim toga, u većem ili manjem obimu istražene su mnoge lokalnosti, a na nekima od njih vršila se povremena eksploatacija. Dosadašnja istraživanja kaolinitskih glina imala su, međutim, prevashodno uzak istraživački cilj - utvrđivanje rezervi glina određenog ležišta, dok su istraživanja regionalnog karaktera bila malog obima i vezana za delove pojedinih ...prognozna ocena, resursi kaolinitskih glina, sedimentni baseni, Srbija, geologija, mineralogija, kvalitet, potencijalnostVladimir M. Simić. Prognozna ocena resursa kaolinitskih glina u sedimentnim basenima Srbije, Beograd : V. Simić, 2003
Stepen metamorfizma metaklastita rudnika
Vanja Ćuk (2024)Zadatak ovog rada je bio, potvrda saznanja da se na planini Rudnik dogodio kontaktni metamorfizam gornjokrednih sedimentnih stena i da se ispita intenzitet kontakto-metamorfnih promena. Posle kraćeg opisa geografskog položaja, pregleda ranijih istraživanja i geologije šireg područja, usmerena je pažnja na petrološka ispitivanja metaklastita i na kontaktno-metamorfne facije. Usled stvaranja različitih vulkanogenih facija odnosno usled vulkanskih erupcija, delovanjem zagrejane magme (lave) ili zagrejanih fluida, došlo je do kontaktnog metamorfizma, na granici oligocen-miocen i do stvaranja različitih metamorfnih stena, a ...Vanja Ćuk. Stepen metamorfizma metaklastita rudnika, 2024
Површинско распадање керсантита из Тешића мајдана у корелацији са начином обраде на примеру малог степеништа (Београдска тврђава)
Невенка Новаковић (2024)Архитектуру Београда на прелазу 19. у 20. век обележила је употреба керсантита из каменолома Тешића мајдана. Kao камен високих декоративних својстава, керсантит је коришћен за јавне споменике, делове или потпуну изградњу објеката (Народна скупштина Србије, Мало степениште, Народни музеј и др.). Како очување споменика културе изискује познавање својстава уграђеног камена, истраживања су обухватила детаљно проучавање петролошких, хемијских и физичких карактеристика керсантита из Тешића мајданa и узорака камена из споменика Мало степениште (студија случаја). Након детаљног мапирања стања керсантита, лабораторијских ...керсантит, Мало степениште, споменик културе, архитектонски камен, физичко-хемијско распадање, мапирање, форме распадања, површинска обрадаНевенка Новаковић. Површинско распадање керсантита из Тешића мајдана у корелацији са начином обраде на примеру малог степеништа (Београдска тврђава), Београд : [Н. Новаковић], 2024
Characterization of the eastern Suva Planina Mt. karst aquifer (SE Serbia) by time series analysis and stochastic modelling
Earth-Surface Processes,Geology, Pollution, Soil Science, Water Science and Technology, Environmental Chemistry, Global and Planetary ChangeBranislav Petrović, Veljko Marinović, Zoran Stevanović. "Characterization of the eastern Suva Planina Mt. karst aquifer (SE Serbia) by time series analysis and stochastic modelling" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-023-10911-5
Lamprofiri Kolaričke reke (Boranja)
Luka Jović (2024)Lamprofiri su grupa egzotičnih ultrakalijskih stena poznatih po sadrţaju nekompatibilnih elemenata i elemenata retkih zemalja. U našem delu sveta pojavljuju se u okviru ultrakalijskih provincija u Španiji, Italiji, Srbiji, Makedoniji i Turskoj. U Srbiji su zastupljeni ponajviše u zapadnim delovima zemlje, oko opština Ljubovija i Mali Zvornik, ali i u široj okolini Rudnika, Kopaonika i u istočnoj Srbiji. Mnoga ispitivanja sprovedena su u rudnom polju Veliki Majdan u zapadnoj Srbiji sa čije jugoistočne strane protiče Kolarička reka. Ovaj lokalitet ...geohemija, lamprofiri, ultrakalijski magmatizam, elementi retkih zemalja, mešanje magmi, mineta, kersantit, flogopit... Classification of lamprophyres, lamproites, kimberlites and the kalsilitic, melilitic, and leucitic rocks, The Canadian Mineralogist, Volume 34, p. 175-186. Le Maitre R.W. i dr., 2005: Igneous Rocks: A Classification and Glossary of Terms, Cambridge University Press. Deer W.A., Howie R.A., Zussman ...
... magmatizam, elementi retkih zemalja, mešanje magmi, mineta, kersantit, flogopit; SUMMARY Lamprophyres are an exotic group of ultrapotassic igneous rocks characterized by high concentrations . of incompatible trace elements, including rare earth elements (REEs). In Serbia, they are primarily found ...
... the interaction between lamprophyres and calc-alkaline felsic magmas, which we consider crucial for the petrogenesis of these distinctive igneous rocks. Key words: geochemistry, lamprophyres, ultrapotassic magmatism, rare-earth elements, magma mixing, minette, kersantite, phlogopite; SADRŽAJ ...Luka Jović. Lamprofiri Kolaričke reke (Boranja), 2024
Analysis Of the Process Of Carbon Capture Utilization And Storage In Underground Reservoirs
John Nyame (2024)The importance of mitigating the effects of global climate change has necessitated an in-depth exploration of innovative strategies to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Among these strategies, Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) has emerged as a promising and transformative solution. This master thesis delves into the diverse realm of CCUS processes, aiming to unravel the positives challenges, and opportunities within this dynamic field. The analysis begins with a systematic examination of carbon capture technologies, encompassing post-combustion, pre-combustion, and oxy-fuel combustion ...... place in a storage reservoir through trapping mechanisms which include: structural trapping where impermeable rocks shifted by a fold or fault keep the CO> from escaping, residual trapping where CO is trapped in the tiny pores in rocks by the capillary pressure of fluids in the rocks after injection ...
... and permeability, large reservoir size and an impermeable cap. The high pressures encountered in deep saline formations indicate that they can withstand CO- injection [2]. As formation water becomes saturated with dissolved CO- the density rises and sinks in the reservoir, a process that effectively ...
... injected into depleted gas reservoirs to enhance gas recovery by repressurizing the reservoir [66]. Oil displacement is dependent on the phase behavior of CO» and crude oil mixtures that are strongly dependent on reservoir temperature, pressure and crude oil composition. These mechanisms range from ...John Nyame. Analysis Of the Process Of Carbon Capture Utilization And Storage In Underground Reservoirs, 2024
Split-Desktop software for the analysis of fragment size distribution of blasted rock mass
Milanka Negovanović, Lazar Kričak, Stefan Milanović, Jovan Marković, Nikola Simić, Snežana Ignjatović (2023)Drobljenje stena je najvažniji pokazatelj u proceni efekata miniranja pri proizvodnom miniranju u površinskoj eksploataciji. Stepen drobljenja stena ima veliki uticaj na efikasnost daljih operacija utovara, transporta, drobljenja i mlevenja. Optimalno drobljenje stena pri proizvodnom miniranju utiče na smanjenje ukupnih troškova proizvodnje. Stoga je pouzdana procena veličine drobljenja odminirane stenske mase veoma važno pitanje, ne samo u operacijama miniranja, već i u rudarskoj proizvodnji. Za predviđanje distribucije veličine komada odminirane stenske mase postoje različiti empirijski modeli. KUZ-RAM model omogućava ...Milanka Negovanović, Lazar Kričak, Stefan Milanović, Jovan Marković, Nikola Simić, Snežana Ignjatović. "Split-Desktop software for the analysis of fragment size distribution of blasted rock mass" in 9th International Conference Mining and environmental protection, Sokobanja, Serbia, 24 – 27. May 2023, Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2023)
XRD dertermination od hydrothermal phases related to epithermal mineralization in the Čukaru Peki deposit
Dragana Bosić, Vladica Cvetković, Miodrag Banješević, Kristina Šarić. "XRD dertermination od hydrothermal phases related to epithermal mineralization in the Čukaru Peki deposit" in V Congress of Geologists of Republic of Macedonia ": “Geology in a changing world”, Makedonsko geološko društvo (2024)
Groundwater resources for drinking water supply in Serbia´s Southeast Pannonian basin
Dušan Polomčić, Bojan Hajdin, Marina Ćuk, Petar Papić, Zoran Stevanović. "Groundwater resources for drinking water supply in Serbia´s Southeast Pannonian basin" in Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (2014)
An arid phase in the Internal Dinarides during the early to middle Miocene: Inferences from Mg-clays in the Pranjani Basin (Serbia)
N. Andrić-Tomašević, V. Simić, O. Mandic, D. Životić, M. Suárez, E. García-Romero. "An arid phase in the Internal Dinarides during the early to middle Miocene: Inferences from Mg-clays in the Pranjani Basin (Serbia)" in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.110145
A hundred years of Milutin Milanković's climate change theory - geological implications
Dejan Radivojević (2020)Миланковићева теорија циклуса објављена пре сто година је најважнија теорија у наукама које проучавају климу и имала је велики утицај на дисциплине које се баве Земљом. Ипак, његов рад је чекао више од педесет година да би добио потврду. Може се рећи да Миланковићев рад највећи утицај на геологију има у изради астрономске временске скале, подршци хипотези континенталног дрифта и палеоклиматологији. Добри резултати примене астрономске временске скале на неогене седименте иницирали су примену ове методе у мезозојским и у последње ...циклостратиграфија, астономска временска скала, геолошка временска скала, климатске промене, континентални дрифт... planets jupiter and venus. The core samples from the Chinle Formation were dated and correlated to Newark Basin Triassic rocks to de- termine climate cycles age and timing logged in the rocks and represent the material geologic evidence of 405 kyr Milanković’s cycle (CALLIER, 2018). ATS based on Milanković’s ...
... accuracy and resolution of the stratigraphic timeframe. The evidence of climate change that corresponds to solar cycles could be found in sedimentary rocks (Fig. 3) by interpreta- tion of strata according to their glacial or interglacial characteristics. Sedimentation rates spatially and temporary varies ...Dejan Radivojević. "A hundred years of Milutin Milanković's climate change theory - geological implications" in Geološki anali Balkanskoga Poluostrva, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko geološki fakultet (2020). https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP201125011R
Review: Methodological approaches and research techniques for addressing construction and remediation problems in karst reservoirs
Saša Milanović, Ljiljana Vasić (2021)Saša Milanović, Ljiljana Vasić. "Review: Methodological approaches and research techniques for addressing construction and remediation problems in karst reservoirs" in Hydrogeology Journal, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-020-02280-1
Konceptualni model hidrogeotermalnog sistema šire okoline Brusa - geotermalna karakterizacija sistema / Conceptual model of hydrothermal system of Brus area - system geothermal characterization
Dejan Milenić, Ana Vranješ, Marinko Toljić, Ivana Vasiljević, Natalija Radosavljević, Matija Ognjanović (2024)Postavljeni konceptualni model hidrogeotermalnog sistema Brusa sa širom okolinom testiran je primenom različitih hidrohemijskih i izotopskih metoda u cilju njegove verifikacije i karakterizacije. Rezultati su ukazali na atomsfersko poreklo geotermalnih fluida i na razviće primarnih rezervoara u okviru karbonatnih stena. Prvi rezervoar formiran je u okviru krečnjaka gornjotrijakse starosti, dok drugi rezervoar egzistira u okviru trijskaih mermera. Zone prihranjivanja locirane su u zapadnom delu terena. Sistemi gravitacionih raseda kontrolišu kretanje fluida u sistemu, dok proces jonske izmene dominira u ...Dejan Milenić, Ana Vranješ, Marinko Toljić, Ivana Vasiljević, Natalija Radosavljević, Matija Ognjanović. "Konceptualni model hidrogeotermalnog sistema šire okoline Brusa - geotermalna karakterizacija sistema / Conceptual model of hydrothermal system of Brus area - system geothermal characterization" in XVII Srpski simpozijum o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem , Pirot, Serbia, 02-06. October 2024, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2024). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13739443