309 items
Groundwater management by riverbank filtration and an infiltration channel, the case of Obrenovac, Serbia
Dušan Polomčić, Bojan Hajdin, Zoran Stevanović, Dragoljub Bajić, Katarina Hajdin. "Groundwater management by riverbank filtration and an infiltration channel, the case of Obrenovac, Serbia" in Hydrogeology Journal, Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer, International Association of Hydrogeologists (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-013-1025-9
Rockfall simulation on a rock slope along E75 road at km 890+725 to 891-093
Abolmasov Biljana, Marjanović Miloš, Milenković Svetozar, Pejić Marko, Berisavljević Zoran. "Rockfall simulation on a rock slope along E75 road at km 890+725 to 891-093" in Proceedings of the 16th Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering-Geotechnical hazards and risks: Experiences and practices, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia 1, :Willey Ernst and Sons (2018): 269-274
Building objects and households inventorying for the purpose of risk estimation on the Umka landslide near Belgrade
Đurić Uroš, Marjanović Miloš, Abolmasov Biljana, Radić Zoran, Jelisavac Branko. "Building objects and households inventorying for the purpose of risk estimation on the Umka landslide near Belgrade" in Abstract Book 17th Serbian Geological Congress, May 17‐20, Vrnjačka Banja 2, Beograd:Srpsko geološko društvo (2018): 668-669
Opšti geotehnički uslovi izgradnje autoputa E-80 Niš – Merdare, Deonica: Niš – Pločnik - II Deo
Rakić Dragoslav, Berisavljević Zoran, Basarić Irena, Lazić Mirko, Stevanović Miloš. "Opšti geotehnički uslovi izgradnje autoputa E-80 Niš – Merdare, Deonica: Niš – Pločnik - II Deo" in Zbornik radova sedmog naučno-stručnog međunarodnog savetovanja - Geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva, Šabac:Savez gradjevinskih inženjera Srbije (2017): 83-92
Opšti geotehnički uslovi izgradnje autoputa E-80 Niš – Merdare, Deonica: Niš – Pločnik - I Deo
Rakić Dragoslav, Berisavljević Zoran, Basarić Irena, Lazić Mirko, Stevanović Miloš. "Opšti geotehnički uslovi izgradnje autoputa E-80 Niš – Merdare, Deonica: Niš – Pločnik - I Deo" in Zbornik radova sedmog naučno-stručnog međunarodnog savetovanja - Geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva, Šabac:Savez gradjevinskih inženjera Srbije (2017): 75-82
Inženjerskogeološki uslovi izgradnje prve deonice autoputa Niš – Merdare“ (Engineering-geological conditions for the construction of the first section of Niš-Merdare highway),
Rakić Dragoslav, Berisavljević Zoran, Basarić Irena, Lazić Mirko, Miloš Stevanović. "Inženjerskogeološki uslovi izgradnje prve deonice autoputa Niš – Merdare“ (Engineering-geological conditions for the construction of the first section of Niš-Merdare highway)," in Treći Srpski kongres o putevima, Beograd: (2018): 12-23
Fuzzy Model for Selection of Underground Mine Development System in a Bauxite Deposit
Jovanović Saša, Gligorić Zoran, Beljić Čedomir, Gluščević Branko, Cvijović Čedomir. "Fuzzy Model for Selection of Underground Mine Development System in a Bauxite Deposit" in Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (AJSE) 6 no. 39, :Springer Publishing (2014): 4529-4539. https://doi.org/AJSE-D-13-00220R3
Geotechnical zoning of the terrain along the first section of E-80 highway in Serbia – SEETO route 7
Part of E-80 highway that passes through Serbia (from the city of Nis to the administrative border Merdare) is 77 km long. The highway is divided into two sections: the first from Nis to Plocnik (39.4 km long) and the second from Plocnik to the administrative border with Kosovo. The route is designed through a typical plain and hilly terrain in which different geological units are dominant: crystalline schists, neogene sediments of foothills and quaternary sediments in the valley ...... Rakić, Zoran Berisavljević, Irena Basarić, Snežana Bogdanović, Jovana Janković Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Geotechnical zoning of the terrain along the first section of E-80 highway in Serbia – SEETO route 7 | Dragoslav Rakić, Zoran Berisavljević ...
... tronçon de l'autoroute E-80 en Serbie - SEETO route Dragoslav Rakic University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, Serbia Zoran Berisavljevic Corridors of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia Irena Basaric, Snezana Bogdanovic, Jovana Jankovic University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining ...Dragoslav Rakić, Zoran Berisavljević, Irena Basarić, Snežana Bogdanović, Jovana Janković. "Geotechnical zoning of the terrain along the first section of E-80 highway in Serbia – SEETO route 7" in Proceedings of the XVII European Conference of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering ECSMGE-2019, Reykjavik, Iceland, 1-6. 09. 2019., ISSMGE, ECSMGE-2019 (2019). https://doi.org/10.32075/17ECSMGE-2019-0393
Pre-failure deformation monitoring as rockfall prediction tool
... Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Zoran Berisavljević, Marko Pejić, Petko Vranić Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Pre-failure deformation monitoring as rockfall prediction tool | Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Zoran Berisavljević, Marko Pejić ...
... 1088/1755-1315/833/1/012197 1 Pre-failure deformation monitoring as rockfall prediction tool Miloš Marjanović1, Biljana Abolmasov1, Zoran Berisavljević1, Marko Pejić2, and Petko Vranić2 1University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina 7, Belgrade, Serbia 2University ...Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Zoran Berisavljević, Marko Pejić, Petko Vranić. "Pre-failure deformation monitoring as rockfall prediction tool" in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, IOP Publishing (2021). https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/833/1/012197
Groundwater resources for drinking water supply in Serbia´s Southeast Pannonian basin
Dušan Polomčić, Bojan Hajdin, Marina Ćuk, Petar Papić, Zoran Stevanović. "Groundwater resources for drinking water supply in Serbia´s Southeast Pannonian basin" in Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (2014)
Hydrogeochemistry of Uranium in the Groundwaters of Serbia
Marina Ćuk, Maja Todorović, Petar Papić, Jovan Kovačević, Zoran Nikić. "Hydrogeochemistry of Uranium in the Groundwaters of Serbia" in Uranium - Past and Future Challenges, Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-11059-2_89
Transboundary groundwater resource management: needs for monitoring the Cijevna River Basin (Montenegro–Albania)
The transboundary Cijevna River Basin shared between Albania and Montenegro has a surface area of 650 km2. It is extremely important for water management, especially in the country of Montenegro which is downstream. Due to the high permeability of both the karst and intergranular aquifers that exist in the basin, the River Cijevna sinks along the length of its riverbed and in summer months it usually dries up completely at the confluence section. Hydrometry surveys undertaken during a drought ...Upravljanje međugraničnim vodama, ranjivost podzemnih voda, monitoring mreža, karstne izdani, Albanija, Crna GoraMomčilo Blagojević, Zoran Stevanović, Milan Radulović, Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović. "Transboundary groundwater resource management: needs for monitoring the Cijevna River Basin (Montenegro–Albania)" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-020-8809-8
Режим изданских вода карстног платоа Бабине (ЈЗ Србија, Пријепоље)
Бранислав Петровић, Вељко Мариновић, Зоран Стевановић, Саша Милановић, Љиљана Васић. "Режим изданских вода карстног платоа Бабине (ЈЗ Србија, Пријепоље)" in I скуп Одељења за математику, физику и гео-науке, 27.2.2021. , Београд : САНУ, Посебна издања Књ. DCXCVIII, Одељење за математику, физику и гео-науке (2021)
Novel Methods in Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Process (MCRAT and RAPS)—Application in the Mining Industry
Multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) is a supporting tool which is widely spread in different areas of science and industry. Many researchers have confirmed that MCDM methods can be useful for selecting the best solution in many different problems. In this paper, two novel methods are presented and applied on existing decision-making processes in the mining industry. The first method is multiple criteria ranking by alternative trace (MCRAT) and the second is ranking alternatives by perimeter similarity (RAPS). These ...Katarina Urošević, Zoran Gligorić, Igor MIljanović, Čedomir Beljić, Miloš Gligorić. "Novel Methods in Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Process (MCRAT and RAPS)—Application in the Mining Industry" in Mathematics, MDPI (Basel, Switzerland) (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/math9161980
Evaluation of Underground Zinc Mine Investment Based on Fuzzy-Interval Grey System Theory and Geometric Brownian Motion
Gligorić Zoran, Kričak Lazar, Beljić Čedomir, Lutovac Suzana, Milojević J.. "Evaluation of Underground Zinc Mine Investment Based on Fuzzy-Interval Grey System Theory and Geometric Brownian Motion" in Journal of Applied Mathematics, :Hindawi Publishing Corporation (2014)
Standard deviation of the geodetic quadrilateral point coordinates determined by the application of Hansens method
Aleksandar Ganić, Aleksandar Milutinović, Zoran Gojković, Radenko Mikanović, Nebojša Vidanović (2015)Aleksandar Ganić, Aleksandar Milutinović, Zoran Gojković, Radenko Mikanović, Nebojša Vidanović. "Standard deviation of the geodetic quadrilateral point coordinates determined by the application of Hansens method" in Časopis Underground Mining Engineering/Podzemni radovi no. 26, Beograd:Faculty of Mining and Geology (2015): 55-64
Dugoročno planiranje eksploatacije na površinskom kopu Cerovo kod Bora
Vaduvesković Zoran, Živković Milan, Vušović Nenad, Stevanović Dejan, Jovanović Mirjana. "Dugoročno planiranje eksploatacije na površinskom kopu Cerovo kod Bora" in Tehnika no. 5, Beograd:Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije (2012): 729-734
Forecasting the Behaviour of the Rock Mass Before Taking Up the Excavation on a Deeper Layers of the Ore Body Borska Reka
Zlatanović Dragan, Milisavljević Vladimir, Milenko Ljubojev, Dragan Ignjatović, Zoran Stojanović (2015)Zlatanović Dragan, Milisavljević Vladimir, Milenko Ljubojev, Dragan Ignjatović, Zoran Stojanović. "Forecasting the Behaviour of the Rock Mass Before Taking Up the Excavation on a Deeper Layers of the Ore Body Borska Reka" in Mining and Metalurgy Engineering Bor no. 2, Bor:Mining and Metallurgy Institute, Bor (2015): 29-52. https://doi.org/10.5937/MMEB1502029Z
3D modeling of terrain and spatial visualization of underground facilities in the Crveni breg mine
Crnogorac Luka, Gojković Zoran, Milutinović Aleksandar, Ganić Aleksandar, Tokalić Rade. "3D modeling of terrain and spatial visualization of underground facilities in the Crveni breg mine" in Časopis Podzemni radovi 1 no. 33, Beograd:Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2018): 17-30
Application of renewable energy sources along motorway infrastructures on high karst plateaus: West Serbia case
Milenić Dejan, Stevanović Zoran, Dragišić Veselin, Vranješ Ana, Savić Nevena. "Application of renewable energy sources along motorway infrastructures on high karst plateaus: West Serbia case" in Environmental Earth Sciences no. 75, :Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2016): 859. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-016-5635-0