397 items
Хазард од клизишта у Србији у 21. веку
Biljana Abolmasov (2019)... fall ( debris fall earth ffall ( toppling . ( . rock ‘topple ( debris) toprle earth )ttopple O) Ke ql / ~ ( rock slump. debris) slun(p earth )glump / 4 ( rodk glfide. debris slide earth glide / ( lateral . . rock ( debris ( - eayth spreading spread spread spread / > / ( debris flov earth fflow ( flowing ...
... (���. rock fall) ����� ������� (���. debris fall) ����� ��� (���. earth fall) ��������� (���. toppling) ��������� ���� (���. rock topple) ��������� ������� (���. debris topple) ��������� ��� (���. earth topple) � � � � � � � ( � � � . s l i d e ) ��������� ������� ����/ � ...
... �� � (���. rock slump) ������� ������� (���. debris slump) ������� ��� (���. earth slump) ���� ������� ������� ����/ �. �� � (���. rock slide) ������� ������� (���. debris slide) ������� ��� (���. earth slide) ����� ������ (���. lateral spreading) ����� ������ ����/ �. �� � (��� ...Biljana Abolmasov. "Хазард од клизишта у Србији у 21. веку" in Геохазард у Србији у 21. веку – знање је најбољи бедем против стихије, Српска академија наука и уметности (2019)
New data on the age of an Upper Cretaceous clastic-carbonate succession in Brežđe (Western Serbia)
Nevenka Đerić, Nataša Gerzina (2014)... HRVATOVIĆ, 2000; SCHMID et al., 2008). In Western Serbia, however, these sediments are absent, pos- sibly due to Early to mid-Cretaceous collisional processes (Schmid et al., 2008). In the wider research area, both Trias- sic sediments of the Jadar Block and Jurassic rocks of oce- anic origin that ...
... Great Valley Sequence.– Micropaleon- tol. Spec. Publ., 2/1, 96. ROBERTSON, A.H.F. & KARAMATA, S. (1994): The role of subduc- tion-accretion processes in thc tectonic cvolution of the Mesozoic Tethys in Serbia.- Tectonophysics, 234, 73—94. SANFILIPPO, A. & RIEDEL, W.R. (1985): Cretaceous Radiolaria ...Nevenka Đerić, Nataša Gerzina. "New data on the age of an Upper Cretaceous clastic-carbonate succession in Brežđe (Western Serbia)" in Geologia Croatica (2014)
Analysis of the exhaust emissions inventory from auxiliary mining machines
Stevan Đenadić, Aleksandar Mirković, Jovana Mitrović, Filip Miletić, Predrag Jovančić, Dragan Ignjatović (2023)Open-pit coal mines are equipped with a large number of mining machines and vehicles with diesel engines. Due to common daily operation of these machines and vehicles large amounts of exhaust gases which contain numerous pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere. The demand to reduce air pollution induced the activities in developed countries to map and calculate all gases emitted by industries to formulate and select adequate preventive activities. In collaboration with machine manufacturers, emission standards for off-road machines ...Stevan Đenadić, Aleksandar Mirković, Jovana Mitrović, Filip Miletić, Predrag Jovančić, Dragan Ignjatović. "Analysis of the exhaust emissions inventory from auxiliary mining machines" in 9th International Conference Mining and Environmental Protection, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2023)
Digitalizacija u rudarstvu: Kreiranje sistema za efikasno poslovno izveštavanje
Proces donošenja odluka u oblasti rudarstva i geologije uslovljen je blagovremenim posedovanjem kvalitetnih podataka i informacija. Kompleksnost rudarskih procesa nalaže prikupljanje podataka na dnevnom odnosno na smenskom nivou. Podaci kao takvi bez analitičkog pristupa nisu dovoljni. Kako bi pristup podacima bio brz i efikasan neophodno je posedovanje adekvatnog digitalnog rešenja uz adekvatne centralizovane baze podataka. U ovom radu je dat pregled trenutne pozicije rudarstva sa aspekta digitalne transformacije kao i predlog jednostavnog prototipa u obliku digitalnog sistema za poslovno ...... decision-making process in the field of mining and geology is conditioned by timely access to quality data and information. The complexity of mining processes requires data collection on a daily or shift basis. Data, as such, without an analytical approach, is insufficient. For access to data to be quick ...Stevan Đenadić, Aleksandar Mirković, Veljko Rupar . "Digitalizacija u rudarstvu: Kreiranje sistema za efikasno poslovno izveštavanje" in XVI Međunarodna rudarska konferencija OMC 2024, Zlatibor, 9 - 12. oktobar 2024, Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2024)
Отпад из процеса сагоревања угља као сировина за добијање елемената ретких земаља
Бојан Земљак (2024)Због великог броја индустрија у којима се користе ови ресурси, глобална економија се у великој мери ослања на елементе ретких земаља. Елементи ретких земаља су есенцијална сировина — материјал за развој савремених технологија, али у односу на њихову огромну потражњу, њихово вађење је ограничено и повезано је са значајним утицајима на животну средину. Због њихове ограничене доступности, проблема који се јављају при процесима експлоатације, све више и више земаља почиње да тражи повољније могућности вађења елемената [REE] из секундарних ...... with the development of rare earth element production in Canada. Environmental Reviews, 29(3), p.354-377. [134] Lei, S., Na, W., Shuai, Z. and Li, G., 2017. Overview on China's rare earth industry restructuring and regulation reforms. Joura! of Resources and Ecology, 8(3), p.213-222. [135] Ebyan ...
... Recovery of rare earth elements from coal fly ash through sequential chemical roasting, water leaching, and acid leaching processes. Journa! of Cleaner Production, 284, p.124725. [179] Demol, J., Ho, E. and Senanayake, G., 2018. Sulfuric acid baking and leaching of rare earth elements, thorium ...
... Ghahreman, A., 2017. A review on the cracking, baking and leaching processes of rare earth element concentrates. Jourma! of rare earths, 35(8), p.739-752. [184] Stoy, L., Diaz, V. and Huang, C.H., 2021. Preferential recovery of rare-earth elements from coal fly ash using a recyclable ionic liquid. ...Бојан Земљак. Отпад из процеса сагоревања угља као сировина за добијање елемената ретких земаља, 2024
Back-arc underplating provided crustal accretion affecting topography and sedimentation in the Adria microplate
Paolo Mancinelli, Vittorio Scisciani, Cristina Pauselli, Gérard M. Stampfli, Fabio Speranza, Ivana Vasiljević (2021)Supported by evidence of deep crustal sources for the observed magnetic anomalies in Central Italy and by outcropping gabbros in the Croatian archipelago, we model the observed gravity and magnetic anomalies in the Central Adriatic Sea and surroundings. We suggest that the major magnetic anomalies in the area are related to a wide underplating and propose that this volume represents the first stage of the back-arc Adria continental breakup in Early Permian times. During the Palaeotethys-Adria collision, underplating has ...Paolo Mancinelli, Vittorio Scisciani, Cristina Pauselli, Gérard M. Stampfli, Fabio Speranza, Ivana Vasiljević. "Back-arc underplating provided crustal accretion affecting topography and sedimentation in the Adria microplate" in Marine and Petroleum Geology, Elsevier Ltd. (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105470
Composition of organic matter and thermal maturity of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in East Herzegovina (External Dinarides, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
This paper presents the first data on the organic matter and thermal maturity of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in the East Herzegovina region of the External Dinarides. Representative, organic-rich samples from outcropping sedimentary rocks of different ages in the area (Triassic to Neogene) were selected and analysed. The organic matter was studied by Rock-Eval pyrolysis and under the microscope in reflected non-polarized light and incident blue light. The results obtained show the presence of different types of organic ...... �e Dinarides are located in the central area of the Mediterranean system of orogens (Fig. 1A). �eir evolution was determined by the collisional processes of large-scale continental units (either belonging to Europe-derived or Adriatic-derived components) and the domains of the Neotethys Ocean (Pamić ...
... The Dinarides are located in the central area of the Mediterranean system of orogens (Fig. 1A). Their evolution was determined by the collisional processes of large-scale continental units (either belonging to Europe-derived or Adriatic-derived components) and the domains of the Neotethys Ocean (Pamic¢ ...
... �e end of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform was a result of regional emersion at the end of the Late Cretaceous, which was due to the collisional processes and upli� of the Dinarides (Van Unen et al., 2019). �is led to the deposition of tectonically controlled turbidites near Nevesinje (Eocene carbonates ...Nikoleta Aleksić, Aleksandar Kostić, Miloš Radonjić. "Composition of organic matter and thermal maturity of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in East Herzegovina (External Dinarides, Bosnia and Herzegovina)" in Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae (2021). https://doi.org/10.14241/asgp.2021.16
Optimization and Analysis of Drilling and Blasting Parameters Using O-Pitblast Software
The development of modern technologies has enabled the application of specialized softwares in the field of mining through various segments and processes, including in works related to drilling and blasting. The application of specialized software for drilling and blasting with the use of modern technologies such as photogrammetry enabled more accurate data from the field for later processing. By processing data and creating a 3D model of the terrain for drilling and blasting works, it can obtain precise data, ...Stefan Milanović, Nikola Simić, Lazar Kričak, Milanka Negovanović, Nikola Đokić. "Optimization and Analysis of Drilling and Blasting Parameters Using O-Pitblast Software" in Podzemni radovi, Beograd : Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2024)
Application of ERT in the study of debris-flow source area: Case study Selanac debris flow
Dragana Đurić, Jelka Krušić, Biljana Abolmasov. "Application of ERT in the study of debris-flow source area: Case study Selanac debris flow" in 11th Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society, Volume 2021, Online-Romania, 10 -14. Oct 2021,, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (2021). https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.202149BGS15
Photocatalytic Activity of the V2O5 Catalyst toward Selected Pharmaceuticals and Their Mixture: Influence of the Molecular Structure on the Efficiency of the Process
Sanja J. Armaković, Aleksandra Jovanoski Kostić, Andrijana Bilić, Maria M. Savanović, Nataša Tomić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Maja Šćepanović, Mirjana Grujić-Brojčin, Jovana Ćirković, Stevan Armaković (2023)Due to the inability of conventional wastewater treatment procedures to remove organic pharmaceutical pollutants, active pharmaceutical components remain in wastewater and even reach tap water. In terms of pharmaceutical pollutants, the scientific community focuses on -blockers due to their extensive (over)usage and moderately high solubility. In this study, the photocatalytic activity of V2O5 was investigated through the degradation of nadolol (NAD), pindolol (PIN), metoprolol (MET), and their mixture under ultraviolet (UV) irradiation in water. For the preparation of V2O5, facile ...DFT analysis, metoprolol, nadolol, nanomaterial characterization, photocatalysis, pindolol, β-blocker... as they occur in nature, shows that the degradation processes for MET and NAD were accelerated compared to individual solutions of these tvo compounds. This can be explained by a higher concen- tration of NAD and MET molecules on the surface of the catalyst, which also explains the lower decomposition ...
... solvation, and distribution processes of atenolol and pindolol. Mol. Pharm. 2007, 4, 929-935. [CrossRef] [PubMed] Hernando, M.; Gomez, M.; Aguera, A.; Fernandez-Alba, A. LC-MS analysis of basic pharmaceuticals (beta-blockers and anti-ulcer agjents) in wastewater and surface water. TrAC Trends Anal ...
... values on the electron density surface leads to one more important conclusion regarding the PIN's degradation efficiency. Namely, the lowest ALIE values are delocalized to a much greater extent over the PIN molecule than the MET and NAD. This means that a much higher surface area of the PIN molecule ...Sanja J. Armaković, Aleksandra Jovanoski Kostić, Andrijana Bilić, Maria M. Savanović, Nataša Tomić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Maja Šćepanović, Mirjana Grujić-Brojčin, Jovana Ćirković, Stevan Armaković. "Photocatalytic Activity of the V2O5 Catalyst toward Selected Pharmaceuticals and Their Mixture: Influence of the Molecular Structure on the Efficiency of the Process" in Molecules, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28020655
Development of terminological resources for expert knowledge: a case study in mining
Ljiljana Kolonja, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović, Aleksandar Cvjetić. "Development of terminological resources for expert knowledge: a case study in mining" in Knowledge Management Research & Practice, Palgrave Macmillan (2015). https://doi.org/10.1057/kmrp.2015.10
Valorization of non-balanced coal reserves in Serbia for underground coal gasification
David Petrović, Lazar Kričak, Milanka Negovanović, Stefan Milanović, Jovan Marković, Nikola Simić, Ljubisav Stamenić (2019)In the name of a better and safer energy future, it is our responsibility to focus our knowledge and activities to save on imported liquid and gas fossil fuels, as well as coal on which energy security of Serbia is based. The rationalization in the use of available energy resources certainly positively affects economy and the environment of a country. This paper indicates motivations for the application of the underground coal gasification process, as well as surface gasification for ...... there is no significant degradation of the terrain, since all the non-combustible substances (slag or ash) remain in the deposits bencath the surface of the earth, — there is no substantial pollution of the environment and the working environment, as there are no solid residues in the combustion of ...
... coal gasification process, as well as surface gasification for Serbia. The goal is to burn less coal, while simultaneously utilizing more gas from the onsite underground coal gasification, or by gasification in various types of gas generators mounted on the surface. In both cases, from the obtained gas ...
... useful gas, usually carried out in non-mined coal layers using injection of oxidants and steam. The product gas is transferred to surface through wells drilled from the surface, fig. 1. World experiences in UCG indicate that the primary form of coal energy should be treated much more rationally. The ...David Petrović, Lazar Kričak, Milanka Negovanović, Stefan Milanović, Jovan Marković, Nikola Simić, Ljubisav Stamenić. "Valorization of non-balanced coal reserves in Serbia for underground coal gasification" in Thermal Science (2019). https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI190725390P
A contribution to the knowledge of facial diversity of Badenian sediments in the Belgrade area
Filip Anđelković, Dejan Radivojević (2018)... nge, Cretaceous to Paleogene flysch sediments and Lower Miocene continental sediments. The diversified basin basement and tectonic processes during the Badenian led to the horizontal and vertical facial changes. Badenian sediments are covered by Sarmatian, Pannonian and Quaternary sed ...Filip Anđelković, Dejan Radivojević. "A contribution to the knowledge of facial diversity of Badenian sediments in the Belgrade area" in 17th Serbian Geological Congress, Vrnjačka Banja, 17-20 maj 2018, Srpsko geološko društvo (2018)
Novi pristup proučavanju tekstura minerala značajnih za istraživanje rudnih ležišta
Aleksandar Pačevski (2022)... complete determination of a mineral composition and textural characteristics of the ores is crucial for correct interpretation of the ore-forming processes and genesis of ore deposits in general. The study of ore textures is first done by macroscopic examination on a field, in the range from a meter ...Aleksandar Pačevski. "Novi pristup proučavanju tekstura minerala značajnih za istraživanje rudnih ležišta" in 18. Kongres geologa Srbije “Geologija rešava probleme” Divčibare, 01-04 jun 2022., Beograd : Srpsko geološko društvo (2022)
Kvantitativni status podzemnih voda aluvijona Velike Morave (potez Bagrdan - ušće)
Jovana Mladenović, Milan Kresojević, Dušan Polomčić, Dejan Đorđević, Boris Vakanjac, Jugoslav Nikolić, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac (2023)Велика Морава настаје спајањем Јужне и Западне Мораве код Сталаћа и њена дужина тока од формирања до ушћа у Дунав износи 185 км. Укупна сливна површина ове реке заједно са њеним саставницама износи од 37.444 км2 што је територијално око 42% Републике Србије чинећи ову реку њеним главним дреном. Протиче централним делом Србије, најплоднијим земљиштем као и најгушће насељеним деловима наше земље. Добра хидрауличка веза вода Велике Мораве и подземних вода утицале су на то да у оквиру алувијона ...Jovana Mladenović, Milan Kresojević, Dušan Polomčić, Dejan Đorđević, Boris Vakanjac, Jugoslav Nikolić, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac. "Kvantitativni status podzemnih voda aluvijona Velike Morave (potez Bagrdan - ušće)" in Zbornik radova III Kongresa geologa Bosne i Hercegovine sa međunarodnim učešćem, Neum, 21-23.9.2023., Ilidža : Udruženje/udruga geologa u Bosni i Hercegovini (2023)
Increasing the Local Road Network Resilience from Natural Hazards in Municipalities in Serbia
Biljana Abolmasov, Miloš Marjanović, Ranka Stanković, Uroš Đurić, Nikola Vulović. "Increasing the Local Road Network Resilience from Natural Hazards in Municipalities in Serbia" in Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, Volume 3, Issue 1, Springer Cham. (2024). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-55120-8_22
Hyperpycnites within the Devonian-Carboniferous flysch of the Carpatho-Balkanides (Kostadinovica, eastern Serbia)
Miloš Radonjić (2020)This study presents new discoveries of vascular plants and the trace fossil Dictyodora liebeana (GEINITZ) from the Devonian–Carboniferous Kučaj-Zvonce flysch of the Carpatho-Balkanides and the implications of this fossil association for its sedimentary setting. The occurrence of the described plant debris in a deep-marine environment indicates the presence of hyperpycnites within the siliciclastic turbidites exposed at the Kostadinovica locality. The sedimentological data and the characteristics of the fossil material support the proposed model in which the sediment was at ...Mississippian flora, Dictyodora liebeana (GEINITZ), hyperpycnites, Kučaj-Zvonce flysch, Carpatho-Balkanides... Combined tec- tonic-sediment supply-driven cycles in a Lower Carboniferous deep-marine fore- land basin, Moravice Formation, Czech Republic.– Int. J. Earth Sci., 93/2, 241–261. doi: 10.1007/s00531-004-0388-5 BAUCON, A. & NETO DE CARVALHO, C. (2008): From the river to the sea: Pramol- lo, a new ichno ...
... were further compared to criteria for the genetic model of extrabasinal turbidites (ZAVALA & PAN, 2018) with the aim of better understanding the processes controlling the deposition. The age of the studied succession at Kostadinovica has not been determined more precisely by previous studies due ...
... several minutes) that originate on the basin slope due to stability failure of the sediment (MUTTI et al., 2009). The result- ing deposits of both processes reflect their different natures: (1) the hyperpycnites are composed of repetitive sedimentary se- quences that contain upward coarsening intervals ...Miloš Radonjić. "Hyperpycnites within the Devonian-Carboniferous flysch of the Carpatho-Balkanides (Kostadinovica, eastern Serbia)" in Geologia Croatica, Croatian Geological Survey (2020). https://doi.org/10.4154/gc.2020.13
Callovian (Middle Jurassic) Sphriganaria (Brachiopoda) from the Jordan Valley (Middle East)
Howard R. Feldman, Barbara V. Radulović, Fayez Ahmad. "Callovian (Middle Jurassic) Sphriganaria (Brachiopoda) from the Jordan Valley (Middle East)" in Historical Biology (2023). https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2022.2122823
Structural and geochronological constraints from the Drina-Ivanjica thrust sheet (Western Serbia): implications for the Cretaceous–Paleogene tectonics of the Internal Dinarides
Kristof Porkoláb, Szilvia Kövér, Zsolt Benkó, Gabor Héja, Melinda Fialowski, Balázs Soós, Nataša Gerzina Spajić, Nevenka Đerić, László Fodor (2019)Internal Dinarides, Drina-Ivanjica thrust sheet, Deformation history, K–Ar dating, Obduction, Structural analysis... Reconstruct- ing the Alps-Carpathians-Dinarides as a key to understanding, switches in subduction polarity, slab gaps and surface motion: International Journal of Earth Sciences, 104, 1, 1-26. Horvadth, F., Bada, G., Szafi4n, P., Tari, G.. Adim, A„ & Cloetingh, S. (2006). Formation and deformation ...
... 4026, Hungary k.porkolabuu.nl porco a G uu.n * MTA-ELTE Volcanology Research Group, I/C Pizmany SćtAny, Budapest 1117, Hungary Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Budapestlaan 6, 3584 CD Utrecht, Netherlands 5 Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, ? MTA-ELTE ...
... Marine and Petroleum Geology, 83, 305–332. Angelier, J. (1984). Tectonic analysis of fault slip data sets. Journa! of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 89(B7), 5835–5848. Arkai, P., Balogh, K., & Dunkl, I. (1995). Timing of low-temperature metamorphism and cooling of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic ...Kristof Porkoláb, Szilvia Kövér, Zsolt Benkó, Gabor Héja, Melinda Fialowski, Balázs Soós, Nataša Gerzina Spajić, Nevenka Đerić, László Fodor. "Structural and geochronological constraints from the Drina-Ivanjica thrust sheet (Western Serbia): implications for the Cretaceous–Paleogene tectonics of the Internal Dinarides" in Swiss Journal of Geosciences (2019)
Application of Project Management Process on Environmental Management System Improvement in Mining-Energy Complexes
... of mine waters Discharge of untreated waste process water Occupation of large tracts of land Increasing the surface area of permanently destroyed area A3 Increasing the surface area of the buried humus layer Emissions of heavy metals into the surrounding land Disposal of tailings, ash and ...
... treatment of mine waters Discharge of untreated waste process water Occupation of large tracts of land Increasing the surface area of permanently destroyed area A3Increasing the surface area of the buried humus layer Emissions of heavy metals into the surrounding land Disposal of tailings, ash and slag ...
... Influence of Metal Ores Surface Extraction to Environmental Factors of the Environment; Faculty of Engineering, Department for mining engineering, University of Belgrade: Bor, Serbia, 1998. 8. Nikolic, J.M. Indicators of Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems Based on Coal Surface Mines. Master’s Thesis ...Jelena Malenović Nikolić, Dejan Vasović , Ivana Filipović , Stevan Mušicki, Ivica Ristović . "Application of Project Management Process on Environmental Management System Improvement in Mining-Energy Complexes" in Energies (2016). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3390/en9121071