3342 items
An Italian-Serbian Sentence Aligned Parallel Literary Corpus
This article presents the construction and relevance of an Italian-Serbian sentence-aligned parallel corpus, delving into the aligned sentences in order to facilitate effective translation between the two languages. The parallel corpus serves as a valuable resource for language experts, researchers, and language enthusiasts, fostering a deeper understanding of linguistic nuances and cultural expressions. By bridging the gap between Serbian and Italian, this corpus opens new avenues for cross-cultural communication and collaboration, and ultimately contributes to the improvement of language-related ...Saša Moderc, Ranka Stanković, Aleksandra Tomašević, Mihailo Škorić. "An Italian-Serbian Sentence Aligned Parallel Literary Corpus" in Review of the National Center for Digitization, Belgrade : Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade (2023). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11203388 М53
Semantic Textual Similarity of Courses Based on Text Embeddings
This paper explores the application of textual embeddings to measure semantic similarity between educational courses’ curriculums, aiming to enhance the effectiveness of the next faculty accreditation. Leveraging state-of-the-art natural language processing techniques, we employ pre-trained embeddings to capture the semantic meaning of course descriptions. Our methodology involves transforming course curriculum texts into high-dimensional vector representations, enabling efficient and meaningful comparisons. We evaluate the proposed approach on a diverse dataset of course descriptions, employing established benchmarks for semantic textual similarity ...Olivera Kitanović, Aleksandra Tomašević, Mihailo Škorić, Ranka Stanković, Ljiljana Kolonja. "Semantic Textual Similarity of Courses Based on Text Embeddings" in Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer Nature Switzerland (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-71419-1_27 М33
Novi koncept izrade Osnovne hidrogeološke karte Srbije
Igor Jemcov, Zoran Stevanović, Vladimir Živanović, Saša Milanović, Dušan Polomčić, Veselin Dragišić (2022)Osnovna hidrogeološka karta (OHGK) predstavlja bazični dokument u hidrogeologiji, a ima za cilj sagledavanje osnovnih tipova izdani što da omogućava sagledavanje podzemnih vodnih resursa na području obuhvaćenom kartom. Primena postojećeg Uputstva za izradu Osnovne hidrogeološke karte SFRJ 1:100.000 (iz 1984, odnosno 1988. godine), vezana je za brojne poteškoće, što je uslovilo da je u proteklom periodu od 30 godina bilo je više inicijativa za formiranjem novog Uputstva. Sagledavajući postojeću situaciju uz činjenice o savremenim trendovima razvoja hidrogeoloških karata u ...Igor Jemcov, Zoran Stevanović, Vladimir Živanović, Saša Milanović, Dušan Polomčić, Veselin Dragišić. "Novi koncept izrade Osnovne hidrogeološke karte Srbije" in Zbornik radova XVI srpskog Simpozijum o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Univerzitet u Beograd, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2022) М34
Примена нумеричких метода у моделовању тецишта са освртом на различите реолошке услове
Јелка Крушић (2023)Тецишта су комплексне појаве нестабилности које захтјевају истраживања и испитивањакоја до сада нису рађена код нас у области геотехнике. По механизму, начину активирањаи понашању покренутог материјала се знатно разликују од клизишта. Циљ оведисертације је била примјена нумеричких модела пропагације тецишта на примјеру двијепојаве које су се десиле у Србији као посљедица дјеловања циклона Тамара. Детаљноистраживање тецишта подразумијева теренско картирање, теренска истраживања илабораторијска испитивања одабраних узорака са терена. Од теренских истраживања напримјеру тецишта Селанац урађена су геофизичка истраживања Електричнетомографије док ...тециште, нумерички модели пропагације, циклон Тамара, геофизичка истраживања, лабораторијска испитивања, Селанац, Лева река, RAMMS, SPH geoflow, реолошки моделЈелка Крушић. Примена нумеричких метода у моделовању тецишта са освртом на различите реолошке услове, Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Рударско - геолошки факултет, 2023 M70
Ventex: an expert system for mine ventilation systems analysis
roblems relating to mine ventilation systems analysis are usually of a very complex nature. They involve the estimation of numerous interdependent parameters pertaining to the network status, ventilation status, ventilation system stability, air current losses, climate conditions, gas state, fire risk and dangerous dust pollution risk. The solution to these problems relies, to a great extent, on numerical methods. With the development of computer technology these methods were incorporated as numerical routes in software packages, such as the mine ...Nikola Lilić, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović. "Ventex: an expert system for mine ventilation systems analysis" in Mining Technology, United Kingdom (1997) М51
Negative Impact of Backwater Levels of Danube River and its Tributaries to the Groundwater Regime in Meliorated Riverside Areas
This paper describes updated calculation methodology of Danube backwater impact, occurred as a consequence of “Đerdap I” hydropower plant operation, onto the meliorated riverside areas. This methodology is based on hydrodynamic analysis of groundwater regime (size, duration, level and inflow changes) and quantification of melioration areas impairment which is caused by “Đerdap I” hydropower plant operation. By comparing the groundwater regime elements, obtained by variant hydrodynamic calculation in mathematical models for natural – not backed up and actual – ...HPP ''Djerdap 1'', backwater influence, groundwater regime, hydrodynamic analysis, melioration area, drainage system, additional energy engagementPredrag Pajić, Uroš Urošević, Dušan Polomčić, Milan Dimkić. "Negative Impact of Backwater Levels of Danube River and its Tributaries to the Groundwater Regime in Meliorated Riverside Areas" in IWA Specialist Groundwater Conference, Conference Proceedings and Book of Abstracts, 09-11 June 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, Institut Jaroslav Černi (2016) М33
Određivanje elemenata za obeležavanje spiralnog transportnog niskopa oblika kose zavojnice
Milutinović Aleksandar, Ganić Aleksandar. "Određivanje elemenata za obeležavanje spiralnog transportnog niskopa oblika kose zavojnice" in Рударство у привреди и развоју Републике Српске : монографија 1, Приједор:Рударски факултет (2010): 134-140 M45
Степен истражености неметаличних минералних ресурса Србије
Симић Владимир (2010)Симић Владимир. "Степен истражености неметаличних минералних ресурса Србије" in Минерално-сировински комплекс Србије данас: изазови и раскршћа, Београд:Академија инжењерских наука Србије : Рударско-геолошки факултет : Привредна комора Србије (2010): 173-187 M45
Geološka istraživanja metaličnih mineralnih resursa Srbije u periodu 2003-2009. godina
Jelenković Rade (2010)Jelenković Rade. "Geološka istraživanja metaličnih mineralnih resursa Srbije u periodu 2003-2009. godina" in Monografija MISKO-2010, Mineralno-sirovinski kompleks Srbije: raskršća i izazovi, Beograd:Akademija inženjerskih nauka Srbije (2010): 79-105 M45
Structures of the Struganik limestone
Gajić Violeta, Vasić Nebojša (2011)Gajić Violeta, Vasić Nebojša. "Structures of the Struganik limestone" in Proceedings / 1th International Conference Harmony of Nature and Spirituality in Stone, 17-18 March 2011, Kragujevac, Kragujevac:Stone Studio Association (2011): 63-75 M33
Landslides risk in Serbia – Case study Jovac landslide
Jevremović Dragutin, Kostić Srđan (2011)Jevremović Dragutin, Kostić Srđan. "Landslides risk in Serbia – Case study Jovac landslide" in Environmental Geosciences and Engineering Survey for Territory Protection and Population Safety, International conference, EngeoPro, Moscow, Russia: (2011) M33
Diffuse scattering in KAlSiO4-O1
Krüger Hannes, Lazić P. Biljana, Vulić Predrag, Kremenović Aleksandar. "Diffuse scattering in KAlSiO4-O1" in Aperiodic 2012 (The seventh International Conference on Aperiodic Crystals), Cairns, Australija:Springer (2012): Fr-S1-4 F-Fr-S1-4 M34
Insights into the smoothing and burnishing of ceramic surface
Ionescu Corina, Hoeck Volker, Crandell Otis, Šarić Kristina. "Insights into the smoothing and burnishing of ceramic surface" in 21st Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, 1-5 September 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa, Johannesburg: (2014): 355-355 M34
Four novel organo-templated microporous compounds with DFT - type topology
Đorđević Tamara, Karanović Lјiljana, Šutović Sabina, Poleti Dejan. "Four novel organo-templated microporous compounds with DFT - type topology" in 22nd Annual Conference of the German Crystallographic Society, Berlin, Nemačka: (2014): 125 M34
Hydrological characteristics of the Timok River, Eastern Serbia
Žugić Drakulić Nataša, Vasić Nebojša, Mihajlov Anđelka, Štrbac Snežana. "Hydrological characteristics of the Timok River, Eastern Serbia" in 9th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry, Aveiro, Portugal: (2012): 296-296 M34
Traces of ancient mining in the territory of Serbia
Đoković Ilija, Ilić Aco, Milovanović Dragan. "Traces of ancient mining in the territory of Serbia" in 3rd International Conference Harmony of nature and spirituality in stone, Kragujevac:Stone Studio Association (2013): 283-290 M33
Real time monitoring klizista Umka kod Beograda
Abolmasov Biljana, Milenković Svetozar, Jelisavac Branko, Vujanic Vladeta. "Real time monitoring klizista Umka kod Beograda" in Zbornik radova međunarodnog okruglog stola-Prevencija, monitoring i interventna sanacija klizišta, Tuzla, BIH:Rudarski Institut Tuzla, Geoworks Tuzla (2011): 65-75 M63
In situ measurements of Cu isotopes in Cu sulphides
Lazarov Marina, Horn Ingo, Weyer Stefan, Pačevski Aleksandar. "In situ measurements of Cu isotopes in Cu sulphides" in Goldschmidt Abstract 2013, August 25-30, Florence, Italy 77, :Mineralogical Magazine - Goldschmidt2013 Conference Abstracts (2013): 1559-1559 M34
Hidrogeotermalni resursi kao faktor razvoja Srbije
Milenić Dejan, Milivojević Mihailo, Krunić Olivera, Vranješ Ana. "Hidrogeotermalni resursi kao faktor razvoja Srbije" in Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti-Odbor za selo, Lukovska banja, Srbija (2014) M65
Određivanje efektivne Ričardsonove konstante tunelskih MIS detektora na bazi p-Hg0.8Cd0.2Te
Damnjanović Vesna, Elazar Jovan (2012)Damnjanović Vesna, Elazar Jovan. "Određivanje efektivne Ričardsonove konstante tunelskih MIS detektora na bazi p-Hg0.8Cd0.2Te" in Zbornik radova 56. konferencije ETRAN MO, Zlatibor, Srbija:Društvo ETRAN (2012): 1-4 M63