682 items
Application of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process to Underground Mining Method Selection
metode podzemne eksploatacije, znanje eksperta, višekriterijumsko odlučivanje, podzemna eksploatacijaSanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Branko Gluščević, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac. "Application of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process to Underground Mining Method Selection" in Symmetry (MDPI) (2020). https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12020192 М22
Automated blasthole drilling in surface mining
Milanka Negovanović, Lazar Kričak (2021)Све већи развој аутоматизације у рударској индустрији утицао је на увођење нових решења у области аутоматизације бушења минских бушотина на површинским коповима. Највећи светски произвођачи опреме за бушење развијају решења аутоматизације која омогућавају рударским компанијама да постигну најбоље резултате у погледу квалитета, продуктивности и оперативних трошкова. Решења из области аутоматизације бушења се крећу од операција даљинског управљања до потпуно аутоматизованог бушења, праћења података у реалном времену и разних специјализованих алата за управљање подацима који повећавају безбедност и продуктивност ...Аутоматизација, бушилица,тачност, бушење,рударство,систем даљинског управљања,безбедност, продуктивностMilanka Negovanović, Lazar Kričak . "Automated blasthole drilling in surface mining" in 8th International Conference Mining And Environmental Protection, Sokobanja, 22 – 25th September 2021 Serbia, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, Serbia (2021) М33
Updating the database of the spatial information system for capital underground mining rooms
Milutinović Aleksandar, Ganić Aleksandar, Miljanović Igor, Gajić Grozdana. "Updating the database of the spatial information system for capital underground mining rooms" in 4th Balkan Mining Congress BALKANMINE 1, Ljubljana, Slovenija:Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering (2011): 629-633 M33
Unvestments in Geological Exploration and Afectation on Mining Operating Cash Costs at Lignite Open Pits Kolubara (Lazarevac), Serbia
Vuckovic Bogoljub, Dimitrijevic Bojan (2018)Vuckovic Bogoljub, Dimitrijevic Bojan. "Unvestments in Geological Exploration and Afectation on Mining Operating Cash Costs at Lignite Open Pits Kolubara (Lazarevac), Serbia" in Book of Abstracts, 14 th International Symposium of Continous Surface Mining ISCSM 2018, Greece, Thessaloniki 23-26 September 2018, Thessaloniki:Aristotle University Research Dissemination Center (2018): 66 M34
Towards ELTeC-LLOD: European Literary Text Collection Linguistic Linked Open Data
Овај рад описује студију случаја о генерисању повезаних података креираних на основу обечежених текстуалних корпуса коришћењем формата размене података у обради природних језика (NIF). Као основа за ово истраживање послужио је подскуп корпуса ELTeC, који се састоји од 900 романа из периода 1840-1920 за 9 европских језика. Верзија романа са коментарима, у такозваном TEI level-2 формату, трансформисана је у NIF, формат заснован на RDF/OWL који има за циљ постизање интероперабилности између алата за обраду природних језика, језичких ресурса и ...Ranka Stanković, Christian Chiarcos, Miloš Utvić, Olivera Kitanović. "Towards ELTeC-LLOD: European Literary Text Collection Linguistic Linked Open Data" in LDK 2023 – 4th Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge, 12-15 September in Vienna, Austria, Lisabon : NOVA FCSH - CLUNL (2023). https://doi.org/10.34619/srmk-injj М33
Mining activites through history at Avala locality
Crnogorac Luka (2016)Crnogorac Luka. "Mining activites through history at Avala locality" in Časopis Podzemni radovi no. 28, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2016): 61-67 M51
Data from the Digital Repository of the Faculty of Mining and Geology in eScience (eNauka)
Biljana Rujević, Mihailo Škorić (2024)The paper describes linking the Digital Repository of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, with the eScience system in terms of transferring metadata about the results of researchers' scientific work. The steps taken to ensure a smooth harvesting of metadata are outlined. Additionally, a presentation of additional improvements to the OAI system is provided, aiming to contribute to the automatic linking of authors with their results in the eScience system.Biljana Rujević, Mihailo Škorić. "Data from the Digital Repository of the Faculty of Mining and Geology in eScience (eNauka)" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2024). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2023.23.2.4 М53
Minimization of business risks in mining companies through loaders-truck equipment selection
Popović Milena, Kuzmanović Marija, Vujošević Mirko, Milutinović Aleksandar. "Minimization of business risks in mining companies through loaders-truck equipment selection" in 5th Balkan Mining Congress BALKANMINE 2013 1, Ohrid, Makedonija:Association of Mine and Geological Engineering and Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences within Goce Delcev University (2013): 439-444 M33
Evaluation of the external risks in the coal mining company Kostolac
Kuzmanović Marija, Milutinović Aleksandar, Vujošević Mirko, Panić Biljana. "Evaluation of the external risks in the coal mining company Kostolac" in 5th Balkan Mining Congress BALKANMINE 2013 1, Ohrid, Makedonija:Association of Mine and Geological Engineering and Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences within Goce Delcev University (2013): 182-188 M33
Prediction of surface subsidence for the purpose of mining project of underground exploitation of bauxite ore in the deposit Podbraćan
Milutinović Aleksandar, Ganić Aleksandar, Ganić Meri, Tokalić Rade. "Prediction of surface subsidence for the purpose of mining project of underground exploitation of bauxite ore in the deposit Podbraćan" in VI International Geomechanics Conference 1, Varna, Bulgaria:Scientific and Tehnical Union of Mining, Geology and Metallurgy; Federation of the Scientific Engineering Unions in Bulgaria (2014): 414-421 M33
Comparation of photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning methods for erosion monitoring in the area of Devil’s Town: project “Demonitor”
Project "Devils’ town Erosion MONITORing - DEMONITOR" involves the monitoring of accessible earth pillars in the area of Devil’s town, by using a combination of several non‐invasive methods. Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and photogrammetric imaging with unmanned aircraft (UAV) as a platform showed as great solutions for 3D modeling of this site and erosion monitoring. In this work it is shown that using manual free flight mode for imaging with UAV gave much better results than the missions performed ...Brodić Nenad, Samardžić-Petrović Mileva, Đurić Dragana, Martinenko Anastasija. "Comparation of photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning methods for erosion monitoring in the area of Devil’s Town: project “Demonitor”" in 16th International conference on contemporary theory and practice in construction STEPGRAD, Banja Luka, University of Banja Luka Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (2024). https://doi.org/10.7251/stp202401079B М33
Risk-based Regional Scale Screening of Groundwater Contamination from Abandoned Mining Sites in Serbia - Initial Results
Atanacković Nebojša, Dragišić Veselin, Živanović Vladimir, Stojković Jana, Gardijan Sunčica. "Risk-based Regional Scale Screening of Groundwater Contamination from Abandoned Mining Sites in Serbia - Initial Results" in IMWA 2016 – Mining Meets Water – Conflicts and Solutions, 11. - 15. Jul, 2016, Leipzig, Germany (2016): 600-607 M33
Traces of ancient mining in the territory of Serbia
Đoković Ilija, Ilić Aco, Milovanović Dragan. "Traces of ancient mining in the territory of Serbia" in 3rd International Conference Harmony of nature and spirituality in stone, Kragujevac:Stone Studio Association (2013): 283-290 M33
Human reliability assessment approaches and their use in mining
Panić Biljana, Vujošević Mirko, Milutinović Aleksandar. "Human reliability assessment approaches and their use in mining" in XIII International Symposium SymOrg 2012 Innovative Management and Busines Performance 1, Zlatibor:Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Beograd (2012): 376-383 M33
Possible problems in mining industry of Serbia
Jelenković Rade (2012)Jelenković Rade. "Possible problems in mining industry of Serbia" in 2nd International Conference Mineral resources in the Republic of Serbia: A Driving Force for Economic Development, Beograd:TGI Executive Meetings (2012) M31
Selection demolition sylo technology
Gligorić Miloš, Milojević Jelena (2015)Gligorić Miloš, Milojević Jelena. "Selection demolition sylo technology" in Underground Mining Engineering no. 26, Belgrade:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology (2015): 33-42. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.5937/podrad M52
The mine ore from Prlovi-2 locality preliminary flotation tests
Lazić Predrag, Tomanec Rudolf, Kostović Milena, Miković Branislav. "The mine ore from Prlovi-2 locality preliminary flotation tests" in Proceedings of the XIV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress I, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina:Faculty of Mining, geology and civil engineering in Tuzla and Faculty of Mining in Prijedor, University of Tuzla (2011): 269-273 M33
Optimal dynamic management of exploitation life of the mining machinery: models with undefined interval
Vujić Slobodan, Miljanović Igor, Maksimović Svetozar, Milutinović Aleksandar, Benović Tomo, Hudej Marijan, Dimitrijević Bojan, Čebašek Vladimir, Gajić Grozdana (2010)Vujić Slobodan, Miljanović Igor, Maksimović Svetozar, Milutinović Aleksandar, Benović Tomo, Hudej Marijan, Dimitrijević Bojan, Čebašek Vladimir, Gajić Grozdana. "Optimal dynamic management of exploitation life of the mining machinery: models with undefined interval" in Journal of Mining Science (2010): 425-430 M22
Environmental Risks to Air, Water and Soil Due to the Coal Mining Process
Ristović Ivica (2011)Ristović Ivica. "Environmental Risks to Air, Water and Soil Due to the Coal Mining Process" in Understanding and Managing Threats to the Environment in South Eastern Europe, NATO science for peace and security series 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia:SPRINGERLINK (2011): 251-264 M13
Analysis of thermo-electrical characteristics of mining cables
Aleksandrović Snežana, Damnjanović Vesna. "Analysis of thermo-electrical characteristics of mining cables" in INFOTEH - Jahorina 2015, Sarajevo:Elektrotehnički fakultet, Istočno Sarajevo (2015): 122-125 M33