447 items
Application of simple forecasting methods on vertical electrical sounding data
Filip Arnaut, Vesna Cvetkov, Dragana Đurić. "Application of simple forecasting methods on vertical electrical sounding data" in XVIII Kongres geologa Srbije, Divčibare, Srbija (01-04.2022.), Srpsko geološko društvo (2022) М64
Primena SAR intereferometrije za određivanje koseizmičkih deformacija: trendovi i dostignuća
Dragana Đurić (2022)Dragana Đurić. "Primena SAR intereferometrije za određivanje koseizmičkih deformacija: trendovi i dostignuća" in XVIII Kongres geologa Srbije, Divčibare, Srbija (01-04.2022.), Srpsko geološko društvo (2022) М64
Coordinated Miocene clockwise rotation of the Vardar Zone and the Drina-Ivanjica unit
Máté Velki, Emő Márton, Vesna Cvetkov. "Coordinated Miocene clockwise rotation of the Vardar Zone and the Drina-Ivanjica unit" in XVIII Kongres geologa Srbije, Divčibare, Srbija (01-04.2022.), Srpsko geološko društvo (2022) М64
Utvrđivanje debljine naslaga bigra na zaštićenom području spomenika prirode "Slapovi Sopotnice"
Branislav Sretković, Dejan Vučković, Dejan Miloševski, Katarina Perišić. "Utvrđivanje debljine naslaga bigra na zaštićenom području spomenika prirode "Slapovi Sopotnice"" in XVII Kongres geologa Srbije, Divčibare, Srbija (17-20.05.2018.), Srpsko geološko društvo (2018) М64
Specific electrical conductivity in epikarst groundwater of the eastern Suva Planina mt.
Branislav Petrović (2022)The epikarst is a part of the karst outcrop that is located within the unsaturated zone and represents a complex point of contact and mixing of unconsolidated material from the terrain surface. The correct and complete perception of epikarst, its degree of development and the presence on the limestone terrain can be achieved with a multidisciplinary approach. The study area for the applied multidisciplinary research was the Eastern part of karst massif Suva Planina Mt. One important part of ...Branislav Petrović. "Specific electrical conductivity in epikarst groundwater of the eastern Suva Planina mt." in KARST 2022: "Importance, State of the Art, and Prospective of Utilization and Protection of Resources in Karst", Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) (2022) М34
Numerical Modeling and Simulation of the Effectiveness of Groundwater Source Protection Management Plans: Riverbank Filtration Case Study in Serbia
The paper describes the establishment and testing of an algorithm for developing sustainable management plans associated with groundwater source protection against potential pollutants and discusses the effectiveness of individual systems. The applied methodology pertains to groundwater resource management, particularly those cases that involve riverbank filtration. Namely, groundwater (numerical) modeling is employed to examine the groundwater regime and balance, as well as to create protection systems and illustrate their effectiveness. Particle tracking analysis is used to study pollutants’ travel and ...Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Bojan Hajdin, Dragan Pamučar. "Numerical Modeling and Simulation of the Effectiveness of Groundwater Source Protection Management Plans: Riverbank Filtration Case Study in Serbia" in Water, MDPI AG (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/w14131993 М22
Contents of potentially toxic elements in residual soils of a long-term mining region: a key study from Central and Western Serbia
Milun Jovanović, Dejan Prelević, Vidojko Jović, Danica Srećković-Batoćanin, Snežana Branković (2022)Regional geochemical research of residual soil was conducted in an area of about 20,000 km2 in the region of Central and Western Serbia, where six metallogenetic zones and mining since ancient times have been documented. The geochemical background variation in the residual soil was established upon the contents, spatial pattern and natural background of potentially toxic elements (PTEs). The limits of natural background values (mg·kg-1) were determined by the integral method. Our data show that anomalous concentrations of As, ...Milun Jovanović, Dejan Prelević, Vidojko Jović, Danica Srećković-Batoćanin, Snežana Branković. "Contents of potentially toxic elements in residual soils of a long-term mining region: a key study from Central and Western Serbia" in Periodico di Mineralogia (2022). https://doi.org/10.13133/2239-1002/17042 М23
Probabilistic analysis of anisotropic rock slope with reinforcement measures
During the construction of E75 highway through Grdelica gorge in Serbia, a major failure occurred in the zone of reinforced rock slope. Excavation was performed in highly anisotropic Paleozoic schist rock formation. The reinforcement consisted of the two rows of micropile wall with pre-stressed anchors. Forces in anchors were monitored with load cells while benchmarks were installed for superficial displacement measurements. The aim of the study is to investigate possible causes of instability considering different probability distributions of the ...Zoran Berisavljević, Dušan Berisavljević, Miloš Marjanović, Svetlana Melentijević. "Probabilistic analysis of anisotropic rock slope with reinforcement measures" in Geomechanics and Engineering (2023). https://doi.org/10.12989/gae.2023.34.3.285 М23
Conversion of land areas after coal mine closure and reclamation
Otkopavanje uglja površinski i podzemno praćeno je degradacijom zemljišta, promenom formiranja predela i izmenom flore i faune. Od velikog značaja je razvoj novih naučno utemeljenih pristupa obnovljanje antropogeno poremećenih predela zasnovanih na formiranju rekultivacionih i rudarskih tehnologija. Apsolutno je neophodno obezbediti sveobuhvatno kvalitetno očuvanje zemljišnih i vodnih resursa i odrediti rekultivisano zemljište za novu namenu. U ovom članku je dat pregled najpopularnijih metoda rekultivacije zemljišta i mogućnosti rekultivacije zemljišta nakon završetka rekultivacije i zatvaranja rudnika uglja.Radmila Gaćina, Bojan Dimitrijević, Sanja Bajić. "Conversion of land areas after coal mine closure and reclamation" in 9th International conference mining and environmental protection MEP 23 Proceedings, Sokobanja, 24-27.05.2023., Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of mining and geology (2023) М33
Legal framework for recultivation of degraded areas caused by mining exploitation
Radmila Gaćina (2023)Prilikom površinske i podzemne eksploatacije uglja eksploatacioni sistemi oštećuju veće ili manje površine zemljišta. Iskustva pokazuju da su oštećenja zemljišta znatno veća kod površinske eksploatacije, gde je prostora degradiran ne samo u konturi rudnika i okoline, već se promene takođe dešavaju u prirodnom okruženju. U članku su predstavljeni rezultati studije zakonskih okvira rekultivacije u nekim zemljama sveta i u Srbiji. Praktično iskustvo rekultivacije pokazalo je da iskorišćenje i devastacija tokom rudarske aktivnosti predstavljaju opasnost ne samo za pogođena ...Radmila Gaćina. "Legal framework for recultivation of degraded areas caused by mining exploitation" in Underground mining engineering, Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology (2023). https://doi.org/10.5937/podrad2342027G М51
Anticipated sulfur dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants
Aleksandar Madžarevic, Predrag Jovančić, Stevan Đenadić, Filip Miletić, Miodrag Ristović, Miroslav Crnogorac (2024)Southeastern Europe (SEE), which includes Serbia, along with Germany and Poland, is one of the largest producers of solid fuels in Europe. Despite growing environmental concerns, coal, especially lignite, persists and remains the dominant fuel for electricity generation in this region. Concurrently, these power plants emerge as the predominant emitters of pollutants in all the observed states. To conduct a comprehensive analysis, data on major emitters within the European Union were gathered, allowing for a detailed comparison with SEE ...Aleksandar Madžarevic, Predrag Jovančić, Stevan Đenadić, Filip Miletić, Miodrag Ristović, Miroslav Crnogorac. "Anticipated sulfur dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants" in Thermal Science, National Library of Serbia (2024). https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI240308167M М23
Comparative analysis of karst water quality parameters of the Banja spring near Valjevo (Republic of Serbia)
Jovana Lončar, Jovana Mladenović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović, Petar Vojnović, Radisav Golubović (2024)The monitoring of karst spring release regimes is becoming more and more relevant due to the fact that karst waters are of exceptional quality and most often it is only necessary to chlorinate these waters in order to use them for water supply. In addition to monitoring the discharge regime, it is certainly necessary to establish monitoring of quality parameters that are generally observed sporadically (seasonally or monthly). An example of a well-designed monitoring of quantitative and qualitative parameters ...Jovana Lončar, Jovana Mladenović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović, Petar Vojnović, Radisav Golubović. "Comparative analysis of karst water quality parameters of the Banja spring near Valjevo (Republic of Serbia)" in Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, Bulgarian Geological Society (2024). https://doi.org/10.52215/rev.bgs.2024.85.3.214 М23
Regionalna karakterizacija napuštenih rudarskih radova na bazi rizika od zagađivanja površinskih i podzemnih voda
Atanacković Nebojša, Dragišić Veselin, Živanović Vladimir, Magazinović Sava. "Regionalna karakterizacija napuštenih rudarskih radova na bazi rizika od zagađivanja površinskih i podzemnih voda" in Zbornik radova XVII Kongresa geologa Srbije, 17-20 Maj 2018, Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija, Beograd:Srpsko Geološko društvo (2018): 423-428 M63
Baza hidrogeoloških pojava i objekata na teritoriji grada Beograda
Gardijan Sunčica, Dragišić Veselin, Živanović Vladimir, Andrijašević Jakov, Magazinović Sava. "Baza hidrogeoloških pojava i objekata na teritoriji grada Beograda" in Zbornik radova XVII Kongresa geologa Srbije, 17-20 Maj 2018, Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija, Beograd:Srpsko Geološko društvo (2018): 451-456 M63
Geofizička istraživanja tonjenja lesa u Zemunu
Dragana Đurić, Branislav Sretković, Uroš Đurić, Zoran Radić, Dejan Vučković. "Geofizička istraživanja tonjenja lesa u Zemunu" in XVIII Kongres geologa Srbije, Divčibare, Srbija (01-04.2022.), Srpsko geološko društvo (2022) М64
Tehnike vertikalnog elektrometrijskog sondiranja i elektrometrijskog multielektrodnog profilisanja primenjene na istom profilu u realnim uslovima
Dejan Miloševski, Dejan Vučković, Branislav Sretković. "Tehnike vertikalnog elektrometrijskog sondiranja i elektrometrijskog multielektrodnog profilisanja primenjene na istom profilu u realnim uslovima" in XVII Kongres geologa Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija (17-20.05.2018.), Srpsko geološko društvo (2018) М64
Примена гравиметријских података за проучавање развоја неогених басена у Динаридима: Бихаћки басен
Игњатовић Снежана, Андрић Невена, Младеновић Ана, Васиљевић Ивана. "Примена гравиметријских података за проучавање развоја неогених басена у Динаридима: Бихаћки басен" in 17. Конгрес геолога Србије,Врњачка Бања, Srbija, 17. - 20. Mај, 2018 2, Београд:Српско геолошко друштво (2018): 692-696 M63
Geološka istraživanja lignita na ležištu polje E i uticaj na projektovanje rudarskih radova
Vucković Bogoljub, Dimitrijević Bojan, Radovanović B., Simić Ž.. "Geološka istraživanja lignita na ležištu polje E i uticaj na projektovanje rudarskih radova" in Zbornik apstrakata XIII Međunarodna konferencija OMC 2018, Југословенски комитет за површинску експлоатацију Савеза инжењера рударства и геологије Србије, 17-20 октобар 2018, Златибор, Хотел Палисад, Србија, Југословенски комитет за површинску експлоатацију Савеза инжењера рударства и геологије Србије: (2018): 75-76 M34
Ophiolite obduction onto the African plate during the narrowing of Tethys: contribution from numerical simulations
Nikola Stanković, Vesna Cvetkov, Vladica Cvetković. "Ophiolite obduction onto the African plate during the narrowing of Tethys: contribution from numerical simulations" in XVIII Kongres geologa Srbije, Divčibare, Srbija (01-04.2022.), Srpsko geološko društvo (2022) М64
Modeliranje sistema upravljanja zaštitom životne sredine u rudarsko-energetskim kompleksima
Jelena R. Malenović - Nikolić (2016-07-12)Efikasnost funkcionisanja sistema upravljanja zaštitom životne sredine u rudarskoenergetskimkompleksima zavisi od stepena sprovođenja usvojene politike zaštiteživotne sredine i primene preventivnih mera zaštite životne sredine. Nedostatakfinansijskih sredstava za unapređivanje tehnologije eksploatacije, transporta, pripreme iprerade energetskih mineralnih sirovina u našim rudarsko-energetskim kompleksima,negativno utiče na ostvarivanje ciljeva zaštite životne sredine, a posledice radnihaktivnosti rudarsko-energetskih kompleksa dovode do smanjenja nivoa kvalitetavazduha, vode i zemljišta...rudarsko-energetski kompleks, životna sredina, sistem upravljanja,višekriterijumsko odlučivanje, modeliranjeJelena R. Malenović - Nikolić. "Modeliranje sistema upravljanja zaštitom životne sredine u rudarsko-energetskim kompleksima" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-07-12)