3342 items
Late Eocene to recent tectonic evolution of the northern Internal Dinarides (western Serbia)
Ana Mladenović, Vladica Cvetković, Branislav Trivić, Vesna Cvetkov. "Late Eocene to recent tectonic evolution of the northern Internal Dinarides (western Serbia)" in 15th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Davos, 17th – 18th November 2017 Abstract Volume, Davos: (2017): 65-65 M34
Određivanje sadržaja kiselih funkcionalnih grupa na površini biougljeva primenom Boehm-ovih titracija
Krstić Aleksandar, Lolić Aleksandar, Ilić Marija, Mijatović Aleksandar, Zlatanović Snežana, Nedić Zoran, Pavelkić Vesna (2015)Krstić Aleksandar, Lolić Aleksandar, Ilić Marija, Mijatović Aleksandar, Zlatanović Snežana, Nedić Zoran, Pavelkić Vesna. "Određivanje sadržaja kiselih funkcionalnih grupa na površini biougljeva primenom Boehm-ovih titracija" in 52. savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva, мaj 2015, Novi Sad, Srbija, Abstract AH P 5: Srpsko hemijsko društvo (2015): 16 M64
Technical Solution for Reclamation of the Trachyte Open Pit Mine Kisnjeva Glava at Fruska Gora
Šubaranović Tomislav, Petrović Branko, Ivoš Vladimir, Ristović Ivica. "Technical Solution for Reclamation of the Trachyte Open Pit Mine Kisnjeva Glava at Fruska Gora" in Proceedings of the VI International symposium on mining and environmental protection, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia:University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, Serbia (2017): 206-210 M33
The East Serbian Paleocene alkaline rocks revisited: Evidence of decoupling of Sr-Nd and Pb isotopes in anorogenic setting
Владица Цветковић, Кристина Шарић, V. Höck, Д. Прелевић, F. Neubauer, A. von Quadt. "The East Serbian Paleocene alkaline rocks revisited: Evidence of decoupling of Sr-Nd and Pb isotopes in anorogenic setting" in International Earth Science Colloquium on the Aegean Region, IESCA-2012, :Dokuz Eylül University (2012): 74-74 M33
Sustainable development in oil sector of the Republic of Serbia
Karović Maričić Vesna, Leković Branko, Danilović Dušan. "Sustainable development in oil sector of the Republic of Serbia" in 6th International Symposium Mining and Environmental Protection – Proceedings, Vrdnik:University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining And Geology (2017): 34-42 M33
Otrovni gasovi koji nastaju pri miniranju, metode merenja, određivanje sigurnosnih rastojanja
Kričak Lazar, Negovanović Milanka, Cvjetić Aleksandar, Janković Ivan, Zeković Dario. "Otrovni gasovi koji nastaju pri miniranju, metode merenja, određivanje sigurnosnih rastojanja" in Zbornik radova VIII Međunarodne Konferencije Nemetali 2009, :Jugoslovenski Komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2009): 114-125 M33
Optimising in electrical energy consumption in mining plants
Snežana Aleksandrović, Vesna Damnjanović, Ilija Jeftenić. "Optimising in electrical energy consumption in mining plants" in 17th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2018, Istočno Sarajevo : Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu (2018) M33
The CEEPUS network “Earth-Science Studies in Central and South-Eastern Europe” – nineteen years of challenges and success.
Šarić Kristina, Ionescu Corina (2018)Šarić Kristina, Ionescu Corina. "The CEEPUS network “Earth-Science Studies in Central and South-Eastern Europe” – nineteen years of challenges and success." in Geologica Balcanica, XXI International Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association (CBGA), Salzburg, September 10-13, 2018, Sofia:Geological Institute Bulgarian Academy of Science (2018): 388 M34
Using SEM-EDS for unveiling technology and provenance of Roman bricks and tiles in SE Romania.
Moldovan Cristian, Ionescu Corina, Tentea Ovidiu, Šarić Kristina. "Using SEM-EDS for unveiling technology and provenance of Roman bricks and tiles in SE Romania." in Geologica Balcanica, XXI International Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association (CBGA), Salzburg, September 10-13, 2018, Sofia:Geological Institute Bulgarian Academy of Science (2018): 375 M34
Механизам формирања сулфата на одлагалиштима полиметаличног лежишта Рудник. Српски геолошки конгрес, Врњачка Бања, 17‐20. мај 2018, Књига апстраката 1, 52-54.
Здравковић Алена, Цветковић Владица, Пачевски Александар, Росић Александра, Шарић Кристина, Матовић Весна, Ерић Сузана (2018)Здравковић Алена, Цветковић Владица, Пачевски Александар, Росић Александра, Шарић Кристина, Матовић Весна, Ерић Сузана. Механизам формирања сулфата на одлагалиштима полиметаличног лежишта Рудник. Српски геолошки конгрес, Врњачка Бања, 17‐20. мај 2018, Књига апстраката 1, 52-54. no. 1, Врњачка Бања:Српско геолошко друштво, 2018: 52-54 M64
Petrology, geochemistry and U-Pb zircon ages of Variscan granitoids of the East Serbian Carpatho-Balkanides.
Cvetković Vladica, Šarić Kristina, Erić Suzana, Kostić Bojan, Jovanović Dragan, Peytcheva Irena (2018)Cvetković Vladica, Šarić Kristina, Erić Suzana, Kostić Bojan, Jovanović Dragan, Peytcheva Irena. "Petrology, geochemistry and U-Pb zircon ages of Variscan granitoids of the East Serbian Carpatho-Balkanides." in Geologica Balcanica, XXI International Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association (CBGA), Salzburg, September 10-13, 2018, Sofia:Geological Institute Bulgarian Academy of Science (2018): 129 M34
Базалтоидне стене чачанско‐краљевачког басена: нови подаци из бушотине Јелица‐1. Српски геолошки конгрес, Врњачка Бања, 17‐20. мај 2018, Књига апстраката 1, 86-90.
Цветковић Владица, Цвијић Предраг, Шарић Кристина, Дулић Иван. "Базалтоидне стене чачанско‐краљевачког басена: нови подаци из бушотине Јелица‐1. Српски геолошки конгрес, Врњачка Бања, 17‐20. мај 2018, Књига апстраката 1, 86-90." in Српски геолошки конгрес, Врњачка Бања, 17‐20. мај 2018 no. 1, Врњачка Бања: (2018): 86-90 M64
Phase, morphological and statistical analysis of urinary stones from Serbian patients,
Mirković Miljana, Došen Anja, Matović Branko, Erić Suzana, Vulić Predrag, Rosić Aleksandra (2018)Mirković Miljana, Došen Anja, Matović Branko, Erić Suzana, Vulić Predrag, Rosić Aleksandra. "Phase, morphological and statistical analysis of urinary stones from Serbian patients," in SEVENTEENTH YOUNG RESEARCHERS’ CONFERENCE MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Beograd:Materials Research Society of Serbia & Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA (2018): 21-21 M64
Some Upper Cretaceous carbonate-clastic complexes in Serbia: implications for Gosau-type basin development
Dunčić Milena, Dulić Ivan, Gajić Violeta, Bogićević Goran. "Some Upper Cretaceous carbonate-clastic complexes in Serbia: implications for Gosau-type basin development" in Geologica Balcanica. Abstract Book. XXI International Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association (CBGA) Salzburg (Austria), September 10–13, 2018. Advances of Geology in southeast European mountain belts, Sofia:Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2018): 78-78. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00015-018-0321-8 M34
Analysis of Household Coal Consumption in Serbia Based on Grey System Theory and K - means Clustering (Base for Network Optimization)
Gligorić Zoran, Gligorić Miloš, Štrbac-Savić Svetlana. "Analysis of Household Coal Consumption in Serbia Based on Grey System Theory and K - means Clustering (Base for Network Optimization)" in 1st Virtual International Conference on Science, Niš:Research and Development Center ALFATEC (2015): 45-48 M33
Petrology, geochemistry and U-Pb zircon ages of Variscan granitoids of the East Serbian Carpatho-Balkanides.
Cvetković Vladica, Šarić Kristina, Erić Suzana, Kostić Bojan, Jovanović Dragan, Peytcheva Irena (2018)Cvetković Vladica, Šarić Kristina, Erić Suzana, Kostić Bojan, Jovanović Dragan, Peytcheva Irena. "Petrology, geochemistry and U-Pb zircon ages of Variscan granitoids of the East Serbian Carpatho-Balkanides." in Geologica Balcanica, XXI International Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association (CBGA), Salzburg, September 10-13, 2018, Sofia:Geological Institute Bulgarian Academy of Science (2018): 129 M34
Mineral composition of the airborne particles in the coal dust and fly ash of the Kolubara basin (Serbia)
Cvetković Željko, Logar Mihovil, Rosić Aleksandra, Ćirić Aleksandra. "Mineral composition of the airborne particles in the coal dust and fly ash of the Kolubara basin (Serbia)" in Periodico di Mineralogia : An International Journal of Mineralogy, Crystallography, Geochemistry, Ore Deposits, Petrology, Volcanology and applied topics on Environment, Archeometry and Cultural Heritage 81 no. 2, Rome, Italy:Eduzioni nuova cultura (2012): 205-223. https://doi.org/10.2451/2012PM0012 M23
Interaction between binding materials—the cause of damage to gabbro stone on the monument to the unknown soldier (Serbia)
Matović Vesna, Vasković Nada, Erić Suzana, Srećković Batoćanin Danica. "Interaction between binding materials—the cause of damage to gabbro stone on the monument to the unknown soldier (Serbia)" in Environmental Earth Sciences 60 no. 6, :Springer (2010): 1153-1164. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-009-0257-4 M23
Mineralogy and characterization of deposited particles of the aero sediments collected in the vicinity of power plants and the open pit coal mine: Kolubara (Serbia)
Cvetkovic Željko, Logar Mihovil, Rosić Aleksandra. "Mineralogy and characterization of deposited particles of the aero sediments collected in the vicinity of power plants and the open pit coal mine: Kolubara (Serbia)" in Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20 no. 5, Berlin : Heidelberg:Springer (2013): 3034-3049. https://doi.org/10.1007/s1356-012-1154-z M21
Parametric adjustment of a junction triangle in terms of the precise construction of haulage drives in underground mines
Ganić Aleksandar, Ristović Ivica, Đorđević Dragan, Vulić Milivoj. "Parametric adjustment of a junction triangle in terms of the precise construction of haulage drives in underground mines" in REM – Revista Escola de Minas 63 no. 3, Ouro Preto, Brasil:RBC Editoracao Eletronica (2010): 529-538 M23