654 items
Naftno-matične stene i njihova zrelost u području Bašaida (Panonski basen)
Nikoleta Aleksić, Aleksandar Kostić (2022)Nikoleta Aleksić, Aleksandar Kostić. "Naftno-matične stene i njihova zrelost u području Bašaida (Panonski basen)" in 18. Kongres geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", 01-04. jun 2022., Srpsko geološko društvo (2022)
The thermal maturity of the organic matter in sedimentary rocks in the area of East Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Nikoleta Aleksić, Aleksandar Kostić (2022)Nikoleta Aleksić, Aleksandar Kostić. "The thermal maturity of the organic matter in sedimentary rocks in the area of East Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina)" in XXII International Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association (CBGA), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2022)
Analysis and Calculation of MMRS and Primary Gas Distribution Network in Urban Environment – Case Study Kučevo
Aleksandar Madžarević, Pavle Janković (2022)Oblast primene prirodnog gasa je veoma široka. Kao energent može se koristiti za proizvodnju energije u elektranama, toplanama i postrojenjima za kombinovanu proizvodnju energije ili za zadovoljavanje različitih toplotnih potreba u industriji i širokoj potrošnji. Gas se može upotrebiti i kao sirovina u hemijskoj i petrohemijskoj industriji, a tokom poslednjih decenija nalazi primenu i u saobraćaju kao pogonsko gorivo u SUS motorima. Sa ekološkog stanovišta, prirodni gas predstavlja najprihvatljiviji izvor energije u poređenju sa drugim fosilnim gorivima. Pri sagorevanju ...Aleksandar Madžarević, Pavle Janković. "Analysis and Calculation of MMRS and Primary Gas Distribution Network in Urban Environment – Case Study Kučevo" in Međunarodni Kongres o procesnoj industriji - PROCESING '22, Beograd : SMEITS, Društvo za procesnu tehniku (2022)
Security of Supply as a Major Part of the Energy Security Puzzle
Sigurnost snadbevanja prirodnim gasom Republike Srbije se kroz poslednje dve decenije tretira kao hitno, strateško, političko i bezbednosno pitanje. U sektoru prirodnog gasa, Republika Srbija je veoma zavisna od gasa koji uvozi iz Rusije. Indikatori sigurnosti snadbevanja predstavljaju jedan od osnovnih elemenata za određivanje energetske bezbednosti i snažne alate za usmeravanje energetskog sektora ka održivom razvoju. Metodolaška analiza prikazana u radu je bila koncentrisana na pokazatelje sigurnosti snadbevanja u oblasti energetske bezbednosti koji se odnose na sektor prirodnog gasa ...energetska bezbednost, sigurnost snabdevanja, energetski indikator, dostupnost energije, diversifikacija izvora i pravacaAleksandar Madžarević, Miroslav Crnogorac. "Security of Supply as a Major Part of the Energy Security Puzzle" in Energija, ekonomija, ekologija, University Library in Kragujevac (2022). https://doi.org/10.46793/EEE22-4.28M
Analysis of noise sources in power transformers and rotating electrical machines
Snežana Aleksandrović, Aleksandar Cvjetić. "Analysis of noise sources in power transformers and rotating electrical machines" in 5th International Symposium Mining and Environmental Protection MEP 2015, Vrdnik, Serbia, 10-13 June 2015, Belgrade : Faculty of Mining and Geology (2015)
Zbirka rešenih zadataka iz termodinamike
Marija Živković, Aleksandar Madžarević (2023)Marija Živković, Aleksandar Madžarević. Zbirka rešenih zadataka iz termodinamike, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2023
Praktikum iz hemije
Aleksandar Mijatović, Ana Kesić (2023)Aleksandar Mijatović, Ana Kesić. Praktikum iz hemije, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2023
Asbestos-Based Pottery from Corsica: The First Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composite
Asbestos-containing pottery shards collected in the northeast of Corsica (Cap Corse) and dating from the 19th century, or earlier, have been analyzed by SEM-EDS, XRPD, FTIR and Raman microspectroscopy. Blue (crocidolite) and white (chrysotile) asbestos fiber bundles are observed in cross-sections. Most of the asbestos is partly or totally dehydroxylated, and some transformation to forsterite is observed to occur, indicative of a firing above 800 C. Examination of freshly fractured pieces shows a nonbrittle fracture with fiber pull-out, consistent with ...Philippe Colomban, Aleksandar Kremenović. "Asbestos-Based Pottery from Corsica: The First Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composite" in Materials, MDPI AG (2020). https://doi.org/10.3390/ma13163597
DAS 1.41 – Data acquisition software
Драгослав Ракић, Александар Виличић (2010)Драгослав Ракић, Александар Виличић. DAS 1.41 – Data acquisition software, Београд : Универзитет у Београду - Рударско-геолошки факултет, 2010
Mine ventilation system planning using genetic algorithms
The most common problem in contemporary mining practice related to the planning and analysis of ventilation systems is the optimization of partially regulated air distribution in mine ventilation networks. This paper presents a two step optimization procedure for partly regulated air distribution in mine ventilation networks. The first step is the determination of air distribution in all branches using the well known Hardy-Cross method. In the second step the distribution and parameters of air flow regulators with minimum engaged ...coal, lignite, and peat; ventilation systems; coal mining; underground mining; ventilation; mathematical models; design; air flow; optimization; calculation methodsNikola Lilić, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović. "Mine ventilation system planning using genetic algorithms" in 6. international symposium on mine planning and equipment selection, Ostrava (Czech Republic), 3-6 Sep 1997, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam (Netherlands) (1997)
Parallel Stylometric Document Embeddings with Deep Learning Based Language Models in Literary Authorship Attribution
This paper explores the effectiveness of parallel stylometric document embeddings in solving the authorship attribution task by testing a novel approach on literary texts in 7 different languages, totaling in 7051 unique 10,000-token chunks from 700 PoS and lemma annotated documents. We used these documents to produce four document embedding models using Stylo R package (word-based, lemma-based, PoS-trigrams-based, and PoS-mask-based) and one document embedding model using mBERT for each of the seven languages. We created further derivations of these ...Mihailo Škorić, Ranka Stanković, Milica Ikonić Nešić, Joanna Byszuk, Maciej Eder. "Parallel Stylometric Document Embeddings with Deep Learning Based Language Models in Literary Authorship Attribution" in Mathematics, MDPI AG (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/math10050838
Izbor optimalnog načina otvaranja površinskog kopa podinska ugljena serija, rudnik Suvodol – Makedonija
Petrovski Aleksandar, Miljanović Igor, Josipović Pejović Milena, Milutinović Aleksandar, Boševski Stefko (2010)Petrovski Aleksandar, Miljanović Igor, Josipović Pejović Milena, Milutinović Aleksandar, Boševski Stefko. "Izbor optimalnog načina otvaranja površinskog kopa podinska ugljena serija, rudnik Suvodol – Makedonija" in Zbornik radova XXXVII Simpozijuma o operacionim istraživanjima Symopis, 21-24.09.2010. - no. -, Tara, Srbija:Ministarstvo odbrane Republike Srbije (2010): 647-650. https://doi.org/-
Mine surveying works for the purpose of excavating the remaining reserves of bauxite in the deposit of Podbracan
Milutinovic Aleksandar, Ganic Aleksandar, Diyab Rayes Thamer, Tokalic Rade, Ganic Meri. "Mine surveying works for the purpose of excavating the remaining reserves of bauxite in the deposit of Podbracan" in REM - Revisita Esccola des Minas 3 no. 68, Ouro Preto, Brazil:MG : Escola de Minas (2015): 323-330. https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0370
Mine surveying works for the purpose of excavating the remaining reserves of bauxite in the deposit of “Podbracan”
Aleksandar Milutinović, Aleksandar Ganić, Thamer Rayes Diyab, Rade Tokalić, Meri Ganić. "Mine surveying works for the purpose of excavating the remaining reserves of bauxite in the deposit of “Podbracan”" in Revista Escola de Minas, School of Mines Magazine, Sao paulo, Brasil : SciELO (2015)
Geotehnički efekti razaranja komunalnog otpada različitim postupcima zbijanja
Jovana M. Janković Pantić (2022)Odlaganje otpada na komunalne deponije predstavlja osnovni način zbrinjavanja otpada u Srbiji. Kako bi se prostor za deponovanje materijala racionalno koristio potrebno ga je svakodnevno zbijati sa unapred definisanom količinom vode koja se dodaje. Dobro zbijeni komunalni otpad zauzima manju zapreminu i omogućuje sigurnije skladištenje, pa je korisno prethodno laboratorijski odrediti parametre zbijanja: maksimalnu suvu zapreminsku težinu (dmax) i optimalnu vlažnost (wopt). U Srbiji do sada nisu određivani parametri zbijanja, dok je u svetu primenjivana standardna metoda (Proktorov opit) ...Jovana M. Janković Pantić. Geotehnički efekti razaranja komunalnog otpada različitim postupcima zbijanja, Beograd : [J. Janković Pantić], 2022
Determination of oxygen surface groups on biochars using Boehm-titration method
Krstić D. Aleksandar, Lolić Đ. Aleksandar, Ilić Marija, Mijatović Aleksandar, Zlatanović J. Snežana, Nedić P. Zoran, Pavelkić M. Vesna (2015)Krstić D. Aleksandar, Lolić Đ. Aleksandar, Ilić Marija, Mijatović Aleksandar, Zlatanović J. Snežana, Nedić P. Zoran, Pavelkić M. Vesna. "Determination of oxygen surface groups on biochars using Boehm-titration method" in 52. savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva, Belgrade, Serbia (2015): 16
О сопротивлении угля при резании в условиях подводной добычи
Gojković Nebojša, Čebašek Vladimir, Слободан Вуйич, Miljanović Igor, Александар Петровски, Milutinović Aleksandar (2011)Gojković Nebojša, Čebašek Vladimir, Слободан Вуйич, Miljanović Igor, Александар Петровски, Milutinović Aleksandar. "О сопротивлении угля при резании в условиях подводной добычи" in Всероссийская научная конференция „Геодинамика и напряженное состояние недр земли“, посвящена 80-летию академика М. В. Курлени, 3-6.10.2011 - no. -, Новосибирск, Россия:Институт горного дела Новосибирского научного центра Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук, Новосибирск (2011): 191-195. https://doi.org/-
Gate Road Support Deformation Forecasting Based on Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis and Fuzzy Time Series
Luka Crnogorac, Rade Tokalić, Zoran Gligorić, Aleksandar Milutinović, Suzana Lutovac, Aleksandar Ganić (2021)Underground mining engineers and planners in our country are faced with extremely difficult working conditions and a continuous shortage of money. Production disruptions are frequent and can sometimes last more than a week. During this time, gate road support is additionally exposed to rock stress and the result is its progressive deformation and the loss of functionality of gate roads. In such an environment, it is necessary to develop a low-cost methodology to maintain a gate road support system. ...deformacije podgrade, lasersko skeniranje, višekanalna singularna spektralna analiza, prognoza, klasterisanje fuzzy vremenskih serijaLuka Crnogorac, Rade Tokalić, Zoran Gligorić, Aleksandar Milutinović, Suzana Lutovac, Aleksandar Ganić. "Gate Road Support Deformation Forecasting Based on Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis and Fuzzy Time Series" in Energies, MDPI (2021). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3390/en14123710
Ground surface subsidence monitoring using sentinel-1 in the “Kostolac” open pit coal mine
Zoran Gojković, Milan Kilibarda, Ljiljana Brajović, Miloš Marjanović, Aleksandar Milutinović, Aleksandar Ganić (2023)Open pit coal mining affects surrounding populated areas, resulting in terrain surface deformation. Surface deformation should be monitored as often as possible to control deformations and prevent potential incidents. This paper analyzes time series deformation estimated from the Sentinel-1 satellite images using the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry method to monitor subsidence rates caused by open pit mining activities. It is possible to measure deformations using classical geodetic methods, but those are rarely used in practice because they are time-consuming and ...Zoran Gojković, Milan Kilibarda, Ljiljana Brajović, Miloš Marjanović, Aleksandar Milutinović, Aleksandar Ganić. "Ground surface subsidence monitoring using sentinel-1 in the “Kostolac” open pit coal mine" in Remote Sensing (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15102519
Crystallography and Surface Oxidation of Stoichiometric Arsenopyrite from Šumadija-Kopaonik Pb-Zn/Polymetallic Ore District (Serbia)
Ivana Jelić, Aleksandar Pačevski, Aleksandar Kremenović, Aleš Šoster, Andreja Šestan, Janez Zavašnik (2023)The behaviour and stability of arsenopyrite largely depend on its crystal structure, but studies of crystallography and structural defects are scarce. For clarification, we investigated a series of natural arsenopyrite crystals from the polymetallic Pb-Zn-(±Cu,Ag,Au,Sb,Bi,W) Šumadija-Kopaonik ore district (Serbia) by powder X-ray diffraction (XRPD). Among them, samples from the Drenjak gold mineralisation showed near-stoichiometric FeAsS composition and were further investigated by conventional and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy methods. TEM revealed abundant planar crystallographic defects and epitaxial surface oxide layer ...Inorganic Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics,General Materials Science, General Chemical Engineering, crystal structure, FeAsS, oxidation, TEM, XRPDIvana Jelić, Aleksandar Pačevski, Aleksandar Kremenović, Aleš Šoster, Andreja Šestan, Janez Zavašnik. "Crystallography and Surface Oxidation of Stoichiometric Arsenopyrite from Šumadija-Kopaonik Pb-Zn/Polymetallic Ore District (Serbia)" in Crystals, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst13020278