911 items
Development Of The Serbian Geological Resources Portal
Ranka Stanković, Jelena Prodanović, Olivera Kitanović, Velizar Nikolić. "Development Of The Serbian Geological Resources Portal" in Proceedings of the 17th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies, Belgrade, Serbia : The Serbian Geological Society (2011)
Дефинисање циркулације карстних вода ,,Врело Кавак" у циљу одрживог управљања водним ресурсима
Милена Пућо (2024)У југоисточном делу Србије, североисточно од града Пирота формирана је богата карстна издан у оквиру јурских и доњокредних кречњака. Врело Кавак, које дренира ову издан учествује у водоснабдевању града Пирота.Дефинисање циркулације и специфичних услова дренирања ове карстне издани вршено је хидрохемијским и изотопским методама. Мултидисциплинарни приступ истраживања резултирао је сазнањима да се ради о спорој циркулацији подземних вода, као и водама различите старости, што је од великог значаја за управљање природним ресурсом као што су подземне воде врела ...... 2021. JyH 2021. Jyn 2021. Anrycr 2021. CenrewGap 2021. OkroGap 2021. HoseGap 2021. feueMGap 2021. Janyap 2022. OeGpyap 2022. Mapr 2022. B B B B B B B B 9 B 3 B 4 9.2 PexWM non3eMHMWMX Boma u orLuuTM OMJiaHC KBaHTMTaTMBHM WM KBanMTaTMBHM peXMM KapcTHor Bpema KaBak ce ocMaTpa KOHTMHyUpaHo, Oynyhu ...
... 36opHuk 6p. 39, crp. 51-70, YBHK: 551.493 (497.11) 73 30.T1lonowuuh, H., Bacuh, Tb., MunaHopBuh, C., Pucruh BakaWoau, B., TlerpoBuh B., MapuuHonuh B., Bajuh, H., XajnuH, B., dokopuno Vinuh, M., ParkonBuh, J. (2021): BonocHa0neBaM= - mon3eMHe BoHe M OHnpXMBO ynpaBIbaMbe pecypcMMa, 50 ronvHa ...
... eon. uHcT. Kpa;b. JyrocnaBuje, cB. IV, Beorpan 34.Puvucruh Bakabau B. & MuwnoBaHoBuh B. (2014), „KnwMa Crape TinaHuHe“, T1wpoTckvM 30opHMuKk 0Opoj 39, [1porT 35.PXM 3aBon PenyOnuvke CpOuje. MeTeoponouikM M XMNnPpONOHIKM rO/nMuiHbaLiM 2013-2022. Beorpan 36.Pucruh - BakaMbsau, B., CreBaHoBuh, ...Милена Пућо. Дефинисање циркулације карстних вода ,,Врело Кавак" у циљу одрживог управљања водним ресурсима, 2024
Two new zincophosphates, (H3NCH2CH2NH3)2[Zn(m-PO4)2] and (NH4)[(H3N)Zn{(m-PO4)Zn}3]: Crystal structures and relationships to similar open framework zinco - and aluminophospates
Karanović Ljiljana, Poleti Dejan, Đorđević Tamara, Šutović Sabina. "Two new zincophosphates, (H3NCH2CH2NH3)2[Zn(m-PO4)2] and (NH4)[(H3N)Zn{(m-PO4)Zn}3]: Crystal structures and relationships to similar open framework zinco - and aluminophospates" in Journal of Solid State Chemistry 184 no. 9, 525 B St, Ste 1900; San Diego; CA 92101-4495:Academic Press (2011): 2506-2515. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssc.2011.07.030
New data on the age of an Upper Cretaceous clastic-carbonate succession in Brežđe (Western Serbia)
Nevenka Đerić, Nataša Gerzina (2014)... MARKOVIĆ B.. RODIN, V., MAR- KOVIĆ, O., GAGIĆ, N., ANTIN, B. & MILIĆEVIĆ, M. (1977): Osnovna geološka karta SFRJ – list Gornji Milanovac 1:100000 [Ba- sic Geologic Map of Former Yugoslavia – Sheet Gornji Milanovac 1: 100000|.- Savezni geološki zavod, Beograd. FILIPOVIĆ, L.. MARKOVIĆ, B., PAVLOVIĆ ...
... Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade was utilized for precise identification of the radiolarians shown in Pls. 1—2. —— 360 |j B == Turonian-Senonian marlstone and marly limestone succession Cenomanian basal clastites (below) and clastic-carbonate succesion (above) Triassic ...
... (Western Serbia).- Stratigraphy and Geological Cor- relation, 22/2, 202—218. CSONTOS, L., GERZINA, N., HRVATOVIĆ, H., SCHMID, S. & TO- MLJENOVIĆ, B. (2003): Structure ofthe Dinarides: a working mod- el.– Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest., Sect. Geol., 35, 143—144. DIMITRIJEVIĆ, M.D. (1997): Geology of ...Nevenka Đerić, Nataša Gerzina. "New data on the age of an Upper Cretaceous clastic-carbonate succession in Brežđe (Western Serbia)" in Geologia Croatica (2014)
Correlation Between Dynamic CBR and Compaction and Bearing Capacity of Pavement Foundation Layers
This paper presents a dynamic California Bearing Ratio (CBRd) device that can be used on a prepared pavement foundation layer to obtain a certain parameter of the tested material in the laboratory and in situ in a direct and fast way. For the selected natural material (gravel), it is shown that the laboratory CBRd can be used to estimate the compaction and bearing capacity, because it correlates well with the parameters of the standard and modifed Proctor compaction tests. ...korelacija parametara, donji slojevi saobraćajnica, laboratorijska i terenska ispitivanja, dinamički kalifornijski indeks nosivosti CBRd... 8903, (6) where pq is the dry bulk density of the sample in Mg/m*. 30 a % - b 200 - ii D tl/(:· AŠ |=} 180 - 70 //E?] “ (-P-4"| AAJA N B D/_T'Jč, ___160 – A “A Ee . PrO M “ A Š Š D n f Č ĆA A -- o B 140 ; _ [- Ž . A a 50 M ~ : AAA AA n 070 - BI A AAAA %Ž mpon-- D A Z AA _ |j A ...
... BETWEEN DYNAMIC CBR AND COMPACTION AND BEARING CAPACITY OF PAVEMENT FOUNDATION LAYERS UDC 624.158 M. Bogdanović,!* S. Bogdanović,? D. Rakić,? and I. B. ikodinović? !TPA for quality assurance and innovation, Belgrade, Serbia, ?University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, Serbia ...
... of load transducer, loading speed, and material strength [9, 10]. The tests with the CBR,„ device were performed in accordance with TP BF-StB Teil B 7.1:2012. Static plate load test The counterweight system is not part of the device, but it is required to perform the test. A plate with a diameter ...Milan Bogdanović, Snežana Bogdanović, Dragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić Ikodinović. "Correlation Between Dynamic CBR and Compaction and Bearing Capacity of Pavement Foundation Layers" in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11204-024-09939-x
Advantages and Disadvantages of a Parallel and Zigzag Method of Acquisition in Walking Mode in Magnetometric Archeological Research
магнетометријска испитивања, цик-цак и паралелна аквизиција у ходајућем моду, линеарне аномалије, археологијаMirko Petković, Vesna Cvetkov, Branislav Sretenović. "Advantages and Disadvantages of a Parallel and Zigzag Method of Acquisition in Walking Mode in Magnetometric Archeological Research" in Arheologija i prirodne nauke (2014)
Geotehničko istraživanje terena za potrebe izgradnje mosta „Mihajlo Pupin“ u Zemunu
Luka Malenov (2024)Za potrebe izrade završnog rada na četvrtoj godini Rudarsko-geološkog fakulteta, studijskog programa Geotehnika, pod mentorstvom doc. dr Dušana Berisavljevića, analizirani su parametri dobijeni laboratorijskim ispitivanjima, kao i in-situ istraživanjima terena i ustanovljeni su geotehnički uslovi izgradnje mosta Zemun-Borča. Takođe, izvršeno je određivanje karakterističnih vrednosti geotehničkih parametara, koje se izučava u sklopu obaveznog predmeta u četvrtoj godini: Projektovanje inženjerskogeoloških radova. Detaljna geotehnička istraživanja terena, izveo je Saobraćajni institut CIP iz Beograda, za potrebe izrade Glavnog projekta mosta Mihajlo Pupin preko Dunava, ...... WG Č W W W W W W W W W L VA OAAA OA BB A Š ! NAAAAA ASAABSALSISA OBA OA BI IBA IOA BA IL OB B A IE L T WMASASASABA BMA IOLAAA BA BE L I BA E O B B a B KO . g g gg yg a VAAA IBA O BA OA BBA B BA OA OA IE O B M I dtt e hs ii WGR W W W W WR 0 N NM 4 t W ON W W W W W W W NNN LAAAAAA BA OA OA BA BBA AA ...
... 466607 4340 — 41.40 &.206 N-32 48.10 - | : 20.0 O Nas1p i 49.00 i j-b - ČOL 010 203040 50 ı O8 FrAVIfe 06 2100 I 178.0 O c j-b 2 OČ CHICL KE : e CH/CL T SOOĆ HOIJ če OG 150 j-b GČCH/CL 10 20304050 KA 0 202000 X X - . H OĆS j-b GLLŽA ĆR/ĆL hh i j-bdt ĆH/CL j-bet.L ZO j-bači ČH/ĆL p e j-boči CH/CL ...
... |ZAVRŠENO | 29.08.2010. |CRTAO Luka Malenov 1:100 1:100 „l.s|ž/| ž s3 žlo|ž|k|N5 „l.|ž | 3 s žlo|ž|k|N5 5 o o o le e Fa 5 6 |3 ; 5|B|aW|oš| G |ž SIŠIZ|k|B Š 5|B| a |oš| cA |3 SIŠIZ|E|BŠ *|a|a |< PRKAZ |Ž5 LITOLOŠKI OPIS ols5|ž|9 · *|a|a|Luka Malenov. Geotehničko istraživanje terena za potrebe izgradnje mosta „Mihajlo Pupin“ u Zemunu, 2024
Geotehničko istraživanje terena za potrebe izgradnje mosta „Mihajlo Pupin“ u Zemunu
Luka Malenov (2024)Za potrebe izrade završnog rada na četvrtoj godini Rudarsko-geološkog fakulteta, studijskog programa Geotehnika, pod mentorstvom doc. dr Dušana Berisavljevića, analizirani su parametri dobijeni laboratorijskim ispitivanjima, kao i in-situ istraživanjima terena i ustanovljeni su geotehnički uslovi izgradnje mosta Zemun-Borča. Takođe, izvršeno je određivanje karakterističnih vrednosti geotehničkih parametara, koje se izučava u sklopu obaveznog predmeta u četvrtoj godini: Projektovanje inženjerskogeoloških radova. Detaljna geotehnička istraživanja terena, izveo je Saobraćajni institut CIP iz Beograda, za potrebe izrade Glavnog projekta mosta Mihajlo Pupin preko Dunava, ...... WG Č W W W W W W W W W L VA OAAA OA BB A Š ! NAAAAA ASAABSALSISA OBA OA BI IBA IOA BA IL OB B A IE L T WMASASASABA BMA IOLAAA BA BE L I BA E O B B a B KO . g g gg yg a VAAA IBA O BA OA BBA B BA OA OA IE O B M I dtt e hs ii WGR W W W W WR 0 N NM 4 t W ON W W W W W W W NNN LAAAAAA BA OA OA BA BBA AA ...
... 466607 4340 — 41.40 &.206 N-32 48.10 - | : 20.0 O Nas1p i 49.00 i j-b - ČOL 010 203040 50 ı O8 FrAVIfe 06 2100 I 178.0 O c j-b 2 OČ CHICL KE : e CH/CL T SOOĆ HOIJ če OG 150 j-b GČCH/CL 10 20304050 KA 0 202000 X X - . H OĆS j-b GLLŽA ĆR/ĆL hh i j-bdt ĆH/CL j-bet.L ZO j-bači ČH/ĆL p e j-boči CH/CL ...
... |ZAVRŠENO | 29.08.2010. |CRTAO Luka Malenov 1:100 1:100 „l.s|ž/| ž s3 žlo|ž|k|N5 „l.|ž | 3 s žlo|ž|k|N5 5 o o o le e Fa 5 6 |3 ; 5|B|aW|oš| G |ž SIŠIZ|k|B Š 5|B| a |oš| cA |3 SIŠIZ|E|BŠ *|a|a |< PRKAZ |Ž5 LITOLOŠKI OPIS ols5|ž|9 · *|a|a|Luka Malenov. Geotehničko istraživanje terena za potrebe izgradnje mosta „Mihajlo Pupin“ u Zemunu, 2024
Availability as a dimension of energy security in the Republic of Serbia
Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić (2016)There is a range of modern approaches and models in literature for the evaluation and determination of energy security, which are based on different parameters and indicators. For most of them, a common characteristic is emphasizing the avail ability of energy, as an important dimension for ensuring energy security. In this paper, concise overview of Serbian energy sectors is given and appropriate energy indicators are defined and determined. Selected indicators provide insight into the main components that characterize availability ...Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić. "Availability as a dimension of energy security in the Republic of Serbia" in Thermal Science, National Library of Serbia (2016). https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI160923303P
The use of biological markers in determination of origin and type of organic matter in the Tisza river sediments
Snežana Štrbac, Gordana Gajica, Aleksandra Šajnović, Nebojša Vasić, Ksenija Stojanović, Branimir Jovančićević (2013)The objective of the study was to determine the origin and type of organic matter (OM) of the Tisza recent sediments along the distance of 153 km through the territory of Serbia. For this purpose group organic-geochemical parameters and biomarker compositions were used. All samples contain approximately same amount of OM, which was deposited under uniform, slightly reducing conditions. Based on the distribution of n-alkanes, the origin and type of OM could not be precisely estimated. However, n-alkane patterns ...Snežana Štrbac, Gordana Gajica, Aleksandra Šajnović, Nebojša Vasić, Ksenija Stojanović, Branimir Jovančićević. "The use of biological markers in determination of origin and type of organic matter in the Tisza river sediments" in Journal of Serbian Chemical Society, Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo (2013). https://doi.org/10.2298/JSC130614087S
Anisotropic grossular–andradite garnets: Evidence of two stage skarn evolution from Rudnik, Central Serbia
This paper presents LA-ICP-MS data for garnets from the Rudnik skarn deposit (Serbia), which range from Grs45–58Adr40–52Alm2–3 in the core and Adr70–97Grs2–29Sps1 in the rim displaying anisotropy and zoning. In spite of wide compositional variations the garnets near the end-member of andradite (Adr > 90) are generally isotropic. Fe-rich rims exhibit LREE depletion and flat HREE pattern with weak negative Eu anomaly, including higher As and W contents. On the other side, the Fe-poorer core shows flat REE pattern ...Bojan Kostić, Danica Srećković-Batoćanin, Petyo Filipov, Pavle Tančić, Kristijan Sokol. "Anisotropic grossular–andradite garnets: Evidence of two stage skarn evolution from Rudnik, Central Serbia" in Geologica Carpathica, Central Library of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (2021). https://doi.org/10.31577/GeolCarp.72.1.2
Simple 2D gravity–density inversion for the modeling of the basin basement: example from the Banat area, Serbia
We have developed a technique to calculate lateral density distribution of the sedimentary basin basement by combining linear gravity–density inversion and 2D forward modeling. The procedure requires gravity anomaly data, depth-to-basement data and density data for the sediments (density–depth distribution). Gravity efect of density variations in the basement was extracted from the total gravity anomaly by removing the joint efect of the sediments with vertical density variations and homogeneous basement of average density contrast (calculated by 2D modeling). Gravity ...... Different widths of the blocks were also tested in order to obtain optimal value that would allow for efficient modeling (2)Δ� b = 1 2�K ⋅ Δg b h b = 23.85 Δg b h b without disturbing density resolution. Initial 2D model is a result of the direct inversion, but the geometry of the model is ...
... density of Cenozoic sediments). Contemporary standards (LaFehr 1991a, b) were applied for the reduction in gravity data. Introduction of the sec- ond-order approximation formula for the height correction, curvature (Bullard B) correction and the atmospheric effect slightly changed the level of anomalies ...
... 1190/1.1443871 https://doi.org/10.2478/geoca-2013-0027 https://doi.org/10.1515/acgeo-2015-0027 https://pubs.usgs.gov/bul/2204/b/pdf/b2204-b_508.pdf https://pubs.usgs.gov/bul/2204/b/pdf/b2204-b_508.pdf https://doi.org/10.1590/2317-4889201720160117 https://doi.org/10.1590/2317-4889201720160117 https://doi ...Ivana Vasiljević, Snežana Ignjatović, Dragana Đurić. "Simple 2D gravity–density inversion for the modeling of the basin basement: example from the Banat area, Serbia" in Acta Geophysica, Springer (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11600-019-00328-9
Pleistocene rhinoceros from Bogovina Cave: the first report of Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis Toula, 1902 (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae) from Serbia
Finds of Pleistocene rhinoceros are rare in Serbia, and only one species (the woolly rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis Blumenbach, 1799) has been reported so far. The current paper presents the dental material of an extinct so-called Hundsheim rhinoceros, Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis Toula, 1902 from Bogovina Cave (East ern Serbia). Both the morphological and metric characteristics of the teeth are consis tent with the attribution to S. hundsheimensis. Unfortunately, the rhinoceros material originated from an uncertain geological context, so there is no ...Predrag Radović, Miloš Radonjić, Emmanuel Billia. "Pleistocene rhinoceros from Bogovina Cave: the first report of Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis Toula, 1902 (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae) from Serbia" in Palaeontologia Electronica, Coquina Press (2020). https://doi.org/10.26879/985
Prioritization of strategic measures for strengthening the security of supply of the Serbian natural gas sector
To strengthen the security of supply of the Serbian gas sector, it is necessary to analyze the impact of planned strategic measures. The analysis involves the identification of the most influential threats to the security of natural gas supply and prioritization of the strategic measures for overcoming the consequences of threats. The proposed methodology is based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process. The obtained weights for the identified threats and strategic measures are formed according to experts' judgments. The results ...Sigurnost snabdevanja, Donošenje odluka, Snabdevanje prirodnim gasom, Fazi AHP, Energetski indikatori... (SORS, 2017), (SORS, 2018a,b), (SORS, 2019), (SORS, 2020). 2015 2016 2017 2018 Domestic production 572.50 523.23 489.08 449.57 Import 1740.22 1795.23 2182.63 2198.33 Stock changes −114.51 5.68 −12.81 29.46 Gross inland consumption 2198.21 2375.30 2658.91 2677.36 B. Pavlović et al. ...
... SM, which are previously multiplied by the corresponding weight vec- tors (WT) of the threats. † Calculation of authors, based on (AERS, 2018a,b). B. Pavlović et al. ...
... Belgrade, Serbia A R T I C L E I N F O Keywords: Security of supply Decision-making Natural gas supply Fuzzy AHP Energy indicators A B S T R A C T To strengthen the security of supply of the Serbian gas sector, it is necessary to analyze the impact of planned strategic measures. ...Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković. "Prioritization of strategic measures for strengthening the security of supply of the Serbian natural gas sector" in Energy Policy, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111936
Priprema ležišta bakra i zlata za primenu metode podzemnog otkopavanja u pojasevima iznad XIX horizonta
Strahinja Petković (2024)Ovaj rad se fokusira na primenu metode otkopavanja sa zasipavanjem otkopnog prostora na primeru ležišta bakra.Analizirani su ključni elementi, uključujući geološke karakteristike ležišta, tehničko-eksploatacione faktore, dimenzionisanje prostorija, pripremne radove, bušačko-minerske aktivnosti, utovar i transport, ventilaciju i zasipavanje otkopanog prostora pastom zasipom. Takođe je, sprovedena analiza troškova, uključujući cenu izrade pripremnih prostorija po dužnom metru, u zavisnosti od kvaliteta radnog okruženja. Na kraju su definisani osnovni pokazatelji otkopavanja ležišta, uključujući količinu rude u otkopnom pojasu, kao i koeficijente iskorišćenja i ...... sulfatnog: sumpora, uzorci iz bušotina B-20 i B-28 su dodatno analizirani. Utvrđeno Je da je sulfidni sumpor prisutan sa 58% u bušotini B-20, odnosno 56% u bušotini B-28, dok je ostatak činio sulfatni sumpor. Takođe, deo uzoraka iz bušotina B-2, B-35, B-38 i B-39 analiziran je na prisustvo kalijuma ...
... 734| 100 | 72 | 125L ĆA 185| 12)| 97 | 81 | 125L 5 |A 150| 10 | 90 | 90 | 125L 6 |B 150| 10 | ) | 90 |125D 7 |B 185| 12u| g | 81 |125D #*|B 1L5| 734| 7 | 7 |125D 9 |B 55 | 334| 57 | 57 | 125D 10 | B 40 | 234| 37 | 37 |125D Ukupna đižina bušenja(m): 109 Dužina nastavnih šipki (m): 1,5 ...
... analizirani na zlato (Au), srebro (Ag), molibden (Mo), magnetit (Fe3O4), i oksidni bakar. Dodatne analize izvršene su na uzorcima iz bušotina B-5/XVII ı B-10/XVII kako bi se utvrdilo prisustvo elemenata poput arsena (As), olova (Pb), selena (Se), cinka (Zn) ı hlora (CI). Rezultati su ukazali na ...Strahinja Petković. Priprema ležišta bakra i zlata za primenu metode podzemnog otkopavanja u pojasevima iznad XIX horizonta, 2024
Hronološki pregled razvoja površinske eksploatacije lignita u Srbiji
U ovom preglednom radu dat je istorijski pregled razvoja površinske eksploatacije lignita na teritoriji Srbije, uz kratak osvrt na geološki nastanak i kvalitet i rezerve uglja, kao i mogućnosti korišćenja za dalju upotrebu. Kolubarski, Kostolački i Kovinski ugljeni baseni lignita u Srbiji, ne računajući Kosovsko-Metohijski i Drenički u sastavu AP Kosovo i Metohija po Rezoluciji 1244 UN, su ležišta najrasprostranjenijeg uglja - lignita u Srbiji koji se eksploatiše od druge polovine 20. veka na velikom broju površinskih kopova ...Bojan Dimitrijević, Radmila Gaćina, Bogoljub Vučković. "Hronološki pregled razvoja površinske eksploatacije lignita u Srbiji" in XI Međunarodna konferencija ugalj i kritični mineral CCM 2023, Zlatibor, 11-14. oktobar 2023., Beograd : Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2023)
Application of geophysical and multispectral imagery data for predictive mapping of a complex geo-tectonic unit: a case study of the East Vardar Ophiolite Zone, North-Macedonia
... 83-17%) - Dataset B (balanced 64-36%) - Dataset C (balanced 50-50%) Machine learning modelling \ • RF(number of trees 50...250 in 50 increments) - DatasetA Mo de ll in g an d ev al ua ti on - Dataset B - Dataset C • Model evaluation - Unbalanced (A) or balanced (B or C) dataset ...
... Bouguer Anomaly Map:; b) Total Intensity EMF Anomaly Map reduced to the pole; Black outline- testing area @ Springer Earth Science Informatics (2024) 17:1625–1644 1631 7550000 7600000 7550000 7600000 46 50 00 0 46 00 00 0 Faults 45 50 00 0 Fig.5 a) Fault map: b) Distance to fault map; ...
... Results Random forest The RF algorithm was applied to all three datasets (A, B, and C) with varying numbers of data points and distinct ratios of the two binary categorical classes pertaining to 1633 Table 2 Datasets A, B and C with number of points and ratios for training and testing area Dataset ...Filip Arnaut, Dragana Đurić, Uroš Đurić, Mileva Samardžić-Petrović, Igor Peshevski. "Application of geophysical and multispectral imagery data for predictive mapping of a complex geo-tectonic unit: a case study of the East Vardar Ophiolite Zone, North-Macedonia" in Earth Science Informatics, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-024-01243-4
Atmospheric exposure vs burying: influences on damage intensity of built-in kersantite in the monument of the Small Staircase (Belgrade, Serbia)
Proučavan je efekat „zatrpanog kamena“ na intenzitet procesa degradacije prisutnih na kersantitu koji je ugrađen u spomenik Malo stepenište. Istraživanja su vršena na uzorcima stene iz kamenoloma i na oštećenim kamenim blokovima ugrađenim u spomenik. Dok su neki delovi stepeništa bili pod zemljom 90 godina, većina kamenih elemenata je bila izložena različitim uslovima sredine i antropogenim uticajima. Urađeno je detaljno mapiranje trenutnog stanja spomenika kako bi se istražio uticaj “zatrpavanja” i kompleksne geometrije spomenika na tip propadanja i variranje ...Nevenka Novaković, Predrag Dabić, Vesna Matović. "Atmospheric exposure vs burying: influences on damage intensity of built-in kersantite in the monument of the Small Staircase (Belgrade, Serbia)" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-023-10794-6
Хидрогеолошке карактеристике изворишта подземних вода “Зеленица” и “Горње поље” за водоснабдевање Лознице
Матија Стојановић (2024)Циљ овог истраживања је потреба за дефинисањем режима и категоризације резерви подземних вода где су изведени радови у раздобљу од јуна 2013. до јуна 2014. на истражно-експлоатационим бунарима изворишта "Зеленица" и "Горње поље" у Лозници. Истражно-експлоатациони бунари на наведеним извориштима каптирају збијени тип издани са слободним нивоом у оквиру квартарних шљункова и пескова, што указује на стабилност и поузданост извора. Према режимским осматрањима, утврђено је да се подземне воде могу неометано експлоатисати из бунара изворишта "Зеленица" у количини од ...извориште, збијени тип издани, истражно- експлоатисани бунари, квартарни седименти, резерве подземних вода... 67 H. I. B. (m ) Bo an oc ra j (c m) 03.06.2013 03.09.2013 03.12.2013 03.03.2014 03.06.2014 flarym 350 300 250 200 H. n. B. {m ) 150 Bo an oc ra j (c m) 100 03.06.2013 03.09.2013 03.12.2013 03.03.2014 03.06.2014 flaryM — lpuHa ——BT[Tl-1 —— BbrT]l-2 —— B[T]-3 —— bT[1-4 ...
... HCTpa)XHBaM»HMa |jc H3BDpIHeHO yrBpljaBame KBaJmireTa BoJta ca OyHapa 53-9 Ha waBopHmrry "3emeHuma"H TO ca HO |1 XeEMHJCKOM aHajmH3OM "B" a "A" oOuMMa. Cpe aHanmne "B" a “A” oOuMa BpirteHe cy y aKpe,JMTOBaHHM JI2OOpaTopHjaMa. AnHajmne BoJna cy oOyxBaTue oJipeljuaBama: Oagukux ocoOHHa Makpoe:neMeHara ...
... Ocramix Bpcra naroreHux OakTepuja BHomnonikHx aHang3a (ITapa3HTOJIOIIIKHX HCHHTHBaM4a) VikynHo Je ypabeHo 17 xeMuHjckMx aHangHya "B" oOuMMa, TJ. no 8 aHajn3a "B" oOMma 3a "3eneHumy" a "Fopme nojbe". OJt rora ypabeHe cy 4 aHanmgae no penpe3eHTarHBHOM OyHapy H no 4 3O0HpHe aHajiH3e BOJIĆ 34 CBaKO ...Матија Стојановић. Хидрогеолошке карактеристике изворишта подземних вода “Зеленица” и “Горње поље” за водоснабдевање Лознице, 2024
Distribution of major and trace elements in the Kovin lignite (Serbia)
Dragana Životić, Olga Cvetković, Predrag Vulić, Ivan Gržetić, Vladimir Simić, Konstantin Ilijević, Biljana Dojčinović, Suzana Erić, Bogdan Radić, Sanja Stojadinović, Snežana Trifunović (2019)geochemical and mineralogical study was performed on lignite samples from the Upper Miocene Kovin deposit, hosting three coal seams. The Kovin lignite is characterized by high moisture content, medium to high ash yield, medium to high sulphur content and a relatively low gross and net calorific value. The mineralogical composition, and major and trace element contents were determined by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive Xray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) analyses, and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). ...Dragana Životić, Olga Cvetković, Predrag Vulić, Ivan Gržetić, Vladimir Simić, Konstantin Ilijević, Biljana Dojčinović, Suzana Erić, Bogdan Radić, Sanja Stojadinović, Snežana Trifunović. "Distribution of major and trace elements in the Kovin lignite (Serbia)" in Geologia Croatica, Croatian Geological Survey (2019). https://doi.org/10.4154/gc.2019.06