700 items
Improvement of education through the cooperation between CEEPUS EURO Geo-Sci network and scientific projects: examples from UB-FMG
Kristina Šarić, Dejan Prelević, Miloš Marjanović, Uroš Stojadinović, Vladimir Simić . "Improvement of education through the cooperation between CEEPUS EURO Geo-Sci network and scientific projects: examples from UB-FMG" in V Congress of Geologists of Republic of Macedonia ": “Geology in a changing world”, Makedonsko geološko društvo (2024)
Energetska bezbednost sektora prirodnog gasa Srbije
U prve dve decenije 21. veka obezbeđivanje sigurnosti snabdevanja prirodnim gasom domaćeg tržišta bio je jedan od prioriteta razvoja energetike Srbije. Istovremeno, aspekt sigurnog snabdevanja bio je neizostavni deo slagalice stvaranja energetske bezbednosti. Izražena uvozna zavisnost je dominantna karakteristika sektora prirodnog gasa, tačnije, Republika Srbija je snažno zavisna od ruskog gasa, sa više od 80% uvezenih količina gasa, a do pre dve godine snabdevala se isključivo kroz jednu interkonekciju. U radu se razmatra aktuelna situacija u sektoru prirodnog ...... of the system in a technical sense, the diversification of sources and directions of supply, as well as the degree of structural development, compared to the foreseen strategic development plans, respectively. This paper also presents a new methodology for determining the impact of system readiness ...Aleksandar Madžarević, Predrag Jovančić, Miroslav Crnogorac. "Energetska bezbednost sektora prirodnog gasa Srbije" in 36. Međunarodni kongres o procesnoj industriji – Procesing ’23, Šabac, 1. i 2. juna 2023. , Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS) Društvo za procesnu tehniku (2023)
Prognoza operativne efikasnosti aktivnog podzemnog rudnika zasnovana na teoriji sivih sistema
Svetlana M. Štrbac-Savić (2016-06-10)Efikasnost predstavlja preduslov za opstanak svake rudarske kompanije, posebno u uslovima izuzetno konkurentnog trţišnog okruţenja kao što je to rudarska industrija. Efikasnost oznaĉava sposobnost kompanije da ispuni svoje kratkoroĉne ili dugoroĉne ciljeve. Operativna efikasnost se definiše kao odnos izmeĊu ulaznih parametara potrebnih za odvijanje proizvodnje i pokazatelja dobijenih proizvodnjom. U kontekstu rudarskog poslovanja, operativna efikasnost se odnosi na vreme potrebno da se mineralno dobro transformiše u novĉana sredstva. Visoka operativna efikasnost se postiţe kada se ostvari prava kombinacija karakteristika ...podzemni rudnik, operativna efikasnost, prognoza, teorija sivih sistema, stohastiĉke diferencijalne jednaĉine, simulacija... Systems), 2, pp. 1-10, 1985. [DENG86] J. Deng, The application of Grey System to quantitative investment strategy, Investment and reform, 3, pp. 21-5, 1986. [DENG89] J. Deng, Introduction to Grey system theory, The journal of Grey system 1, pp.1-24. 1989. (proveriti strane) [DULANOVIĆ09] Ţivko Dulanović ...
... Number 7, July 2013 pp. 2907-2918, 2013. [HUO86] Huo Junjiang, On the applications of Grey System Theory and methods to history studies, Social Science 10, pp. 64-68, 1986. [HUO86a] Huo Junjiang, Grey System methods and investigation, Seeker, 4, pp. 94-98, 1986. [JANCZURA11] J. Janczura, S. Orzel ...
... aktivnog podzemnog rudnika zasnovana na teoriji sivih sistema;Operational efficiency forecasting model of an existing underground mine using grey system theory Svetlana M. Štrbac-Savić Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Prognoza operativne efikasnosti ...Svetlana M. Štrbac-Savić. "Prognoza operativne efikasnosti aktivnog podzemnog rudnika zasnovana na teoriji sivih sistema" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-06-10)
Steel Arch Support Deformations Forecast Model Based on Grey–Stochastic Simulation and Autoregressive Process
Relatively large deformations of the steel arch support in underground coal mines in the Republic of Serbia present one of the main problems for achieving the planned production of coal. Monitoring of the critical sections of the steel arch support in the underground roadways is necessary to gather quality data for the development of a forecasting model. With a new generation of 3D laser scanners that can be used in potentially explosive environments (ATEX), deformation monitoring is facilitated, while ...čelična podgrada, prognoza deformacija, vremenske serije, grey-stohastička simulacija, autoregresija, podzemni rudnik ugljaLuka Crnogorac, Suzana Lutovac, Rade Tokalić, Miloš Gligorić, Zoran Gligorić. "Steel Arch Support Deformations Forecast Model Based on Grey–Stochastic Simulation and Autoregressive Process" in Applied Sciences, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/app13074559
A new polymorph of Ba(AsO3OH): Synthesis, crystal structure and vibrational spectra
Tamara Đorđević, Ljiljana Karanović (2010)A new monoclinic polymorph of Ba(AsO3OH) was synthesized under hydrothermal conditions. It represents a previously unknown structure type. Its crystal structure was determined from a racemic twin using single-crystal X-ray diffraction data collected at 120 and 293 K [space group P21, a=7.2149(14)/7.2370(2), b=7.7028(15)/7.7133(2), c=21.7385(43)/21.8079(5) Å, β=95.95(3)/96.073(1)1, V=1201.6(4)/1210.51(5) Å3, Z=12]. The crystal structure of P21-Ba(AsO3OH) has a layered character and is built up of four types of regularly alternating layers parallel to (0 0 1). Every AsO3OH tetrahedron is chelating to two Ba atoms and ...Ba(AsO3OH), хидротермална синтеза, структурна анализа монокристала, Раманска спектроскопија, инфрацрвена спектроскопија, водоничне везе, хидрогенарсенати земноалкалних металаTamara Đorđević, Ljiljana Karanović. "A new polymorph of Ba(AsO3OH): Synthesis, crystal structure and vibrational spectra" in Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Elsevier BV (2010). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssc.2010.09.027
Simulation of Hydrogeological Environmental Discharge in Case of Interruption Constant Observations
Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Dragoljub Bajić, Miroslav Popović. "Simulation of Hydrogeological Environmental Discharge in Case of Interruption Constant Observations" in International Scientific Conference - Sinteza 2024, Belgrade, 16. maj 2024, Singidunum University (2024). https://doi.org/10.15308/Sinteza-2024-288-294
Increasing the Local Road Network Resilience from Natural Hazards in Municipalities in Serbia
Biljana Abolmasov, Miloš Marjanović, Ranka Stanković, Uroš Đurić, Nikola Vulović. "Increasing the Local Road Network Resilience from Natural Hazards in Municipalities in Serbia" in Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, Volume 3, Issue 1, Springer Cham. (2024). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-55120-8_22
EUROLAN 2021: Introduction to Linked Data for Linguistics Online Training School
Prva škola za obuku polaznika koju je organizovala COST akcija NexusLinguarum održana je od 8. do 12. februara 2021. godine sa ciljem da studenti, istraživači i stručnjaci nauče osnove lingvističke nauke o podacima. Tokom obuke polaznici su se upoznali sa širokim spektrom tema: od semantičkog veba, RDF -a i ontologija, do modeliranja i pretraživanja jezičkih podataka pomoću najsavremenijih ontoloških modela i alata. Škola je održana u okviru serije letnjih škola EUROLAN-a i organizovalo ju je virtuelno (onlajn) nekoliko instituta; ...nauka o lingvističkim podacima, povezani podaci u lingvistici, jezički podaci, EUROLAN, NexusLinguarum, COST akcija, škola za obuku... Ontologies; Lexicon Model for Ontologies: Com- munity Report, 10 May 2016 8. SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System - home page 9. Protégé 10. VocBench: A Collaborative Management System for OWL ontologies, SKOS(/XL) thesauri, OntoLex-lemon lexicons and generic RDF datasets 11. The OntoLex Lemon ...
... Proceedings of eLex 2017 conference, 19–21. Stanković, Ranka, Cvetana Krstev, Biljana Lazić, and Mihailo Škorić. 2018. “Electronic dictionaries-from file system to lemon based lexical database.” In Proceedings of the 11th LREC - W23 6th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Towards Linguistic Data Science ...Milan Dojchinovski, Julia Bosque Gil, Jorge Gracia, Ranka Stanković. "EUROLAN 2021: Introduction to Linked Data for Linguistics Online Training School" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2021). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2021.21.1.7
Geotechnical Conditions for Construction of Savski Trg Metro Station as a Part of the Belgrade Metro Line One
In order to solve serious traffic congestion in Belgrade, a number of studies regarding the Belgrade Metro construction have been carried out since 1973. However, only in 2019, the routes of the future metro lines 1 and 2 were de-fined as a part of the General Metro Construction Project. The lines are de-signed to intersect at the location of Sava Square, where an interchange met-ro station will be built. It represents a complex geotechnical structure consist-ing of three different ...Nemanja Stanic, Dragoslav Rakic, Josip Isek, Slavoljub Simic. "Geotechnical Conditions for Construction of Savski Trg Metro Station as a Part of the Belgrade Metro Line One" in Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer Nature Singapore (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-8221-5_11
Age And Mode of the Middle Miocene Marine Flooding of the Pannonian Basin—Constraints from Central Serbia
Oleg Mandic, Ljupko Rundić, Stjepan Ćorić, Ðurðica Pezelj, Dörte Theobalt, Karin Sant, Wout Krijgsman (2019)The timing and mode of the marine flooding of the southern margin of the Pannonian basin in SE Europe is still a matter of debate. In central Serbia, integrated bio-magnetostratigraphic data and quantified high-resolution records are completely missing. Here, we provide paleoenvironmental and paleoecological constraints from the Slanci section located near Belgrade that has an excellent preservation of micro-fauna and flora, i.e., planktonic and benthic foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton. We integrate their quantified records with sedimentological, natural gamma radioactivity ...Oleg Mandic, Ljupko Rundić, Stjepan Ćorić, Ðurðica Pezelj, Dörte Theobalt, Karin Sant, Wout Krijgsman. "Age And Mode of the Middle Miocene Marine Flooding of the Pannonian Basin—Constraints from Central Serbia" in PALAIOS, Society for Sedimentary Geology (2019). https://doi.org/10.2110/palo.2018.052
Corpus-based bilingual terminology extraction in the power engineering domain
Ovaj rad predstavlja resurse i alate koji se koriste za ekstrkciju i evaluaciju dvojezične, englesko-srpske terminologije u domenu energetike. Resursi se sastoje od postojeće opšte i domenske leksike i domenskog paralelnog korpusa; alati uključuju ekstraktore termina za oba jezika i alat za poravnavanje segmenata koji pripadaju korpusnim rečenicama. Sistem je testiran variranjem funkcije podudaranja koja utvrđuje prisustvo ekstrahovanog termina u poravnatom segmentu (odsečak), u rasponu od veoma labavog do strogog. Procena rezultata je pokazala da je preciznost izdvajanja termina ...Tanja Ivanović, Ranka Stanković, Branislava Šandrih Todorović, Cvetana Krstev. "Corpus-based bilingual terminology extraction in the power engineering domain" in Terminology, John Benjamins Publishing Company (2022). https://doi.org/10.1075/term.20038.iva
Ocena zaštitne funkcije povlatnih slojeva izvorišta Jasik (Opština Batočina) primenom GLA metode
U cilju utvrđivanja rezervi podzemnih voda i analize uslova zaštite u periodu 2012. i 2013. godine, sprovedena su detaljna hidrogeološka istraživanja na području izvorišta Jasik (opština Batočina). Uspostavljen je sistem monitoringa, čiji je rezultat predstavljao prikupljanje detaljnih hidrogeoloških podataka. Za potrebe analize, izrađen je hidrodinamički model, na osnovu koga je simulirano kretanje podzemnih voda, odnosno, utvrđene zone sanitarne zaštite. Pored navedenog, za potrebe utvrđivanja uslova zaštite podzemnih voda, bilo je neophodno utvrditi podložnost aluvijalne izdani izvorišta Jasik zagađenju. Polazeći ...Rastko Petrović, Igor Jemcov, Dušan Polomčić. "Ocena zaštitne funkcije povlatnih slojeva izvorišta Jasik (Opština Batočina) primenom GLA metode" in Vodoprivreda, Srpsko društvo za navodnjavanje i odvodnjavanje (2014)
Transition pathways of household heating in Serbia: Analysis based on an agent-based model
To explore pathways of the energy transition of household heating, an agent-based simulation model was developed for the case of the Serbian household sector. The model is focused on individual entities (households) with the objective to explore the effects of policy instruments on energy transition in households with individual heating systems. Empirically collected survey data were used as input for households’ attitudes towards sustainable heating. Simulations showed that the proposed instruments would lead to higher heating efficiency and less ...energetska tranzicija, modeliranje bazirano na agentima, sistemi grejanja, sektor domaćinstva, obnovljivi izvori energije, emisija CO2Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković. "Transition pathways of household heating in Serbia: Analysis based on an agent-based model" in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier BV (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2022.112506
Optimizacija ugla nagiba generalne kosine unutrašnjeg odlagališta površinskog kopa Tamnava-Zapad
Formiranje geomehanički tabilnih unutrašnjih odlagališta otkrivke ima izuzetno značajnu ulogu pri projektovanju i planiranju razvoja površinskih kopova uglja sa aspekta preraspodele masa otkrivke, dinamike eksploatacije, ekoloških zahteva, rudarskih rizika i troškova. Uvećanje zavodnjenosti unutrašnjeg odlagališta otkrivke površinskog kopa Tamnava-Zapadno Polje, kao posledica globalnih klimatskih promena sa pojavom katastrofalnih obimnih padavina i velike poplave, dovelo je i do značajnih ali i trajnih promena geomehaničkih karakteristika materijala, umanjenja stabilnosti generalne kosine unutrašnjeg odlagališta i znatnog povećanja rudarskog rizika. Inovirane varijantne ...Natalija Pavlović, Branko Petrović, Tomislav Šubaranović, Ivan Janković. "Optimizacija ugla nagiba generalne kosine unutrašnjeg odlagališta površinskog kopa Tamnava-Zapad" in 15. Međunarodna konferencija o površinskoj eksploataciji OMC 2022, Zlatibor, 12.-15.10.2022., Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2022)
Analysis of the exhaust emissions inventory from auxiliary mining machines
Stevan Đenadić, Aleksandar Mirković, Jovana Mitrović, Filip Miletić, Predrag Jovančić, Dragan Ignjatović (2023)Open-pit coal mines are equipped with a large number of mining machines and vehicles with diesel engines. Due to common daily operation of these machines and vehicles large amounts of exhaust gases which contain numerous pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere. The demand to reduce air pollution induced the activities in developed countries to map and calculate all gases emitted by industries to formulate and select adequate preventive activities. In collaboration with machine manufacturers, emission standards for off-road machines ...Stevan Đenadić, Aleksandar Mirković, Jovana Mitrović, Filip Miletić, Predrag Jovančić, Dragan Ignjatović. "Analysis of the exhaust emissions inventory from auxiliary mining machines" in 9th International Conference Mining and Environmental Protection, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2023)
Multi-Criteria Approach for Selecting Optimal Dozer Type in Open-Cast Coal Mining
Ivan Janković, Stevan Đenadić , Dragan Ignjatović , Predrag Jovančić , Tomislav Šubaranović, Ivica Ristović (2019)... open-cast mines are dozers that have a caterpillar transport system. The pneumatic transport system is used in the construction industry. The analysis of the undercarriage type (UT) implies that the dozers in question were caterpillar transport system dozers. They were divided into two groups: Dozers with ...
... Technical availability (TA) is a characteristic which describes and evaluates the work and maintenance of a realistic system. In theory, availability represents the probability of a technical system being able to work at any given time t, or being able to join in on the work, and of being able to carry out the ...
... ac.rs; Tel.: +381-11-3241-121 Received: 15 March 2019; Accepted: 29 May 2019; Published: 12 June 2019 ���������� ������� Abstract: In a continuous system of production in open-cast coal mining, in addition to the basic machinery which consists of highly productive machines (bucket-wheel excavators, ...Ivan Janković, Stevan Đenadić , Dragan Ignjatović , Predrag Jovančić , Tomislav Šubaranović, Ivica Ristović . "Multi-Criteria Approach for Selecting Optimal Dozer Type in Open-Cast Coal Mining" in Energies, MDPI (2019). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3390/en12122245
Understanding partitioning of deformation in highly arcuate orogenic systems: Inferences from the evolution of the Serbian Carpathians
Nemanja Krstekanić, Liviu Matenco, Marinko Toljić, Oleg Mandić, Uroš Stojadinović, Ernst Willingshofer (2020)... clockwise rotations during post- early Miocene times (Lesić et al. (2019). These rotations and translations were associated with Eocene–early Miocene orogen-parallel extension and ~ 100 km of dextral strike-slip offset along the curved Cerna–Jiu and Timok faults system in the South and Serbian Carpathians ...
... which took place likely by reac- tivating the orogen-perpendicular normal fault system inherited from the Oligocene - early Miocene deformation stage. The age of this event is constrained by the thrusted late Oligocene–early Miocene sediments of the Senje–Resava basin. Field kinematics and regional ...
... sub-units (the Upper and Lower Getic, Figs. 2, 4) by a large-offset thrust (Figs. 2, 4). Northwards, the late Early Cretaceous thrusting has created in the South Carpathians a narrow system of two nappes located in the upper part of the Getic unit that contain Triassic–Jurassic sediments and are found ...Nemanja Krstekanić, Liviu Matenco, Marinko Toljić, Oleg Mandić, Uroš Stojadinović, Ernst Willingshofer. "Understanding partitioning of deformation in highly arcuate orogenic systems: Inferences from the evolution of the Serbian Carpathians" in Global and Planetary Change, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2020.103361
New paleoecological perspectives on Late Pleistocene Neanderthals in northern Balkans: the rodent assemblages from Smolućka cave (Serbia)
Mihailo Jovanović, Katarina Bogićević, Draženko Nenadić, Jordi Agustí,·Christian Sánchez Bandera, Juan Manuel López García, Hugues Alexandre Blain (2022)During the Late Pleistocene, the Balkans came to be an important region with many isolated areas, enabling fauna, alongside Neanderthals, to thrive in the area. This work is focused on paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic changes that occurred in the northern Balkan Peninsula with a special focus on fossil record from Smolućka cave aging from MIS 5 to MIS 3. Based on available data, an attempt has been made to establish a synthetic chronological context for the faunal assemblages recovered from ...Mihailo Jovanović, Katarina Bogićević, Draženko Nenadić, Jordi Agustí,·Christian Sánchez Bandera, Juan Manuel López García, Hugues Alexandre Blain. "New paleoecological perspectives on Late Pleistocene Neanderthals in northern Balkans: the rodent assemblages from Smolućka cave (Serbia)" in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences (2022)
The Impact Assessment of NO2 Emission from District Heating Plant on Local Air Quality, the Case of Zemun, Belgrade
The Belgrade district heating system relies on fossil fuels in heat production, where natural gas has the largest share of around 95% and fuel oil with around 4.4%. The Zemun heating plant is completely fueled with fuel oil. Currently, it is the largest plant that is not fueled with natural gas. The objective of this paper is to assess the impact of NO2 from the Zemun heating plant on local air quality by analyzing and comparing the concentration of ...NO2, Zagađenje vazduha, Kvalitet vazduh na lokalnom nivou, Model disperzije, AERMOD, Daljinsko grejanje, BeogradBoban Pavlović, Uroš Pantelić, Marija Živković, Dejan Ivezić. "The Impact Assessment of NO2 Emission from District Heating Plant on Local Air Quality, the Case of Zemun, Belgrade" in Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, 10.10.-15.10.2021., University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia; Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal (2021)
Highway construction in fossil landslides zones – Lessons learned from the Grdelica Gorge, Serbia
Landslides are common on roads, which directly affect the flow of traffic and the connection and functioning of the population in surrounding area. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate them in the shortest possible time and to determine and carry out the remediation solution. Functionality of the state roads is immensely important so it is necessary to ensure that the traffic is maintained during remediation activities. Therefore, design solutions and remediation execution technology should be adapted to these requirements. ...Biljana Abolmasov, Marinos Skempas, Svetozar Milenković, Janko Radovanović, Miloš Marjanović. "Highway construction in fossil landslides zones – Lessons learned from the Grdelica Gorge, Serbia" in 5th Regional symposium on landslides in Adriatic–Balkan Region, 23-26 March 2022, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka and Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb (2022)