670 items
Crystal structure of Ba[Co3(OH)2(VO4)2] - Кристална структура Ba[Co3(OH)2(VO4)2]
Đorđević Tamara, Karanović Ljiljana (2011)Đorđević Tamara, Karanović Ljiljana. "Crystal structure of Ba[Co3(OH)2(VO4)2] - Кристална структура Ba[Co3(OH)2(VO4)2]" in XVIII Konferencija Srpskog kristalografskog društva, Izvodi radova, Andrevlje, Srbija:Srpsko kristalografsko društvo (2011): 60-61
Crystal structure of Cd5(VO4)2(OH)4 and CdV3O7 - Кристалне структуре Cd5(VO4)2(OH)4 и CdV3O7.
Đorđević Tamara, Karanović Ljiljana (2013)Đorđević Tamara, Karanović Ljiljana. "Crystal structure of Cd5(VO4)2(OH)4 and CdV3O7 - Кристалне структуре Cd5(VO4)2(OH)4 и CdV3O7." in XX Konferencija Srpskog kristalografskog društva, Izvodi radova, Avala, Srbija:Srpsko kristalografsko društvo (2013): 64-65
Mineral-related arsenates in the system CdO/MO/As2O5 (M2+ = Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn): Cd1.25Zn0.75(HAsO4)2•2H2O and mineral fluckite
Đorđević Tamara, Karanović Ljiljana (2016)Đorđević Tamara, Karanović Ljiljana. "Mineral-related arsenates in the system CdO/MO/As2O5 (M2+ = Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn): Cd1.25Zn0.75(HAsO4)2•2H2O and mineral fluckite" in XXIII Konferencija Srpskog kristalografskog društva, Đušina 7, 11000 Beograd :Srpsko kristalografsko društvo (2016): 72-73
An update on hydrothermally synthesized Sr-containing arsenates
Đorđević Tamara, Karanović Ljiljana (2017)Đorđević Tamara, Karanović Ljiljana. "An update on hydrothermally synthesized Sr-containing arsenates" in XXIV Konferencija Srpskog kristalografskog društva, Đušina 7, 11000 Beograd:Srpsko kristalografsko društvo (2017): 62-63
BaCo3(VO4)2(OH)2 with regular Kagome lattice
Đorđević Tamara, Karanović Ljiljana (2013)Đorđević Tamara, Karanović Ljiljana. "BaCo3(VO4)2(OH)2 with regular Kagome lattice" in Acta Crystallographica Section C C69 no. 2, Rosenoerns Alle 1; PO Box 227; Copenhagen V, 1502; Denmark:Blackwell Munksgaard (2013): 114-118. https://doi.org/10.1107/S0108270113001972
A new anion-deficient fluorite-related superstructure of Bi28V8O62
Đorđević Tamara, Karanović Ljiljana (2014)Đorđević Tamara, Karanović Ljiljana. "A new anion-deficient fluorite-related superstructure of Bi28V8O62" in Journal of Solid State Chemistry 220, 525 B St, Ste 1900; San Diego; CA 92101-4495:Elsevier (2014): 259-269. https://doi.org/org/10.1016/j.jssc.2014.09.010
An update on the mineral-like Sr-containing transition metal arsenates
Tamara Đorđević, Ljiljana Karanović (2021)We report on the crystal structures of three novel synthetic SrM-arsenates (M = Ni and Fe3+), isostructural or structurally related to the minerals from tsumcorite, carminite and brackebuschite groups. They were synthesised under mild hydrothermal conditions and further characterised using single-crystal X-ray diffraction (SXRD), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEMEDS) and Raman spectroscopy. SXRD and SEM-EDS yielded formulae: (I) SrNi2(AsO4)2·2H2O, (II) Sr1.4Fe3+ 1.6(AsO4)2(OH)1.6 and (III) SrFe3+(AsO4)(AsO3OH). All three structures are built up of slightly distorted MO6 octahedra ...арсенати метала, кристална структура, дифракција рендгенских зрака на монокристалима, хидротермална синтеза, Раманова спектроскопија, релевантна једињења у животној средини, арсенeochemistry and PetrologyTamara Đorđević, Ljiljana Karanović. "An update on the mineral-like Sr-containing transition metal arsenates" in Mineralogical Magazine, Mineralogical Society (2021). https://doi.org/10.1180/mgm.2021.41
Three new Sr-bearing arsenates, hydrothermally synthesized in the system SrO–MO–As2O5–H2O (M2+ = Mg, Cu, Zn)
Tamara Đorđević, Ljiljana Karanović (2018)During systematic research on the mineral-related synthetic arsenates, with particular focus on their structural and spectroscopic classification, three new Sr-containing arsenates Sr2Mg(AsO4)2· 2H2O (1), Sr2Zn4(AsO4)4·H2O (2) and Sr2Cu7(AsO4)6 (3) have been synthesized under low-temperature hydrothermal conditions in the system SrO MO As2O5 H2O (M 2þ = Mg, Zn, Cu). Their crystal structures were determined using room-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction data and refined to the following R-values: 1– R1 = 0.025; 2– R1 = 0.030; 3– R1 = 0.035. Compounds ...стронцијум, арсен, арсенати, кристална структура, дифракција рендгенских зрака на монокристалима, хидротермална синтеза, Раманска спектроскопијаTamara Đorđević, Ljiljana Karanović. "Three new Sr-bearing arsenates, hydrothermally synthesized in the system SrO–MO–As2O5–H2O (M2+ = Mg, Cu, Zn)" in European Journal of Mineralogy, Schweizerbart (2018). https://doi.org/10.1127/ejm/2018/0030-2749
A new polymorph of Ba(AsO3OH): Synthesis, crystal structure and vibrational spectra
Tamara Đorđević, Ljiljana Karanović (2010)A new monoclinic polymorph of Ba(AsO3OH) was synthesized under hydrothermal conditions. It represents a previously unknown structure type. Its crystal structure was determined from a racemic twin using single-crystal X-ray diffraction data collected at 120 and 293 K [space group P21, a=7.2149(14)/7.2370(2), b=7.7028(15)/7.7133(2), c=21.7385(43)/21.8079(5) Å, β=95.95(3)/96.073(1)1, V=1201.6(4)/1210.51(5) Å3, Z=12]. The crystal structure of P21-Ba(AsO3OH) has a layered character and is built up of four types of regularly alternating layers parallel to (0 0 1). Every AsO3OH tetrahedron is chelating to two Ba atoms and ...Ba(AsO3OH), хидротермална синтеза, структурна анализа монокристала, Раманска спектроскопија, инфрацрвена спектроскопија, водоничне везе, хидрогенарсенати земноалкалних металаTamara Đorđević, Ljiljana Karanović. "A new polymorph of Ba(AsO3OH): Synthesis, crystal structure and vibrational spectra" in Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Elsevier BV (2010). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssc.2010.09.027
Mineral-like M1–M2–H-arsenates (M12+ = Sr, Ba, Cd; M22+ = Mg, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn): crystal structure of Cd0.74Mg2.76(AsO4)(HAsO4)2
Đorđević Tamara, Stojanović Jovica, Karanović Ljiljana. "Mineral-like M1–M2–H-arsenates (M12+ = Sr, Ba, Cd; M22+ = Mg, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn): crystal structure of Cd0.74Mg2.76(AsO4)(HAsO4)2" in Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series 6, IMA 2010, 20th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Budapest, Hungary: (2010): 716
Tsumcorite-like structure of arsenate BaMg2(AsO4)2(H2O)2-Структура арсената BaMg2(AsO4)2(H2O)2 слична структури минерала цумкорита
Šutović Sabina, Đorđević Tamara, Karanović Ljiljana. "Tsumcorite-like structure of arsenate BaMg2(AsO4)2(H2O)2-Структура арсената BaMg2(AsO4)2(H2O)2 слична структури минерала цумкорита" in XX Konferencija Srpskog kristalografskog društva, Izvodi radova, Avala, Srbija:Srpsko kristalografsko društvo (2013): 72-73
Mineral-like phases in the MO-CdO-As2O5-H2O system (M2+ = Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn)
Đorđević Tamara, Gerger Sabrina, Karanović Ljiljana. "Mineral-like phases in the MO-CdO-As2O5-H2O system (M2+ = Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn)" in The 29th European Crystallographic Meeting, ECM29 MS14-15, Rovinj, Croatia: (2015): 303-303
A new arsenate SrNi2(AsO4)2(H2O)2 related to tsumcorite group
Kovač Sabina, Đorđević Tamara, Karanović Ljiljana. "A new arsenate SrNi2(AsO4)2(H2O)2 related to tsumcorite group" in XXII Konferencija Srpskog kristalografskog društva, Đušina 7, 11000 Beograd Đušina 7, 11000 Beograd :Srpsko kristalografsko društvo Srpsko kristalografsko društvo (2015): 70-71
Stojanović Jovica, Đorđević Tamara, Karanović Ljiljana. "[Zn3(PO4)2(H2O)0.8(NH3)1.2]" in Acta Crystallographica Section C C66 no. 5, Rosenoerns Alle 1; PO Box 227; Copenhagen V, 1502; Denmark:Blackwell Munksgaard (2010): i55-i57. https://doi.org/10.1107/S0108270110014885
Đorđević Tamara, Stojanović Jovica, Karanović Ljiljana. "Zn1.86Cd0.14(OH)VO4" in Acta crystallographica Section E, Structure reports online E66 no. 12, Rosenoerns Alle 1; PO Box 227; Copenhagen V, 1502; Denmark:Blackwell Munksgaard (2010): i79-i79. https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600536810044806
Structural features of two novel alluaudite-like arsenates Cd1.16Zn2.34(AsO4)1.5(HAsO4)(H2AsO4)0.5 and Cd0.74Mg2.76(AsO4)1.5(HAsO4)(H2AsO4)0.5
Stojanović Jovica, Đorđević Tamara, Karanović Ljiljana. "Structural features of two novel alluaudite-like arsenates Cd1.16Zn2.34(AsO4)1.5(HAsO4)(H2AsO4)0.5 and Cd0.74Mg2.76(AsO4)1.5(HAsO4)(H2AsO4)0.5" in Journal of alloys and compounds : an interdisciplinary journal of materials science and solid-state chemistry and physics 520, Radarweg 29; Amsterdam, 1043 NX; Netherlands:Elsevier BV (2012): 180-189. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.01.002
An investigation of polyhedral deformation in two mixed-metal diarsenates: SrZnAs2O7 and BaCuAs2O7
Kovač Sabina, Karanović Ljiljana, Đorđević Tamara. "An investigation of polyhedral deformation in two mixed-metal diarsenates: SrZnAs2O7 and BaCuAs2O7" in Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Structural Chemistry C71 no. 4, INT UNION CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, 2 ABBEY SQ, CHESTER, CH1 2HU, ENGLAND :John Wiley and Sons Inc. (2015): 330-337. https://doi.org/10.1107/S2053229615005616
Hydrothermal and ionothermal syntheses of mineral-related arsenates in the system CdO/MO/As2O5 (M2+ = Mg, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) and their crystal structures
Đorđević Tamara, Gerger Sabrina, Karanović Ljiljana. "Hydrothermal and ionothermal syntheses of mineral-related arsenates in the system CdO/MO/As2O5 (M2+ = Mg, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) and their crystal structures" in European Journal of Mineralogy 29 no. 1, Johannesstr 3A; Stuttgart, 70176; Germany :E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (2017): 73-89. https://doi.org/10.1127/ejm/2017/0029-2585
Mineralogical Discrimination between Authentic and Recent Imitations of Pottery Manufacture in Zlakusa, Serbia
... Mihovil Logar, Biljana Đorđević Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Mineralogical Discrimination between Authentic and Recent Imitations of Pottery Manufacture in Zlakusa, Serbia | Maja Milošević, Mihovil Logar, Biljana Đorđević | Nordic Clay Meeting/3rd ...Maja Milošević, Mihovil Logar, Biljana Đorđević. "Mineralogical Discrimination between Authentic and Recent Imitations of Pottery Manufacture in Zlakusa, Serbia" in Nordic Clay Meeting/3rd Symposium Clays & Ceramics 2021, The Latvian Clay Science Society (2021)
Structural characterization of traditional pottery produced from local clay, Rujište (Ražanj, Central Serbia), in an effort to preserve its geoheritage
... traditional pottery produced from local clay, Rujište (Ražanj, Central Serbia), in an effort to preserve its geoheritage Maja Milošević, Biljana Đorđević, Alena Zdravković Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Structural characterization of traditional ...
... traditional pottery produced from local clay, Rujište (Ražanj, Central Serbia), in an effort to preserve its geoheritage | Maja Milošević, Biljana Đorđević, Alena Zdravković | 9th International Conference Mineralogy and Museums, Sofia, Bulgaria | 2021 | | http://dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs/s/repo/item/0005503 Дигитални ...Maja Milošević, Biljana Đorđević, Alena Zdravković . "Structural characterization of traditional pottery produced from local clay, Rujište (Ražanj, Central Serbia), in an effort to preserve its geoheritage" in 9th International Conference Mineralogy and Museums, Sofia, Bulgaria, Earth and Man National Museum and Bulgarian Mineralogical Society (2021)