342 items
In situ dehydration behavior of veszelyite (Cu,Zn)2Zn(PO4)(OH)3•2H2O: A single-crystal X-ray study
Danisi Rosa Micaela, Armbruster Thomas, Lazić Biljana, Vulić Predrag, Kaindl Reinhard, Dimitrijević Radovan, Kahlenberg Volker (2013)Danisi Rosa Micaela, Armbruster Thomas, Lazić Biljana, Vulić Predrag, Kaindl Reinhard, Dimitrijević Radovan, Kahlenberg Volker. "In situ dehydration behavior of veszelyite (Cu,Zn)2Zn(PO4)(OH)3•2H2O: A single-crystal X-ray study" in American Mineralogist 98 no. 5, Washington D.C. :Mineralogical Society of America (2013): 1261-1269. https://doi.org/10.2138/am.2013.4465
Употреба веб платформе Омека за дигиталне библиотеке из домена рударства
У овом раду биће представљена Омека, веб платформа за приказивање дигиталних колекциjа и систем за управљање њиховим садржаjем. Њену примену у области техничких наука, а конкретно у области рударства, приказаћемо на примеру дигиталне библиотеке ROmeka@RGF. За Омеку смо се определили првенствено због чињенице да jе jедноставна за коришћење, има обимну пратећу документациjу и не захтева уско специфичне информатичке вештине што jе чини приступачном за већину корисника, а нарочито за рударске инжењере, коjима jе ова дигитална библиотека првенствено намењена. Документа ...... Александра Томашевић, Биљана Лазић, Далибор Воркапић, Михаило Шкорић, Љиљана Колоња Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Употреба веб платформе Омека за дигиталне библиотеке из домена рударства | Александра Томашевић, Биљана Лазић, Далибор Воркапић, ...
... библиотеке, рударство. РАД ПРИМЉЕН: 2. септембар 2017. РАД ПРИХВАЋЕН: 11. октобар 2017. Александра Томашевић aleksandra.tomasevic@rgf.bg.ac.rs Биљана Лазић biljana.lazic@rgf.bg.ac.rs Далибор Воркапић dalibor.vorkapic@rgf.bg.ac.rs Михаило Шкорић mihailo.skoric@rgf.bg.ac.rs Љиљана Колоња ljiljana. ...
... The METRO case study”. D-Lib magazine Vol. 16, no. 3/4 (2010). http://webdoc.sub.gwdg.de/edoc/aw/d-lib/ dlib/march10/kucsma/03kucsma.html Lazić, Biljana, Danica Seničić, Aleksandra Tomašević and Bojan Zlatić. “Ter- minological and Lexical Resources Used to Provide Open Multilingual Educational ...Александра Томашевић, Биљана Лазић, Далибор Воркапић, Михаило Шкорић, Љиљана Колоња. "Употреба веб платформе Омека за дигиталне библиотеке из домена рударства" in Инфотека, Филолошки факултет, Универзитет у Београду; Универзитетска библиотека „Светозар Марковић“; Заједница библиотека универзитета у Србији (2017)
Rule-based Automatic Multi-word Term Extraction and Lemmatization
In this paper we present a rule-based method for multi-word term extraction that relies on extensive lexical resources in the form of electronic dictionaries and finite-state transducers for modelling various syntactic structures of multi-word terms. The same technology is used for lemmatization of extracted multi-word terms, which is unavoidable for highly inflected languages in order to pass extracted data to evaluators and subsequently to terminological e-dictionaries and databases. The approach is illustrated on a corpus of Serbian texts from ...... Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Biljana Lazić, Aleksandra Trtovac Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Rule-based Automatic Multi-word Term Extraction and Lemmatization | Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Biljana Lazić, Aleksandra Trtovac | ...
... Piasecki, M., Jassem, K., Fuglewicz, P. (Eds.) Computational Linguistics. Berlin: Springer, pp. 109--129. Krstev, C., Stanković R., Obradović I., and Lazić B. (2015). Terminology acquisition and description using lexical resources and local grammars. In Proc. of the Conf.Terminology and Artificial I ...
... C., Vitas D. (2015). SrpRec, Serbian morphological electronic dictionary, http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/~unitex/index.php?page= 5, CC BY-NC-ND. Lazić B., Stanković R. (2015), MineCorp, Serbian corpus from mining domain. 514 ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Biljana Lazić, Aleksandra Trtovac. "Rule-based Automatic Multi-word Term Extraction and Lemmatization" in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2016, Portorož, Slovenia, 23--28 May 2016, European Language Resources Association (2016)
Electronic Dictionaries - from File System to lemon Based Lexical Database
In this paper we discuss some well-known morphological descriptions used in various projects and applications (most notably MULTEXT-East and Unitex) and illustrate the encountered problems on Serbian. We have spotted four groups of problems: the lack of a value for an existing category, the lack of a category, the interdependence of values and categories lacking some description, and the lack of a support for some types of categories. At the same time, various descriptions often describe exactly the same ...... Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Biljana Lazić, Mihailo Škorić Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Electronic Dictionaries - from File System to lemon Based Lexical Database | Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Biljana Lazić, Mihailo Škorić | Proceedings ...
... available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs Electronic Dictionaries – from File System to lemon Based Lexical Database Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Biljana Lazić, Mihailo Škorić {Faculty of Mining and Geology, Faculty of Philology } University of Belgrade {Djušina 7, Studentski trg 3} Belgrade, Serbia ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Biljana Lazić, Mihailo Škorić. "Electronic Dictionaries - from File System to lemon Based Lexical Database" in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - W23 6th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics : Towards Linguistic Data Science (LDL-2018), LREC 2018, Miyazaki, Japan, May 7-12, 2018, European Language Resources Association (ELRA) (2018)
Frequency and Length of Syllables in Serbian
Marija Radojičić, Biljana Lazić, Sebastijan Kaplar, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Ján Mačutek, Lívia Leššová (2019)Basic analyses of several properties of syllables (the rank-frequency distribution, the distribution of length, and the relation between length and frequency) in Serbian is presented. The syllabification algorithm used combines the maximum onset principle and the sonority hierarchy. Results indicate that syllables behave similarly to words as far as mathematical models are concerned, but values of parameters in models for syllables are quite different from those for words.... Marija Radojičić, Biljana Lazić, Sebastijan Kaplar, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Ján Mačutek, Lívia Leššová Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Frequency and Length of Syllables in Serbian | Marija Radojičić, Biljana Lazić, Sebastijan Kaplar ...
... for syllables and for words. 10 Needless to say, the lists of works mentioned here as examples is by no means exhaustive. Marija Radojičić, Biljana Lazić, Sebastijan Kaplar, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Ján Mačutek, Lívia Leššová 116 goodness-of-fit evaluation. The relation between length ...
... 14 The Cyrillic alphabet follows a different order of letters, see e.g. Comrie (1996), p. 704. Marija Radojičić, Biljana Lazić, Sebastijan Kaplar, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Ján Mačutek, Lívia Leššová 118 automatic tools for syllabification of other Slavic ...Marija Radojičić, Biljana Lazić, Sebastijan Kaplar, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Ján Mačutek, Lívia Leššová. "Frequency and Length of Syllables in Serbian" in Glottometrics (2019)
Synthesis, characterization, biomolecular interactions, molecular docking, and in vitro and in vivo anticancer activities of novel ruthenium(III) Schiff base complexes
Milica Međedović, Aleksandar Mijatović, Rada Baošić, Dejan Lazić, Žiko Milanović, Zoran Marković, Jelena Milovanović, Dragana Arsenijević, Bojana Stojanović, Miloš Arsenijević, Marija Milovanović, Biljana Petrović, Ana Rilak Simović (2023)In order to discover new anticancer drugs, novel ruthenium(III) complexes [Ru(L)Cl(H2O)], where L is tetradentate Schiff base bis(acetylacetone)ethylendiimine (acacen, 1), bis(benzoylacetone)ethylendiimine (bzacen, 2), (acetylacetone)(benzoylaceton)ethylendiimine (acacbzacen, 3), bis(acetylacetone)propylendiimine (acacpn, 4), bis(benzoylacetone)propylendiimine (bzacpn, 5) or (acetylacetone)(benzoylaceton)propylendiimine (acacbzacpn, 6), were synthesized. The complexes 1 – 6 were characterized by elemental analysis, molar conductometry, and by various spectroscopic techniques, such as UV–Vis, IR, EPR, and ESI-MS. Based on in vitro DNA/BSA experiments, complexes 2 (bzacen) and 5 (bzacpn) with two aromatic rings showed ...Milica Međedović, Aleksandar Mijatović, Rada Baošić, Dejan Lazić, Žiko Milanović, Zoran Marković, Jelena Milovanović, Dragana Arsenijević, Bojana Stojanović, Miloš Arsenijević, Marija Milovanović, Biljana Petrović, Ana Rilak Simović. "Synthesis, characterization, biomolecular interactions, molecular docking, and in vitro and in vivo anticancer activities of novel ruthenium(III) Schiff base complexes" in Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Elsevier BV (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2023.112363
Landslide Susceptibility Modeling Using Arbitary Polinomal Method
Peševski Igor, Jovanovski Milorad, Abolmasov Biljana. "Landslide Susceptibility Modeling Using Arbitary Polinomal Method" in Procedings of 2nd Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region - 2nd ReSyLAB 2015 1, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu (2017): 137-142
Landslide Susceptibility Modeling Using Arbitary Polinomal Method
Peševski Igor, Jovanovski Milorad, Abolmasov Biljana. "Landslide Susceptibility Modeling Using Arbitary Polinomal Method" in Abstract book - 2nd Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region - 2nd ReSyLAB 2015 1 no. 1, Beograd, Srbija:University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade (2015): 93-94
Landslide events in Serbia in May 2014: An overview
Marjanović Miloš, Abolmasov Biljana, Đurić Uroš, Bogdanović Snežana, Krautblatter Michael. "Landslide events in Serbia in May 2014: An overview" in Abstract book - 2nd Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region - 2nd ReSyLAB 2015 1 no. 1, Beograd, Srbija:University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade (2015): 157-157
Permanent geodetic monitoring of the Umka Landslide using GNSS techonology and GeoMoss system
Erić Verica, Božić Branko, Pejić Marko, Abolmasov Biljana, Pandžić Jelena. "Permanent geodetic monitoring of the Umka Landslide using GNSS techonology and GeoMoss system" in Abstract book - 2nd Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region - 2nd ReSyLAB 2015 1 no. 1, Beograd, Srbija:University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade (2015): 39-39
Permanent geodetic monitoring of the Umka Landslide using GNSS techonology and GeoMoss system
Erić Verica, Božić Branko, Pejić Marko, Abolmasov Biljana, Pandžić Elena. "Permanent geodetic monitoring of the Umka Landslide using GNSS techonology and GeoMoss system" in Procedings of 2nd Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region - 2nd ReSyLAB 2015 1, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu (2017): 43-48
Landslide events in Serbia in May 2014: An overview
Marjanović Miloš, Abolmasov Biljana, Đurić Uroš, Bogdanović Snežana, Krautblatter Mihael. "Landslide events in Serbia in May 2014: An overview" in Procedings of 2nd Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region - 2nd ReSyLAB 2015 1, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu (2017): 239-244
NMR kinetic studies of the interactions between [Ru(terpy)(bipy)(H2O)]2+ and some sulfur-donor ligands
Mijatović Aleksandar, Šmit Biljana, Rilak Ana, Petrović Biljana , Čanović Dragan, Bugarčić D. Živadin (2013)Mijatović Aleksandar, Šmit Biljana, Rilak Ana, Petrović Biljana , Čanović Dragan, Bugarčić D. Živadin. "NMR kinetic studies of the interactions between [Ru(terpy)(bipy)(H2O)]2+ and some sulfur-donor ligands" in Inorganica Chimica Acta 394, Amsterdam, Netherlands : Elsevier BV (2013): 552-557. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ica.2012.09.016
Surface modification of sol-gel synthesized TiO2 nanoparticles induced by La-doping
Grujić-Brojcin Mira, Armaković Stevan, Tomić N., Abramović Biljana, Golubović Aleksandar, Stojadinović Bojan, Kremenović Aleksandar, Babić Biljana, Dohcević-Mitrović Zorana, Šćepanović Maja (2014)Grujić-Brojcin Mira, Armaković Stevan, Tomić N., Abramović Biljana, Golubović Aleksandar, Stojadinović Bojan, Kremenović Aleksandar, Babić Biljana, Dohcević-Mitrović Zorana, Šćepanović Maja. "Surface modification of sol-gel synthesized TiO2 nanoparticles induced by La-doping" in Materials Characterization no. 88, NEW YORK, NY 10010-1710 USA:Elesevier Science Inc (2014): 30-41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2013.12.002
Umka landslide-first automated monitoring project in Serbia
Abolmasov Biljana, Milenković Svetozar (2011)Abolmasov Biljana, Milenković Svetozar. "Umka landslide-first automated monitoring project in Serbia" in The Second World Landslide Forum – Abstract Book, Rome, Italy:ISPRA and ICL/IPL (2011)
Hazard i upravljanje rizikom od klizišta
Abolmasov Biljana (2012)Abolmasov Biljana. "Hazard i upravljanje rizikom od klizišta" in Geološki glasnik 33-nova serija 1 povodom 20-godina postojanja Geološkog zavoda Republike Srpske no. 1, Zvornik, BiH:Geoloski zavod republike Srpske (2012): 173-189
Prirodni-geološki hazardi i katastrofe u Srbiji
Abolmasov Biljana, Jevremović Dragutin (2010)Abolmasov Biljana, Jevremović Dragutin. "Prirodni-geološki hazardi i katastrofe u Srbiji" in Tehnika, Beograd:Saveza inženjera i tehničara Srbije (2010): 7-11
Geohazardi-evropska politika i iskustva
Rundić Ljupko, Abolmasov Biljana (2012)Rundić Ljupko, Abolmasov Biljana. "Geohazardi-evropska politika i iskustva" in Zapisnici Srpskog geološkog društva za 2009 i 2010 godinu no. 1, Beograd, Srbija:Srpsko geolosko drustvo (2012): 29-39
Геохазарди – европска политика и искуства
Рундић Љупко, Аболмасов Биљана (2011)Рундић Љупко, Аболмасов Биљана. "Геохазарди – европска политика и искуства" in Записници Српског геолошког друштва за 2009 и 2010, Београд:Српско геолошко друштво (2011): 29-41
Uticaj promena klime na procenu hazarda od klizišta na putnoj mreži Srbije
Abolmasov Biljana (2017)Abolmasov Biljana. "Uticaj promena klime na procenu hazarda od klizišta na putnoj mreži Srbije" in Put i saobraćaj 3, Beograd:VIA VITA (2017): 21-34