691 items
A selection of land reclamation solution at the Bogutovo Selo - Ugljevik open pit mine by multi-attribute analysis
Dimitrijević Bojan, Milјanović Igor (2014)Dimitrijević Bojan, Milјanović Igor. "A selection of land reclamation solution at the Bogutovo Selo - Ugljevik open pit mine by multi-attribute analysis" in Bulletin of Mines, Mining Institute, Belgrade, Земун, Београд:Рударски институт (2014)
Heavy metals in lignite and soil of Kostolac-Kovin coal basin, eastern Serbia - comparative analysis with selected cities in Serbia, region, Europe and world
Bogoljub Vučković, Bojan Dimitrijević (2023)The Kostolac-Kovin coal basin with an area of 320 km2, with 5 separate layers of coal and with a total of about 5.7 Bt of geological resources and reserves represents an exceptional potential for coal production in Serbia. The coal resources listed in this way are not fully exploitable, but they represent potential for consideration. In this paper, we deal with the geochemical characteristics of coal seams and perform a comparative analysis of coal affectation on the environment. With ...... Kostolac-Kovin coal basin, eastern Serbia - comparative analysis with selected cities in Serbia, region, Europe and world Bogoljub Vučković, Bojan Dimitrijević Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Heavy metals in lignite and soil of Kostolac-Kovin coal ...
... coal basin, eastern Serbia - comparative analysis with selected cities in Serbia, region, Europe and world | Bogoljub Vučković, Bojan Dimitrijević | 9th International Conference Mining and Environmental Protection, 24–27. May 2023, Sokobanja | 2023 | | http://dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs/s/repo/item/0008215 Дигитални ...
... OVIN COAL BASIN, EASTERN SERBIA - COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS WITH SELECTED CITIES IN SERBIA, REGION, EUROPE AND WORLD Bogoljub Vučković!, Bojan Dimitrijević? !Joint stock company „Elektroprivreda Srbije”, RB Kolubara, Lazarevac, Serbia ?University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade ...Bogoljub Vučković, Bojan Dimitrijević. "Heavy metals in lignite and soil of Kostolac-Kovin coal basin, eastern Serbia - comparative analysis with selected cities in Serbia, region, Europe and world" in 9th International Conference Mining and Environmental Protection, 24–27. May 2023, Sokobanja, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2023)
Reducing environmental impact caused by mining activities in limestone mines
Radmila Gaćina, Bojan Dimitrijević (2022)Mining and its related activities have always resulted in changes in the environment and these changes can vary from one area to another. As a result of mining, several types of changes can be distinguished: destruction of land and existing vegetation, changes in terrain topography, modification in air quality, changes in surface and groundwater quality, as well as change geotechnical conditions of the rock. Environmental impact of mining have been a public concern. There is widespread global interest in mining ...Radmila Gaćina, Bojan Dimitrijević. "Reducing environmental impact caused by mining activities in limestone mines" in Underground mining engineering , Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology (2022)
Hronološki pregled razvoja površinske eksploatacije lignita u Srbiji
U ovom preglednom radu dat je istorijski pregled razvoja površinske eksploatacije lignita na teritoriji Srbije, uz kratak osvrt na geološki nastanak i kvalitet i rezerve uglja, kao i mogućnosti korišćenja za dalju upotrebu. Kolubarski, Kostolački i Kovinski ugljeni baseni lignita u Srbiji, ne računajući Kosovsko-Metohijski i Drenički u sastavu AP Kosovo i Metohija po Rezoluciji 1244 UN, su ležišta najrasprostranjenijeg uglja - lignita u Srbiji koji se eksploatiše od druge polovine 20. veka na velikom broju površinskih kopova ...Bojan Dimitrijević, Radmila Gaćina, Bogoljub Vučković. "Hronološki pregled razvoja površinske eksploatacije lignita u Srbiji" in XI Međunarodna konferencija ugalj i kritični mineral CCM 2023, Zlatibor, 11-14. oktobar 2023., Beograd : Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2023)
Research on Power Plant Ash Impact on the Quality of Soil in Kostolac and Gacko Coal Basins
Savić Dragana, Nišić Dragana, Malić Nenad, Dragosavljević Zlatko, Medenica Dragan. "Research on Power Plant Ash Impact on the Quality of Soil in Kostolac and Gacko Coal Basins" in Minerals 54 no. 8 (2), Basel, Switzerland:MDPI AG (2018): 1-16. https://doi.org/doi:10.3390/min8020054
Ground displacement estimation using DInSAR technique
Ilić Dragana, Đurić Dragana (2018)Ilić Dragana, Đurić Dragana. "Ground displacement estimation using DInSAR technique" in Abstract Book 17th Serbian Geological Congress, May 17‐20 2, Beograd:Srpsko geološko društvo (2018): 742-746
Карактеризација и управљање индустријским отпадом
Динко Кнежевић, Драгана Нишић, Рудолф Томанец, Драгана Ранђеловић. Карактеризација и управљање индустријским отпадом, Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет, 2018
Moниторинг у животној средини - одабрана поглавља
Динко Кнежевић, Драгана Нишић, Александар Цвјетић, Драгана Ранђеловић, Зоран Секулић. Moниторинг у животној средини - одабрана поглавља, Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет, 2015
Utvrđivanje koseizmičkih deformacija tla upotrebom DInSAR tehnike
Đurić Dragana, Ilić Dragana (2018)Đurić Dragana, Ilić Dragana. "Utvrđivanje koseizmičkih deformacija tla upotrebom DInSAR tehnike" in Tehnika no. 4, Beograd:Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije (2018): 503-509. https://doi.org/10.5937/tehnika1804503D
Karst Plateau Dubašnica as Geopark – Contemporary model for Geoheritage protection in Serbia
Ranđelović Dragana, Ranđelović Dragan, Ilić Marina. "Karst Plateau Dubašnica as Geopark – Contemporary model for Geoheritage protection in Serbia" in Proceedings / XXII International Conference Ecological Truth, Eco-Ist '14, 10-13 June 2014, Bor, Serbia, Bor:Tehnical Faculty Bor, University of Belgrade (2014): 40-46
ICT in Environment and Education-Competitive Advantage in New Economy
Damjanović Zvonko, Mančić Dragan, Ranđelović Dragana, Dašić Predrag, Šerifi Veis. "ICT in Environment and Education-Competitive Advantage in New Economy" in Annals of the University of Petrosani Electrical Engineering 12, Petrosani:University of Petrosani, Romania (2010): 51-56
Геолошке карактеристике и 3d модел лежишта угља Соко (Сокобањски басен)
Марсенић Драгослав, Животић Драгана, Јоковић Драган. "Геолошке карактеристике и 3d модел лежишта угља Соко (Сокобањски басен)" in Зборник радова 15. конгреса геолога Србије са међународним учешћем, Београд, [26-29 мај] 2010. = Proceedings of the 15th Congress of Geologists of Serbia with International Participation, Belgrade [26-29 May] 2010, Београд:Српско геолошко друштво (2010): 252-253
Improving the quality of environmental education through training of teachers for implementation of ICT in the processing of significant environmental dates
Ranđelović Dragan, Damjanović Zvonko, Ranđelović Dragana. "Improving the quality of environmental education through training of teachers for implementation of ICT in the processing of significant environmental dates" in Proceedings / XIX International Scientific and Professional Meeting Ecological Truth, Eco-Ist '11, 01-04 June 2011, Bor, Serbia, Bor:Tehnical Faculty Bor, University of Belgrade (2011): 535-540
Public participation in the project of recоnstruction and building of a new smelter and sulfuric acid plant in RTB Bor
Ranđelović Dragana, Pacić Ivona, Ranđelović Dragan, Marijanović Toplica. "Public participation in the project of recоnstruction and building of a new smelter and sulfuric acid plant in RTB Bor" in Proceedings / XX International Scientific and Professional Meeting Ecological Truth, Eco-Ist '12, 30 May - 02 June 2012, Zajecar, Serbia, Zaječar:Tehnical Faculty Bor, University of Belgrade (2012): 255-263
Timok Scientific Tornado- TNT - a model for science popularization and the development of competencies through cooperation with the stakeholders
Ranđelović Dragan, Randjelović Nataša, Ranđelović Dragana. "Timok Scientific Tornado- TNT - a model for science popularization and the development of competencies through cooperation with the stakeholders" in Proceedings of XXV International Conference on Ecological Truth, :Univerzitet u Beogradu, Tehnički fakultet u Boru Univerzitet u Beogradu, Tehnički fakultet u Boru (2017): 478-484
Characterization of pellet samples obtained by peletization of limestone and seaweed
Vladimir Jovanović, Dejan Todorović, Branislav Ivošević, Dragan Radulović, Sonja Milićević, Dragana Nišić (2021)Vladimir Jovanović, Dejan Todorović, Branislav Ivošević, Dragan Radulović, Sonja Milićević, Dragana Nišić. "Characterization of pellet samples obtained by peletization of limestone and seaweed" in 52nd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy ‐ IOC 2021, University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor ; [co‐organizer Institute for Mining and Metallurgy Bor (2021)
Effects of production conditions on the properties of limestone briquettes aimed for acid soil liming
Vladimir Jovanović, Dragana Nišić, Vladimir Milisavljević, Dejan Todorović, Dragan Radulović, Branislav Ivošević, Sonja Milićević (2022)Vladimir Jovanović, Dragana Nišić, Vladimir Milisavljević, Dejan Todorović, Dragan Radulović, Branislav Ivošević, Sonja Milićević . "Effects of production conditions on the properties of limestone briquettes aimed for acid soil liming" in Chemical Industry (2022). https://doi.org/10.2298/HEMIND220211011J
Late Pleistocene Squamate Reptiles from the Baranica Cave near Knjaževac (Eastern Serbia)
Đurić Dragana, Bogićević Katarina, Petrović Dragana, Nenadić Draženko. "Late Pleistocene Squamate Reptiles from the Baranica Cave near Knjaževac (Eastern Serbia)" in Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva no. 78, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2017): 23-35
Late Pleistocene Squamate Reptiles from the Baranica Cave near Knjaževac (Eastern Serbia)
Đurić Dragana, Bogićević Katarina, Petrović Dragana, Nenadić Draženko. Late Pleistocene Squamate Reptiles from the Baranica Cave near Knjaževac (Eastern Serbia) no. 78, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2017: 23-35
Karakterizacija uzoraka peleta dobijenih postupkom peletizacije krečnjaka i morske alge u različitim odnosima za upotrebu u poljoprivredi
Vladimir Jovanović, Dejan Todorović, Branislav Ivošević, Dragan Radulović, Sonja Milićević, Dragana Nišić, Slavica Mihajlović (2021)Vladimir Jovanović, Dejan Todorović, Branislav Ivošević, Dragan Radulović, Sonja Milićević, Dragana Nišić, Slavica Mihajlović. "Karakterizacija uzoraka peleta dobijenih postupkom peletizacije krečnjaka i morske alge u različitim odnosima za upotrebu u poljoprivredi" in Održivi razvoj u rudarstvu i energetici: zbornik radova / 12. simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem "Rudarstvo 2021", Institut za tehnologiju nuklearnih i drugih mineralnih sirovina [i] Privredna komora Srbije (2021)