1159 items
Ground surface subsidence monitoring using sentinel-1 in the “Kostolac” open pit coal mine
Zoran Gojković, Milan Kilibarda, Ljiljana Brajović, Miloš Marjanović, Aleksandar Milutinović, Aleksandar Ganić (2023)Open pit coal mining affects surrounding populated areas, resulting in terrain surface deformation. Surface deformation should be monitored as often as possible to control deformations and prevent potential incidents. This paper analyzes time series deformation estimated from the Sentinel-1 satellite images using the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry method to monitor subsidence rates caused by open pit mining activities. It is possible to measure deformations using classical geodetic methods, but those are rarely used in practice because they are time-consuming and ...Zoran Gojković, Milan Kilibarda, Ljiljana Brajović, Miloš Marjanović, Aleksandar Milutinović, Aleksandar Ganić. "Ground surface subsidence monitoring using sentinel-1 in the “Kostolac” open pit coal mine" in Remote Sensing (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15102519
DFT study of free radical scavenging activity of erodiol
Zoran Marković, Jelena Đorović, Milan Dekić, Milanka Radulović, Svetlana Marković, Marija Ilić (2013)Antioxidant activity of erodiol was examined at the M05-2X/6-311+G(d,p) level of theory in the gas and aqueous phases. The structure and energy of radicals and anions of the most stable erodiol rotamer were analyzed. To estimate antioxidant potential of erodiol, different molecular properties were examined: bond dissociation enthalpy, proton affinity together with electron transfer energy, and ionization potential followed by proton dissociation enthalpy. It was found that hydrogen atom transfer is the prevailing mechanism of erodiol behavior in gas; ...Zoran Marković, Jelena Đorović, Milan Dekić, Milanka Radulović, Svetlana Marković, Marija Ilić. "DFT study of free radical scavenging activity of erodiol" in Chemical Papers, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2013). https://doi.org/10.2478/s11696-013-0402-0
Serbian Society of Geomorphologists
Dragana Đurić, Jelena Ćalić (2019)... Универзитет у Тузли) Денеш Лоци (Факултет природних наука, Универзитет у Печују) Драган Нешић (Завод за заштиту природе Србије – Одељење у Нишу) Зоран Никић (Шумарски факултет, Универзитет у Београду) Александар Петровић (Географски факултет, Универзитет у Београду) Организациони одбор: Јелена ...
... Рударско-геолошки факултет), Сања Мустафић (Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет), Драган Нешић (Завод за заштиту природе Србије, Ниш), Зоран Никић (Универзитет у Београду, Шумарски факултет), Радмила Павловић (Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет), Милица Пешић (Универзитет ...
... факултет), Александар С. Петровић (Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет), Драгана Петровић (Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет), Зоран Славнић, 34 GeomorForum 2019: Conference Programme and Abstracts Драгољуб Штрбац (Географски институт „JoBaH Цвијић“ САНУ) и Бранислав Тривић ...Dragana Đurić, Jelena Ćalić. "Serbian Society of Geomorphologists" in GeomorForum 2019: Landforms related to plains of Serbia and its neighboring area, Conference Programme and Abstracts, Beograd, 10-12. maj 2019, Serbian Society of Geomorphologists (2019)
3D modeling and monitoring of karst system as a base for its evaluation and utilization: a case study from eastern Serbia
Earth-Surface Processes, Geology, Pollution, Soil Science, Water Science and Technology, Environmental Chemistry, Global and Planetary ChangeSaša Milanović, Zoran Stevanović, Ljiljana Vasić, Vesna Ristić-Vakanjac. "3D modeling and monitoring of karst system as a base for its evaluation and utilization: a case study from eastern Serbia" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-013-2591-9
Centar za hidrogeologiju karsta - 15 godina nauke i struke
... istraživačkih centara. (Italija 2009, Kina 2013, SAD 2007, 2015). Godine 2022. dobio je specijalnu nagradu EUROKARST2022 u Malagi, Spanija. Prof. Ret. Zoran P. STEVANOVIĆ, PhD Founder and former Head of the Centre for Karst Hydrogeology Retired Professor, founder and former Head of the Centre for Karst ...
... Saša Milanović, Ljiljana Vasić, Zoran Stevanović, Branislav Petrović Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Centar za hidrogeologiju karsta - 15 godina nauke i struke | urednici Saša Milanović, Ljiljana Vasić, Zoran Stevanović, Branislav Petrović | ...
... Saša i Zoran. Međutim, učešće u nekim međunarodnim projektima koje je finansirala Evropska unija rezultiralo je mogućnošću nabavke osnovne opreme za istraživanje i monitoring podzemnih voda, dobijanja licence za GIS softver i pokrivanja troškova nekih međunarodnih putovanja. Dok su Zoran kao vođa ...urednici Saša Milanović, Ljiljana Vasić, Zoran Stevanović, Branislav Petrović. Centar za hidrogeologiju karsta - 15 godina nauke i struke, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Centar za hidrogeologiju karsta, 2023
Groundwater management by riverbank filtration and an infiltration channel, the case of Obrenovac, Serbia
... Hajdin, Zoran Stevanović, Dragoljub Bajić, Katarina Hajdin Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Groundwater management by riverbank filtration and an infiltration channel, the case of Obrenovac, Serbia | Dušan Polomčić, Bojan Hajdin, Zoran Stevanović ...
... the river impact is apparent, seen by following the groundwater level in piezometer P-4 located in the middle part of the meander. The groundwater levels in the other two piezometers located in the central part (P-5 and P-6) are lower and stable in relation to the other piezometers, a consequence of being ...
... 3-1025-9 Groundwater management by riverbank filtration and an infiltration channel: the case of Obrenovac, Serbia Dušan Polomčić, Bojan Hajdin, Zoran Stevanović, Dragoljub Bajić & Katarina Hajdin 1 23 Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer- Verlag ...Dušan Polomčić, Bojan Hajdin, Zoran Stevanović, Dragoljub Bajić, Katarina Hajdin. "Groundwater management by riverbank filtration and an infiltration channel, the case of Obrenovac, Serbia" in Hydrogeology Journal, Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer, International Association of Hydrogeologists (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-013-1025-9
Hydrogeochemistry of Uranium in the Groundwaters of Serbia
... Todorović, Petar Papić, Jovan Kovačević, Zoran Nikić Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Hydrogeochemistry of Uranium in the Groundwaters of Serbia | Marina Ćuk, Maja Todorović, Petar Papić, Jovan Kovačević, Zoran Nikić | Uranium - Past and Future Challenges ...
... dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs Hydrogeochemistry of Uranium in the Groundwaters of Serbia Marina Ćuk1, Maja Todorović1, Petar Papić1, Jovan Kovačević2 and Zoran Nikić3 1 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina 7, 11000 Bel- grade, Serbia, +381(0)113219235 2Geological Survey of Serbia ...
... Acknowledgement This work is supported by Serbian Ministry of Science within the Project III 43004 and OI 176018. References Cvetković V, Giampiero P, Christofides G, Koroneos A, Pécskay Z, Resimić–Šarić K, Erić V (2007) The Miocene granitoid rocks of Mt Bukulja central Serbia; evidence for Panno- ...Marina Ćuk, Maja Todorović, Petar Papić, Jovan Kovačević, Zoran Nikić. "Hydrogeochemistry of Uranium in the Groundwaters of Serbia" in Uranium - Past and Future Challenges, Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-11059-2_89
Groundwater resources for drinking water supply in Serbia´s Southeast Pannonian basin
... Earth and Environmental Sciences, August 2014, Vol. 9, No. 3, p. 97 - 108 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES FOR DRINKING WATER SUPPLY IN SERBIA´S SOUTHEAST PANNONIAN BASIN Dušan POLOMČIĆ, Bojan HAJDIN, Marina ĆUK, Petar PAPIĆ* & Zoran STEVANOVIĆ University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology ...
... Marina Ćuk, Petar Papić, Zoran Stevanović Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Groundwater resources for drinking water supply in Serbia´s Southeast Pannonian basin | Dušan Polomčić, Bojan Hajdin, Marina Ćuk, Petar Papić, Zoran Stevanović | Carpathian ...
... groundwater regime according to the SUDEHSTRA project, and provide an adequate basis for groundwater management in A u t h o r ' s p e r s o n a l c o p p y 98 this part of the Southeast Pannonian Basin. This paper has two complementary aims: (a) to determine the groundwater balance ...Dušan Polomčić, Bojan Hajdin, Marina Ćuk, Petar Papić, Zoran Stevanović. "Groundwater resources for drinking water supply in Serbia´s Southeast Pannonian basin" in Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (2014)
Application of a Method for Intelligent Multi-Criteria Analysis of the Environmental Impact of Tailing Ponds in Northern Kosovo and Metohija
Gordana Milentijević, Blagoje Nedeljković, Milena Lekić, Zoran Nikić, Ivica Ristović, Jelena Đokić (2016)Gordana Milentijević, Blagoje Nedeljković, Milena Lekić, Zoran Nikić, Ivica Ristović, Jelena Đokić. "Application of a Method for Intelligent Multi-Criteria Analysis of the Environmental Impact of Tailing Ponds in Northern Kosovo and Metohija" in Energies, MDPI AG (2016). https://doi.org/10.3390/en9110935
Smanjenje sleganja plitkih temelja primenom mikrošipova
Slobodan Ćorić, Dragoslav Rakić (2021)Mikrošipovi su šipovi malog prečnika koji se grade tako što se u tlu specijalni postupkom formira bušotina koja se zatim armira i injektira. Njihov prečnik je najčešće 150 – 300 mm, a dužina može da bude i više desetina metara. Mikrošipovi mogu da se grade u svim vrstama tla i mogu da budu vertikalni i kosi. Oni se, stoga, koriste kao zamena za konvencionalne šipove i ankere. Primena mikrošipova u fundiranju predstavlja jedan savremeni način izgradnje i sanacije temelja/objekata. ...Slobodan Ćorić, Dragoslav Rakić. "Smanjenje sleganja plitkih temelja primenom mikrošipova" in Zbornik radova međunarodno naučno-stručnog savetovanja Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva, Vrnjačka banja, 3-5. novembar 2021., Beograd : Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije (2021)
Characterization of the eastern Suva Planina Mt. karst aquifer (SE Serbia) by time series analysis and stochastic modelling
Earth-Surface Processes,Geology, Pollution, Soil Science, Water Science and Technology, Environmental Chemistry, Global and Planetary ChangeBranislav Petrović, Veljko Marinović, Zoran Stevanović. "Characterization of the eastern Suva Planina Mt. karst aquifer (SE Serbia) by time series analysis and stochastic modelling" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-023-10911-5
Novi pristup proučavanju tekstura minerala značajnih za istraživanje rudnih ležišta
Aleksandar Pačevski (2022)... d.o.o. VODAVODA Knjaz Miloš Kompanija Simex PLENARNA PREDAVANJA / PLENARY LECTURES Zoran Stevanović, Podzemne vode — ključni resurs budućnosti i najbolji indikator stanja životne sredine. Zoran Stevanović, Groundwater — Key Resource for the Future and Best Indicator of Environmental Status ...
... Uređivački odbor / Editorial Board Danica Srećković-Batoćanin, Nevenka Đerić, Dragoljub Bajić Tehnička priprema / Technical Preparation Bojan Kostić, Zoran Miladinović, Ana Zeković, Marija Petrović Izdavač / Publisher Srpsko geološko društvo / Serbian Geological Society Kamenička 6, P.Box 227, 11001 ...
... Organizacioni odbor / Organizing Committee Vladimir Simić (predsednik), Danica Srećković-Batoćanin (potpredsednik), Dragoljub Bajić (sekretar), Zoran Miladinović (sekretar), Nevenka Đerić, Nenad Marić, Predrag Cvijić, Danijela Božić, Sonja Đokanović, Bojan Kostić, Nikoleta Aleksić, Stefan Petrović ...Aleksandar Pačevski. "Novi pristup proučavanju tekstura minerala značajnih za istraživanje rudnih ležišta" in 18. Kongres geologa Srbije “Geologija rešava probleme” Divčibare, 01-04 jun 2022., Beograd : Srpsko geološko društvo (2022)
Application of VIКOR method in the selection of an optimal splution of excavation “Borska Reka” ore deposit
Sanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Branko Glušćević, Radmila Gaćina. "Application of VIКOR method in the selection of an optimal splution of excavation “Borska Reka” ore deposit" in 9th International Conference Mining and Environmental protection MEP, 24 – 27 May 2023, Sokobanja, Serbia , Belgrade : University of Belgrade-Faculty of mining and geology (2023)
Rock slope stability analysis under Hoek–Brown failure criterion with different flow rules
The stability analysis of homogeneous rock slope following the Hoek–Brown failure criterion under the hypothesis of different flow rules is performed based on limit equilibrium and finite element methods. The applied failure criterion is the generalized Hoek–Brown that can be introduced as a shear/normal function in analysis applying different flow rules. The results are compared with those obtained by the application of equivalent shear strength parameters of the Mohr–Coulomb criterion, considering that this is still the most widely used ...Kružna klizna površ, Huk-Braunov kriterijum loma, Kriterijum popuštanja, Smičuća/normalna funkcija, Nivo napona, Verovatnoća i parametarska analizaSvetlana Melentijević, Zoran Berisavljević, Dušan Berisavljević, Claudio Olalla Marañón . "Rock slope stability analysis under Hoek–Brown failure criterion with different flow rules" in Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment , Springer (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-024-03667-0
A comparison between ARIMA, LSTM, ARIMA-LSTM and SSA for cross-border rail freight traffic forecasting: the case of Alpine-Western Balkan Rail Freight Corridor
Miloš Milenković, Miloš Gligorić, Nebojša Bojović, Zoran Gligorić. "A comparison between ARIMA, LSTM, ARIMA-LSTM and SSA for cross-border rail freight traffic forecasting: the case of Alpine-Western Balkan Rail Freight Corridor" in Transportation Planning and Technology, Informa UK Limited (2023). https://doi.org/10.1080/03081060.2023.2245389
Geotehnički aspekti izgradnje visećeg pešačkog mosta u Starom gradu u Užicu
U radu su prikazani rezultati geotehničkih istraživanja za potrebe izgradnje visećeg pešačkog mosta preko klisure reke Đetinje u Užicu. Predviđeno je da most, sistema prednapregnute trake, omogući prelaz pešacima sa desne dolinske strane na stranu Starog grada, koja je opasana strmom liticom (cca. 40 m visine). Za potrebe formiranja geotehničkog modela i strukturnog sklopa krečnjačke stenske mase korišćen je postupak fotogrametrijskog snimanja dronom. Predviđeno je da se zatežuća sila (od oko 30 MN), koju most prenosi na obalni stub, ...fotogrametrija, stabilnost kosina, pukotine, prednapregnuta sidra, test granične nosivosti, paker (Ližonov) test... pešačkog mosta u Starom gradu u Užicu Zoran Berisavljević, Miloš Marjanović, Uroš Đurić Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Geotehnički aspekti izgradnje visećeg pešačkog mosta u Starom gradu u Užicu | Zoran Berisavljević, Miloš Marjanović, Uroš ...
... (prema SIA normama). Kao maksimalna sila testiranja usvojena je vrednost od P=2678 kN. Ispitivanje je vršeno u osam prirasta od po AP=291 kN (641, 932, 1223, 1514, 1805, 2096, 2387, 2678 kN). Kod početne sile ispitivanja (P,=350 kN) izmerena je početna deformacija, nakon čega je sidro napregnuto na ...Zoran Berisavljević, Miloš Marjanović, Uroš Đurić. "Geotehnički aspekti izgradnje visećeg pešačkog mosta u Starom gradu u Užicu" in Zbornik radova / Međunarodno naučno-stručno savetovanje Geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva i zemljotresno inženjerstvo, Vrnjačka banja, 1-3. novembar 2023., Beograd : Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije (2023.)
Pre-failure deformation monitoring as rockfall prediction tool
Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Zoran Berisavljević, Marko Pejić, Petko Vranić. "Pre-failure deformation monitoring as rockfall prediction tool" in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, IOP Publishing (2021). https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/833/1/012197
Hidrogeotermalni resursi teritorije grada Beograda
Ana Vranješ (2012-12-12)Republika Srbija je izrazito bogata hidrogeotermalnim resursima. Podzemne vode satemperaturama preko 20oC (pa do 96oC, Vranjska Banja) relativno su dobro iskorišćene.Nasuprot njima, podzemne vode sa temperaturama do 20oC do sada uglavnom nisu bilepredmet istraživanja sa bilo kog aspekta izuzev za potrebe vodosnabdevanja. Razvojemsistema toplotnih pumpi, mogućnosti višenamenskog korišćenja ovih voda značajno suuvećane.Teritorija Beograda odlikuje se značajnim resursima podzemnih voda, pre svega u okvirualuvijalnih peskovito-šljunkovitih naslaga i neogenih tortonsko-sarmatskih krečnjačkihnaslaga. Temperatura ovih voda ne prelazi 25oC. Njihovim zahvatanjem preko istražnoeksploatacionihbunara ...geotermalna energija, hidrogeotermalni resursi, hidrogeotermalni sistemi, hidrogeotermalnapotencijalnost, energetska valorizacija, hidrogeološka rejonizacija, grad BeogradAna Vranješ. "Hidrogeotermalni resursi teritorije grada Beograda" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2012-12-12)
Towards Better Valorisation of Industrial Minerals andRocks in Serbia—Case Study of Industrial Clays
Vladimir Simić, Dragana Životić, Zoran Miladinović. "Towards Better Valorisation of Industrial Minerals andRocks in Serbia—Case Study of Industrial Clays" in Resources, MDPI AG (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/resources10060063
The influence of alkyl polyglucosides (and highly ethoxylated alcohol boosters) on the phase behavior of a water/toluene/technical alkyl polyethoxylate microemulsion system
Marija Ilic, Franz-Hubert Haegel, Vesna Pavelkic, Dragan Zlatanovic, Snezana Nikolic-Mandic, Aleksandar Lolic, Zoran Nedic (2016)The influence of additives (alkyl polyglucoside, Glucopon 600 CS UP and alcohol ethoxylate C18E100) on the behavior of the water/toluene/Lutensol ON 50 (technical oxoalcohol, i-C10E5) microemulsion system as a function of temperature and composition has been investigated. The phase behavior of the microemulsions was determined by vertical sections through the Gibbs phase prism (fish-like phase diagrams). Alkyl polyglucoside shifts the one phase region to lower temperatures compared with water/toluene/Lutensol ON 50 mixtures. This is contrary to the expectation, considering ...микроемулзија, толуен, алкил полиглукозид, оксоалкохол етоксилат, појачивач ефикасности, „fish“ дијаграми... ZLATANOVIĆ“ SNEŽANA NIKOLIĆ-MANDIĆS ALEKSANDAR LOLIĆS ZORAN NEDIĆS [29] [30] [31] [32] W.C. Griffin, J. Soc. Cosmet. Chem. 1(5) (1949) 311-326 M. Kahlweit, R. Strey, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 24 (1985) 654-668 M. Kahlweit, R. Strey, P. Firman, D. Haase, Langmuir 1 (1985) 281-288 S ...
... polyethoxylate microemulsion system Marija Ilic, Franz-Hubert Haegel, Vesna Pavelkic, Dragan Zlatanovic, Snezana Nikolic-Mandic, Aleksandar Lolic, Zoran Nedic Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] The influence of alkyl polyglucosides (and highly ...
... polyethoxylate microemulsion system | Marija Ilic, Franz-Hubert Haegel, Vesna Pavelkic, Dragan Zlatanovic, Snezana Nikolic-Mandic, Aleksandar Lolic, Zoran Nedic | Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly | 2016 | | 10.2298/CICEQ141105015I http://dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs/s/repo/item/0008425 Дигитални ...Marija Ilic, Franz-Hubert Haegel, Vesna Pavelkic, Dragan Zlatanovic, Snezana Nikolic-Mandic, Aleksandar Lolic, Zoran Nedic. "The influence of alkyl polyglucosides (and highly ethoxylated alcohol boosters) on the phase behavior of a water/toluene/technical alkyl polyethoxylate microemulsion system" in Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, National Library of Serbia (2016). https://doi.org/ 10.2298/CICEQ141105015I