1054 items
Influence of boundary conditions in DEM models of sublevel caving on dilution and recovery
Lapčević Veljko, Torbica Slavko, Asadizadeh Mostafa, Đokić Nemanja, Duranović Miodrag, Petrović Milenko (2018)Lapčević Veljko, Torbica Slavko, Asadizadeh Mostafa, Đokić Nemanja, Duranović Miodrag, Petrović Milenko. "Influence of boundary conditions in DEM models of sublevel caving on dilution and recovery" in Podzemni radovi no. 33, :Unierzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2018): 1-15
Prediction of roadheader performance in Serbian underground coal mines
Duško Đukanović, Nemanja Đokić, Rade Tokalić, Luka Crnogorac, Kemal Gutić. "Prediction of roadheader performance in Serbian underground coal mines" in 8th Balkan mining Congress, Belgrade, September 28-30, 2022, Mining Institute Ltd. Belgrade (2022)
Sensitivity analysis of rock mass parameters estimate influence on decline support design using NATM
Slavko Torbica, Veljko Lapčević, Wang Gang, Nemanja Đokić, Miodrag Duranović. "Sensitivity analysis of rock mass parameters estimate influence on decline support design using NATM" in Podzemni radovi (2019). https://doi.org/10.5937/PodRad1934027T
The impact of limestone fragmentation on raw mix production in cement industry
Raw mix design is one of crucial point in production of clinker. Cement industry use limestone, marl, clay in particular percent to provide the best quality in production of clinker. The quality of the material must be in line with the quality targets. Fragmentation is important element, because affect preblending design, economic norm from blasting to crusher. Blasting is an operation which affects all subsequent operations and costs. The Kuz-Ram model is possibly the most widely used approach to ...Nikola Đokić, Lazar Kričak, Stefan Milanović, Marinko Pavlović, Stefan Krstić. "The impact of limestone fragmentation on raw mix production in cement industry" in Proceedings / XIV International Mineral Processing and Recycling Conference, IMPRC; May 12-14, 2021, Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor (2021)
Rock excavation methods in urban areas
Stefan Milanović, Lazar Kričak, Milanka Negovanović, Nikola Simić, Jovan Marković, Nikola Đokić (2023)Povećan obim građevinskih radova, koji podrazumevaju izgradnju novih stambenih i poslovnih objekata, hotela, garaža, tržnih centara i slično, sve je češći u urbanim sredinama. Ovakvi radovi sve više dolaze u kontakt sa različitom vrstom problema prilikom izgradnje, kao jedan od tih problema izdvajamo pojavu čvrste stenske mase prilikom otkopavanja na lokacijama izgradnje budućih objekata predviđenih građevinskim projektom. Prilikom izgradnje objekata tj. dela objekta koji podrazumeva podzemne prostorije nekog objekta, potrebno je vršiti iskop materijala na lokaciji, međutim taj materijal ...Stefan Milanović, Lazar Kričak, Milanka Negovanović, Nikola Simić, Jovan Marković, Nikola Đokić. "Rock excavation methods in urban areas" in Podzemni radovi, Beograd : Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2023). https://doi.org/10.5937/podrad2342047m
Analysis of the Influence of Burden Deviation from the Designed One on the Intensity of the Blast Vibration
Stefan Milanović, Lazar Kričak, Milanka Negovanović, Nikola Simić, Jovan Marković, Nikola Đokić (2023)This paper presents an analysis of the influence of burden deviation from the designed one on the intensity of blasting vibrations through the use of laboratory and field examinations. By definition, the burden represents the shortest distance from the axis of an explosive column charge to the free surface. It should be measured along the entire hole length, although, in practice, it is often measured only on the bench surface as the shortest distance from the axis of the ...Stefan Milanović, Lazar Kričak, Milanka Negovanović, Nikola Simić, Jovan Marković, Nikola Đokić. "Analysis of the Influence of Burden Deviation from the Designed One on the Intensity of the Blast Vibration" in Applied Sciences, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/app132312837
Konceptualni model hidrogeotermalnog sistema šire okoline Brusa - geološki, geofizički i hidrogeološki uslovi / Conceptual model of hydrothermal system of Brus area - geological, geophysical and hydrogeological condition
Dejan Milenić, Ana Vranješ, Marinko Toljić, Ivana Vasiljević, Natalija Radosavljević, Matija Ognjanović (2024)Na širem području Brusa izvedena su naučna multidisciplinarna istraživanja za potrebe ocene geotermalnog potencijala sa zadatkom de9inisanja uslova formiranja geotermalnih i termomineralnih resursa. Interpretacijom podataka zaključeno je da je na predmetnom terenu formiran "hibridni" hidrogeotermalni sistem, koji sadrži elemente sistema u rov-strukturi i elemente konvektivnog hidrogeotermalnog sistema sa rezervoarom u pokrivaču granitoidne intruzije. Sistem čine dva nezavisna hidrogeotermalna rezervoara. Prvi rezervoar formiran je u gornjokrednim krečnjacima na dubini od oko 1550 m. Maksimalne prognozne temperature hidrogeotermalnih resursa u krečnjačkom ...Dejan Milenić, Ana Vranješ, Marinko Toljić, Ivana Vasiljević, Natalija Radosavljević, Matija Ognjanović. "Konceptualni model hidrogeotermalnog sistema šire okoline Brusa - geološki, geofizički i hidrogeološki uslovi / Conceptual model of hydrothermal system of Brus area - geological, geophysical and hydrogeological condition" in XVII Srpski simpozijum o hidrologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem , Pirot, Srbija, 02-06. October 2024, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2024). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13739406
Hidrogeološke karakteristike područja Cerničkog polja (Istočna Hercegovina) sa posebnim osvrtom na rizik od zagađena podzemnih vodnih resursa
Petar Vojnović (2023)... američkog jasena u „Lipovačkoj šumi“ i ocena ekološke funkcionalnosti OR-5. Dragan Z. Troter, Dušica R. Đokić-Stojanović, Aleksandra B. Cvejić, Tatjana R. Veličković, Zoran B. Todorović, Olivera S. Stamenković, Vlada B. Veljković: Ekološki-prihvatljiva katalitička kombinacija CaO/trietanolamin u ...
... ŽIVOTNE SREDINE 30. - 31.03.2023. KNJIGA RADOVA (EM247?M/(! ČQ "t?· Č f}\ - / : js 4; - llll -5= -070 : D e E 9 – >= :i EODO 7 OCı - > y —AAA OO _ _JA Š Ć 1969 „ O o M ayr s /20 ŠA —— O, Ž Z - UniverztetuN Sad 55e ” 5 niverzitet u Novom Sadu – K9 KOA O ...
... u sihntezi etil-estara masnih kiselina iz otpadnih ulja suhcokreta OR-6. Nataša B. Sarap, Jelena D. Krneta Nikolić, Milica M. Rajačić, Ivana S. Vukanac, Marija M. Janković, Goran Češljar, Ilija Đorđević: Procena radioekološke situacije u životnoj sredini Mokre Gore Sekcija: Voda (V) V-1. Milica ...Petar Vojnović. "Hidrogeološke karakteristike područja Cerničkog polja (Istočna Hercegovina) sa posebnim osvrtom na rizik od zagađena podzemnih vodnih resursa" in Knjiga radova / 10. Memorijalni naučni skup iz zaštite životne sredine „Docent dr Milena Dalmacija“, Novi Sad 30-31.03.2023., Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet- Departman za hemiju, biohemiju i zaštitu životne sredine (2023)
Application of VIКOR method in the selection of an optimal splution of excavation “Borska Reka” ore deposit
Sanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Branko Glušćević, Radmila Gaćina. "Application of VIКOR method in the selection of an optimal splution of excavation “Borska Reka” ore deposit" in 9th International Conference Mining and Environmental protection MEP, 24 – 27 May 2023, Sokobanja, Serbia , Belgrade : University of Belgrade-Faculty of mining and geology (2023)
Метода променљивих околина за решавање проблема p-центра са поузданом мрежом
У овом раду је разматран проблем p-центра са поузданом мрежом (енгл. Reliable p-center facility location problem - RpCFLP). Решавање проблема подразумева иницијално успостављање p ресурса и алокације корисника, као и накнадну реалокацију корисника у складу са новонасталим сценаријима који садрже информације о онеспособљеним ресурсима и осталим измењеним улазним подацима. За решавање посматраног проблема предложена је метахеуристика заснована на итеративној варијанти основне методе променљивих околина (енгл. Iterated basic variable neighborhood search - IBVNS). Резултати тестирања предложене метахеуристике указују на њену ...Јована Рађеновић, Стефан Мишковић, Оливера Станчић. "Метода променљивих околина за решавање проблема p-центра са поузданом мрежом" in 50. Међународни симпозијум о операционим истраживањима SYM-OP-IS, Тара, Србија, 18-21.9.2023, Београд : Медија центар „Одбрана” (2023)
Bilingual lexical extraction based on word alignment for improving corpus search
Jelena Andonovski, Branislava Šandrih, Olivera Kitanović. "Bilingual lexical extraction based on word alignment for improving corpus search" in The Electronic Library, Emerald (2019). https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-03-2019-0056
Ontološki model upravljanja rizikom u rudarstvu
Olivera Kitanović (2021)Rudarska proizvodnja obuhvata kompleksne tehnološke sisteme, što nameće potrebu za uspostavljanjem i unapređivanjem sistema upravljanja rizikom. Heterogenost i obim podataka neophodnih za upravljanje rizikom zahtevaju sistem koji ih na fleksibilan način integriše i omogućava njihovo optimalno korišćenje. Osnovni cilj ove disertacije je razvoj ontologije za domen rudarstva i na njoj zasnovanog modela za upravljanje rizikom. Njegova realizacija podrazumeva i implementaciju algoritama ekstrakcije informacija za popunjavanje ontologije, kao i odgovarajuće softversko rešenje. Razvoj modela obuhvata i značajno proširenje rudarskog korpusa, kao ...rudarstvo, rizik, upravljanje rizikom, procena rizika, ontologija, semantička mreža, ekstrakcija informacija, upravljanje znanjem, računarska lingvistika... FAKULTET Olivera M. Kitanović ONTOLOŠKI MODEL UPRAVLJANJA RIZIKOM U RUDARSTVU Doktorska disertacija Beograd, 2021 UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE FACULTY OF MINING AND GEOLOGY Olivera M. Kitanović AN ONTOLOGY-BASED ...
... Nikola Vulović, and Olivera Kitanović. 2016. “Keyword-Based Search on Bilingual Digital Libraries.” In Semanitic Keyword-Based Search on Structured Data Sources, edited by A. Calì, D. Gorgan, and M. Ugarte, 112–23. Cluj-Napoca, Romania: Springer. Stanković, Ranka, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović, and ...
... Катарина, and Д Кликовац. 2014. Језик и Сазнање. Хрестоматија Из Когнитивне Лингвистике. Београд: Филолошки факултет. Biografija Olivera M. Kitanović rođena je 13. septembra 1974. godine u Surdulici, Srbija. Završila je IX Beogradsku gimnaziju „Mihajlo Petrović Alas“, prirodno-matematički ...Olivera Kitanović. Ontološki model upravljanja rizikom u rudarstvu, Beograd : [O. Kitanović], 2021
Upotreba lidar tehnologije i digitalne fotogrametrije primenom iPhone pametnih telefona na primeru rudnika "Rudnik"
Nikola Mirković, Luka Crnogorac, Aleksa Paunović. "Upotreba lidar tehnologije i digitalne fotogrametrije primenom iPhone pametnih telefona na primeru rudnika "Rudnik"" in 15. Simpozijum „Rudarstvo 2024“ Održivi razvoj u rudarstvu i energetici, Vrnjačka banja, 21-24. maj 2024., Beograd : Institut za tehnologiju nuklearnih i drugih mineralnih sirovina (2024)
Keyword Extraction from Parallel Abstracts of Scientific Publications
... Publications Slobodan Beliga, Olivera Kitanović, Ranka Stanković, Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Keyword Extraction from Parallel Abstracts of Scientific Publications | Slobodan Beliga, Olivera Kitanović, Ranka Stanković ...
... The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs Keyword Extraction from Parallel Abstracts of Scientific Publications Slobodan Beliga1(B), Olivera Kitanović2, Ranka Stanković2, and Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić1 1 Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka, Radmile Matejčić 2, 51 000 Rijeka, Croatia ...
... retrieval performances. Lect. Notes Softw. Eng. 2(3), 262–267 (2014) 13. Ludwig, P., Thiel, M., Nürnberger, A.: Unsupervised extraction of conceptual keyphrases from abstracts. In: Calì, A., Gorgan, D., Ugarte, M. (eds.) KEYSTONE 2016. LNCS, vol. 10151, pp. 37–48. Springer, Cham (2017). https://doi.org/10 ...Slobodan Beliga, Olivera Kitanović, Ranka Stanković, Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić . "Keyword Extraction from Parallel Abstracts of Scientific Publications" in Sematic Keyword-Based Search on Structured Data Sources - Third International KEYSTONE Conference, IKC 2017 Gdańsk, Poland, September 11–12, 2017 Revised Selected Papers and COST Action IC1302 Reports, Springer (2017)
Indexing of textual databases based on lexical resources: A case study for Serbian
In this paper we describe an approach to improvement of information retrieval results for large textual databases by pre-indexing documents using bag-of-words and Named Entity Recognition. The approach was applied on a database of geological projects financed by the Republic of Serbia in the last half century. Each document within this database is described by metadata, consisting of several fields such as title, domain, keywords, abstract, geographical location and the like. A bag of words was produced from these ...... Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Indexing of textual databases based on lexical resources: A case study for Serbian | Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović | Semantic Key ...
... Indexing of textual databases based on lexical resources: A case study for Serbian Ranka Stanković1, Cvetana Krstev2, Ivan Obradović1, and Olivera Kitanović1 1 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, ranka@rgf.bg.ac.rs, ivan.obradovic@rgf.bg.ac.rs, olivera.kitanovic@rgf.bg.ac ...
... the grant #47003. References 1. Courtois, B., Silberztein, M.: Dictionnaires électroniques du français. Larousse, Paris (1990) 2. Gross, M.: The use of finite automata in the lexical representation of natural lan- guage. In: Gross, M., Perrin, D. (eds.) Electronic Dictionaries and Automata in C ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović. "Indexing of textual databases based on lexical resources: A case study for Serbian" in Semantic Keyword-based Search on Structured Data Sources : First COST Action IC1302 International KEYSTONE Conference, IKC 2015, Coimbra, Portugal, September 8-9, 2015. Revised Selected Papers, Springer (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-27932-9_15
Advantages and challenges in presenting mathematical content using EDX platform
... Ranka Stanković, Olivera Kitanović, Roberto Linzalone Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Advantages and challenges in presenting mathematical content using EDX platform | Marija Radojičić, Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković, Olivera Kitanović, Roberto ...
... and Geology, ivan.obradovic@rgf.bg.ac.rs RANKA STANKOVIĆ University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, ranka.stankovic@rgf.bg.ac.rs OLIVERA KITANOVIĆ University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, olivera.kitanovic@rgf.bg.ac.rs ROBERTO LINZALONE Università degli Studi della ...
... Conference on Networked Learning, 2010, pp. 266-275. [4] Borković, A., Ilić, M., Majstorović, D., Mrđa, N., Radojičić, M., Tatar, S., Tepić, D., “Guidelines for OER creation and publishing”, BAEKTEL 2015. [5] Radojičić, M., Obradović, I., Tatar, S., Linzalone, R., Schiuma, G., & Carlucci, D. “Creating ...Marija Radojičić, Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković, Olivera Kitanović, Roberto Linzalone. "Advantages and challenges in presenting mathematical content using EDX platform" in The Seventh International Conference on e-Learning (eLearning-2016), Belgrade : Metropolitan University (2016)
Towards a Mining Equipment Ontology
... publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs TOWARDS A MINING EQUIPMENT ONTOLOGY Ranka M. Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović, Ljiljana Kolonja University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, {ranka|ivano|olja|lily}@rgf.bg.ac.rs Summary: ...
... Equipment Ontology Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović, Ljiljana Kolonja Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Towards a Mining Equipment Ontology | Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović, Ljiljana Kolonja | Proceedings of the ...
... group component. For each parameter assigned to the type of equipment, a data type is defined (numerical or textual), the parameter measuring unit (m, kW, m/min,...), and the parameter type. Thus the right hand side of the Figure depicts technological parameters for the calculation of technological elements ...Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović, Ljiljana Kolonja. "Towards a Mining Equipment Ontology" in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference Research and Development in Mechanical Industry, RaDMI 2012, September 2012, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia no. 1, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia : SaTCIP (Scientific and Technical Center for Intellectual Property) Ltd. (2012)
Keyword-Based Search on Bilingual Digital Libraries
This paper outlines the main features of Biblisha, a tool that offers various possibilities of enhancing queries submitted to large collections of aligned parallel text residing in bilingual digital library. Biblishsa supports keyword queries as an intuitive way of specifying information needs. The keyword queries initiated, in Serbian or English, can be expanded, both semantically, morphologically and in other language, using different supporting monolingual and bilingual resources. Terminological and lexical resources are of various types, such as wordnets, electronic ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Duško Vitas, Nikola Vulović, Olivera Kitanović. "Keyword-Based Search on Bilingual Digital Libraries" in Semantic Keyword-Based Search on Structured Data Sources - Second COST Action IC1302 International KEYSTONE Conference, IKC 2016, Springer (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-53640-8_10
Improving Document Retrieval in Large Domain Specific Textual Databases Using Lexical Resources
Large collections of textual documents represent an example of big data that requires the solution of three basic problems: the representation of documents, the representation of information needs and the matching of the two representations. This paper outlines the introduction of document indexing as a possible solution to document representation. Documents within a large textual database developed for geological projects in the Republic of Serbia for many years were indexed using methods developed within digital humanities: bag-of-words and named ...... Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Improving Document Retrieval in Large Domain Specific Textual Databases Using Lexical Resources | Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović | Trans ...
... Organization University of Belgrade Address Belgrade, Serbia Email ivan.obradovic@rgf.bg.ac.rs Author Family Name Kitanović Particle Given Name Olivera Prefix Suffix Division Faculty of Mining and Geology Organization University of Belgrade Address Belgrade, Serbia Email olivera.kitanovic@rgf ...
... Document Retrieval in Large Domain Specific Textual Databases Using Lexical Resources Ranka Stanković1(B), Cvetana Krstev2, Ivan Obradović1, and Olivera Kitanović1 1 Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia {ranka,ivan.obradovic,olivera.kitanovic}@rgf.bg.ac.rs 2 Faculty ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović. "Improving Document Retrieval in Large Domain Specific Textual Databases Using Lexical Resources" in Trans. Computational Collective Intelligence - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 26, Springer (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59268-8_8
Sustainable Modularity Approach to Facilities Development Based on Geothermal Energy Potential
The study presented in this paper assessed the multidisciplinary approach of geothermal potential in the area of the most southeastern part of the Pannonian basin, focused on resources utilization. This study aims to present a method for the cascade use of geothermal energy as a source of thermal energy for space heating and cooling and as a resource for balneological purposes. Two particular sites were selected—one in a natural environment; the other within a small settlement. Geothermal resources come ...геотермална енергија, Панонски басен, геотермална каскада, енергетска ефикасност, бањски центри, балнеологија, биоклиматска архитектура, стратегије пасивног дизајнирања, модуларни објекти... Milenić, Olivera Krunić Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Sustainable Modularity Approach to Facilities Development Based on Geothermal Energy Potential | Nataša Čuković- Ignjatović, Ana Vranješ, Dušan Ignjatović, Dejan Milenić, Olivera Krunić | ...
... M.; Bilec, M. Shallow geothermal energy integration in district heating system: An example from Serbia. Renew. Energy 2020, 147, 2791–2800. [CrossRef] Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 2691 23 of 24 6. Soltani, M.; Kashkooli, F.M.; Dehghani-Sanij, A.; Kazemi, A.; Bordbar, N.; Farshchi, M.; Elmi, M.; Gharali, ...
... Facilities Development Based on Geothermal Energy Potential Nataša Ćuković Ignjatović 1,* , Ana Vranješ 2,*, Dušan Ignjatović 1, Dejan Milenić 2 and Olivera Krunić 2 ���������� ������� Citation: Ćuković Ignjatović, N.; Vranješ, A.; Ignjatović, D.; Milenić, D.; Krunić, O. Sustainable Modularity ...Nataša Čuković-Ignjatović, Ana Vranješ, Dušan Ignjatović, Dejan Milenić, Olivera Krunić. "Sustainable Modularity Approach to Facilities Development Based on Geothermal Energy Potential" in Applied Sciences-Basel, МDPI (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/app11062691