1105 items
Development Trends in the MiningIndustry
Jovančić Predrag, Milisavljević Vladimir. "Development Trends in the MiningIndustry" in Rudarstvo 2017, Zbornik radova 8. simpozijuma,Palić, 16-18 maj 2017, Beograd:Privredna Komora Srbije (2017): 1-10
Dijagnostika ponašanja pogona rotornog točka
Predrag Jovančić, Miloš Tanasijević (2006)Predrag Jovančić, Miloš Tanasijević. "Dijagnostika ponašanja pogona rotornog točka" in Tehnička dijagnostika (2006)
Proaktivni sistem nadzora osnovne rudarske opreme na površinskim kopovima
Jovančić Predrag, Ignjatović Dragan (2010)Jovančić Predrag, Ignjatović Dragan. "Proaktivni sistem nadzora osnovne rudarske opreme na površinskim kopovima" in Integritet i vek konstrukcija 10 no. 1, Beograd :Društvo za integritet i vek konstrukcija (2010): 11-20
Ponašanje konstrukcije radnog organa rotornog bagera
Predrag Jovančić, Miloš Tanasijević (2004)Predrag Jovančić, Miloš Tanasijević. "Ponašanje konstrukcije radnog organa rotornog bagera" in Tehnička dijagnostika (2004)
Projection of SO2 emissions in coal power plants in Serbia
Aleksandar Madžarević, Predrag Jovančić, Stevan Đenadić, Filip Miletić, Miodrag Ristović, Miroslav Crnogorac (2023)The production of electricity in the countries of South-Eastern Europe (SEE) was mainly related to the use of coal, predominantly lignite. The total installed capacity of thermal power plants using coal in these seven countries is 17.813 MW, distributed in 31 thermoblocks. The mentioned plants are the dominant pollutant emitters in all observed countries. Data on the largest emitters in the countries of the European Union and a comparison with SEE countries were collected. The calculation of emissions of ...... Projection of SO2 emissions in coal power plants in Serbia;Projekcija emisije SO2 u termoelektranama na ugalj u Srblji Aleksandar Madžarević, Predrag Jovančić, Stevan Đenadić, Filip Miletić, Miodrag Ristović, Miroslav Crnogorac Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду ...
... Projection of SO2 emissions in coal power plants in Serbia;Projekcija emisije SO2 u termoelektranama na ugalj u Srblji | Aleksandar Madžarević, Predrag Jovančić, Stevan Đenadić, Filip Miletić, Miodrag Ristović, Miroslav Crnogorac | 9th International Conference Mining and environmental protection, Sokobanja ...
... MINING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION May 2023, Serbia PROJEKCIJA EMISIJE SO, U T FRMOELEKTRANAMA NA UGALJ U SRBLJI Aleksandar Madžarević!, Predrag Jovančić!, Stevan Đenadić', Fi ilip Miletić!, Miodrag Ristović”, Miroslav Crnogorac! ! Univerzitet u Beogradu – Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd ...Aleksandar Madžarević, Predrag Jovančić, Stevan Đenadić, Filip Miletić, Miodrag Ristović, Miroslav Crnogorac. "Projection of SO2 emissions in coal power plants in Serbia" in 9th International Conference Mining and environmental protection, Sokobanja 24-27th May 2023., Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2023)
Designing of the maintenance system for mining equipment at serbian lignite open pits – strategy definition
Jovančić Predrag, Ignjatović Dragan (2010)Jovančić Predrag, Ignjatović Dragan. "Designing of the maintenance system for mining equipment at serbian lignite open pits – strategy definition" in XX International Maintenance Conference EUROMAINTENANCE 2010 1, Verona:Associazione Italiana Manutenzione (AIMAN) (2010): 378-381
Validation of bucket wheel drive component model through vibration monitoring: a torque arm key study
Damnjanović Vesna, Jovančić Predrag (2014)Damnjanović Vesna, Jovančić Predrag. "Validation of bucket wheel drive component model through vibration monitoring: a torque arm key study" in Journal of Vibroengineering 16 no. 3 (2014): 1212-1218
Dijagnostikovanje pogonskih grupa i noseće čelične konstrukcije rotornog bagera pri izboru rotornog bagera za selektivan rad na otkopavanju lignita
Jovančić Predrag, Tanasijević Miloš (2010)Jovančić Predrag, Tanasijević Miloš. "Dijagnostikovanje pogonskih grupa i noseće čelične konstrukcije rotornog bagera pri izboru rotornog bagera za selektivan rad na otkopavanju lignita" in IX Međunarodna konferencija o površinskoj eksploataciji OMC 1, Vrnjačka banja:Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2010): 40-51
Analiza i rešavanje problema pogona rotora rotornog bagera SRs2000 – put ka modernizaciji
Dragan Novaković, Predrag Jovančić (2017)Ovaj rad ima primarni cilj da definiše modernizaciju i revitalizaciju pogonske grupe rotora bagera SRs 2000 kako bi se obezbedilo povećanje pouzdanosti bagera, a time i povećanje vremenskog i kapacitetnog iskorišćenja i smanje troškovi održavanja. Sekundarni cilj, i ne manje važan, je unifikacija elemenata kako pogonske grupe tako i ostalih sklopova predviđenih za buduću modernizaciju i revitalizaciju na svim bagerima SRs 2000 koji rade na površinskim kopovima Elektroprivrede Srbije.Dragan Novaković, Predrag Jovančić. "Analiza i rešavanje problema pogona rotora rotornog bagera SRs2000 – put ka modernizaciji" in Međunarodna konferencija Ugalj 2017, Zlatibor, 11-14. oktobar 2017., Belgrade : Yugoslav Opencast Mining Committee (2017)
Analysis of the exhaust emissions inventory from auxiliary mining machines
Stevan Đenadić, Aleksandar Mirković, Jovana Mitrović, Filip Miletić, Predrag Jovančić, Dragan Ignjatović (2023)Open-pit coal mines are equipped with a large number of mining machines and vehicles with diesel engines. Due to common daily operation of these machines and vehicles large amounts of exhaust gases which contain numerous pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere. The demand to reduce air pollution induced the activities in developed countries to map and calculate all gases emitted by industries to formulate and select adequate preventive activities. In collaboration with machine manufacturers, emission standards for off-road machines ...Stevan Đenadić, Aleksandar Mirković, Jovana Mitrović, Filip Miletić, Predrag Jovančić, Dragan Ignjatović. "Analysis of the exhaust emissions inventory from auxiliary mining machines" in 9th International Conference Mining and Environmental Protection, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2023)
Cutting elements of bucket wheel excavators in lignite opensast mines: Methodology and performed solutions
Dragan Novaković, Predrag Jovančić (2016)Bucket and cutting elements geometry (teeth and hardened steel) have very powerful impact on effective operation of bucket wheel excavator, and that`s why, problems of optimal geometry of elements in specific conditions always are of special interest in mining science and technique. If we want to achieve satisfactory utilization of bucket wheel excavator, it is necessary to modulate geometry material characteristics and technological parameters, as regards bucket wheel excavator work regime, and bucket wheel working performances, and also bucket ...Dragan Novaković, Predrag Jovančić. "Cutting elements of bucket wheel excavators in lignite opensast mines: Methodology and performed solutions" in 13th International symposium Continuous Surface Mining ISCSM 2016, 12-14 September 2016, Belgrade – Serbia, Belgrade : Yugoslav Opencast Mining Committee, Belgrade (2016)
Production of electricity from coal-fired power plants and accompanying CO2 emissions: comparison of EU-27 and US
Even in the third decade of the 21st century, large power plants are still responsible for more than half of the electricity production in Europe and US. They predominantly use fossil fuels in their work, which results in the emission of pollutants into the air, soil and water. In addition to the production of electric energy, fossil fuels, including coal, are used for industrial purposes. Although the use of coal, especially in the countries of the European Union, is ...... Madžarević, Predrag Jovančić Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Production of electricity from coal-fired power plants and accompanying CO2 emissions: comparison of EU-27 and US | Uroš Djorgovski, Aleksandar Madžarević, Predrag Jovančić | International ...
... electricity from coal-fired power plants and accompanying CO: emissions: comparison of EU-27 and US Uroš Djorgovski!, Aleksandar Madžarević”, Predrag Jovančić? !Joint stock company Electric Power Industry of Serbia — Branch TPPs-OCMs Kostolac ŽUniversity of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology ...
... difference by the year 2050 (that is about 4000 MW of installed power for 8000 hours of operation per year). 5. Literature [1] Madžarević, A., Ivezić, D., Živković, M., Tanasıijević, M., Ivić, M., Assessment of vulnerability of natural gas supply in Serbia: State and perspective, Energy Policy, Volume ...Uroš Djorgovski, Aleksandar Madžarević, Predrag Jovančić. "Production of electricity from coal-fired power plants and accompanying CO2 emissions: comparison of EU-27 and US" in International Conference on Global Energy and Climate Change - ICGRECC-23, New York, 2023, Research Galery- Science Leagues (2023)
Mašine i uređaji za površinsku eksploataciju i transport - zbirka zadataka
Dragan Ignjatović, Predrag Jovančić (2012)Dragan Ignjatović, Predrag Jovančić. Mašine i uređaji za površinsku eksploataciju i transport - zbirka zadataka, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2012
Преносници снаге на рударским машинама
Предраг Јованчић, Стеван Ђенадић (2023)Предраг Јованчић, Стеван Ђенадић. Преносници снаге на рударским машинама, Београд : Универзитет у Београду - Рударско-геолошки факултет, 2023
Monitoring reduktora na rudarskim mašinama
Polovina Dragan, Bugarić Uglješa, Jovančić Predrag. "Monitoring reduktora na rudarskim mašinama" in VIII Međunarodni simpozijum Mehanizacija i automatizacija u rudarstvu i enregetika - MAREN 1, Lazarevac:Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2010): 390-395
Optimizacija reznih elemenata rotornog bagera pri otkopavanju uglja
Jovančić Predrag, Ignjatović Dragan, Novaković Dragan. "Optimizacija reznih elemenata rotornog bagera pri otkopavanju uglja" in V Međunarodna konferencija UGALJ 1, Zlatibor:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2011): 124-138
Analiza uticaja novog pogona na konstrukciju strele rotornog bagera ER1250
Ignjatović Dragan, Jovančić Predrag, Maneski Taško. "Analiza uticaja novog pogona na konstrukciju strele rotornog bagera ER1250" in VI Međunarodna konferencija Ugalj 1, Zlatibor:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2013): 57-66
Projekat sanacije poplavljenog površinskog kopa Tamnava - Zapadno polje
Pavlović Vladimir, Ignjatović Dragan, Jovančić Predrag. "Projekat sanacije poplavljenog površinskog kopa Tamnava - Zapadno polje" in Časopis ENERGIJA 17 no. 01-Feb, Beograd, Srbija:Savez energetičara (2015): 16-22
Optimizacija geometrije zuba i vedrica na rotornim bagerima Elektroprivrede Srbije
Maneski Taško, Ignjatović Dragan, Jovančić Predrag. "Optimizacija geometrije zuba i vedrica na rotornim bagerima Elektroprivrede Srbije" in VIII Međunarodni simpozijum Mehanizacija i automatizacija u rudarstvu i enregetika - MAREN 1, Lazarevac:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2010): 298-308
Savremeni koncepti održavanja rudarske opreme
Jovančić Predrag, Ignjatović Dragan, Tanasijević Miloš. "Savremeni koncepti održavanja rudarske opreme" in 10th International Symposia Mechanization and Automation in Mining and Energetics MAREN 1, Beograd :Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2012)