2348 items
Концепт расположивости при дефинисању ефикасног одржавања помоћне механизације на површинским коповима
Radiša D. Đurić (2016-05-30)Оцена расположивости представља основну компоненту уинжењерском управљању опремом. Расположивост је свеобухватни концепткоји представља меру употребног квалитета техничких система, који садржичитаву серију парцијалних индикатора који се односе на време у раду ивреме у отказу система као и на његову функционалну погодност. Овадисертација даје структурну анализу парцијалних индикатора као и развојмодела њихове синтезе на ниво расположивости. Поменути подаци имајухибридни карактер (измерени и експертски добијени) и њихова интеграцијаи синтеза је остварена коришћењем фази пропозиције и фази закључивања.Овакав приступ омогућава оцену техничког система ...управљање опремом, инжењерство одржавања,расположивост, фази закључивање, прикупљање података, булдозер... track mechanism failure in function on the mineral dust (SiO2) content, i.e. wear intensity. This relation is based on actual data of track-type machine (bulldozers) failures, the properties of rocks and measurements of wear intensity on the upper rollers of track mechanism. To demonstrate the ...
... Tunnelling. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science & Geomechanics. 26(2): 151-160, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0148-9062(89)90003-X. Yarali, O., Yasar, E., Bacak, G., Ranjith, P.G., 2008. A study of rock abrasivity and tool wear in Coal Measures Rocks, International Journal of Coal ...
... Wang, L., Callan, R., Powrie, H.E.G., 2008. Wear detection of rolling element bearings using multiple-sensing technologies and mixture-model-based clustering method. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability; 222: 207-218, http://dx.doi.org/10 ...Radiša D. Đurić. "Концепт расположивости при дефинисању ефикасног одржавања помоћне механизације на површинским коповима" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-05-30)
Investigating distant effects of the Moesian promontory: Brittle tectonics along the western boundary of the Getic unit (East Serbia)
In this study, we report evidence for brittle deformation in a part of the Carpatho–Balkan orogen, which is explained in terms of effects of the rigid Moesian promontory of the European plate on fault kinematics in East Serbia. We focus on the westernmost part of the Getic Unit of the East Serbian Carpatho–Balkanides, i.e. the Gornjak–Ravanica Unit, located between two main thrusts that were repeatedly activated from Early Cretaceous to recent times. We combine a new data set on ...Getikum, Mezijska jedinica, Karpato-balkanski orogen, krte deformacije, Gornjačko-ravanička jedinicaAna Mladenović, Milorad D. Antić, Branislav Trivić, Vladica Cvetković. "Investigating distant effects of the Moesian promontory: Brittle tectonics along the western boundary of the Getic unit (East Serbia)" in Swiss Journal of Geosciences, Springer (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00015-018-0324-5
Design of a sucker rod pumping system
Ana Ponoćko (2024)For a long time in the history of oil production, sucker rod pumps have been the first and in many cases the only choice when it comes to mechanical extraction methods. Proper selection of each individual element of the system enables optimization, which entails benefits in the form of increased efficiency and reduced costs. The first part of the paper presents the underground and surface equipment of the rod pump and describes the operation of the entire system. The ...... t that during the relative movement between the tubing and rod strings, contact occurs, leading to friction and wear. The solution to this problem is to secure the tubing to the casing with a tubing anchor. The tubing anchor should be placed near the pump to eliminate tubing movement, but it should ...
... of increased efficiency and reduced costs. The first part of the paper presents the underground and surface equipment of the rod pump and describes the operation of the entire system. The second part involves an analysis and calculations using the "RODSTAR", "QRod" and "Prosper" software, which ...
... including: maximum stress, the range of maximum and minimum stress, and the number of strokes per minute. All these factors affect material fatigue and the potential for rod failure,. In some cases, to reduce loads and investments in the lifting assembly and to increase the depth of the pump installation ...Ana Ponoćko. Design of a sucker rod pumping system, 2024
A Data Driven Approach for Raw Material Terminology
Olivera Kitanović, Ranka Stanković, Aleksandra Tomašević, Mihailo Škorić, Ivan Babić, Ljiljana Kolonja (2021)The research presented in this paper aims at creating a bilingual (sr-en), easily searchable, hypertext, born-digital, corpus-based terminological database of raw material terminology for dictionary production. The approach is based on linking dictionaries related to the raw material domain, both digitally born and printed, into a lexicon structure, aligning terminology from different dictionaries as much as possible. This paper presents the main features of this approach, data used for compilation of the terminological database, the procedure by which it has ...sirovine, rudarstvo, terminologija, rečnik, terminološka aplikacija, mobilna aplikacija, digitizacija, leksički podaci, korpusi, otvoreni povezani podaci... there were some acronyms (e.g., ‘pH’, ‘RR’, ‘LD’, ‘TV’), names (e.g., ‘Western’, ‘Bets’, ‘Reni’), archaisms (e.g., ‘abanje’ instead of ‘habanje’ (wear and tear), ‘bolcn’ instead of ‘zavrtanj’ (screw), etc.), as well as some OCR errors (despite manual check-up). Based on this analysis, a set of candidates ...
... 200 definitions and 7100 terms, it contains a compre- hensive vocabulary of both scientific and professional terms used by scientists, experts and students in the area of exploration and production of oil and gas, but also petroleum geology, geophysics, development deposits, drilling and equipping wells ...
... , O.K., R.S. and I.B., Validation, A.T. and L.K.; Software, O.K., M.Š. and I.B.; Writing—all authors. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This research was funded by Finnish Work Environment Fund and Ministry of Educa- tion, Science and Technological ...Olivera Kitanović, Ranka Stanković, Aleksandra Tomašević, Mihailo Škorić, Ivan Babić, Ljiljana Kolonja. "A Data Driven Approach for Raw Material Terminology" in Applied Sciences, MDPI AG (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/app11072892
Application of machine learning for diagnosing the operation of a deep well pump in oil production
Maja Trikić (2024)This paper will thoroughly examine how machine learning can improve the diagnosis of deep well pumps by analyzing the role and function of the pumps, dynamograms, sensor technologies, and diagnostic methods.Our analysis will provide insights into modern techniques and approaches for enhancing the performance and reliability of oil production systems, targeting cost reduction and increased operational efficiency.deep well pump, dynamograms, machine learning, diagnostics of operating coditions,Random Forest, XGBoost... wells to protect the tubing from bending. Bending can cause rapid wear of the sucker rods and damage to the tubing. Installing a tubing anchor provides improved pump performance. Sucker rods are made from high-quality steel and can be either hollow or solid. Hollow rods are used for injecting additives ...
... Testing and Refining - Finally, we would test our program and iterate through steps 1 and 2, refining the rules and algorithms until we achieve satisfactory results. 17 This approach can be time-consuming and requires a lot of manual effort, as rules need to be constantly updated and adjusted ...
... application of machine learning is beneficial and can enhance diagnostics and management in rod pump systems. 6.3. Application of methods and materials The oil and gas industry must reduce costs and improve operational efficiency by leveraging data and investing in new technology to increase pr ...Maja Trikić. Application of machine learning for diagnosing the operation of a deep well pump in oil production, 2024
Analiza softvera za projektovanje ESP sistema
Aleksandar Sredojević (2024)U momentu kada pritisak na dnu bušotine nije dovoljan da savlada ukupne gubitke pritisaka od dna bušotine do separatora, proizvodnja pomoću ležišne energije nije više moguća i bušotina prestaje sa eruptivnim radom. Kako bi ponovo omogućili proizvodnju fluida iz bušotine, potrebno je primeniti neke od mehaničkih metoda eksploatacije. Najprimenljivije mehaničke metode eksploatacije su: gas lift (GL), dubinske pumpe sa klipnim šipkama (SRP), električne uronjene centrifugalne pumpe (ESP), zavojne pumpe (PCP) i hidraulične pumpe (HP). Jadna od tih metoda koja ...električna centrifugalna pumpa (ESP), proizvodnja fluida, mehaničke metode eksploatacije, Prosper, Pipesim... 2018). 14 uuu= ks u |y aps w Poettmann and Carpenter a Baxendeli and Thomas a Fancher and Brown a Hagedorn and Brown b Gray b Asheim b Duns and Ros c Orkiszewski s Aziz et al. c Chierici et al. c Beggs and Brill c Mukherjee and Brill [1 Slika 3-4 Korelacije za režim protoka ...
... -| 0| Casing Head Pressure 1.1 BARa }i T 480| Allow Tapered ESPs No Number of Motors Number Of Stages 326 Voltage At Surface. 1000 Pump Wear Factor 0.05 'Gas DeRating Model'Current Pump, BORETS ESPM5-50 92.0001 mm (25-70.0001 m3/day) Current Motor, Boret EDB125-117B5 168HP 2100V ...
... Artificial Lift Research and Development Counci! (ALRDC), URL: www.alrdc.com (18.08.2024.); Baker Hughes, (1997). „Submersible Pump Handbook Sixth Edition“, Centrilift, Claremore, Oklahoma; Breit, S., Ferrier N., (2008). „Electrical Submersible Pumps in the Oil and Gas Industry - Using ESP ...Aleksandar Sredojević. Analiza softvera za projektovanje ESP sistema, 2024
Споменица 1991. – 2015. година: 135 година геологије и 70 година рударства на Универзитету у Београду
... Impeller Wear – Testing, Journal of Tribology, 2010. 47. Danilović D., Karović-Maričić V., Čokorilo V.: Solving Paraffin Deposition Problem in Tubing by Heating Cable Application, Thermal Science, 2010. 48. Karanović L., Šutović S., Poleti D., Đorđević T., Pačevski A.: Substitutional and positional ...
... Др ВЕСЕЛИН БАТАЛОВИЋ, редовни професор BATALOVIC V., 2010: Erosive Wear Model of Slurry Pump Impeller. Journal Of Tribology-Transactions Of The Asme, vol. 132, br. 2. BATALOVIC V., 2010: Slurry Pump Impeller Wear: Testing. Journal Of Tribology- Transactions Of The Asme, vol. 132, br. 3. ...
... zone and adjacent regions: from recognition to petro- genetic implications. In: S. KARAMATA & S. JANKOVIĆ. (eds.), Geology and Metallogeny of the Dinarides and the Vardar zone,The Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska, Collections and Monographs 1, Dpt. of Natur., Math. and Techn ...главни и одговорни уредник Душан Поломчић. Споменица 1991. – 2015. година: 135 година геологије и 70 година рударства на Универзитету у Београду, Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет, 2016
Природни потенцијал минералних вода Србије - Natural potential of mineral waters in Serbia
Оливера Крунић (2021)Оливера Крунић. "Природни потенцијал минералних вода Србије - Natural potential of mineral waters in Serbia" in Рационално коришћење земљишта и вода у Србији - Sustainable Use of Land and Water in Serbia- Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts; Scientific Conferences Volume CXCVII; Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences, Book 19, Српска академија наука и уметности (2021)
Towards Better Valorisation of Industrial Minerals andRocks in Serbia—Case Study of Industrial Clays
... dis- tances for groups 1 and 2 for categories A, B and C1 are very strange, and it is not clear based on which they are defined, and they amount to 50–90–200 and 40–70–150 m, respectively. It would be geologically logical for the corresponding distances to be 100–200–400 and 50–100–200, respectively ...
... formal (legislative in the field of mining, and access to land) and technical/scientific (geological exploration and evaluation of a mineral deposit). The regulatory framework in Serbia is based on the Law on Mining and Geological Exploration from 2015 [1] and environmental law from 2004 [2]. General ...
... geological explora- tion (financed by the state and performed by the Geological Survey of Serbia) and applied geological exploration, financed by private companies. Geological exploration and min- ing are under jurisdiction of the Ministry of Mining and Energy and the mineral resources permitting regime is ...Vladimir Simić, Dragana Životić, Zoran Miladinović. "Towards Better Valorisation of Industrial Minerals andRocks in Serbia—Case Study of Industrial Clays" in Resources, MDPI AG (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/resources10060063
Structural dissymmetrization of optically anisotropic Grs64±1Adr36±1Sps2 grandite from Meka Presedla (Kopaonik Mt., Serbia)
In this paper, grandite core with Grs64±1Adr36±1Sps2composition was crystallographically studied. This core represents zone A of the macroscopically visiblefive A–E zones of the optically anisotropic Grs58–64 Adr36–42Sps2 grandite. The applied procedure includes the detailed analysis of the powder diffraction patterns, and the Rietveld refinements of the crystal structures in a series of 18 space groups and two mixtures, which were followed by the comparative analysis of the R-values, site occupancy factors, and the bond lengths and angles. Synthesis of all ...Pavle Tančić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Predrag Vulić. "Structural dissymmetrization of optically anisotropic Grs64±1Adr36±1Sps2 grandite from Meka Presedla (Kopaonik Mt., Serbia)" in Powder Diffraction, Cambridge University Press (CUP) (2019). https://doi.org/10.1017/S0885715619000897
Preparation of Multimedia Document “YU Rock Scene”
SUMMARY: This study will present the preparation process of a multimedia document entitled YU ROCK SCENE in which participants were senior students of undergraduate studies of the Department of Library and Information Science at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Philology during the academic year 2014/2015, as a part of the subject Multimedia Documents. This study gives an overview of the historical development of rock and roll in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, rock scene in Yugoslav republics, ...... influence of rock and roll on art, media and social events: gigs and discotheques (Katarina Jugov, Ivana Merdović and Jelena Radić), festivals (Milan Avdulah and Uroš Tošić), books and poetry (Marija Brašanac and Tamara Stanojčić), albums and record labels (Snježana Mirčeta and Ivan Peić), magazines ...
... Influence of Rock and Roll on Art, Media and Social Events Influence of Rock and Roll was visible very fast in many social spheres. Presence of rock music in media influenced its increasing popularity. Rock and roll reached wide audience through radio and TV shows, magazines, books and movies. Soon, festivals ...
... division of the project itself: Gigs and Discotheques; Festivals; Poetry and Books; Albums and Record Labels; Cult Radio Shows; Cult TV Shows; Filmography; Controversies and Magazines. 3.1 Gigs and Discotheques Since 1977 bands like Limunovo drvo, Igra staklenih perli and Električni orgazam appeared in ...Milena Obradović, Aleksandra Arsenijević, Mihailo Škorić. "Preparation of Multimedia Document “YU Rock Scene”" in Infotheca - Journal for Digital Humanities, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2017). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2016.16.1_2.6
Open Educational Resources in Serbia
... projects and enthusiastic teachers and students gives an excellent base for further development of OER and their effect on teaching and learning process. National community includes educational and industry institutions and also users which collaborate in order to improve OER development and sharing ...
... is based, in Item 5 stipulates “openness towards general public and all citizens” and in Item 8 “harmonization with the European system of higher education and enhancement of academic mobility of teaching and non- teaching staff and students”. Finally, Article 32 stipulates that the “competent Ministry ...
... published four books and more than 100 scientific papers related to applications of artificial intelligence methods and tools, development of language resources and tools, open educational resources and e-learning application in HE. He participated in numerous domestic and international projects ...Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković, Marija Blagojević, Danijela Milošević. "Open Educational Resources in Serbia" in Current State of Open Educational Resources in the “Belt and Road” Countries, Springer Singapore (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3040-1_10
Multiword Expressions between the Corpus and the Lexicon: Universality, Idiosyncrasy and the Lexicon-Corpus Interface
Verginica Barbu Mititelu, Voula Giouli, Kilian Evang, Daniel Zeman, Petya Osenova, Carole Tiberius, Simon Krek, Stella Markantonatou, Ivelina Stoyanova, Ranka Stankovic, Christian Chiarcos (2024)Predstavljamo trenutne aktivnosti na definisanju interfejsa leksikona i korpusa koji će služiti kao referenca u prikazu polileksemskih jedinica - višečlanih izraza - (različitih tipova - imenskih, glagolskih, itd.) u specijalizovanim leksikonima i povezivanju ovih unosa sa njihovim pojavljivanjima u korpusima. Konačni cilj je korišćenje ovakvih resursa za automatsko identifikovanje višečlanih izraza u tekstu. Uključivanje nekoliko prirodnih jezika ima za cilj univerzalnost rešenja koje nije usredsređeno na određeni jezik, kao i prilagođavanje idiosinkrazijama. Raspravljaju se izazovi u leksikografskom opisu višerečnih ...Verginica Barbu Mititelu, Voula Giouli, Kilian Evang, Daniel Zeman, Petya Osenova, Carole Tiberius, Simon Krek, Stella Markantonatou, Ivelina Stoyanova, Ranka Stankovic, Christian Chiarcos. "Multiword Expressions between the Corpus and the Lexicon: Universality, Idiosyncrasy and the Lexicon-Corpus Interface" in Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Universal Dependencies (MWE-UD) @ LREC-COLING 2024, Turin, May 25, 2024, ELRA and ICCL (2024)
Application of Project Management Process on Environmental Management System Improvement in Mining-Energy Complexes
... subsidence; disposal of tailings, ash, and slag; and delivery of coal dust and ash through airflow and gas emissions from coal combustion. Wastewaters in the abandoned surface mines and deep mines lead to pollution of the surrounding land and the absence of flora and fauna in river beds. Flushing of mine ...
... environmental protection system in mining and energy complexes. The achievement of the initial activities will create conditions for: consequence analysis of mining and energy complex operation (n28) on air (n7, n8, and n9), water (n10 and n11), and soil (n12, n13, and n14) quality; the determination of ...
... environmental protection system in mining and energy complexes. The achievement of the initial activities will create conditions for: consequence analysis of mining and energy complex operation (n28) on air (n7, n8, and n9), water (n10 and n11), and soil (n12, n13, and n14) quality; the determination of ...Jelena Malenović Nikolić, Dejan Vasović , Ivana Filipović , Stevan Mušicki, Ivica Ristović . "Application of Project Management Process on Environmental Management System Improvement in Mining-Energy Complexes" in Energies (2016). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3390/en9121071
Project BEWARE—Landslide Post-disaster Relief Activities for Local Communities in Serbia
Biljana Abolmasov, Dobrica Damjanović, Miloš Marjanović, Ranka Stanković, Velizar Nikolić, Sandra Nedeljković, Žarko Petrović (2017)... grouped together) and included the- oretical and practical (field work) demonstration. BEWARE Project Brochure and other supplementary material were prepared and printed and distributed during the 2-days Fig. 3 Pert Chart of BEWARE project Fig. 4 Opening ceremony of 2nd ReSyLAB and Start up meeting ...
... portal in pdf. format and it could be open for everybody. Each of 25 municipalities was supplied with the hardware and software components for tablets and desktop computers, topographic and geological maps and GPS (Fig. 7). 3. BEWARE Project portal—BEWARE web portal was launched and hosts all project ...
... human lives and property, especially in times of dramatic climate change effects on one hand, and urban sprawl and land consumption on the other. Usual landslide triggers are floods and high-yield rainfall, which was the case in the catastrophic cyclone Tamara episode that stroke Serbia and surrounding ...Biljana Abolmasov, Dobrica Damjanović, Miloš Marjanović, Ranka Stanković, Velizar Nikolić, Sandra Nedeljković, Žarko Petrović. "Project BEWARE—Landslide Post-disaster Relief Activities for Local Communities in Serbia" in Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides, Proceedings of 4th World Landslide Forum, Ljubljana 29 May-02 June 2017 3, Berlin : Springer Interantional (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-53487-9_48
Upper Miocene depositional environments of the Kikinda-Mokrin High (Serbia)
Saša Ivanišević, Dejan Radivojević (2018)Exploration for oil and gas in mature areas, such as the Pannonian Basin, can benefit from reexamination of old data using more advanced modern workflows that focus on the temporal and spatial aspects of sediment deposition. Specifically, we apply a new environment of deposition model that interprets the Upper Miocene- Pliocene sediments as being deposited in a rapidly filling basin characterized by quick shelf edge progradation from the northwest toward the southeast. Reconstruction of this shelf edge trajectory reveals ...Saša Ivanišević, Dejan Radivojević. "Upper Miocene depositional environments of the Kikinda-Mokrin High (Serbia)" in Interpretation, AAPG SEG (2018). https://doi.org/10.1190/INT-2017-0084.1
Managing mining project documentation using human language technology
Purpose: This paper aims to develop a system, which would enable efficient management and exploitation of documentation in electronic form, related to mining projects, with information retrieval and information extraction (IE) features, using various language resources and natural language processing. Design/methodology/approach: The system is designed to integrate textual, lexical, semantic and terminological resources, enabling advanced document search and extraction of information. These resources are integrated with a set of Web services and applications, for different user profiles and use-cases. Findings: The ...Digital libraries, Information retrieval, Data mining, Human language technologies, Project documentationAleksandra Tomašević, Ranka Stanković, Miloš Utvić, Ivan Obradović, Božo Kolonja . "Managing mining project documentation using human language technology" in The Electronic Library (2018). https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-11-2017-0239
Mineral Resources of Serbia: Environmental, Societal and Economic Challenges
... Resources Serbia has defined the following mineral commodities and resources as being of strategic importance: oil and gas, coal, copper and gold ores, lead and zinc ores, boron and lithium ores and oil shales (Law on Mining and geological exploration, 2015). The other mineral commodities may ...
... , economic and energy efficiency and the protection and revitalization of the environment and building heritage, natural, cultural and historic values; the realization of developmental priorities and the securing of conditions for rational use of non-renewable natural resources and renewable sources ...
... sustainable agriculture and rural development and other development and legislative documents of line ministries, institutions and organizations. A number of scientific papers and projects results of domestic and foreign authors in the thematic fields is also analysed and quoted. The analytical ...Vladimir Simić, Rade Jelenković, Dragana Životić. "Mineral Resources of Serbia: Environmental, Societal and Economic Challenges" in Serbia: Current Issues and Challenges in the Areas of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment,, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (2019)
Stratigraphy and Microfauna (Radiolarians and Foraminifera) of the Upper Cretaceous (Upper Santonian–Lower Campanian) Carbonate Deposits in the Area of Struganik Village, Western Serbia)
Santonian, Campanian, radiolarians, planktonic foraminifera, biostratigraphy, limestones, Struganik, SerbiaLiubov Bragina, Nikita Bragin, Luidmila Kopaevich, Nevenka Đerić, Nataša Gerzina Spajić. "Stratigraphy and Microfauna (Radiolarians and Foraminifera) of the Upper Cretaceous (Upper Santonian–Lower Campanian) Carbonate Deposits in the Area of Struganik Village, Western Serbia)" in Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, Pleiades Publishing Ltd (2020). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0869593820010037
WebGIS Cadastre of Abandoned Mines in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović, Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Radule Tošović, Milica Pešić-Georgiadis (2015)... Vojvodina and accompanying database" was realized by University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology for Vojvodina Provincial Secretariat for Energy and Mineral Resources. The aim was to secure safe and reliable data needed for recultivation of all abandoned mines in national parks and other ...
... for management of exploration and exploitation permits and works in the mineral resources field. GeolIEP represents a basis for archiving and efficient handling of vector, raster and related thematic alphanumeric content in one place, as well as efficient management and usage of mineral resources ...
... t functionalities for viewing and sharing of geographic objects and maps, as well as interoperability with a large number of commercial and free geoinformation systems and cartographic applications. OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) is the main international and industrial organization for ...Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović, Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Radule Tošović, Milica Pešić-Georgiadis. "WebGIS Cadastre of Abandoned Mines in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina" in Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium Mining And Environmental Protection,June 10-13,2015, Vrdnik, Serbia, Belgrade : Faculty of Mining and Geology (2015)