180 items
LRMI markup of OER content within the BAEKTEL project
... used in resource discovery by search services that are connected to the Learning Registry. Other OER projects, similar to BAEKTEL also can benefit from LRMI metadata tagging. And at the end, users usually search for educational resources using big search engine providers: Google, Bing ...
... a collection of schemas for HTML pages markup in ways recognized by major search providers and used for structured data interoperability [13]. The Schema.org metadata has the goal to improve the display of search results, thus making it easier for users to find the right web pages. The ...
... solution for LRMI implementation within BAEKTEL metadata portal outlined in this paper enables efficient search and browse of OER content and provides the infrastructure for successful search engine optimization of education resources published within BAEKTREL project. With variety of content ...Ranka Stanković, Daniela Carlucci, Olivera Kitanović, Nikola Vulović, Bojan Zlatić. "LRMI markup of OER content within the BAEKTEL project" in The Sixth International Conference on e-Learning (eLearning-2015), September 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, Belgrade : Belgrade Metropolitan Univesity (2015)
An Approach to Development of Bilingual Lexical Resources
... bg.ac.rs/biblisha/BiblimirSearch.aspx. The user can search this resource by entering a keyword (a term or part of a term) in the search field, selecting a search option: “contains”, “starts with” or “exact match”, and invoking the search. Matches found in Serbian are presented in a box on the ...
... Biblimir input. 4. DEVELOPING BIBLIMIR We applied Bibliša to search TMX document collections generated from INFOtheca using available resources. An overview of the size of these resources is given in Table 1. In the course of this search we faced various situations regarding the terms representing ...
... equivalents in the two wordnets and the Dictionary of Librarianship. Namely, the concordances obtained by the search often revealed the incompleteness of these resources - when the search term appeared in one language without its translational equivalent in the other. In such cases an appropriate ...Stanković Ranka, Obradović Ivan, Trtovac Aleksandra. "An Approach to Development of Bilingual Lexical Resources" in Proceedings of the Fifth Balkan Conference in Informatics BCI 2012, Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing of Balkan Languages – CLoBL 2012, September 2012, Novi Sad : BCI (2012)
The Nooj System as Module within an Integrated Language Processing Environment
... Namely, a search by a concept instead of a search by a single word form is recognized as a very important new direction in information retrieval and related areas. If query is further combined with ILI, a multilingual wordnet pivot, the possibility of searching text resources (web, corpus, text) ...
... semantic extension, namely, a search by concept instead of by single word form is recognized as a very important direction in information retrieval and related areas. Combined with the wordnet ILI, this approach opens the possibility of searching text resources (web, corpus, text) in different languages ...
... lex-resources to texts”) then syntactic resources should not be chosen, and if the last option is on (“Apply query to corpus”), then the user selects only a query and a corpus. Figure 12 presents results in the form of concordances for the query: kompjuter, which was automatically expanded with ...Ranka Stanković, Duško Vitas, Cvetana Krstev. "The Nooj System as Module within an Integrated Language Processing Environment" in Proceedings of the 2007 International Nooj Conference, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2008)
Using Metadata For Content Indexing Within An OER Network
Ranka Stanković, Olivera Kitanović, Ivan Obradović, Roberto Linzalone, Giovanni Schiuma, Daniela Carlucci (2014)... metadata, withthe goal to improve the display of search results, thus making it easier for users to find the right web pages. To that end, content publishers insert machine readable information into the code of web pages, which helps search engines interpret the sense of the text on those pages ...
... introducing metadata, withthe goal to improve the display of search results, thus making it easier for users to find the right web pages. To that end, content publishers insert machine readable information into the code of web pages, which helps search engines interpret the sense of the text on those pages ...
... and works with most web server software and any operating system. Some of its main features are: Intelligent search ordering by scoring resources against keywordson basis of user search activity Preselected groups of resources Resource access level permissions by user group Multilingual,allowingthe ...Ranka Stanković, Olivera Kitanović, Ivan Obradović, Roberto Linzalone, Giovanni Schiuma, Daniela Carlucci. "Using Metadata For Content Indexing Within An OER Network" in Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on e-Learning, eLearning 2014, September 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Belgrade : Belgrade Metropolitan University (2014)
Метода променљивих околина за решавање проблема p-центра са поузданом мрежом
У овом раду је разматран проблем p-центра са поузданом мрежом (енгл. Reliable p-center facility location problem - RpCFLP). Решавање проблема подразумева иницијално успостављање p ресурса и алокације корисника, као и накнадну реалокацију корисника у складу са новонасталим сценаријима који садрже информације о онеспособљеним ресурсима и осталим измењеним улазним подацима. За решавање посматраног проблема предложена је метахеуристика заснована на итеративној варијанти основне методе променљивих околина (енгл. Iterated basic variable neighborhood search - IBVNS). Резултати тестирања предложене метахеуристике указују на њену ...Јована Рађеновић, Стефан Мишковић, Оливера Станчић. "Метода променљивих околина за решавање проблема p-центра са поузданом мрежом" in 50. Међународни симпозијум о операционим истраживањима SYM-OP-IS, Тара, Србија, 18-21.9.2023, Београд : Медија центар „Одбрана” (2023)
Tracking of the temporal dependency of fading of the human footprint temperature contrast
In certain situations, it is extremely important to determine the exact time “someone” entered or crossed the forbidden zone of a military or strategic installation, a red zone of radioactive, chemical, or biological contamination, a bank or similar structure. Standard security measures include ordinary video surveillance using cameras that operate in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum, as well commercial thermal imaging cameras [1, 2]. The paper presents the results of experiments that suggest another possible use of ...Stevan Đenadić, Ljubiša Tomić, Vesna Damnjanović, Darko Vasiljević, Danica Pavlović. "Tracking of the temporal dependency of fading of the human footprint temperature contrast" in VIII International School and Conference on Photonics, Belgrade, Serbia, 23-27 August 2021, Institute of Physics Belgrade (2021)
An Integrated Environment for Management and Exploitation of Linguistic Resources
Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović (2009)... application. A. Web search The problems in query formulation stem from the fact that the user formulating a query is most often interested in documents related to a specific concept, in the sense con- cepts are defined in wordnets. On the other hand, queries for search of textual contents ...
... “poreskim obavezama” was not recognized in the last segment, marked as n82. C. Spatial data search The linguistic resources and tools presented were also implemented for improvement of spatial data search in Ge- olISS (Geological information system of Serbia) [13]. The system was development ...
... should also be men- tioned. V Besides these different types of dictionaries, the Group is engaged in developing other resources, such as the e-corpus of Serbian, as well as parallel multilingual corpora, with the majority of parallel texts aligned. The resources have been developed during ...Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović. "An Integrated Environment for Management and Exploitation of Linguistic Resources" in Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Computational Linguistics – Applications Workshop (CLA09), Mrągowo, Poland, October 2009, Piscataway : IEEE (2009)
A Twitter Corpus and Lexicon for Abusive Speech Detection in Serbian
Uvredljivi govor na društvenim medijima, uključujući psovke, pogrdni govor i govor mržnje, dostigao je nivo pandemije. Sistem koji bi bio u stanju da detektuje takve tekstove mogao bi da pomogne da internet i društveni mediji postanu bolji virtuelni prostor sa više poštovanja. Istraživanja i komercijalna primena u ovoj oblasti do sada su bili fokusirani uglavnom na engleski jezik. Ovaj rad predstavlja rad na izgradnji AbCoSER-a, prvog korpusa uvredljivog govora na srpskom jeziku. Korpus se sastoji od 6.436 ručno označenih ...... of hate speech, consisting of 16,000 tweets grouped into 3 categories: racist (racism), sexist (sexism), neither. The corpus was built using bootstrapping, an iterative keyword search method. They created a decision-making list for the annotators, which helped them achieve an agreement score κ = 0.84 ...
... should we take when building the corpus of abusive language, several future implications were considered: 1) To the best of our knowledge, AbCoSER (Abusive Corpus for serbian) is the first corpus tackling abusive language phenomenon in the Serbian language; 2) This corpus is to be used to enrich our lexicon ...
... n of tweets length. Figure 5 Tree clouds of abusive language corpus: the non-abusive subset (left) and abusive subset (right). 3 A Corpus and Lexicon for Abusive Speech 3.1 Analysis of the twitter corpus The distribution of our corpus tweets length after removal of mentions is shown in Figure 4: ...Danka Jokić, Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Branislava Šandrih. "A Twitter Corpus and Lexicon for Abusive Speech Detection in Serbian" in 3rd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2021), MDPI AG (2021). https://doi.org/10.4230/OASIcs.LDK.2021.13
Mogućnost infracrvene termografije pri detekciji štetnih gasova
Curenje pojedinih gasova je opasnost koja može da izazove velike nezgode. Često je praćeno požarima i eksplozijama koji za posledicu mogu da imaju kako ljudske povrede, tako i štetan uticaj na ekologiju i ekonomiju. Da bi se izbegle takve situacije, preventivna inspekcija je od presudne važnosti. Curenje većine gasova se ne može uočiti golim okom a za otkrivanje i procenu stepena curenja može se koristiti tehnologija toplotnog snimanja (infracrvena termografija). U datom radu predstavljene su mogućnosti i ograničenja primene ...Stevan Đenadić, Vesna Damnjanović, Predrag Jovančić, Dragutin Jovković. "Mogućnost infracrvene termografije pri detekciji štetnih gasova" in VIII Memorijalni naučni skup iz zaštite životne sredine "Docent dr Milena Dalmacija", Novi Sad, 01-02. april 2021., Prirodno-matematički fakultet (2021)
WebGIS Cadastre of Abandoned Mines in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović, Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Radule Tošović, Milica Pešić-Georgiadis (2015)... several tabs: help, search, legend, objective and scope, as well as the project authors. The lower part of the screen displays a table with search results, while the right part displays data for the selected polygon, that is, the abandoned mining facility. The panel for search provides for locating ...
... multimedia records (photographs) for each abandoned mine on the territory of AP Vojvodina respectively. The software solution provides for viewing, search, and classification of abandoned mines by priorities based on defined criteria. When creating the database, special attention was devoted to functions ...
... data, issuing of permits, visualization of spatial data, generating of a cadastre of exploratory and exploited areas, data export, as well as web search and visualization [9]. 2.3 Geodatabase model The geodatabase model was developed using UML (Unified Modeling Language) and CASE (Computer- ...Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović, Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Radule Tošović, Milica Pešić-Georgiadis. "WebGIS Cadastre of Abandoned Mines in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina" in Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium Mining And Environmental Protection,June 10-13,2015, Vrdnik, Serbia, Belgrade : Faculty of Mining and Geology (2015)
WS4LR - a Worksation for Lexical Resources
... production using various search criteria such as simple strings, lemmas (with all their inflectional forms) or concepts (all or some literals from chosen synsets and/or their hypernyms) (Figure 4). In aligned segments retrieved, occurrences that correspond to search criteria in the source language ...
... dictionaries of simple words, and we plan to make it available to the dictionary developer. • Presently, a search key can only be a simple word lemma. We would like to enable a multi-word search as well, and to that end we plan to incorporate the multiword inflection module into WS4LR. • Inflection ...
... and then the corresponding synsets in the target wordnet via the ILI. The search in the target language is then performed with synset literals only, without their inflected forms. We plan to include these forms in the search as well. 6. Bibliographical References Courtois, B. & Silberztein, M ...Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković, Duško Vitas, Ivan Obradović. "WS4LR - a Worksation for Lexical Resources" in Proceedings of the Fifth Interantional Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genoa, Italy, May 2006, ELRA - European Language Resources Association (2006)
Wordnet Development Using a Multifunctional Tool
Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković (2007)In this paper we present a multifunctional tool for manipulating heterogeneous language resources. The tool handles electronic dictionaries, wordnets and aligned texts, and provides for their synchronous use in various tasks. We focus here on the description of the possibilities this tool offers in the development of wordnets. Besides the wordnet module which enables parallel handling of two wordnets, other modules, such as the module for morphological dictionaries and the module for aligned texts, as well as available finite ...... list (Figure 5). Figure 5. Main form for wordnet management 4.1 Search, visualization and modification The search of wordnets can be performed in several ways, and the user can always choose whether he/she wants to search just one wordnet or both of them. Namely, synsets can be retrieved ...
... whether he/she wants to search one or both wordnets for synsets containing words that match the string(s). The user can also specify whether he/she wants an exact match or not, and in the latter case the system will retrieve not only all synsets with words matching the search string(s), but also ...
... words properly fit into the synset. In that case the user might want to observe these words within a context, which can be done by searching a corpus for these words and obtaining concordances. By getting the occurrences of the words within the context, the user will be able to make a better ...Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković. "Wordnet Development Using a Multifunctional Tool" in Proceedings of the International Workshop Computer Aided Language Processing (CALP) '2007, Borovets, Bulgaria, September 2007, - (2007)
The Use of the Omeka Semantic Platform for the Development of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology Digital Repository
Under the regulations of the Ministry of Education, Science and technological Development, a digital repository based on the Omeka S data storage platform has been developed for the Faculty of Mining and Geology. The platform has been upgraded with the required modular extensions, Solr index and automatic OCR. Furthermore, document indexing and search have been fine-tuned with the aid of e-dictionaries of the Serbian language, which has brought about outstanding results in terms of usage facilitation and overall ...Petar Popović, Mihailo Škorić, Biljana Rujević. "The Use of the Omeka Semantic Platform for the Development of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology Digital Repository" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2021). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2020.20.1_2.9
A WebGIS Decision Support System for Management of Abandoned Mines
Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović, Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Radule Tošović, Milica Pešić-Georgiadis (2016)... The panel for search provides for locating abandoned mines that match the user query. Users can search by abandoned mines index, name of the object or settlement or district where abandoned mines are located. Search results are displayed in a pop-up window on the map. For each search result, detailed ...
... The left side of the web page consists of four tabs: the list of layers, the panel for search, the legend, and user manual. Figure 2 shows details from the four tabs: Selection of visible layers (a), Search (b), Legend (c) and Manual (d). The list for layer selection has two distinct groups: one ...
... and information, but also regarding the quality of structural relations among data, as well as quality of user interface featuring easy and simple search and display od structured data. Development of the software solution was compliant with recommendations related to spatial data infrastructure (SDI) ...Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović, Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Radule Tošović, Milica Pešić-Georgiadis. "A WebGIS Decision Support System for Management of Abandoned Mines" in Energies 7 no. 9 (2016): 567. https://doi.org/10.3390/en9070567
Multiword Expressions between the Corpus and the Lexicon: Universality, Idiosyncrasy and the Lexicon-Corpus Interface
Verginica Barbu Mititelu, Voula Giouli, Kilian Evang, Daniel Zeman, Petya Osenova, Carole Tiberius, Simon Krek, Stella Markantonatou, Ivelina Stoyanova, Ranka Stankovic, Christian Chiarcos (2024)Predstavljamo trenutne aktivnosti na definisanju interfejsa leksikona i korpusa koji će služiti kao referenca u prikazu polileksemskih jedinica - višečlanih izraza - (različitih tipova - imenskih, glagolskih, itd.) u specijalizovanim leksikonima i povezivanju ovih unosa sa njihovim pojavljivanjima u korpusima. Konačni cilj je korišćenje ovakvih resursa za automatsko identifikovanje višečlanih izraza u tekstu. Uključivanje nekoliko prirodnih jezika ima za cilj univerzalnost rešenja koje nije usredsređeno na određeni jezik, kao i prilagođavanje idiosinkrazijama. Raspravljaju se izazovi u leksikografskom opisu višerečnih ...Verginica Barbu Mititelu, Voula Giouli, Kilian Evang, Daniel Zeman, Petya Osenova, Carole Tiberius, Simon Krek, Stella Markantonatou, Ivelina Stoyanova, Ranka Stankovic, Christian Chiarcos. "Multiword Expressions between the Corpus and the Lexicon: Universality, Idiosyncrasy and the Lexicon-Corpus Interface" in Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Universal Dependencies (MWE-UD) @ LREC-COLING 2024, Turin, May 25, 2024, ELRA and ICCL (2024)
E-Connecting Balkan Languages
In this paper we present a versatile language processing tool that can be successfully used for many Balkan languages. This tool relies for its work on several sophisticated textual and lexical resources that were developed for most of Balkan languages. These resources are based on several de facto standards in natural language processing.... 2005-02 de l’Institut Gaspard- Monge, CNRS, 2005. [4] T. Erjavec and N. Ide. The MULTEXT-East Corpus. In LREC’98, Granada, pp. 971-974, 1998. [5] A. Gelbukh, G. Sidorov, J.-A. Vera-Félix. A Bilingual Corpus of Novels Aligned at Paragraph Level. In proc. FinTAL-2006. Lecture Notes in Artificial ...
... the basis of WS4LR that enables expansion of queries submitted to the Google search machine [10]. The integrated lexical resources enable modifications of users queries for both monolingual and multi lingual search. When presenting WS4LR and WS4QE we have always stressed that although they ...
... submitted to the search engine Google, and they have already been implemented. In fact, they are very similar to those presented in the previous section. The only difference is that expanded queries are not applied to an aligned text but are rather forwarded to the search engine. Figure 10 ...Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković, Duško Vitas, Svetla Koeva. "E-Connecting Balkan Languages" in Proceedings of the Workshop Workshop on Multilingual resources, technologies and evaluation for Central and Eastern European Languages, 17 September 2009, eds. C. Vertan, S. Piperidis, E. Paskaleva and Milena Slavcheva, Borovets, Bulgaria : Association for Computational Linguistics Stroudsburg, PA, USA (2009)
Development of terminological resources for expert knowledge: a case study in mining
Ljiljana Kolonja, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović, Aleksandar Cvjetić. "Development of terminological resources for expert knowledge: a case study in mining" in Knowledge Management Research & Practice, Palgrave Macmillan (2015). https://doi.org/10.1057/kmrp.2015.10
Advantages and challenges in presenting mathematical content using EDX platform
... Currently, there a search engine for searching mathematical content within edX-BAEKTEL course does not exist. A prototype can be WikiMir - mathematics information retrieval system, which is based on keyword, structure and importance of formulae in a document [10]. For such search adequate resources ...
... SQL Server served as support for the database. The application is located at http://termi.rgf.bg.ac.rs/ and consists of 5 specific units: browse, search, update, bibliography and profiles. Termi currently supports the processing and presentation of terms in Serbian and English, but support for other ...
... semantic term base with strong terminological relations and an explicit and expressive domain ontology. Such a resource would facilitate quick search and analysis of mathematical content. To date, there is no publicly available resource for mathematical content management in Serbian. 7. CONCLUSION ...Marija Radojičić, Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković, Olivera Kitanović, Roberto Linzalone. "Advantages and challenges in presenting mathematical content using EDX platform" in The Seventh International Conference on e-Learning (eLearning-2016), Belgrade : Metropolitan University (2016)
Production of morphological dictionaries of multi-word units using a multipurpose tool
The development of a comprehensive morphological dictionary of multi-word units for Serbian is a very demanding task, due to the complexity of Serbian morphology. Manual production of such a dictionary proved to be extremely time-consuming. In this paper we present a procedure that automatically produces dictionary lemmas for a given list of multi-word units. To accomplish this task the procedure relies on data in e-dictionaries of Serbian simple words, which are already well developed. We also offer an evaluation ...electronic dictionary, Serbian, morphology, inflection, multi-word units, noun phrases, query expansion... Google search engine. To that end the Google AJAX Search API is used, a Java script library which provides for embedding Google searches into web pages or web applica- tions. The abundance of Google services (Web Search, Local Search, Video Search, Blog Search, News Search and Book Search) are used ...
... dictionary of forms containing all necessary grammatical information (DELAF) can be generated from it. The dictionary of forms is used in NLP tasks. Two corpus processing systems that support work with this dictionary format were developed, Unitex [2] and Nooj [3], both of which are based on the use of ...
... Unitex 2.1 User Manual, http://www-igm.univ- mlv.fr/unitex/UnitexManual2.1.pdf, 2011. [3] M. Silberztein, “Nooj: A Linguistic Annotation System for Corpus Pro- cessing,” in Proceedings of HLT/EMNLP on Interactive Demonstrations, ser. HLT-Demo ’05, 2005, pp. 10–11. [4] C. Krstev, Processing of Serbian ...Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Cvetana Krstev, Duško Vitas. "Production of morphological dictionaries of multi-word units using a multipurpose tool" in Proceedings of the Computational Linguistics-Applications Conference, October 2011, Jachranka, Poland, Jachranka, Poland : PTI - Polish Information Processing Society (2011)
Medical Domain Document Classification via Extraction of Taxonomy Concepts from MeSH Ontology
Mihailo Škorić, Mauro Dragoni (2019)This paper is a result of a task that was presented to attendants of Keyword Search in Big Linked Data summer school, that was organized by Vienna University of Technology, under the Keystone COST action in the summer of 2017. It presents a specific approach to the classification via creation of minimal document surrogates based on the US National medical library’s MeSH ontology, which is derived from the Medical Subject Headings thesaurus. In a series of previously classified medically ...... Škorić M., Dragoni M., “Medical document classification...”, pp. 55–69 school: Keyword Search in Big Linked Data,1 organized in Vienna from 21– 25 August, 2017 under the COST action IC1302 Keyword search in Big Linked Data. The task was to classify 10.000 given documents originating from the digital ...
... ontology UDC 004.82:025.43MESH DOI 10.18485/infotheca.2019.19.1.3 ABSTRACT: This paper is a result of a task presented to attendants of Keyword Search in Big Linked Data summer school, that was organized by Vienna University of Technology, under the Keystone COST action in the summer of 2017. It presents ...
... et al., 2016) could certainly be of use, where a number of terms is associated with English and Latin equivalents, allowing for the extension of the search for concept names and their retrieval in documents. However, rich Serbian language morphology should be taken into account 68 Infotheca Vol. 19, No ...Mihailo Škorić, Mauro Dragoni. "Medical Domain Document Classification via Extraction of Taxonomy Concepts from MeSH Ontology" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2019). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2019.19.1.3