494 items
Prioritization of strategic measures for strengthening the security of supply of the Serbian natural gas sector
To strengthen the security of supply of the Serbian gas sector, it is necessary to analyze the impact of planned strategic measures. The analysis involves the identification of the most influential threats to the security of natural gas supply and prioritization of the strategic measures for overcoming the consequences of threats. The proposed methodology is based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process. The obtained weights for the identified threats and strategic measures are formed according to experts' judgments. The results ...Sigurnost snabdevanja, Donošenje odluka, Snabdevanje prirodnim gasom, Fazi AHP, Energetski indikatori... consider the implementation of FAHP to the whole Serbian gas and energy sector, but including the relationship between economy, policy, security, technology, and environment variables that have a significant influence on the sector and the society. The estimation of these variables should be based on ...
... mpleted-by-2022/. Shen, Y., Lin, G., Li, K., Yuan, B., 2010. An assessment of exploiting renewable energy sources with concerns of policy and technology. Energy Pol. 38 (8), 4604–4616. SORS (Statical Office of the Republic of Serbia), 2017. Energy Balances 2015, belgrade. available at: https:/ ...
... у слободном приступу. - Претрага репозиторијума доступна је на www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs The Digital repository of The University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr ...Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković. "Prioritization of strategic measures for strengthening the security of supply of the Serbian natural gas sector" in Energy Policy, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111936
Preliminary regional landslide susceptibility assessment using limited data
Igor Peshevski, Milorad Jovanovski, Biljana Abolmasov, Jovan Papic, Uroš Đurić, Miloš Marjanović, Ubydul Haque, Natasha Nedelkovska (2019)In this paper a heuristic approach for preliminary regional landslide susceptibility assessment using limited amount of data is presented. It is called arbitrary polynomial method and takes into account 5 landslide conditioning parameters: lithology, slope inclination, average annual rainfall, land use and maximum expected seismic intensity. According to the method, in the first stage, a gradation is performed for each of the carefully selected conditioning parameters by assigning so called rating points to the grid cells on which the ...Igor Peshevski, Milorad Jovanovski, Biljana Abolmasov, Jovan Papic, Uroš Đurić, Miloš Marjanović, Ubydul Haque, Natasha Nedelkovska. "Preliminary regional landslide susceptibility assessment using limited data" in Geologica Croatica , Croatian Geological Society (2019). https://doi.org/10.4154/gc.2019.03
Analiza softvera za projektovanje ESP sistema
Aleksandar Sredojević (2024)U momentu kada pritisak na dnu bušotine nije dovoljan da savlada ukupne gubitke pritisaka od dna bušotine do separatora, proizvodnja pomoću ležišne energije nije više moguća i bušotina prestaje sa eruptivnim radom. Kako bi ponovo omogućili proizvodnju fluida iz bušotine, potrebno je primeniti neke od mehaničkih metoda eksploatacije. Najprimenljivije mehaničke metode eksploatacije su: gas lift (GL), dubinske pumpe sa klipnim šipkama (SRP), električne uronjene centrifugalne pumpe (ESP), zavojne pumpe (PCP) i hidraulične pumpe (HP). Jadna od tih metoda koja ...električna centrifugalna pumpa (ESP), proizvodnja fluida, mehaničke metode eksploatacije, Prosper, Pipesim... Oil and Gas Production Principls: 9th Lecture: Vertical Lift Performancee (VLP); L, Fetoui, „Productio Technology, ESP design — Step 6: Optimum Size of Compounds“, URL: Productio Technology, ESP design (30.08.2024.); Jan Dirk Jansen, (2017). „Nodal Analysis of Oil and Gas Production Systems“, ...
... električnih centrifugalnih pumpi“; Michael Golan, Curtis H. Whitson, (1991). „Well Performance Second Edition“, Norwegian University of science and Technology (NTNU); 76 Novičić Slobodan, (2010). „Efikasnost primene sistema potopljenih centrifugalnih pumpi na poljima NIS Naftagas-a“; Novomet, ...
... у слободном приступу. - Претрага репозиторијума доступна је на www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs The Digital repository of The University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr ...Aleksandar Sredojević. Analiza softvera za projektovanje ESP sistema, 2024
Uticaj geološke neizvesnosti u razvoju rudarskih projekata
Rudarstvo je industrija koja se nosi sa različitim vrstama neizvesnosti i rizika zbog svoje prirode i specifičnosti. Neizvesnost u rudarstvu može poticati iz različitih izvora i uticati na različite aspekte rudarskih projekata. Kao jedan od dominantnih faktora, ističe se geološka neizvesnost. Geološka neizvesnost igra ključnu ulogu u rudarstvu i može značajno uticati na procenu resursa i rezervi, planiranje eksploatacije, ekonomsku isplativost i upravljanje rizicima. Ova neizvesnost se ne može eliminisati, ali se uz primenu adekvatnih standarda i zakona može ...... R. Dimitrakopoulos. (2013). Algorithmic integration of geological uncertainty in pushback designs for complex multi-process open pit mines. Mining Technology , 122 (2), 67-77. [18] Royer PS. (2000). Risk Management: The Undiscovered Dimension of Project ManagemenT. PM Network , 14, 31-40. [19] ...
... neizvesnost, rizik, optimizacija kopa, planiranje Abstract Mining is an industry that deals with different types of risks due to its nature and specificity. Uncertainty in mining can come from different sources and affect different aspects of mining projects. Geological uncertainty stands out as one of ...
... development of mining projects Petar Marković, Dejan Stevanović, Mirjana Banković Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Uticaj geološke neizvesnosti u razvoju rudarskih projekata;Impact of geological uncertainty in the development of mining projects | ...Petar Marković, Dejan Stevanović, Mirjana Banković. "Uticaj geološke neizvesnosti u razvoju rudarskih projekata" in XI Međunarodna konferencija "Ugalj i kritični minerali 2023", CCM 2023, Zlatibor, 11-14. oktobar 2023., Beograd : Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2023)
Improving efficiency of thermal power plants through mine coal quality planning and control
Главни циљ контроле квалитета угља у рудницима лигнита је снабдевање термоелектрана угљем чији квалитет мора да се креће унутар одређених квалитативних ограничења. Карактеристике угља могу да утичу на ефикасност, поузданост и расположивост како котла тако и јединица за контролу емисије. У овом раду аутори су презентовали интегрисану симулацију рударског процеса као нови приступ у истраживању променљивости калоричне вредности угља приликом експлоатације комплексног лежишта лигнита. Резултати таквог приступа омогућавају драгоцен увид у перформансе континуалног рударског система у смислу контроле променљивости ...... which is subject of constraints imposed by applied mining equipment, geological conditions and the operational mining approach. The proposed methodology consists of two steps. First, we use genetic algorithm (GA) to match the equipment technology to mining blocks (sub-benches) while meeting production ...
... continuous mining system under study To achieve an efficient continuous mining operation, the continuous mining system has to be designed to ensure meeting production goals in terms of coal tonnage and coal quali- ties day by day and over the whole life of the mine. Continuous mining systems at Tamnava ...
... experiments. The original da- taset contains 100 mining blocks which are divided into four mining strips. Each excavating block is 50×50 m, and the total mass of coal in blocks is about 4 million tones of coal. Coal quality is estimated for each mining block using interpolation inverse distance with ...Mirjana Banković, Dejan Stevanović, Milica Pešić, Aleksandra Tomašević, Ljiljana Kolonja. "Improving efficiency of thermal power plants through mine coal quality planning and control" in Thermal Science, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences (2018). https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI170605209B
Environmental Energy Security Indicators as Tools for Environmental Protection
Еколошка прихватљивост је постала незаменљив синтезни показатељ сваке валидне енергетске анализе у последње две-три деценије. Енергетска безбедност је у директној хармонији с еколошком прихватљивошћу кроз многе прописане политичке циљеве, економске користи, правне тековине итд. Индикатори еколошке сигурности представљају један од основних елемената за одређивање енергетске безбедности и снажне алате за усмеравање енергетског сектора ка одрживом развоју. У овом раду, анализа је била концентрисана на показатеље енергетске безбедности у области животне средине који се односе на сектор природног гаса у ...енергетска безбедност, еколошки енергетски индикатори, заштита животне средине, еколошка прихватљивостAleksandar Madžarević, Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković , Miloš Tansijević. "Environmental Energy Security Indicators as Tools for Environmental Protection" in Mining and Environmental Protection-MEP 2019, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2019)
Some examples of interactions between certain rare earth elements and soil
Zlatko Nikolovski, Jelena Isailović, Dejan Jeremić, Sabina Kovač, Ilija Brčeski. "Some examples of interactions between certain rare earth elements and soil" in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, National Library of Serbia (2021). https://doi.org/10.2298/JSC211006095N
Mineral and Thermal Waters of Serbia: Multivariate Statistical Approach to Hydrochemical Characterization
... (1988) Hidrohemija (Hydrochemistry). University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade Filipović B (2003) Mineralne, termalne i termomineralne vode Srbije (Mineral, thermal and thermomineral waters). Faculty of mining and geology, Belgrade Filipović B, Dimitrijević N (1991) Mineralne ...
... mineral waters are used mainly for balneological purposes, recreation and bottling. They are also used in agriculture, aquaculture, industry and technology. Exploitation of thermal and mineral waters in Serbia has a much longer history than scientific re- search. Hot spring baths, for bathing and ...
... у слободном приступу. - Претрага репозиторијума доступна је на www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs The Digital repository of The University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr ...Maja Todorović, Jana Štrbački, Marina Ćuk, Jakov Andrijašević, Jovana Šišović, Petar Papić . "Mineral and Thermal Waters of Serbia: Multivariate Statistical Approach to Hydrochemical Characterization" in Mineral and Thermal Waters of Southeastern Europe, Springer International Publishing (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-25379-4
Optimizacija utovarno-transportnih sistema u funkciji planiranja površinskog kopa
Mirjana V. Banković (2018-07-13)Profitabilna eksploatacija sve složenijih ležišta je težak zadatak koji zavisi odtemeljnog procesa analize, planiranja i projektovanja rudnika. Izvodljiv strateškiplan mora da zadovoljava društvena, regulatorna, tehnološka, geometrijska iekonomska ograničenja. Kako bi se postigao osnovni cilj, odnosno profitabilnost iodrživost rudarskog projekta na duži period, neophodno je unapređenjematematičkih modela i informatičke podrške procesima planiranja i optimizacijekoji će omogućiti efikasnu realizaciju ovih ciljeva...tehnološki model, integralni model, planiranje, optimizacija,utovarno-transportni sistem, neto sadašnja vrednost projektaMirjana V. Banković. "Optimizacija utovarno-transportnih sistema u funkciji planiranja površinskog kopa" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2018-07-13)
Characterization of the eastern Suva Planina Mt. karst aquifer (SE Serbia) by time series analysis and stochastic modelling
Earth-Surface Processes,Geology, Pollution, Soil Science, Water Science and Technology, Environmental Chemistry, Global and Planetary ChangeBranislav Petrović, Veljko Marinović, Zoran Stevanović. "Characterization of the eastern Suva Planina Mt. karst aquifer (SE Serbia) by time series analysis and stochastic modelling" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-023-10911-5
Mechanosynthesis and structural characterization of nanocrystalline Ce1–Y O2– (x=0.1–0.35) solid solutions
Martin Fabián, Bratislav Antić, Vladimír Girman, Milica Vučinić-Vasić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Shigeru Suzuki, Horst Hahn, Vladimír Šepelák (2015)A series of nanostructuredfluorite-type Ce1–xYxO2–δ (0rxr0.35) solid solutions, prepared via highenergy milling of the CeO2/Y2O3mixtures, are investigated by XRD, HR-TEM, EDS and Raman spectroscopy. For thefirst time, complementary information on both the long-range and short-range structural features of mechanosynthesized Ce1–xYxO2–δ, obtained by Rietveld analysis of XRD data and Raman spectroscopy, is provided. The lattice parameters of the as-prepared solid solutions decrease with increasing yttrium content. Rietveld refinements of the XRD data reveal increase in microstrains in the host ceria ...Martin Fabián, Bratislav Antić, Vladimír Girman, Milica Vučinić-Vasić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Shigeru Suzuki, Horst Hahn, Vladimír Šepelák. "Mechanosynthesis and structural characterization of nanocrystalline Ce1–Y O2– (x=0.1–0.35) solid solutions" in Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Elsevier BV (2015). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssc.2015.06.027
Underground loading-haulage equipment selection with application of topsis method with different weighting methods of criteria
The choice of adequate mining machines is one of the most complex problems in the underground exploitation of mineral raw materials. The weight of such a decision is reflected in the high prices of these machines and the occurrence of even greater costs during their use if their choice was wrongly conceived. There are numerous examples from practice in which such decisions were made solely on the basis of comparing the prices of machines, without considering any of the ...utovarno-transportna mehanizacija, izbor, TOPSIS, entropija, standardna devijacija, težina kriterijumaVladimir Krivošić, Luka Crnogorac, Rade Tokalić. "Underground loading-haulage equipment selection with application of topsis method with different weighting methods of criteria" in Underground mining engineering, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology (2024)
Automatic construction of a morphological dictionary of multi-word units
The development of a comprehensive morphological dictionary of multi-word units for Serbian is a very demanding task, due to the complexity of Serbian morphology. Manual production of such a dictionary proved to be extremely time-consuming. In this paper we present a procedure that automatically produces dictionary lemmas for a given list of multi-word units. To accomplish this task the procedure relies on data in e-dictionaries of Serbian simple words, which are already well developed. We also offer an evaluation ...electronic dictionary, Serbian, morphology, inflection, multiwordn units, noun phrases, query expansionCvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Duško Vitas, Miloš Utvić. "Automatic construction of a morphological dictionary of multi-word units" in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6233, Advances in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of the 7thInternational Conference on NLP, IceTAL 2010, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 2010, Springer (2010): 226-237. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-14770-8_26
Geochemical evaluation of dolostone deposits in Montenegro: Implications for potential industrial applications
Darko Bozovic, Vladimir Simic, Dragan Radulovic, Slobodan Radusinovic, Vesna Matovic, Anja Terzic (2024)This study presents a unique model for assessing the dependability of continuous parts of combined systems in open-pit mining through the application of fuzzy logic. Continuous sub-systems as part of the combined system of coal exploitation in surface mines have the basic function of ensuring safe operation, high capacity with high reliability, and low costs. These subsystems are usually part of the thermal power plant’s coal supply system and ensure stable fuel supply. The model integrates various independent partial ...примарне сировине, минералогија, физичко-механичка својства, технолошка својства, наука о материјалимаDarko Bozovic, Vladimir Simic, Dragan Radulovic, Slobodan Radusinovic, Vesna Matovic, Anja Terzic. "Geochemical evaluation of dolostone deposits in Montenegro: Implications for potential industrial applications" in Science of Sintering, Bor, August 2024, National Library of Serbia (2024). https://doi.org/10.2298/SOS240701029B
Regulacija nivoa tečne faze u vertikalnim separatorima
Katarina Šoštarić (2024)Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se regulacijom nivoa tečne faze u vertikalnim separatorima u industriji nafte i gasa. U radu su istraženi različiti metodi merenja nivoa, uključujući plovke, ultrazvučne i radarske senzore. Radarski senzori su se pokazali kao najefikasniji u teškim radnim uslovima, zahvaljujući njihovoj visokoj preciznosti i pouzdanosti. Rad uključuje teoretski pregled metoda merenja nivoa, detaljno poređenje prednosti i nedostataka različitih senzora, kao i studiju slučaja implementacije radarskog senzora u vertikalnom separatoru. Analiza rezultata i preporuke za buduća istraživanja ...... 3th ed, Chapter 7, Springer, 2003. 2. Dr. Dragan Stanković, "Fizičko tehnička merenja," Univerzitet u Beogradu, 1997. 3. Jon S. Wilson, "Sensor Technology", Chapter 10, Elsevier, 2005. 4. Prezentacija iz predmeta 'Metrologija i standardizacija, RGF, Univerzitet u Beogradu 5. Transactions In Measurement ...
... у слободном приступу. - Претрага репозиторијума доступна је на www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs The Digital repository of The University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr ...Katarina Šoštarić. Regulacija nivoa tečne faze u vertikalnim separatorima, 2024
2D geoelectrical resistivity tomography application at the former city waste dump "Ada Huja": Eco-geological problem
Branislav Sretenović, Filip Arnaut, Ivana Vasiljević, Vesna Cvetkov. "2D geoelectrical resistivity tomography application at the former city waste dump "Ada Huja": Eco-geological problem" in Podzemni radovi, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2019). https://doi.org/10.5937/PodRad1934059S
From DELA Based Dictionary to Leximirka Lexical Database
Biljana Lazić, Mihailo Škorić (2020)In this paper, we will present an approach in transforming Serbian language Morphological dictionaries from a DELA text format to a lexical database dubbed Leximirka. Considering the benefits of storing data within a database when compared to storing them in textual documents, we will outline some of the functionality that the database has made possible. We will also show how hand-made rules that use category labels lexical entries are marked with can be used to link lexical entries. ...Biljana Lazić, Mihailo Škorić. "From DELA Based Dictionary to Leximirka Lexical Database" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2020). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2019.19.2.4
Results of Recent Monitoring Activities on Landslide Umka, Belgrade, Serbia—IPL 181
Biljana Abolmasov, Uroš Đurić, Jovan Popović, Marko Pejić, Mileva Samardžić Petrović, Nenad Brodić (2021)Biljana Abolmasov, Uroš Đurić, Jovan Popović, Marko Pejić, Mileva Samardžić Petrović, Nenad Brodić. "Results of Recent Monitoring Activities on Landslide Umka, Belgrade, Serbia—IPL 181" in Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk. WLF 2020. ICL Contribution to Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction, Springer, Cham (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-60196-6_14
Optimizacija i planiranje površinskih kopova stohastičkim modelima
Dejan R. Stevanović (2015-05-29)Savremeno rudarstvo izloženo je stalnom trendu pogoršanja uslova poslovanja.Mogućnost ostvarenja ekonomskih i drugih ciljeva rudarskog projektakompromitovana je stalnim pogoršanjem kvaliteta ležišta na kojima se vršieksploatacija, kao i značajnoj dozi neizvesnosti povezane sa geološkim,ekonomskim i tehničkim parametrima proizvodnje. U ovako kompleksnimuslovima poslovanja, matematički modeli sposobni da odgovore značajnimizazovima, odnosno ponude optimalna rešenja kojima se garantuje maksimalnoispunjenje projektovanih ciljeva, nameću se kao neophodnost.Trenutni, konvencionalni pristup optimizaciji i planiranju površinskih kopovazasniva se na algoritmima, razvijenim sredinom prošlog veka čije je opšteobeležje deterministički ...površinski kop, planiranje, optimizacija, stohastički modeli, kontrola kvaliteta uglja, neizvesnost.Dejan R. Stevanović. "Optimizacija i planiranje površinskih kopova stohastičkim modelima" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-05-29)
Optimizacija i planiranje površinskih kopova stohastičkim modelima
Dejan R. Stevanović (2015-05-29)Savremeno rudarstvo izloženo je stalnom trendu pogoršanja uslova poslovanja.Mogućnost ostvarenja ekonomskih i drugih ciljeva rudarskog projektakompromitovana je stalnim pogoršanjem kvaliteta ležišta na kojima se vršieksploatacija, kao i značajnoj dozi neizvesnosti povezane sa geološkim,ekonomskim i tehničkim parametrima proizvodnje. U ovako kompleksnimuslovima poslovanja, matematički modeli sposobni da odgovore značajnimizazovima, odnosno ponude optimalna rešenja kojima se garantuje maksimalnoispunjenje projektovanih ciljeva, nameću se kao neophodnost.Trenutni, konvencionalni pristup optimizaciji i planiranju površinskih kopovazasniva se na algoritmima, razvijenim sredinom prošlog veka čije je opšteobeležje deterministički ...površinski kop, planiranje, optimizacija, stohastički modeli, kontrola kvaliteta uglja, neizvesnost.Dejan R. Stevanović. "Optimizacija i planiranje površinskih kopova stohastičkim modelima" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-05-29)