611 items
Mineralogical analysis of a clay body from Zlakusa, Serbia, used in the manufacture of traditional pottery
... Harvard University. Contribution from the Department of Mineralogy and Petrography, Harvard University No. 322. Bergaya F. & Lagaly G. (2006) General introduction: clays, clay minerals, and clay science. Pp. 1-18 in: Handbook of Clay Science, Vol. 1: Developments in Clay Science (F. Bergaya, B ...Maja Milošević, Biljana Đorđević, Mihovil Logar. "Mineralogical analysis of a clay body from Zlakusa, Serbia, used in the manufacture of traditional pottery" in Clay Minerals (2020). https://doi.org/10.1180/clm.2020.20
Extensive vibrations of the belt conveyer drive electromotor of a bucket wheel excavator as a result of intesified wear-and-tear of its mount support
... describe how optimal vibration absorbers are designed. The design procedure is quite generalized and can easily handle multiple modes of vibration. A general procedure for constructing a root loci plot is also developed. Numerical results are presented using a cantilever beam. 2 1 4 'O JVE INTERNATIONAL ...Vesna Damnjanović, Predrag Jovančić, Snežana Aleksandrović. "Extensive vibrations of the belt conveyer drive electromotor of a bucket wheel excavator as a result of intesified wear-and-tear of its mount support" in Journal of Vibroengineering (2017). https://doi.org/10.21595/jve.2016.17321
Effectiveness Analysis of Different Bucket-wheel Excavators
Coal production in open-pit lignite mines in the Republic of Serbia is performed with continuous work systems. In addition to coal production, the same systems are used for the exploitation of large quantities of overburden. According to the reliability concept, continuous systems are in linear connection. If the failure occurs in one part of the system, that will produce a downtime of the entire system. The initial and most important factor of continuous systems is the bucket-wheel excavator. It ...... the paper shows that new machines have far better results. Downtime or insufficient quality of work can create large direct and indirect costs. In general, bucket-wheel excavators are considered to have a lifetime equal to the lifetime of a steel structure. From the aspect of asset management, operational ...Stevan Đenadić, Predrag Jovančić, Dragan Ignjatović, Miloš Tanasijević, Filip Miletić. "Effectiveness Analysis of Different Bucket-wheel Excavators" in 8th International Conference Mining and Environmental Protection, Sokobanja, 22-25 September 2021, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, Serbia (2021)
Integracija heterogenih tekstualnih resursa
Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović (2007)U radu je opisan pristup integraciji heterogenih tekstualnih resursa za srpski jezik uz pomoć jednog kompleksnog softverskog alata, razvijenog specijalno za ove potrebe. Opisani su struktura i osnovne komponente razvijenog sistema. Iznete su i mogućnosti unapređivanja resursa međusobnom razmenom informacija, koje pruža razvijeno integrisano okruženje. Konačno, opisana je i mogućnost primene integrisanih heterogenih resursa za proširenje upita, kao i pretraživanje tekstova uopšte, a naznačeni su i neki od pravaca daljeg razvoja.Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović. "Integracija heterogenih tekstualnih resursa" in Zbornik radova međunarodnog simpozijuma Razlike između bosanskog/bošnjačkog, hrvatskog i srpskog jezika, Graz, Austria, April 2007, - (2007)
A comparison between ARIMA, LSTM, ARIMA-LSTM and SSA for cross-border rail freight traffic forecasting: the case of Alpine-Western Balkan Rail Freight Corridor
Miloš Milenković, Miloš Gligorić, Nebojša Bojović, Zoran Gligorić. "A comparison between ARIMA, LSTM, ARIMA-LSTM and SSA for cross-border rail freight traffic forecasting: the case of Alpine-Western Balkan Rail Freight Corridor" in Transportation Planning and Technology, Informa UK Limited (2023). https://doi.org/10.1080/03081060.2023.2245389
Analiza mogućnosti primene tehnologije hvatanja i skladištenja ugljenika (CO2) na objektima Nis-A
Isidora Veljanoski (2024)U ovom radu opisana je primena CCUS tehnologija u kompaniji NIS i na koji način treba da se optimizuje da bi projekat bio rentabilan.U prvom i drugom poglavlju opisani su energetski trendovi i tranzicije, razvojni mehanizmi za regulisanje emisije gasova staklene baste i o ugljen-dioksidu kao hemijskom jedinjenju i šta je to CCUS.U trećem, četvrtom i petom poglavlju je detaljnije opisano izdvajanje, hvatanje, transport i skladištenje ugljen-dioksida.Šesto poglavlje i sedmo poglavlje obuhvataju rešenja za razvoj i realizaciju CCUS projekata ...energetski trendovi, ugljen-dioksid, CCUS, izdvajanje, hvatanje, transport i skladištenje CO2, ležište, ekonomija projekta... of capturing Investment CAPEX capture CAPEX capture CAPEX transport CAPEX compression OPEX capture OPEX transport OPEX compresion General assumptions Discount rate Tax rate Tax property Amortization assumption Generation start year Life time in years Construction time in ...
... transport RSD 497,893,120 CAPEX compression RSD 352,780,800 OPEX capture RSD/tCO2 24.60 OPEX transport RSD 150,000 OPEX compresion RSD 200000 General assumptions unit Value Discount rate % 14.0% Taxrate % 15% Tax property % 0.40% Amortization assumption unit Value Generation start year ...Isidora Veljanoski. Analiza mogućnosti primene tehnologije hvatanja i skladištenja ugljenika (CO2) na objektima Nis-A, 2024
Long-term planning methodology for improving wood biomass utilization
The insufficiently developed forest management system is often followed by undeveloped forest resources supply chain and insufficient institutional support. These cause inefficient usage of fuel-wood as well as huge amounts of unused forest residues. In order to achieve optimal and long-term sustainable utilisation of biomass, an original methodology based on the interaction of mathematical optimization and backcasting approach has been developed. Mathematical optimization is used for both generation and consideration of techno-economic parameters of the forest biomass supply chain. ...... Developed methodology has been applied and tested on a case study e Improving and maximizing utilization of forest biomass in Ivanjica Municipality. General information about the case study is shown in Table 2. According to data obtained from SOE Srbija�sume, annual forest cutting is about 87,400m3 of ...
... providing sustainable usage of wood biomass. A significant amount of time and multi-level planning are also required for creating necessary conditions. In general, in addition to applying mathematical optimisation, it is necessary to consider a large number of technological, cultural and structural influences ...Vladimir Vukašinović, Dušan Gordić, Marija Živković, Davor Koncalović, Dubravka Živković. "Long-term planning methodology for improving wood biomass utilization" in Energy, Elsevier BV (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2019.03.105
The effect of finite driving rate on avalanche distributions
Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty,Statistics and Probability,Statistical and Nonlinear Physics... by taking into account the rate dependency as an additional factor. Regarding the question of the form of invariant f(Ω, r) = const., one should in general assume that under a renormalization blocking of linear size b the driving rate transforms as Ωb = b−1/qΩ if Ω = 0 at the critical manifold; here, ...
... the exponent σns like in the main panel for τ ′ns. Considering this, the scaling (7) corresponding to the q = 1 case of the aforemen- tioned more general form, modifies to the expression Dns(S,R,L) = S−τ ′nsDns(S σnsr, 1/Lrν, Ωrν). (9) Given that the parameters for the distributions are tuned so that ...Sonja Radić, Sanja Janićević, Dragutin Jovković, Đorđe Spasojević. "The effect of finite driving rate on avalanche distributions" in Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, IOP Publishing (2021). https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-5468/ac1f12
E-Waste Management in Serbia, Focusing on the Possibility of Applying Automated Separation Using Robots
Dragana Nišić, Branko Lukić, Zaviša Gordić, Uroš Pantelić, Arso Vukićević. "E-Waste Management in Serbia, Focusing on the Possibility of Applying Automated Separation Using Robots" in Applied Sciences, MDPI AG (2024). https://doi.org/10.3390/app14135685
Wordnet Development Using a Multifunctional Tool
Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković (2007)In this paper we present a multifunctional tool for manipulating heterogeneous language resources. The tool handles electronic dictionaries, wordnets and aligned texts, and provides for their synchronous use in various tasks. We focus here on the description of the possibilities this tool offers in the development of wordnets. Besides the wordnet module which enables parallel handling of two wordnets, other modules, such as the module for morphological dictionaries and the module for aligned texts, as well as available finite ...Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković. "Wordnet Development Using a Multifunctional Tool" in Proceedings of the International Workshop Computer Aided Language Processing (CALP) '2007, Borovets, Bulgaria, September 2007, - (2007)
Availability as a dimension of energy security in the Republic of Serbia
Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić (2016)There is a range of modern approaches and models in literature for the evaluation and determination of energy security, which are based on different parameters and indicators. For most of them, a common characteristic is emphasizing the avail ability of energy, as an important dimension for ensuring energy security. In this paper, concise overview of Serbian energy sectors is given and appropriate energy indicators are defined and determined. Selected indicators provide insight into the main components that characterize availability ...Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić. "Availability as a dimension of energy security in the Republic of Serbia" in Thermal Science, National Library of Serbia (2016). https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI160923303P
Примена нумеричких метода у моделовању тецишта са освртом на различите реолошке услове
Јелка Крушић (2023)Тецишта су комплексне појаве нестабилности које захтјевају истраживања и испитивањакоја до сада нису рађена код нас у области геотехнике. По механизму, начину активирањаи понашању покренутог материјала се знатно разликују од клизишта. Циљ оведисертације је била примјена нумеричких модела пропагације тецишта на примјеру двијепојаве које су се десиле у Србији као посљедица дјеловања циклона Тамара. Детаљноистраживање тецишта подразумијева теренско картирање, теренска истраживања илабораторијска испитивања одабраних узорака са терена. Од теренских истраживања напримјеру тецишта Селанац урађена су геофизичка истраживања Електричнетомографије док ...тециште, нумерички модели пропагације, циклон Тамара, геофизичка истраживања, лабораторијска испитивања, Селанац, Лева река, RAMMS, SPH geoflow, реолошки моделЈелка Крушић. Примена нумеричких метода у моделовању тецишта са освртом на различите реолошке услове, Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Рударско - геолошки факултет, 2023
Influence of Initial Treatment on the Survival and Recurrence in Patients With Differentiated Thyroid Microcarcinoma
Jasna Mihailović, Ljubomir Stefanović, Ranka Stanković. "Influence of Initial Treatment on the Survival and Recurrence in Patients With Differentiated Thyroid Microcarcinoma" in Clinical Nuclear Medicine, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2013). https://doi.org/10.1097/RLU.0b013e3182872ed2
Употреба веб платформе Омека за дигиталне библиотеке из домена рударства
У овом раду биће представљена Омека, веб платформа за приказивање дигиталних колекциjа и систем за управљање њиховим садржаjем. Њену примену у области техничких наука, а конкретно у области рударства, приказаћемо на примеру дигиталне библиотеке ROmeka@RGF. За Омеку смо се определили првенствено због чињенице да jе jедноставна за коришћење, има обимну пратећу документациjу и не захтева уско специфичне информатичке вештине што jе чини приступачном за већину корисника, а нарочито за рударске инжењере, коjима jе ова дигитална библиотека првенствено намењена. Документа ...Александра Томашевић, Биљана Лазић, Далибор Воркапић, Михаило Шкорић, Љиљана Колоња. "Употреба веб платформе Омека за дигиталне библиотеке из домена рударства" in Инфотека, Филолошки факултет, Универзитет у Београду; Универзитетска библиотека „Светозар Марковић“; Заједница библиотека универзитета у Србији (2017)
Preparation of Multimedia Document “YU Rock Scene”
SUMMARY: This study will present the preparation process of a multimedia document entitled YU ROCK SCENE in which participants were senior students of undergraduate studies of the Department of Library and Information Science at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Philology during the academic year 2014/2015, as a part of the subject Multimedia Documents. This study gives an overview of the historical development of rock and roll in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, rock scene in Yugoslav republics, ...Milena Obradović, Aleksandra Arsenijević, Mihailo Škorić. "Preparation of Multimedia Document “YU Rock Scene”" in Infotheca - Journal for Digital Humanities, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2017). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2016.16.1_2.6
Hidrodinamičke karakteristike izvorišta "Pavliš" za vodosnabdevanje Vršca
Hidrodinamički model režima podzemnih voda izrađen je u cilju analize eksploatacionog režima i bilansa podzemnih voda na izvorištu "Pavliš" koje se koristi za vodosnabdevanje Vršca. Hidrodinamički model je formiran postupno: određivanjem veličine istražnog područja koje će biti obuhvaćeno modelom, zadavanjem broja slojeva posmatrano u vertikalnom profilu koji odgovaraju određenim realnim slojevima definisanim izvedenim istražnim radovima na terenu, diskretizacijom strujnog polja u planu i profilu, zadavanjem filtracionih karakteristika porozne sredine, zadavanjem graničnih uslova. Primenom hidrodinamičkog modela zasnovanog na numeričkoj metodi ...Dušan Polomčić, Jelena Ratković, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Dejan Drašković, Slavko Špadijer. "Hidrodinamičke karakteristike izvorišta "Pavliš" za vodosnabdevanje Vršca" in 17. Srpski simpozijum o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Pirot, 2-6 oktobar 2024, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2024). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13739589
Hidrodinamičke karakteristike izvorišta "Nepričava" za vodosnabdevanje Lazarevca
Izvorište "Nepričava" nalazi se između sela Rubibreze i Slovca na ravničarskom terenu aluvijalne ravni reke Kolubare. Zahvatanje podzemnih voda za vodosnabdevanje Lazarevca vrši se preko šest bunara: Bla-3/3, Bla-4, Bla-7/2, Bla-9/2 i Bla-11, promenljivim kapacitetom od 100-130 l/s u zavisnosti od potreba potrošača. Podzemne vode se zahvataju iz karstno - pukotinske izdani pod pritiskom. Za potrebe ocene rezervi podzemnih voda na ovom izvorištu rađen je hidrodinamički model režima podzemnih voda. Hidrodinamički model je izrađen kao višeslojni model sa ukupno ...Dušan Polomčić, Jelena Ratković, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Dejan Drašković, Slavko Špadijer. "Hidrodinamičke karakteristike izvorišta "Nepričava" za vodosnabdevanje Lazarevca" in 17. Srpski simpozijum o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Pirot, 2-6 oktobar 2024, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2024). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13739612
Exhumation history of the Juhor Mts. in central Serbia, the Northern Serbo–Macedonian Subunit
Uros Stojadinovic, Hannah Pomella, Nemanja Krstekanić, Bojan Kostić, Maja Maleš, Nikola Randjelovic, Miloš Radonjić (2024)Northern Serbo–Macedonian Subunit, low-t thermochronology, kinematic analyses, extensional deformationsUros Stojadinovic, Hannah Pomella, Nemanja Krstekanić, Bojan Kostić, Maja Maleš, Nikola Randjelovic, Miloš Radonjić. "Exhumation history of the Juhor Mts. in central Serbia, the Northern Serbo–Macedonian Subunit" in Geologica Carpathica, Jun 2024, Central Library of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (2024). https://doi.org/10.31577/GeolCarp.2024.12
SrpCNNeL: Serbian Model for Named Entity Linking
Ovaj rad predstavlja razvoj modela za prepoznavanje i povezivanje imenovanih entiteta (NEL) sa bazom znanja Vikipodaci za srpski jezik pod nazivom SrpCNNeL. Model je obučen da prepozna i poveže sedam različitih imenovanih tipova entiteta (osobe, lokacije, organizacije, profesije, događaji, demoni i umetnička dela) na skupu podataka koji sadrži rečenice iz romana, pravnih dokumenata, kao i rečenice generisane iz znanja Vikipodataka baza i Leksimirka leksička baza podataka. Dobijeni model je pokazao dobre performanse, postigavši F1 rezultat od 0,8 na test ...Milica Ikonić Nešić, Saša Petalinkar, Ranka Stanković, Miloš Utvić, Olivera Kitanović. "SrpCNNeL: Serbian Model for Named Entity Linking" in Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, IEEE (2024). https://doi.org/10.15439/2024F8827
Arhitektonsko-građevinski kamen Crne Gore, stanje i potencijali
Darko Božović, Vladimir Simić (2023)Darko Božović, Vladimir Simić. "Arhitektonsko-građevinski kamen Crne Gore, stanje i potencijali" in Geološki glasnik (2023)