830 items
Одређивање оптималне производње дубинске пумпе на клипним шипкама
Небојша Савић (2024)Дужи временски период током историје производње нафте, дубинске пумпе на клипним шипкама су први и у многим случајевима једини избор када су у питању механичке методе експлоатације. Правилан одабир сваког појединачног елемента система омогућава оптимизацију која са собом повлачи бенефите у виду повећавања ефикасности и смањења трошкова. Тренутно примењени систем дубинских пумпи на клипним шипкама на лежишту „Н“ обезбеђује стабилну производњу и реализацију годишњих планова производње без већих проблема. У овом раду је приказан начин оптимизације производње дубинским пумпама ...... incluđeđ) (Min Totq) Fuudsp.praviy: | 0.9646 NEMA D molor: 10HP Sinqle/đouble cyl enqine 10HP Multcyunder Engine' 10MP Pumping Un&:APi 7.8 Torque analysis and elecincity BNN:GED API Size:C-160.175-86 (Una ID CUSTOM) consumption (MinTora) 'Crank hole number. #3(ovtof4) Calculated stroke lenth (crn) ...
... (Min Torq) Fluiđ sp. qravity: 0.9842 NEMA D molor. 15HP Sinake/double cyl. enoine: 15 HP Mulbcyunder Engine: 15 HP Pumping Unit:UP90 Torque analysis and electricity BALANCED API Size:C-310-202-118 (Unit ID CUSTOM) OMAaTor) ~ · u OMNAG dirtka lataih o r al lhescdLiara -=:aOaia -10 b afbox ...
... efficiency/fdlaqe | 41%/95% | Fiecommended plunaor lenqth (m)- 5 Plunqer size (mm) 38 1 Pumop fnction (N)- 890 Rod string design Rod string stress analysis (service factor: 0.9) Diameter (mm) | __RodGrado # Guides/Rod 222 TEND Alov o >»>22 TEND Alov 3 191 TEND Allv 3 191 TEN D Alov o 191 TEND ...Небојша Савић. Одређивање оптималне производње дубинске пумпе на клипним шипкама, 2024
Modeliranje i simulacija energetske tranzicije u sektoru domaćinstava
Boban S. Pavlović (2022)Aktuelnu energetsku tranziciju odlikuje ubrzanje procesa dekarbonizacije energetskih sistema, unapređenje energetske efikasnosti, razvoj čistijih tehnologija baziranih na obnovljivim izvorima energije i održivije korišćenje prirodnih resursa. Da bi se napravio ovako krupan zaokret u postojećim energetskim sistemima, osim promene postojećih tehnologija, potrebno je u planiranje energetske tranzicije uključiti i političke, sociološke, ekonomske i ekološke aspekte, a pre svega obrasce ponašanja i donošenja odluka krajnjih potrošača. Predmet istraživanja u disertaciji je energetska tranzicija sektora domaćinstva, preciznije tranzicija u grejanju domaćinstava, imajući u ...energetika, energetska tranzicija, energetsko planiranje, energetsko modeliranje, obnovljivi izvori energije, domaćinstva, ponašanje potrošačaBoban S. Pavlović. Modeliranje i simulacija energetske tranzicije u sektoru domaćinstava, Beograd : [B. Pavlović], 2022
Tektonska evolucija severoistočnih Dinarida
... s; E-mail: nikola.randjelovic@rgf.bg.ac.rs Keywords: Adria-Europe convergence, Internal Dinarides, Pannonian Basin extension, structural analysis The north-eastern margin of the Internal Dinarides, located near their junction with the Carpatho-Balkanides, has recorded several pre-Alpine ...Nikola Ranđelović, Branislav Trivić, Nemanja Krstekanić, Bojan Kostić, Uroš Stojadinović. "Tektonska evolucija severoistočnih Dinarida" in 18. Kongres geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", Divčibare, 01-04 jun 2022., Srpsko geološko društvo (2022)
Mineralogical Discrimination between Authentic and Recent Imitations of Pottery Manufacture in Zlakusa, Serbia
Maja Milošević, Mihovil Logar, Biljana Đorđević. "Mineralogical Discrimination between Authentic and Recent Imitations of Pottery Manufacture in Zlakusa, Serbia" in Nordic Clay Meeting/3rd Symposium Clays & Ceramics 2021, The Latvian Clay Science Society (2021)
Nonequilibrium athermal random-field Ising model on hexagonal lattices
... neighbors for each site. compare present results to the some previous we should stick to the same choice of random-field distribution. However, further analysis on different random-field distributions would be useful for better understanding of nonequilibrium RFIM behavior. In the nonequilibrium model the ...
... neighbors for each site. compare present results to the some previous we should stick to the same choice of random-field distribution. However, further analysis on different random-field distributions would be useful for better understanding of nonequilibrium RFIM behavior. In the nonequilibrium model the ...
... present some results that could be of interest for further study of avalanche propagation. Obviously, it is quite hard to give any kind of theoretical analysis for local avalanche propagation in such random systems. For this reason we were observing smaller systems, so that it is easier to track down the ...Svetislav Mijatović, Dragutin Jovković, Đorđe Spasojević. "Nonequilibrium athermal random-field Ising model on hexagonal lattices" in Physical Review E, American Physical Society (APS) (2021). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.103.032147
Machine learning based landslide assessment of the Belgrade metropolitan area: Pixel resolution effects and a cross-scaling concept
Improvements of Machine Learning-based landslide prediction models can be made by optimizing scale, customizing training samples to provide sets with the best examples, feature selection, etc. Herein, a novel approach, named Cross-Scaling, is proposed that includes the mixing of training and testing set resolutions. Hypothetically, training on a coarser resolution dataset and testing the model on a finer resolution should help the algorithm to better generalize ambiguous examples of landslide classes and yield fewer over/underestimations in the model. This ...... False Negative Rate, which is essential in landslide assessment appli- cations (Marjanović, 2014) Kavzoglu et al. (2013) used Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), Support Vector Regression methods (SVR) and Logistic Regression. They showed that the MCDA and SVR methods had the best results against Logistic ...
... statistical vs. Machine Learning methods in LSA. They concluded that in terms of pure prediction accuracy, RF and Bootstrap Penalized Linear Discriminant Analysis (BPLDA) were the best model- ling techniques. Youssef et al. (2016) combined four Machine Learning techniques and selected eleven predictors for creating ...
... geotechnical experts. The activity state of all landslides within the inventory was subsequently checked by a comprehensive photogeological stereoscopic analysis of the aerial images. Only active and dormant landslides were considered in this research as well as stable ground (Fig. 3 b,c & Table 2). Most ...Uroš Đurić, Miloš Marjanović, Zoran Radić, Biljana Abolmasov. " Machine learning based landslide assessment of the Belgrade metropolitan area: Pixel resolution effects and a cross-scaling concept" in Engineering Geology , Elsevier (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2019.05.007
Advantages and challenges in presenting mathematical content using EDX platform
Marija Radojičić, Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković, Olivera Kitanović, Roberto Linzalone. "Advantages and challenges in presenting mathematical content using EDX platform" in The Seventh International Conference on e-Learning (eLearning-2016), Belgrade : Metropolitan University (2016)
Development Of The Serbian Geological Resources Portal
Ranka Stanković, Jelena Prodanović, Olivera Kitanović, Velizar Nikolić. "Development Of The Serbian Geological Resources Portal" in Proceedings of the 17th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies, Belgrade, Serbia : The Serbian Geological Society (2011)
Numerical modeling of Selanac debris flow propagation using SPH code
The Selanac debris flow is a very huge event triggered after extreme rainfall caused by Cyclone Tamara activity in the Republic of Serbia in May 2014. The Selanac case study was already modelling in different programs using Voellmy rheology assumptions like RAMMS software. In this paper research are focusing particularly on the process of debris flowing from initiation zone to main deposition area using Geoflow SPH two-phase model considering frictional rheology law. Main rheological parameters are back-calculated using also ...Jelka Krušić, Biljana Abolmasov, Miloš Marjanović, Manuel Pastor, Saeid M. Tayyebi . "Numerical modeling of Selanac debris flow propagation using SPH code" in SCG-XIII International Symposium on Landslides. Cartagena, Colombia- February 22-26, 2021, International Society for Soil Mechanics And Geotechnical Engineering (2021)
The Importance of Geotechnical Investigations for the Construction of Transfer Station „Prelići“ on Landfill in Cacak – Serbia
For the purpose of the facilities construction within the transfer station „Prelici“ in Cacak, specific geotechnical investigations were carried out based on which the technological project with the facilities schedule was developed. Significant deviations in relation to the presented results were determined during earthworks, so the additional geotechnical investigation works were carried out. Since the new investigation works have determined a different cross section of the terrain, it was proposed to move the planned facilities which led to the ...Dragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić, Jovana Janković, Tina Đurić. "The Importance of Geotechnical Investigations for the Construction of Transfer Station „Prelići“ on Landfill in Cacak – Serbia" in 17th International waste management and landfill symposium, Proceedings SARDINIA 2019, CISA Publisher (2019)
Синтеза и карактеризација керамике на бази сфена
Jelena R. Pantić (2015-07-10)Механохемијска активација стехиометријске смеше реактаната TiO2, SiO2 и CaCO3 показала се као веома успешна и једноставна метода за добијање сфена (CaTiSiO5). На основу мерења релативних густина свих синтерованих узорака установљено је да максималну густину од 93,9 % имају узорци који су активирани 30 минута и синтеровани на 1200 °С. Микроструктурном анализом, тј. анализом слика синтерованих узорака активираних 30 минута, које су добијене скенирајућом електронском микроскопијом, опажа се бимодална расподела величине зрна, са просечном величином од 3 μm, односно 5 ...сфен, механохемија, Ритвелдова метода, оптичка спектроскопија, микроструктурна анализа, фазна трансфоpмација, чврсти раствориJelena R. Pantić. "Синтеза и карактеризација керамике на бази сфена" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-07-10)
Geotehnički uslovi izgradnje nadvožnjaka "Balajnac" na autoputu E-80 deonica: Niš - Merošina
Dragoslav Rakić, Nikola Božović (2024)U sklopu prve deonice autoputa E-80 Niš – Merošina, izgrađen je nadvožnjak u zoni sela Balajnac koji je oslonjen na tri stubna mesta na međusobnom rastojanju od oko 26 m. Svaki stub je fundiran na šipovima i to sa predloženim rasporedom od 2 šipa u grupi na međusobnom rastojanju od 3.6 m. U radu su na osnovu izvršenih geotehničkih istraživanja terena, analizirani rezultati nosivosti vertikalno opterećenog šipa prečnika 1.2 m i dužine šipa od L = 23 m. Analiza ...Dragoslav Rakić, Nikola Božović. "Geotehnički uslovi izgradnje nadvožnjaka "Balajnac" na autoputu E-80 deonica: Niš - Merošina" in Peti Srpski kongres o putevima, Beograd, 30-31.05.2024., Beograd : Srpsko društvo za puteve "Via Vita" (2024)
Multiword Expressions between the Corpus and the Lexicon: Universality, Idiosyncrasy and the Lexicon-Corpus Interface
Verginica Barbu Mititelu, Voula Giouli, Kilian Evang, Daniel Zeman, Petya Osenova, Carole Tiberius, Simon Krek, Stella Markantonatou, Ivelina Stoyanova, Ranka Stankovic, Christian Chiarcos (2024)Predstavljamo trenutne aktivnosti na definisanju interfejsa leksikona i korpusa koji će služiti kao referenca u prikazu polileksemskih jedinica - višečlanih izraza - (različitih tipova - imenskih, glagolskih, itd.) u specijalizovanim leksikonima i povezivanju ovih unosa sa njihovim pojavljivanjima u korpusima. Konačni cilj je korišćenje ovakvih resursa za automatsko identifikovanje višečlanih izraza u tekstu. Uključivanje nekoliko prirodnih jezika ima za cilj univerzalnost rešenja koje nije usredsređeno na određeni jezik, kao i prilagođavanje idiosinkrazijama. Raspravljaju se izazovi u leksikografskom opisu višerečnih ...Verginica Barbu Mititelu, Voula Giouli, Kilian Evang, Daniel Zeman, Petya Osenova, Carole Tiberius, Simon Krek, Stella Markantonatou, Ivelina Stoyanova, Ranka Stankovic, Christian Chiarcos. "Multiword Expressions between the Corpus and the Lexicon: Universality, Idiosyncrasy and the Lexicon-Corpus Interface" in Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Universal Dependencies (MWE-UD) @ LREC-COLING 2024, Turin, May 25, 2024, ELRA and ICCL (2024)
Some examples of interactions between certain rare earth elements and soil
Zlatko Nikolovski, Jelena Isailović, Dejan Jeremić, Sabina Kovač, Ilija Brčeski. "Some examples of interactions between certain rare earth elements and soil" in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, National Library of Serbia (2021). https://doi.org/10.2298/JSC211006095N
Maturation and isotopic changes of individual hydrocarbons in lignite lithotypes through diagenesis and early catagenesis
Ivan Kojić, Achim Bechtel, Reinhard Sachsenhofer, Dragana Životić, Ksenija Stojanović. "Maturation and isotopic changes of individual hydrocarbons in lignite lithotypes through diagenesis and early catagenesis" in 29th International Meeting on Ogranic Geochemistry, 1-6 September 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden , European Association of Organic Geochemists (2019)
Развој геолошког терминолошког речника ГеолИССТерм
Ranka Stanković, Branislav Trivić, Olivera Kitanović, Branislav Blagojević, Velizar Nikolić. "Развој геолошког терминолошког речника ГеолИССТерм" in INFOteka: časopis za informatiku i bibliotekarstvo, Beograd : Zajednica biblioteka univerziteta u Srbiji (2011)
Prilog poznavanju režima isticanja vrela Gornji Dušnik, (Suva planina)
Aleksandar Tanasković, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Veljko Marinović, Saša Milanović, Dušan Polomčić, Ljiljana Vasić, Branislav Petrović (2024)Karstno vrelo Gornji Dušnik nalazi se u istoimenom selu u jugoistočnoj Srbiji, u opštini Gadžin Han. Ovo vrelo drenira zapadne delove Suve planine i kaptirano je za potrebe vodosnabdevanja Gadžinog Hana, kao i sela Gornji i Donji Dušnik. Iako je ovo vrelo kaptirano, sistematska osmatranja isticanja karstnih voda na njemu do sada nisu vršena. U periodu od 1. novembra 1977. do 31. januara 1979. godine, uspostavljen je monitoring na ovom vrelu od strane Geozavoda (merenja vršena sporadično i to ...bilans voda, režim isticanja, autokorelacija, kroskorelacija, spektralna analiza, vrelo Gornji DušnikAleksandar Tanasković, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Veljko Marinović, Saša Milanović, Dušan Polomčić, Ljiljana Vasić, Branislav Petrović. "Prilog poznavanju režima isticanja vrela Gornji Dušnik, (Suva planina)" in 17. Srpski simpozijum o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Pirot, 2-6 oktobar 2024, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2024). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13739842
Prilog poznavanju promena kvalitativnih parametara voda vrela Banje kod Valjeva
Jovana Lončar, Maša Vulović, Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović, Radisav Golubović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac (2024)Zbog nepristupačnosti karstnih masiva i nenaseljenosti slivova karstnih vrela, često se sprovode osmatranja parametara kvaliteta i kvantiteta voda sporadično, po potrebi i to godišnje, sezonski/kvartalno, mesečno, nedeljno. Analize ovako formiranih nizova mogu dovesti do pogrešnih zaključaka, naročito kada se vrše analize ekstrema. Međutim, kada su u pitanju karstne izdanske vode, režim pojedinih parametara može biti jako uslovljen pluviografskim režimom. Najčešći su slučajevi da nakon otapanja snežnog pokrivača, zatim pri kišama jačih intenziteta ili dužih trajanja dolazi do skoro istovremenog ...Jovana Lončar, Maša Vulović, Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović, Radisav Golubović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac. "Prilog poznavanju promena kvalitativnih parametara voda vrela Banje kod Valjeva" in 17. Srpski simpozijum o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Pirot, 2-6 oktobar 2024, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2024). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13740037
Age and microfacies of oceanic Upper Triassic radiolarite components from the Middle Jurassic ophiolitic mélange in the Zlatibor Mountains (Inner Dinarides, Serbia) and their provenance
Hans-Juergen Gawlick, Nevenka Đerić, Sigrid Missoni, Nikita Bragin, Milan Sudar, Divna Jovanović (2017)Neo-Tethys, trench-like basins, synorogenic deposition, evolving thrust belt, Triassic palaeogeography... compo- nent analysis provide an excellent possibility to reconstruct the geodynamic history of an evolving mountain belt. Component analyses of conglomerates, breccia layers or tur- bidite beds are a common tool in sedimentary geology. One classical approach is provenance analysis, the reconstruction ...
... age, microfacies analysis of both radiolarites and limestones provides information about their depositional setting (e.g., relative water depth, transport regime, environment — e.g., bioturbating biota, oxygen con- tent) and diagenetic overprint. Whereas microfacies analysis of limestones is ...
... olistostromes in the evolution of orogenic belts: A global synthesis. Gondwana Res. 39, 180—203. Fligel E. 2004: Microfacies of carbonate rocks. Analysis, interpreta- tion and application. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1—976. Frisch W. 1979: Tectonic Progradation on Plate Tectonic Evolution ...Hans-Juergen Gawlick, Nevenka Đerić, Sigrid Missoni, Nikita Bragin, Milan Sudar, Divna Jovanović. "Age and microfacies of oceanic Upper Triassic radiolarite components from the Middle Jurassic ophiolitic mélange in the Zlatibor Mountains (Inner Dinarides, Serbia) and their provenance" in Geologica Carpathica (2017)
The effect of finite driving rate on avalanche distributions
Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty,Statistics and Probability,Statistical and Nonlinear Physics... Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Appendix A. Error analysis and sample-to-sample fluctuations 16 Appendix B. Magnetizations 18 Appendix C. Distributions of avalanche durations, energies and ampli- tudes ...
... with the sweep rate, while for the amorphous alloys under applied stress, are sweep rate independent [7]. For very fast driving rates the spectral analysis turns out to be necessary, and it is found that there is a critical sweep rate above which one observes changes of the power spectrum due to the spatially ...
... avalanche propagation causing the simultaneous advent of multiple avalanches, concealing thus the contributions of individual avalanches and making the analysis of the underlying statistics far more complex. According to the value of the driving rate one can differentiate cases of slow, inter- mediate and ...Sonja Radić, Sanja Janićević, Dragutin Jovković, Đorđe Spasojević. "The effect of finite driving rate on avalanche distributions" in Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, IOP Publishing (2021). https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-5468/ac1f12