232 items
The Galena Flotation in Function of Grindability
Cvetićanin Lidija, Lazić Predrag, Vučinić Dušica, Knežević Dinko. "The Galena Flotation in Function of Grindability" in Journal of Mining Science 48 no. 4, Moscow, Russian Federation:M A I K Nauka - Interperiodica (2012): 760-764. https://doi.org/10.1134/S1062739148040223 M23
On the profession of sworn/court interpreter in Serbia
Драгослава Мићовић, Лидија Беко (2023)Драгослава Мићовић, Лидија Беко. "On the profession of sworn/court interpreter in Serbia" in Безбедност, Београд, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2023). https://doi.org/10.5937/bezbednost2302059M М51
Управљање знањем путем CLIL-а на РГФ-у и стварање нових облика културе
Лидија Беко, Наиље Маља Имами (2018)Лидија Беко, Наиље Маља Имами. "Управљање знањем путем CLIL-а на РГФ-у и стварање нових облика културе" in CLIMB. Culture, Language, Literary, Translation, Library and Information Studies, Teaching Methodology and Book History, Универзитет у Београду, Филолошки факултет (2018). https://doi.org/10.18485/climb.2017.5.2.ch20 М33
Exploring the flipped model in the CLIL geology classroom
Lidija Beko, Marija Đorđević (2024)Lidija Beko, Marija Đorđević . "Exploring the flipped model in the CLIL geology classroom" in Inovacije u nastavi, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2024). https://doi.org/10.5937/inovacije2403090B М23
Стрип и геофорензика у настави енглеског језика по CLIL методи - ставови студената
Лидија Беко, Драгослава Мићовић (2022)Лидија Беко, Драгослава Мићовић. "Стрип и геофорензика у настави енглеског језика по CLIL методи - ставови студената" in Иновације у настави, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2022). https://doi.org/10.5937/inovacije2201144B М23
Digital Natives and online learning in police students
Драгослава Мићовић, Лидија Беко, Наиље Маља-Имами. "Digital Natives and online learning in police students" in Наука, безбедност, полиција, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2022). https://doi.org/10.5937/nabepo27-35411 М24
SEM-EDS analysis and microindentation hardness study of n-type doped BiTeSe alloy single crystals
Požega Emina, Ivanov Svetlana, Stević Zoran, Vuković Nikola, Gomidželović Lidija, Marković Ivana (2013)Požega Emina, Ivanov Svetlana, Stević Zoran, Vuković Nikola, Gomidželović Lidija, Marković Ivana. "SEM-EDS analysis and microindentation hardness study of n-type doped BiTeSe alloy single crystals" in Proceedings of the 45th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, Bor:Univerzitet u Beogradu – Tehnički fakultet u Boru (2013): 584-587 M33
Structural, morphological and up-converting luminescence characteristics of nanocrystalline Y2O3:Yb/Er powders obtained via spray pyrolysis
Lojpur Vesna, Mančić Lidija, Vulić Predrag, Dramićanin Miroslav D., Rabanal Maria Eeugenia, Milošević Olivera (2014)Lojpur Vesna, Mančić Lidija, Vulić Predrag, Dramićanin Miroslav D., Rabanal Maria Eeugenia, Milošević Olivera. "Structural, morphological and up-converting luminescence characteristics of nanocrystalline Y2O3:Yb/Er powders obtained via spray pyrolysis" in Ceramics International 40 no. 2, Faenza, Italy:Ceramurgia (2014): 3089-3095. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2013.10.002 M21
Intercultural competence: Is it one of the goals of English language teaching in Serbia?
Вера Ошмјански, Лидија Беко (2019)интеркултурална компетенција, културе англофоних земаља, интеркултурализам, настава енглеског језика, ставовиВера Ошмјански, Лидија Беко. "Intercultural competence: Is it one of the goals of English language teaching in Serbia?" in Иновације у настави, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2019). https://doi.org/ 10.5937/inovacije1804160O М23
Learning Semi Technical Vocabulary in English for Police Purposes: A Case Study
Драгослава Мићовић, Лидија Беко, Наиље Маља-Имами. "Learning Semi Technical Vocabulary in English for Police Purposes: A Case Study" in Romanian Journal of English Studies, Walter de Gruyter GmbH (2022). https://doi.org/10.1515/rjes-2021-0004 М23
Inter-Faculty Cooperation in English Language Teaching Using Educational Comic Strips on Geoforensics – A Pilot Study
Лидија Беко, Драгослава Мићовић (2022)Лидија Беко, Драгослава Мићовић. "Inter-Faculty Cooperation in English Language Teaching Using Educational Comic Strips on Geoforensics – A Pilot Study" in International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), FSFEI HE Don State Technical University (2022). https://doi.org/10.23947/2334-8496-2022-10-3-89-97 М51
Pleistocenski sisari iz jame Propas u Činiglavcima kod Pirota
Dimitrijević, V., Bogićević Katarina, Gajović, V., Vlastić Stefan. "Pleistocenski sisari iz jame Propas u Činiglavcima kod Pirota" in Zbornik radova 7. simpozijuma o zaštiti karsta, Bela Palanka, 2013. / [organizator] Akademski speleološko-alpinistički klub = Proceedings [of] 7th Symposium on Karst Protection, Beograd:Akademski speleološko-alpinistički klub (2013): 83-88 M61
Влияние русских иммигрантов в развитие геологии в Сербии
Banjac Nenad, Dulić Ivan (2010)Banjac Nenad, Dulić Ivan. "Влияние русских иммигрантов в развитие геологии в Сербии" in Зборник радова 15. конгреса геолога Србије са међународним учешћем, Београд, [26-29 мај] 2010. = Proceedings of the 15th Congress of Geologists of Serbia with International Participation, Belgrade [26-29 May] 2010, Belgrade:Serbian Geological Society (2010): 695-698 M33
Deformation and bearing capacity of buried material near the shaft opening at the open pit mine “Zagradje” – open pit 2”
Ljubojev Milenko, Ignjatović Dragan, Ljubojev Vesna, Đurđevac Ignjatović Lidija, Rakić Dragoslav (2010)Ljubojev Milenko, Ignjatović Dragan, Ljubojev Vesna, Đurđevac Ignjatović Lidija, Rakić Dragoslav. "Deformation and bearing capacity of buried material near the shaft opening at the open pit mine “Zagradje” – open pit 2”" in Mining Enginerering = Rudarski radovi no. 2, Bor, Srbija:Mining and metallurgy institute Bor (2010): 115-122 M51
An integrated study of thermal treatment effects on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Zn-ferrite nanoparticles
Antić Bratislav V., Perović Marija, Kremenović Aleksandar, Blanuša Jovan L., Spasojević Vojislav V., Vulić Predrag, Bessais Lotfi, Božin Emil S. (2013)Antić Bratislav V., Perović Marija, Kremenović Aleksandar, Blanuša Jovan L., Spasojević Vojislav V., Vulić Predrag, Bessais Lotfi, Božin Emil S.. "An integrated study of thermal treatment effects on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Zn-ferrite nanoparticles" in Journal of Physics – Condensed Matter 25 no. 8, Bristol:IOP Publ. Ltd. (2013): 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1088/0953-8984/25/8/086001 M21
Identification and characterization of single crystal Bi2Te3-xSex alloy
Požega Emina, Ivanov Svetlana, Stević Zoran, Karanović Ljiljana, Tomanec Rudolf, Gomidželović Lidija, Kostov Ana (2015)Požega Emina, Ivanov Svetlana, Stević Zoran, Karanović Ljiljana, Tomanec Rudolf, Gomidželović Lidija, Kostov Ana. "Identification and characterization of single crystal Bi2Te3-xSex alloy" in Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 10 (25), ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Elsevier Science BV, PO Box 211, 10:Elsevier BV (2015): 3279-3285. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1003-6326(15)63964-4 M21
Geonasleđe Golije i Peštera
Ljiljana Grujičić-Tešić V. (2017)Ljiljana Grujičić-Tešić V.. Geonasleđe Golije i Peštera, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 2017
Zoniranje buke na površinskom kopu Buvač - Prijedor
Ljubica V. FIGUN (2014)Ljubica V. FIGUN. Zoniranje buke na površinskom kopu Buvač - Prijedor, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2014
Possibility of use the crushed aggregate, grain-size 0/31.5 mm, from the site “Zagradje-open pits” for preparation the access roads to the new route of the Krivelj collector
Tašić Dušan, Ljubojev Milenko, Ignjatović Dragan, Rakić Dragoslav, Đurđevac Ignjatović Lidija (2011)Tašić Dušan, Ljubojev Milenko, Ignjatović Dragan, Rakić Dragoslav, Đurđevac Ignjatović Lidija. "Possibility of use the crushed aggregate, grain-size 0/31.5 mm, from the site “Zagradje-open pits” for preparation the access roads to the new route of the Krivelj collector" in Mining Enginerering - Rudarski radovi 4, Bor, Srbija:Mining and metallurgy institute Bor (2011): 43-48 M51
Paleomagnetne karakteristike mlađeg paleozoika Jadarskog bloka| SZ Srbija
Vesna V. Lazendić (2002)Vesna V. Lazendić. Paleomagnetne karakteristike mlađeg paleozoika Jadarskog bloka| SZ Srbija, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2002