557 items
Multi-word Expressions for Abusive Speech Detection in Serbian
Ovaj rad predstavlja istraživanja na usavršavanju i unapređenju srpske verzije rečnika Hurtlex, višejezičnog leksikona uvredljivih reči. Posebnu pažnju posvećujemo dodavanju izraza sa više reči (polileksemskih jedinica) koji se mogu smatrati uvredljivim, jer su takvi leksički zapisi veoma važni za postizanje dobrih rezultata u mnoštvu zadataka otkrivanja uvredljivog jezika. Srpski morfološki rečnici se koriste kao osnova za čišćenje podataka i stvaranje rečnika. Istaknuta je veza sa drugim leksičkim i semantičkim resursima na srpskom jeziku i predviđena je izgradnja sistema za ...... helps in reducing ambiguity. The lexical resource, consisting of words that could be used as a trigger for recognition of abusive language is built, with an idea that the Serbian system for recognition and normalization of abusive expressions will also take into consideration phrases and figurative speech ...
... extension of the vocabulary with expressions that are not present in any existing lexicons, but evidenced in corpus as having offensive usage. The recognition of the different usages, that can be both offensive and non–offensive will be marked. The additional information about context or sense embeddings ...
... into Cyrillic: diddlei, villainess, ferociousness, carcharodon; 2) foreign (not-translated) words: anguillidae, anguilliformes, animal; 3) irrelevant named entities: Istočni Goti, Abulija, Animalija, Drag kraljica; 4) literal translations that are meaningless in Serbian: jabuka poliranje, javni pogodnost ...Ranka Stanković, Jelena Mitrović, Danka Jokić, Cvetana Krstev. "Multi-word Expressions for Abusive Speech Detection in Serbian" in Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Electronic Lexicons, Association for Computational Linguistics (2020)
A bilingual digital library for academic and entrepreneurial knowledge management
A generic knowledge management process of organization, storage and retrieval of knowledge can suitably be fitted in a digital library. In the digital and knowledge age digital libraries can be used in knowledge management to handle intellectual assets and support knowledge creation. A multilingual digital library either stores content in more than one language or provides multilingual query access to monolingual content. In Serbia 18 of 308 scientific journals regularly published are bi-lingual, with papers simultaneously being in English ...... the development of Serbian wordnet, aligned multilingual corpus, and many other language resources. She also developed the first Serbian Named Entity Recognition system. She participated in a number of international and national language and TEL related projects. Biljana Lazić is librarian at ...
... results of international projects is also an increasingly frequent practice. In this paper we present a publicly available multilingual digital library named Bibliša, developed for management, search and the browsing of aligned bilingual text collections. Design/methodology/approach – The approach ...
... made an effort to develop a software tool and bi-lingual resource that supports terminology research. This paper presents a developed solution, named Bibliša1, which is free for use and publicly available. In the second section of this paper are presented the aspects of a multilingual digital ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Biljana Lazić, Dalibor Vorkapić. "A bilingual digital library for academic and entrepreneurial knowledge management" in Proceeding of 10th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics — IFKAD 2015: Culture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: connecting the knowledge dots, Bari, Italy, 10-12 June 2015, Bari : IFKAD (2015)
Two approaches to compilation of bilingual multi-word terminology lists from lexical resources
In this paper, we present two approaches and the implemented system for bilingual terminology extraction that rely on an aligned bilingual domain corpus, a terminology extractor for a target language, and a tool for chunk alignment. The two approaches differ in the way terminology for the source language is obtained: the first relies on an existing domain terminology lexicon, while the second one uses a term extraction tool. For both approaches, four experiments were performed with two parameters being ...Branislava Šandrih, Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković. "Two approaches to compilation of bilingual multi-word terminology lists from lexical resources" in Natural Language Engineering, Cambridge University Press (CUP) (2020). https://doi.org/10.1017/S1351324919000615
A Twitter Corpus and Lexicon for Abusive Speech Detection in Serbian
Uvredljivi govor na društvenim medijima, uključujući psovke, pogrdni govor i govor mržnje, dostigao je nivo pandemije. Sistem koji bi bio u stanju da detektuje takve tekstove mogao bi da pomogne da internet i društveni mediji postanu bolji virtuelni prostor sa više poštovanja. Istraživanja i komercijalna primena u ovoj oblasti do sada su bili fokusirani uglavnom na engleski jezik. Ovaj rad predstavlja rad na izgradnji AbCoSER-a, prvog korpusa uvredljivog govora na srpskom jeziku. Korpus se sastoji od 6.436 ručno označenih ...... speech The lexicon of abusive speech, consisting of words that could be used as triggers for the recognition of abusive language is being built, with the idea that the Serbian system for the recognition and normalization of abusive expressions will also take into consideration phrases and figurative ...
... needs to determine whether it contains hate speech or not [36]. To achieve this goal systems usually apply text mining techniques. The majority of current hate speech, offensive, and abusive language detection systems in social media are based on lexicons or blacklists ([7, 10, 28, 34]). Their importance ...
... also established the relation with the Serbian electronic dictionaries and the management platform Leximirka (Figure 6) [22], which enables the recognition of all inflected forms of trigger words. For the ranking and selection of illustrative tweets (or its parts) as a kind of dictionary usage examples ...Danka Jokić, Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Branislava Šandrih. "A Twitter Corpus and Lexicon for Abusive Speech Detection in Serbian" in 3rd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2021), MDPI AG (2021). https://doi.org/10.4230/OASIcs.LDK.2021.13
Bilingual lexical extraction based on word alignment for improving corpus search
Jelena Andonovski, Branislava Šandrih, Olivera Kitanović. "Bilingual lexical extraction based on word alignment for improving corpus search" in The Electronic Library, Emerald (2019). https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-03-2019-0056
Чији је пример? Анализа лексичких обележја на примерима Речника САНУ
У овом раду поставља се питање: да ли се може утврдити ко је аутор неког текста уколико се анализирају искључиво његова лексичка обележја? Како бисмо покушали да добијемо одговор на ово питање, посматрали смо примере у оквиру речничког чланка појединачне лексеме Речника САНУ, који су забележени у пет томова (и то: I, II, XVIII, XIX и XX). Сваки пример је преузет из неког извора на шта упућују скраћенице, наведене у заградама. Од преко 5.000 понуђених извора, определили смо се ...... а текста према врсти речи (енгл. Part-of-Speech Tagging), лематизације (енгл. Lemmatization), препозна- вања именованих ентитета (енгл. Named Entity Recognition), класификације текста (енгл. Text Classification) и многих других. Под класификовањем текста подразумева се обучавање математичког модела ...
... (енгл. Pattern Recognition). Подучавање рачунара да разуме и производи природан језик зове се обрада природних језика (енгл. Natural Language Processing). А обрада природних језика решава различите проблеме у разумевању текста који се тичу препознавања говора (енгл. Speech Recognition), сажимање текста ...
... Principal component analysis, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1094–1096. Шандрих 2018: Branislava Šandrih, Fingerprints in SMS messages: Automatic Recognition of a Short Message Sender Using Gradient Boosting, In 3rd In- ternational Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2018), Department ...Бранислава Б. Шандрих, Ранка М. Станковић, Мирјана С. Гочанин. "Чији је пример? Анализа лексичких обележја на примерима Речника САНУ" in Српски језик и његови ресурси, Међународни славистички центар, Филолошки факултет, Универзитет у Београду (2019). https://doi.org/10.18485/msc.2019.48.3.ch13
On the compatibility of lexical resources for NooJ
Lexical resources for many languages are provided for the NooJ linguistic development environment. Meta-data descriptions of morphosyntactic and semantic properties of these languages and their resources are a mandatory part of each language module. In this paper we analyze how well the meta-data actually describe resources for a chosen subset of languages and to what extent are they compatible across languages to support multilingual processing. We show that there is place for improvement in both directions.... not captured, but were rather due to peculiarities of translations and inadequacies of simplified graphs. Finally, there was some incorrect recognition as well. Some of it results from the usual ambiguity, as illustrated by the following Serbian example (vrsta is a measurement unit, but also ...
... En: she carried brigantine, foresail, storm-jib, and standing-jib, and was well rigged for running before the wind... The next source of false recognition is more serious. Namely, in the English e-dictionary numbers are marked as determiners, which represent a wider category, as illustrated by the ...
... module for NooJ is underway. The analysis of compatibility of NooJ resources outlined in this paper was tackled by a comparison of the annotation systems for morphological, syntactic and semantic information used in NooJ resources for Bulgarian, Croatian, English, French, Hungarian, Polish and Serbian ...Ranka Stanković, Miloš Utvić, Duško Vitas, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović. "On the compatibility of lexical resources for NooJ" in Automatic Processing of Various Levels of Linguistic Phenomena: Selected Papers from the 2011 International Nooj Conference, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2012): 96-108
Увођење доменских и семантичких маркера за област рударства у српске електронске речнике
... Portorož, Slov- enia, pp. 23–28. Крстев и др. 2016: Cvetana Krstev, Anđelka Zečević, Duško Vitas, and Tita Kyriacopoulou, “NERosettafor the Named Entity Multi-lingual Space”, In: Human Language Technology Challenges for Computer Science and Lin- guistics, LNCS, pp. 327–340. Манинг и др. 2008: ...
... Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main, pp. 3–17. Крстев и др., 2013: Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Miloš Utvić, DuškoVitas, “A system for namedentity recognition based on local grammars”, In: J Logic Computation 24 (2), pp. 473–489. Крстев/Лазић, 2015: Цветана Крстев, Биљана Лазић, „Глаголи у кухињи и за ...Иван Обрадовић, Александра Томашевић, Ранка Станковић, Биљана Лазић. "Увођење доменских и семантичких маркера за област рударства у српске електронске речнике" in Научни састанак слависта у Вукове дане - Српски језик и његови ресурси: теорија, опис и примене, Београд : Међународни славистички центар на Филолошком факултету, Филолошки факултет (2017). https://doi.org/10.18485/msc.2017.46.3.ch10
A WebGIS Decision Support System for Management of Abandoned Mines
Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović, Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Radule Tošović, Milica Pešić-Georgiadis (2016)... following data are entered: the limits of the mining waste field, the carrier of exploration and/or exploitation or economic entity that produces mining waste, the economic entity which is the operator of mining waste, the characterization and categorization of mining waste landfills within the mining ...
... results. Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript: WebGIS Web Geographical Information Systems AHP Analytic Hierarchy Process GIS Geographical Information Systems KML Keyhole Markup Language WMS Web Map Service WFS Web Feature Service CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering ...
... energy generation. One of them is generation of heating and cooling energy from the natural heat contained in the mine water. Geothermal energy systems using heat pumps to extract this heat can be used to offer local employment and energy resilience to the surrounding communities [1]. Abandoned mine ...Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović, Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Radule Tošović, Milica Pešić-Georgiadis. "A WebGIS Decision Support System for Management of Abandoned Mines" in Energies 7 no. 9 (2016): 567. https://doi.org/10.3390/en9070567
Infotheca (Q25460443) in Wikidata
Ranka Stanković, Lazar Davidović (2021)Vikipodaci su baza znanja Zadužbine Vikimedija koja predstavlja zajednički izvor različitih vrsta podataka koje koriste ne samo drugi Vikipedijini projekti, već sve više i brojne aplikacije semantičkog veba. U ovom radu ćemo prezentovati primer integracije Vikipodataka sa digitalnim bibliotekama i eksternim sistemima, kao i mogućnost ubrzanja pripreme i unosa podataka na primeru radova iz časopisa za digitalnu humanistiku Infoteka.... the form of a CSV file is certainly the first step, fol- lowed by creating an OpenRefine project and loading the prepared data. What comes next is recognition of the existing Wikidata items – an indis- pensable step enabling the linking of file content to identifiers (QID) of the existing items and entry ...
... Nikola Tesla (Q9036) refers to the famous scientist, while Nikola Tesla (Q2732597) refers to a hous- ing project (Q486972) in Nǐska Banja (Q954986) named after him. It is rec- ommended that in the case of polysemous entities, like the above-mentioned Don Quixote (ballet) or Game of Thrones (books) an ...
... Open – multiple use is available under the Creative Commons CC0 li- cence granting complete freedom to use data; 3) multilingual – entities can be named and described in any natural language. These three key features are the main driving forces for the many applications, which, we believe, will inspire ...Ranka Stanković, Lazar Davidović. "Infotheca (Q25460443) in Wikidata" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2021). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2021.21.1.5
Data from the Digital Repository of the Faculty of Mining and Geology in eScience (eNauka)
Biljana Rujević, Mihailo Škorić (2024)The paper describes linking the Digital Repository of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, with the eScience system in terms of transferring metadata about the results of researchers' scientific work. The steps taken to ensure a smooth harvesting of metadata are outlined. Additionally, a presentation of additional improvements to the OAI system is provided, aiming to contribute to the automatic linking of authors with their results in the eScience system.Biljana Rujević, Mihailo Škorić. "Data from the Digital Repository of the Faculty of Mining and Geology in eScience (eNauka)" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2024). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2023.23.2.4
Development of terminological resources for expert knowledge: a case study in mining
Ljiljana Kolonja, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović, Aleksandar Cvjetić. "Development of terminological resources for expert knowledge: a case study in mining" in Knowledge Management Research & Practice, Palgrave Macmillan (2015). https://doi.org/10.1057/kmrp.2015.10
Business Models for Small-scale Biomass Projects Development
Biomass is recognized as the most promising renewable energy source in Serbia. The share of biomass in Serbian final energy consumption is over 10%, but mostly related to traditional use in stoves and ovens. One of the main obstacles for wider implementation of contemporary biomass facilities is the inexperience of consumers and stakeholders in the implementation of “innovative” business models, especially in the cases of small-scale projects. In this paper, three different business models (public utility company, energy cooperative ...... and/or cogeneration plants (depending on the selected solution). Certainly, local households, individually or jointly in a cooperative or other legal entity, should not have preferential treatment in the public procurement procedure. However, it is well known that transport costs have significant share ...
... price of biomass, and from that point of view, local biomass producers would be in a better position. Energy cooperative model Cooperative is a legal entity that represents a special form of organization, which by functioning based on cooperative principles, achieves its economic, social, cultural and other ...
... cooperative [8] Energy cooperative model is primarily interesting for development of district heating system in Kostojevići. Energy cooperative as legal entity would provide financial resource for boiler installation. Resources would be provided from cooperative fund. Cooperative would organize biomass collecting ...Dejan Ivezić, Miodrag Gluščević, Marija Živković. "Business Models for Small-scale Biomass Projects Development" in 19th International Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, Niš : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (2019)
Advancing Sentiment Analysis in Serbian Literature: A Zero and Few-Shot Learning Approach Using the Mistral Model
Ova studija predstavlja analizu sentimenta srpskih starih romana iz perioda 1840-1920, koristeći veliki jezički model (LLM) Mistral za tehniku učenja sa zasnovani na takozvanim "zero" i "few-shot" pokušajima. Glavni pristup uvodi inovacije osmišljavanjem istraživačkih upita (promptova) uključuju tekst sa uputstvom za klasifikaciju bez primera i na osnovu nekoliko primera, omogućavajući jezičkom modelu da klasifikuje osećanja u pozitivne, negativne ili objektivne kategorije. Ova metodologija ima za cilj da pojednostavi analizu osećanja ograničavanjem odgovora, čime se povećava preciznost ...Milica Ikonić Nešić, Saša Petalinkar, Mihailo Škorić, Ranka Stanković, Biljana Rujević. "Advancing Sentiment Analysis in Serbian Literature: A Zero and Few-Shot Learning Approach Using the Mistral Model" in In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2024), BAS (2024)
Assessments of effects of implementation of strategic plans for development of Belgrade District heating system
The district heating system (DHS) is one of the key elements of the Belgrade energy system. Overview of the current state and basic characteristics of the DHS are presented in this paper. The focus is on the planned development of DHS and on the analyses of effects of realization of measures and projects defined by strategic documents related to DHS which are adopted by city authorities (Development Strategy of DHS and Strategy of Belgrade Development). Two exploratory scenarios were ...Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Aleksandar Madžarević, Miodrag Grujić. "Assessments of effects of implementation of strategic plans for development of Belgrade District heating system" in Sustainable Cities and Society, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2020.102304
Legal framework for recultivation of degraded areas caused by mining exploitation
Radmila Gaćina (2023)Prilikom površinske i podzemne eksploatacije uglja eksploatacioni sistemi oštećuju veće ili manje površine zemljišta. Iskustva pokazuju da su oštećenja zemljišta znatno veća kod površinske eksploatacije, gde je prostora degradiran ne samo u konturi rudnika i okoline, već se promene takođe dešavaju u prirodnom okruženju. U članku su predstavljeni rezultati studije zakonskih okvira rekultivacije u nekim zemljama sveta i u Srbiji. Praktično iskustvo rekultivacije pokazalo je da iskorišćenje i devastacija tokom rudarske aktivnosti predstavljaju opasnost ne samo za pogođena ...... - _ Lawon Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment, - _ Lawon Integrated Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution. Legal and physical entity who use natural resources are obliged to keep up to date during the execution of works and performance of activities, as well as after their termination ...
... Gaćina! Received: May 22, 2023 Accepted: June 10, 2023 Abstract: During the exploitation of coal, both surface and underground exploitation systems damage larger or smaller areas of land. Experiences show that land damage is significantly greater with the surface exploitation system, where ...Radmila Gaćina. "Legal framework for recultivation of degraded areas caused by mining exploitation" in Underground mining engineering, Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology (2023). https://doi.org/10.5937/podrad2342027G
FrameNet Lexical Database: Presenting a Few Frames Within the Risk Domain
U radu se daje kratak prikaz teorije semantike okvira, na kojoj je zasnovana leksička baza Frejmnet. Predstavljena je koncepcija ove mreže, kao i mogućnosti njene primene. Predstavljena je i leksička analiza koja se primenjuje u projektu izrade Frejmneta i ukazano na razlike između analize zasnovane na okviru u odnosu na analizu zasnovanu na reči. Zatim je prikazano nekoliko povezanih okvira koje prizivaju reči iz domena rizika. U radu je predstavljena i platforma NLTК pomoću koje se mogu koristiti ...... fact that most LUs are best defined through semantic frames, a conceptual structure that provides a description of the type of situation, relation or entity and the participants involved in it (Ruppenhofer et al. 2016, 7). For example, taking a risk typically involves the following: a person taking the ...
... unique and set it apart from other frames. Alongside the core elements, there are non-core 7. That description entails:1) a schematic description of entity types or situation illustrated by the frame; 2) choosing descriptive labels for describing the frame; 3) drawing up a draft list of words that belong ...
... information from it. As mentioned in the Introduction (Section 1.1 of this paper), a frame is a conceptual structure describing a type of situation, entity or relation together with its participants. The structure of FrameNet within the NLTK framework is comprised of a collection of XML (Extensible Markup ...Aleksandra Marković, Ranka Stanković, Natalija Tomić, Olivera Kitanović. "FrameNet Lexical Database: Presenting a Few Frames Within the Risk Domain" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2021). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2021.21.1.1
Improvement of geodatabase queries within GeolISS
Ranka Stanković (2008)... e on MS SQL server 2000. The logical framework of GeolISS implementation is based on five packages of classes: concept, observation, spatial entity, description and metadata [6]. Concept represents the core of GeolISS, and it is implemented as an aggregation of geological vocabularies, collections ...
... interpretations and modeling of geological features. Any observed property can be expressed as a text, number, picture and geometry (location). Spatial entity, which is treated as observation locations and mapped/interpreted geological occurrences, are implemented in the geodatabase geometrically as points ...
... 4 depicts the form for spatial object search for geologic unit outcrop ‘IzdanakKartiraneJedinice’, but in general it can be used for any spatial entity: borehole, well, geologic surface path etc. The user selects among the search criteria offered, in our example, for the geologic unit ‘Kartirane ...Ranka Stanković. "Improvement of geodatabase queries within GeolISS" in Review of the National Center for Digitization, Beograd : Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade (2008)
Developing Termbases for Expert Terminology under the TBX Standard
... inflection class or word forms. This information is essential for proper processing of all texts, such as lematization, morphological analysis, named entity recognition and the like. This is especially important in the case of domain specific texts as in the fields of geology or mining. Thus, appropriate ...
... containing expert terminology, such as the textbook “Introduction to Mining’. The approach also envisages in- tegration with cascades for named entity recognition such as mining equipment, specific minerals and the like. Building of an aligned Serbian-English corpus of texts in the area of mining and ...
... mineralnih sirovina.N:s2qn leziSta mineralnih sirovina,lezisSte mineralnih sirovina.N:w4qn Domain specific e-dictionaries are especially important in recognition of com- pound words in texts featuring expert terminology, as such texts usually abound with compounds having a meaning often very different from ...Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, and Miloš Utvić. "Developing Termbases for Expert Terminology under the TBX Standard" in Natural Language Processing for Serbian - Resources and Applications, Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics (2014)
Production of morphological dictionaries of multi-word units using a multipurpose tool
The development of a comprehensive morphological dictionary of multi-word units for Serbian is a very demanding task, due to the complexity of Serbian morphology. Manual production of such a dictionary proved to be extremely time-consuming. In this paper we present a procedure that automatically produces dictionary lemmas for a given list of multi-word units. To accomplish this task the procedure relies on data in e-dictionaries of Serbian simple words, which are already well developed. We also offer an evaluation ...electronic dictionary, Serbian, morphology, inflection, multi-word units, noun phrases, query expansion... processing of named entities, as the initial phase in information extraction. Serbian morphological dictionaries and local grammars are successfully being used for recognition of names of persons and of various functions they might perform within the society. Local grammars for recognition of functions ...
... the aforementioned structure as well. This example leads us to possible applications related to inflection of free noun phrases based on the recognition of their syntactic structure. This idea draws from the assumption that many free noun phrases (used in search queries, for example) may have the ...
... Lexical Approaches,” Linguistic Issues in Language Technologies, vol. 1, no. 2, 2008. [6] C. Krstev and D. Vitas, “Finite State Transducers for Recognition and Generation of Compound Words,” in IS-LTC 2006, T. Erjavec and J. Žganec Gros, Eds. Ljubljana, Slovenia: Institut “Jožef Stefan”, October 2006 ...Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Cvetana Krstev, Duško Vitas. "Production of morphological dictionaries of multi-word units using a multipurpose tool" in Proceedings of the Computational Linguistics-Applications Conference, October 2011, Jachranka, Poland, Jachranka, Poland : PTI - Polish Information Processing Society (2011)