296 items
Development of Integrated Fuzzy Model for Mine Management Optimization
Miodrag Čelebić, Sanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Dejan Stevanović, Duško Torbica, Vladimir Malbašić (2023)Technoeconomic, environmental and safety criteria generally affect the management of metallic and non-metallic mining operations. The first basic question that needs to be addressed when planning ore mining is which methods are adequate and what is the optimal mining technology? Due to the complex geologic framework of ore deposits, geological exploration has rendered synonymous the inherent uncertainties, vagueness, and inaccuracies. As a result, subjective evaluation by engineers and expert experience have become increasingly important. Given that the natural language ...Miodrag Čelebić, Sanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Dejan Stevanović, Duško Torbica, Vladimir Malbašić. "Development of Integrated Fuzzy Model for Mine Management Optimization" in Comptes rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2023). https://doi.org/10.7546/CRABS.2023.09.12
Towards ELTeC-LLOD: European Literary Text Collection Linguistic Linked Open Data
Овај рад описује студију случаја о генерисању повезаних података креираних на основу обечежених текстуалних корпуса коришћењем формата размене података у обради природних језика (NIF). Као основа за ово истраживање послужио је подскуп корпуса ELTeC, који се састоји од 900 романа из периода 1840-1920 за 9 европских језика. Верзија романа са коментарима, у такозваном TEI level-2 формату, трансформисана је у NIF, формат заснован на RDF/OWL који има за циљ постизање интероперабилности између алата за обраду природних језика, језичких ресурса и ...Ranka Stanković, Christian Chiarcos, Miloš Utvić, Olivera Kitanović. "Towards ELTeC-LLOD: European Literary Text Collection Linguistic Linked Open Data" in LDK 2023 – 4th Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge, 12-15 September in Vienna, Austria, Lisabon : NOVA FCSH - CLUNL (2023). https://doi.org/10.34619/srmk-injj
Procena aktivnosti upravljanja održavanjem opreme za dubinsko bušenje nafte i prirodnog gasa
Iva Filipov (2024)Primarni fokus održavanja je sprečavanje zastoja u radu, koji može dovesti do značajnih finansijskih gubitaka. Redovne provere i monitoring performansi opreme omogućavaju pravovremeno otkrivanje problema i smanjenje rizika od havarija. U ovom kontekstu, korišćenje naprednih tehnologija, poput softverskih alata za upravljanje održavanjem, igra značajnu ulogu u optimizaciji procesa. Osim tehničkog održavanja, obuka osoblja o pravilnoj upotrebi opreme i sigurnosnim procedurama je od suštinskog značaja. Efikasna komunikacija između članova tima i jasne smernice za rad doprinose smanjenju rizika i povećanju produktivnosti. Upravljanje održavanjem takođe zahteva analizu troškova, kako bi ...... održavanjem, igra značajnu ulogu u optimizaciji procesa. Osim tehničkog održavanja, obuka osoblja o pravilnoj upotrebi opreme i sigurnosnim procedurama Je od suštinskog značaja. Efikasna komunikacija između članova tima i jasne smernice za rad doprinose smanjenju rizika ı povećanju produktivnosti ...
... suočavaju se s brojnim izazovima, uključujući identifikaciju ı analizu troškova, upravljanje vremenom i resursima, kao ı implementaciju efikasnih procedura održavanja. Prvo, važno Je ustanoviti koji su to elementi i oprema koji najviše opterećuju budžet za održavanje. Ova analiza omogućava prioritetno ...
... olakšava praćenje performansi opreme i planiranje preventivnog održavanja. Osim toga, procena aktivnosti mora obuhvatiti i analizu sigurnosnih procedura, s obzirom na visoke rizike povezane s bušenjem. Uspostavljanje jasnih smernica i obuka zaposlenih za situacije vanrednih stanja može umanjiti mogućnost ...Iva Filipov . Procena aktivnosti upravljanja održavanjem opreme za dubinsko bušenje nafte i prirodnog gasa, 2024
CC-PESTO: a novel GIS-based method for assessing the vulnerability of karst groundwater resources to the effects of climate change
The new GIS-based CC-PESTO method is shown to successfully assess and map the vulnerability/resilience of karst aquifers to effects of climate change. Karst aquifers were chosen due to their importance at the global level and widespread utilisation in potable water supply and irrigation, but also because of their hydrogeological complexity. The method was developed to assess the intrinsic vulnerability of aquifers, without considering the direct impact of variable climate factors, but considering the adaptive capacity of aquifers in response ...Zoran Stevanović, Veljko Marinović, Jelena Krstajić. "CC-PESTO: a novel GIS-based method for assessing the vulnerability of karst groundwater resources to the effects of climate change" in Hydrogeology Journal, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-020-02251-6
The Fuzzy–AHP Synthesis Model for Energy Security Assessment of the Serbian Natural Gas Sector
Natural gas is used for the production of almost 20% of total energy today. The natural gas security of the Republic of Serbia is an urgent strategic, political and security issue. Serbia is one of the most vulnerable countries in Southeast Europe, because it only has one supply route. This study is a contribution to efforts to better understand the factors affecting energy security through the implementation of a new methodology based on the fuzzy–AHP synthesis model for measuring ...... “low”), (βi = 3, “modern”), (βi = 4, “high”), (βi = 5, “exceptional”)} (21) In another defuzzification procedure, the quantitative assessment of energy security is the subject of the last step procedure in which the center of gravity is found as a number in the range from 0 to 10. This number speaks of ...
... Section 6 provides discussions; and finally Section 7 draws conclusions. 2. The Fuzzy–AHP Synthesis Model for Energy Development Scenarios During the procedure, data collection is performed, which can be statistical (based on calculation, software model result, projections, statistical processing, etc.) or ...
... classified and entered in an adequate form into the model of integral analysis. Such data are entered into the synthesis model by the fuzzy proposition procedure, where in the further process of fuzzification data are defined as input data to the fuzzy set. Ranking is performed at the same time. It can be performed ...Aleksandar R. Madžarević, Dejan D. Ivezić, Miloš L. Tanasijević, Marija A. Živković. "The Fuzzy–AHP Synthesis Model for Energy Security Assessment of the Serbian Natural Gas Sector" in Symmetry, MDPI AG (2020). https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12060908
Fuzzy Model for Risk Assessment of Machinery Failures
The main goal of this research was the development of an algorithm for the implementation of negative risk parameters in a synthesis model for a risk level assessment for a specific machine used in the mining industry. Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic theory, in combination with statistical methods, were applied to analyze the time picture state of the observed machine. Fuzzy logic is presented through fuzzy proposition and a fuzzy composition module. Using these tools, the symmetric position of the ...... fuzzy sets that were representative of a level-of-risk assessment for the elements in a subsystem. The procedure was the same one used for the previous compositions and was done in MS Excel. The procedure was also the same as the one used for the three fuzzy sets. Of the total possible membership function ...
... acquired (Figure 13). Relectrical subsystem = (1/0, 2/0, 3/0, 4/0, 5/1, 6/1, 7/1, 8/1, 9/0, 10/0), By applying a decomposition procedure, which was the same as the procedure used for the risk assessment of elements, the membership degree of risk for a specific fuzzy set was determined. For the “electrical” ...
... with any potential problems identified during an FMEA. However, there is a great deal of debate among FMEA practitioners as to the correct analysis procedure, and some analyses may include alternative calculation methods. An FMEA can be performed to identify the potential failure modes for a product or ...Dejan V. Petrović, Miloš Tanasijević, Saša Stojadinović, Jelena Ivaz, Pavle Stojković. "Fuzzy Model for Risk Assessment of Machinery Failures" in Symmetry, MDPI AG (2020). https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12040525
A Data Driven Approach for Raw Material Terminology
Olivera Kitanović, Ranka Stanković, Aleksandra Tomašević, Mihailo Škorić, Ivan Babić, Ljiljana Kolonja (2021)The research presented in this paper aims at creating a bilingual (sr-en), easily searchable, hypertext, born-digital, corpus-based terminological database of raw material terminology for dictionary production. The approach is based on linking dictionaries related to the raw material domain, both digitally born and printed, into a lexicon structure, aligning terminology from different dictionaries as much as possible. This paper presents the main features of this approach, data used for compilation of the terminological database, the procedure by which it has ...sirovine, rudarstvo, terminologija, rečnik, terminološka aplikacija, mobilna aplikacija, digitizacija, leksički podaci, korpusi, otvoreni povezani podaci... documents were then parsed, by a parsing procedure that was fine-tuned for each dictionary, according to its structure. Parsed data were finally transformed to struc- tured formats: excel and xml, before being imported to the internal relational database. The procedure will be illustrated on one multilingual ...
... dictionaries as much as possible. This paper presents the main features of this approach, data used for compilation of the terminological database, the procedure by which it has been generated and a mobile application for its use. Available (terminological) resources will be presented—paper dictionaries and ...
... dictionaries as much as possible. This paper presents the main features of this approach, data used for compilation of the terminological database, the procedure by which it has been generated and a mobile application for its use. Available (terminological) resources will be presented—paper dictionaries and ...Olivera Kitanović, Ranka Stanković, Aleksandra Tomašević, Mihailo Škorić, Ivan Babić, Ljiljana Kolonja. "A Data Driven Approach for Raw Material Terminology" in Applied Sciences, MDPI AG (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/app11072892
Terminology Acquisition and Description Using Lexical Resources and Local Grammars
Acquisition of new terminology from specific domains and its adequate description within terminological dictionaries is a complex task, especially for languages that are morphologically complex such as Serbian. In this paper we present an approach to solving this task semi-automatically on basis of lexical resources and local grammars developed for Serbian. Special attention is given to automatic inflectional class prediction for simple adjectives and nouns and the use of syntactic graphs for extraction of Multi-Word Unit (MWU) candidates for ...... would support the entire procedure described in this paper. Production of dictionary entries in DELA format for verbs, akin to the one described for nouns, is also under consideration. A detailed evaluation will follow with the aim of further refinement of the presented procedure in order to reduce ...
... of domain texts and dictionar- ies we manually filtered 623 new terms from domains of mining, geology and e-learning and applied the described procedure for FST class prediction: to 582 (93%) of them the correct FST 33 63 82 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 % o f ...
... php/en/infoteca) Proceedings of the conference Terminology and Artificial Intelligence 2015 (Granada, Spain) 87 272,557 simple word forms. Our procedure ex- tracted from it 65,279 MWUs, 86.9% of them occurring only once, 7.9% occurring twice, 3.8% occurring 3 to 5 times and 1.9% with more than 5 ...Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Biljana Lazić. "Terminology Acquisition and Description Using Lexical Resources and Local Grammars" in Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence, Granada, Spain, 2015, Granada : LexiCon (Universidad de Granada) (2015)
Understanding the effect of synthesis and sintering temperature on the functional properties of barium titanate/cobalt ferrite composites
Marija Šuljagić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Ivan Petronijević, Adis Džunuzović, Miljana Mirković, Vladimir Pavlović, Ljubica Anđelković (2023)To investigate the effect of synthesis procedure and sintering temperature on the functional properties of perovskite/spinel ceramics, BaTiO3/CoFe2O4 composites were prepared by thermal decomposition, coprecipitation, and microemulsion method, and sintered at 1150°C and 1300°C. The phase composition and morphology of as-prepared powders as well as sintered ceramics were thoroughly examined by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with electron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The dielectric and ferroelectric measurements were performed in detail. Generally, the ...Marija Šuljagić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Ivan Petronijević, Adis Džunuzović, Miljana Mirković, Vladimir Pavlović, Ljubica Anđelković. "Understanding the effect of synthesis and sintering temperature on the functional properties of barium titanate/cobalt ferrite composites" in Science of Sintering (2023). https://doi.org/10.2298/SOS220512013S
Complex geophysical survey on solving the problem of water loss in the karst terrain reservoir
Branislav Sretković, Dejan Vučković (2023)Geophysical surveys in karst terrain are always a specific challenge. Each of them requires a careful consideration of the problem, specific conditions on the ground, the selection of adequate methods applicable in that specific and unique karst area. But they should have one thing in common: a complex approach and looking at the problem from wider to narrower, with a gradual narrowing of the investigation area, increasing the spatial precision and resolution of the obtained data. On the example of ...Branislav Sretković, Dejan Vučković. "Complex geophysical survey on solving the problem of water loss in the karst terrain reservoir" in 8th Symposium Geoscience 2023, Bucharest, 9-11. November 2023, Bucharest : Editura Cetatea de Scaun (2023)
Анализа одрона у стенским косинама: савремени приступи
Милош Марјановић (2023)У Србији и региону познате су бројне појаве одрона које су изазвале велике застоје саобраћаја, материјалне штете или чак имале фаталне исходе, па их је потребно непрестано пратити и изучавати. Mодeловањe одрона скопчано је са ниским нивоом поузданости, али савремене технологије омогућавају да сe такви изгледи донекле побољшају. Једна од технологија која чини искорак утом правцу јe LiDAR-ско скенирање, које обезбеђује детаљне топографске подлоге у виду облака тачака високе резолуције и тачности. Поступак анализе одрона може се свести на: ...Милош Марјановић. "Анализа одрона у стенским косинама: савремени приступи" in Записници Српског геолошког друштва, Београд : Српско геолошко друштво (2023)
Electronic Dictionaries - from File System to lemon Based Lexical Database
In this paper we discuss some well-known morphological descriptions used in various projects and applications (most notably MULTEXT-East and Unitex) and illustrate the encountered problems on Serbian. We have spotted four groups of problems: the lack of a value for an existing category, the lack of a category, the interdependence of values and categories lacking some description, and the lack of a support for some types of categories. At the same time, various descriptions often describe exactly the same ...... possibilities for improvement of SMD, e.g. control of data consistency and introduction of explicit relations between lexical entries. Besides the procedure used for mapping the existing data model to the new one, we present sets of rules developed to establish relations between lexical entries. We also ...
... present some additional improvements – automatic generation of dictionary candidates, with their lexical and derivation variants. This automatic procedure enabled migration of all 26 simple word and 15 multi-word unit Serbian dictionary files with more than 150,000 lexical entries. Keywords: lexical ...
... remain in the relational system, given the required stability and the implementation experi- ence so far. 5. Migration of Dictionary Data The procedure for transferring data from existing dictionar- ies into the lemon-based model is integrated in the existing tool for dictionary management LeXimir ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Biljana Lazić, Mihailo Škorić. "Electronic Dictionaries - from File System to lemon Based Lexical Database" in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - W23 6th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics : Towards Linguistic Data Science (LDL-2018), LREC 2018, Miyazaki, Japan, May 7-12, 2018, European Language Resources Association (ELRA) (2018)
Geostatički proračuni sanacije klizišta šipovima
U ovom radu su, polazeći od rezultata geotehničkih istraživanja, prikazani geostatički proračuni sanacije klizišta vertikalnim šipovima. Metodologija proračuna je složena, jer podrazumeva interakciju klizišta i stabilizirajućih šipova. Stoga se simultano analiziraju stabilnost klizišta i stabilnost šipova. Prilikom određivanja bočne otpornosti tla oko šipova koristi se metoda Brinč Hansena koja uzima u obzir trodimenzionalne uslove u tlu i može da se primeni u složenim geološkim uslovima koji su česti u Srbiji. Analize stabilnosti klizišta vrše se odgovarajućim metodama granične ravnoteže. ...sanacija klizišta, interakcija klizišta i šipa, bočna otpornost šipova, stabilnost klizišta i šipova... conditions which are very often in Serbia. The landslide stability is analysed by appropriate limit equilibrium methods. In proposed calculation procedure is assumed that complete sliding surface, together with piles, contribute to a target value of safety factor of the landslide. Accordingly, all ...Slobodan Ćorić, Dragoslav Rakić, Dušan Berisavljević. "Geostatički proračuni sanacije klizišta šipovima" in Zbornik radova osmog naučno-stručnog međunarodnog savetovanja - Geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva, Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije, (2019)
Razvoj modela upravljanja cirkulacijom u postupku bušenja korišćenjem neuro fazi sistema zaključivanja
Seyed Ali S. Razeghi (2022)Gubitak isplake predstavlja nekontrolisano isticanje bušaćeg fluida kroz formacije kao što su kaverne, pukotine, ili drugi slojevi. Tradicionalne metode procene gubitka isplake se zasnivaju na primeni seizmičkih podataka ili pronalasku „mesta“ gubitka isplake na osnovu raspoloživih podataka iz susednih bušotina. Međutim, ove metode procene nisu pouzdane.‘ U disertaciji je izvršena analiza i procena uticaja parametara bušenja, geoloških faktora, karakteristika formacije i fluida na gubitak isplake kao i na formiranje fraktura u formacijama. Uspostavljeni su modeli koji podrazumevaju proces obrade ...Seyed Ali S. Razeghi. Razvoj modela upravljanja cirkulacijom u postupku bušenja korišćenjem neuro fazi sistema zaključivanja, Beograd : [S. Razeghi], 2022
Дефинисање археолошких објеката на локалитету Кремените њиве применом Ојлерове 3Д деконволуције на магнетометријске податке
... m od uzročnika anomalija. Za jednostavne modele se tumači kao strukturni indeks (Thompson, 1982) i definiše vrstu mete korišćene u proceduri O3DD (Reid i dr, 1990). U radu su na sintetičkim modelima testirane Standardna i Locirana O3DD sa različitim struktur‐ nim indeksima. Na podat ...
... For the estimation of the depth based on an isolated magnetic anomaly, most commonly graphic procedures are used: the half‐width rule and the tangents procedure, which, although significantly improved compared to the original graphic procedu‐ res (Eppelbaum, 2015), give about 25% information on the dept ...
... source of the anomaly. For simple models, it is interpreted as a structural index (Thompson, 1982) and defines the type of targets used in the O3DD procedure (Reid et al., 1990). In this work, the Standard and Located O3DD with different structural indexes were tested on synthetic models. On the data ...Весна Цветков, Илија Васиљевић, Бранислав Сретеновић, Весна Дамњановић. "Дефинисање археолошких објеката на локалитету Кремените њиве применом Ојлерове 3Д деконволуције на магнетометријске податке" in Књига апстраката 17. Конгрес геолога Србије, Врњачка Бања 17-20. мај, Српско геолошко друштво (2018)
Речник САНУ као база терминолошких речника (на примеру речника кулинарства)
... терминолошку базу било је потребно успоставити одређене критеријуме који би одредили поступак избора речи, одређивање модела и примену одговарајућих процедура за обраду текста. О самом процесу припреме и обраде корпуса и могућим допунама Речника САНУ биће више речи у завршном делу рада. Први корак је ...
... ресурса, као што су морфолошки и електронски речници, и граматике развијене у оквиру Групе за језичке технологије Универзитета у Београду. Аутоматска процедура за екстракцију вишечланих речи (синтагми и фраза) као кандидата за термине и њихова лематизацију остварена је коришћењем система Unitex за обраду ...
... на набавци нових кувара, пожељно у е-облику. Потребно је, такође, радити на даљој аутоматизацији која би убрзала: генерисање листе кандидата, процедуре уноса нових термина и допуњавање постојећих. План даљих истраживања обухвата и генерисање листе нових речи и израза, статистичке обраде корпуса, ...Рада Стијовић, Олга Сабо, Ранка Станковић. "Речник САНУ као база терминолошких речника (на примеру речника кулинарства)" in Словенска терминологија данас, Београд : Српска академија наука и уметности (2017)
Rule-based Automatic Multi-word Term Extraction and Lemmatization
In this paper we present a rule-based method for multi-word term extraction that relies on extensive lexical resources in the form of electronic dictionaries and finite-state transducers for modelling various syntactic structures of multi-word terms. The same technology is used for lemmatization of extracted multi-word terms, which is unavoidable for highly inflected languages in order to pass extracted data to evaluators and subsequently to terminological e-dictionaries and databases. The approach is illustrated on a corpus of Serbian texts from ...... we present the methodology and design of our system, in Section 3 its architecture is outlined, while in Section 4 we present the evaluation procedure and its results on a domain corpus. Finally, in Section 5 we give some concluding remarks and present plans for system improvement. 2. Methodology ...
... DELACF Table 2. The MWT električna energija, its recognized forms and lemma The set of lemmas produced in the aforementioned filtering procedure is further processed by introducing measures that combine linguistic and statistical information. Namely, for each lemma, besides frequency ...
... of occupational safety in mines, and the fact that the term ‘noise level’ is characteristic for mining. 3. System Architecture The automatic procedure for MWT extraction and lemmatization is implemented using Unitex, a corpus processing system (http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/~unitex), and LeXimir ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Biljana Lazić, Aleksandra Trtovac. "Rule-based Automatic Multi-word Term Extraction and Lemmatization" in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2016, Portorož, Slovenia, 23--28 May 2016, European Language Resources Association (2016)
Extensive vibrations of the belt conveyer drive electromotor of a bucket wheel excavator as a result of intesified wear-and-tear of its mount support
Vesna Damnjanović, Predrag Jovančić, Snežana Aleksandrović. "Extensive vibrations of the belt conveyer drive electromotor of a bucket wheel excavator as a result of intesified wear-and-tear of its mount support" in Journal of Vibroengineering (2017). https://doi.org/10.21595/jve.2016.17321
Postojeće stanje i budući trendovi u preventivnoj zaštiti podzemnih voda Srbije
Vladimir Živanović (2022)Podzemne vode predstavljaju osnovni, a u mnogim zemljama i jedini resurs za javno vodosnabdevanje stanovništva tako da zaštita podzemnih voda predstavlja bitan preduslov za njihovo dugotrajno i održivo korišćenje. Kako u svetu, tako i u Srbiji, zaštita podzemnih voda se najvećim delom svodi na primenu preventivnih mera zaštite. Kod planiranja zaštite većih prostora sve više se koriste metode za ocenu ranjivosti podzemnih voda. Njihova primena je posebno naglašena u karstnim područjima zato što se tu izdvajaju delovi terena sa ...Zaštita podzemnih voda, karte ranjivosti podzemnih voda, karta hazarda, karte rizika od kontaminacije, monitoring podzemnih voda, SrbijaVladimir Živanović. "Postojeće stanje i budući trendovi u preventivnoj zaštiti podzemnih voda Srbije" in Zbornik radova XVI srpskog Simpozijum o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Univerzitet u Beograd, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2022)
Two approaches to compilation of bilingual multi-word terminology lists from lexical resources
In this paper, we present two approaches and the implemented system for bilingual terminology extraction that rely on an aligned bilingual domain corpus, a terminology extractor for a target language, and a tool for chunk alignment. The two approaches differ in the way terminology for the source language is obtained: the first relies on an existing domain terminology lexicon, while the second one uses a term extraction tool. For both approaches, four experiments were performed with two parameters being ...Branislava Šandrih, Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković. "Two approaches to compilation of bilingual multi-word terminology lists from lexical resources" in Natural Language Engineering, Cambridge University Press (CUP) (2020). https://doi.org/10.1017/S1351324919000615