523 items
Stability, coherent spiking and synchronization in noisy excitable systems with coupling and internal delays
Franović Igor, Todorović Kristina, Vasović Nebojša, Burić Nikola. "Stability, coherent spiking and synchronization in noisy excitable systems with coupling and internal delays" in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 19 no. 9, Amsterdam:Elsevier (2014): 3202-3219
Influence of Coupling Delay on Noise Induced Coherent Oscillations in Excitable Systems
Burić Nikola, Grozdanović Ines, Todorović Kristina, Vasović Nebojša. "Influence of Coupling Delay on Noise Induced Coherent Oscillations in Excitable Systems" in Journal of Statistical Physics 145 no. 1, Berlin:Springer (2011): 175-186
Hydraulic lift systems with piston type pump
Veselin Batalović, Dušan Danilović, Vesna Karović-Maričić . "Hydraulic lift systems with piston type pump" in Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 78 (2011): 267-273
Applicability of Continuous Real-Time Monitoring Systems in Safety Assurance of Significant Structures
Janez Rošer, Ristović Ivica, Vulic Milivoj. "Applicability of Continuous Real-Time Monitoring Systems in Safety Assurance of Significant Structures" in Strojarstvo 4 no. 52, Zagreb, Croatia:Croatian Union of Mechanical Engineers and Naval Architects (2010): 449-458
Excitable and oscillatory dynamics in an in-homogeneous chain of excitable systems with delayed coupling
Grozdanović Ines, Burić Nikola, Vasović Nebojša. "Excitable and oscillatory dynamics in an in-homogeneous chain of excitable systems with delayed coupling" in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 22 no. 3 (2004): 731-740
INVENTS: a hybrid system for subsurface ventilation analysis
Ventilation system analysis is a complex process based on the calculation and analysis of numerous parameters. These problems can be successfully solved by the SimVent numerical package, but a full understanding and use of the obtained results require the involvement of an experienced specialist in the ventilation field. The solution was found in the creation of a hybrid system INVENTS, whose knowledge base represents a formalization of the expert knowledge in the mine ventilation field. In this paper we ...... represents a formalization of the expert knowledge in the mine ventilation field. In this paper we present the design methodology of the hybrid system INVENTS, as well as system structure and user interface. Keywords: hybrid systems, mine ventilation, expert systems 1. Introduction The methodology ...
... mine ventilation networks - SimVent and a diagnostic expert system for the analysis of ventilation systems - VENTEX. Software packages ResNet and SimVent as well as the expert system Ventex are developed for IBM PC and compatible computer systems. ResNet is a program that enables the calculation of ...
... within the knowledge base and the communication between the symbolic and the numerical part of the VENTEX system. VENTEX was developed using an expert systems shell, the KAPPA-PC applications development system. KAPPA-PC is a MS Windows application which provides a wide range of tools for constructing ...Nikola Lilić, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović. "INVENTS: a hybrid system for subsurface ventilation analysis" in Proc. of International Scientific Conference of FME, September 2000, Ostrava, FME (2000)
Energy Management and Systems of Environmental Safety in Mining-Energy Complexes
Malenović-Nikolić Jelena, Vukadinović Ana, Čokorilo Vojin. "Energy Management and Systems of Environmental Safety in Mining-Energy Complexes" in 5th International Symposium of Mining and Environmental Protection, Belgrade:Faculty of Mining and Geology (2015): 262-267
Coherent oscillations in minimal neural network of excitable systems induced by time delay
Vasović Nebojša, Burić Nikola, Grozdanović Ines, Todorović Kristina. "Coherent oscillations in minimal neural network of excitable systems induced by time delay" in 11th Symposium on Neural Network Applications in electrical Engineering, Beograd:Faculty of Electrical Engineering (2012)
Interplay between internal delays and coherent oscillations in delayed coupled noisy excitable systems
Grozdanović Ines, Todorović Kristina, Vasović Nebojša, Burić Nikola, Trišoviće Nataša. "Interplay between internal delays and coherent oscillations in delayed coupled noisy excitable systems" in International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 73 (2015): 121-127
Modeliranje i simulacija energetske tranzicije u sektoru domaćinstava
Boban S. Pavlović (2022)Aktuelnu energetsku tranziciju odlikuje ubrzanje procesa dekarbonizacije energetskih sistema, unapređenje energetske efikasnosti, razvoj čistijih tehnologija baziranih na obnovljivim izvorima energije i održivije korišćenje prirodnih resursa. Da bi se napravio ovako krupan zaokret u postojećim energetskim sistemima, osim promene postojećih tehnologija, potrebno je u planiranje energetske tranzicije uključiti i političke, sociološke, ekonomske i ekološke aspekte, a pre svega obrasce ponašanja i donošenja odluka krajnjih potrošača. Predmet istraživanja u disertaciji je energetska tranzicija sektora domaćinstva, preciznije tranzicija u grejanju domaćinstava, imajući u ...energetika, energetska tranzicija, energetsko planiranje, energetsko modeliranje, obnovljivi izvori energije, domaćinstva, ponašanje potrošačaBoban S. Pavlović. Modeliranje i simulacija energetske tranzicije u sektoru domaćinstava, Beograd : [B. Pavlović], 2022
Transition pathways of household heating in Serbia: Analysis based on an agent-based model
To explore pathways of the energy transition of household heating, an agent-based simulation model was developed for the case of the Serbian household sector. The model is focused on individual entities (households) with the objective to explore the effects of policy instruments on energy transition in households with individual heating systems. Empirically collected survey data were used as input for households’ attitudes towards sustainable heating. Simulations showed that the proposed instruments would lead to higher heating efficiency and less ...energetska tranzicija, modeliranje bazirano na agentima, sistemi grejanja, sektor domaćinstva, obnovljivi izvori energije, emisija CO2Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković. "Transition pathways of household heating in Serbia: Analysis based on an agent-based model" in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier BV (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2022.112506
Reconnaissance study of active sulfide springs and cave systems in the southern part of the Sulaimani Governorate (NE Iraq)
Iurkiewicz Adrian A., Stevanović Zoran (2010)Iurkiewicz Adrian A., Stevanović Zoran. "Reconnaissance study of active sulfide springs and cave systems in the southern part of the Sulaimani Governorate (NE Iraq)" in Carbonates and Evaporites 25 no. 3, :Springer (2010): 203-216. https://doi.org/0.1007/s13146-010-0024-3
Persistence and failure of mean-field approximations adapted to a class of systems of delay-coupled excitable units
Franović Igor, Todorović Kristina, Vasović Nebojša, Burić Nikola. "Persistence and failure of mean-field approximations adapted to a class of systems of delay-coupled excitable units" in Physical Review E 89 no. 2, Vašington:American Physical Society (2014): 022926-1-022926-10
Coexistence of several sillenite-like phases in pseudo-binary and pseudo-ternary systems based on Bi2O3,
Dapčević Aleksandra, Poleti Dejan, Karanović Ljiljana, Rogan Jelena, Dražić Goran. "Coexistence of several sillenite-like phases in pseudo-binary and pseudo-ternary systems based on Bi2O3," in Solid State Sciences 184, Radarweg 29; Amsterdam, 1043 NX; Netherlands:Elsevier BV (2013): 93-102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2
Investments and benefits in computer supported systems for remote monitoring and management in real time
Vujić Slobodan, Radosavljević Milinko, Miljanović Igor, Gigov Mihajlo. "Investments and benefits in computer supported systems for remote monitoring and management in real time" in Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor 2016 no. 1, Bor:Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor (2016): 7-16. https://doi.org/10.5937/MMEB1601007V
Spin activity correlations in driven disordered systems
Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty, Statistics and Probability, Statistical and Nonlinear PhysicsĐorđe Spasojević, Sonja Radić, Dragutin Jovković, Sanja Janićević. "Spin activity correlations in driven disordered systems" in Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, IOP Publishing (2022). https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-5468/ac72a2
Coherent oscillations in minimal neural network of excitable systems induced by time delay
Vasović Nebojša, Burić Nikola, Grozdanović Ines, Todorović Kristina, Samčović Andreja. "Coherent oscillations in minimal neural network of excitable systems induced by time delay" in Proceedings of 11th Symposium on Neural Network Appliciations in electrical Engineering, (ELEVENTH SYMPOSIUM ON NEURAL NETWORK APPLICATIONS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (NEUREL 2012)), Beograd:Faculy of Electrical Engineering (2012): 35-39. https://doi.org/10.1109/NEUREL.2012.6419957
Fuzzy linear model for production optimization of mining systems with multiple entities
Slobodan Vujić, Tomo Benović, Miljanović Igor, Hudej Marjan, Milutinović Aleksandar, Pavlović Petar (2011)Slobodan Vujić, Tomo Benović, Miljanović Igor, Hudej Marjan, Milutinović Aleksandar, Pavlović Petar. "Fuzzy linear model for production optimization of mining systems with multiple entities" in International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials 18 no. 6, -:University of Science and Technology Beijing, PR China (2011): 633-637. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-011-0488-8
Stochastic simulation and prediction of turbidity dynamics in karst systems. Case study: Mokra karst spring (SE Serbia)
Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović (2021)Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović. "Stochastic simulation and prediction of turbidity dynamics in karst systems. Case study: Mokra karst spring (SE Serbia)" in Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, Bulgarian Geological Society (2021). https://doi.org/10.52215/rev.bgs.2021.82.3.222
Study of Dependability Evaluation for Multi-hierarchical Systems Based on Max–Min Composition
Tanasijević Miloš, Ivezić Dejan, Jovančić Predrag, Ćatić Dobrivoje, Zlatanović D.. "Study of Dependability Evaluation for Multi-hierarchical Systems Based on Max–Min Composition" in Quality and Reliability 18 no. 4, Chichester, UK:Jonh Wiley & Sons (2013): 317-326. https://doi.org/DOI: 10.1002/qre.1383