126 items
Regional Slope Stability Analysis in Landslide Hazard Assessment Context, North Macedonia Example
Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Igor Peshevski, James Reeves, Irena Georgievska. "Regional Slope Stability Analysis in Landslide Hazard Assessment Context, North Macedonia Example" in Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk, Springer International Publishing (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-60227-7_29
Non-Detonating Chemical Mixture for Non-Invasive Methods of Rock Breaking
Within the Innovation developed several different non-detonating chemical mixtures for non-invasive methods of rock breaking. Laboratory and polygon tests gave the satisfactory results and knowledge enough to start the practical experiments in the field. The basis of this innovation is a theoretical assumption that certain chemical mixtures release a large quantity of gases during combustion. If these gases are found in the enclosed space a growing pressure on the walls of the chamber in which combustion takes place will ...Lazar Kričak, Milanka Negovanović, Nikola Simić, Stefan Milanović. "Non-Detonating Chemical Mixture for Non-Invasive Methods of Rock Breaking" in X International Scientific Congress Innovations 2024, Varna, Bulgaria, 24-27. jun 2024, Scientific Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering "Industry 4.0" (2024)
Analogue modelling of strain partitioning along a curved strike-slip fault system during backarc-convex orocline formation: Implications for the Cerna-Timok fault system of the Carpatho-Balkanides
Nemanja Krstekanić, Ernst Willingshofer, Taco Broerse, Liviu Matenco, Marinko Toljić, Uroš Stojadinović (2021)... to describe a multi-scale distribution of bulk strain into genetically different and coeval struc- tures that cannot be explained by a uniform stress field. Analogue and numerical modelling studies have demonstrated that the initiation and evolution of strike-slip corridors are always accom- panied ...
... this depth the vertical stress (i.e., lithostatic stress, σ = ρ∙g∙h, where ρ is quartz sand density, g is gravitational acceleration and h is the thickness of overlying sand layer) in the experiments is 220 Pa, corresponding to 280 MPa in nature, which results in a stress-scale ratio of 7.87∙10−7 ...
... Chemenda et al., 2016; Hatem et al., 2017; Iturrieta et al., 2017; Xiao et al., 2017). This strain partitioning is associated with significant local stress deviations and is more pronounced when either the movement is oblique to the main strike-slip fault, creating restraining and releasing bends with ...Nemanja Krstekanić, Ernst Willingshofer, Taco Broerse, Liviu Matenco, Marinko Toljić, Uroš Stojadinović. "Analogue modelling of strain partitioning along a curved strike-slip fault system during backarc-convex orocline formation: Implications for the Cerna-Timok fault system of the Carpatho-Balkanides" in Journal of Structural Geology, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2021.104386
Application of softwares for drilling and blasting
U današnje vreme softveri se sve više primenjuju u rudarstvu kroz eksploataciju mineralnih sirovina, projektovanje rudnika, u obavljanju različitih operacija na terenu i sl. Među softverima za rudarstvo, postoje softveri za specifične rudarske operacije, kao što su operacije bušenja i miniranja. Ovi procesi su veoma važni u eksploataciji čvrstih mineralnih sirovina, jer predstavljaju najjeftiniji i najefikasniji oblik fragmentacije stenske mase. Kroz rad, predstavljeni su neki od softvera u kombinaciji sa modernim tehnologijama, koje se koriste širom sveta i koje ...Stefan Milanović, Lazar Kričak, Milanka Negovanović, Nikola Simić, Jovan Marković. "Application of softwares for drilling and blasting" in Podzemni radovi, Beograd : Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2019). https://doi.org/10.5937/podrad1934077m
Стабилизација косине приступног пута у југоисточном делу површинског копа „Ћерамиде“
Никола Анђелић (2024)Експлоатација дацита као техничког камена се на површинском копу "Ћерамиде" врши дисконтуалном технологијом уз примену бушачко-минерских радова и високо капацитативне и габаритне опреме. Примане наведене технологије захтева стабилне и безбедне транспортне путеве како би се планирана производња и реализовала. Услед клизишта које је настало у зони главног извозног пута на површинском копу дацита "Ћерамиде" неопходно је обезбедити одговарајуће техничко решење којим би се косина пута довела у стабилно стање. У том смислу предложено је техничко решење са насипањем косине ...... ss (M Pa ) Ma jo r Pr in ci pa l St re ss (M Pa ) - Normal Stress (MPa) — Dacit - Ceramide - Principal Stress Envelope !J–—YZ_ — Dacit - Ceramide -– Shear vs. Normal Stress Envelope Minor Principal Stress (MPa) Slika 1.8. Parametri stenskog masiva dacita (dacit 1 faze) na površinskom ...
... Normal Stress (MPa) e Epvdops Rv opiceonceni Mapcesam Sh ea r St re ss (M Pa ) Ma jo r Pr in ci pa l St re ss (M Pa ) Dacit alterisan – Ceramide - Principal Stress Envelope | Dacit alterisan - Ceramide – Shear vs. Normal Stress Envelope – 2 3 4 Minor Principal Stress (MPa) ...Никола Анђелић. Стабилизација косине приступног пута у југоисточном делу површинског копа „Ћерамиде“, 2024
Geotehnički aspekti izgradnje visećeg pešačkog mosta u Starom gradu u Užicu
U radu su prikazani rezultati geotehničkih istraživanja za potrebe izgradnje visećeg pešačkog mosta preko klisure reke Đetinje u Užicu. Predviđeno je da most, sistema prednapregnute trake, omogući prelaz pešacima sa desne dolinske strane na stranu Starog grada, koja je opasana strmom liticom (cca. 40 m visine). Za potrebe formiranja geotehničkog modela i strukturnog sklopa krečnjačke stenske mase korišćen je postupak fotogrametrijskog snimanja dronom. Predviđeno je da se zatežuća sila (od oko 30 MN), koju most prenosi na obalni stub, ...fotogrametrija, stabilnost kosina, pukotine, prednapregnuta sidra, test granične nosivosti, paker (Ližonov) test... pešačkog mosta preko klisure reke Đetinje kod Starog grada u Užicu. Rasponska konstrukcija mosta je statičkog sistema prednapregnute trake - tzv. *stress ribbon“. Sastoji se od podužnih ovešenih čeličnih kablova koji nose kolovoznu ploču male debljine. Kolovozna ploča je formirana od montažnih armi ...
... ispitivanja sidra br. 2 4.2. Analize stabilnosti Kako bi se procenila stabimost obalnih stubova usled dejstva sile tzv. prednapregnute trake (stress ribbon) izvršena je naponsko-deformacijska analiza metodom konačnih elemenata (MKE). Prilikom proračuna korišćen je program RS2 [4] koji je namenjen ...Zoran Berisavljević, Miloš Marjanović, Uroš Đurić. "Geotehnički aspekti izgradnje visećeg pešačkog mosta u Starom gradu u Užicu" in Zbornik radova / Međunarodno naučno-stručno savetovanje Geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva i zemljotresno inženjerstvo, Vrnjačka banja, 1-3. novembar 2023., Beograd : Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije (2023.)
Correlation Between Dynamic CBR and Compaction and Bearing Capacity of Pavement Foundation Layers
This paper presents a dynamic California Bearing Ratio (CBRd) device that can be used on a prepared pavement foundation layer to obtain a certain parameter of the tested material in the laboratory and in situ in a direct and fast way. For the selected natural material (gravel), it is shown that the laboratory CBRd can be used to estimate the compaction and bearing capacity, because it correlates well with the parameters of the standard and modifed Proctor compaction tests. ...korelacija parametara, donji slojevi saobraćajnica, laboratorijska i terenska ispitivanja, dinamički kalifornijski indeks nosivosti CBRd... modified Proctor compaction tests. Comparative tests revealed that there is good correlation between the field CBR, and the deformation modulus, and dynamic deformation modulus values obtained by field tests. Introduction The compaction and bearing capacity of natural materials are the most important ...
... modified Proctor compac- tion tests (pqis dry bulk density, w is water content). The field dynamic California Bearing Ratio (CBR.p) parameter is correlated with the E,,-E,, and Ey,, pa- rameters obtained by field tests through a SPLT and LWD. All experimental tests were performed in the TPA laboratory ...
... laboratory and field test results for the natural material (gravel) built into the lower layer of the pavement (subgrade) at *Batajnica” Intermodal Terminal in Belgrade were analyzed. The results were used to define the values and method of use of CBR, under laboratory and field conditions. In this ...Milan Bogdanović, Snežana Bogdanović, Dragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić Ikodinović. "Correlation Between Dynamic CBR and Compaction and Bearing Capacity of Pavement Foundation Layers" in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11204-024-09939-x
Molecular and Isotope Composition of Biomarkers in Immature Oil Shale and its Liquid Pyrolysis Products (Open and Closed System)
Gordana Gajica, Aleksandra Šajnovic, Jan Schwarzbauer, Aleksandar Kostić, Branimir Jovančićević, Ksenija Stojanović (2021)The molecular and isotopic composition of biomarkers in initial bitumen isolated from raw immature oil shale samples from the Lower Miocene Aleksinac Basin (Serbia) and liquid products (LPs) obtained by pyrolysis in open (OS) and closed systems (CS) are studied. The influence of pyrolysis type and variations of kerogen type on biomarkers composition and their isotopic signatures in LPs is determined. The molecular composition of the LPs from the OS pyrolysis is very similar to those in initial bitumen, independently ...... Therefore, OS pyrolysis can be useful for assessment of source and depositional environment of OM. Pyrolysis in the CS caused more intense thermal stress; therefore the source fingerprints notably disappear. The obtained results indicate that n-alkan-2-ones and fatty acids methyl esters are applicable ...Gordana Gajica, Aleksandra Šajnovic, Jan Schwarzbauer, Aleksandar Kostić, Branimir Jovančićević, Ksenija Stojanović. "Molecular and Isotope Composition of Biomarkers in Immature Oil Shale and its Liquid Pyrolysis Products (Open and Closed System)" in 30th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG 2021), European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (2021). https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.202134040
Tectonothermal evolution of an asymmetric extensional system: the Juhor Mts in Central Serbia (Northern Serbomacedonian massif)
Miloš Radonjić, Uroš Stojadinović, Elco Luijendijk, Dejan Radivojević, Željko Golubović, Nikola Vuković (2018)... http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00531‐015‐1266‐z. Bada, G., Horváth, F., Dövényi, P., Szafián, P., Windhoffer, G., Cloetingh, S., 2007. Present‐day stress field and tectonic inversion in the Pannonian basin. Global and Planetary Change 58, 165–180. Dimitrijević, M.D., 1997. Geology of Yugoslavia, 2nd edition ...
... in the fore‐arc basement during the Late Cretaceous subduction of the Neotethys Ocean (see also Antić et al., 2016b; Toljić et al., 2018). Field observations show striking morphological, structural, and litho‐stratigraphic contrast between the Juhor metamorphics and the adjacent Miocene ...Miloš Radonjić, Uroš Stojadinović, Elco Luijendijk, Dejan Radivojević, Željko Golubović, Nikola Vuković. "Tectonothermal evolution of an asymmetric extensional system: the Juhor Mts in Central Serbia (Northern Serbomacedonian massif)" in 17th Serbian Geological Congress, Vrnjačka Banja, 17-20 maj 2018, Srpsko geološko društvo (2018)
Productivity improvement with use of beam gas compressor: pilot test in Southeastern Europe mature field
Most of the wells in the oilfield Turija are operating with sucker rod pumps, where casing pressure at around 15 bar, and with marginal production rates. The high value of casing pressure indicates high pressure on the face of the formation and depends directly on well productivity. In addition, with increasing value of the casing pressure gas column in the annulus is moving the dynamic fluid level near pump intake and more gas is entering the pump, it results ...beam gas compressor, BGC, increase productivity, sucker rod pump, SRP, mature field, artificial lift, production optimisationBojan Martinović, Dušan Danilović, Branko Grubač, Robert Fadiga. "Productivity improvement with use of beam gas compressor: pilot test in Southeastern Europe mature field" in International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal Technology (2022)
Understanding partitioning of deformation in highly arcuate orogenic systems: Inferences from the evolution of the Serbian Carpathians
Nemanja Krstekanić, Liviu Matenco, Marinko Toljić, Oleg Mandić, Uroš Stojadinović, Ernst Willingshofer (2020)... recent regional paleostress reconstructions indicate a stress field with variable orientations that formed during the gradual clockwise rotation around the Moesian Platform (Mladenović et al., 2019). However, how such a variable stress field is linked with the mechanics of regional and local deformation ...
... gloplacha.2020.103361 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2020.103361 Global and Planetary Change 195 (2020) 103361 2 cannot be defined by a uniform stress field (e.g., Benesh et al., 2014; Cembrano et al., 2005; D’el-Rey Silva et al., 2011; De Vicente et al., 2009; Glen, 2004; Krézsek et al., 2013). We ...
... by the 100 km cumulated offset of the curved Cerna-Timok Fault system. One can obtain the previously reported variable strike-slip paleostress stress field for the Oligocene - middle Miocene rotation of the Serbian Carpathians (Mladenović et al., 2019) by cumulating all these three deformations together ...Nemanja Krstekanić, Liviu Matenco, Marinko Toljić, Oleg Mandić, Uroš Stojadinović, Ernst Willingshofer. "Understanding partitioning of deformation in highly arcuate orogenic systems: Inferences from the evolution of the Serbian Carpathians" in Global and Planetary Change, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2020.103361
Strain partitioning in a large intracontinental strike-slip system accommodating backarc-convex orocline formation: The Circum-Moesian Fault System of the Carpatho-Balkanides
Nemanja Krstekanić, Liviu Matenco, Uroš Stojadinović, Ernst Willingshofer, Marinko Toljić, Daan Tamminga (2022)oroklini, raspodela deformacija, transkurentna kretanja, Karpato-balkanidi, Cirkum-mezijski rasedni sistem... of a multi-scale distribution of the total strain in different types of coeval structures whose kinematics cannot be explained by a homogenous stress field. Such cases of strain partitioning and deformation transfer during indentation include the Dinarides orogen that transfers the deformation from ...
... Global and Planetary Change 208 (2022) 103714 17 homogenous stress field is applied to map-scale fault kinematics and evolution, and requires a more detailed strain partitioning explanation, detailed in the subsequent ...
... of strain partitioning, because NW-SE dextral faults cannot form together with E-W oriented normal faults in isotropic materials and homogenous stress field (Fig. 10). Instead, the northward pull on the upper plate exerted by the Carpathian slab combined with the clockwise rotation and drag in respect ...Nemanja Krstekanić, Liviu Matenco, Uroš Stojadinović, Ernst Willingshofer, Marinko Toljić, Daan Tamminga. "Strain partitioning in a large intracontinental strike-slip system accommodating backarc-convex orocline formation: The Circum-Moesian Fault System of the Carpatho-Balkanides" in Global and Planetary Change, Elsevier BV (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103714
Mitigating hydrate formation in onshore gas wells: A case study on optimization techniques and prevention
Gas wells, particularly those situated onshore, play a vital role in the global energy sector by supplying a significant portion of natural gas. However, operational challenges, notably gas hydrate formation, pose substantial issues, leading to complications such as flowline blockages and unexpected well shutdowns. Gas hydrates, crystalline structures resembling ice, ...Gas Well, Gas Hydrate Formation, Well Modeling, Well Performance Optimization, Choke Position Adjustments, Methanol InjectionMilica Ješić, Bojan Martinović, Stefan Stančić, Miroslav Crnogorac, Dušan Danilović. "Mitigating hydrate formation in onshore gas wells: A case study on optimization techniques and prevention" in Underground Mining Engineering, Beograd : Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2023)
Hydraulic impact of pressure transients from water conveyance tunnel on the complex hydrogeological system: A case study HPP
Tunel pod pritiskom, Unutrašnji pijezometri, Tranzijenti pritiska, Karstna izdan, Pukotinska izdan, Hidraulički odziv... prevent permeability. Long-term operation of HPP can cause cracks in the tunnel lining in circumstances of high internal pressure when the tangential stress at the inner surface exceeds the tensile strength of concrete (Schleiss, 1986). The appearance of cracks is particularly emphasized in highly fractured ...Igor Jemcov, Maja Todorović, Aleksandar Jemcov, Marina Ćuk Đurović. "Hydraulic impact of pressure transients from water conveyance tunnel on the complex hydrogeological system: A case study HPP" in Journal of Hydrology, Pirot, 2024, Elsevier BV (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132068
Nelinearno dinamičko modelovanje potresa izazvanih promenom naponskog stanja pri izradi horizontalnih podzemnih prostorija
Srđan D. Kostić (2013-11-04)U ovoj disertaciji, cilj istraživanja bio je određivanje dinamičkih svojstava potresaizazvanih promenom naponskog stanja pri izradi horizontalnih podzemnih prostorija.Analiza potresa izvedena je sa dva aspekta – u prvom delu istraživanja izučavane suvremenske serije oscilovanja tla za vreme potresa, a u drugom delu vršena je analizastabilnosti fenomenološkog Baridž-Knopof modela bloka sa oprugom. Vremenske serijeoscilovanja tla proučavane su primenom postupka analize surogat podataka, kao ikorišćenjem metoda analize nelinearnih vremenskih serija (primena teoreme orazvijanju skalarne vremenske serije). Analiza vremenskih serija izvedena je ...potres, naponsko stanje, podzemne prostorije, bifurkacije, vremenskaserija, deterministički haos, stohastičnost, perturbacije, vremensko kašnjenje, jačina trenja... other side. KEYWORDS: seismic event, stress, underground chambers, bifurcations, time series, deterministic chaos, stochasticity, perturbations, time delay, frictional strength SCIENTIFIC FIELD: Mining Engineering FIELD OF ACADEMIC EXPERTISE: Exploration of hard mineral resources ...
... 24411-24426. 64. Гр а , . . 1959. е р е е ере а ра е , а y А а е а 128, 880–881. 65. Grunthal, G., Stromeyer, D. 1992. The recent crustal stress field in europe: Trajectories and finite element modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research 97, 11,805-11,820. 66. Haegeman, B., Engelborghs, K. ...
... romeomopdu3me cuctem juddepeHuMasbHbx ypaBHennit , JJoxnany Akagemun Hayk CCCP 128, 880-881. Grunthal, G., Stromeyer, D. 1992. The recent crustal stress field in europe: Trajectories and finite element modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research 97, 11,805-11,820. Haegeman, B., Engelborghs, K., Roose, D ...Srđan D. Kostić. "Nelinearno dinamičko modelovanje potresa izazvanih promenom naponskog stanja pri izradi horizontalnih podzemnih prostorija" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2013-11-04)
Geostatički proračuni sanacije klizišta šipovima
U ovom radu su, polazeći od rezultata geotehničkih istraživanja, prikazani geostatički proračuni sanacije klizišta vertikalnim šipovima. Metodologija proračuna je složena, jer podrazumeva interakciju klizišta i stabilizirajućih šipova. Stoga se simultano analiziraju stabilnost klizišta i stabilnost šipova. Prilikom određivanja bočne otpornosti tla oko šipova koristi se metoda Brinč Hansena koja uzima u obzir trodimenzionalne uslove u tlu i može da se primeni u složenim geološkim uslovima koji su česti u Srbiji. Analize stabilnosti klizišta vrše se odgovarajućim metodama granične ravnoteže. ...sanacija klizišta, interakcija klizišta i šipa, bočna otpornost šipova, stabilnost klizišta i šipova... 2. Koeficijent bočnog pritiska tla koji zavisi od vertikalnog, napona Figure 2. Coefficient of lateral pressure which is dependent of verftical stress (Brinch-Hansen, 1961) Brinč Hansenova metoda može da se primeni i u homogenim i u heterogenim terenskim uslovima i to kako za drenirane tako i ...Slobodan Ćorić, Dragoslav Rakić, Dušan Berisavljević. "Geostatički proračuni sanacije klizišta šipovima" in Zbornik radova osmog naučno-stručnog međunarodnog savetovanja - Geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva, Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije, (2019)
Joint interpretation of paleomagnetic, structural and AMS results from the Vardar Zone of Serbia
Emo Marton, Marinko Toljić, Vesna Lesić, Vesna Cvetkov. "Joint interpretation of paleomagnetic, structural and AMS results from the Vardar Zone of Serbia" in 18th Meeting of the Central European Tectonic Studies Group (CETEG) & 25th Meeting of the Czech Tectonic Studies Group, 22-25th April, 2021, Terchová, Slovakia, Department of Geological Sciences, Masaryk University in cooperation with the Czech Geological Survey, IPE MU Brno and UK Praha (2021)
Extensive vibrations of the belt conveyer drive electromotor of a bucket wheel excavator as a result of intesified wear-and-tear of its mount support
Vesna Damnjanović, Predrag Jovančić, Snežana Aleksandrović. "Extensive vibrations of the belt conveyer drive electromotor of a bucket wheel excavator as a result of intesified wear-and-tear of its mount support" in Journal of Vibroengineering (2017). https://doi.org/10.21595/jve.2016.17321
Geotehnički uslovi izgradnje nadvožnjaka "Balajnac" na autoputu E-80 deonica: Niš - Merošina
Dragoslav Rakić, Nikola Božović (2024)U sklopu prve deonice autoputa E-80 Niš – Merošina, izgrađen je nadvožnjak u zoni sela Balajnac koji je oslonjen na tri stubna mesta na međusobnom rastojanju od oko 26 m. Svaki stub je fundiran na šipovima i to sa predloženim rasporedom od 2 šipa u grupi na međusobnom rastojanju od 3.6 m. U radu su na osnovu izvršenih geotehničkih istraživanja terena, analizirani rezultati nosivosti vertikalno opterećenog šipa prečnika 1.2 m i dužine šipa od L = 23 m. Analiza ...Dragoslav Rakić, Nikola Božović. "Geotehnički uslovi izgradnje nadvožnjaka "Balajnac" na autoputu E-80 deonica: Niš - Merošina" in Peti Srpski kongres o putevima, Beograd, 30-31.05.2024., Beograd : Srpsko društvo za puteve "Via Vita" (2024)
Nelinearno dinamičko modelovanje potresa izazvanih promenom naponskog stanja pri izradi horizontalnih podzemnih prostorija
Srđan D. Kostić (2013-11-04)U ovoj disertaciji, cilj istraživanja bio je određivanje dinamičkih svojstava potresaizazvanih promenom naponskog stanja pri izradi horizontalnih podzemnih prostorija.Analiza potresa izvedena je sa dva aspekta – u prvom delu istraživanja izučavane suvremenske serije oscilovanja tla za vreme potresa, a u drugom delu vršena je analizastabilnosti fenomenološkog Baridž-Knopof modela bloka sa oprugom. Vremenske serijeoscilovanja tla proučavane su primenom postupka analize surogat podataka, kao ikorišćenjem metoda analize nelinearnih vremenskih serija (primena teoreme orazvijanju skalarne vremenske serije). Analiza vremenskih serija izvedena je ...potres, naponsko stanje, podzemne prostorije, bifurkacije, vremenskaserija, deterministički haos, stohastičnost, perturbacije, vremensko kašnjenje, jačina trenja... other side. KEYWORDS: seismic event, stress, underground chambers, bifurcations, time series, deterministic chaos, stochasticity, perturbations, time delay, frictional strength SCIENTIFIC FIELD: Mining Engineering FIELD OF ACADEMIC EXPERTISE: Exploration of hard mineral resources ...
... 24411-24426. 64. Гр а , . . 1959. е р е е ере а ра е , а y А а е а 128, 880–881. 65. Grunthal, G., Stromeyer, D. 1992. The recent crustal stress field in europe: Trajectories and finite element modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research 97, 11,805-11,820. 66. Haegeman, B., Engelborghs, K. ...
... romeomopdu3me cuctem juddepeHuMasbHbx ypaBHennit , JJoxnany Akagemun Hayk CCCP 128, 880-881. Grunthal, G., Stromeyer, D. 1992. The recent crustal stress field in europe: Trajectories and finite element modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research 97, 11,805-11,820. Haegeman, B., Engelborghs, K., Roose, D ...Srđan D. Kostić. "Nelinearno dinamičko modelovanje potresa izazvanih promenom naponskog stanja pri izradi horizontalnih podzemnih prostorija" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2013-11-04)