213 items
Multivarijabilni modeli upravljanja u rudarstvu
Marjan M. Hudej (2014-02-03)osetljivost i rizik. Više pobuda generiše ovakvu atribuciju. Prva je, multivarijabilnostambijentalnih uslova i funkcionalna i strukturna složenost rudarskih sistema (čovek -priroda (radna sredina) - mašina – okruženje); Druga se odnosi na ne postojanje opštenaučne saglasnosti oko ocene pogodnosti modela za podršku odlučivanju i upravljanje.Treća, ako bi saglasnost i postojala, nije sigurno da bi raspoloživi modeli, metode i taktike,dale ekvivalentne rezultate za iste rudničke uslove. Četvrta, sistemske nauke još uveknemaju opšte prihvaćen i u praksi primenljiv algoritam izbora najboljeg rešenja ...... ključni uticaj prilikom izbora načina paljenja. U radu su analizirane tri opcije paljenja mina, elektro detonator, kapisla i Nonel. Fazi logika (FUZZY TOPSIS pristup) je korišćena za rangiranje alternativa. Prema Marjan Hudej, doktorska disertacija: MULTIVARIJABILNI MODELI UPRAVLJANJA U RUDARSTVU ...
... of VIKOR and TOPSIS, European Journal of Operational Research, 156(2), 2004, 445-455. 64. Opricovic, S., Gwo-Hshiung, T., Extended VIKOR Method in Comparison with Outranking Methods, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 178, No 2, 2007, 514–529. 65. Opricovic, S., Fuzzy VIKOR with ...
... predstavljeno u radu koristi MADM pristup sa primenom metoda: TOPSIS i fazi TOPSIS u rešavanju problema projektovanja. Empirijski rezultati pokazali su da su predložene metode primenljive u rešavanju predmetnog problema. Zaključak je da je TOPSIS primenljiv i pogodan za precizno vrednovanje performansi ...Marjan M. Hudej. "Multivarijabilni modeli upravljanja u rudarstvu" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2014-02-03)
Fuzzy expert analysis of the severity of mining machinery failure
Mining machinery failure is almost an everyday occurrence. Usually the failures bare certain consequences, which require additional financial costs to repair and restore the system to its operational state. The consequences are viewed through negative and damaging effects a failure has on the machine, health and safety of the employees, work environment, and on the environment. The removal of the consequences of the failure requires additional financial investment, which has a negative impact on the company’s business. In order ...Dejan V. Petrović, Miloš Tanasijević, Saša Stojadinović, Jelena Ivaz, Pavle Stojković. "Fuzzy expert analysis of the severity of mining machinery failure" in Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2020.106459
Primena fuzzy optimizacije u hidrodinamičkoj analizi
znanje eksperta, optimizacija, trougaoni fuzzy brojevi, upravljanje podzemnim vodama, fuzzy logika, hidrodinamički modelDragoljub Bajić, Dušan Polomčić, Jelena Ratković, Predrag Pajić. "Primena fuzzy optimizacije u hidrodinamičkoj analizi" in XVII Kongres geologa Srbije (Zbornik radova XVII srpskog geološkog kongresa), Vrnjačka Banja, 17-20.05.2018., Srpsko geološko društvo (2018)
Razvoj algoritma fuzzy optimizacije u hidrodinamičkoj analizi za potrebe projektovanja sistema odbrane od podzemnih voda
Dragoljub Bajić, Dušan Polomčić (2019)Sistemi za odbranu od podzemnih voda se koriste za zaštitu hidrotehničkih objekata, priobalja, meliorativnih područja, naselja, rudnika, industrijskih područja, predstavljajući značajne segmente bez kojih bi funkcionalnost ovih objekata i područja bila dovedena u pitanje. Posebno složeni sistemi odbrane od podzemnih voda se karakterišu kod ležišta mineralnih sirovina, imajući u vidu njihovu dinamičnost, koja se ogleda u stalnom širenju ležišta, kao i činjenicu da ova ležišta prodiru duboko u stensku masu različitog strukturnog tipa poroznosti, a time i u podzemne ...upravljanje podzemnim vodama, hidrodinamički model, fuzzy logika, trougaoni fuzzy brojevi, znanje eksperta, optimizacijaDragoljub Bajić, Dušan Polomčić. "Razvoj algoritma fuzzy optimizacije u hidrodinamičkoj analizi za potrebe projektovanja sistema odbrane od podzemnih voda" in Tehnika, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2019). https://doi.org/10.5937/tehnika1904527B
In-vitro ispitivanje interakcija dva strukturno slična Rh(III) kompleksa Šifovih baza sa HSA/DNK i molekulski doking
Aleksandar Mijatović, Ljubica Bacetić, Nikola Pavlović, Dušan Ćoćić, Milan Nikolić, Aleksandar Lolić, Rada Baošić (2021)Kompleksi metala sa tetradentatnim Šifovim bazama ispoljavaju različitu biološku aktivnost, što omogućava ciljne sinteze novih biološki aktivnih jedinjenja. Proučavane su interakcije H[Rh(acac2en)Cl2] (1) i H[Rh(phacac2en)Cl2] (2) sa humanim serum albuminom (HSA) i sa DNK, primenom fluorescentne i UV-Vis spektroskopije (298 K, pH 7,4). Dobijene su relativno visoke vrednost dinamičke konstante vezivanja (Ksv) i to 3,88·104 M-1 za (1), 7,02·104 M-1 za (2), što ukazuje na značajno vezivanje za HSA. Izračunate konstante unutrašnjeg vezivanja (Kb) su: 2,87·105 M-1 ...Aleksandar Mijatović, Ljubica Bacetić, Nikola Pavlović, Dušan Ćoćić, Milan Nikolić, Aleksandar Lolić, Rada Baošić. "In-vitro ispitivanje interakcija dva strukturno slična Rh(III) kompleksa Šifovih baza sa HSA/DNK i molekulski doking" in 57. savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva , Dušan Sladić (2021)
Izbor rotornih bagera za proces revitalizacije: primer rotornih bagera SRs 1200 u rudarskom basenu Kolubara
Predrag Jovančić, Dragan Ignjatović, Stevan Đenadić, Filip Miletić, Goran Todorović, Dragan Novaković (2020)Revitalizacija je proces ili skup tehničkih zahvata na mašini kojim se vrši zamena svih dotrajalih ili oštećenih delova metalne konstrukcije. Sastavni deo procesa revitalizacije je i modernizacija zastarele elektro-mašinske opreme. Principi revitalizacije sasvim sigurno nisu sadržani u okviru redovnog godišnjeg ili dnevnog održavanja. Oni predstavljaju održavanje onih veličina koje su značajne za mašinu kao celinu (u ovom slučaju rotorni bager). U ovom radu su analizirani rotorni bageri oznake SRs 1200. Na površinskim kopovima rudarskog basena Kolubara takvih bagera ima ...Predrag Jovančić, Dragan Ignjatović, Stevan Đenadić, Filip Miletić, Goran Todorović, Dragan Novaković. "Izbor rotornih bagera za proces revitalizacije: primer rotornih bagera SRs 1200 u rudarskom basenu Kolubara" in XIV Međunarodna konferencija OMC 2020, Zlatibor, Srbija, 14-17. oktobar 2020., Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2020)
Permanent GNSS monitoring of landslide Umka
Mileva Samardžić Petrović, Jovan Popović, Uroš Đurić, Biljana Abolmasov, Marko Pejić, Miloš Marjanović (2020)Клизиште Умка је једно од највећих насељених активних клизишта у Србији. Активност клизишта Умка се прати већ више од 85 година, различитим геотехничким и геодетским техникама. Од 2010. године, активност kлизишта се континуирано прати у реалном времену аутоматизованим перманентним системом за праћење базираним на Глобалним навигационим сателитским системима (ГНСС). Поред тога, од 2018. године активност клизишта се додатно прати кинематичким ГНСС одређивањем положаја скупа карактеристичних тачака као и применом UAV фотограметрије. Главни циљ овог рада је приказ резултата опажања три ...... the dynamic of Umka landslide is successfully determined and analyzed through time [1]. The main shortcoming of the system is already discussed in previous publications and it concerns only one observed object point. Consequently, in order to further analyze the Umka landslide dynamic, in March ...
... photogrammetry epochs were executed as well, but the results are not presented within this paper. Apart from the geodetic survey method, the dynamic of landslide Umka is investigated by various geotechnical techniques [10]. However, the primary focus of this paper is the presentation of the ...
... displacement was approximately 22 cm and 15 cm, for first and second time period, respectively, with the same direction of movement. Considering the dynamic of the movement, Umka landslide can be characterized as slow to very slow [9]. Cumulative displacement of object points from March 2010 to December ...Mileva Samardžić Petrović, Jovan Popović, Uroš Đurić, Biljana Abolmasov, Marko Pejić, Miloš Marjanović. "Permanent GNSS monitoring of landslide Umka" in International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV Stepgrad, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (2020). https://doi.org/10.7251/STP2014091S
Development of integrated fuzzy model for mine management optimization
Miodrag Čelebić, Sanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Dejan Stevanović, Duško Torbica, Vladimir Malbašić (2023)... suited for relaying: knowledge and expressing; opinions, the paper tests a fuzzy optimization methodology that uses linguistic variables. Consequently, extent analysis is applied to fuzzy AHP by means of triangular fuzzy numbers to arrive at a decision about the optimal mining; technology. The entire ...
... proposed methodology addresses all these issues and fuzzy ogic is its integral part [1'2]. When fuzzy logic is used for multicriteria decision making., the criteria are described by linguistic variables and represented in the form of triangular fuzzy numbers (membership functions: “L, S, D”). On the ...
... element of set X: ]W;„]Wž, ... ,]W;il, + = 1,2,...,n, where all MŠ„» J = 1,2,...,m are triangular fuzzy numbers. Then, taking into account the membership function of the triangular fuzzy number, the fuzzy synthetic extent is calculated using; the following; equation: m i n m -1 m m m 1 1 1 S -Ž ...Miodrag Čelebić, Sanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Dejan Stevanović, Duško Torbica, Vladimir Malbašić. "Development of integrated fuzzy model for mine management optimization" in Comptes rendus de l'Académie Bulgare des Sciences (2023)
Fuzzy stohastički model izbora sistema otvaranja podzemnog rudnika
Saša M. Jovanović (2016-05-16)Investiciono okruženje skopčano sa rudarskom industrijom je veoma svojstveno kada seuporedi sa okruženjima koje susrećemo u tipičnim proizvodnim industrijama. Neke odkarakterisitka rudarstva, koje su često naznačene kao jedinstvene su: visok intenzitetinvesticija, dugi predproizvodni periodi, visok rizik i neobnovljivost resursa.Investiranje u sistem otvaranja rudnika predstavlja dobar primer ireverzibilneinvesticije. Takva investicija zahteva pažljivu analizu, jer nakon njene realizacije ona sene može nadoknaditi bez značajnog gubitka vrednosti. Očigledno je da izbor sistemaotvaranja podzemnog rudnika pripada strateškom planiranju...... multiple orebody deposit by using fuzzy TOPSIS method and network optimization, Expert Systems With Applications, Volume 37, Issue 2, (2010), pp. 1408-1418. [18] Goguen J. A., The logic of inexact concepts, Synthese, 1969, 19, pp. 325-373. [19] H. J. Zimmermann, Fuzzy set theory, Advanced review, ...
... minimizacija funkcije troška za oformljenu mrežu, uzimajući u obzir lokacije Steiner–ovih tačaka i oblike ivica. Gligorić i drugi [17] primenili su fuzzy TOPSIS metodu i mrežnu optimizaciju u cilju pronalaženja optimalne lokacije okna kod dubokih ležišta sastavljenih od više rudnih tela. Sve prethodno ...
... algoritam zasnovan na fuzzy dinamičkom rekurzivnom programiranju [24]. Lin i Chen (1994) pronalaze fuzzy najkraći put u mreži primenom fuzzy linearnog programiranja [27]. Okada (2004) definiše novi index komparacije između suma fuzzy brojeva razmatrajući međusobnu aktivnost fuzzy brojeva i definiše ...Saša M. Jovanović. "Fuzzy stohastički model izbora sistema otvaranja podzemnog rudnika" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-05-16)
Linear-motor plunger pump increases lifting efficiency
Bojan Martinović, Dušan Đekić, Dušan Danilović, Pavel Isaev. "Linear-motor plunger pump increases lifting efficiency" in Oil & Gas Journal (2022)
Productivity improvement with use of beam gas compressor: pilot test in Southeastern Europe mature field
Most of the wells in the oilfield Turija are operating with sucker rod pumps, where casing pressure at around 15 bar, and with marginal production rates. The high value of casing pressure indicates high pressure on the face of the formation and depends directly on well productivity. In addition, with increasing value of the casing pressure gas column in the annulus is moving the dynamic fluid level near pump intake and more gas is entering the pump, it results ...beam gas compressor, BGC, increase productivity, sucker rod pump, SRP, mature field, artificial lift, production optimisationBojan Martinović, Dušan Danilović, Branko Grubač, Robert Fadiga. "Productivity improvement with use of beam gas compressor: pilot test in Southeastern Europe mature field" in International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal Technology (2022)
Razvoj modela upravljanja cirkulacijom u postupku bušenja korišćenjem neuro fazi sistema zaključivanja
Seyed Ali S. Razeghi (2022)Gubitak isplake predstavlja nekontrolisano isticanje bušaćeg fluida kroz formacije kao što su kaverne, pukotine, ili drugi slojevi. Tradicionalne metode procene gubitka isplake se zasnivaju na primeni seizmičkih podataka ili pronalasku „mesta“ gubitka isplake na osnovu raspoloživih podataka iz susednih bušotina. Međutim, ove metode procene nisu pouzdane.‘ U disertaciji je izvršena analiza i procena uticaja parametara bušenja, geoloških faktora, karakteristika formacije i fluida na gubitak isplake kao i na formiranje fraktura u formacijama. Uspostavljeni su modeli koji podrazumevaju proces obrade ...Seyed Ali S. Razeghi. Razvoj modela upravljanja cirkulacijom u postupku bušenja korišćenjem neuro fazi sistema zaključivanja, Beograd : [S. Razeghi], 2022
Mathematical modeling to define catchment size and real evapotranspiration (case study: Andrića karst spring, Western Serbia)
Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Jelena Ratković, Bojan Hajdin (2018)Water resources in karst are extremely important sources of drinking water supply. The quality of groundwater formed in karst aquifers is generally high and in most cases only chlorination is required. However, from a hydrogeological perspective, these water resources are the least studied. Often only basic information is available on catchment size, groundwater reserves (dynamic and static, if any) and groundwater balance. Detailed hydrogeological investigations and long-term monitoring of karst spring discharges are needed to acquire such information. In ...Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Jelena Ratković, Bojan Hajdin. "Mathematical modeling to define catchment size and real evapotranspiration (case study: Andrića karst spring, Western Serbia)" in National Conference with international participation “Geosciences 2018”, Bulgarian Geological Sciety (2018)
Избор методе подземног откопавања на примеру лежишта бакра
Mилош Глигорић (2024)Тема овог завршног рада је избор методе откопавања у подземном руднику бакра. Рад је подељен на четири поглавља. У првом поглављу дат је приказ општих података и геолошких карактеристика ширег подручја и лежишта. Детаљан опис отварања и припреме лежишта за откопавање представљен је у другом поглављу. У трећем поглављу дат је опис све три варијанте изабране методе за запуњавањем откопаног простора, са освртом на количину захваћене руде, трошковима експлоатације као и динамиком откопавања. Четврто поглавље представља нумерички пример где ...... jC. KoHauaH pantr antrepHarHBa rpaMeHOM MARA werojte, TOPSIS erojJie H SAVW werojee rnpukaaaH Je y raGema a Ha cranu Ta0ezna KoHauan parr anrrepHarHBa npHMeHOM MARA, TOPSIS u SAW METOJIĆ MARA | panHr | TOPSIS | pagHr SAW pagHr Al 0.1292 2 0.4572 2 0.7416 2 A2 0 ...
... (Standard Deviation) erojJna. HakonH rora, Bpmri ce yrope/mHa aHana3a MARA weroJje ca MeTroJaMa 3a KOHauHO paHrHpamec ajrepHaTHBa KaO IITO Cy: TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) eroJna u SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) eroJna. 54 V raOema a a ...
... 0.1081 || 0.5403 || 0.7838 || A3 0.1323 3 0.4441 3 0.7353 3 Pa Hr s ı 1 2 3 AnTepHaTMBa B MARA m TOPSIS m SAW Cmaka I paouku rnpuaka3 KoHauHor paHrupa»a antrepHaTHBa Ms raOeme a ca crmake Moxe ce BHJeTH Ja KOHauUaH paHr anmrepHarHBa oOujeH MARA MeTOJOM HMa ...Mилош Глигорић . Избор методе подземног откопавања на примеру лежишта бакра, 2024
Different aspects of soft computing methods application for blasting in mining
Mining is a global industry that is of great importance for every product which is used by human. For mining, process efficiency, reducing production downtime, increasing profitability are all very important. Soft computing tehnologies (SC) are helping in the process of transforming the mining industry into a safer and more environmental friendly industry, but keeping in mind the financial aspect as well. In this paper some of fields of blasting activities in which the SC methods have been applicated, ...Katarina Urošević, Jelena Zakonović, Radmila Gaćina. "Different aspects of soft computing methods application for blasting in mining" in Underground mining engineering , Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology (2019). https://doi.org/10.5937/podrad1935065U
INVENTS: A Hybrid Mine Ventilation Planning and Design System
Ventilation system analysis is a complex process based on the calculation and analysis of numerous parameters. These problems can be successfully solved by the SimVent numerical package, but a full understanding and use of the obtained results require the involvement of an experienced specialist in the ventilation field. The solution was found in the creation of a hybrid system INVENTS, whose knowledge base represents a formalization of the expert knowledge in the mine ventilation field. In this paper we ...... followed by suggestions for its improvement. The architecture of the system and the software environment in which the system was developed enable a dynamic communication between different phases of the outlined concept, leading to unlimited possibilities for testing different modifications of the system ...
... while the remaining pertain to drawing and manipulating the picture of the linear ventilation scheme. In figure 7 an activity diagram depicts the dynamic model of the Simulation-Fire class that encompasses characteristic procedures in the execution of logic for the airflow calculation model in the ...
... distribucija protoka] Pozar TNODE TBRANCH SimProtok ITR Sort Mesh [nije određena distribucija protoka] Fig. 7. Activity diagram for the dynamic Simulation-Fire class model Date services secure data maintenance, data access and modification. In view of the fact that the INVENTS system is based ...Lilić Nikola, Stanković Ranka, Obradović Ivan. "INVENTS: A Hybrid Mine Ventilation Planning and Design System" in Proceedings of International Scientific Conference of FME Session 4: Automation Control and Applied Informatics , Hong Kong : iConcept Press (2013)
INVENTS: a hybrid system for subsurface ventilation analysis
Ventilation system analysis is a complex process based on the calculation and analysis of numerous parameters. These problems can be successfully solved by the SimVent numerical package, but a full understanding and use of the obtained results require the involvement of an experienced specialist in the ventilation field. The solution was found in the creation of a hybrid system INVENTS, whose knowledge base represents a formalization of the expert knowledge in the mine ventilation field. In this paper we ...... followed by suggestions for its improvement. The architecture of the system and the software environment in which the system was developed enable a dynamic communication between different phases of the outlined concept, leading to unlimited possibilities for testing different modifications of the system ...
... while the remaining pertain to drawing and manipulating the picture of the linear ventilation scheme. In figure 7 an activity diagram depicts the dynamic model of the Simulation-Fire class that encompasses characteristic procedures in the execution of logic for the airflow calculation model in the ...
... distribucija protoka] Pozar TNODE TBRANCH SimProtok ITR Sort Mesh [nije određena distribucija protoka] Fig. 7. Activity diagram for the dynamic Simulation-Fire class model Date services secure data maintenance, data access and modification. In view of the fact that the INVENTS system is based ...Nikola Lilić, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović. "INVENTS: a hybrid system for subsurface ventilation analysis" in Proc. of International Scientific Conference of FME, September 2000, Ostrava, FME (2000)
Application of the VIKOR Method for Selecting the Purpose of Recultivated Terrain after the End of Coal Mining
Radmila Gaćina, Sanja Bajić, Bojan Dimitrijević, Tomislav Šubaranović, Čedomir Beljić, Dragoljub Bajić (2024)Radmila Gaćina, Sanja Bajić, Bojan Dimitrijević, Tomislav Šubaranović, Čedomir Beljić, Dragoljub Bajić. "Application of the VIKOR Method for Selecting the Purpose of Recultivated Terrain after the End of Coal Mining" in Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria, 28. maj 2024 , Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of BAS (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) (2024). https://doi.org/10.7546/CRABS.2024.07.10
Human factor risk management procedures applied in the case of open pit mine
Snežana Kirin, Aleksandar Sedmak, Wei Li, Miodrag Brzaković, Igor Miljanović, Ana Petrović, Simon Sedmak (2021)Risk management aims to provide a controlled work environment to ensure the safe operation of the high-risk systems. It is a dynamic process which work in a continual state of change. The issue of human factor risk and rules and regulations in open pit mine is a main focus of this paper in order to develop predictive models of behavior of workers in relation to compliance with the procedures and rules. Presented survey was conducted in open pit coal ...Snežana Kirin, Aleksandar Sedmak, Wei Li, Miodrag Brzaković, Igor Miljanović, Ana Petrović, Simon Sedmak. "Human factor risk management procedures applied in the case of open pit mine" in Engineering Failure Analysis (2021). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engfailanal.2021.105456
A multi-criteria approach for assessing the potential of renewable energy sources for electricity generation: Case Serbia
When assessing the potential of renewable energy alternatives for electricity generation, it is necessary to implement a multi-perspective approach that includes economic, technical, environmental, and socio-political criteria. For the evaluation of criteria and alternatives, the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method is applied. The obtained weights are formed according to the values of energy indicators and expert judgments. The use of a fuzzy numerical value scale for the assessment of expert judgments and energy indicators provides a more sensitive ...... evaluate renewable energy alternatives in Turkey. The suggested fuzzy MCDA model combines AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS methods. Their findings showed that wind energy was the best source among available RESs. Shen et al. (2010) implemented a fuzzy AHP (FAHP) in order to select the available RES to accomplish the ...
... novel approach to extended fuzzy TOPSIS based on new divergence measures for renewable energy sources selection. J Clean Prod 257 (2020), 120352. Rathi, R., Prakash, C., Singh, S., Krolczyk, G., Pruncu, C.I., 2020. Measurement and analysis of wind energy potential using fuzzy based hybrid MADM approach ...
... compar- isons into the AHP to evaluate renewable energy alternatives for electricity generation in Saudi Arabia. Rani et al. (2020) proposed a fuzzy TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method for evaluating and ranking renewable energy sources. A group of experts ...Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković. "A multi-criteria approach for assessing the potential of renewable energy sources for electricity generation: Case Serbia" in Energy Reports, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2021.02.072