2843 items
INVENTS: a hybrid system for subsurface ventilation analysis
Ventilation system analysis is a complex process based on the calculation and analysis of numerous parameters. These problems can be successfully solved by the SimVent numerical package, but a full understanding and use of the obtained results require the involvement of an experienced specialist in the ventilation field. The solution was found in the creation of a hybrid system INVENTS, whose knowledge base represents a formalization of the expert knowledge in the mine ventilation field. In this paper we ...... detailed analysis of necessary airflow volumes for the ventilation of individual workplace locations, often with a very complex geometry. The application of CFD software improves the reliability and quality of the apprehension and verification of air amounts needed for the ventilation of workplaces. ...
... maintenance, data access and modification. In view of the fact that the INVENTS system is based on an integrated database, two classes are defined within the SimVent data service: Baza and BazaSimVent, which represent modules. In view of the complexity of the INVENTS system’s global model data structure ...
... a form for graphical representation of results and a form for communication with other packages within the hybrid system INVENTS. These classes communicate with classes from the business service level by sending messages and thus initiating the execution of the application process logic. Figure ...Nikola Lilić, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović. "INVENTS: a hybrid system for subsurface ventilation analysis" in Proc. of International Scientific Conference of FME, September 2000, Ostrava, FME (2000)
Hydrographic and hydrological characterization of the Vodenička and Rosomačka rivers
Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Jelena Ratković (2017)The Visočica River rises in Bulgaria, on the Berovo Mountain. Its course in Bulgaria is 16.7 km long. It enters Serbia near the village of Donji Krivodol. Up to the village of Pakleštica, or the beginning of Lake Zavoj, its right-bank tributaries are the Krivodolštica, the Vodenička, the Rosomačka and the Dojkinačka. There are no left-bank tributaries. Among the tributaries, water levels and discharges are gauged only on the Dojkinačka River. The Vodenička had also been gauged but only ...... функцији Station River Year of commis- sioning Year of decommis -sioning “0” elevation (m.a.s.l.) Distance from river mouth (km) Catch-ment area (km2) 1 Braćevci Visočica 1963 In service 747.07 43.4 227 2 Visočka Ržana Dojkinačka 1981 In service 690.65 0.25 139 3 Pakleštica ...
... Ристић Вакањац и сар.: Карактер. Воденичке... Пиротски зборник 42 (2017) 1-24 8 has been in service since 1963 and is managed by the National Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMZ). In the Visočica catchment, a gauging station was established at Visočka Ržana in 1981 on the ...
... in the catchment of the Rosomačka, and Senokos and Kamenica in the catchment of the Vodenička. After World War II, the population of these villages declined. According to Wikipedia, based on the 1948 census, the population of Slavinja was 403, of Rosomač 606, of Senokos 568 and of Kamenica 365. However ...Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Jelena Ratković. "Hydrographic and hydrological characterization of the Vodenička and Rosomačka rivers" in Pirotski zbornik, Pirot : Narodna biblioteka Pirot (2017). https://doi.org/10.5937/pirotzbor1742001R
Determining the Availability of Continuous Systems at Open Pits Applying Fuzzy Logic
This work presents a model for determining the availability of continuous systems at open pits by applying fuzzy logic and fuzzy inference systems. The applied model was formed by the synthesis of independent partial indicators of availability. The model is based on an expert system for assessing the availability of continuous mining systems. The availability of the system, as a complex state parameter, is decomposed into the partial indicators, reliability, and convenience of maintenance, and the fuzzy compositions, used ...системи, континуални систем експоатације, површински коп, рударство, расположивост, фази логика, max–min композиција, min–max композицијаMiljan Gomilanović, Miloš Tanasijević, Saša Stepanović. "Determining the Availability of Continuous Systems at Open Pits Applying Fuzzy Logic" in Energies, MDPI AG (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/en15186786
Production of morphological dictionaries of multi-word units using a multipurpose tool
The development of a comprehensive morphological dictionary of multi-word units for Serbian is a very demanding task, due to the complexity of Serbian morphology. Manual production of such a dictionary proved to be extremely time-consuming. In this paper we present a procedure that automatically produces dictionary lemmas for a given list of multi-word units. To accomplish this task the procedure relies on data in e-dictionaries of Serbian simple words, which are already well developed. We also offer an evaluation ...electronic dictionary, Serbian, morphology, inflection, multi-word units, noun phrases, query expansion... other hand, it enables the use of LeXimir Core in different scenarios: as a stand alone Windows application LeXimir.exe or as a web application VeBrana.aspx2, also known as VeBrana (previously WS4QE), which is supported by the wsQueryExpand.asm web service. The web service accepts and generates data ...
... XML form, which are further converted into data structures that can be used for different purposes (string, array, table, etc.). As examples of web service functions we will mention a few characteristic ones: getObliciLeme(lema), which generates inflected forms for a given lemma, getSinonimiWN W ...
... submits it to the local web service, which then expands the query and forwards it to the Google search engine. To that end the Google AJAX Search API is used, a Java script library which provides for embedding Google searches into web pages or web applica- tions. The abundance of Google services (Web Search ...Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Cvetana Krstev, Duško Vitas. "Production of morphological dictionaries of multi-word units using a multipurpose tool" in Proceedings of the Computational Linguistics-Applications Conference, October 2011, Jachranka, Poland, Jachranka, Poland : PTI - Polish Information Processing Society (2011)
An intelligent hybrid system for surface coal mine safety analysis
Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Aleksandar Cvjetić. "An intelligent hybrid system for surface coal mine safety analysis" in Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (2010)
Arhitektonsko-građevinski kamen Crne Gore, stanje i potencijali
Darko Božović, Vladimir Simić (2023)Darko Božović, Vladimir Simić. "Arhitektonsko-građevinski kamen Crne Gore, stanje i potencijali" in Geološki glasnik (2023)
An Approach to Development of Bilingual Lexical Resources
... bilingual dictionary of Librarianship. The user formulates the initial query as one or more keywords (simple or multiword). If the user so specifies, Bibliša forwards this query for further morphological and semantic expansion, This is essentially handled by a web service (wsQueryExpand.asmx) ...
... asmx), which is part of the LeXimir software package, a multipurpose tool also developed by the HLT Group [Stanković et al., 2011]. The web service invokes LeXimir’s function library LeXimirCore, whose functions expand the query, using available lexical resources and Unitex routines (http://igm ...
... University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology Đušina 7, Belgrade Serbia +381 11 3219 148 ranka@rgf.bg.ac.rs Ivan Obradović University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology Đušina 7, Belgrade Serbia +381 11 3219 259 ivano@rgf.bg.ac.rs Aleksandra Trtovac University of Belgrade ...Stanković Ranka, Obradović Ivan, Trtovac Aleksandra. "An Approach to Development of Bilingual Lexical Resources" in Proceedings of the Fifth Balkan Conference in Informatics BCI 2012, Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing of Balkan Languages – CLoBL 2012, September 2012, Novi Sad : BCI (2012)
A Tel Platform Blending Academic And Entrepreneurial Knowledge
... variety of users at all levels, from preparations of university admission exams, additional student education, workplace education and life-long learning, integration of creative research potential with industry and academic institutions, for the purpose of achieving better quality and acc ...
... , have a great potential to enhance the quality of education today. The interest of European high education institutions in OER and OCW has been rapidly growing in the last decade, since MIT first launched the OCW-movement in 2001. The number of online courses published has grown exponentially ...
... partnerships between universities and enterprises through blending of academic and entrepreneurial knowledge by means of OER. This enables life-long learners from enterprises to access state of the art education and high quality courses for their continuing development in a way that is more flexible ...Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković, Jelena Prodanović, Olivera Kitanović. "A Tel Platform Blending Academic And Entrepreneurial Knowledge" in Proceedings of the The Fourth International Conference on e-Learning (eLearning-2013), September 2013, Belgrade, Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia : Belgrade Metropolitan University (2013)
Managing mining project documentation using human language technology
Purpose: This paper aims to develop a system, which would enable efficient management and exploitation of documentation in electronic form, related to mining projects, with information retrieval and information extraction (IE) features, using various language resources and natural language processing. Design/methodology/approach: The system is designed to integrate textual, lexical, semantic and terminological resources, enabling advanced document search and extraction of information. These resources are integrated with a set of Web services and applications, for different user profiles and use-cases. Findings: The ...Digital libraries, Information retrieval, Data mining, Human language technologies, Project documentationAleksandra Tomašević, Ranka Stanković, Miloš Utvić, Ivan Obradović, Božo Kolonja . "Managing mining project documentation using human language technology" in The Electronic Library (2018). https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-11-2017-0239
Jovanovići deposit: New formation type of dimension and construction stone in Montenegro
Darko Božović, Vladimir Simić (2023)Arhitektonsko-građevinski kamen predstavlja jednu od najznačajnijih nemetaličnih mineralnih sirovina Crne Gore, sa brojnim istraženim ležištima karbonatnih mineralnih sirovina od kojih su neka u eksploataciji, među kojima je područje Bjelopavlića najznačajnije. Formaciono-mineragenetskom analizom karbonatnih sedimenata rudnog rejona Bjelopavlića izdvojeno je više formacionih tipova karbonatnih sirovina, među kojima i formacioni tip Jovanovići, kao novi formacioni tip ukrasnog kamena u Crnoj Gori. U radu je dat prikaz rezultata višegodišnje formaciono-mineragenetske analize izvršene na području rudnog rejona Bjelopavlića, geološke karakteristike formacionog tipa Jovanovići, ...Darko Božović, Vladimir Simić. "Jovanovići deposit: New formation type of dimension and construction stone in Montenegro" in Tehnika (2023). https://doi.org/10.5937/tehnika2302159B
Digital Library From A Domain Of Criminalistics As A Foundation For A Forensic Text Analysis
U ovom radu predstavljen je model koji omogućava prikupljanje, pripremu, opis metapodataka, upravljanje i eksploataciju, uključujući pretragu punog teksta dokumenata iz domena kriminalistike napisanih na srpskom jeziku. Predloženi pristup primenjuje se na veb portalu koji sakuplja različite tekstove nastale iz časopisa Akademije za kriminalistiku i policijske studije, Krivičnog zakona Srbije, konferencija „Tara“ i „Reiss“, kao i iz nekih doktorskih disertacija vezanih za ovu oblast istraživanje. Nakon obrade teksta, korpus koji sadrži preko 5500 stranica običnog teksta, kreiran je i ...... automata and transducers, system is using rules for inflection of multiword units. Among textual resources are most important digital libraries, Unitex corpora16 and CQP web corpora. Linguistic support is implemented via REST web service Vebran that interact from one side with lexical and linguistic ...
... University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology Aleksandra Tomašević University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology Miljana Mladenović PhD eVox Solutions Ranka Stanković PhD University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology Nikola Vulović University of Belgrade – Faculty ...
... texts derived from journals of The Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies, Criminal code of Serbia, the “Tara” and “Reiss” conferences, and from some of PhD dissertations related to this field of research. After text processing, a corpus containing over 5500 pages of plain text is created and ...Dalibor Vorkapić, Aleksandra Tomašević, Miljana Mladenović, Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović. "Digital Library From A Domain Of Criminalistics As A Foundation For A Forensic Text Analysis" in International Scientific Conference “Archibald Reiss Days” Thematic Conference Proceedings Of International Significance, Belgrade, 7-9 November 2017, Academy Of Criminalistic And Police Studies Belgrade (2017)
Permanent GNSS monitoring of landslide Umka
Mileva Samardžić Petrović, Jovan Popović, Uroš Đurić, Biljana Abolmasov, Marko Pejić, Miloš Marjanović (2020)Клизиште Умка је једно од највећих насељених активних клизишта у Србији. Активност клизишта Умка се прати већ више од 85 година, различитим геотехничким и геодетским техникама. Од 2010. године, активност kлизишта се континуирано прати у реалном времену аутоматизованим перманентним системом за праћење базираним на Глобалним навигационим сателитским системима (ГНСС). Поред тога, од 2018. године активност клизишта се додатно прати кинематичким ГНСС одређивањем положаја скупа карактеристичних тачака као и применом UAV фотограметрије. Главни циљ овог рада је приказ резултата опажања три ...... outside the landslide area and they are the integral part of the Active Geodetic Reference Network of Serbia (AGROS), which is a permanent GNSS service for accurate satellite positioning over the Republic of Serbia territory. The second part of the system are the two Leica Geosystems software solutions: ...
... in relation to the three-surrounding stable GNSS permanent stations of the national GNSS service, AGROS; 2. Monitoring of the position change for the set of characteristic points on the landslide area, in relation to the set of stable points surrounding the landslide area, using GNSS kinematic ...
... Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade Uroš Đurić, udjuric@grf.bg.ac.rs, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade Biljana Abolmasov, biljana.abolmasov@rgf.bg.ac.rs, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade Marko Pejić, mpejic@grf.bg.ac.rs, Faculty of Civil ...Mileva Samardžić Petrović, Jovan Popović, Uroš Đurić, Biljana Abolmasov, Marko Pejić, Miloš Marjanović. "Permanent GNSS monitoring of landslide Umka" in International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV Stepgrad, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (2020). https://doi.org/10.7251/STP2014091S
Life Cycle Assessment of Individual Wood Biomass Heating Systems in Households
The use of solid fuels (wood biomass and coal) for heating of households continues to be common practice within European countries. Solid fuel combustion in households contributes more than 46% to total emissions of fine particulate matter. In this study, a life-cycle assessment (LCA) of firewood-based and pellet-based heating systems is performed. These two systems represent two different types of individual wood biomass heating systems. In the case of the firewood-based heating systems, it is analyzed a typical stove ...... its activities, Achieving continual improvement of its environmental performance. Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić. Marija Živković 430 However, since LCA considers the environmental aspects and the potential impacts of a product or a service system throughout its life, it becomes a very useful ...
... with the environment over the whole lifecycle of each HS (materials, manufacturing, transportation, use, and final disposal) [10]. Life cycle assessment (LCA) systematically analyzes pollution and resource connected to delivering a specific product or service. As such, the LCA identifies environmental ...
... Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia [5], solid fuels (wood and coal) are used in 56.6% of households for heating in Serbia. The usage of wood biomass for heating in Serbia is characterized by excessive use of firewood for heating without adequate replanting, minimal use of wood residues, ...Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković. "Life Cycle Assessment of Individual Wood Biomass Heating Systems in Households" in 5th International Scientific Conference ”Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications” COMETa2020, East Sarajevo, 2020, University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering East Sarajevo (2020)
Extreme Rainfall Event and Its Aftermath Analysis—IPL 210 Project Progress Report
Biljana Abolmasov, Mileva Samardžić Petrović, Ranka Stanković, Miloš Marjanović, Jelka Krušić, Uroš Đurić (2021)Biljana Abolmasov, Mileva Samardžić Petrović, Ranka Stanković, Miloš Marjanović, Jelka Krušić, Uroš Đurić. "Extreme Rainfall Event and Its Aftermath Analysis—IPL 210 Project Progress Report" in Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk, Springer International Publishing (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007%2F978-3-030-60196-6_19
Towards translation of educational resources using GIZA++
... very special service that requires specific subject- matter expertise and high technical skills from everyone involved. This paper presents the current state of research in course translation. The translation of electronic courses is an ongoing activity at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and ...
... evaluate the quality of the translation and formulate suggestions for the improvement of the rest of the translation. The translation needs several reviews before publishing or preparation for voice recording. [10] A Computer Aided Translation (CAT) Tool is based on collection of aligned sentence ...
... lectures, Coursera with translation partners is producing high-quality education accessible to anyone, anywhere – regardless of what language they speak. 3. TRANSLATION OF EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES - CURRENT APPROACHES For translation of eLearning resources both language translation, and eLearning ...Ivan Obradović, Dalibor Vorkapić, Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović, Miladin Kotorčević. "Towards translation of educational resources using GIZA++" in The Seventh International Conference on e-Learning (eLearning-2016), September 2016, Belgrade : Metropolitan Univesity (2016)
Fuzzy expert analysis of the severity of mining machinery failure
Mining machinery failure is almost an everyday occurrence. Usually the failures bare certain consequences, which require additional financial costs to repair and restore the system to its operational state. The consequences are viewed through negative and damaging effects a failure has on the machine, health and safety of the employees, work environment, and on the environment. The removal of the consequences of the failure requires additional financial investment, which has a negative impact on the company’s business. In order ...Dejan V. Petrović, Miloš Tanasijević, Saša Stojadinović, Jelena Ivaz, Pavle Stojković. "Fuzzy expert analysis of the severity of mining machinery failure" in Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2020.106459
Coal cleaning before combustion – practice and experience in Serbia
Milena Kostović, Ivana Simović, Nebojša Kostović, Nina Pantelić. "Coal cleaning before combustion – practice and experience in Serbia" in Underground Mining Engineering, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2022)
OntoLex Publication Made Easy: A Dataset of Verbal Aspectual Pairs for Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian
Ovaj rad predstavlja novi jezički resurs za pretraživanje i istraživanje verbalnih aspektnih parova u BCS (bosanskom, hrvatskom i srpskom), kreiran korišćenjem principa Lingvističkih Povezanih Otvorenih Podataka (LLOD). Pošto ne postoji resurs koji bi pomogao učenicima bosanskog, hrvatskog i srpskog kao stranih jezika da prepoznaju aspekt glagola ili njegove parove, kreirali smo novi resurs koji će korisnicima pružiti informacije o aspektu, kao i link ka aspektnim parovima glagola. Ovaj resurs takođe sadrži spoljne linkove ka monolingvalnim rečnicima, Wordnetu i BabelNetu. ...Ranka Stanković, Maxim Ionov, Medina Bajtarević, Lorena Ninčević. "OntoLex Publication Made Easy: A Dataset of Verbal Aspectual Pairs for Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian" in Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics @ LREC-COLING 2024, Turin, 20-25 May 2024, ELRA and ICCL (2024)
A Model for Determining the Dependability of Continuous Subsystems in Coal Mines Using the Fuzzy Logic Approach
Nikola Stanić, Miljan Gomilanović, Petar Marković, Daniel Krzanović, Aleksandar Doderović, Saša Stepanović (2024)This study presents a unique model for assessing the dependability of continuous parts of combined systems in open-pit mining through the application of fuzzy logic. Continuous sub-systems as part of the combined system of coal exploitation in surface mines have the basic function of ensuring safe operation, high capacity with high reliability, and low costs. These subsystems are usually part of the thermal power plant’s coal supply system and ensure stable fuel supply. The model integrates various independent partial ...fuzzy logic, max-min composition, continuous part of combined system (CCS), open pit, mining, dependabilityNikola Stanić, Miljan Gomilanović, Petar Marković, Daniel Krzanović, Aleksandar Doderović, Saša Stepanović. "A Model for Determining the Dependability of Continuous Subsystems in Coal Mines Using the Fuzzy Logic Approach" in Applied Sciences, Basel, August 2024, MDPI (2024). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3390/app14177947
Ocena kvaliteta i mogućnost korišćenja podzemnih voda za piće i navodnjavanje u slivu reke Ralje
Analiza mogućnosti korišćenja podzemnih voda za potrebe vodosnabdevanje stanovništva kao i za navodnjavanje vršena je na prostoru sliva reke Ralje. Istražni prostor veličine oko 280 km2 je obuhvatio veći deo sliva reke Ralje koji se administrativno nalaze na području grada Beograda. Podzemne vode su glavni izvor za vodosnabdevanje i navodnjavanje u ovom području. Seoska naselja nemaju urađenu komunalnu infrastrukturu pa predstavljaju značajan faktor za degradaciju kvaliteta podzemnih voda na ovom području. U periodu 2012-2014 godine prikupljeno je 100 uzorka ...Sunčica Ninković, Nebojša Atanacković, Sava Magazinović, Jakov Andrijašević, Mihailo Šević. "Ocena kvaliteta i mogućnost korišćenja podzemnih voda za piće i navodnjavanje u slivu reke Ralje" in XV Srpski simpozijum o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Kopaonik, 14-17.septembar 2016. godine, Univerzitet u Beogradu- Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2016)