117 items
Clockwise rotation in the Serbian segment of the Vardar zone and in the Danubicum of Eastern Serbia - tetonic implication
Vesna Lesić, Emo Marton, Vesna Cvetkov, Dragana Tomić. "Clockwise rotation in the Serbian segment of the Vardar zone and in the Danubicum of Eastern Serbia - tetonic implication" in 5. Hrvatski geološki kongres. Abstract Book 5th Croatian Geological Congress, Hrvatski geološki institut (2015)
Rift sequence stratigraphy and its contribution to source rock understanding – Serbian part of Pannonian Basin
Filip Anđelković, Dejan Radivojević (2018)... formation and evolution of the Pannonian Basin: Constraints derived from the structure of the junction area between the Carpathians and Dinarides. Tectonics 31 (6), TC6007. Radivojević, D., Rundić, Lj. 2016. Synrift and postrift Miocene sediments of northern Banat, Serbia. Underground Mining Engi- neering ...Filip Anđelković, Dejan Radivojević. "Rift sequence stratigraphy and its contribution to source rock understanding – Serbian part of Pannonian Basin" in CBGA, Salzburg, Austria, Septembar 10-13, 2018, Bulgarian Academy of Science (2018)
Poređenje rezultata interferometrijske analize za zemljotrese na istočnom anatolijskom rasedu od 2020. i 2023. godine
Dragan Živković (2024)Ovaj rad se bavi analizom površinskih deformacija izazvanih zemljotresima u Turskoj iz 2020. i 2023. godine korišćenjem diferencijalne satelitske radarske interferometrije (DInSAR tehnike). Cilj istraživanja bio je da se kvantifikuju i uporede deformacije terena izazvane ovim seizmičkim događajima i da se razumeju mehanizmi koji stoje iza oslobađanja seizmičke energije u regionu. Analizom DInSAR snimaka, identifikovane su različite deformacije duž rasednih zona za svaki zemljotres. Dok je zemljotres iz 2020. godine (M 6,7) izazvao lokalizovane deformacije duž Istočno anatolijskog raseda, zemljotres ...Dragan Živković. Poređenje rezultata interferometrijske analize za zemljotrese na istočnom anatolijskom rasedu od 2020. i 2023. godine, 2024
Late and post-collisional tectonic evolution of the Adria-Europe suture in the Vardar Zone
The Vardar Zone is a product of the Triassic-Jurassic opening of the Neotethys, Jurassic obduction, Late Cretaceous/Paleogene consumption of the oceanic crust and continental collision. During the last process, the Eastern Vardar Zone was thrust over the Central and eventually both onto the Western Vardar Zone. The present paleomagnetic and structural study provided new results from the first two zones in the Belgrade area. The younger set of data, together with published ones from the third zone, provide firm ...Emő Márton, Marinko Toljić, Vesna Cvetkov. "Late and post-collisional tectonic evolution of the Adria-Europe suture in the Vardar Zone" in Journal of Geodynamics, Elsevier BV (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2021.101880
An arid phase in the Internal Dinarides during the early to middle Miocene: Inferences from Mg-clays in the Pranjani Basin (Serbia)
N. Andrić-Tomašević, V. Simić, O. Mandic, D. Životić, M. Suárez, E. García-Romero. "An arid phase in the Internal Dinarides during the early to middle Miocene: Inferences from Mg-clays in the Pranjani Basin (Serbia)" in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.110145
Geoloski profil planine Avale (severna Šumadija) - uvid u litostratigrafiju i tektonske strukture
Mezozojske formacije Šumadije dele tektonsko-stratigrafsku evoluciju južnijih delova suture jedinica Adrijskog i Evropskog afiniteta, uključujući gornjojursku obdukciju, krednu subdukciju i paleogenu kontinentalnu koliziju. Finalni rezultat dugovremene evolucije u geodinamički složenom ambijentu su komplikovani tektonski i litostratigrafski odnosi različitih mezozojskih formacija suture. Geološki profil kroz planinu Avalu omogućava uvid u skoro potpunu sukcesiju mezozojskih formacija i prostorne pozicije i kinematiku značajnih tektonskih struktura najsevernijih segmenata suture u Šumadiji. U tektonskom kontekstu, mezozojske formacije okoline Beograda najčešće su interpretirane kao deo Istočne ...Marinko Toljić, Bojan Glavaš-Trbić, Maja Maleš, Nikola Ranđelović. "Geoloski profil planine Avale (severna Šumadija) - uvid u litostratigrafiju i tektonske strukture" in 18. Kongres geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", Divčibare, 01-04 jun 2022. , Srpsko geološko društvo (2022)
Upper Miocene depositional environments of the Kikinda-Mokrin High (Serbia)
Saša Ivanišević, Dejan Radivojević (2018)Exploration for oil and gas in mature areas, such as the Pannonian Basin, can benefit from reexamination of old data using more advanced modern workflows that focus on the temporal and spatial aspects of sediment deposition. Specifically, we apply a new environment of deposition model that interprets the Upper Miocene- Pliocene sediments as being deposited in a rapidly filling basin characterized by quick shelf edge progradation from the northwest toward the southeast. Reconstruction of this shelf edge trajectory reveals ...Saša Ivanišević, Dejan Radivojević. "Upper Miocene depositional environments of the Kikinda-Mokrin High (Serbia)" in Interpretation, AAPG SEG (2018). https://doi.org/10.1190/INT-2017-0084.1
Why classical sequence stratigraphy doesn't work in Pannonian basin?
Dejan Radivojević (2018)... olution of the Pannonian Basin: Constraints derived from the structure of the junction area between the Carpathians and Dinarides, Tectonics 31(6), TC6007. Nottvedt, A. R.H. Gabrielsen, and R.J. Steel, 1995. Tectonostratigraphy and Sedimentary Architecture of Rift Basins, with reference ...
... SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology, v. 7, p. 210. Prosser, S., 1993. Rift related depositional system and their seismic expression, in Tectonics and Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy, edited by G. D. Williams and A. Dobb, Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ., 71, 35–66, doi:10.1144/GSL.SP.1993.071.01.03. ...Dejan Radivojević. "Why classical sequence stratigraphy doesn't work in Pannonian basin?" in 17th Serbian Geological Congress, Vrnjačka Banja, 17-20 maj 2018, Srpsko geološko društvo (2018)
Alpine thermal events in the central Serbo-Macedonian Massif (southeastern Serbia)
Milorad D. Antić, Alexandre Kounov, Branislav Trivić, Andreas Wetzel, Irena Peytcheva, Albrecht von Quadt (2015)Milorad D. Antić, Alexandre Kounov, Branislav Trivić, Andreas Wetzel, Irena Peytcheva, Albrecht von Quadt. "Alpine thermal events in the central Serbo-Macedonian Massif (southeastern Serbia)" in International Journal of Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-015-1266-z
Post Early Miocenevertical-axis clockwise rotation in the West Vardar Zone of Serbia
... rotation of Adria with respect to Africa. fn: Pinter, N., Grenerczy, Gy., Weber, J1., Stein, S. & Medak, D. (Ed.). 7he 4dria microplate: GPS Geodesy, Tectonics and Hazards. NA4TO Science Series 1, 6, 71=80. Matton, E., Zampieri, D., Kazmćr, M., Dunkl, I. & Frisch, W. 2011. New Paleoce-Eocene paleomagnetic ...Vesna Lesić, Emo Marton, Vesna Cvetkov, Dragana Jovanović. "Post Early Miocenevertical-axis clockwise rotation in the West Vardar Zone of Serbia " in Environmental, Structural and Stratigraphical Evolution of the Western Carpathians, 11th ESSEWECA Conference, Geophysical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava (2018)
Reconstruction of the Tethys' waning in the Balkans: New insights from Upper Cretaceous igneous formations and zircon provenance data
... tectonic boundary between previously collided Gondwana-related blocks and Europe, characterized by a system of pull-apart basins and transtensional tectonics. CRETACEOUS IGNEOUS FORMATIONS Upper Cretaceous igncous formations are found on both sides of the Sava-Vardar suture zone, in the Dinarides ...Dejan Prelević, Kristijan Sokol, Ana Mladenović, Violeta Gajić, Vladica Cvetković. "Reconstruction of the Tethys' waning in the Balkans: New insights from Upper Cretaceous igneous formations and zircon provenance data" in Fifth Congress of Geologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, Macedonian Geological Society (2024)
Hydrogeochemical distribution of Ca and Mg in groundwater in Serbia
Petar Papić, Jovana Milosavljević, Marina Ćuk, Rastko Petrović . "Hydrogeochemical distribution of Ca and Mg in groundwater in Serbia" in Groundwater: Occurrence and Significance for Human Health, CRC Press, Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group (2014)
Еволуција напонског поља подручја Интерних Динарида у Србији током алпске орогенезе
Ana S. Mladenović (2015-06-19)Циљ ове докторске дисертације био је реконструкција еволуције напонског пољаЗемљине коре у подручју Интерних Динарида у Србији током Алпске орогенезе.Истраживања за потребе решавања овог проблема су изведена у два дела. Првидео обухватао је анализу палеонапона на дефинисаном подручју истраживања,док се други део односио на анализу тренутно активног поља напона у овом делуБалканског полуострва. Истраживано подручје обухвата унутрашњи деоДинарског орогеног појаса, који се простире у централној и западној Србији. Собзиром на циљ истраживања, истраживано подручје је дефинисано тако даобухвата три ...Интерни Динариди, анализа палеонапона, фокални механизмиземљотреса, напонско поље, тектоно-магматски догађаји... research area since the Middle Eocene, while the youngest phase is also recently active one. The oldest brittle phase is characterized by transpressional tectonics, with maximal compressional axis acted in E – W to NNW – SSE direction. The age of this tectonic phase is determined as Middle to Late ...
... because the orientation of the extensional axis remained the same. It is dominated by transpressional to strike-slip tectonic regime, with the maximal compressional axis oriented NE – SW. The cause of such tectonics during this tectonic stage is compression driven by counterclockwise rotation and ...
... The Late Eocene – Early Miocene (correspond to the first three brittle phases) tectono-magmatic event was generally characterized by transpressional tectonics that provided conditions for formation of basaltic underplating and subsequent lower crustal melting and generation of I-type magmas. ...Ana S. Mladenović. "Еволуција напонског поља подручја Интерних Динарида у Србији током алпске орогенезе" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-06-19)
Еволуција напонског поља подручја Интерних Динарида у Србији током алпске орогенезе
Ana S. Mladenović (2015-06-19)Циљ ове докторске дисертације био је реконструкција еволуције напонског пољаЗемљине коре у подручју Интерних Динарида у Србији током Алпске орогенезе.Истраживања за потребе решавања овог проблема су изведена у два дела. Првидео обухватао је анализу палеонапона на дефинисаном подручју истраживања,док се други део односио на анализу тренутно активног поља напона у овом делуБалканског полуострва. Истраживано подручје обухвата унутрашњи деоДинарског орогеног појаса, који се простире у централној и западној Србији. Собзиром на циљ истраживања, истраживано подручје је дефинисано тако даобухвата три ...Интерни Динариди, анализа палеонапона, фокални механизмиземљотреса, напонско поље, тектоно-магматски догађаји... research area since the Middle Eocene, while the youngest phase is also recently active one. The oldest brittle phase is characterized by transpressional tectonics, with maximal compressional axis acted in E – W to NNW – SSE direction. The age of this tectonic phase is determined as Middle to Late ...
... because the orientation of the extensional axis remained the same. It is dominated by transpressional to strike-slip tectonic regime, with the maximal compressional axis oriented NE – SW. The cause of such tectonics during this tectonic stage is compression driven by counterclockwise rotation and ...
... The Late Eocene – Early Miocene (correspond to the first three brittle phases) tectono-magmatic event was generally characterized by transpressional tectonics that provided conditions for formation of basaltic underplating and subsequent lower crustal melting and generation of I-type magmas. ...Ana S. Mladenović. "Еволуција напонског поља подручја Интерних Динарида у Србији током алпске орогенезе" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-06-19)
Tectonic evolution of the Circum-Moesian orocline of the Carpatho-Balkanides: Paleomagnetic constraints
Emő Márton, Vesna Cvetkov, Miodrag Banješević, Gábor Imre, Aleksandar Pačevski. "Tectonic evolution of the Circum-Moesian orocline of the Carpatho-Balkanides: Paleomagnetic constraints" in Journal of Geodynamics, Elsevier BV (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2024.102058
Numerical modelling of a single intra-oceanic subduction for the origin of the Balkan ophiolites
Nikola Stanković, Vesna Cvetkov, Vladica Cvetković. "Numerical modelling of a single intra-oceanic subduction for the origin of the Balkan ophiolites" in 5th Congress Geologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, Ohrid, 28-29. 10. 2024, Македонско геолошко друштво (2024)
Tektono-termalna evolucija kontakta Dinarida i Karpato-Balkanida u području Jastrepca
Dalibor Erak (2019)Predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije je tektonska evolucija područja planine Jastrebac u centralnoj Srbiji, gde višefazna tektonska aktivnost od mezozoika do danas komplikuje rekonstrukciju strukturnih odnosa i geološke evolucije ovog prostora. Kompleksna višefazna evolucija planine Jastrebac u Srbiji je demonstrirana kombinovanjem kinematskih podataka prikupljenih na terenu i mikrostrukturnih opservacija sa dodatnim termohronološkim podacima “fission track” i podacima odredbe starosti metodom U-Pb na cirkonima. Gornjokredna ekshumacija bila je praćena gornjokredno-eocenskim navlačenjem i magmatizmom vezanim za kontinentalnu koliziju, pri čemu je akreciona ...... Balázs, A., Matenco, L., Magyar, I., Horváth, F., Cloetingh, S., 2016. The link between tectonics and sedimentation in back-arc basins: New genetic constraints from the analysis of the Pannonian Basin. Tectonics 35, 1526–1559. https://www.shutterstock.com/image-illustration/highly-detailed-planet ...
... Beograd (in Serbian), 153-182. Grubić, A., 1999. Tectonics of Jastrebac and its general meaning. Tehnika – Rudarstvo, geologija i metalurgija 50, 13-17. Hall, R., Cottam, M.A., Wilson, M.E.J., 2011. The SE Asian gateway: history and tectonics of the Australia–Asia collision. Geological Society ...
... Pantić, N., Kalenić, M., 1971. The observations of some tectonic processes in Serbia in connection with the plate tectonic or with the new global tectonics. Glasnik Prirod. Muz. Beogradu (A), Beograd (in Serbian, English summary), 26, 83-102. Anđelković, M., 1956. Geološki sastav i tektonika Gledićkih ...Dalibor Erak. Tektono-termalna evolucija kontakta Dinarida i Karpato-Balkanida u području Jastrepca, Beograd : Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2019
Improvement of education through the cooperation between CEEPUS EURO Geo-Sci network and scientific projects: examples from UB-FMG
Kristina Šarić, Dejan Prelević, Miloš Marjanović, Uroš Stojadinović, Vladimir Simić . "Improvement of education through the cooperation between CEEPUS EURO Geo-Sci network and scientific projects: examples from UB-FMG" in V Congress of Geologists of Republic of Macedonia ": “Geology in a changing world”, Makedonsko geološko društvo (2024)
Tectono-lithostratigraphic model of the Northern Banat Miocene sediments (Pannonian Basin, Serbia)
Dejan Radivojević, Ljupko Rundić (2017)... formation and evolution of the Pannonian Basin: Constraints derived from the structure of the junction area between the Carpathians and Dinarides. Tectonics, 31, TC6007. PIGOTT, J.D. & RADIVOJEVIĆ, D. (2010): Seismic Stratigraphy Based Chronostratigraphy (SSBC) of the Serbian Banat Region of the Pannonian ...Dejan Radivojević, Ljupko Rundić. "Tectono-lithostratigraphic model of the Northern Banat Miocene sediments (Pannonian Basin, Serbia)" in 7th International Workshop: Neogene of Central and South-Eastern Europe, Velika, Croatia, maj 2017, Croatian Geological Society (2017)
Tectonothermal evolution of an asymmetric extensional system: the Juhor Mts in Central Serbia (Northern Serbomacedonian massif)
Miloš Radonjić, Uroš Stojadinović, Elco Luijendijk, Dejan Radivojević, Željko Golubović, Nikola Vuković (2018)... formation and evolution of the Pannonian Basin: Constraints derived from the structure of the junction area between the Carpathians and Dinarides. Tectonics 31, TC6007, doi:10.1029/2012TC003206. Sant, K., Mandic, O., Rundić, Lj., Kuiper, K.F., Krijgsman, W., 2016. Age and evolution of the Serbian L ...Miloš Radonjić, Uroš Stojadinović, Elco Luijendijk, Dejan Radivojević, Željko Golubović, Nikola Vuković. "Tectonothermal evolution of an asymmetric extensional system: the Juhor Mts in Central Serbia (Northern Serbomacedonian massif)" in 17th Serbian Geological Congress, Vrnjačka Banja, 17-20 maj 2018, Srpsko geološko društvo (2018)