884 items
Određivanje efektivne Ričardsonove konstante tunelskih MIS detektora na bazi p-Hg0.8Cd0.2Te
Damnjanović Vesna, Elazar Jovan (2012)Damnjanović Vesna, Elazar Jovan. "Određivanje efektivne Ričardsonove konstante tunelskih MIS detektora na bazi p-Hg0.8Cd0.2Te" in Zbornik radova 56. konferencije ETRAN MO, Zlatibor, Srbija:Društvo ETRAN (2012): 1-4
Investigation of Dielectric-Semiconductor Interface in MIS Structures Based on p-Hg0.8Cd0.2Te
Damnjanović Vesna, Elazar Jovan (2010)Damnjanović Vesna, Elazar Jovan. "Investigation of Dielectric-Semiconductor Interface in MIS Structures Based on p-Hg0.8Cd0.2Te" in Proceedings of MIEL (27th International Conference on Microelektronics) 1, Niš, Srbija:IEEE CONFERENCE PUBLICATIONS (2010): 131-134. https://doi.org/10.1109/MIEL.2010.5490515
Production of Thin Dielectric Layers on p-Hg1-xCdxTe
Damnjanović Vesna, Elazar Jovan (2010)Damnjanović Vesna, Elazar Jovan. "Production of Thin Dielectric Layers on p-Hg1-xCdxTe" in Proceedings of MediNano-3, Beograd, Srbija:The Institute of Physics (2010): 96-96
Determination of surface minority carrier mobility in p-HgCdTe
Damnjanović Vesna, Elazar Jovan (2011)Damnjanović Vesna, Elazar Jovan. "Determination of surface minority carrier mobility in p-HgCdTe" in PHOTONIKA2011 III Internatonnal School and Conference on Photonics, Belgrade, Serbia:Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences (2011): 80-80
Ispitivanje granice dielektrik – poluprovodnik u MIS strukturama na bazi p-Hg0.8Cd0.2Te
Damnjanović Vesna, Elazar Jovan (2010)Damnjanović Vesna, Elazar Jovan. "Ispitivanje granice dielektrik – poluprovodnik u MIS strukturama na bazi p-Hg0.8Cd0.2Te" in Zbornik apstrakata sa konferencije Fotonika- teorija i eksperimenti u Srbiji, Beograd, Srbija:Institut za Fiziku Univerzitet u Beogradu (2010): 28-28
The importance of preserving the collection of rocks and minerals at the Faculty of mining and geology
Alena Zdravković, Vesna Matović (2017)Alena Zdravković, Vesna Matović. "The importance of preserving the collection of rocks and minerals at the Faculty of mining and geology" in XVIII Universeum network meeting, Mobility of University Heritage, Book of Abstracts, University of Belgrade: (2017): 63-63
Ophiolites of the Vardar Zone and Dinarides: Central and West Serbia
Vasković Nada, Matović Vesna (2010)Vasković Nada, Matović Vesna. "Ophiolites of the Vardar Zone and Dinarides: Central and West Serbia" in Acta Mineralogica- Petrographica 24, Szeged (Hungary):Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology, University of Szeged (Hungary) (2010): 1-55
Otpornost kamena na dejstvo mraza - metode ispitivanja, značaj i primena u građevinskoj praksi
Đokić Olivera, Matović Vesna (2014)Đokić Olivera, Matović Vesna. "Otpornost kamena na dejstvo mraza - metode ispitivanja, značaj i primena u građevinskoj praksi" in Građevinski kalendar 46, Beograd, Srbija:Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije (2014): 212-253
Volume flow measurement of bulk solids on conveyor belts
Aleksandrović Snežana, Damnjanović Vesna. "Volume flow measurement of bulk solids on conveyor belts" in Transport & Logistics - International Journal 13 no. 27, Košice, Slovakia:Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, BERG Faculty, Košice (2013)
Validation of bucket wheel drive component model through vibration monitoring: a torque arm key study
Damnjanović Vesna, Jovančić Predrag (2014)Damnjanović Vesna, Jovančić Predrag. "Validation of bucket wheel drive component model through vibration monitoring: a torque arm key study" in Journal of Vibroengineering 16 no. 3 (2014): 1212-1218
Efficiency and lifetime of medium voltage transformers
... Snežana Aleksandrović, Vesna Damnjanović Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Efficiency and lifetime of medium voltage transformers;Iskorišćenje veka trajanja srednjenaponskih transformatora | Snežana Aleksandrović, Vesna Damnjanović | XVI International ...
... ns. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs Iskorišćenje veka trajanja srednjenaponskih transformatora Snežana Aleksandrović, Vesna Damnjanović Rudarsko-geološki fakultet Univerzitet u Beogradu Beograd, Srbija snezana.aleksandrovic(q)rgf.bg.ac.rs, vesna.damnjanovic(q)rgf ...
... point of overload, heating and economic transformer operation. EFFICIENCY AND LIFETIME OF MEDIUM VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS Snežana Aleksandrović, Vesna Damnjanović ...Snežana Aleksandrović, Vesna Damnjanović. "Efficiency and lifetime of medium voltage transformers" in XVI International Scientific – Professional Symposium, INFOTEH, Jahorina, 22. mart - 24. mart 2017., Istočno Sarajevo : Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu (2017)
The importance of preserving The Mineral and rock Collection at the Faculty of Mining and Geology
Zdravković Alena, Matović Vesna (2017)Zdravković Alena, Matović Vesna. "The importance of preserving The Mineral and rock Collection at the Faculty of Mining and Geology" in Mobility of University Heritage : book of abstracts / XVIII Universeum Network Meeting, Belgrade, 8-10 June 2017 no. 18, Beograd:Univerzitet u Beogradu i Universeum-Evropska mreža akademskog nasleđa (2017): 63
Analysis of thermo-electrical characteristics of mining cables
Aleksandrović Snežana, Damnjanović Vesna. "Analysis of thermo-electrical characteristics of mining cables" in INFOTEH - Jahorina 2015, Sarajevo:Elektrotehnički fakultet, Istočno Sarajevo (2015): 122-125
Tehnika mapiranja kamenih fasada
Franković Maja, Matović Vesna (2014)Franković Maja, Matović Vesna. "Tehnika mapiranja kamenih fasada" in Zbornik radova = Proceedings / Međunarodni simpozijum o istraživanjima i primeni savremenih dostignuća u građevinarstvu u oblasti materijala i konstrukcija [u okviru skupa] Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, XXVI, Beograd:Društvo za ispitivanje materijala i konstrukcija (2014): 461-476
Regression Analyses of Engineering Properties of Latites (Mt. Fruška Gora, Serbia)
Радивојевић Маша, Матовић Весна (2010)Радивојевић Маша, Матовић Весна. "Regression Analyses of Engineering Properties of Latites (Mt. Fruška Gora, Serbia)" in Зборник радова 15. конгреса геолога Србије са међународним учешћем, Београд, [26-29 мај] 2010. = Proceedings of the 15th Congress of Geologists of Serbia with International Participation, Belgrade [26-29 May] 2010 , Београд:Српско геолошко друштвo (2010): 693-693
Грешка инклинације код депозиционе реманетне магнетизације
Mirko Petković, Vesna Cvetkov (2019)Mirko Petković, Vesna Cvetkov. "Грешка инклинације код депозиционе реманетне магнетизације" in II Когрес геолога Босне и Херцеговине са међународним учешћем , Удружење геолога у Босни и Херцеговини (2019)
Towards Semantic Interoperability: Parallel Corpora as Linked Data Incorporating Named Entity Linking
U radu se prikazuju rezultati istraživanja vezanih za pripremu paralelnih korpusa, fokusirajući se na transformaciju u RDF grafove koristeći NLP Interchange Format (NIF) za lingvističku anotaciju. Pružamo pregled paralelnog korpusa koji je korišćen u ovom studijskom slučaju, kao i proces označavanja delova govora, lematizacije i prepoznavanja imenovanih entiteta (NER). Zatim opisujemo povezivanje imenovanih entiteta (NEL), konverziju podataka u RDF, i uključivanje NIF anotacija. Proizvedene NIF datoteke su evaluirane kroz istraživanje triplestore-a korišćenjem SPARQL upita. Na kraju, razmatra se povezivanje Linked ...paralelni korpusi, povezivanje imenovanih entiteta, prepoznavanje imenovanih entiteta, NER, NEL, povezani podaci, NIF, VikipodaciRanka Stanković, Milica Ikonić Nešić, Olja Perisic, Mihailo Škorić, Olivera Kitanović. "Towards Semantic Interoperability: Parallel Corpora as Linked Data Incorporating Named Entity Linking" in Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics @ LREC-COLING 2024, Turin, 20-25 May 2024, ELRA and ICCL (2024)
Увођење доменских и семантичких маркера за област рударства у српске електронске речнике
Иван Обрадовић, Александра Томашевић, Ранка Станковић, Биљана Лазић. "Увођење доменских и семантичких маркера за област рударства у српске електронске речнике" in Научни састанак слависта у Вукове дане - Српски језик и његови ресурси: теорија, опис и примене, Београд : Међународни славистички центар на Филолошком факултету, Филолошки факултет (2017). https://doi.org/10.18485/msc.2017.46.3.ch10
XRD dertermination od hydrothermal phases related to epithermal mineralization in the Čukaru Peki deposit
Dragana Bosić, Vladica Cvetković, Miodrag Banješević, Kristina Šarić. "XRD dertermination od hydrothermal phases related to epithermal mineralization in the Čukaru Peki deposit" in V Congress of Geologists of Republic of Macedonia ": “Geology in a changing world”, Makedonsko geološko društvo (2024)
Using Lexical Resources for Irony and Sarcasm Classification
The paper presents a language dependent model for classification of statements into ironic and non-ironic. The model uses various language resources: morphological dictionaries, sentiment lexicon, lexicon of markers and a WordNet based ontology. This approach uses various features: antonymous pairs obtained using the reasoning rules over the Serbian WordNet ontology (R), antonymous pairs in which one member has positive sentiment polarity (PPR), polarity of positive sentiment words (PSP), ordered sequence of sentiment tags (OSA), Part-of-Speech tags of words (POS) ...Miljana Mladenović, Cvetana Krstev, Jelena Mitrović, Ranka Stanković. "Using Lexical Resources for Irony and Sarcasm Classification" in Proceedings of the 8th Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI '17), New York, NY, USA, : ACM (2017). https://doi.org/