1163 items
An intelligent hybrid system for surface coal mine safety analysis
Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Aleksandar Cvjetić. "An intelligent hybrid system for surface coal mine safety analysis" in Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (2010)
Photocatalytic Activity of the V2O5 Catalyst toward Selected Pharmaceuticals and Their Mixture: Influence of the Molecular Structure on the Efficiency of the Process
Sanja J. Armaković, Aleksandra Jovanoski Kostić, Andrijana Bilić, Maria M. Savanović, Nataša Tomić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Maja Šćepanović, Mirjana Grujić-Brojčin, Jovana Ćirković, Stevan Armaković (2023)Due to the inability of conventional wastewater treatment procedures to remove organic pharmaceutical pollutants, active pharmaceutical components remain in wastewater and even reach tap water. In terms of pharmaceutical pollutants, the scientific community focuses on -blockers due to their extensive (over)usage and moderately high solubility. In this study, the photocatalytic activity of V2O5 was investigated through the degradation of nadolol (NAD), pindolol (PIN), metoprolol (MET), and their mixture under ultraviolet (UV) irradiation in water. For the preparation of V2O5, facile ...DFT analysis, metoprolol, nadolol, nanomaterial characterization, photocatalysis, pindolol, β-blocker... were calculated as F(R) = (1 — R)Ž/2R, where R is the diffuse reflectance of the Molecules 2023, 28, 655 6of18 'V»Os sample. Taking into account that F(R) is proportional to the absorption coefficient , the Tauc plot [35] was obtained by using the following equation: (hv F(R))!" = A(hv — E,) ...
... Molecular Structure on the Efficiency of the Process Sanja J. Armaković, Aleksandra Jovanoski Kostić, Andrijana Bilić, Maria M. Savanović, Nataša Tomić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Maja Šćepanović, Mirjana Grujić-Brojčin, Jovana Ćirković, Stevan Armaković Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета ...
... Structure on the Efficiency of the Process | Sanja J. Armaković, Aleksandra Jovanoski Kostić, Andrijana Bilić, Maria M. Savanović, Nataša Tomić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Maja Šćepanović, Mirjana Grujić-Brojčin, Jovana Ćirković, Stevan Armaković | Molecules | 2023 | | 10.3390/molecules28020655 http://dr ...Sanja J. Armaković, Aleksandra Jovanoski Kostić, Andrijana Bilić, Maria M. Savanović, Nataša Tomić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Maja Šćepanović, Mirjana Grujić-Brojčin, Jovana Ćirković, Stevan Armaković. "Photocatalytic Activity of the V2O5 Catalyst toward Selected Pharmaceuticals and Their Mixture: Influence of the Molecular Structure on the Efficiency of the Process" in Molecules, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28020655
Products of oxidative dissolution on waste rock dumps at the Pb-Zn mine Rudnik in Serbia and their possible effects on the environment
Alena Zdravković, Vladica Cvetković, Aleksandar Pačevski, Aleksandra Rosić, Kristina Šarić, Vesna Matović, Suzana Erić (2017)Alena Zdravković, Vladica Cvetković, Aleksandar Pačevski, Aleksandra Rosić, Kristina Šarić, Vesna Matović, Suzana Erić. "Products of oxidative dissolution on waste rock dumps at the Pb-Zn mine Rudnik in Serbia and their possible effects on the environment" in Journal of Geochemical Exploration 108, :Elsevier (2017): 160-171
Products of oxidative dissolution on waste rock dumps at the Pb-Zn mine Rudnik in Serbia and their possible effects on the environment
Alena Zdravković, Vladica Cvetković, Aleksandar Pačevski, Aleksandra Rosić, Kristina Šarić, Vesna Matović, Suzana Erić (2017)Alena Zdravković, Vladica Cvetković, Aleksandar Pačevski, Aleksandra Rosić, Kristina Šarić, Vesna Matović, Suzana Erić. "Products of oxidative dissolution on waste rock dumps at the Pb-Zn mine Rudnik in Serbia and their possible effects on the environment" in Journal of Geochemical Exploration 108, :Elsevier (2017): 160-171
Polymorphism and photoluminescence properties of K3ErSi2O7
alkalni silikati elemenata retkih zemalja, silikati lantanoida, polimorfizam, fotoluminescencija, kristalna strukturaPredrag Dabić, Marko G. Nikolić, Sabina Kovač, Aleksandar Kremenović. "Polymorphism and photoluminescence properties of K3ErSi2O7" in Acta Crystallographica Section C Structural Chemistry, International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) (2019). https://doi.org/10.1107/S2053229619011926
Digitalizacija u rudarstvu: Kreiranje sistema za efikasno poslovno izveštavanje
Proces donošenja odluka u oblasti rudarstva i geologije uslovljen je blagovremenim posedovanjem kvalitetnih podataka i informacija. Kompleksnost rudarskih procesa nalaže prikupljanje podataka na dnevnom odnosno na smenskom nivou. Podaci kao takvi bez analitičkog pristupa nisu dovoljni. Kako bi pristup podacima bio brz i efikasan neophodno je posedovanje adekvatnog digitalnog rešenja uz adekvatne centralizovane baze podataka. U ovom radu je dat pregled trenutne pozicije rudarstva sa aspekta digitalne transformacije kao i predlog jednostavnog prototipa u obliku digitalnog sistema za poslovno ...... poslovno izveštavanje Stevan Đenadić, Aleksandar Mirković, Veljko Rupar Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Digitalizacija u rudarstvu: Kreiranje sistema za efikasno poslovno izveštavanje | Stevan Đenadić, Aleksandar Mirković, Veljko Rupar | XVI Međunarodna ...
... način se u značajnoj meri smanjuje rizik ! Doc. dr Đenadić Stevan, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd, stevan.djenadicergf.bg.ac.rs ? Mirković Aleksandar, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd, aleksandar.mirkovic(qyrgf.rs 3 Doc. dr Rupar Veljko, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd, veljko.ruparoergf ...
... upravljanja rudnicima usled nedostatka digitalnih rešenja, kao i benefiti koje bi digitalna rešenja mogla doneti. Izolovani poslovni procesi •'"@ r —~ is Sistem za upravljanje Odsustvo sistema za upravljanje bazama podataka bazama podatka . -- Raspoloživost - podataka Proces odlučivanja ...Stevan Đenadić, Aleksandar Mirković, Veljko Rupar . "Digitalizacija u rudarstvu: Kreiranje sistema za efikasno poslovno izveštavanje" in XVI Međunarodna rudarska konferencija OMC 2024, Zlatibor, 9 - 12. oktobar 2024, Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2024)
The interaction of organoselenium trans-palladium(II) complexes toward small-biomolecules and CT-DNA
Serija organoselenijum trans-paladijum(II) kompleksa 1 (bis(2-(fenilselanilmetil)oksolan)dihloropaladijum(II)), 2 (bis(2-(fenilselanilmetil)oksan)dihloropaladijum(II)) i 3 (bis(2) ,2-dimetil-3-(fenilselanil)oksan)dihloropaladijum(II)) su korišćeni za ispitivanje reaktivnosti ovog specifičnog tipa kompleksa prema različitim bio-molekulima. Ovaj sistem je od posebnog interesa jer se jako malo zna o supstitucionim reakcijam organoselenijum paladijum(II) kompleksa sa trans konfiguracijom. Zamena koordinovanog hlorida sa serijom malih bio-molekula (l-Met, l-His, l-Cis, GSH i 5′-GMP) proučavana je pod uslovima pseudo-prvog reda kao funkcija koncentracije nukleofila i temperature korišćenjem tehnika zaustavljenog toka. Rezultati za proučavane komplekse ukazuju da ...Vera M. Divac, Aleksandar Mijatović, Marina D. Kostić, Jovana Bogojeski. "The interaction of organoselenium trans-palladium(II) complexes toward small-biomolecules and CT-DNA" in Inorganica Chimica Acta, Elsevier BV (2017). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ica.2017.07.012
Assessments of effects of implementation of strategic plans for development of Belgrade District heating system
The district heating system (DHS) is one of the key elements of the Belgrade energy system. Overview of the current state and basic characteristics of the DHS are presented in this paper. The focus is on the planned development of DHS and on the analyses of effects of realization of measures and projects defined by strategic documents related to DHS which are adopted by city authorities (Development Strategy of DHS and Strategy of Belgrade Development). Two exploratory scenarios were ...Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Aleksandar Madžarević, Miodrag Grujić. "Assessments of effects of implementation of strategic plans for development of Belgrade District heating system" in Sustainable Cities and Society, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2020.102304
Генеза хидротермалног Cu-Au система Чукару Пеки (Источна Србија)
Милош Велојић (2021)Главни циљ испитивања хидротермалног система Чукару Пеки је разумевање процеса који су довели до његовог настанка, а посебно еволуције рудоносних флуида из којих је настала рудна минерализација. Утврђено је да је овај систем настао у периоду пре 86,78 - 85,19 Ma из магматског интрузива који је био богат водом и имао висок оксидативни потенцијал. Током хлађења, из овог магматског интрузива су издвојени веома врели флуиди, који су имали температуре изнад 600°С и висок салинитет. У ...Борска металогенетска зона, Тимочки магматски комплекс, порфирска лежишта, високосулфидациона лежишта, флуидне инклузије, рудне парагенезе, геохронологија, хидротермалне алтерације, LA-ICP-MS... Ракић, С., Гржетић, И., Голијанин, Д., 1981. Студија дистрибуције племенитих, ретких и расејаних елемената у рудном телу „Тилва Рош“ рудника бакра Бор. Рударско-геолошки факултет УЛЕМА, Београд, 102 стр. 111. Павићевић, М., Цвектовић, Љ., Радусиновић Д., Гржетић И., Голијанин Д., 1983.Студија дистрибуције ...
... у рудном окну „Ново Окно“ рудника бакра Бор, Рударско-геолошки факултет УЛЕМА, Београд, 239 стр. 112. Павићевић, М., Ракић, С., Гржетић, И., Голијанин, Д., 1985. Студија дистрибуције племенитих, ретких и расејаних елемената у рудном лежишту Борска река. Рударско- геолошки факултет УЛЕМА, Београд ...
... 72. Jelenković, R., Milovanović, D., Koželj, D., & Banješević, M., 2016. The mineral resources of the Bor metallogenic zone: a review. Geologia Croatica, 69 (1), 143-155. 73. John, D. A., Ayuso, R. A., Barton, M. D., Blakely, R. J., Bodnar, R. J., Dilles, J. H., ... & Taylor, R. D., 2010. Porphyry ...Милош Велојић. Генеза хидротермалног Cu-Au система Чукару Пеки (Источна Србија), Београд : [М. Велојић], 2021
Low-temperature phase transition and magnetic properties of K3YbSi2O7
Predrag Dabić, Volker Kahlenberg, Biljana Krüger, Marko Rodić, Sabina Kovač, Jovan Blanuša, Zvonko Jagličić, Ljiljana Karanović, Václav Petříček, Aleksandar Kremenović (2021)alkalni silikati elemenata retkih zemalja, fazni prelazi, magnetne karakteristike, razdvajanje kristalnog polja, silikati lantanica... Predrag Dabić, Volker Kahlenberg, Biljana Krüger, Marko Rodić, Sabina Kovač, Jovan Blanuša, Zvonko Jagličić, Ljiljana Karanović, Václav Petříček, Aleksandar Kremenović Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Low-temperature phase transition and magnetic ...
... Predrag Dabić, Volker Kahlenberg, Biljana Krüger, Marko Rodić, Sabina Kovač, Jovan Blanuša, Zvonko Jagličić, Ljiljana Karanović, Václav Petříček, Aleksandar Kremenović | Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials | 2021 | | 10.1107/S2052520621006077 http://dr ...
... Volker Kahlenberg, Biljana Krüger, Marko Rodić, Sabina Kovač, Jovan Blanuša, Zvonko Jagličić, Ljiljana Karanović, Václav Petřı́ček and Aleksandar Kremenović Acta Cryst. (2021). B77, 584–593 IUCr Journals CRYSTALLOGRAPHY JOURNALS ONLINE Author(s) of this article may load this reprint on ...Predrag Dabić, Volker Kahlenberg, Biljana Krüger, Marko Rodić, Sabina Kovač, Jovan Blanuša, Zvonko Jagličić, Ljiljana Karanović, Václav Petříček, Aleksandar Kremenović. "Low-temperature phase transition and magnetic properties of K3YbSi2O7" in Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) (2021). https://doi.org/10.1107/S2052520621006077
Mechanosynthesis and structural characterization of nanocrystalline Ce1–Y O2– (x=0.1–0.35) solid solutions
Martin Fabián, Bratislav Antić, Vladimír Girman, Milica Vučinić-Vasić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Shigeru Suzuki, Horst Hahn, Vladimír Šepelák (2015)A series of nanostructuredfluorite-type Ce1–xYxO2–δ (0rxr0.35) solid solutions, prepared via highenergy milling of the CeO2/Y2O3mixtures, are investigated by XRD, HR-TEM, EDS and Raman spectroscopy. For thefirst time, complementary information on both the long-range and short-range structural features of mechanosynthesized Ce1–xYxO2–δ, obtained by Rietveld analysis of XRD data and Raman spectroscopy, is provided. The lattice parameters of the as-prepared solid solutions decrease with increasing yttrium content. Rietveld refinements of the XRD data reveal increase in microstrains in the host ceria ...Martin Fabián, Bratislav Antić, Vladimír Girman, Milica Vučinić-Vasić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Shigeru Suzuki, Horst Hahn, Vladimír Šepelák. "Mechanosynthesis and structural characterization of nanocrystalline Ce1–Y O2– (x=0.1–0.35) solid solutions" in Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Elsevier BV (2015). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssc.2015.06.027
Differently shaped nanocrystalline (Fe, Y)3O4 and its adsorption efficiency toward inorganic arsenic species
Biljana P Dojčinović, Boštjan Jančar, Lotfi Bessais, Aleksandar Kremenović, Nataša P Jović-Jovičić, Predrag T Banković, Dalibor M Stanković, Miloš Ognjanović, Bratislav V Antić (2019)Herein we report effects of partial substitution of Fe3+ by Y3+ in magnetite (Fe3O4) on morphology and inorganic arsenic species adsorption efficiency of the Fe3−xYxO4 nanoparticles formed. The series of Fe3−xYxO4 (x=0.00, 0.042 and 0.084, labeled as Y00, Y05 and Y10, respectively) was synthesized using co-precipitation followed by microwave-hydrothermal treatment (MW) at 200°C. With increase of yttrium content(xvalue), both the morphological inhomogeneity of the samples and the fraction of spinel nanorods as compared to spinel pseudospherical particles increased. By ...Biljana P Dojčinović, Boštjan Jančar, Lotfi Bessais, Aleksandar Kremenović, Nataša P Jović-Jovičić, Predrag T Banković, Dalibor M Stanković, Miloš Ognjanović, Bratislav V Antić. "Differently shaped nanocrystalline (Fe, Y)3O4 and its adsorption efficiency toward inorganic arsenic species" in Nanotechnology, IOP Publishing (2019). https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6528/ab3ca2
The Fuzzy–AHP Synthesis Model for Energy Security Assessment of the Serbian Natural Gas Sector
Natural gas is used for the production of almost 20% of total energy today. The natural gas security of the Republic of Serbia is an urgent strategic, political and security issue. Serbia is one of the most vulnerable countries in Southeast Europe, because it only has one supply route. This study is a contribution to efforts to better understand the factors affecting energy security through the implementation of a new methodology based on the fuzzy–AHP synthesis model for measuring ...... Sector Aleksandar R. Madžarević, Dejan D. Ivezić, Miloš L. Tanasijević, Marija A. Živković Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] The Fuzzy–AHP Synthesis Model for Energy Security Assessment of the Serbian Natural Gas Sector | Aleksandar R. Madžarević ...
... at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs symmetryS S Article The Fuzzy–AHP Synthesis Model for Energy Security Assessment of the Serbian Natural Gas Sector Aleksandar R. Madžarević *, Dejan D. Ivezić, Miloš L. Tanasijević and Marija A. Živković Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Djusina ...
... com/journal/symmetry se symmetry (mort, Article The Fuzzy—AHP Synthesis Model for Energy Security Assessment of the Serbian Natural Gas Sector Aleksandar R. MadiZarevié *, Dejan D. Ivezié, Milos L. Tanasijevié® and Marija A. Zivkovié Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Djusina 7 ...Aleksandar R. Madžarević, Dejan D. Ivezić, Miloš L. Tanasijević, Marija A. Živković. "The Fuzzy–AHP Synthesis Model for Energy Security Assessment of the Serbian Natural Gas Sector" in Symmetry, MDPI AG (2020). https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12060908
Developing Termbases for Expert Terminology under the TBX Standard
... ❣❡♦❧♦❣②✮✱ ❛♥❞ r❡❧❛t❡❞ ❝♦♥❝❡♣ts ♣♦❥❛✈❛ ♠✐♥❡r❛❧♥✐❤ s✐r♦✈✐♥❛ ✭♦❝❝✉r❡♥❝❡ ♦❢ ♠✐♥❡r❛❧ r❡s♦✉r❝❡✮✱ r✉❞♥♦ t❡❧♦ ✭♦r❡ ❜♦❞②✮ ✐ r✉❞❛ ✭♦r❡✮✳ ❘❡❧❛t❡❞ ♥❛rr♦✇❡r ❝♦♥✲ ❝❡♣ts ❛r❡ ❛❧s♦ r❡♣r❡s❡♥t❡❞✿ ❧❡➸✐➨t❡ ♠❡t❛❧✐↔♥✐❤ ♠✐♥❡r❛❧♥✐❤ s✐r♦✈✐♥❛✱ ❧❡➸✐➨t❡ ♥❡♠❡✲ t❛❧✐↔♥✐❤ ♠✐♥❡r❛❧♥✐❤ s✐r♦✈✐♥❛✱ ❧❡➸✐➨t❡ ❡♥❡r❣❡ts❦✐❤ ♠✐♥❡r❛❧♥✐❤ s✐r♦✈✐♥❛ ✭❞❡♣♦s✐ts ...
... t❤❡ r❡q✉✐r❡❞ t❡r♠✐♥♦❧♦❣② ❛r❡ t②♣✐✲ ❝❛❧❧② ❧❛r❣❡✳ ❚❤❡r❡❢♦r❡✱ ✐♥t❡❣r❛t✐♥❣ r❡❧❛t❡❞ t❡r♠✐♥♦❧♦❣② ✐♥t♦ ❛ tr❛♥s❧❛t✐♦♥ ♣✐♣❡❧✐♥❡ s❤♦✉❧❞ ❜❡ ❡①♣❧♦r❡❞ ❬✶✼❪✳ ❚❤✐s ❛♣♣r♦❛❝❤ r❡q✉✐r❡s ❛ ♣r♦❝❡ss t❤❛t ✐s ❛s ❛✉t♦♠❛t❡❞ ❛s ♣♦ss✐❜❧❡✳ ❲✐t❤ t❡r♠ ❡①tr❛❝t✐♦♥ ❛s ✐ts ❝♦r♥❡rst♦♥❡✱ ✐t r❡q✉✐r❡s ❛ ♣♦st✲♣r♦❝❡ss✐♥❣ str❛t❡❣② t❤❛t r❡♣✉r♣♦s❡s ...
... ❉❡✈❡❧♦♣✐♥❣ ❚❡r♠❜❛s❡s ✉♥❞❡r t❤❡ ❚❇❳ ❙t❛♥❞❛r❞ ✶✸ ❛r❡ st✐❧❧ ❜♦✉♥❞ t♦ ♠❛✐♥t❛✐♥ t❤❡✐r ✐♠♣♦rt❛♥❝❡ ✐♥ t❤❡ ❝❛s❡ ♦❢ ❡①♣❡rt t❡r♠✐♥♦❧♦❣② ✐♥ ❞♦♠❛✐♥s ✇❤❡r❡ ❛❧✐❣♥❡❞ ❝♦r♣♦r❛ ❛r❡ s♣❛rs❡ ❬✶✵❪✱ s✉❝❤ ❛s✱ ❢♦r ❡①❛♠♣❧❡ ♠✐♥✐♥❣ ❡♥❣✐♥❡❡r✐♥❣ ♦r ❣❡♦❧♦❣②✳ ■♥ ♦r❞❡r t♦ s❡❝✉r❡ t❡r♠✐♥♦❧♦❣✐❝❛❧ ❝♦♥s✐st❡♥❝② ✐♥ ♦♥❡ ♦r ♠♦r❡ t❡r♠❜❛s❡s✱ ❛♥❞ ...Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, and Miloš Utvić. "Developing Termbases for Expert Terminology under the TBX Standard" in Natural Language Processing for Serbian - Resources and Applications, Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics (2014)
Named Entity Recognition for Distant Reading in ELTeC
Francesca Frontini, Carmen Brando, Joanna Byszuk, Ioana Galleron, Diana Santos, Ranka Stanković (2020)Akcija COST „Udaljeno čitanje za evropsku književnu istoriju“, koja je počela 2017. godine, ima među svojim glavnim ciljevima stvaranje višejezične zbirke evropskih književnih tekstova (ELTeC) otvorenog koda. U ovom radu predstavljamo rad koji je obavljen na ručnom označavanju selekcije ELTeC kolekcije za imenovane entitete, kao i na proceni postojećih alata za prepoznavanje imenovanih entiteta u pogledu njihove sposobnosti da automatski urade takve anotacije. U poslednjem paragrafu se razmatraju zajedničke tačke između ove inicijative i CLARIN-a.... te g o r ie s a n d ru le s fo r c r e a t in g a n n o ta te d c o rp o ra , so th a t a u to m a tic a lg o r i th m s c a n t ry to r e p l ic a te su c h a n n o ta tio n . H o w e v e r , N E R is a p r e l im in a ry m o d u le fo r o th e r ta s k s , s u c h a s in ...
... u p . F o r e a c h c o lle c tio n , w e te s te d tw o to o ls : o n e c o m m o n fo r a ll ( s p a C y 9), a n d a n o th e r o n e la n g u a g e sp e c if ic (S ta n fo rd -N E R fo r E n g l is h 10, S E M fo r F re n c h 11, P A L A V R A S -N E R fo r P o r tu g u e s ...
... e rn P o r tu g u e s e w o u ld p e r fo rm s ig n if ic a n tly w o rs e in th e por2 c o lle c tio n . T h is w a s c o n f irm e d fo r P A L A V R A S -N E R , w h ic h s h o w e d lo w e r p e r fo rm a n c e fo r por2, b u t n o t fo r sp aC y . T h is N E R s y s te m ...Francesca Frontini, Carmen Brando, Joanna Byszuk, Ioana Galleron, Diana Santos, Ranka Stanković. "Named Entity Recognition for Distant Reading in ELTeC" in CLARIN Annual Conference 2020, Oct 2020, Virtual Event, France, CLARIN (2020)
Hydraulic impact of pressure transients from water conveyance tunnel on the complex hydrogeological system: A case study HPP
Tunel pod pritiskom, Unutrašnji pijezometri, Tranzijenti pritiska, Karstna izdan, Pukotinska izdan, Hidraulički odziv... impact of pressure transients from water conveyance tunnel on the complex hydrogeological system: A case study HPP Igor Jemcov, Maja Todorović, Aleksandar Jemcov, Marina Ćuk Đurović Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Hydraulic impact of pressure ...
... pressure transients from water conveyance tunnel on the complex hydrogeological system: A case study HPP | Igor Jemcov, Maja Todorović, Aleksandar Jemcov, Marina Ćuk Đurović | Journal of Hydrology, Pirot, 2024 | 2024 | | 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132068 http://dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs/s/repo/item/0009019 Дигитални ...
... transients from water conveyance tunnel on the complex hydrogeological system: A case study HPP Pirot, Serbia Igor Jemcov ”, Maja Todorović ', Aleksandar Jemcov P, Marina Ćuk Đurović ? 2, i Show more V — Addto Mendeley < Share 5 Cite https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132068 A Get rights ...Igor Jemcov, Maja Todorović, Aleksandar Jemcov, Marina Ćuk Đurović. "Hydraulic impact of pressure transients from water conveyance tunnel on the complex hydrogeological system: A case study HPP" in Journal of Hydrology, Pirot, 2024, Elsevier BV (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132068
Parameter determination of soil oscillation law using quotient of the relative growth increments of oscillation velocity and reduced distances at “Nepričava“ open pit mine
... in our case n > 0. For R = R1, i = 2, 3, ..., N, from the equation (9), we can take that: 1 1 2,3,..., n i i R v v i N R from where the relation is obtained: 1 1 2 1 1 2 ... ... n N N N N R v v v v R R R (10) From the ...
... of relation (10) we obtain: 1 21 1 2 1 ... log log ... N N N N v v vR n R R R v where we find: 1 2 1 1 1 2 ... log log ... N N N N v v v v n R R R R (11) By the replacement of the ...
... that: v v n R R (2) Thereby it can be considered that: 0 lim R v v n R R which means that is: 12 Lutovac S.; Bajić S.; Gaćina R.; Ravilić M. ...Suzana Lutovac, Sanja Bajić, Marina Ravilić, Radmila Gaćina. "Parameter determination of soil oscillation law using quotient of the relative growth increments of oscillation velocity and reduced distances at “Nepričava“ open pit mine" in Underground Mining Engineering, Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2015). https://doi.org/10.5937/podrad1526009L
Surface functional groups and degree of carbonization of selected chars from different processes and feedstock
Marija Ilić, Franz-Hubert Haegel, Aleksandar Lolić, Zoran Nedić, Tomislav Tosti, Ivana Sredović Ignjatović, Andreas Linden, Nicolai D. Jablonowski, Heinrich Hartmann (2022)The knowledge ofthe structural and chemical properties of biochars is decisive for their application as technical products. For this reason, methods for the characterization of biochars that are generally applicable and allow quality control are highly desired. Several methods that have shown potential in other studies were used to investigate two activated carbons and seven biochars from different processes and feedstock. The chars were chosen to cover a wide range of chemical composition and structural properties as a hardness ...Biougalj, različiti procesi dobijanja, različite sirovine, površinski aktivne grupe, x-ray, FT-IR,XPS... org/10.1016/|.rser.2006.03. 013. Azargohar R, Dalai AK. Biochar as a precursor of activated carbon. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2006; 131: 762—773. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-59745-268-7_62 PMID: 18563652 Azargohar R, Nanda S, Kozinski JA, Dalai AK, Sutarto R. Effects of temperature on the physicochemi- ...
... Surface functional groups and degree of carbonization of selected chars from different processes and feedstock Marija Ilić, Franz-Hubert Haegel, Aleksandar Lolić, Zoran Nedić, Tomislav Tosti, Ivana Sredović Ignjatović, Andreas Linden, Nicolai D. Jablonowski, Heinrich Hartmann Дигитални репозиторијум ...
... Surface functional groups and degree of carbonization of selected chars from different processes and feedstock | Marija Ilić, Franz-Hubert Haegel, Aleksandar Lolić, Zoran Nedić, Tomislav Tosti, Ivana Sredović Ignjatović, Andreas Linden, Nicolai D. Jablonowski, Heinrich Hartmann | PLOS ONE | 2022 | | 10 ...Marija Ilić, Franz-Hubert Haegel, Aleksandar Lolić, Zoran Nedić, Tomislav Tosti, Ivana Sredović Ignjatović, Andreas Linden, Nicolai D. Jablonowski, Heinrich Hartmann. "Surface functional groups and degree of carbonization of selected chars from different processes and feedstock" in PLOS ONE (2022). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0277365
Models of Determining the Parameters of Rock Mass Oscillation Equation with Experimental and Mass Blastings
... distance R from any level is increased (decreased) by 1%, the oscillation velocity of the soil v will decrease (increase) by approximately n% [8]. Indeed, for h = ± R 100 = ±1%R, from (12) we obtain: v ( R ± R 100 ) ≈ v(R)∓ n· R 100 · v(R) R , v ( R ± R 100 ) ≈ v(R)∓ n· v(R) 100 , v(R ± 1%R) ≈ v(R)∓ ...
... function v(R) from (7), in the final growth increment, we obtain: v(R + h) ≈ v(R) + h·v′(R + θ·h), 0 < θ < 1. (11) For small absolute values h, from (11), we obtain the relation: v(R + h) ≈ v(R) + h·v′(R). (12) Having (10) in mind, relation (12) becomes: v(R + h) ≈ v(R)− n·h·v(R) R . (13) A s ...
... the form: v(R) = K-R™. (7) Then from the Equation (7) for the derivation v’(R), we obtain: o'(R) = —n-K-R-"1, (8) Minerals 2018, 8, 70 5 of 18 which may be written in the form: v′(R) = − n R ·K·R−n. (9) Having in mind Equation (7), from the Equation (9), we obtain: v′(R) = −n·v(R) R . (10) If ...Suzana Lutovac, Branko Gluščević, Rade Tokalić, Jelena Majstorović, Čedomir Beljić. "Models of Determining the Parameters of Rock Mass Oscillation Equation with Experimental and Mass Blastings" in Minerals, Basel : MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland (2018). https://doi.org/10.3390/min8020070
Some models for determination of parameters of the soil oscillation law during blasting operations
... Equation (3), we obtain: v “ Kv ¨ ˝ 3 b 3¨Q 4¨π r ˛ ‚ n “ Kv ¨ ˜ 3 c 3 4 ¨ π ¸n ¨ ˆ 3 ? Q r ˙n “ Kv ¨ K1 ¨ ˆ r 3 ? Q ˙´n “ K ¨ ˆ r 3 ? Q ˙´n “ K ¨ R´n (5) where as: ˜ 3 c 3 4 ¨ π ¸n “ K1; Kv “ K K1 ; r 3 ? Q “ R (6) where: R—reduced distance is the distance from blasting ...
... marked ´n, meaning that: ∆v v ∆R R « ´n (7) Thereby it can be considered that: lim∆RÑ0 ∆v v ∆R R “ ´n, which means: dv v dR R “ ´n (8) Equation (8) can be written in the form: dv v “ ´n ¨ dR R , where by integration is obtained: ż dv v “ ´n ¨ ż dR R , namely: logv “ logR´n ` logC (9) ...
... Sm—surfaces of some trapezoids. R Rk Rk R RR RR £R R Figure 2. Graphic view of the polygonal line, N-1 of the trapezoid and curve v = K- R™". If: Ry —R Rigi -Ri =h= a (19) then, for S7, the following value is obtained: h Srp = = [01 +2(v2 +03 +...+U0N-1) + UN] (20) 2 If points R; are not equally spaced, ...Suzana Lutovac, Dragan Medenica, Branko Gluščević, Rade Tokalić, Čedomir Beljić. "Some models for determination of parameters of the soil oscillation law during blasting operations" in Energies, Basel, Switzerland : MDPI (2018). https://doi.org/10.3390/en9080617