2844 items
Debris-flow Susceptibility Assessment in Flow-R: Ribnica River Case Study
Debris flows are among the most dangerous erosional geohazards due to the fast rate of movement and long runout zones. Even though the initiation can be triggered in mountainous areas, inhabited and with steep slopes, their propagation and deposition can endanger not only buildings and infrastructure in the urbanized areas, but also threaten human lives. As these initiation areas usually represent unattainable terrains with rapid vegetation cover development, field observations and aerial photo analysis become high-demanding tasks. Consequently, medium-to-regional ...Ksenija Micić, Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov . "Debris-flow Susceptibility Assessment in Flow-R: Ribnica River Case Study" in Proceeding of the 6th Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region, ReSyLAB 2024, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2024). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.18485/resylab.2024.6
Hydrogeochemical distribution of Ca and Mg in groundwater in Serbia
Petar Papić, Jovana Milosavljević, Marina Ćuk, Rastko Petrović . "Hydrogeochemical distribution of Ca and Mg in groundwater in Serbia" in Groundwater: Occurrence and Significance for Human Health, CRC Press, Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group (2014)
Frequency and Length of Syllables in Serbian
Marija Radojičić, Biljana Lazić, Sebastijan Kaplar, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Ján Mačutek, Lívia Leššová (2019)Basic analyses of several properties of syllables (the rank-frequency distribution, the distribution of length, and the relation between length and frequency) in Serbian is presented. The syllabification algorithm used combines the maximum onset principle and the sonority hierarchy. Results indicate that syllables behave similarly to words as far as mathematical models are concerned, but values of parameters in models for syllables are quite different from those for words.... Treiman, R., Elzinga, D. (2013b). Syllabification of American English: Evidence from a large-scale experiment. Part II. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 20, 75-93. Ferrer-i-Cancho, R., Hernández-Fernández, A. (2013). The failure of the law of brevity in two New World primates. Statistical caveats ...
... investigate many properties of syllables. In this paper we limit ourselves to analyses of three aspects: 1) the rank-frequency distribution, 2) the distribution of length, and 3) the relation between length and frequency. The goodness-of-fit of a model is evaluated in terms of the discrepancy coefficient ...
... lack of its precise definition8 (cf. also Crystal, 2008, pp. 467-468; 1 Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6, 21101 Novi Sad, Serbia, and Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Đušina ...Marija Radojičić, Biljana Lazić, Sebastijan Kaplar, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Ján Mačutek, Lívia Leššová. "Frequency and Length of Syllables in Serbian" in Glottometrics (2019)
Gate Road Support Deformation Forecasting Based on Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis and Fuzzy Time Series
Luka Crnogorac, Rade Tokalić, Zoran Gligorić, Aleksandar Milutinović, Suzana Lutovac, Aleksandar Ganić (2021)Underground mining engineers and planners in our country are faced with extremely difficult working conditions and a continuous shortage of money. Production disruptions are frequent and can sometimes last more than a week. During this time, gate road support is additionally exposed to rock stress and the result is its progressive deformation and the loss of functionality of gate roads. In such an environment, it is necessary to develop a low-cost methodology to maintain a gate road support system. ...deformacije podgrade, lasersko skeniranje, višekanalna singularna spektralna analiza, prognoza, klasterisanje fuzzy vremenskih serija... results. Good consistency, both in terms of strength and failure Energies 2021, 14, 3710. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14123710 https:/ /www.mdpi.com/journal/energies Energies 2021, 14, 3710 2 of 20 mode, was provided when a comparison of these three types of information was done [1]. Danial Jahed ...
... where an analytic method, along with existing data from physical model tests, was applied to acquire results. Good consistency, both in terms of strength and failure Energies 2021, 14, 3710. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14123710 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies ...
... vector of the marker m in the current support configuration. → v (t− 1)—the position vector of the marker m in the previous support configuration. → u (t)—the vector of displacement. N—time of monitoring. Figure 2. Change of the marker position over time. In the xz-coordinate plane, the position of the ...Luka Crnogorac, Rade Tokalić, Zoran Gligorić, Aleksandar Milutinović, Suzana Lutovac, Aleksandar Ganić. "Gate Road Support Deformation Forecasting Based on Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis and Fuzzy Time Series" in Energies, MDPI (2021). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3390/en14123710
An intelligent hybrid system for surface coal mine safety analysis
Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Aleksandar Cvjetić. "An intelligent hybrid system for surface coal mine safety analysis" in Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (2010)
Concepts for Improving Machine Learning Based Landslide Assessment
Miloš Marjanović, Mileva Samardžić Petrović, Biljana Abolmasov, Uroš Đurić. "Concepts for Improving Machine Learning Based Landslide Assessment" in Natural Hazards GIS-based Spatial Modeling Using Data Mining Techniques, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, volume 48, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73383-8_2
Uticaj raspadanja na stabilnost kosina u mekoj stenskoj masi
Anđela Despotov (2024)U radu je opisano ponašanje mekih stenskih masa koje su izložene porecesu raspadanja tokom određenog vremenskog perioda. Meke stenske predstavljaju kritične vrste stenskih masa pošto izazivaju različite probleme tokom izvođenja građevinskih radova. Meke stene mogu biti sedimentne stene, raspadnute metamorfne i magmatske stene. Odlikuju se niskim vrednostima čvrstoće, visokom deformabilnošću, visokom plastičnošću, podložne su dezintegraciji i fizičko-hemijskom raspadanju, odnosno ubrzanom dejstvu površinskog raspadanja usled atmosferskih uticaja.Za klasifikaciju mekih stenskih masa koriste se modifikovane verzije već postojećih klasifikacionih sistema. Jedan ...... classifications. US Army Corps of Engineers 8. Bjerrum, L., (1967) Progressive failure in slopes in overconsolidated plastic clay and clay shales. Terzaghi Lecture. J Soil Mech Found Div, ASCE 93(5):3-49 9. Botts, M.E., (1998) Effects of Slaking on the Strength of Clay Shales: A Critical State ...
... system for tectonicallydisturbed heterogeneous rock masses, such as flysch. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 78 24. Patton FD (1966), Multiple modes of shear failure in rock. In: Proceedings of the 1st ISRM Congress, International society for rock mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, ...
... (1975) A new method for the determination of deformability of rock masses. 2nd ISRM Congress, Belgrade 26. Sousa i dr. (1997), Experimental investigation on the influence of temperature on the mechanical properties of reservoir rocks. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Volume ...Anđela Despotov. Uticaj raspadanja na stabilnost kosina u mekoj stenskoj masi, 2024
Modeliranje tehnoloških procesa u rudarstvu u uslovima nedovoljnosti podataka primenom teorije grubih skupova
Zoran M. Štirbanović (2015-07-01)Rudarstvo, a u okviru njega i priprema mineralnih sirovina, se odlikuje složenošću tehnoloških procesa što je posledica velikog broja uticajnih parametara. Samim tim je potrebno biti veoma obazriv prilikom donošenja odluka u oblasti rudarstva. U cilju što efikasnijeg funkcionisanja procesa, moguće je primeniti različite metode koje služe za pojednostavljenje procesa odlučivanja. Jedna od takvih metoda jeste i teorija grubih skupova. Ona predstavlja relativno novu matematičku teoriju koja je pogodna za razumevanje nepreciznih i nepotpunih podataka kao i za otkrivanje ...rudarstvo, priprema mineralnih sirovina, teorija grubih skupova, višekriterijumsko odlučivanje, flotacijsko jalovište, flotacijski kolektor, flotaciona mašina... Denut, The dam breakage of Baia Mare–a pilot study of magnetic screening, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Vol.27, 2002, pp. 1371–1376. 82. N. Eriksson, P. Adamek, The tailings pond failure at the Aznalcóllar mine, Spain, Environmental Issues and Management of Waste in Energy and Mineral ...
... forecasting the revenues growth rate of the electronic industry, Expert Systems with Applications 37, 2010, pp. 610–617. 22. B. S. Ahna, S. S. Chob, C. Y. Kimc, The integrated methodology of rough set theory and artificial neural network for business failure prediction, Expert Systems with Applications ...
... 29. C.-S. Son, Y.-N. Kim, H.-S. Kim, H.-S. Park, M.-S. Kim, Decision-making model for early diagnosis of congestive heart failure using rough set and decision tree approaches, Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45, 2012, pp. 999–1008. 30. Y. S. Chen, Modeling hybrid rough set-based classification ...Zoran M. Štirbanović. "Modeliranje tehnoloških procesa u rudarstvu u uslovima nedovoljnosti podataka primenom teorije grubih skupova" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-07-01)
Развој модела употребног квалитета помоћне механизације на површинским коповима лигнита
Драгица Јагодић Крунић (2021)Тренутно стање помоћне механизације на површинским коповима лигнита је незадовољавајуће узроковано пре свега старошћу и неблаговременом заменом машима услед чега је расположивост недовољна а трошкови експлоатације и одржавања високи. Тренутно стање и захтеви који се постављају пред ове машине указују на неопходност оптимизације процеса управљања помоћном механизацијом. Одређивање оптималног времена замене и преосталих могућности је најодговорнији управљачки задатак који треба да буде заснован на свеобухватном сагледавању економских, техничких и других узрочно последичних веза. Са економског аспекта гледано треба одржавати ...помоћна механизација, употребни квалитет, ефективност, расположивост, сигурност функционисања, ризик, трошкови животног циклуса, фази логика, Монте Карло метода... encompasses the analysis and synthesis of the following indicators: reliability, maintainability, functionality, maintenance support, severity of machine failure (time needed to bring the machine back to its operating condition, the effect of the machine failure on the work environment and its environmental ...
... 7-12. [18] Petrovic, D., i dr., Fuzzy Model for Risk Assessment of Machinery Failures, SYMMETRY- BASEL, 2020, vol. 12 br. 4, str. -. [19] Petrovic. D., i dr., Fuzzy expert analysis of the severity of mining machinery failure, APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, 2020, vol. 94 br., str. -. [20] Dhillon, ...
... модел процене ризика може се применити на било који технички систем. Дејан Петровић и др. у раду „Fuzzy expert analysis of the severity of mining machinery failure” [19] дају концепт анализе озбиљности отказа, једног од показатеља ризика. Полазне поставке овог концепта указују на готово свакодневну ...Драгица Јагодић Крунић. Развој модела употребног квалитета помоћне механизације на површинским коповима лигнита, Београд : [Д. Јагодић Крунић], 2021
The influence of Al<sup>3+</sup>ion on porcine pepsin activity<i>in vitro</i>
The in vitro effect of Al3þ ions in the concentration range 1.7·1026M–8.7·1023M on pepsin activity at pH 2, via kinetic parameters and its electrophoretic mobility was evaluated. Kinetic study demonstrated the existence of an activation effect of Al3þ at pH 2 on pepsin molecule. Kinetic analysis with respect to concentrations of haemoglobin showed that Al3þ ions increase the maximal velocity (Vmax) and kcat values rather than apparent affinity for substrate (KS) implying the non-competitive nature of activation which indicated ...... in patients with renal failure is well documented [16,17]. It has been proposed (with some controversy) as a cofactor in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer"s disease, as well as other neurodegenera– tive pathologies. Accumulated aluminium accelerates process of aggregation of amiloyd beta peptide ...
... highest activation of pepsin activity by 191% in the presence of 25 ag AP?/ mL of reaction mixture [25]. As the mechanism of Al'* ions on pepsin activity is not still clear, the objective of this study is to investigate the m oitro influence of different concen- trations of AL'* ions, physiological ...
... Activation of pepsin by Al * ions; The intercepts on the abscissa of the primary plot of [Hb]/V against reciprocal of activator concentrations provide the values of Aso used to obtain the plots of 1/Aso against vo/V shown in the inset. B, curve 2) contain characteristic bands of haemo- globin ...Vesna M. Pavelkić, Kristina R. Gopcević, Danijela Z. Krstić, Marija A. Ilić. "The influence of Al3+ion on porcine pepsin activityin vitro" in Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, Informa UK Limited (2008). https://doi.org/10.1080/14756360701841095
Contribution to the geotechnical classification of municipal waste landfills in Serbia
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law, Nature and Landscape Conservation, Geochemistry and Petrology, Waste Management and Disposal,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Water Science and Technology,Environmental Chemistry,Environmental EngineeringDragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić, Laslo Čaki, Slobodan Ćorić. "Contribution to the geotechnical classification of municipal waste landfills in Serbia" in Environmental Geotechnics, Thomas Telford Ltd. (2018). https://doi.org/10.1680/jenge.18.00028
The external aggregation Newton's method for solving nonlinear equations and applications
Marija Paunović, Dejan Ćebić, Nebojša Ralević. "The external aggregation Newton's method for solving nonlinear equations and applications" in The University Thought - Publication in Natural Sciences, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2020). https://doi.org/10.5937/univtho10-24982
Laboratory testing of fly ash
Fly ash is one of the most common waste materials created by burning of coal. It is composed of smaller particles, consisting mainly of aluminosilicate glass, mullite and quartz, which are collected by electrostatic separators (filter) of gaseous products arising from the combustion of coal. This paper presents the pozzolanic properties, mechanical properties, chemical and mineral composition of fly ash obtained in the combustion process in a power plant Nikola Tesla A (PPNT A) with the addition of a ...chemical composition, fly ash, mechanical properties, mineral properties, pozzolanic properties, X-ray diffraction... All prepared samples were stored for a while before the failure. The test was performed with three different series of samples: - samples cured in a wet chamber for 7 days, - samples cured in a wet chamber for 28 days, - samples cured in a wet chamber for 112 days. The uniaxila strength is ...
... - the modulus of elasticity. The aim of research is to test the possibility of using the fly ash from PPNT A for making elements of road structures (top and bottom layers of the road). 2 Experimental 2.1 Mineral properties of fly ash Mineral properties of samples of fly ash from thermal ...
... the addition of a binder hydrated lime and cement. Tests were performed after 7 and 28 days in a humid environment with different amounts of extra binder: - samples without the addition of binders, - a sample with the addition of 2 % of binder, - a sample with the addition of 4 % of binder, - ...Miloš Šešlija, Aleksandra Rosić, Nebojša Radović, Milinko Vasić, Mitar Đogo, Milovan Jotić. "Laboratory testing of fly ash" in Tehnički vijesnik (2016). https://doi.org/10.17559/TV-20150317171035
Determination of the groundwater-leakage mechanism (binary mixing) in a karstic dam site using thermometry and isotope approach (HPP Visegrad, Bosnia, and Herzegovina)
Earth-Surface Processes,Geology, Pollution, Soil Science, Water Science and Technology, Environmental Chemistry, Global and Planetary ChangeLjiljana Vasić, Saša Milanović, Anita Puskás-Preszner, Laszlo Palcsu. "Determination of the groundwater-leakage mechanism (binary mixing) in a karstic dam site using thermometry and isotope approach (HPP Visegrad, Bosnia, and Herzegovina)" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-020-08910-x
Процена ризика од удеса на флотацијском јаловишту "Ваља Фундата
Милица Илиевски (2024)У овом завршном раду под називом: „Процена ризика од удеса на флоатацијском јаловишту „Ваља Фундата““ кроз 8 поглавља описане су примењене методе за управљање флотацијском јаловином, као и могући сценарији удеса који могу настати услед нестабилности брана или природних катастрофа.Рад користи технике попут FMEA и ALARP за анализу ризика, при чему се ризик дефинише као функција вероватноће и последица инцидента.Препоручене су мере за смањење ризика и унапређење стабилности брана,укључујући редовно одржавање и надградњу инфраструктуре.Резултати рада указују да је ризик ...... OM JazmoBHImTy "Bajba ODynanara", 2022, uHTepHu MaTepHjaiı. 6. Graham Wayne J, A procedure for estimating loss of life caused by dam failure, U.S. Department of Interior Bureau of Reclamation, DS0O 99-06 Denver, Colorado. 1999. 7. (“Cn. InacHuak PC” 0p. 63/2017) 3akoH o yripaBJbabby OTHaJIOM ...
... with risk defined as a function of the probability and consequences of an incident. Measures to reduce risks and improve dam stability are recommended, including regular maintenance and infrastructure upgrades. The results of the study indicate that the risk of accidents is classifled as "low to ...
... the speed of evacuation and the direction of the flood wave. The Valja Fundata flotation tailings facility is classified in Category A due to potential significant environmental consequences, including long-term pollution of water, soil, and air, as well as the risk to the health of the local ...Милица Илиевски. Процена ризика од удеса на флотацијском јаловишту "Ваља Фундата, 2024
Hyperpycnites within the Devonian-Carboniferous flysch of the Carpatho-Balkanides (Kostadinovica, eastern Serbia)
Miloš Radonjić (2020)This study presents new discoveries of vascular plants and the trace fossil Dictyodora liebeana (GEINITZ) from the Devonian–Carboniferous Kučaj-Zvonce flysch of the Carpatho-Balkanides and the implications of this fossil association for its sedimentary setting. The occurrence of the described plant debris in a deep-marine environment indicates the presence of hyperpycnites within the siliciclastic turbidites exposed at the Kostadinovica locality. The sedimentological data and the characteristics of the fossil material support the proposed model in which the sediment was at ...Mississippian flora, Dictyodora liebeana (GEINITZ), hyperpycnites, Kučaj-Zvonce flysch, Carpatho-Balkanides... SYVITSKI, 1995). In contrast, remobilization of the sediment by turbidity currents is manifested by brief events (lasting several minutes) that originate on the basin slope due to stability failure of the sediment (MUTTI et al., 2009). The result- ing deposits of both processes reflect their different ...
... at an angle of 40 to 50°. Varia- tions of the dip directions of bedding planes and their dip angles are due to the deformed state of the whole unit. Deformational fabrics are composed of a series of cleavages which significantly disrupt the primary sedimentary structures. Development of seve- ral ...
... modes of transport was limited by the insufficient quantity of the obtained sedimentological samples. This led to the use of fossils as an in- dicator of hyperpycnal transport. The presented study could be used as a starting point for a more detailed petrological analysis of the provenance of the ...Miloš Radonjić. "Hyperpycnites within the Devonian-Carboniferous flysch of the Carpatho-Balkanides (Kostadinovica, eastern Serbia)" in Geologia Croatica, Croatian Geological Survey (2020). https://doi.org/10.4154/gc.2020.13
Advancing Sentiment Analysis in Serbian Literature: A Zero and Few-Shot Learning Approach Using the Mistral Model
Ova studija predstavlja analizu sentimenta srpskih starih romana iz perioda 1840-1920, koristeći veliki jezički model (LLM) Mistral za tehniku učenja sa zasnovani na takozvanim "zero" i "few-shot" pokušajima. Glavni pristup uvodi inovacije osmišljavanjem istraživačkih upita (promptova) uključuju tekst sa uputstvom za klasifikaciju bez primera i na osnovu nekoliko primera, omogućavajući jezičkom modelu da klasifikuje osećanja u pozitivne, negativne ili objektivne kategorije. Ova metodologija ima za cilj da pojednostavi analizu osećanja ograničavanjem odgovora, čime se povećava preciznost ...Milica Ikonić Nešić, Saša Petalinkar, Mihailo Škorić, Ranka Stanković, Biljana Rujević. "Advancing Sentiment Analysis in Serbian Literature: A Zero and Few-Shot Learning Approach Using the Mistral Model" in In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2024), BAS (2024)
Rezultati ispitivanja parametara čvrstoće i dinamičkih svojstava mermera i mogućnost njihove korelacije
Ispitivanja stena kao radne sredine, odnosno materijala sa kojim se gradi, na kome se gradi i u kome se gradi, svojom složenošću zahteva njeno svestrano izučavanje po velikom broju parametara. Zadatak Mehanike stena je da što bolje upozna ponašanje stenske mase i njenu otpornost na dejstvo pritiska, zatezanja i smicanja, kao i dinamičkih svojstava. Poznavanje navedenih parametara i njihova korelacija omogućavaju pouzdaniji izbor parametara za projektovanje danas sve zahtevnijih uslova kako podzemne, tako i površinske eksploatacije. U ovom radu ...mermer, jednoosna čvrstoća na pritisak, čvrstoća na istezanje, brzina longitudinalnih elastičnih talasa, korelacijaJelena Majstorović-Necković, Vladimir Čebašek, Veljko Rupar. "Rezultati ispitivanja parametara čvrstoće i dinamičkih svojstava mermera i mogućnost njihove korelacije" in 11. Međunarodna konferencija “Ugalj i kritični materijali" CCM 2023, Zlatibor, 11-14. oktobar 2023., Beograd : Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2023)
Hronološki pregled razvoja površinske eksploatacije lignita u Srbiji
U ovom preglednom radu dat je istorijski pregled razvoja površinske eksploatacije lignita na teritoriji Srbije, uz kratak osvrt na geološki nastanak i kvalitet i rezerve uglja, kao i mogućnosti korišćenja za dalju upotrebu. Kolubarski, Kostolački i Kovinski ugljeni baseni lignita u Srbiji, ne računajući Kosovsko-Metohijski i Drenički u sastavu AP Kosovo i Metohija po Rezoluciji 1244 UN, su ležišta najrasprostranjenijeg uglja - lignita u Srbiji koji se eksploatiše od druge polovine 20. veka na velikom broju površinskih kopova ...Bojan Dimitrijević, Radmila Gaćina, Bogoljub Vučković. "Hronološki pregled razvoja površinske eksploatacije lignita u Srbiji" in XI Međunarodna konferencija ugalj i kritični mineral CCM 2023, Zlatibor, 11-14. oktobar 2023., Beograd : Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2023)
Споменица 1991. – 2015. година: 135 година геологије и 70 година рударства на Универзитету у Београду
... the purpose of failure prevention. Journal of Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 18 (4), pp. 1203–1211. MANESKI, Т., JOVANČIĆ, P., IGNJATOVIĆ, D., MILOŠEVIĆ-MITIĆ, V., MANESKI, М., 2012: Condition and behaviour diagnostics of drive groups on belt conveyors. Journal of Engineering Failure Analysis ...
... structure diagnostics on bucket wheel excavator, for the purpose of failure prevention. Journal of Engineering Failure Analysis, 18 (4), 1203–1211. MIODRAGOVIĆ R., TANASIJEVIĆ M., MILEUSNIĆ Z., JOVANČIĆ P., 2012: Effectiveness assessment of agricultural machinery based on fuzzy sets theory. Expert Systems ...
... diagnostics on bucket wheel excavator, for the purpose of failure prevention, Journal of Engineering failure analysis, 2011. 85. Abolmasov B., Jovanovski M., Ferić P., Mihalić S.: Loesses Due to Histo- rical Earthquakes in The Balkan Region: overview of publicly available data, Geofizika, 2011. 86. ...главни и одговорни уредник Душан Поломчић. Споменица 1991. – 2015. година: 135 година геологије и 70 година рударства на Универзитету у Београду, Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет, 2016