2845 items
Geoheritage and Mining Heritage in the Promotion of Theme Parks: An Example of the National Park Đerdap (Carpathian-Balkan Thrust-And-Fold Belt, Eastern Serbia)
The National Park Đerdap (eastern Serbia, vicinity of the Danube River) occupies a segment of the Carpathian-Balkan fold-and-thrust belt and has a significant geoheritage potential, accounting for the impressive natural (geological) and cultural legacy. In addition to the extraordinary orogenic-type landscape or nappe-stacked mountainous configura tion, the region contains evidence of ancient mining activities, uncovered within its immediate neighbourhood. The ancient mining activities date back a few thousand years ago and represent a solid ground for the idea of ...Karpatobalkanski pojas nabora i navlaka, Geopark Djerdap, Tematski park "Muzej rudarstva", Konzervacija, Održivi razvoj, Geotopi, SrbijaIvana Mojsić Velikić, Dragoman Rabrenović, Danica Srećković-Batoćanin, Darko Spahić. "Geoheritage and Mining Heritage in the Promotion of Theme Parks: An Example of the National Park Đerdap (Carpathian-Balkan Thrust-And-Fold Belt, Eastern Serbia)" in Geoheritage, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12371-022-00735-3
Komparativna analiza završnih kontura površinskog kopa Drmno
Definisanje optimalne završne konture površinskog kopa od suštinskog je značaja za ostvarivanje strateških ciljeva u razvoju rudarskih projekata. Savremeni programski paketi i metode za optimizaciju granica kopa, zasnivaju se na pronalasku završne konture koja obezbeđuje maksimalan profit. U slučaju površinskih kopova uglja, kod kojih osim profita postoji i čitav niz dodatnih kriterijuma i strateških ciljeva, princip optimizacije granica prema profitu, najčešće nije u potpunosti primenjiv. Iz rog razloga za uspešno definisanje granica površinskih kopova, neophodno je sagledati čitavu lepezu ...Dejan Stevanović, Dragan Ignjatović, Tomislav Šubaranović, Mirjana Banković, Petar Marković. "Komparativna analiza završnih kontura površinskog kopa Drmno" in XV Međunarodna konferencija OMC 2022, Zlatibor, 12-15. oktobar 2022., Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2022)
Application of the Fuzzy Model in the Evaluation and Selection of Hydraulic Excavators on Open-Pit Lignite Mine
Stevan Đenadić, Miloš Tanasijević, Vladimir Milisavljević, Dragan Ignjatović, Predrag Jovančić (2021)The production of lignite in large open-pit mines is mainly performed with continuously operating equipment, where bucket-wheel excavators, bucket-chain excavators, belt conveyors, and spreaders are the basic machines. Smaller machines, usually of discontinuous operating nature, are commonly categorized as auxiliary machines. This paper presents the research related to the analysis of auxiliary machine parameters with the case study for a hydraulic excavator. The purpose of the analysis was to develop a model of rating quality of service of the ...Stevan Đenadić, Miloš Tanasijević, Vladimir Milisavljević, Dragan Ignjatović, Predrag Jovančić. "Application of the Fuzzy Model in the Evaluation and Selection of Hydraulic Excavators on Open-Pit Lignite Mine" in SSRN Electronic Journal, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3945617
WebGIS Cadastre of Abandoned Mines in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović, Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Radule Tošović, Milica Pešić-Georgiadis (2015)... facilities, Directories, Statistics, Reports. Handling of all datasets takes place in a similar way: the first page features a tabular representation of the data set with the possibility of search, that is, filtering according to given criteria. The level of access to data and the possibilities for editing ...
... territory of AP Vojvodina respectively. The software solution provides for viewing, search, and classification of abandoned mines by priorities based on defined criteria. When creating the database, special attention was devoted to functions for reporting that enable the management of sustainable ...
... with evaluations and evaluation criteria. Report on ranked abandoned mines with evaluations and a list of business partners with and without registered abandoned facilities, but with mandatory status, are also available. The user can select to print a single record of an abandoned facility or records ...Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović, Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Radule Tošović, Milica Pešić-Georgiadis. "WebGIS Cadastre of Abandoned Mines in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina" in Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium Mining And Environmental Protection,June 10-13,2015, Vrdnik, Serbia, Belgrade : Faculty of Mining and Geology (2015)
Faktori uticaja na izbor optimalnog sistema odbrane od podzemnih voda kod površinskih kopova
Dragoljub Bajić, Dušan Polomčić (2015)Dragoljub Bajić, Dušan Polomčić. "Faktori uticaja na izbor optimalnog sistema odbrane od podzemnih voda kod površinskih kopova" in VII Međunarodna konferencija Ugalj 2015, Zlatibor 14-17. oktobar 2015., Beograd : Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2015)
The Nooj System as Module within an Integrated Language Processing Environment
... this shortcoming and enable better exploitation of aligned texts as resources of great value. This is achieved by integration of all the resources supported by WS4LR. It may best be illustrated by concordance production using various search criteria such as simple strings, lemmas (with all their ...
... done on the basis of data from wordnets for corresponding languages. Thus the search criteria including dokument, papir, akt is expanded with document, written document, papers. Optionally, the user can include literals from hypernyms of the selected synsets, so the search criteria includes pisanxe ...
... word-sense pairs, definition, usage, but also other properties, such as semantic relations to other synsets. In the hypernym/hyponym view, the user can easily navigate through its hypernym/hyponym tree and proceed to further modifications of synsets. WS4LR allows for adding of new synsets to wordnets ...Ranka Stanković, Duško Vitas, Cvetana Krstev. "The Nooj System as Module within an Integrated Language Processing Environment" in Proceedings of the 2007 International Nooj Conference, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2008)
Contribution to the geotechnical classification of municipal waste landfills in Serbia
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law, Nature and Landscape Conservation, Geochemistry and Petrology, Waste Management and Disposal,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Water Science and Technology,Environmental Chemistry,Environmental EngineeringDragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić, Laslo Čaki, Slobodan Ćorić. "Contribution to the geotechnical classification of municipal waste landfills in Serbia" in Environmental Geotechnics, Thomas Telford Ltd. (2018). https://doi.org/10.1680/jenge.18.00028
Assessments of effects of implementation of strategic plans for development of Belgrade District heating system
The district heating system (DHS) is one of the key elements of the Belgrade energy system. Overview of the current state and basic characteristics of the DHS are presented in this paper. The focus is on the planned development of DHS and on the analyses of effects of realization of measures and projects defined by strategic documents related to DHS which are adopted by city authorities (Development Strategy of DHS and Strategy of Belgrade Development). Two exploratory scenarios were ...Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Aleksandar Madžarević, Miodrag Grujić. "Assessments of effects of implementation of strategic plans for development of Belgrade District heating system" in Sustainable Cities and Society, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2020.102304
Hyperpycnites within the Devonian-Carboniferous flysch of the Carpatho-Balkanides (Kostadinovica, eastern Serbia)
Miloš Radonjić (2020)This study presents new discoveries of vascular plants and the trace fossil Dictyodora liebeana (GEINITZ) from the Devonian–Carboniferous Kučaj-Zvonce flysch of the Carpatho-Balkanides and the implications of this fossil association for its sedimentary setting. The occurrence of the described plant debris in a deep-marine environment indicates the presence of hyperpycnites within the siliciclastic turbidites exposed at the Kostadinovica locality. The sedimentological data and the characteristics of the fossil material support the proposed model in which the sediment was at ...Mississippian flora, Dictyodora liebeana (GEINITZ), hyperpycnites, Kučaj-Zvonce flysch, Carpatho-Balkanides... Devonian of the Carpatho-Balka- nides (PANTIĆ, 1960) was often used as one of the age criteria Hyperpycnites within the Devonian-Carboniferous flysch of the Carpatho-Balkanides (Kostadinovica, eastern Serbia) Miloš Radonjić University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Department of Regional ...
... et al., 2012). These diagnostic criteria were used to in- dicate the presence of hyperpycnites within the turbidites of the Kučaj-Zvonce flysch. The characteristics of the Kučaj-Zvonce flysch were studied at the Kostadinovica quarry in which 31.75 m of the siliciclastic succession is exposed. Analyzed ...
... poorly sorted and composed mainly of quartz, feldspars and lithic fragments. Finer rocks are represented by siltstones or mudstones. Way up criteria (primarily the fining upward trend of grain size, relations of erosive/gradual transitions and the relationships of cross-lamination within beds) were ...Miloš Radonjić. "Hyperpycnites within the Devonian-Carboniferous flysch of the Carpatho-Balkanides (Kostadinovica, eastern Serbia)" in Geologia Croatica, Croatian Geological Survey (2020). https://doi.org/10.4154/gc.2020.13
Eksploatacioni učinci ugljenih sistema na površinskom kopu Tamnava–Zapadno polje
U radu su analizirani eksploatacioni učinci ugljenih sistema na površinskom kopu Tamnava–Zapadno polje. Period analize je prvih šest meseci tekuće godine. Analiza je vršena sa aspekta ostvarene proizvodnje, kvaliteta uglja, efektivnog vremena rada, kapacitetnog i vremenskog iskoršćenja i zastoja sistema. Za poređenje podataka različitih parametara koji po svojoj prirodi nisu međusobno uporedivi, u radu su korišćene metode višekriterijumskog odlučivanja.... Srbije, 2019.; [4] Samanta, B., Sarkar, B., & Murkherjee, S.K. (2002). Selection of opencast mining equipment by a multi-criteria decision-making process. Mining Technology, 111(2), 136-142; [5] Basçetin, A. (2009). The study of decision making tools for equipment selection in mining engineering operations ...
... da, R. (2019). Multi-criteria decision making for the choice problem in mining and mineral processing: Applications and trends. Expert [8] Bazzazi, A. A., Osanloo, M., & Karimi, B. (2011). Deriving preference order of open pit mines equipment through MADM methods: Application of modified VIKOR method ...
... ijumskog odlučivanja. Abstract: This paper analyzed the exploitation effects of coal systems at the open–pit mine Tamnava–West field for the first six months of the current year. The analysis was performed in the aspect of reached production, coal quality, effective working time, capacity and time u ...Marko Lazić, Filip Miletić, Milena Lekić, Veljko Rupar, Željko Petrović, Lazar Žujović . "Eksploatacioni učinci ugljenih sistema na površinskom kopu Tamnava–Zapadno polje" in 10th International Conference Coal 2021, Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju, Zlatibor (2021)
Речници у дигиталном добу - информатичка подршка за српски језик
Биљана Рујевић (2022)Морфолошки речници српског језика представљају електронски језички ресурс који има значајну историју развоја и коришћења за потребе обраде природних језика. С обзиром на то да су чувани у облику датотека чији је број нарастао па је самим тим управљање речницима постало отежано јавила се потреба за смештањем информација из речника у облик лексикографске базе. Како би се омогућио симултани рад на развоју речника за више корисника јавила се потреба за веб-апликацијом заснованој на лексикографској бази. Како би се размотриле ...Биљана Рујевић. Речници у дигиталном добу - информатичка подршка за српски језик, Београд : [Б. Рујевић], 2022
An Italian-Serbian Sentence Aligned Parallel Literary Corpus
This article presents the construction and relevance of an Italian-Serbian sentence-aligned parallel corpus, delving into the aligned sentences in order to facilitate effective translation between the two languages. The parallel corpus serves as a valuable resource for language experts, researchers, and language enthusiasts, fostering a deeper understanding of linguistic nuances and cultural expressions. By bridging the gap between Serbian and Italian, this corpus opens new avenues for cross-cultural communication and collaboration, and ultimately contributes to the improvement of language-related ...Saša Moderc, Ranka Stanković, Aleksandra Tomašević, Mihailo Škorić. "An Italian-Serbian Sentence Aligned Parallel Literary Corpus" in Review of the National Center for Digitization, Belgrade : Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade (2023). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11203388
An intelligent hybrid system for surface coal mine safety analysis
Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Aleksandar Cvjetić. "An intelligent hybrid system for surface coal mine safety analysis" in Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (2010)
From DELA Based Dictionary to Leximirka Lexical Database
Biljana Lazić, Mihailo Škorić (2020)In this paper, we will present an approach in transforming Serbian language Morphological dictionaries from a DELA text format to a lexical database dubbed Leximirka. Considering the benefits of storing data within a database when compared to storing them in textual documents, we will outline some of the functionality that the database has made possible. We will also show how hand-made rules that use category labels lexical entries are marked with can be used to link lexical entries. ...... segment is produced to enable the evaluation of the au- tomatically obtained list of candidates for dictionary entries. It is left to the evaluator to decide whether a candidate word meets criteria to enter SMD and it is mainly intended for the creation of lexicons of multiword units or terminology lexicons ...
... p management segment of the Leximirka application, by filling in general information and by setting a set of rules that more closely define those relations. The rules themselves represent the criteria that both lexical entries must satisfy. Criteria can be set regarding part of speech, inflectional class ...
... individual dictionaries. Through the part of the application dedicated to lexical entries it is possible to add new and edit existing entries, as well as search them by lemma or data category markers. Lexical entries that match the specified search criteria appear as rows in the table. The registered ...Biljana Lazić, Mihailo Škorić. "From DELA Based Dictionary to Leximirka Lexical Database" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2020). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2019.19.2.4
Rock slope stability analysis under Hoek–Brown failure criterion with different flow rules
The stability analysis of homogeneous rock slope following the Hoek–Brown failure criterion under the hypothesis of different flow rules is performed based on limit equilibrium and finite element methods. The applied failure criterion is the generalized Hoek–Brown that can be introduced as a shear/normal function in analysis applying different flow rules. The results are compared with those obtained by the application of equivalent shear strength parameters of the Mohr–Coulomb criterion, considering that this is still the most widely used ...Kružna klizna površ, Huk-Braunov kriterijum loma, Kriterijum popuštanja, Smičuća/normalna funkcija, Nivo napona, Verovatnoća i parametarska analizaSvetlana Melentijević, Zoran Berisavljević, Dušan Berisavljević, Claudio Olalla Marañón . "Rock slope stability analysis under Hoek–Brown failure criterion with different flow rules" in Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment , Springer (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-024-03667-0
Izbor rotornih bagera za proces revitalizacije: primer rotornih bagera SRs 1200 u rudarskom basenu Kolubara
Predrag Jovančić, Dragan Ignjatović, Stevan Đenadić, Filip Miletić, Goran Todorović, Dragan Novaković (2020)Revitalizacija je proces ili skup tehničkih zahvata na mašini kojim se vrši zamena svih dotrajalih ili oštećenih delova metalne konstrukcije. Sastavni deo procesa revitalizacije je i modernizacija zastarele elektro-mašinske opreme. Principi revitalizacije sasvim sigurno nisu sadržani u okviru redovnog godišnjeg ili dnevnog održavanja. Oni predstavljaju održavanje onih veličina koje su značajne za mašinu kao celinu (u ovom slučaju rotorni bager). U ovom radu su analizirani rotorni bageri oznake SRs 1200. Na površinskim kopovima rudarskog basena Kolubara takvih bagera ima ...Predrag Jovančić, Dragan Ignjatović, Stevan Đenadić, Filip Miletić, Goran Todorović, Dragan Novaković. "Izbor rotornih bagera za proces revitalizacije: primer rotornih bagera SRs 1200 u rudarskom basenu Kolubara" in XIV Međunarodna konferencija OMC 2020, Zlatibor, Srbija, 14-17. oktobar 2020., Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2020)
Srbija u OneGeology Europe
Геолошки завод Србије као носилац Пројекта ОneGeologyEurope заједно са Рударско геолошким факултетом и Министарством за природне ресурсе, рударство и просторно планирање су се укључили у међународни Пројекат OneGeology Europe у мају 2013. године у већ поодмаклој фази израде Пројекта. До краја 2013. године испунили су завршене активности које треба да доведу до пуноправног укључења у Пројекат чиме је Република Србија нашла своје место на Геолошкој карти Европе 1:1М. Геолошка карта Србије 1:1М представља компилациону односно поједностављену верзију ОГК 1:500 ...... European trend of exchanging data on the basis of uniform criteria for separation, harmonization and improvement of the results achieved. The positive side of this kind of data archiving, is that it ensures that the data are archived, accessible and harmonized. It enables the comparison of data from ...
... European trend of exchanging data on the basis of uniform criteria for separation, harmonization and improvement of the results achieved. The positive side of this kind of data archiving, is that it ensures that the data are archived, accessible and harmonized. It enables the comparison of data from different ...
... ty of metadata is developed a multilingual terminology database. Each participating country, or national data provider, has received a list of terms in English which was translated into the native language of one-to-one, so that the integration of all possible paired terms describes sets of data ...Danka Blagojević, Ranka Stanković, Petar Stejić, Velizar Nikolić. "Srbija u OneGeology Europe" in Zapisnici Srpskog geološkog društva za 2013. godinu, Beograd : Srpsko geološko društvo (2014)
INVENTS: A Hybrid Mine Ventilation Planning and Design System
Ventilation system analysis is a complex process based on the calculation and analysis of numerous parameters. These problems can be successfully solved by the SimVent numerical package, but a full understanding and use of the obtained results require the involvement of an experienced specialist in the ventilation field. The solution was found in the creation of a hybrid system INVENTS, whose knowledge base represents a formalization of the expert knowledge in the mine ventilation field. In this paper we ...... diagram of the novel design concept The outlined system (Figure 3) permits an aerodynamic definition of mine ventilation network based on psychrometric recordings and the use of ResNet software, i.e. the establishment of actual aerodynamic resistance of mine chambers and thus the configuration of the ...
... c parameters Fig. 3. Architecture of the hybrid system INVENTS 3. Software implementation of INVENTS The hybrid system INVENTS for planing and analysis of mine ventilation is composed of three program modules: a software package for aerodynamic definition of mine ventilation networks - ResNet ...
... concept of mine ventilation planing and design The results obtained after the desired analysis by SimVent can be exported to VENTEX – a diagnostic expert system that performs the analysis of obtained results according to a number of criteria. The result of such an expert analysis is an estimate of the ...Lilić Nikola, Stanković Ranka, Obradović Ivan. "INVENTS: A Hybrid Mine Ventilation Planning and Design System" in Proceedings of International Scientific Conference of FME Session 4: Automation Control and Applied Informatics , Hong Kong : iConcept Press (2013)
INVENTS: a hybrid system for subsurface ventilation analysis
Ventilation system analysis is a complex process based on the calculation and analysis of numerous parameters. These problems can be successfully solved by the SimVent numerical package, but a full understanding and use of the obtained results require the involvement of an experienced specialist in the ventilation field. The solution was found in the creation of a hybrid system INVENTS, whose knowledge base represents a formalization of the expert knowledge in the mine ventilation field. In this paper we ...... diagram of the novel design concept The outlined system (Figure 3) permits an aerodynamic definition of mine ventilation network based on psychrometric recordings and the use of ResNet software, i.e. the establishment of actual aerodynamic resistance of mine chambers and thus the configuration of the ...
... c parameters Fig. 3. Architecture of the hybrid system INVENTS 3. Software implementation of INVENTS The hybrid system INVENTS for planing and analysis of mine ventilation is composed of three program modules: a software package for aerodynamic definition of mine ventilation networks - ResNet ...
... concept of mine ventilation planing and design The results obtained after the desired analysis by SimVent can be exported to VENTEX – a diagnostic expert system that performs the analysis of obtained results according to a number of criteria. The result of such an expert analysis is an estimate of the ...Nikola Lilić, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović. "INVENTS: a hybrid system for subsurface ventilation analysis" in Proc. of International Scientific Conference of FME, September 2000, Ostrava, FME (2000)
Prioritization of strategic measures for strengthening the security of supply of the Serbian natural gas sector
To strengthen the security of supply of the Serbian gas sector, it is necessary to analyze the impact of planned strategic measures. The analysis involves the identification of the most influential threats to the security of natural gas supply and prioritization of the strategic measures for overcoming the consequences of threats. The proposed methodology is based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process. The obtained weights for the identified threats and strategic measures are formed according to experts' judgments. The results ...Sigurnost snabdevanja, Donošenje odluka, Snabdevanje prirodnim gasom, Fazi AHP, Energetski indikatoriBoban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković. "Prioritization of strategic measures for strengthening the security of supply of the Serbian natural gas sector" in Energy Policy, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111936