333 items
The Mine Non Sulfid Ore From Prlovi-2 Locality Characterization
Lazić Predrag, Tomanec Rudolf, Miković B.. "The Mine Non Sulfid Ore From Prlovi-2 Locality Characterization" in Proceedings of The XIV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress I, Tuzla: (2011): 262-268
The Influence of Cyanide Salts and Ferrous Sulphate on Pyrite Floatability
Kostović Milena, Vučinić Dušica (2016)Kostović Milena, Vučinić Dušica. "The Influence of Cyanide Salts and Ferrous Sulphate on Pyrite Floatability" in Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing (2016)
Laboratory Investigation on Fly Ash Pelletization and application areas
Tomanec Rudolf, Lazić Predrag, Birčević D., Fečko P., Čablik V.. "Laboratory Investigation on Fly Ash Pelletization and application areas" in Proceedings of The XIV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress I, Tuzla: (2011): 389-395
FrameNet Lexical Database: Presenting a Few Frames Within the Risk Domain
U radu se daje kratak prikaz teorije semantike okvira, na kojoj je zasnovana leksička baza Frejmnet. Predstavljena je koncepcija ove mreže, kao i mogućnosti njene primene. Predstavljena je i leksička analiza koja se primenjuje u projektu izrade Frejmneta i ukazano na razlike između analize zasnovane na okviru u odnosu na analizu zasnovanu na reči. Zatim je prikazano nekoliko povezanih okvira koje prizivaju reči iz domena rizika. U radu je predstavljena i platforma NLTК pomoću koje se mogu koristiti ...... and lexical resources. NLTK offers different types of text processing, amongst which are: classification, tokenization, stemming, tagging, parsing and se- mantic reasoning. The NLTK system uses wrappers for other Python natural language processing and lexical resource libraries. One of the APIs available ...
... analysis tool. We have shown that FrameNet offers a detailed and structured mapping, which can then be used in different ways for language processing, especially in text extraction and organizing, as well as in an effort to make human- computer interaction more natural in applications like chatbots. A chatbot ...
... ́ 2021). The current version contains 4.1 million words. It comprises project documentation (26%), legislation (11%), doctoral dissertations (31%), text- books and other mining literature (32%) (Kitanović et al. 2021, 8). Figure 5. Concordances for adjective-noun pattern containing the noun ризик ...Aleksandra Marković, Ranka Stanković, Natalija Tomić, Olivera Kitanović. "FrameNet Lexical Database: Presenting a Few Frames Within the Risk Domain" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2021). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2021.21.1.1
Geotechnical Conditions of Industrial Waste Landfill Construction for U.S. Steel Serbia
Rakić Dragoslav, Vojnović Bogdan, Berisavljević Dušan, Basarić Irena. "Geotechnical Conditions of Industrial Waste Landfill Construction for U.S. Steel Serbia" in Proceedings of the XV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Sozopol, Bulgaria: (2013): 1056-1060
A review of Veliki Majdan tailings dam rehabilitation,
Kostović Milena, Vitorović Zdravko (2011)Kostović Milena, Vitorović Zdravko. "A review of Veliki Majdan tailings dam rehabilitation," in Proceedings of the XIV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress II, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina:Faculty of Mining, geology and civil engineering in Tuzla and Faculty of Mining in Prijedor, University of Tuzla (2011): 799-801
Automatic construction of a morphological dictionary of multi-word units
The development of a comprehensive morphological dictionary of multi-word units for Serbian is a very demanding task, due to the complexity of Serbian morphology. Manual production of such a dictionary proved to be extremely time-consuming. In this paper we present a procedure that automatically produces dictionary lemmas for a given list of multi-word units. To accomplish this task the procedure relies on data in e-dictionaries of Serbian simple words, which are already well developed. We also offer an evaluation ...electronic dictionary, Serbian, morphology, inflection, multiwordn units, noun phrases, query expansion... finite-state transducers (FSTs) that rely on morphological e-dictionaries of simple words to model these MWUs correctly [4]. When applied to a text in automatic text analysis these FSTs associate recognized MWUs with lemmas as well as with appropriate grammatical categories. Both the associated lem- mas ...
... Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Duško Vitas, Miloš Utvić | Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6233, Advances in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of the 7thInternational Conference on NLP, IceTAL 2010, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 2010 | 2010 | | 10.1007/978-3-642-14770-8_26 ...
... units, noun phrases, query expansion 1 Introduction We have been developing morphological electronic dictionaries of Serbian for natural language processing for many years now. Our e-dictionaries follow the methodology and format known as DELAS/DELAF, which is presented for French in [1]4. Serbian e- ...Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Duško Vitas, Miloš Utvić. "Automatic construction of a morphological dictionary of multi-word units" in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6233, Advances in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of the 7thInternational Conference on NLP, IceTAL 2010, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 2010, Springer (2010): 226-237. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-14770-8_26
From DELA Based Dictionary to Leximirka Lexical Database
Biljana Lazić, Mihailo Škorić (2020)In this paper, we will present an approach in transforming Serbian language Morphological dictionaries from a DELA text format to a lexical database dubbed Leximirka. Considering the benefits of storing data within a database when compared to storing them in textual documents, we will outline some of the functionality that the database has made possible. We will also show how hand-made rules that use category labels lexical entries are marked with can be used to link lexical entries. ...... Univerzitet u Beogradu, Matematički fakultet, 1993 Vitas, Duško, Gordana Pavlovic-Lažetić and Cvetana Krstev. “Electronic dictionary and text processing in Serbo-Croatian”. In Sprache - Kommu- nikation - Informatik: Akten des 26. Linguistischen Kolloquiums, Poznań 1991, 225–232. Berlin: De Gruyter ...
... dictionary to . . . ”, pp. 81–98 of terms, the extraction of time expressions and advanced search of text repositories and libraries. The morphological dictionaries were developed in the DELA text format (fr. Dictionnaires électroniques du LADL2 ) which will be discussed in Sec- tion 2.1. As the ...
... and to make them in- teroperable and reusable. Three standards for lexical information have been considered: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange, Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)3, Lexical Markup Framework (LMF)4 and the Lemon model5. Although Chapter 9 of the TEI Guidelines addresses ...Biljana Lazić, Mihailo Škorić. "From DELA Based Dictionary to Leximirka Lexical Database" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2020). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2019.19.2.4
Wordnet Development Using a Multifunctional Tool
Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković (2007)In this paper we present a multifunctional tool for manipulating heterogeneous language resources. The tool handles electronic dictionaries, wordnets and aligned texts, and provides for their synchronous use in various tasks. We focus here on the description of the possibilities this tool offers in the development of wordnets. Besides the wordnet module which enables parallel handling of two wordnets, other modules, such as the module for morphological dictionaries and the module for aligned texts, as well as available finite ...... did not support the processing of texts in Unicode, and as the usage of this encoding became more and more frequent, the development of a new tool that could handle text in Unicode became inevitable. Building on the functionalities of Intex, but allowing the processing of texts in Unicode, ...
... original PWN synset and words he/she has already selected for the target synset. Then, if a highlighted word found in the text in English does not have a highlighted match in the text in the target language, the lexicographer should inspect the sentence in the target language for a possible match, ...
... transducers (FSTs) to locate morphological, lexical and syntactic patterns, remove ambiguities, and tag simple and compound words in texts. The text parsing possibilities offered by regular expressions and FSTs proved also useful in wordnet development, and we will give some more details on ...Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković. "Wordnet Development Using a Multifunctional Tool" in Proceedings of the International Workshop Computer Aided Language Processing (CALP) '2007, Borovets, Bulgaria, September 2007, - (2007)
Improving Document Retrieval in Large Domain Specific Textual Databases Using Lexical Resources
Large collections of textual documents represent an example of big data that requires the solution of three basic problems: the representation of documents, the representation of information needs and the matching of the two representations. This paper outlines the introduction of document indexing as a possible solution to document representation. Documents within a large textual database developed for geological projects in the Republic of Serbia for many years were indexed using methods developed within digital humanities: bag-of-words and named ...... can also contain an abstract and/or a snippet, a relevant text fragment. The content of a document surrogate, or its part, can be generated automatically by extracting and selecting specific terms (words) from the document text. Language processing methods and techniques devel- oped within the field of ...
... Databases 7 Query processing on the server side expands the faceted query by creating a matrix of key words, fields that are searched, and weight factors (see Table 1), and then translates this query into SQL (Structured Query Language) form. The query generated in such a way searches the text of the subset ...
... language processing of Serbian consisting of lexical resources and local grammars are being developed using the finite-state methodology as described in [3,7]. The role of electronic dictionar- ies, covering both simple words and multi-word units, and dictionary finite-state transducers (FSTs) is text tagging ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović. "Improving Document Retrieval in Large Domain Specific Textual Databases Using Lexical Resources" in Trans. Computational Collective Intelligence - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 26, Springer (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59268-8_8
E-Dictionaries and Finite-State Automata for the Recognition of Named Entities
Krstev Cvetana, Vitas Duško, Obradović Ivan, Utvić Miloš. "E-Dictionaries and Finite-State Automata for the Recognition of Named Entities" in Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Finite State Methods and Natural Language Processing, FSMNLP 2011, July 2010, Blois, France, A. Maletti and M. Constant (eds.), :Association for Computational Linguistics (2011): 48-56
The influence of process parameters on the structure and properties of mica mechanically activated in an ultra centrifugal mill
Andrić Ljubiša, Aćimović-Pavlović Zagorka, Trumić Milan, Kostović Milena. "The influence of process parameters on the structure and properties of mica mechanically activated in an ultra centrifugal mill" in Journal of Ceramic Processing Research 13 no. 4 (2012): 470-475
Impact of modern technological equipment at improvement of technological and economical indicators in lead and zinc flotation plant “Kopaonik” – Leposavic, RMHK “Trepca” – Serbia
Lazić Predrag, Mališić Z., Vidosavljević S., Ivanović M., Antonijević D.. "Impact of modern technological equipment at improvement of technological and economical indicators in lead and zinc flotation plant “Kopaonik” – Leposavic, RMHK “Trepca” – Serbia" in Proceedings of the XV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Sozopol: (2013): 648-651
Improvement of Queries using a Rule Based Procedure for Inflection of Compounds and Phrases
Stanković Ranka (2008)Stanković Ranka. "Improvement of Queries using a Rule Based Procedure for Inflection of Compounds and Phrases" in POLIBITS, Research journal on Computer science and computer engineering with applications, Special section: Natural Langugage Processing, Journal of Research and Developement in Computer Science and Engeneering, ed. Grigori Sidorov no. 37, Mexico City, Mexico:Center for Technological Design and Development in Computer Science (CIDETEC) of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) (2008): 14-20
Softverski alati za korišćenje resursa za srpski jezik
Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković (2008)... (Silberztein, 1993) was used for text processing using dictionaries in LADL format. But since Intex did not enable processing of texts in Unicode and this coding scheme became more and more frequently used, the Unitex2 and Nooj3 system were developed, both allowing processing in Unicode, and sub- sequently ...
... sequently started to suppress Intex. Although all three systems enable text processing based on dictionaries in LADL format, none of them of- fered possibilities for management of the content of the dictionaries themselves. Thus a module was developed within WS4LR for the entry, re- view and update of ...
... practical reasons, because smaller dictionaries are easier to manage. Besides, and which is more important, the usage of all dictionaries during text processing using the Intex/Unitex systems is not always necessary, and sometimes even advis- able. The most important feature of the dictionary management ...Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković. "Softverski alati za korišćenje resursa za srpski jezik" in INFOteka: časopis za informatiku i bibliotekarstvo, Belgrade, Serbia : Zajednica biblioteka univerziteta u Srbiji (2008)
The mine ore from Prlovi-2 locality preliminary flotation tests
Lazić Predrag, Tomanec Rudolf, Kostović Milena, Miković Branislav. "The mine ore from Prlovi-2 locality preliminary flotation tests" in Proceedings of the XIV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress I, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina:Faculty of Mining, geology and civil engineering in Tuzla and Faculty of Mining in Prijedor, University of Tuzla (2011): 269-273
Model inteligentnog sistema adaptivnog upravljanja procesom prerade rude
Ivana M. Jovanović (2016-01-13)U oblasti procesa prerade rude, flotacijska koncentracija predstavlja jednu od najznačajnijih i najčešće primenjivanih metoda separacije korisnih od nekorisnih minerala. Samim tim, veoma je važno osigurati uspešan rad flotacijskog postrojenja kroz dostizanje zadovoljavajućih tehno-ekonomskih pokazatelja. Cilj upravljanja procesom flotacijske koncentracije je upravo optimizacija kvaliteta i iskorišćenja korisne komponente u koncentratu uz maksimizaciju profita. Shodno tome, istraživanja na polju modelovanja i upravljanja ovim procesom zauzimaju značajno mesto u praksi kontolnog inženjenringa.Teorijska istraživanja u okviru doktorske disertacije obuhvatila su analizu položaja ...flotacijska koncentracija, modelovanje, upravljanje, inteligentni sistem, soft kompjuting, fazi logika, veštačke neuronske mreže... Minerals Engineering 11 (6), pp. 489–499 44. Cipriano A., 2010. Industrial Products for advanced control of mineral processing plants. In: Advanced Control and Supervision of Mineral Processing Plants (Edited by D. Sbárbaro, R. del Villar), Chapter 7, pp. 287–308. 45. Cisternas, L.A., Lucay, F., Gálvez ...
... flotation unit using local models. Proceedings of IFAC Symposium: Automation in Mining, Metal and Mineral Processing, Cologne, Germany, 1-3 September, pp. 297–302 60. Drzymała, J., 2007. Mineral Processing: Foundations of theory and practice of minerallurgy. Wroclaw University of Technology, ISBN 978-83 ...
... machine behaviour. International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 5, Iss. 2, pp. 107–129 95. Harris, M.C., Runge, K.C., Whiten, W.J., Morrison, R.D., 2002. JKSimFloat as a practical tool for flotation process design and optimization. Mineral Processing Plant Design, Practice and Control, Vol. 1 (Edited ...Ivana M. Jovanović. "Model inteligentnog sistema adaptivnog upravljanja procesom prerade rude" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-01-13)
Production information system of the Pljevlja coal mine
Božo Kolonja, Ranka Stanković, Filip Vuković . "Production information system of the Pljevlja coal mine" in Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 2000, Routledge (2018). https://doi.org/10.1201/9780203747124-154
Creation of a Training Dataset for Question-Answering Models in Serbian
Razvoj i primena veštačke inteligencije u jezičkim tehnologijama značajno su napredovali poslednjih godina, posebno u domenu zadatka odgovaranja na pitanja (Question Answering - QA). Dok su postojeći resursi za QA zadatke razvijeni za glavne svetske jezike, srpski jezik je relativno zanemaren u ovoj oblasti. Ovaj rad predstavlja inicijativu za kreiranje obimnog i raznovrsnog skupa podataka za obučavanje modela za odgovaranje na pitanja na srpskom jeziku, koji će doprineti unapređenju jezičkih tehnologija za srpski jezik. Pored brojnih istraživanja o jezičkim modelima ...veštačka inteligencija, obrada prirodnog jezika, jezički resursi, anotirani skupovi, ekstrakcija informacija, odgovaranje na pitanjaRanka Stanković, Jovana Rađenović, Maja Ristić, Dragan Stankov. "Creation of a Training Dataset for Question-Answering Models in Serbian" in South Slavic Languages in the Digital Environment JuDig Book of Abstracts, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology, Serbia, November 21-23, 2024, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology (2024)
Simplified model for determining rock mass oscillation velocity at limestone deposit
Suzana Lutovac, Branko Gluščević, Miloš Gligorić, Jelena Majstorović, Rade Tokalić. "Simplified model for determining rock mass oscillation velocity at limestone deposit" in Prospects for developing resource-saving technologies in mineral mining and processing, UNIVERSITAS Publishing - Petrosani, Romania (2022)