988 items
Creating an environment for free education and technology enhanced learning
Radojičić Marija, Obradović Ivan, Tatar Saša, Linzalone Roberto, Schiuma Giovanni, Carlucci Daniela (2014)Radojičić Marija, Obradović Ivan, Tatar Saša, Linzalone Roberto, Schiuma Giovanni, Carlucci Daniela. "Creating an environment for free education and technology enhanced learning" in Proc. of the Fifth International Conference on e-learning (eLearning-2014), 22-23 September, Belgrade, Serbia, Belgrade:Metropolitan University (2014): 44-48
Model of oil and gas pipeline rinsing using the fluid flow
Batalović Veselin, Danilović Dušan, Živković Marija. "Model of oil and gas pipeline rinsing using the fluid flow" in Journal of Applied Engineering Science 9 no. 1, Beograd:Institute for Research and Design in Commerce and Industry (2011): 237-242
Uticaj sastava biogasa na emisiju polutanata mikroturbine sa pilot gorionikom
Живковић Марија, Аџић Мирољуб, Ивезић Дејан, Даниловић Душан, Миливојевић Саша. "Uticaj sastava biogasa na emisiju polutanata mikroturbine sa pilot gorionikom" in Savremena poljoprivredna tehnika 37 no. 3, Novi Sad:Nacionalno društvo za poljoprivrednu tehniku (2011): 225-333
Neki aspekti proizvodnje i korišćenja komprimovanog prirodnog gasa
Ivezić Dejan, Živković Marija, Madžarević Aleksandar, Jovančić Predrag, Danilović Dušan. "Neki aspekti proizvodnje i korišćenja komprimovanog prirodnog gasa" in Енергија, економија, екологија XVIII no. 01-Feb, :Савез енергетичара (2016): 42-48
Results of Experimental Installation of Roofbolting System in the Mines
Dragan Zlatanović, Marija Ilić, Vladimir Milisavljević, Dragan Ignjatović. "Results of Experimental Installation of Roofbolting System in the Mines" in Mining and Metalurgy Engineering Bor no. 4, Bor:Mining and Metallurgy Institute, Bor (2014): 65-84. https://doi.org/10.5937/MMEB1404065Z
Calculative image analysis of oxidation induced food colour changes
L. Pezo, M. Pavlović, S. Ostojić, Kovačević Olgica, Zlatanović Snežana, Ilić Marija, Gvozdenović Jasna (2010)L. Pezo, M. Pavlović, S. Ostojić, Kovačević Olgica, Zlatanović Snežana, Ilić Marija, Gvozdenović Jasna. "Calculative image analysis of oxidation induced food colour changes" in Rizici i eko -bezbednost u postmodernom ambijentu -Internacionalna konferencija, septembar 19-12 jun, Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar:Državni univerzitet u Novom Pazaru (DUNP) (2010): 125-131
Prevencija toksikacije lanca ljudske ishrane polihlorovanim bifenilima (PCB) primenom hemijskih postupaka degradacije
Dragan Manojlović, Olgica Cvetković, Ilić Marija, Vesna Pavelkić, Tomislav Jovanović, Miodrag Pavlović (2010)Dragan Manojlović, Olgica Cvetković, Ilić Marija, Vesna Pavelkić, Tomislav Jovanović, Miodrag Pavlović. "Prevencija toksikacije lanca ljudske ishrane polihlorovanim bifenilima (PCB) primenom hemijskih postupaka degradacije" in Nacionalna konferencija sa menunarodnim učešćem, Septembar 21-23, Divčibare, Zbornik radova, Beograd:Fakultet za ekologiju i zaštitu sredine, Univerzitet Union (2010): 404-410
Analysis of regulations in the energy sector in Serbia as a support to mitigation and adaptation to climate change
Ivezić Dejan, Živković Marija, Danilović Dušan. "Analysis of regulations in the energy sector in Serbia as a support to mitigation and adaptation to climate change" in International Symposium Sustainable Development of Mining and Energy Industry ORRE11, Beograd:Univerzitet u Beogradu , Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2011): 317-322
Određivanje sadržaja kiselih funkcionalnih grupa na površini biougljeva primenom Boehm-ovih titracija
Krstić Aleksandar, Lolić Aleksandar, Ilić Marija, Mijatović Aleksandar, Zlatanović Snežana, Nedić Zoran, Pavelkić Vesna (2015)Krstić Aleksandar, Lolić Aleksandar, Ilić Marija, Mijatović Aleksandar, Zlatanović Snežana, Nedić Zoran, Pavelkić Vesna. "Određivanje sadržaja kiselih funkcionalnih grupa na površini biougljeva primenom Boehm-ovih titracija" in 52. savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva, мaj 2015, Novi Sad, Srbija, Abstract AH P 5: Srpsko hemijsko društvo (2015): 16
Procena razvoja politike ublažavanja uticaja na klimatske promene i prilagođavanja klimatskim promenama za Srbiju AMS metodom
Madžarević Aleksandar, Crnogorac Miroslav, Živković Marija, Ivezić Dejan, Petrović T.. "Procena razvoja politike ublažavanja uticaja na klimatske promene i prilagođavanja klimatskim promenama za Srbiju AMS metodom" in Energija, Ekologija-Energetika no. 41671, Beograd:Savez energetičara (2014): 148-155
Influence of carbon dioxide content in the biogas on nitrogen oxides emissions
Živković Marija, Adžić Miroljub, Fotev Vasko, Milivojević Aleksandar, Adžić Vuk, Ivezić Dejan, Ćosić Boško (2010)Živković Marija, Adžić Miroljub, Fotev Vasko, Milivojević Aleksandar, Adžić Vuk, Ivezić Dejan, Ćosić Boško. "Influence of carbon dioxide content in the biogas on nitrogen oxides emissions" in Hemijska Industrija 64 no. 5, Beograd:Savez hemijskih inženjera (2010): 493-447. https://doi.org/10.2298/HEMIND100614045Z
Application of multi-criteria decision-making model for choice of the optimal solution for meeting heat demand in the centralized supply system in Belgrade
Grujić Miodrag, Ivezić Dejan, Živković Marija. "Application of multi-criteria decision-making model for choice of the optimal solution for meeting heat demand in the centralized supply system in Belgrade" in Energy 67, Amsterdam:Elsevier (2014): 341-350. https://doi.org/10.1080/15567240903330434
Assessment of vulnerability of natural gas supply in Serbia: State and perspective
Madžarević Aleksandar, Ivezić Dejan, Živković Marija, Tanasijević Miloš, Ivić Milica. "Assessment of vulnerability of natural gas supply in Serbia: State and perspective" in Energy Policy 121, :Elsevier (2018): 415-425
Effects of Energy Production and Consumption on Air Pollution in Serbia
Marija Živković (2019)Energy production and combustion, mostly from unregulated or inefficient fuel combustion, are the single most important anthropogenic sources of air pollutant emissions. Energy sector in Serbia is highly fossil fuel intensive: 87.88% of energy consumed in Serbia is related to fossil fuels, while almost 95% of energy sources are combusted. In 2017. energy related carbon dioxide emission in Serbia is was 47.95 million tones. The main source of carbon dioxide emission was coal, responsible for almost 70% of energy ...... EFFECTS OF ENERGY PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION ON AIR POLLUTION IN SERBIA Marija Živković University of Belgrade-Faculty of Mining and Geology, Serbia, marija.zivkovic@rgf.bg.ac.rs Abstract: Energy production and combustion, mostly from unregulated or inefficient fuel combustion ...
... s-2018 11. Horizon 2020 project, HERON Forward-looking socio-economic research1 on Energy Efficiency in EU countries Contract no: 649690 Deliverable D.4.1 image3.wmf image4.wmf image5.wmf image6.emf image7.wmf image8.png image9.emf image10.emf image11.emf image12.emf image13.emf image14 ...Marija Živković. "Effects of Energy Production and Consumption on Air Pollution in Serbia" in Mining and Environmental Protection-MEP 2019, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2019)
Анализа постојећих домаћих грејних каблова и развој специфичног за примену у нафтној индустрији
Даниловић Душан, Каровић-Маричић Весна, Баталовић Веселин, Ивезић Дејан, Живковић Марија. "Анализа постојећих домаћих грејних каблова и развој специфичног за примену у нафтној индустрији" in Техника-Електротехника no. 4, Beograd:Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije (2011): 606-610
Lowest possible flow temp. offers savings vs. pour point
Danilović Dušan, Karović-Maričić Vesna, Ivezić Dejan, Batalović Veselin, Živković Marija, Crnogorac Miroslav (2013)Danilović Dušan, Karović-Maričić Vesna, Ivezić Dejan, Batalović Veselin, Živković Marija, Crnogorac Miroslav. "Lowest possible flow temp. offers savings vs. pour point" in Oil & Gas Journal 111 no. 8, Houston:PennWell Corp (2013): 86-90. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2014.02.017
New data on the Upper Albian Ammonites from the Topola area (Central Serbia)
Marija Vuletić, Nevenka Đerić, László Bujtor, Katarina Bogićević, Draženko Nenadić. "New data on the Upper Albian Ammonites from the Topola area (Central Serbia)" in Books of Abstracts of the XVIII Serbian Geological Congress “Geology solves problems”, Divčibare, 01-04.06.2022,, Serbian Geological Society (2022)
Laboratory Testing and Simulation of the Paraffin Deposition in Turija Field Oil Well in Vojvodina Region, Serbia
Danilović Dušan, Karović-Maričić Vesna, Šećerov Sokolović Radmila, Ivezić Dejan, Živković Marija (2011)Danilović Dušan, Karović-Maričić Vesna, Šećerov Sokolović Radmila, Ivezić Dejan, Živković Marija. "Laboratory Testing and Simulation of the Paraffin Deposition in Turija Field Oil Well in Vojvodina Region, Serbia" in Hemijska Industrija 65 no. 3, Beograd:Savez hemijskih inženjera (2011): 249-256. https://doi.org/10.2298/HEMIND101228007D
Анализа распложивих технологија за издвајање азота и угљен диоксида из природног гаса
Даниловић Душан, Каровић-Маричић Весна, Ивезић Дејан, Лековић Бранко, Живковић Марија, Црногорац Мирослав (2018)Даниловић Душан, Каровић-Маричић Весна, Ивезић Дејан, Лековић Бранко, Живковић Марија, Црногорац Мирослав. "Анализа распложивих технологија за издвајање азота и угљен диоксида из природног гаса" in Техника - Рударство, геологија и металургија no. 6, Београд, Србија:Савез инжењера и техничара Србије (2018): 287-290. https://doi.org/0.5937/tehnika1806787D
Gas-lift wells optimization at the oil field "K"
Dušan Danilović, Marija Ilić, Miroslav Crnogorac, Lola Tomić. "Gas-lift wells optimization at the oil field "K"" in Podzemni radovi, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology (2022). https://doi.org/10.5937/podrad2241031D