2386 items
Flyrock induced by blasting in surface mining
Milanka Negovanović, Lazar Kričak, Snežana Ignjatović, Stefan Milanović, Jovan Marković, Nikola Simić, Rade Šarac (2022)Miniranje predstavlja i dalje najefikasniji i najjeftiniji način eksploatacije velikih količina čvrstih mineralnih sirovina na površinskim kopovima. Energija eksplozije se koristi za fragmentaciju čvrste stenske mase do zahtevane granulacije. Pored pozitivnih efekata miniranja, postoje i određeni neželjeni efekti svakog procesa miniranja koji se mogu javiti, a to su: potresi tla, razletanje komada stene, vazdušni udari, otrovni i zagušljivi gasovi i prašina. Razletanje komada stene je nekontrolisano izbacivanje fragmenata odminirane stenske mase i predstavlja jedan od glavnih izvora materijalne štete ...Milanka Negovanović, Lazar Kričak, Snežana Ignjatović, Stefan Milanović, Jovan Marković, Nikola Simić, Rade Šarac. "Flyrock induced by blasting in surface mining" in Rudarski glasnik, Beograd : Rudarski institut (2022). https://doi.org/10.25075/BM.2022.05
Combining Heterogeneous Lexical Resources
... used for the production of electronic resources, and almost none exist in electronic form, the Serbian resources presented in this paper have been manually produced, checked and double checked. Our standpoint is that only when reliable lexical resources in electronic form are fully developed it ...
... already been attached to simple word entries in Serbian MD, such as +Hum (human) and +Bot (botanic) for nouns, and +Col (colour) and +Mat (material) for adjectives. The use of wordnet enables a more systematic and more detailed attachment of such marks. Moreover, the attachment can be modeled ...
... both (brow:1, forehead:1) and (cello:1, violoncello:1). By adding the information obtained from the WN hypernym/hyponym relations these two entries can be distinguished: for instance, cyelo,N300+BodyPart and cyelo,N300+Artifact, or cyelo,N300+Thing+BodyPart+Feature and cyelo,N300+Artifact+Devi ...Cvetana Krstev, Duško Vitas, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Gordana Pavlović-Lažetić. "Combining Heterogeneous Lexical Resources" in Proceedings of the Fourth Interantional Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Lisabon, Portugal , May 2004, vol. 4, ELRA - European Language Resources Association (2004)
Contribution to the geotechnical classification of municipal waste landfills in Serbia
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Nature and Landscape Conservation,Geochemistry and Petrology,Waste Management and Disposal,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Water Science and Technology,Environmental Chemistry,Environmental EngineeringDragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić, Laslo Čaki, Slobodan Ćorić. "Contribution to the geotechnical classification of municipal waste landfills in Serbia" in Environmental Geotechnics, Thomas Telford Ltd. (2018). https://doi.org/10.1680/jenge.18.00028
Using English Baits to Catch Serbian Multi-Word Terminology
In this paper we present the first results in bilingual terminology extraction. The hypothesis of our approach is that if for a source language domain terminology exists as well as a domain aligned corpus for a source and a target language, then it is possible to extract the terminology for a target language. Our approach relies on several resources and tools: aligned domain texts, domain terminology for a source language, a terminology extractor for a target language, and a ...aligned texts, word alignment, terminology extraction, electronic dictionaries, morphological inflection... Injac, V., and Begenišić, D. (2004). Bib- liotekarski terminološki rečnik: englesko-srpski, srpsko- engleski. Narodna biblioteka Srbije. Krstev, C. (2008). Processing of Serbian. Automata, Texts and Electronic Dictionaries. Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade. Moirón, B. V. and Tiedemann ...
... Keywords: aligned texts, word alignment, terminology extraction, electronic dictionaries, morphological inflection 1. Motivation Terminology is rapidly developing in many research and technological fields. It is very difficult to produce and main- tain up-to-date terminology resources, especially for lan- ...
... Industry. In eLex 2017: eLex 2017: The 5th biennial conference on electronic lexicography, Netherlands, 19-21 September 2017, pages 651–661. Stanković, R., Krstev, C., Obradović, I., Trtovac, A., and Utvić, M. (2012). A tool for enhanced search of mul- tilingual digital libraries of e-journals. ...Cvetana Krstev, Branislava Šandrih, Ranka Stanković. "Using English Baits to Catch Serbian Multi-Word Terminology" in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2018, Miyazaki, Japan, May 7-12, 2018, European Language Resources Association (ELRA) (2018)
Quantitative landslide risk assessment in the city of Tuzla
In the climate-changing conditions, geological environment interacts more dramatically with the urban fabric than before. The urbanization is expansive and more aggressive than before, but so are the weather extremes and long-term climate trends. In effect, many processes which can be triggered by either side, nature or engineering, are becoming more pervasive than before, and such is the case with landslides. Dealing and managing landslides requires few crucial steps, starting from collecting data on landslide location and typology – ...... following separate geological proxies: engineering geological units, hydrogeological units and distance to hydrogeological boundaries. Engineering geological units were classified on the basis of engineering properties. All rocks with similar cohesion and compactness were aggregated together. Proposed ...
... Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE). The library is available here: https://www.issmge.org/publications/online-library This is an open-access database that archives thousands of papers published under the Auspices of the ISSMGE and maintained by the Innovation and Development ...
... Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina 7, Belgrade, Serbia 2) Geological Survey of the Republic of Srpska, Vuka Karadzica 148 B, Zvornik, Bosnia and Herzegovina 3) Headquarters of Civil Protection Tuzla, Aleja Alije Izetbegovića4, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina 4) IBIS Engineering, Omladinska 28, Banja ...Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Cvjetko Sandić, Miralem Mulać, Petar Begović. "Quantitative landslide risk assessment in the city of Tuzla" in SCG-Xiii International Symposium on Landslides. Cartagena, Colombia- February 22-26, 2021, International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (2021)
Ontološki model upravljanja rizikom u rudarstvu
Olivera Kitanović (2021)Rudarska proizvodnja obuhvata kompleksne tehnološke sisteme, što nameće potrebu za uspostavljanjem i unapređivanjem sistema upravljanja rizikom. Heterogenost i obim podataka neophodnih za upravljanje rizikom zahtevaju sistem koji ih na fleksibilan način integriše i omogućava njihovo optimalno korišćenje. Osnovni cilj ove disertacije je razvoj ontologije za domen rudarstva i na njoj zasnovanog modela za upravljanje rizikom. Njegova realizacija podrazumeva i implementaciju algoritama ekstrakcije informacija za popunjavanje ontologije, kao i odgovarajuće softversko rešenje. Razvoj modela obuhvata i značajno proširenje rudarskog korpusa, kao ...rudarstvo, rizik, upravljanje rizikom, procena rizika, ontologija, semantička mreža, ekstrakcija informacija, upravljanje znanjem, računarska lingvistika... New Language Learning Technologies. Niš, Serbia: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš: Niš, Serbia. Beliga, Slobodan, Olivera Kitanović, Ranka Stanković, and Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić. 2017. “Keyword Extraction from Parallel Abstracts of Scientific Publications.” In Semanitic Keyword-Based ...
... Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 12 (2): 170–81. Alanen, Jarmo, Iiro Vidberg, Heikki Nikula, Nikolaos Papakonstantinou, Teppo Pirttioja, and Seppo Sierla. 2011. “Engineering Data Model for Machine Automation Systems.” Allan, G. M., N. D. Allan, V. Kadirkamanathan, and P. J. Fleming. 2007 ...
... M. 2014. Risk Analysis in Engineering and Economics. Crc Press. Badri, Adel, André Gbodossou, and Sylvie Nadeau. 2012. “Occupational Health and Safety Risks: Towards the Integration into Project Management.” Safety Science 50 (2): 190–98. Beasley, Mark S, Richard Clune, and Dana R Hermanson. 2005. ...Olivera Kitanović. Ontološki model upravljanja rizikom u rudarstvu, Beograd : [O. Kitanović], 2021
A fuzzy-based decision support model for effectiveness evaluation - a case study of examination of bulldozers
Effectiveness evaluation is one of the basic components of engineering asset management and maintenance engineering in general. Effectiveness is an overall concept representing a measurement of quality of service level for the analyzed engineering system. This concept contains a series of partial indicators relating to time in operation and time for maintenance activities, as well as functional properties of the system. This article describes the analysis and structuring of partial indicators, as well as the development of a model ...Miloš Tanasijević, Predrag Jovančić, Dejan Ivezić, Uglješa Bugarić, Radiša Đurić. "A fuzzy-based decision support model for effectiveness evaluation - a case study of examination of bulldozers" in International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice (2019)
Geotechnical zoning of the terrain along the first section of E-80 highway in Serbia – SEETO route 7
Part of E-80 highway that passes through Serbia (from the city of Nis to the administrative border Merdare) is 77 km long. The highway is divided into two sections: the first from Nis to Plocnik (39.4 km long) and the second from Plocnik to the administrative border with Kosovo. The route is designed through a typical plain and hilly terrain in which different geological units are dominant: crystalline schists, neogene sediments of foothills and quaternary sediments in the valley ...... of rupture pattern and geomorphological occurrences with layout of instability occurrences, neotectonical and seismogeological analysis, determination of design parameters of seismicity for structures, forming of engineering geological map of limitations. 2 ENGINEERING GEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS ...
... River. It is formed of sands and gravel with smaller content of sandy clays and clayey sands, but with occasional local occurrences of muddy zones. These muddy zones indicate early stage of alluvial environment formation, and they are unfavourable from engineering geological aspect. Potential ...
... Proceedings 4 IGS characteristic horizontal lamination), and rarely conglomerates and breccias. Figure 5. Characteristic engineering geological cross-section of Neogene hilly terrain (km: 9.0-12.0) Figure 6. Characteristic engineering geological cross-section of the crystalline schist complex ...Dragoslav Rakić, Zoran Berisavljević, Irena Basarić, Snežana Bogdanović, Jovana Janković. "Geotechnical zoning of the terrain along the first section of E-80 highway in Serbia – SEETO route 7" in Proceedings of the XVII European Conference of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering ECSMGE-2019, Reykjavik, Iceland, 1-6. 09. 2019., ISSMGE, ECSMGE-2019 (2019). https://doi.org/10.32075/17ECSMGE-2019-0393
The Importance of the Existing Engineering Geological Conditions During the Building Construction on the Terrain Affected by Sliding
Rakić Dragoslav, Berisavljević Zoran, Basarić Irena, Đurić Uroš. "The Importance of the Existing Engineering Geological Conditions During the Building Construction on the Terrain Affected by Sliding" in International IAEG Congres – Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Applied Geology for Major Engineering Projects 6, Torino, Italy:IAEG - International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (2014): 285-289. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-09060-3.
A Tool for Enhanced Search of Multilingual Digital Libraries of E-journals
This paper outlines the main features of Bibliša, a tool that offers various possibilities of enhancing queries submitted to large collections of TMX documents generated from aligned parallel articles residing in multilingual digital libraries of e-journals. The queries initiated by a simple or multiword keyword, in Serbian or English, can be expanded by Bibliša, both semantically and morphologically, using different supporting monolingual and multilingual resources, such as wordnets and electronic dictionaries. The tool operates within a complex system composed ...... or multiword keyword, in Serbian or English, can be expanded by Bibliša, both semantically and morphologically, using different supporting monolingual and multilingual resources, such as wordnets and electronic dictionaries. The tool operates within a complex system composed of several modules including ...
... rečnik - englesko-srpski, srpsko-engleski, Beograd: Narodna biblioteka Srbije. Krstev, C. (2008). Processing of Serbian – Automata, Texts and Electronic dictionaries. Belgrade: Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade. Obradović, I., Stanković, R., Utvić, M. (2008). An Integrated Environment ...
... Serbian and English version of journal articles were manually preprocessed and then automatically aligned, and the alignments manually corrected using ACIDE. Table 1 shows the total, minimum, maximum and average length of articles (in words and sentences), given separately for Serbian and English ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Aleksandra Trtovac, Miloš Utvić. "A Tool for Enhanced Search of Multilingual Digital Libraries of E-journals" in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2012, May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey : European Language Resources Association (2012)
Extraction of Bilingual Terminology Using Graphs, Dictionaries and GIZA++
Branislava Šandrih, Ranka Stanković (2020)U nauci, industriji i mnogim istraživačkim oblastima, terminologija se brzo razvija. Najčešće, jezik koji je „lingua franca“ za većinu ovih oblasti je engleski. Kao posledica toga, za mnoga polja termini domena su koncipirani na engleskom, a kasnije se prevode na druge jezike. U ovom radu predstavljamo pristup za automatsko izdvajanje dvojezične terminologije za englesko-srpski jezički par koji se oslanja na usaglašeni dvojezični korpus domena, ekstraktor terminologije za ciljni jezik i alat za usklađivanje delova. Ispitujemo performanse metode na domenu ...... Krstev, Cvetana. Processing of Serbian. Automata, Texts and Electronic Dictionaries. Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade, 2008. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01011806 Krstev, Cvetana, Branislava Šandrih, Ranka Stanković and Miljana Mlade- nović. “Using English Baits to Catch Serbian ...
... Aided Translation Environment”. Natural Language Engineering Vol. 23, no. 5 (2017): 763–788 Baldwin, Timothy and Su Nam Kim. “Multiword Expressions”. Handbook of Natural Language Processing Vol. 2 (2010): 267–292 Bouamor, Dhouha, Nasredine Semmar and Pierre Zweigenbaum. “Identi- fying Bilingual Multi-Word ...
... nology and Knowledge Engineering (TKE 2012), June, 20–21. 2012 Princeton WordNet, 2010 Semmar, Nasredine. “A Hybrid Approach for Automatic Extraction of Bilin- gual Multiword Expressions from Parallel Corpora”. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation ...Branislava Šandrih, Ranka Stanković. "Extraction of Bilingual Terminology Using Graphs, Dictionaries and GIZA++" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2020). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2019.19.2.6
Аутоматска екстракција дефиниција – допринос убрзању израде речника
дескриптивни речници, метаанализа лексикографских дефиниција, аутоматска екстракција дефиниција, електронски речници, српски језикРада Стијовић, Цветана Крстев, Ранка Станковић. "Аутоматска екстракција дефиниција – допринос убрзању израде речника" in Лексикологија и лексикографија у светлу актуелних проблема, Институт за српски језик САНУ (2021)
Specific electrical conductivity in epikarst groundwater of the eastern Suva Planina mt.
Branislav Petrović (2022)The epikarst is a part of the karst outcrop that is located within the unsaturated zone and represents a complex point of contact and mixing of unconsolidated material from the terrain surface. The correct and complete perception of epikarst, its degree of development and the presence on the limestone terrain can be achieved with a multidisciplinary approach. The study area for the applied multidisciplinary research was the Eastern part of karst massif Suva Planina Mt. One important part of ...Branislav Petrović. "Specific electrical conductivity in epikarst groundwater of the eastern Suva Planina mt." in KARST 2022: "Importance, State of the Art, and Prospective of Utilization and Protection of Resources in Karst", Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) (2022)
A new analytical method for determination of discharge duration in tunnels subjected to groundwater inrush
Mohsen Golian, Ebrahim Sharifi Teshnizi, Mario Parise, Josip Terzić, Sasa Milanović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Masoud Mahdad, Mehdi Abbasi, Hossein Taghikhani, Habib Saadat (2021)Mohsen Golian, Ebrahim Sharifi Teshnizi, Mario Parise, Josip Terzić, Sasa Milanović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Masoud Mahdad, Mehdi Abbasi, Hossein Taghikhani, Habib Saadat. "A new analytical method for determination of discharge duration in tunnels subjected to groundwater inrush" in Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-021-02140-6
The Crystal Structure and Crystal Chemistry of Mineral-like Cd5(VO4)2(OH)4, a Novel Isomorph of Arsenoclasite and Gatehouseite
Ljiljana Karanović, Tamara Ðorđević (2022)Ljiljana Karanović, Tamara Ðorđević. "The Crystal Structure and Crystal Chemistry of Mineral-like Cd5(VO4)2(OH)4, a Novel Isomorph of Arsenoclasite and Gatehouseite" in Minerals, MDPI AG (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/min12121601
Depth geological relations of the wider area of Belgrade - based on the wells and geophysical data
Đorđe Marinović, Ljupko Rundić (2020)Paleontology, Stratigraphy, Economic Geology, Geochemistry and Petrology, Geology, Geophysics, Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering GeologyĐorđe Marinović, Ljupko Rundić. "Depth geological relations of the wider area of Belgrade - based on the wells and geophysical data" in Annales geologiques de la Peninsule balkanique (2020). https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP201030009M
Corpus-based bilingual terminology extraction in the power engineering domain
Ovaj rad predstavlja resurse i alate koji se koriste za ekstrkciju i evaluaciju dvojezične, englesko-srpske terminologije u domenu energetike. Resursi se sastoje od postojeće opšte i domenske leksike i domenskog paralelnog korpusa; alati uključuju ekstraktore termina za oba jezika i alat za poravnavanje segmenata koji pripadaju korpusnim rečenicama. Sistem je testiran variranjem funkcije podudaranja koja utvrđuje prisustvo ekstrahovanog termina u poravnatom segmentu (odsečak), u rasponu od veoma labavog do strogog. Procena rezultata je pokazala da je preciznost izdvajanja termina ...Tanja Ivanović, Ranka Stanković, Branislava Šandrih Todorović, Cvetana Krstev. "Corpus-based bilingual terminology extraction in the power engineering domain" in Terminology, John Benjamins Publishing Company (2022). https://doi.org/10.1075/term.20038.iva
The ‘Umka’ landslide
We present an in-depth landslide map of the ‘Umka’ landslide near Belgrade, Serbia, at a scale of 1:5000. The map delineates elements at risk, primarily buildings and road infrastructure impacted by the landslide displacements of several cm per year, introduced during frequent reactivation stages. The Main map results from a survey of over 350 buildings and more than 7 km of state and local roads. The acquisition techniques included engineering geological field mapping, building survey, and visual interpretation of ...rizik od klizišta, elementi rizika, kartiranje pomoću drona, ispitivanje objekata, geotehnički monitoringUroš Đurić, Dragana Đurić, Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Ivana Vasiljević. "The ‘Umka’ landslide" in Journal of Maps, Informa UK Limited (2024). https://doi.org/10.1080/17445647.2024.2418580
Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases
The infuences of the application of mono- and two-component organic modifers on lipophilicity determination of 12 tetradentate Schif bases by reversed-phase thin layer chromatography were investigated. The main goal is to estimate types of interaction between observed compounds and components of the applied chromatographic systems and establish some behaviour pattern in order to easier choose a combination of organic modifers which will simulate interaction in biological systems based on the facts that the same basic intermolecular interactions are responsible ...Materials Chemistry, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, General Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry,General ChemistryNikola Stevanović, Aleksandar Mijatović, Aleksandar Lolić, Mario Zlatović, Rada Baošić. "Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases" in Chemical Papers, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-021-01884-5
Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases
The infuences of the application of mono- and two-component organic modifers on lipophilicity determination of 12 tet radentate Schif bases by reversed-phase thin layer chromatography were investigated. The main goal is to estimate types of interaction between observed compounds and components of the applied chromatographic systems and establish some behaviour pattern in order to easier choose a combination of organic modifers which will simulate interaction in biological systems based on the facts that the same basic intermolecular interactions are ...Materials Chemistry, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, General Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry, General ChemistryNikola Stevanović, Aleksandar Mijatović, Aleksandar Lolić, Mario Zlatović, Rada Baošić. "Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases" in Chemical Papers, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-021-01884-5