2404 items
Managing mining project documentation using human language technology
Purpose: This paper aims to develop a system, which would enable efficient management and exploitation of documentation in electronic form, related to mining projects, with information retrieval and information extraction (IE) features, using various language resources and natural language processing. Design/methodology/approach: The system is designed to integrate textual, lexical, semantic and terminological resources, enabling advanced document search and extraction of information. These resources are integrated with a set of Web services and applications, for different user profiles and use-cases. Findings: The ...Digital libraries, Information retrieval, Data mining, Human language technologies, Project documentationAleksandra Tomašević, Ranka Stanković, Miloš Utvić, Ivan Obradović, Božo Kolonja . "Managing mining project documentation using human language technology" in The Electronic Library (2018). https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-11-2017-0239
Trace elements and garnet formation in a distal skarn zone: a case study of the Rudnik deposit, Central Serbia
Bojan Kostić, Pavle Tančić, Natalija Batoćanin. "Trace elements and garnet formation in a distal skarn zone: a case study of the Rudnik deposit, Central Serbia" in Geological Quarterly, septembar 2024, Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute (PGI-NRI) (2024). https://doi.org/10.7306/gq.1752
A Tool for Enhanced Search of Multilingual Digital Libraries of E-journals
This paper outlines the main features of Bibliša, a tool that offers various possibilities of enhancing queries submitted to large collections of TMX documents generated from aligned parallel articles residing in multilingual digital libraries of e-journals. The queries initiated by a simple or multiword keyword, in Serbian or English, can be expanded by Bibliša, both semantically and morphologically, using different supporting monolingual and multilingual resources, such as wordnets and electronic dictionaries. The tool operates within a complex system composed ...... N. Nicolov and K. Bontcheva and G. Angelova and R. Mitkov (eds.). John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia. TMX 1.4b Specification. (2005). http://www.gala-global.org/oscarStandards/tmx/tmx14 b.html Tufiş, D. (ed.) (2004). Romanian Journal on Information Science and Technology. Special Issue ...
... automata and transducers, these dictionaries represent the basis for morphological expansion of queries. As for semantic and bilingual expansion, the system relies on wordnets (Serbian and English at present) and a bilingual English/Serbian dictionary of Library and Information Science technology ...
... project (ICT PSP programme, no. 271022) and by Serbian Ministry of Education and Science under the grant #III 47003. References Gravano, L. Nezinger, M.H. (2006). Systems and Methods for Using Anchor Text as Parallel Corpora for Cross-Language Information Retrieval - US Patent 7,146 ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Aleksandra Trtovac, Miloš Utvić. "A Tool for Enhanced Search of Multilingual Digital Libraries of E-journals" in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2012, May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey : European Language Resources Association (2012)
Transboundary groundwater resource management: needs for monitoring the Cijevna River Basin (Montenegro–Albania)
The transboundary Cijevna River Basin shared between Albania and Montenegro has a surface area of 650 km2. It is extremely important for water management, especially in the country of Montenegro which is downstream. Due to the high permeability of both the karst and intergranular aquifers that exist in the basin, the River Cijevna sinks along the length of its riverbed and in summer months it usually dries up completely at the confluence section. Hydrometry surveys undertaken during a drought ...Upravljanje međugraničnim vodama, ranjivost podzemnih voda, monitoring mreža, karstne izdani, Albanija, Crna GoraMomčilo Blagojević, Zoran Stevanović, Milan Radulović, Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović. "Transboundary groundwater resource management: needs for monitoring the Cijevna River Basin (Montenegro–Albania)" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-020-8809-8
Hydrochemical impact of the hydraulic tunnel on groundwater in the complex aquifer system in Pirot, Serbia
Hidrogeohemijski procesi, hidrohemijske promene, karstna izdan, tunel pod pritiskom, multivarijantne statističke analizeMarina Ćuk, Igor Jemcov, Ana Mladenović, Marina Čokorilo Ilić. "Hydrochemical impact of the hydraulic tunnel on groundwater in the complex aquifer system in Pirot, Serbia" in Carbonates and Evaporites, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13146-020-00563-y
Flotability of chalcopyrite from the Rudnik deposit
Директно селективно флотирање олова, бакра и цинка у флотацији рудника „Рудник” датира од 1984. године. Технолошка шема омогућава директно издвајање селективних концентрата у три циклуса. У првом циклусу се издваја минерал олова (галенит), док су минерал бакра (халкопирит) и минерал цинка (марматит) депримирани. У другом циклусу се оток концентрације минерала олова кондиционира и припрема за издвајање минерала бакра. Након кондиционирања, у овом циклусу се издваја минерал бакра. У трећем циклусу се оток концентрације минерала бакра кондиционира и припрема за ...Đurica Nikšić, Predrag Lazić, Milena Kostović. "Flotability of chalcopyrite from the Rudnik deposit" in Journal of Mining Science, Springer Verlag (2021). https://doi.org/10.1134/S1062739121030170
Improving efficiency of thermal power plants through mine coal quality planning and control
Главни циљ контроле квалитета угља у рудницима лигнита је снабдевање термоелектрана угљем чији квалитет мора да се креће унутар одређених квалитативних ограничења. Карактеристике угља могу да утичу на ефикасност, поузданост и расположивост како котла тако и јединица за контролу емисије. У овом раду аутори су презентовали интегрисану симулацију рударског процеса као нови приступ у истраживању променљивости калоричне вредности угља приликом експлоатације комплексног лежишта лигнита. Резултати таквог приступа омогућавају драгоцен увид у перформансе континуалног рударског система у смислу контроле променљивости ...Mirjana Banković, Dejan Stevanović, Milica Pešić, Aleksandra Tomašević, Ljiljana Kolonja. "Improving efficiency of thermal power plants through mine coal quality planning and control" in Thermal Science, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences (2018). https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI170605209B
Српски језик у дигиталном добу -- The Serbian Language in the Digital Age
Duško Vitas, Ljubomir Popović, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Gordana Pavlović-Lažetić, Mladen Stanojević (2012)... use technology to solve our transport and energy needs among others. Language technology targeting all forms of written text and spoken discourse can help people to collaborate, conduct business, share knowledge and participate in social and political debate regardless of language barri- ers and computer ...
... Zampolli”: Nicoletta Calzolari Human Language Technology Research Unit, Fondazione Bruno Kessler: Bernardo Magnini Кипар Cyprus Language Centre, School of Humanities: Jack Burston Летонија Latvia Tilde: Andrejs Vasiļjevs Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Univ. of Latvia: Inguna Skadiņa Литванија ...
... Manfred Pinkal Норвешка Norway Dept. of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies, Univ. of Bergen: Koenraad De Smedt Dept. of Informatics, Language Technology Group, Univ. of Oslo: Stephan Oepen Пољска Poland Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences: Adam Przepiórkowski, Maciej Ogrodniczuk ...Duško Vitas, Ljubomir Popović, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Gordana Pavlović-Lažetić, Mladen Stanojević. "Српски језик у дигиталном добу -- The Serbian Language in the Digital Age" in META-NET White Paper Series, G. Rehm, H. Uszkoreit (eds.), Springer (2012)
Approach to operational mine planning: Case study Tamnava West
... geometry of benches or technology, was not a part of interest for this study, and are simply as it is. 2.1.4. Design of pit benches Design of pit benches is one of the most important and critical phases in mine planning of pit production. It’s a part of long term planning, and if done inappropriately ...
... geological structure and production technology, as is the case of Tamnava-West coal pit. The coal quality control management is of vital importance for successful production since coal mine and power plant objectives are strongly connected. Coal quality control is complex and comprehensive problem ...
... y mining industry is very difficult to achieve production targets and profit without investing effort in detailed excavation planning. It is especially true for deposits with complex geological structure and production technology, as is the case for many coal mines in Serbia. The majority of coal ...Dejan Stevanović, Mirjana Banković, Milica Pešić Georgiadis, Ranka Stanković. "Approach to operational mine planning: Case study Tamnava West" in Tehnika, Beograd : Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije (2014). https://doi.org/10.5937/tehnika1406952S
Novi model za postizanje optimalne proizvodnje na naftnom polju Amal
Elnori Elmabrouk Ali Elhaddad (2015-04-16)Doktorskom disertacijom analizirani su i proučavani problemi proizvodnje nafte iprimenjene metode za njihovo rešavanje na naftnom polju Amal. Ukratko jeprikazana proizvodnje nafte u Libiji, njene karakteristike i rezerve, da bi se videoznačaj ovog naftnog polja.Utvrđeno je da su na naftnom polju Amal ključni problemi koji prate procesproizvodnje taloženje parafina, pojava slojnog peska, neefikasan rad gasliftsistema, neefikasna desalinizacija nafte i ekološki problemi. Proizvodniproblemi, pojedinačno i više njih zajedno, na nekim bušotinama uzrokovali susmanjenje proizvodnje nafte od 40 do 75%. Zbog ...... Petroleum Science and Technology, 24,195-206. 86 BinderBenjamin Julian Tomte (2012) Production Optimization in a Cluster of Gas-Lift Wells, Master of Science in Engineering Cybernetics, Supervisor: Bjarne Anton Foss, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology ...
... Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 6, Issue 3, 201-211. Zhang X., Tian J., Wang L., Zhou Z., 2002.Wettability effect of coatings on drag reduction and paraffin deposition prevention in oil, J. Petrol, Sci. Eng. 36, 87- 95. 97 Zhang Y.C., (2011) Researchon Water Plugging and Sand Control ...
... Identification of key issues for successful technology transfer in the Arab countries: a Delphi study, International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation 8 (1), 22–50. Al-Shamrani A.A, James A., Xiao H., (2002) Separation of oil from water by dissolved air flotation, Colloid Surf ...Elnori Elmabrouk Ali Elhaddad. "Novi model za postizanje optimalne proizvodnje na naftnom polju Amal" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-04-16)
Novi model za postizanje optimalne proizvodnje na naftnom polju Amal
Elnori Elmabrouk Ali Elhaddad (2015-04-16)Doktorskom disertacijom analizirani su i proučavani problemi proizvodnje nafte iprimenjene metode za njihovo rešavanje na naftnom polju Amal. Ukratko jeprikazana proizvodnje nafte u Libiji, njene karakteristike i rezerve, da bi se videoznačaj ovog naftnog polja.Utvrđeno je da su na naftnom polju Amal ključni problemi koji prate procesproizvodnje taloženje parafina, pojava slojnog peska, neefikasan rad gasliftsistema, neefikasna desalinizacija nafte i ekološki problemi. Proizvodniproblemi, pojedinačno i više njih zajedno, na nekim bušotinama uzrokovali susmanjenje proizvodnje nafte od 40 do 75%. Zbog ...... Petroleum Science and Technology, 24,195-206. 86 BinderBenjamin Julian Tomte (2012) Production Optimization in a Cluster of Gas-Lift Wells, Master of Science in Engineering Cybernetics, Supervisor: Bjarne Anton Foss, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology ...
... Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 6, Issue 3, 201-211. Zhang X., Tian J., Wang L., Zhou Z., 2002.Wettability effect of coatings on drag reduction and paraffin deposition prevention in oil, J. Petrol, Sci. Eng. 36, 87- 95. 97 Zhang Y.C., (2011) Researchon Water Plugging and Sand Control ...
... Identification of key issues for successful technology transfer in the Arab countries: a Delphi study, International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation 8 (1), 22–50. Al-Shamrani A.A, James A., Xiao H., (2002) Separation of oil from water by dissolved air flotation, Colloid Surf ...Elnori Elmabrouk Ali Elhaddad. "Novi model za postizanje optimalne proizvodnje na naftnom polju Amal" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-04-16)
Building learning capacity by blending different sources of knowledge
... tić G., Vitas D., Obradović I. (2004). Using Textual and Lexical Resources in Developing Serbian Wordnet. Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 7(1-2), 147-161. Koutsomitropoulos, D.A., Alexopoulos, A.D. Solomou, G.D. and Papatheodorou, T.S. (2010). The Use of Metadata for ...
... interdisciplinary approach with emphasis on marketing applications. Springer Science & Business Media. Goodyear, P., & Retalis, S. (Eds.) (2010). Technology-Enhanced Learning, Design Patterns and Pattern Languages. Sense Publishers. Friesen, N. (2004) Technical Evaluation Report, 40. The International ...
... blended learning, technology enhanced learning, life- long learning Biographical notes: Ivan Obradović is a professor of mathematics and informatics at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology and director of the University of Belgrade Center for e-learning and distance education ...Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković, Olivera Kitanović, Dalibor Vorkapić. "Building learning capacity by blending different sources of knowledge" in International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital (2016). https://doi.org/10.1504/IJLIC.2016.075698
Пројекат ПРИЗМА: Карактеризација и технолошки поступци за рециклажу и поновну употребу флотацијске јаловине рудника „Рудник“
Владимир Симић, Стефан Петровић, Филип Арнаут, Весна Цветков, Милена Костовић, Драган Радуловић, Јовица Стојановић, Владимир Јовановић, Дејан Тодоровић, Нина Николић, Јелена Сенћански, Грозданка Богдановић, Драгана Мариловић (2024)Владимир Симић, Стефан Петровић, Филип Арнаут, Весна Цветков, Милена Костовић, Драган Радуловић, Јовица Стојановић, Владимир Јовановић, Дејан Тодоровић, Нина Николић, Јелена Сенћански, Грозданка Богдановић, Драгана Мариловић. "Пројекат ПРИЗМА: Карактеризација и технолошки поступци за рециклажу и поновну употребу флотацијске јаловине рудника „Рудник“" in Записници Српског геолошког друштва, Београд : Српско геолошко друштво (2024)
Synthesis and characterization of high-pressure and high-temperature sphene (CaTiSiO5)
Jelena Pantić, Vladimir Urbanovich, Vesna Poharc-Logar, Bojan Jokić, Marija Stojmenović, Aleksandar Kremenović, Branko Matović (2014)Sphene (CaTiSiO5), a calcium titanosilicate ceramic has been prepared from a powder mixture of CaCO3, TiO2 and SiO2 using vibro-milling for homogenization and activation of precursors. During the highpressure and high-temperature synthesis (HPS) process at 4 GPa and 1,200 °C, sphene undergoes into phase transition, from room-temperature phase P21/a to high-temperature phase A2/a. Evidence of that structural phase transition is given in this paper using infrared, Raman spectroscopy and X-ray powder diffraction. Rietveld refinement was employed to get the ...Jelena Pantić, Vladimir Urbanovich, Vesna Poharc-Logar, Bojan Jokić, Marija Stojmenović, Aleksandar Kremenović, Branko Matović. "Synthesis and characterization of high-pressure and high-temperature sphene (CaTiSiO5)" in Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00269-014-0693-x
Karst groundwater quantity assessment and sustainability: the approach appropriate for river basin management plans
Veljko Marinović, Zoran Stevanović (2019)As a result of the fact that karstified rocks can accumulate large amounts of high-quality groundwater, karst aquifer is considered, throughout the world, one of the most important types of aquifers. Due to their high permeability, but also vulnerability to pollution, these precious groundwater resources need to be properly evaluated and protected. Taking into account heterogeneity and complexity of the karst environment, it is difficult to propose a uniform algorithm for managing karst groundwater, which causes the necessity to ...Upravljanje karstnim podzemnim vodama, Pritisci na kvantitet voda, Plan upravljanja vodnim resursima, Bosna i Hercegovina, SrbijaVeljko Marinović, Zoran Stevanović. "Karst groundwater quantity assessment and sustainability: the approach appropriate for river basin management plans" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-019-8364-3
An Approach to Development of Bilingual Lexical Resources
... had at our disposal Serbian morphological e-dictionaries [Krstev, 2008], Serbian and English wordnets (SrpWN and EWN), and a bilingual Serbian-English Dictionary of Library and Information Science technology (further referred to as Dictionary of Librarianship) [Kovačević et al., 2004]. An analysis ...
... Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), (Istanbul, Turkey, May 23-25, 2012). [9] TMX 1.4b Specification. 2005. http://www.gala- global.org/oscarStandards/tmx/tmx14b.html [10] Tufiş, D. (ed.) 2004. Romanian Journal on Information Science and Technology. Special Issue on BalkaNet, vol ...
... META-SHARE. 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported by the CESAR (Central and South- East European Resources) project (ICT PSP programme, no. 271022) and by the Serbian Ministry of Education and Science under the grant #III 47003. 7. REFERENCES [1] Filip, D., Lewis, D., Sasaki, F. 2012 ...Stanković Ranka, Obradović Ivan, Trtovac Aleksandra. "An Approach to Development of Bilingual Lexical Resources" in Proceedings of the Fifth Balkan Conference in Informatics BCI 2012, Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing of Balkan Languages – CLoBL 2012, September 2012, Novi Sad : BCI (2012)
Project REASONING: Characterization and technological procedures for recycling and reusing of the rudnik mine flotation tailings
Vesna Cvetkov, Vladimir Simić, Stefan Petrović, Filip Arnaut, Milena Kostović, Dragan Radulović, Jovica Stojanović, Vladimir Jovanović, Dejan Todorović, Nina Nikolić, Jelena Senćanski, Grozdanka Bogdanović, Dragana Marilović (2024)Vesna Cvetkov, Vladimir Simić, Stefan Petrović, Filip Arnaut, Milena Kostović, Dragan Radulović, Jovica Stojanović, Vladimir Jovanović, Dejan Todorović, Nina Nikolić, Jelena Senćanski, Grozdanka Bogdanović, Dragana Marilović. "Project REASONING: Characterization and technological procedures for recycling and reusing of the rudnik mine flotation tailings" in 5th Congress Geologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, Ohrid, 28-29. 10. 2024, Македонско геолошко друштво (2024)
Atmospheric exposure vs burying: influences on damage intensity of built-in kersantite in the monument of the Small Staircase (Belgrade, Serbia)
Proučavan je efekat „zatrpanog kamena“ na intenzitet procesa degradacije prisutnih na kersantitu koji je ugrađen u spomenik Malo stepenište. Istraživanja su vršena na uzorcima stene iz kamenoloma i na oštećenim kamenim blokovima ugrađenim u spomenik. Dok su neki delovi stepeništa bili pod zemljom 90 godina, većina kamenih elemenata je bila izložena različitim uslovima sredine i antropogenim uticajima. Urađeno je detaljno mapiranje trenutnog stanja spomenika kako bi se istražio uticaj “zatrpavanja” i kompleksne geometrije spomenika na tip propadanja i variranje ...Nevenka Novaković, Predrag Dabić, Vesna Matović. "Atmospheric exposure vs burying: influences on damage intensity of built-in kersantite in the monument of the Small Staircase (Belgrade, Serbia)" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-023-10794-6
Vebran Web Services for Corpus Query Expansion
Ranka Stanković, Miloš Utvić (2020)U ovom radu se govori o razvoju veb usluga Vebran i njihovoj primeni u poboljšanju pretraživanja korpusa. Veb-servisi Vebran koriste se za konsultovanje spoljnih leksičkih izvora za srpski jezik (uglavnom elektronski morfološki rečnici i srpski Vordnet) i proširivanje korisničkih upita radi dobijanja relevantnijih rezultata iz srpskih korpusa.... Serbian — Automata, Text and Electronic Dictionaries. Belgrade: Faculty of Philology, 2008 Krstev, Cvetana, Gordana Pavlović-Lažetić and Ivan Obradović. “Using Tex- tual and Lexical Resources in Developing Serbian Wordnet”. Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology Vol. 7, no. 1–2 (2004): ...
... within research activities of Human Language Technology (HLT) Group at the University of Belgrade and the Language Resources and Technologies Society (JeRTeh): – monolingual general corpora: Corpus of Contemporary Serbian (versions SrpKor2003 and SrpKor2013)1 and its subset SrpLemKor2; – SrpEngKor3, aligned ...
... corpus words. It includes literary texts of Serbian writers in the XX and XXI centuries, as well as scientific and popular science texts from different domains (natural and so- cial sciences), administrative and general texts. The general texts represent articles from the daily newspapers “Politika”,“Večernje ...Ranka Stanković, Miloš Utvić. "Vebran Web Services for Corpus Query Expansion" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2020). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2019.19.2.5
Evaluation of the effects of wastewater heat pump integration into district heating systems by simulation
Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Dimitrije Manić, Aleksandar Madžarević, Boban Pavlović, Dušan Danilović (2023)The integration of wastewater heat pumps (using purified water) in district heating systems is analyzed in this paper. The simulation procedure is proposed to analyze the impacts of stochasticity of purified water temperature and flow to heat pump integration and operation. The analysis includes calculation of the daily and seasonal coefficient of performance, as well as fossil fuel savings and CO2 emission reduction due to wastewater heat pump use. The proposed procedure is implemented for the case study in ...Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Dimitrije Manić, Aleksandar Madžarević, Boban Pavlović, Dušan Danilović. "Evaluation of the effects of wastewater heat pump integration into district heating systems by simulation" in Thermal Science, National Library of Serbia (2023). https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI220813168I