390 items
Методологија интегралне анализе сценарија енергетског развоја
Александар Маџаревић (2019)енергетска безбедност, сценарио развоја, фази логика, сигурност снабдевања, доступност, расположивост, природни гас... , Lefevre, N., Energy security and climate change, Paris, International Energy Agency, 2004. Le Coq, C., Paltseva, E., Measuring the security of external energy supply in the European Union, Energy Policy, 2011, Volume 37, pp. 4474–81. IEA, International Energy Agency, Energy Security and Climate ...
... Strategic energy planning covers consideration of various scenarios of energy development and their critical analysis in the context of general socio-economic development. The subject of the dissertation is to find an assessment of the energy security of the energy development scenarios. Energy security ...
... Sustainable energy policy indicators: review and recommendations, Renew Energy, 2008, Volume 33, pp. 966–973. Loschel. A., Moslener. U., Rubbelke, D.T.G., Indicators of energy security in industrialized countries. Energy Policy, 2010, Volume 38, pp, 1665–71. Greene, D.L. Measuring energy security: ...Александар Маџаревић. Методологија интегралне анализе сценарија енергетског развоја, Рударско-геолошки факултет, 2019
The challenges for Z-generation geologists
Dejan Radivojević (2022)Nastupajuća generacija geologa suočava se sa nekim problemima koji su poznati i njihovim prethodnicima, ali takođe i sa do sada novim i nepoznatim izazovima. Činjenica da mnogi geologiju povezuju sa „prljavim“ industrijama u kojima će biti sve manje prilika za zaposlenje u vreme kada se teži čistoj vodi, zemljištu i vazduhu kao i to da je smatraju zastarelom u sadašnje vreme brzog tehnološkog razvoja dovela je do velikog pada interesovanja za studije geologije svuda u svetu. Neophodno je još ...Dejan Radivojević. "The challenges for Z-generation geologists" in Tehnika, Beograd : Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije (2022). https://doi.org/10.5937/tehnika2201037R
The preliminary selection of oil reservoir in Serbia for carbon dioxide injection and storage by a multicriteria decision-making approach: a case study
Lola Tomić, Vesna Karović Maričić, Dušan Danilović. "The preliminary selection of oil reservoir in Serbia for carbon dioxide injection and storage by a multicriteria decision-making approach: a case study" in Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis (2021). https://doi.org/10.1080/15567036.2021.1936303
Microstructure refinement and physical properties of Ag-SnO2 based contact materials prepared by high-energy ball milling
Ćosović Vladan, Pavlović Mila, Ćosović Aleksandar, Vulić Predrag, Premović Milena, Živković Dragana, Talijan Nadežda (2013)Ćosović Vladan, Pavlović Mila, Ćosović Aleksandar, Vulić Predrag, Premović Milena, Živković Dragana, Talijan Nadežda. "Microstructure refinement and physical properties of Ag-SnO2 based contact materials prepared by high-energy ball milling" in Science of Sintering 45, Belgrade:Yugoslav Committee for ETAN (2013): 173-180. https://doi.org/10.2298/SOS1302173C
Izveštaj o održanoj međunarodnoj konferenciji “7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES 2012”
Bajić Dragoljub, Zarić Jelena, Ristić-Vakanjac Vesna, Polomčić Dušan, Čokorilo Marina. "Izveštaj o održanoj međunarodnoj konferenciji “7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - SDEWES 2012”" in Zapisnici Srpskog geološkog društva, Beograd, Srbija:Srpsko geološko društvo (2014): 245-256
Scanning Electron Microscopy Coupled with Energy Dispersive Spectrometric Analysis Reveals for the First Time Weddellite and Sylvite Crystals on the Surface of Involucral Bracts and Petals of two Xeranthemum L. (Compositae) Species
Milan Gavrilović, Suzana Erić, Petar Marin, Núria Garcia-Jacas, Alfonso Susanna, Pedja Janaćković (2017)Milan Gavrilović, Suzana Erić, Petar Marin, Núria Garcia-Jacas, Alfonso Susanna, Pedja Janaćković. "Scanning Electron Microscopy Coupled with Energy Dispersive Spectrometric Analysis Reveals for the First Time Weddellite and Sylvite Crystals on the Surface of Involucral Bracts and Petals of two Xeranthemum L. (Compositae) Species" in Microscopy and Microanalysis 23 no. 3, :Cambridge University Press (2017): 679-686
Challenges of Renewable Energy Source Utilisation at Section of Future Highway E-763 Belgrade-Southern Adriatic Across Karst Plateau of Pešter Plateau (Western Serbia)
Milenić Dejan, Stevanović Zoran, Dragišić Veselin, Vranješ Ana, Savić Nevena. "Challenges of Renewable Energy Source Utilisation at Section of Future Highway E-763 Belgrade-Southern Adriatic Across Karst Plateau of Pešter Plateau (Western Serbia)" in Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 5, Proceedings of the XII IAEG Congress, Torino 2014 5, :Springer International (2014): 581-584. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-09048-1_113
Thermal evolution of cation distribution/crystallite size and their correlation with the magnetic state of Yb-substituted zinc ferrite nanoparticles
Vučinić-Vasić Milica, Bozin Emil S., Bessais Lotfi, Stojanović Goran, Kozmidis-Luburić Uranija, Abeykoon Milinda, Jancar Bostjan, Meden Anton, Kremenović Aleksandar, Antić Bratislav (2013)Vučinić-Vasić Milica, Bozin Emil S., Bessais Lotfi, Stojanović Goran, Kozmidis-Luburić Uranija, Abeykoon Milinda, Jancar Bostjan, Meden Anton, Kremenović Aleksandar, Antić Bratislav. "Thermal evolution of cation distribution/crystallite size and their correlation with the magnetic state of Yb-substituted zinc ferrite nanoparticles" in Journal of Physical Chemistry C 23 no. 117, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA:American Chemical Society (2013): 12358-12365. https://doi.org/10.1021/jp403459t
Истраживањe могућности коришћења нискотемпературних извора топлоте за одрживи развој енергетике градова
Miodrag M. Grujić (2014-06-04)Одрживост је континуиран процес балансирања између животне средине, економске исоцијалне димензије, који се односи на системска побољшања животног окружења.Енергија се налази међу покретачима одрживог развоја везано за потребу за повећањесоцијалног благостања, његову кључну улогу у економском развоју и утицај на животнусредину. Урбане зоне, као центри потреба за енергијом и емисија угљеника, пружајузначајне могућности за промоцију одрживости енергетског система заједнице.Планирање нових енергетских капацитета, у складу са принципима одрживог развоја,обухвата спровођење политике повећања енергетске ефикасности и увођења обновљивихизвора енергије. Дисертација ставља ...одрживи развој, даљинско грејање, модел, сценарио, вишекритеријумскаанализа, нискотемпературни извори, ELECTRE, Београд... analysis methods for energy planning problems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2007; 11(7):1584-1595. [30] Lund H. Renewable energy strategies for sustainable development. Energy 2007;32(6):912-19. [31] Lund H, Mathiesen BV. Energy system analysis of 100% renewable energy systems – The ...
... Carvalho MG, Cumo M, Sustainable energy development. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 1998;2:235-286. [3] Afgan NH, Carvalho MG, Multi-criteria assessment of new and renewable energy power plants. Energy 2002;27:739-755. [4] Ayres RU, Turton C, Casten T, Energy efficiency, sustainability ...
... heating in the future Danish energy system. Energy 2012;48(1):47- 55. [36] Neves LP, Martins AG, Antunes CH, Dias LC. A multi-criteria decision approach to sorting actions for promoting energy efficiency Energy Policy 2008;36(7):2351-63. [37] Omer AM, Energy, environment and sustainable ...Miodrag M. Grujić. "Истраживањe могућности коришћења нискотемпературних извора топлоте за одрживи развој енергетике градова" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2014-06-04)
Linear-motor plunger pump increases lifting efficiency
Bojan Martinović, Dušan Đekić, Dušan Danilović, Pavel Isaev. "Linear-motor plunger pump increases lifting efficiency" in Oil & Gas Journal (2022)
Energetska bezbednost sektora prirodnog gasa Srbije
U prve dve decenije 21. veka obezbeđivanje sigurnosti snabdevanja prirodnim gasom domaćeg tržišta bio je jedan od prioriteta razvoja energetike Srbije. Istovremeno, aspekt sigurnog snabdevanja bio je neizostavni deo slagalice stvaranja energetske bezbednosti. Izražena uvozna zavisnost je dominantna karakteristika sektora prirodnog gasa, tačnije, Republika Srbija je snažno zavisna od ruskog gasa, sa više od 80% uvezenih količina gasa, a do pre dve godine snabdevala se isključivo kroz jednu interkonekciju. U radu se razmatra aktuelna situacija u sektoru prirodnog ...... MG Energy Security of Serbian Natural Gas Sector Keywords (max. 5 words) Abstract In the first tvo decades of the 21st century, ensuring the security of the (max. 300 words) supply of natural gas to the domestic market was one of the priorities of the development of the Serbian energy sector ...
... directions of supply, as well as their mutual interaction, on the security of supply, and ultimately on the energy security of the Republic of Serbia. N-1, IDUPS, security od supply, energy security Brief biography (CV) Aleksandar Madzarevic was born on April 21, 1987, in Ivanjica. In 2006, he ...
... sector. At the same time, the aspect of secure supply was an indispensable part of the puzzle of creating energy security. Pronounced import dependence is a dominant feature of the natural gas sector, more precisely, the Republic of Serbia is strongly dependent on Russian gas, with more than 80% ...Aleksandar Madžarević, Predrag Jovančić, Miroslav Crnogorac. "Energetska bezbednost sektora prirodnog gasa Srbije" in 36. Međunarodni kongres o procesnoj industriji – Procesing ’23, Šabac, 1. i 2. juna 2023. , Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS) Društvo za procesnu tehniku (2023)
Analysis and Calculation of MMRS and Primary Gas Distribution Network in Urban Environment – Case Study Kučevo
Aleksandar Madžarević, Pavle Janković (2022)Oblast primene prirodnog gasa je veoma široka. Kao energent može se koristiti za proizvodnju energije u elektranama, toplanama i postrojenjima za kombinovanu proizvodnju energije ili za zadovoljavanje različitih toplotnih potreba u industriji i širokoj potrošnji. Gas se može upotrebiti i kao sirovina u hemijskoj i petrohemijskoj industriji, a tokom poslednjih decenija nalazi primenu i u saobraćaju kao pogonsko gorivo u SUS motorima. Sa ekološkog stanovišta, prirodni gas predstavlja najprihvatljiviji izvor energije u poređenju sa drugim fosilnim gorivima. Pri sagorevanju ...Aleksandar Madžarević, Pavle Janković. "Analysis and Calculation of MMRS and Primary Gas Distribution Network in Urban Environment – Case Study Kučevo" in Međunarodni Kongres o procesnoj industriji - PROCESING '22, Beograd : SMEITS, Društvo za procesnu tehniku (2022)
Determining the Groundwater Balance and Radius of Influence Using Hydrodynamic Modeling: the Case Study of the Groundwater Source “Šumice” (Kikinda, Serbia)
A groundwater flow model was developed to simulate groundwater extraction from the public water supply source of the City of Kikinda. The hydrodynamic model includes the municipal groundwater source of Kikinda (Šumice and the Jezero Well), but also an extended area where there are groundwater sources that provide water supply to three factories: (MSK, TM and LŽT - Kikinda). Hydrodynamic modeling, based on the numerical method of finite differences will show the groundwater balance of the sources in the ...... alevrites (sandy, rarely clayey and gravelly), while the riverine/bog sediments were composed of clay alevrites and alevrite sands with gravel. Additional units were abstracted in the post-glacial period, during the Holocene: abandoned channel facies, floodplain facies, bog sediments, alluvia, and ...
... Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems Year 2015 Volume 3, Issue 3, pp 217-229 217 Determining the Groundwater Balance and Radius of Influence Using Hydrodynamic Modeling: Case Study of the Groundwater Source Šumice in ...
... Groundwater Balance and Radius of Influence Using Hydrodynamic Modeling: Case Study of the Groundwater Source Šumice in Serbia, J. sustain. dev. energy water environ. syst., 3(3), pp 217-229, 2015, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13044/j.sdewes.2015.03.0017 ABSTRACT A groundwater flow model was ...Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Jelena Zarić. "Determining the Groundwater Balance and Radius of Influence Using Hydrodynamic Modeling: the Case Study of the Groundwater Source “Šumice” (Kikinda, Serbia)" in Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (2015). https://doi.org/10.13044/j.sdewes.2015.03.0017
Geothermal potential, chemical characteristic and utilization of groundwater in Serbia
To collect and unify data about all geothermal resources in Serbia, a database was formed. The database allows us to perceive the geothermal resources of Serbia and their potential for utilization. Based on the data available in the geothermal database, the estimated temperatures of reservoirs, heat power, and geothermal energy utilization were calculated. The database contains 293 geothermal records (springs, boreholes) registered at 160 locations, with groundwater temperatures in the range between 20 and 111 °C. The maximum expected ...Geothermal database, Geothermal resources, Geothermal potential, Hydrochemistry, Hierarchical cluster analysis, SerbiaTanja Petrović Pantić, Katarina Atanasković Samolov, Jana Štrbački, Milan Tomić. "Geothermal potential, chemical characteristic and utilization of groundwater in Serbia" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Link (2021). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-021-09985-w
Challenges in using wastewater heat pumps in district heating systems
Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Aleksandar Madžarević, Boban Pavlović, Dušan Danilović, Dimitrije Manić (2022)Decarbonization of district heating systems requires ensuring significant amounts of renewable energy available in the proximity of the district heating network. One of the promising solutions is the utilization of purified water from wastewater treatment plants by heat pumps. However, as a heat source, wastewater treatment plants are characterized by annual variability of the flow and temperature of purified water. The consequence is the variability of recoverable heat potential. In this paper, the effect of variability is analyzed for ...Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Aleksandar Madžarević, Boban Pavlović, Dušan Danilović, Dimitrije Manić. "Challenges in using wastewater heat pumps in district heating systems" in 20th International Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, Niš, Serbia, October 18 – 21, 2022, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Niš (2022)
A WebGIS Decision Support System for Management of Abandoned Mines
Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović, Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Radule Tošović, Milica Pešić-Georgiadis (2016)... for using abandoned mines for energy generation. One of them is generation of heating and cooling energy from the natural heat contained in the mine water. Geothermal energy systems using heat pumps to extract this heat can be used to offer local employment and energy resilience to the surrounding ...
... have the potential to store wind energy by a pumped-hydro storage process which would use excess late-night wind energy to pump water uphill from the pits to a higher-elevation holding pond. During the day, when electricity demand goes up, the flow is reversed and energy captured in hydro turbines. According ...
... g UML Unified Modeling Language References 1. Hall, A.; Scott, J.A.; Shang, H. Geothermal energy recovery from underground mines. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 2011, 15, 916–924. [CrossRef] 2. Clarke Energy, Abandoned Mine Methane Gas (AMM). Available online: https://www.clarke-energy.com/ coal-g ...Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović, Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Radule Tošović, Milica Pešić-Georgiadis. "A WebGIS Decision Support System for Management of Abandoned Mines" in Energies 7 no. 9 (2016): 567. https://doi.org/10.3390/en9070567
An oilfield in Libya: A new model to enhance waste water disposal
Dušan Danilović, Vesna Karović Maričić, Nori Elhaddad, Branko Leković. "An oilfield in Libya: A new model to enhance waste water disposal" in Energy & Environment (2016)
Mesto input-output modela u metodologiji upravljanja privrednim društvom TE-KO Kostolac
Maksimović Svetomir, Miljanović Igor (2010)Maksimović Svetomir, Miljanović Igor. "Mesto input-output modela u metodologiji upravljanja privrednim društvom TE-KO Kostolac" in Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium Energy Mining - Energy Mining, New Technologies, Sustainable Development, ER 2010, 8-11.09.2010. - no. -, Banja Junaković, Srbija:Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2010): 173-182. https://doi.org/-
Fuzzy management in coal cleaning
Miljanović Igor, Benović Tomo, Maksimović Svetomir, Petrovski Aleksandar, Josipović Pejović Milena (2010)Miljanović Igor, Benović Tomo, Maksimović Svetomir, Petrovski Aleksandar, Josipović Pejović Milena. "Fuzzy management in coal cleaning" in Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium Energy Mining - Energy Mining, New Technologies, Sustainable Development, ER 2010, 8-11.09.2010. - no. -, Banja Junaković, Srbija:Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2010): 282-287. https://doi.org/-
Modeliranje sistema upravljanja zaštitom životne sredine u rudarsko-energetskim kompleksima
Jelena R. Malenović - Nikolić (2016-07-12)Efikasnost funkcionisanja sistema upravljanja zaštitom životne sredine u rudarskoenergetskimkompleksima zavisi od stepena sprovođenja usvojene politike zaštiteživotne sredine i primene preventivnih mera zaštite životne sredine. Nedostatakfinansijskih sredstava za unapređivanje tehnologije eksploatacije, transporta, pripreme iprerade energetskih mineralnih sirovina u našim rudarsko-energetskim kompleksima,negativno utiče na ostvarivanje ciljeva zaštite životne sredine, a posledice radnihaktivnosti rudarsko-energetskih kompleksa dovode do smanjenja nivoa kvalitetavazduha, vode i zemljišta...rudarsko-energetski kompleks, životna sredina, sistem upravljanja,višekriterijumsko odlučivanje, modeliranje... e: Model development and case study, Applied Energy 114, 2014, pp. 400–408 63. Chang, M., Energy intensity, target level of energy intensity, and room for improvement in energy intensity: An application to the study of regions in the EU, Energy Policy 67, 2014, pp. 648–655 64. Loschel, A., ...
... assessing energy security in a low-carbon EU energy system, Applied Energy 123, 2014, pp. 335-348 68. Reichl, J., Kollmann, A., The baseline in bottom-up energy efficiency and saving calculations – A concept for its formalisation and a discussion of relevant options, Applied Energy 88, 2011, ...
... 69. Chang, M., Energy intensity, target level of energy intensity, and room for improvement in energy intensity: An application to the study of regions in the EU, Energy Policy 67, 2014, pp. 648–655 70. Patlitzianas,K., Doukas, H., Kagiannas, A., Psarras, J., Sustainable energy policy indicators: ...Jelena R. Malenović - Nikolić. "Modeliranje sistema upravljanja zaštitom životne sredine u rudarsko-energetskim kompleksima" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-07-12)